95-397QRIGINAL CITY OF SAINT Presenred sy Referred To Crnmcit FIle # / �_� c�n sv�c # i y o �7 � Committee: Date �� +H"n&BeS, Si, Paui F��biic rieaiih �as received iundine iro¢ i:�e ?eaerai �overe�uani, uauarimeni u? nensir.e and i�roan ueveionmer.i, io deveioa successiui ,',ead-6ased "raini rizzard Cor.iroi P*ogrz�ns, and _mniemeni nreveniio,^. and 1_ead reduciion cecnniaues in uiz6 risa homes; ard ir"r.EBnnS, iais Leaa Bas�d "raini �azard Coniroi "rragram aiii 'ae ioP ieree pears; aad aiiRu�e"s, a councii cesoiuiion is needed io enier ihis Grani nn ine Gitp o: Si. Faui Budgei cycieo; znd k'A&?�AS, this �cani will fued 5,5 FiES for a three pea= geriod comm2noing 'e,pril i, 1y"s6 thra ezrch 3i, i�38 an8: Yinfi�Sau, The ciaqor pursuzni to Seotion i0,0i.i oi the Giiy Chaeter, does cer'siig tcat tne:e are avaiiahie for annropriatian revenues in excess oi choee es�imeted in cne iy9a oudget; x�d vi:±nnnA�, ine 'r�ayot recosmends ihe ioiiouin¢ en3ngec, io ine i995 oudget: Curreni 6�idqei Mj�{1iN�„!Yi� YLAiV 305 5necial Fro�ecis - Heaiih eand �GyS nousin� ana Orozn Deveeour�eni Lezd-nasec Fairc abaiemeni 'sii uiner r"inanring u �! ------------ Cnanges na5.�u% u oa5,50i Amer.dad nndgei -------------- 5aa,afii 0 555,5ui �� �� �� � naee i ` �rSHU1."!L YL�S :l�i ��8Ci2i 'r01°C�S ' y°2!LL� !'!1"C v'JB �ua-�3"sFu-��'9 .3U'J�'ddL SJ. .SU'�J dU� dl�� a0i-a�Za�-u"sai dU�-dJL§U-VL"v0 2V.'d3Lalt 3U�J 3U. �U�'S�L4U 'ErgOR^E_ HPes Gr^_yr Miieze� �^ini_n: YO'aC»°: ie'_enzone f'_1' �COr?g5!�iE ir�7�1 tLB$15LT8LLOR si?ice Scneiies �cinee aeneiiis ISCSl.U^EnL 3i1 U`,➢Br jOBRQ1tt3 J u C; U U i) u U u U U U ______"'_""' ij:, V,.S�[ a.?�a i.L2J ��VU :, �5'J 1,y?i� i���� _,uJtl 4��20.; iG�UU� U D��.�UI e55,5ui �ei Ceange Gr:ea 3eeei = I 9� /7 :J.L6: u }" u.• �i .i5. GG I �OJ ' � ,iau .UaU �.'f.S6 4J�302 1G,UVU U --' CJ���ilf Bn ii r"uuiAns &�Sui,�nu c�iat i�e Ciiy �ouneii aecepic a grani iros ine r"enerai uecz:imeni oi nousi�e znd uzoan usveioonenc to imniemeni a Lead-nased "raini noacemeni asd riaaard Concroi Grani io inerease tne eiioris oi aoaiing iead-paini hazards. and NOM irin"nn"r6&B, oe ic resoiven, inzi �oe Ciiy Gour.cii apncoves inese cnaneec. io iue i93� oud¢ei. eronrovai uecoc�ended �� ��-"�-----� IS �2C V1i°CLOP ea� c�v Gnmm Guenn Hams eeard Rettman une Navs II Absent - - . �- �� . . � • G r �� " _ L �� 1��Gd`�f�%il.�il . � � .. � . •... -. . . � �. - �. .___� • ... .. - - . . - � - �w� ._1 � a ✓�. .r � - � �� �j�� �� � / / �� r. ' �� iti��I.'!/�:i Form Approvec' 1 by By: � Ap ed a l2 ' to Council 9�a�7 � DEPAATMENT/OPFICFJCAUNCIL DATE INRIATED N. 19 017 Poblic Heal GREEN SHEE CANTACTPEPSON&PNONE �DEPqRTMENTDIREGTOR �CITVCOUNCIL �NITIqVDATE Diane Holm ren 292�7712 ASSIGN CRVATTORNEV CINCLERK r+uueEx Foe MU51 BE ON COIINCIL AGENDA BV (OATE� ROUTING BUDGET DIfiECTOF FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTANn As soon as ossibel TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � N R UESTED' y�ouncil approval to enter the Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Hazard Control Grant on the Budget System. FECOMMENDATIONS: ApProve (A) or Fiel� (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER TriE FOLLOWING �UES� S: - _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? - ' — �'� i �� 1 _ CIB CqMMITTEE VES NO _ STAPF 2. Has this personitirm ever been a ciry employee? � �� � — YES NO _ Di57RiCT cOURi _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNqLOBJECTIVE? YES NO y�2 ,;.����_� ' ,n Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ��� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Saint Paul Public Health has been awarded a grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to increae the efforts of abating lead - based paint hazards. Over $1,770,000 will be available to Saint Paul over three years to provide personnel, equipment, blood-lead level testing, structural lead testing, and lead hazard reduction services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: Ifi approved, Saint Paul Public Health w111 develop a Comprehensive Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. This program will focus on prevention and lead hazard,reduction activities and attempt to develop more effective and economical ways of addressing the problems of lead poisoning in homes. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE� � �^t � l e.+v NONE _.,_. 1� :?� :�������D 't'`.�R Z Z ti9g�J � �_ � � ^�3 OFf�CE . �_ :, �� €�A� � 1 1995 ,:; �u� �} � . �'���� ���Ot����' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: . �, , _..,_,.v....E.>'^'i Not approving this funding source would seriously effect Saint Paul's effort to develop a Comprehensive Childhood Lead PoTSOning Prevention Program and.the necessary test�ng of high rTS� children. Evaluatian and lead hazard reductton work in hazardous homes would be drastically reduced. Saint Paul Children will continue to be exposed to the hazards of lead based paint and be at risk for lead poisoning. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ (t5S � 5(�-] COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Grant pC71VITYNUMBEFi 33240 FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPLAIN) o�s _ �`�`1 c�aF��'1�� c�sn�# D/ RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, 14ZINNF,SOTA � Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development sought grantees to continue to develop successful Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Programs, and implement prevention and lead reduction techniques in high risk homes; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul continues:;to identify lead cases in children throughout the City whose homes could benefit from further testing and lead hazard reduction; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul seeks to estabiish and impleme�t a Comprehensive Chiidhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, within Saint Paul Pubiic Health; and WHEREAS, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development has offered the City ofi Saint Paui funding to establish this Comprehensive Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program and continue to test, evaluate and reduce the lead hazards in Saint Paul homes; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the City Council approves the Grant for Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Hazard Controf with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and direct Public Health to proceed with the impiementation of the Comprehensive Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. e�v — Gctmm ue� Hams Me ettman une Adopted by CouncIl: Y� Navs Absent �'�-s i \ `�l `�15 by Council Secretary B y : --�—� Approved by � � Requested by Department of: 1 � ' ��