95-381�� Council File # / � �O + GreenSheetH 27346 CITY O�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Reterred To: Comnittee: DaTe RESOLUTION AU7HORIZING TNE LOAN OF 5�.525,000 FOR IMPROVEMEN75 TO THE SAINT PAUL CIVIC GENTER ARENA s Whereas, lhe Saint Paul Civic Center is the home venue for the International Hocicey League s(ML) Minnesota Moose franchise; and 6 T W HEREAS, ihe City of Sain[ PaN was succsssful in securing lhe IHL fronchise ihrongh the efforts of ihe Mayofs Office, tfie Ciry s Gouncil, and the Civic Cenler Aulhority; and 9 ID W HEREAS, ihe Civic Genter made a number of contractual commitments �o the MinnesWa Moo&,e to secure the t(a�hi5e tor the City i� City inctuding sharing revenues irom parking fees and wncession sates and undertaking the installation of new Oasher boards and iz lower levet seating in the arena, before the start o! the 199596 IHL season, at an estimated cost of 32.000,000; antl �a �a W HEREAS, the Cmc Center Execuirve Diredor has analyzed altemative methals for financing tfie new dasher boards and arena u seating; and 16 i7 WHEREAS, ihe Civic Center Auihordy shatl utitize $475,000 from retained earnings; and ts WHEREAS, the Civic Center Aulhatity desires to borrrnv the balance lo finance the costs from the City; m zt NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOWED, the Mayor per Cbapter 10.07.01 certtfies lunds are availabie and the City Council dces zz hereby authotize the loan o( $1,525,000 (rom lhe General Fund to lhe Civic Center Authorily wilh repayment in the foilowirtg manner, 23 za 7) Repaymen[ shail commence three (3) years after ihe opening of ihe expanded Civic Center; z5 2) Payments shalt co�sist ot a fevel anaual payment ovec the subsequent frve years. n 3) No inierest is charged frn this advance za 4) Total repayments shall not exceed 57,525,000 is w ai az FINANCWG: Currrent ]3 001-000069810 SO 900-201015925 SO 3a Use of Fnd.Bal, or Re4Eam. 35 960-20181•M99 Sa as Transter from General Fund Proposed 57,515,000 Sd76,OD0 Change $1,525,000 Sd7S,000 51,525,000 S'1.525,000 SPENDING : 001-09106-0566 S� 51,525,000 51,5Z5�000 Working Capital -Trsh to Enterprise Fnd ' 900-20181-0898 SO SZ,Q00,000 52,000,000 8uitding Improvments Requested by Depariment ot: Adopted by Councii: Date }-��� \ � , ����_ Aaoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � ��-- ---- �` - ��t—� � — �� � S/ lpproved by Mayorfb e � l• . ;;� � ' f , �'�r S' C ul Ci ic Center i ' 8. , Executive Director Approvai Recannended by Butlget Director: B Form ( A b City [torn �: By: \c�7 <:Cn✓! . �. S� � S ' �P Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil: sy: F/JJ13 Civic Cencer GONTACT PEASQN d PNONE Chris Hansen 224-73b2 MUST BE ON CqUNCII AGENDA BY (UATE) next CO MUST BL EXPEDITiiD 3/22/95 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 5 ACTION PEDUESTEO: FOX N_ 27346 GREEN SHEET G�' �� INITIAWATE WITIAI/DATE DEVARSMENT DIPECTOR (� GTY CAUNCII. GITY pTTORNEY O GIN 0.ERK BUDGET DIpECiOH O F1N. 8 MGT. SEHViCES O1F. MAYOP (OR A55�57ANn O (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RL•SOLUTION AUTHOAIZING TH� LOAN OF $1,525,000 FOR•IMPRQYC•hiENTS TO THE SAINT PAUL CIVIC CGNTER ARL•NA HECOMMENDATIONS: App�we (A) a FejeU (N) _ PIANN{NG (qMMI55fON _ CtYI� _ LI� COMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFF _ DISTPICYCOUHT _ _ SUPPORTS WHIGFI COUNCiI, �41ECTIVER PEp50NAl SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has Ibis persoMirm ever worked under a coNracl for ihis deDartment7 YES NO 2. Hes Ihis persoMirm e�e� been e cily employee9 YES NO 3. DaBS Ws persoMirm possess a skill nol normally possessed by any currenl cily employee9 YES NO Eaptnln ell yet artawera on aeparate �heel and altach [a green aheel When. Where. Why}: The contracL with the IItL team, the Minnesota Moose, was signed dependent on the updating of the arena blcachers/seating and dasher boards prior to tl�e beginning oI the 1995-96 IHL season. The City committed fund3ng assistance. Details on attached ResoluCion. PLLASE NOTE: TIMING OF THIS IS CRUCIAL. COMPANY AWARDED SL•ATING BID CANNOT BEGIN T1iE ORDLR UNTZL APYROVED RESOLUTION; EVGRY DAY IS CRITICAL IN MEETING THE DATE RLQUIRED — INSTALLATION TIME CANNOT BE AI.TERED/DELAYED ANY LONGER, ADVANTAGES IF APPHO�ED: Contract sCipulations are met. None Contract stipulations will not Ue met. TOTAl.AMOUNTOFTpAN5ACT10N S. 1�SZS.00O.00 ZOdtt COSTlREYENUE BUDGETEO (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIJG SOURCE FINAN�IA�INFOqMATION.(E%PIAIN�