95-3681 ' t�L� Presented Re£erred To 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Council File # ` °� ��� `� RESOLUTION �reen sneet # oZ�D�y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA J � Committee: Date WHEREAS, motor vehicles owned and operated by the City of Saint Paui are currently designed to use an ethanoUgasoline mixture in ihe ratio of 90 perceni gasoline and i 0 percent ethanoi; and WHEREAS, low cost modifications to motor vehicles are currentiy being developed to increase the amount of ethanol used from 10 percent to 85 percent and also vehicles powered by electricity, compressed naturai gas, propane and other aRernative fueis are beCOming increasingly practical and available; and WHEREAS, increased use of ethanol and other alternative fuels in motor vehicles can reduce dependence on imported motor fuefs, improve air quafity, reduce total vehicle operating costs, and encourage increased use of alternative fueled vehicles; and WHEREAS, increased use of ethanol is resulting in increased ethanol production in Minnesota with important economic benefits to Minnesota farmers; and WHEREAS, the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy, being coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Public Service, designed to accelerate and expand the use of alternative fueled vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program is a voluntary program encouraging the use of alternative fueled vehicles by private and public entities, as refueling sites become availabie, and within the financial means of participating public and private entities. NQW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul understands the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program can provide environmental and economic benefits to the citizens of Minnsota, is an entireiy voluntary program and only encourages the acquisition and use of allernative fuei vehicles as is practical for the participating organization. 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul agrees to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding with the 28 U.S. Department of Energy to adopt the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program and directs the Mayor to sign the Memo of 29 Und on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department o£: Public Works gy; _. _—L%.!^""7/ t���.�N.�' � � �� �o,� Form Adopted by Council: Date _� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary .r\ _ ,. BY� By: By by City Att for Submission to Council By: /�/� l4� �� G"� "', c�'�., �i d DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICAUNCIL DA7EfNITfATED GREEN SHEET ,NO. 26OZF) 1 Public Works 3/20/94 i nre INITIAL/DATE CONTACTPERSO PHONE '�DEPARTMENTDIflECTOF� mCITYCAl1NCIL Tom Eggu�6-6099 & Bob Sandquist 488-83A8 ASSIGN �crtv anoan�v �° �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DA7E) R�O�R OBUDGETDIRECTOfl �FIN.8MGT.SERVICESDIF ApYil 12 � 1995 � MAVOR (Ofl ASSISTAN n � TO7AL i` OF SIGNATUflE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCAZIONS FOR SLC.NATUREl ���CIATE � OEPi. ACCOUNTANT -LS ACTION PE�UES'fED Approve participation by the City of Saint Paul in the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program. RECOMMENDpnoNS: approve (n) w Rejea (P> pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEflVICE CAMMISSION �' H � �� �ES n � r NO� Worked under a cont2c[ for ihis departrnent? Cie CoMM1TTEE 2. Has this personlfirm ever heen fl ciry empbyee? — — YES NO !� STAFF 3. Dces this personttirm possess a skitl not normally possessed by 2�1i q�p'�'. — employee? DISTRICTCOUNpL _ YES NO SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCiL 08JECTNE? Expiain all yas answers on separate sheet and attach to green S11B�(] ej n��� m -� c� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' ' �'' ^ t `-^� � � ��� � ° �'� � Minnesota is the first state in the nation to offer a complete, detailed and participatory plan for promoting the use of afternative fuels. ft is part of a federal Department of Energy - national initiative. Minnesota's program will focus on votuntary compiiance (so that it will not become another unfunded mandate). Our approval of the attached memorandum of understanding does not legally bind the Cfty to any specific expenditures or actions. It states that we acknowledge the importance ot devefoping aiternatives to petroleum based fuels, wiil woric in that direction and wiii cooperate in appropriate, cost-effective cfty, county, state activities. ADVANTAGES If APPfiOVED: We will be cooperating with other cities, courrties and townships in Minnesota in a program to provide public education, alternative fuei i�frastructure and other opportunities to cost effectively promote the transition to use of altesnative fuels in Minnesota. Alternative fuels pollute less. Use of alternative fuei sources decreases dependence on foreign sources of energy. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. City garages are already pursuing this course of action. This allows us to do it in a more cooperative, coordinated way and will heip us make progress. �+ aqe ��4✓�8 �l �� �AR w � 1995 �,��� ������EY DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul wili be the oniy major city in the state not participating. We wouid have less influence in decisions regarding the location of alternative fueling sites. We'il look iike we accept the status quo in terms of present fuel use. �� . , a�a,� ;� �:�s'3�r r�:� -�_.a�.. .:> � � � fJv$ T07AL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ -Q- COST/REVENUE HUDGETED �CIAELE ONE)-- �/E5�- --�-•NA FUNDING SOURCE ACITVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) � - �J 9.�- �6� Memorandum of Understanding between The United States Department of Energy and the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program By and among each of the Regional Federal Agencies, Minnesota State Agencies, Minnesota Counties, Minnesota Municipalities, Fleet Operators, Locai Utilities, Aiternative Fuel Suppiiers, and other Signatories through the Ciean Fuels Minnesota Program Executive Committee. The following Federal, State, County, Municipal and Private Entities, in the interest of: -reducing the dependence on petroleum-based and imported fuels for vehicles operating in and through the State of Minnesota as specified in the Energy Policy Act of 1992; -working towards meeting the vehicle emissions standards of Title II of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990; -educating the public on alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles; -encouraging the development of public alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure; -and reducing fleet and vehicie operating costs, will join in a coordinated effort to incorporate as many alternative fuels, alternative fueled vehicles and the necessary infrastructure as practicable in the State of Minnesota. The acquisition of afternative fueled vehicfes wiil be coordinated with other alternative fuel infrastructure needs, including refueling sites, operation and maintenance services, and vehicle availability. The vehicles wiii be operated by the public and private fleets which will receive assistance in data collection and analysis to determine the economic and pertormance attributes of the alternative fueled vehicles. This information will also be shared with the other parties to this agreement. Whenever feasible, needed funding and other resources for the program will be solicited through grants and contributions. If external resources are not readily available than funding and/or services for the program will be contributed by the signing parties in a manner ta be determined in conjunction with the Executive Committee and the Department of Public Service and with the consent of the signing party. The signing parties wi11 also endeavor to leverage additionai resources by recruiting other pubiic and private sector fleet operators to support the program. The signing parties will provide direction and define the objectives of this effort through the activities of the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program. An Executive Committee comprised of a representative of the Department of Pubiic Service, Department of 9� 3�� Administration, Department of Transportation, Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Council, Association of Minnesota Counties, Association of Metro. Municipalities, North Central Chapter of the National Association of Fleet Administration, Hennepin County, Ramsey County, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Chairs of the Standing Committees and the CFMP Coordinator shaH be formed to provide advice and assistance to the CFMP. This Memorandum Of Understanding is not intended to and does not create any contractual rights and obligations with respect to the signatories or any other parties. This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended with the consent of the signing parties and may be terminated by the mutual consent of the signing parties upon a 30 day notice to the other parties. This MOU shall become effective upon the fatter date of the signing parties. Agreed to on: by: Mayor Norm Coleman On behaif of the City of Saint Paul. q�- 368' Memorandum of Understanding between The United States Department of Energy and the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program. By and among each of the Regional Federal Agencies, Minnesota State Agencies, Mirulesota Counties, Minnesota Municipalities, Pleet Operators, Locai Utilities, Altemative Fuel Suppliers, and other Signatories through the Clean FueLs Miiulesota Program Executive Committee. The following Federal, State, County, Municipal , and Private Entities, in the interest o£ -reducing the dependence on petroleum-based and imported fuels for vehicles operating in and through the State of Miiulesota as specified in the Energy Policy Act of 1992; -working towards meeting the vehicle emissions standards of Tifle II of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990; -educating the public on alternative fuels and aitemative fuel vehicles; -encouraging the development of public altemative fuel vehicle infrastructure; -and reducing fleet and vehide operating costs, will join in a coordinated effort to incorporate as many alternative fuels, alternative fixeled vehicles and the necessary infrastructure as practicable in the State of Miiulesota. The acquisition of altemative fueled vehicles will be coordinated with other altemative fuel irifrastructure needs, including refueling sites, operation and maintenance services, and vehicle availability. The vehicles will be operated by the public and private fleets which will receive assistance in data collection and analysis to determule the economic and performance amibutes of the altemative fueled vehicles. This information will also be shared with the other parties to this agreement. Whenever feasible, needed funding and other resources for the program will be solicited through grants and contributions. If extemal resources are not readily available than funding and/or services for the program will be contributed by the signing parlies in a manner to be determined in con}unction with the Executive Committee and the Department of Public Sezvice and with the consent of the signing party. The signing parties will also endeavor to leverage additional resources by recruiting other public and private sector fleet operators to support the program. The signing parties will provide direction and define the ob}ectives of this effort through the activities of the Clean Fuels Minnesota Program. An Executive Coinniittee comprised of a representative of the Dept. of Public Service, Dept. of Admu1., Dept of Transportation, Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Coiulcil, Assoc. of MN Counties, Assoc. of Metro. Municipalities, North Central q� �� Chapter of the Nat. Assoc. of Fleet Admin., Hennepin County, Ramsey County, Miiuteapolis, St. Paul, the Chairs of the Standing Committees and the CFMI' Coordinator shall be formed to provide advice and assistance to the CFtvff'. This Memorandum Of Understanding is not intended to and does not create any conixactual rights and obligations with respect to the signatories or any other parties. This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended with the consent of the signing paYties and may be termnlated by the mutual consent of the signing parties upon a 30 day notice to the other parties. This MOU shall bxome effective upon fihe latter date of the signutg parties. Agreed to on: (Signature) On be half of: by: (Date of Sigrung) (Printed I�3ame of Signer) (Name of the Organization}