D94-004White - City Clerk � Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineer Gteen - Contraetor . No. o q�-`I-00�4 Date ( �� " CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT GHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Neighborhood House/E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center Addition and Remodeling known as Contract �c- 012517, City Project No. B91_Q3_2jg. Lanqer Constructi on Companv , Contracta, is composed of the following: 1. Relocate main electrical panel, refeed field lights, reroute fire alarm items to new panel, install new circuit to telephone room and reroute conduit to accommodate construction. Add $4,849.00�/ 2. Add 2 new plumbing fixtures (rooms 108 and 103). Add 1,611.001/ 3 4 • 5 Replace broken 1" gate valve and repair related items Change McKinney/Parker hand dryers (6) to World units and delete 4 soap dispensers and 1 sanitary napin dispenser. Install a new compressor to replace an old existing compressor ('69 vintage). Add 359.0�' Add 985.00�- Add 1,643.34 TOTAL ADD $9,447.34 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ae- cordance with the specifications i¢ the sum of $ 9, 447.34 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, lmown as contract X.- f11 �r,17 , and whieh amount is to be financed from: Original Centract Sum $714,600.00 Change Orders to Date 46,156.00 Amount this Change 9,447.34 New Contract Sum $770,203.84 C91-3C009-0898-32070 ��j6���•��'�� ��'" ��r� ?�g� Langer Construction Companv Contractor i9� By letters dated 9/2, 9/17, 9/30 & 11/22/93 �9_ .,� ���- „_�-� Head of Department of Finance ��i�t 19 — D'uector of Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Chief Engineer �.. ���: hn�mcnv�rnww on� .. .. .. . . , Pa`rks and"Recreation " � T2/23�/93 ��� �qy -�oy N° 2:fi345 �mAC.TPERSONSrnurvt - �DEPAflTMENTDIRE uCf7YCAUNCIL INITIAVDATE Dudn2 $tOlp2 266-6400 �` �GN CINATfORNEV m NUNBER FOR � BUOGEf DIRECTOF � yrrin. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ROUTING NA ' . ORDEB �MpypR(OflA551STANn '� Parks & RecrE TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) \CtiON REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Neighborhood House/El Rio Vista Recreation Center Addition,and Remodeling RECOMMENDATIONS' Approve (A) or Rejec[ (F) � _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION z _ CIB COMMITTEE _ ' A STAFF — _ DISTFiICTCOURT _ � � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? INITIPTING PROBLEM, e PEHSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: 7. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO p. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? . YES NO 3. Does this perwn/frtm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet Necessary to.repair/replace ol'der, existing items found to be in bad condition, relocate communication components when demolition unearthed unstable wall conditions that had to be removed and install hand���drgers of better efficiency and repaTrability. IF APPROVED Contrac;tor will be compensated for additional work done. S [ , � � .� 1 ���" APPROVED. � �. . ._ : ._ � None ° SHEET JAN 12 1994 � ;,,. , Contractor will not be compensated for additional required work. iOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 9 > 447 . 34 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE CIB/CDBG ACTIVITVNUMBEH C91-3C009-0898-32070 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) . � � �