95-366counci� File # s — 3 � � Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 29325 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ,� ., Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application,�ID #B-01518) for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Harding Area Hockey at Smokey's Bar, 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. _. ���--� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: By: Appr BY- Office of Licenae, Insnections and Environmental Protection By: \1Y �/s�.�� ` ° ^" Form Approved by City Attorney A,% � - S�'I.li/ ✓� -� �roved by Mayor for Submission to ncil sy: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary \ ** NEED COPY IML�fEDIATELY ** �� ��IG/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7E0 I V� 2 9 3 2 5 LIEP GREEN SHEE CONTACTPEPSON&PHONE �DEPhRTMENTDIflECTOfl �CfiYCOUNCIL �NITIAVDATE �, Christine Rozek — 266-9108 N M RPOR ❑CITYATfORNEV �CINGLERK MV5T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT q pM� O flUIX'iEf DiRECTOA O Fltd. & MGL SERVECES D7Fi. Hearin : S aADER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION flEQUESTED: . William J. Rhody on behalf of Harding Area Hockey Association requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Smokey's Bar, 499 Payne Avenue. (ID /101518) RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING fqMMISSION _ CIVI� SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worketl under a coMrect for this tlepartmentt �daCOMfAITTEE YES NO — 2. Has Mis permn�rm ever been a ary employee? _ STncF � YES NO , DIS7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SOPPORTS WHICM COUNGIL OB,IECTNE? YES NO Ezplein all yes answers on separate sheat an0 attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNIN (Who. What, When. Whare, Why). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGE5 IF APPROVED: DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPAOVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBEH FINANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 9�= .��� Greensheet # !�i 3c25 M Tracker'? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST APP'n Received / APP'n Processed License ID # �_ Company Business , Contact � Date to Council Research: Public Hearing pate: `"� � rg � �l Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Public: -S'�� ('..�ass � �m6/ �t�r�n�e�`�e�m �SSeG. DBA: -�ir�ina �� ee�CG/ �S�'�c . �- mo �'s 2i� Business Phone: 7.�3-�936 l�� CE7J Home Phone: %3�°q36 � Labels Ordered: District Councif #: 8� Ward #: a.� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �� Z � � cf � O,�- Environmentai Health �'i�a- Fire � �� LIC2nS2 Site P4an Received: � f�_ Lease Psceived: 3��0 ��� Pas� � 3/3i 15s' z]rs � R� �� J L� Zoning � (� e 0320i95 LG214 przsct� • .�. 10:45 TRANSPORTION 225-SN-07 � 612 266 9124 - Miruiesota Lau�f'uI GambIirig Prcmises Permit Application - Fart k af 2 0 yow 0 � � � N0.653 D02 9� ��� FOR 80AAD VSE ONLY BASE � PP $ FEE CHECK lNITIALS oare � ��� � nmgv vucaaava.a � .. . . . .. If applying for a c]ass A or C pexmit, flll in days and begi�sning & ending hours of bingo occasions: No more than severi bingo occasions may be conducted by your,g�,���ation per week. Day Begiu�ing/End(ng Houra Day St�+g/Ending Houra Day Beg4sning /Ending Hovrs to � tc — t° to � ' !o ��___, to � ;' If biu�o wiS�not be eonducied, check hcre Q ; ,' ° Is the pi City ana . ,� . Name s K � ocated within ciry Iimita? 'C where gsmblinp premkea ia avnar C� No If na, is rownship � agenizad p unorgankeB C7 unirtcoryorated OR Township ontl Cwnry where gsmbOnp premises is bcatad iE outa+da M ciry limils � � f %d � � . � aieck oae ��� Or9 ization base license numher�� � A(5400) PuIFt6bs, tipboards, padd{ewheals, ratfles, birgo Premisee pamiit number " �` B($250) Pull-tabs, 6pboards, patldlewheels, ratflea �} Nsw . . , . ❑ � iS200Y &npo o�y � � . 7 � ' " , ' ❑ � (5150) Rafflei only. . . Ooes y0ur wganiza9on oWn me 9 P���9 wnare ma gnmwu�g wm w w�rvww� � u�.� yp �•�. )f no, aifach ihe tolbwlnp: . - � . '' a copy at the leaea (torm L(3202) wlth terms lor at leeat one year. � • a wpy of a aketch of fhe floor plan wiih dunenalona, sttowing what perBOn 16 bel�g ieasad. A leas6 and sKBkh ara rwt requlted ta Class Q appi(cai{ons. a320i95 10:A6 TRANSPORTION 225-SN-�7 � 612 266 9124 � , ��—��� , r��. Y',�!'i�t.. • � � xxress ... :� . _ a, ; 1�_ ria �t/:.:.'';s:''� ;;0�,! ` ►A,.,.�,"�..'' Minnesota Lau}fut Gambiing Premise Permit Appiication -. Part 2 of 2 T J �- v �tJ� --- . , . � Date Raceive0 N0.653 D03 y �=��� drn1�,i' • t�r� . � 3" �� � . -�- e��" � '" . i c4':.:: C{"4 <. .���. � ?�,,�x. ' - �� ro . Gam g te o oa F;,.p.-_ a � -'- •I am ihe chlef executiw o,�cer ot the organuation; l hera6y canseni tha! bcaf law en(orcemeM alticars, the �: .( assuma;,fuli rasponslbtlHy tor tha fait and Is�+'!ui opera- board ar agants oi the board, or tha commissioner of tion o! all activHiea to be conduCad: '" ravenua or public safery, or agents of the'eommissbners, .I will fainiliarize myselt w1th, the laws of Minnesota may entet the prsmisaa 10 antorce the law...: govcrnin9lawful gamblfng and rules ot the board and Bank Itecosda 7a!'ormation ,; '.' �' " agree; 'rf licansed, to abide by those tax�s�anC rvlas, '•. The boaid is authorized to Inapsct tha bank records ot iha inclutltng'smanc+meats'f6 jfiam; ::� �•: �' ""� •�*4' • gam6ling axovm whenever neco.'ssary lo fuKll •any chan oa a licalbn inTOrmffiion will be aubmtttad :;�-; ,;" Y�, requiramAnts afi current 8amblinA Nlss and law. � {o tbe 6oa'rd and bc&t unit oi govommont wRhin ta days �r'�: :;: ;. : Gaut :' .i;. - '''•,� . ` . oi site chsnyc; and , ` . . � : : . . - � . . "�i { dectare tPtai: ` . .'.. - •1 undarstsnd that faifine'to'Provida required intormatbn�.' ` . . •i have iead ihfs appl(cafron and all lntormatbn su6mitted a�p�vkiing falsa o� misleading fntormalkn may �esvlt !n ' ' ta tha 6oatd is trus, acaurata and"ccmpleta; 1ho deniat or revocatbn ot tha Iloense. •aif aiher re4uirad iniormation has bean fully disdased; � - Sig�aWre of dtieF executiva officat =, fl�� ��� 1.�. ,� �:;��`'� � � _ 3 � _� 1. The cily'must sign�ihis applicalbn H tha gambling prem• ises Is bcatae wMhin city IimRe, 2, The county ••AND township" must sgn thia appiication if the gamb3(ng premisss is bcatad w$h1n a township. ' 3. The beaJ unit government (c'rry or county) must pass a resoiutian apecHically approving oi deny4ng tfiis applkation. Ciry or CounH N�+?: � '. � � ' � � SlgnaWre ot peraon rec¢IVinp applica6on b. 5. N this appifcation is doniad by the bcal unk of government, , R slrould not be submitted !o the Gambling Contral Board. � 7ovmship: By signaturo babw, the townahfp acknowledges ; Shat tha organization is applying tor a promises permil within toW�ship limils. �: • , , : 1'ownshiv" � - � - ''� TowhshipNsme �. .`, . .:::;' ; ';.���.. e: . SIgn1Nre ol peroon recalvinp appltcalbn -. .. Tilta I oa� a��aa rda: .r. _ _ '£ Fiefer Ia the incwcsions la required eCecMnenta. Mail b: Gambllnp ConVOI Bwrd RoNwood Pl�a South,lyd Fbor r7/1 W� Courty Fo�d B Ro�w�IN,MN 551YJ � ��. Y�. �`C -, �, �:Y ti R . _ '-� 1 LG21A(Part 2) {Pert/A91) �