95-354ORIGINAL Covncil File # �� J � Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30765 Presented Hy Referred To RESOLUTION AIN� PAUL, MINNESOTA t�� Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application ii•D. #65095) for a Dance Hall License applied for by Hmong 2 National Development Inc. (Vue Long, Member) at 600 Cedar Street be and the 3 same is hereby approved. �'---��—��---� Requested by Department of: � Approved by Mayo� Date Office of License, Znsoections and Environmental Protection L' � �,,✓ ' / .�% Form Approved by City Attorney 8,,: 1� • l� � � - /G - �5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: VgWIN e w By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g� _.��� OEPAflTMENT/pFFICEMqUNCIL DATE I TIAT N� 3 0 7 6 5 LIEP/Licensing 3 y°l� GREEN SHEE __ -_ Nrt �� CON'TACf PERSON & PHONE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOH � CffY COUNdL Bill Gunther/266-9132 �w �cmanomuev �cma.ECm NUYBER FOR MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENOp BY {OqTE) q��� O flUOGET OtRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERYICES OtR. r'Or Hearing: S �" � �MAVOP(ORASSISfANT) O TOTAL # OF $IGNATURE pAGES � � �(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N qEQUESTED: Hmong National Development Inc. requests Council approval of its application for a Dance Hall License at 600 Cedar Street (I.D. I�65095). qECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personlfirm ever worketl untler a CoMract for this department? _ _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2• Has this Personttirm ever been a ciry empluyee? — YES NO _ DISTR�CTCqUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm pos5ess a sKill not normall ossessetl y p by any curtent city employeel SUPPOFTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECfIVE? YES NO F�cplatn all yea aaswers on aepa�ate sheet and attech to greeo ahees- INITIATINC+PqOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORNPIITY (`Ntro. WFat, When, WhOre, Why): C t�8�.�3m� 9ti'���"�i� i't ;'=:s'Y '' �� ���� ADVANTA6ES iF APPROVED: DISAOYANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPRO�E�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSACTION $ COSTfREVENUE eUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING �SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 30765 9� 3s� Greensneet # L.I.E.P. REVIEIN CHECKLIST Date: 3/9/95 � In Trackeh app�n aeceived / npp'n Processed License ID # 65095 License Type: Dance Hall Company Name: �ong National Development Inc. pSA: Same Business Addresss: 600 Cedar Street Business Phone: 558-5800 Cornact Name/Address: Vue Long Home Phone: 487-7950 Date to Gouncil Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � °�� -�� Notice Sent to Appiicant: Notice Sent to Labefs Ordered: �,��f District Council Ward 02 Departmentf Date Inspections Comments City Attorney ��I6 ^� Environmentai Health Fire License s � 5'�� Site Plan Received: 3 �e� ��,�ed: Police Zoning � e �� � � �/ . ' ;' ��. CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL O;um of Littr.sq Inspections and Er,�ironnental Proicaion i5G Sc PC.¢ 5� Swte 3�0 �.:_.�,w.+t;�o:, ss�c� (6!]) 2YA7'JO '. t672) ]LbAI]A Licebse I.D. ;� ��J'S � � � (ror ofrcc use only) THIS APPLICATION IS Sti3SECT TO REVIE�'J BY THE PUBLIC PLF�ASE TYFE OR PRI2�'T IN L\'K Type of Licease being applied f l.lS �!�1 V ���ft t 1 l yu'� V 1✓'T `1-� rn✓k \�ti�. Y�t� �`'FC Company2�ame:'�LNC-�1VA°�ilN�n-� �2,la4JV+�En7�C� � �N�� � Corporztion / Partnenhip f Sole Proprietoa�ip ' , If business, is incorporated, girve date of incorporation: . Doing Business As: Business Address: Stree[ Address Bet�een w•hat aoss streets is tbe basiness located? Are the premises now occupied? Mail To Address: "l � What T}pe of �Plz� 1T=`i KCYJ Z;p Which sida of tl�e street? S;reet Address City ' State Zip Applicant Informztion: , ) I�'ame and Title: �—LS �J G V wG �VYZC � Flst Middlc ('.faideal � Lzst Tivte Home Address: Street Address Date of B'uth: � - Z g (o � �( Gty S;ate Zip Place of B'uch: � a� S Home Phoae:�� / Z� �-�'7 ��'i St: Are you a citizen of tl�e United States? Native? Naturalized? � If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have work authorization from the US. Immigration & Naturalization Sec-Fice. Have you ever been con�icted of any felony, crime or �iolaaon of any city ordinance other than Ir�c? YES _ NO �j Date of arrest: Chazge: � Con��iction: R'bere? 9� 3s� � v.� Business Pbone:� ��vt�n �A- f�7 � City S:2te �Sentence: List the names and zesidences of three persons of good moral cbazacter, living within the TWin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to tbe applicanPs character: NAI�4E ADDRESS PHONE Z Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked?,,_YES �I�CS. Tf yes, list the dates and zeasons fot revocation: riea�s� List licenses which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: .�re you going to operat �this business personaiIy? _ 1�S � NO If v'V�c�v�o,r- (�) W-���ltirti� � �"'����� c/ Fust A Diiddle Initial (`.Sai3en) who will operateit? I<SL .� '� � Dzu of Binh taZ]S��- S&X: HomeAddxx� S;:eetNane v C:y St;te Zip 'Yhonefiumbet Are you going to have-a manager or azsutant in this bu<_iaess? � YES _ NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, please complete tl�e following information: fiist Nzme Middle Tnitiat (?.C.i3en) Home Address: S:ut Name G:y Please list your empIoyment history £or t6e pre�ious fi��e (�� yezr period: I,ast Statc Zip Address _ Date of Birth Pfione \umbet �n SSioa i�1�3C� �4`1 11 List all oiber officers of the corporation: OFFICER TTTLE HOrLE HO?�iE BUSL\'ESS DATE OF NA�N ( ce Held) AD PHOI�� " PHO�'E `- BIRTH iC' �Co1.a..a. � h&-L esekFA�e �/4'�i.v�e�a� E�! �40[�7�1 4o�f<"T�'X7''� ��F"TD �� �-� �i ���. � i� t+� v ���1 �w 9x� a t3az��5s� `�� S7 C��v+�vi 1-� ��rxc= � W ��P�I �vr� ti /C�t L>�'7l -44 to If busine�ss is a p2rtnership, please indude tbe followiag i,.foraavon for each partner (use additioaal pages if necessary): \ame Middlc Initial (1:ziLen) Lzsi Date of Binb Pfione Number Bate of Birth Home Addres� Street 1`ame Fixst Nane Middlc Ini[ial 6iy (:J.aiden) Stata tip Last Hone Address: $trect \ame Gry State Zip Phonc ?�umbet Atfach to this application: ' i) A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of tLe premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your lease agreement or proof ot owversLip of tf�e property. AA'Y FALSIFICATION OF A2�SFTr'ERS GIVEI�I OR MATE1tIAL SUBD4ITrED VVILL 1ZESUI,T II�I DE\L4L OF THIS APPLICATION I bereby staYe under oath tl�aY I have answered all of tbe above quesfions, and that ttre information contained berein is true and correc[ To ihe best of my knou9edge and belief. I Lereby state furtber oa I bave reccived no money or other consideration, by way of ]oaa, gift, conin'bution, or otherv.�ise, other eady discJosed ' the application which I berewith submitted. � 1 Subsrn'bed and swom to before me this � rc1 day of ��rch . 19q^ � cant ate �Q.s.�;n a 2. �„�.� � � .; MARINA . MPOS Notary PubIic Dakc4c- umy MId � •^O ^'�""��� ' • � MY WMMI ON EXPIRES My Commissioa exp'ues: �- 3 i 2cc6 9 .,,,ad� JANUARY 31, 20D0 9�S-3-s� PLEASE NOTE - FAILIIRE TO SIIPPLY THE FOLLOAING INFORMATION AILL JEOPARA22E OR DELAY THE PROCEBSZNG OF YOIIR LSCENSE ISSIIANCE OR RENEWAL APPLZCATION. MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NIIMBER Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number o£ each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are reguired to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information: 1) This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. Applicant�s Last Name First Name Middle SSI � � 4f�?-795'v s , ���..�, 2 - 8"Z� '- 3 l � ''-_Wi ��b� ��- nt's Social Security # Position (Officer, Partner, etc. � ` -� - l� - foF�l3� �mz g- � Business Addr s ity, State, Zip Code Phone No. Minnesota Tax Identification Number: � (If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being ope , in ' te so by placing an "X" in the box.) ` � .1RR5 \ i ature Date � , .• •. ` LERTIFICAiIGN OF C04PLIAFCE VIiN 7HE M1NkE50iA 17DRKERS' COMPEFSATIOH lA4 �� - 3 S� 4 Reeording to HH Statutes 176.782, licensing agerxies �re prohibitcd frem issuing lieenses ui:hout verification of workers` toan, cove�age. A i10Eli5E APPLiUTSCM UN1iOT BE PROCESSEU NtLESS THIS FQRN IS COltF'IETED SIGHED AND RETl7R77N (please pf�nt). A�y questions on tilling out ihis form shoutd be direc.ed io the Siaie of xinnesota "Special [or,Qensation Fund" - 296-2177. 1 ' n`� �: `�� 1 � Hane �tl C= � C]rl v Doing busincss as ` aYS✓� ✓� � ¢ J �^✓ '�t — �st tirst riddte fuLl busin•ss nor,+c, if d�tferent 2 n your n ne SoGial Sccurity ho. �� q Z' ��0 Z- Fedcral Er,pLoyer ID No. — State ID No, — Address �� �kio c4U'G ��'� � ` - ���. � ` 1'Yl � �( e� . streei ndiress or roufe n,rber city ot' town rame sTate na:oe aip code� Business 7elephone No. ( [cl t ) ZZ-�-{ b� Hone ietephone k;o. (�2-3 `Y��� 7�t � Type ot Business �'✓� C +Z � �� � �YCX24-N � /�'�'�-�'�-� description for exar.Qt : bu�l�9 consiruction; or toggtng, or nanufac�un n5) 17orkers� Camensaiion tnsurance Ca;pany Na,�ne Policy No. full name of insurance cor,pany (xoT inwrance a°eni> full n�cr 4ran insurance policy Daies of Coveragc ihrougi stariing date endirg datc - OR- I certify that I mm �ot required to carry uorkers' cor,Qensation insurance because: Uheck One) I am a sole p�oprictor ar� f have no r.rQloyecs. �I havc no cr•Qloyccs vho arc covered by thc uorkcrs' conpcnsatioo la++. (Only crtployces uho nre specitienfly exempted by -- statut¢ are not covered by the uorkers' cortQensa2ion tnw. These i'xttde: Spouse; Parents; Lhjldren, fegardless of age; and farm (abor crtQloyecs of a femily farm that spent lc'ss than 18,000 for farm labor in the previous wlendar ycar. All oiher uorkers whose uork activity is controllab e"errQi.¢yer rtust be covered.) I understand that ihe informafion pravided understand that I am subject io a 21,006�per is accurate erd c«iptctc. � �� [NO loeal li[CnSing agCncy, gen. contr., ti to che Dept. of Labor and Industry shali be ve ❑' l �''vcrificd by t e Hinnesota Depariment of Labor and indusiry. i , if nformation is f se. 1 certity that the inforRation provided above ate � /LL_ C1�� � 5 • cr person/organization acting as an intcrmcdiary to det3vcr this form i" le for acc�racy oF ihe information provided by the person Si9ning the lorm.) � � . CE£iIF7CAiIGH CF CO!iPLiRACE 'JIiH THE XIFFESGTA wJR�ERS' CQNPEBSAi1OH LAV �� 3 S� A[cofdin9 to NH Sta:utes 176.782, litcnsing agcncics arc prohibiicd fran issuing IicenSes ui:hout vcrification of uofkefs' Co:m� Covefage. A UCEMSE APPUUTIW UMNOi SE PFOCESSED UWLESS THIS FORN IS C0�'LETED SiGUfU AAD RENRNN (please pf�nU. Any questions on fitling out this form shovtd be direcied co the State of Hirnesoia "Special Cor,Qens Furd" - 296-2157. Hanc �'l L � � C� _ Doing busincss as��-� f v�T��\� ast firsi r�ddle futl twsin ss nax, if differenG i n your n5ne State ID Ho. — Social Security Ko. ���1Z-� �� Z Federal Erpioyer I �Ko. -' r- � . �/�CI ( /� ��'� >� �5 �iA-� � �Y11� l� � C� �i Address ��� �"r state na:oe zip code s:reet oddress oi rouie n•.rbec ciiy or toun ��� Xcne Tetephone Ho_ C ��'L-1 ��� � � � - Business Tetep'+one No. C�L) ��Z� Type of Business — Y t a 1� - � . .._._ _ e,.. on; or Iogging; of vorkers� Camensation v Policy No. Insurance Cor�zry Nanc - ',u(t n�nScr frm insurance poliry futl name of insvrance ca�panY CuC� insurance agent) Dates of Coveragc ihrougi, . stariing date ending datc - OR- ] ce�tify that I am not required to carry vorkers' corfxnsation insurance because: . (Check One) I em a solc proprictor and I hnvc no crptoyccs. ✓ I have no cr•ployecs who nre covered by the uorkers' conpensaiion lav. (Only ertQloyees uho are specifically exertQted by � statute are noT co�cred by the uorkers' ca:QensaTion lau. 7hese isxlw'e: Spouse; Pacents; Lhjldren, Tegardless of age; ard farm labor rnployecs of a familY farm thai spcnt lc"ss than 58,000 for farm labor in the previous calendar ycar. All echer vorkers uhose uork aciivity is controllab e� rust be covered.) 1 vrderstasd thaY ihe infornation providcd undcrstand ihat I am subjcci to a St,000�per is accuratc ard cmQtetc. � � i [No local licensing ogency, gen. contr.� ii io She Dcpt. of labor und Ir��stry sha(I bc w•' � 'verificd by t e Xinnesota Department of Labor and industry. 1 if' nform�tion is f se. 1 ceriiSy that che in4orrc�tion provided above ate lYLC�� �� � � cr person/organization aeting as an inicrmediary to dclivcr this form ' le for accuracy of che information provided by the person signing the torm.3