95-353O�1Gii�AL Council File # ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30757 RESOLUTION C{TY OF SAfNT PAllL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ; Committee: Date �3 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #96646) for a Laundry/DC Pick Up Station, Off Sale 2 Malt, Grocery-C and Cigarette License applied £or by Yia Vang DBA Super Mini 3 Market at 1187 E. Minnehaha Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. �--��—�r� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: Date � By: �� ���-- � r"� ls(A� J � p � � V Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy By: Apps BY: Form Approved by City Bttorney �: �.1�ii1?�tcl 5 -��i Approved by Ntayor for Submission to Council BY: 9s �3 s� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL . �IATEINRIATED r REEN SHEE �O 30757 IEP Licensin � �" - - - " CON ACi PEP � 8 PHONE INRIAUDATE INRIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENT OIREClOR � CITY COUNpI • ASSIGN � CSTV ATfOANEY � CRY CLEAK NUMBEqFOR MUST BE ON CAUNGIL AGENOA Y(�ATEj �. Rp�� � BUOGEf DIREGTOR O FlN. 8 MG2 SEAYICES DIR. F'OT Hearing; S' C�'� OpDER a�y���q���AM) � TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CllP ALL IOCATIONS FOR S�GNATURE) ACTION AEQUESfED: Yia Vang DBA Super Mini Market requests Council approval of his application fox a Laundsy/DC Pick Up Station, Off Sa1e MaZt, Grocery-C and Cigarette License at 1187 E. Minnehaha Avenue. (I.D. 4f96646) RECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis personH�irm ever worketl under a conVact for this department? - _ CIB COMMIITEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiA1C7 GoURT _ 3. Does this pe�son/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? StlPPoRTSWHICHCOLLNGLO&IECTNE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wlio, What, Whe�. Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��i°5��� ���;�;�':"u� �����'�a+' 6 6���as'S Gi 1' �J�.3 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVIri NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9��s.� Greensheet # 3o�s� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: Z/10/95 � In Tracker? . npp'n Received / app'n arocessed License ID # 96b46 COmpany Name: Yia Vang DBA: Super Mini Market BUSiness Addresss: 1187 E. Minnehaha Avenue, 55106 Business Phone: 290-2621 Contact Name/Address: 257 Edmund Avenue, 55103 Home Phone: 290-2621 Date to Councif Research: � � � � � Pubiic Hearing Date: � � � i�'G2� Notice Sent to Applicart: 3' f.3 � Q� Labels NJA Disirict Council #: 04 ��M : � � Notice Sent to Pubfic: '�` - �,S�. a-L Li�- i3M Ward #: o� Departmernj Date inspections Comments City Attorney ���g� C> � Environmental Health �� 3 �� Fire � -���' � tL License site Plan Received: �,/ A—„/� Lease Received: • .� �' !/4 �f Police 2 —�— C� < �- c3 Zoning � � O � 9s-3s� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Otfice of Licer.se, Inspections zad Environmenta! pmtection 3V St pe�cr St Sunc &�0 SaP:uL�Simcwa 55102 (6!]) 2YAI M ::x (611) ]5691IF License I.D. � PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN Ii�TK (foz offcc nse on7y) Type of Licenc_e being applied for: Companyl�'ame: .S� P�I� /Liin�Ni /1/lf��G�_f^ Corporztion / Pzrtne:ship / Solc Propricto�L;'� If business is incorporated, give date of inwrporation: Doing Business As: �s»o c�es S�o �-P �Business Pbone: Business Address: _//(P'7 f= /l�iN.c/ i rS�,4 F/,4 �f_- S�- f'Ar<� �LtnJ C'r'/O G StreetAddress City State Zip Between wbat coss st�eets is the business located? 7> u�u � Which side of the street? /�r-f-• Are the premues now occupied? ���at T}pe of Business? Mail To Address: _�S_7_ ��� �f2�ti� �!/�__ _ ��-�L Sireet Address Applicant Infona�tion: I�'zme and Title: THIS APPLICATIO'�T IS SliB7ECC TO RfiVIEVJ BY THE PliBLIC City State Zip Frst Aliddlc (?vfaidcn) I.ast Tit]e Home Address: a-S 7 t-�� •'Lr ci N� �!/J - . S'� �,9u l /Llot/ .�f /� 3 Street Address Ciry State 2ip Data of Buth: iS -/-- � Place of B'uth: Lr9-6S. Home Fhone: /,i�- 3-�d -ZG.#/ Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? Y�- I�Taturalized? If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have work authorization from the U.S. Immigration & A'aturali7ation Sen�ce. Y.ave you ever been con�ticted of any felony, crime or ��o14�on of any city ordinance other rl�an tr�c? YES � NO� Date of arrest: Charge: � Conviction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living x�ithin tbe Twin Cities Metro .Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wfio may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: -��• • : .�'� � i� � a� i � � � _ t ii �� - �' � � r' - � � I.� �' / lC List licenses which you cwrently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YFS � NO If yes, list tbe datei and reasons for revocation: VThere? <over) Are }'ou going to operate this business personally? ��FS _ NO If not, wbo �ill operxte it? 1�-�� Fxst K�zmc Middle Ir.iti�3 (>`.tidcn) Iast Dzu of Binh Hone Abdress: Strcct ?�zmc GS Stztc Zip Phone \umbe[ Are you going to have a manager or assvstant ia this bus:�ess? _ I'ES .� NO If the manager is not tbe same as tbe operator, plezse complete the folloaing iaformation: fi=st ?�zne '..Siddle Snitizt (�`.ti3en) Lzsc Statc Zp Address Dz;e of Binh HomeAddrus: Sireet'.�ame az Please list your emplo}>ment history for the pre�ious five (�� year period: Business 1EmpSo�asent Phone \umber / ` i /. �j � � i � . �, os '�- // • List all otber o�cezs of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSII��SS DATE OF I� (O�ce Held) ADDRESS PHOI�iE PHOI�'E BIRTH If business is a partnersbip, please include tbe follouing information for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Ant \�ame Middle Initial (.'.iaiden) �ry (�faiden) Ciry Last Statc tip Iast Daic of Binh Phone NumbeY Date of Birth Phone 13umber HOme Address: Stxet \'ame Fxst ;�ame Middle Initial HoneAddress; Strett \ame Stafc Zip Attach to this application: ' 1) A detailed descripfion ot the design, location and square footage oC the premises to be licensed (sife plan). 2) A copy of your lease agreement or proof of owvership of the properfy. AA'Y FALSIFICATION OF ANSFi'ERS GIVEN OR MATERLIL SUBT4ITCED WILL RESULT iN DEIi7AL OF THIS APPLICATION I Isereby sfate under oath tbat I Save answered all of the above questions, and that the information contaiaed herein is true and correc[ to the best of my knowledge and belief. I bereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of Ioan, gifr, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wlvch I herewith submitted, Subsaibed and swom to bePore me this day of . 19 _ `l/..-,� q Signature o Applicant Date Notary Public County, MN My Commissioa exp'ues: