95-325Council File # -/`�' � � �RIGINAL ordinance # Green Sheet # 30763 RESOWT(ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � . � � a.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #87993) for a Parking Lot{ltamp License applied for by 2 Port Authority of St. Paul DBA Lowry Ramp at 349 N. Wabasha Street be and the 3 same is hereby approved. ���,r w -, Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secreta.zy s 2-. � � Approved b ayor: Date By: V Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: (�/�"""^"" ' `� / ' !"'� Form Approved by City Attorney $ ����. �1 3 —�- y5 I ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: 9s 3as DEPARTMENT/pFFlCElCOUNdL °^TE'"m"TE° , GREEN SHEE "O 3 0 7 6 3 L �,EP /Li,censing iwirinuoare iwmnwnse CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARiMENT DIRECTOR � CRYCOUNCIL Bill Gunther/266-9132 ��+ OGTYATCORNEY �CIiYCLERK NUYBER WR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA % B /' Y ( TE) (; p�M� � BUDGET OIqECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVIGES Difl. FOL �68T1IIg: 3' ��1. "l� OPOER OMAYOFi(ORASSISTANTI ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACfiON REQUES'fED: Port Authority of St. Paul DBA Lowry Ramp requests Council approval of its Parking Lot/Ramp License at 349 N. Wabasha Street (I.D. /�87993) FECOMMENOATIONS: Approve (n) or RejeU (R) pERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this pereo�rm ever worketl untler a contrect for ihis department? - _ CIB CoMMRTEE _ YES NO __ STAFF 2. H8S thi5 pBf50n/fifm BVef b8en d City CmplOyBe? — YES Na _ DISTRIC7 CoUH7 — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employeel SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to grean aheet INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: �i���R�d� 6 �'�° .,'�s�.;�°d� �i'�it�'�� • ��"�� 2 � �995 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. --wl DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAI AMOUNT OF TpANSACTfON $ COST7REYE1iUE BUDGETED (CIACLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FlNANCIALINFOFMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensneet #�o��� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 2/$/95 /�` 3 '� In Tracker? npp'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 87993 License Type: parking Lot/Ramp License Company Natne: Port Authority of St. Paul pgq; Lowry Ramp Business Addresss: 349 N. Wabasha Street, 55102 Business Phone: 224-5686 Contact NameJAddress: M�ke Telschow Home Phone: z2z-z688 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: �� 24 � f�tf5 Notice Sent to Applicant: 3 �'�-� Labels Ordered: N(A District Council #: 17 � f�� �� Notice Sent to Public: M� Fi a- Ward #: n2 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney Q �� ���� Environmental Health Fire c Z 3 -�j - �� t7 License �, p Site Plan Re�ived:_ ( �j q & Legse Received: �J' 1�/ Police A; f �- Zoning �, p f� CITY OF 51I`T PAUL License Livision, Rcon 203 City Hall Sair.t Paul, :finnesota 551�2 VEWfRr,NEW aPPLICATION FOR PAtZKZ:QG LOT/RP.."1'" LICE:iSE 1) Type of Parking racility -(Check One) �Ramp J Lot 2} Nu�ber oi Parking Soaces /(n � Bus. AddressJo� � I ` Street Street A*umber Name �Cvv.`� DATE TITLE � * AOME ADDRESS OF BIRTH PHCAc 3) IQame of Licensee� ,r-} �;,�{: o.-;-�i :� fl�r_(���r �� �a}�T f�t4Bus. Phone 6 (� - ZZ� - �f��b (Name o£ Corp4./Partaersh�piSole Ow�er} 4) Trade Name of Lot/Ramp Street / Street 'Gip Direction Type Code 5) List a11 partners/officers of the corpozation/or give the following information for the sole owne , whichever is applicable: tiP,�'fE � .� � j P� t i ��-.L * List Street No r qS .�S � 2� �'% ;Sti g� 1'ame, Stree� Direction, Street '1'ype, city, s[ate a cip 5; Attach plans containin a general description of the security provided at the lot or ramp(:F w��,.�v�!�� 7) Attach a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the legal description of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is currently on file). 8) Attach a cover letter describing your plans to comply with the lighting and painting requirements established in the St. Paul Legislative Code I1417 (attached) which became e£fective July 17, 1989. All painting must be completed by January 1, 1990, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to rhe License Inspector. All lighting renovation must be completed by January 1, 1991, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAPID CHAPTER /1417 OF THE ST PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO PARKING LOTS A1QD I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRtSE AND CORRECT. ����'� i1 /�-�� Signature �te �