95-323Council File # 9� 3a 3 0 R! G 1�� L Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30756 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °l,� Presented By ����✓w�.c � . � Referred To Cosmittee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #78030) for a General Repair Garage Transfer License currently issued to Joseph Yankovec DBA Best Auto Service at 933 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Mike's Auto Service (Micheal A. Sullivan, Owner} (S.D. #51971) at the same address with the following conditions: 1 2 3 4 Hours of operation will be from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday thru Sunday. All repair work to be conducted inside. No cars advertised for sale. Maintain and keep area free of litter. r- Reguested by Department of: Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection / 1 P � By: ,�A.cvl.C>'U./ �T / ` ° Z�� By: APF BY: i Form Approved by City Attorney By: � j/j�(,. q L "77 approved by Mayor for Submission to Cavncil By: adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9� �� D�PARTA7EM/OFFICE(COUN�CIL DA'CEINITIqTEO GREEN SHEET �° 30756 LIEP/Licensin - CONTACT PEFSON & PMONE INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPARTMENT DIflE O C1iY CqUNCiL Christine Rozek{266-9114 ass�cx �cmnnoaNer Ocmc�eK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENW BY (DA R�Q��� O BUDGET OIqECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. FOR I3EARING: 1 y Z� S opo�' � Mi�y� (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OP SICaNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qEQUE$TED: Mike's Auto Service (Micheal A. Sullivan, Owner) requests Council approval of the transfer of the General Repair Garage License at 933 Payne Avenue (ID �i51971) currently issued to Joseph Yankovec DBA Best Auto Service at the same address (ID II78030) RECOMMENDn710NS: npprore (A) a fieject (R) PEBSONAL SERVICE CDN7HACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWiNCa �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMIS$ION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION 1_ Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contrect for this depertrnent? - _ CIB COMMIiTEE YES NO _ STAFF 2- Has this PersonHi�m ever been a city empluyee? — YES NO _ DIS7RiC7 COUA7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any current city amployee. SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet antl atteeh to green sheet INITiATiNG PqOBLEM. SSUE, OPPOFiTUN1TY (Who. VMa1 When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES 1F APPROVE�: � �'°�en i,! r+�r-°�fu � �F�tb`sa3'�a� I.t'�-.`ri�i:,.An:�3 'Y �f�� � :� v�5 _._ ____.__.__ _� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVE�: TOTAL AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION $ COSTlREYENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUpCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIN) � Greensheet # 30756 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: Z/�/95 � �� in Tracker? npp'n Receryed / app�n arocessed License ID # Company Nam2: Mike's Auto Service DBA: Same Business Addresss: 933 Pavne Ave. , 55106 Business Phone: 771-8470 Contact Name/Address: Micheal A. Sullivan 2036 Chamber St. Home Phone: 454-4461 Maplewood, 55109 Date to Council Research: �, Public Hearing Date: '� ��-' 3�2� l9 Notice Serrt to Applicarn: � 3 7'�� Labels Ordered: N/A District Councit #: �� ` � � � � � Notice Sent to Public: '� M g E � Z Ward #: Departmentj Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �I � 6 ��- Environmental �1 � Health � Fire 3 \ �� �. ���.�,� � �. License Site Plan Received: � Lease Received: v 3� � 3 e,t,�,�& . -� �.— Police C j �� ���� `� , Zoning � � � � � 9� 3a� CLASS ITI , ,� �,, LICENSE APPLICATIOi�i'; ='= ! ' �-, : � ' " y , _ F :'!` i p,, r^ J _� j Business PSone: � 7 ( � ��SL{`1l' THIS APPLICATION IS SL37ECT TO REVIE�� BY T'HE PUBLIC PLEASE TI rE OR PRI\TT I'�1 L17{ Type of Licease being applied for: L= ��; �{'�C�i _� n Q; ti C� n�R� �. CompanyN�e: ��'���� \�v�;. �t,R�%i T Cor�oretion / Pznnenhip S�le Proprieto�'_�.p�� If 6usinest is incorporated, give date of i Doing Business As: \�'� .�E � 5 Business Address: S;reetpdd:ess -� City Beh:�een ��hat aoss streets is the business located?�� � ! Cl t�'` �� Aze tbe premises now occupied? �� 5 �'�at T}pe of Business? N, . Mail To Address: Smet Address Gry Sute Zip Applicant Inforiaation: (� I�'ame and Title: ���. C,�-�L C\�� � � v L� � t1 r'!. �.� C� <. :!� i�"R. Ant ?�liddlc (!.Saiden) I.asi TitSc Home Address: �l: .� lc `...CiF�YY. �'Y f2 � '1��.� � �5 :s.. n.�.� � �� n! 'S r 7 j � `� Stmet Address � Ciry S:am Zip Date of Birth: 7 ' 3L'� -[<..`� Place of Bi;th: 5�..Pa Home Phoae: � 4 l`� �C l f:re you a citizen of cba United States? I�'ad��e? �; �<, Naturalized? If you am not a U.S. citizen, you must haee work authoriiation from the US. Immigration & Naturalization Senice. Have you ever been com�cted of zny felony, aime or �5o.zdon of any city ordinance other than tr�c? YES _ NO x Date of azrest: Chazge: ^ Conviction: �Sentence: List tBe names and residences of three persons of good noral character, liting v.5thin tbe Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interesTed in tbe premises ar business, who may be referred ro as to che applicanPs cbazacter: LiSt R''nere? ` L� I oL ,� c� J ti l tI F.z. J :� � l�s IC k-., � K' 4 �y you currently bold, formerly 6eld, or may have an interest in: CITI' OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspcc:ions zr,d Fi�vi:onnental Protcction i50 4 Pcirr R. Suiie 3J] c�;�• Par.7. X.vxro:a 55102 (61:) Yu691M 'sz (61�) Y39:2{ License I.D. � (ror orfice uu only> Stafe Zip V.1uch side of the street? \ u�.5�' PHONE E `O� ��sa�3� >`��I' 77�'��7c,N ; c - �-�'t�~t( -7 ? Have any of the above named licenses ever beea revoked? _ YES _ NO If yes, lis[ the dates and reasons for revocation: (over) ( .Are you.going to operate this business personally? � l r.S , NO If not, v,bo will operate it? �� �~� Flst I�*zme Diiddle Ini:ial (`�:adcn) Lzst Dztc of Binh Homc Addxcs� Strcec ;�zme Gr Stzte Z3p Phwe \vmber Are you going to have a manager or zssistant in this bu�ess? _ YES � NO If the manager is not the s2ne as the operator, pleue complete the followiag information: fitst Kame Middle Initial (}`.a3m) Last � Dx:e of Biah Home Address: S:reet :�ane G:y Stzte Zip Pnone \ymber � � ;� 'F1. �rz �•}�r�24_S � r��-�r� c� � Y 'F'l1..'�� l���t�,�1 ',�� �°. Gkrns S �, i .��a�, } \�ti..l L'ut all o[her o�cers of the corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSL��SS DA7E OF I�TA2�IE (OKsce Held} ADDRESS PHO��E PHOI�'E BIR?H If business is a pasmership, piease include the follouing information for each putner (use additional pages if necessary): Frzt ::ame !.Siddlt Snitial Home A6dress: Street I�ame Axst '�ame Middlt Initia! (��ziden) G.y (�!siden) Last Staic Last Daic of Binh Zip Phone :�nmbet Date of Hirih Home Address:� Stree[ Kame Gty Sta7e Zp Fhone Number Attach fo tfiis apptication: 1) A detaifed description of the design, {ocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2j A copy of your lease agmement or proof of o�rvership oC tbe property. AI�'Y FALSIFICATION OF AI�SR'ERS GIVEN OR D'L�TERIAL SUBI�4ITI'£D WILL RESULT IN DE:�L�L OF THIS APPLICATION I bereby state under oath that I have answe�'a1r81'T�e a e ques ; •a�&`� informatid'n`c'd'nt'�a2�`S�x��e correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I bereby state further undez oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gifr, contribution, or ot ' e, other than already disclosed in the application which I herew�ith submitted. .� t��� � 1 � ,..( Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 da�p f -� 19 7 U Y l_' i �c.l-J Notary Public Counry, MN My Commissioa expires: Signature of Date Please list your employment Yustory for the pre�ious five (� yezr period: BusinesslEm�lo�ment Address