95-3220 R f G i N A L Council File #`�S -�'� Green Sheet # 30709 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�. Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date RF,SOLVED: That application (I.D. #24802) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by East 7th Auto Inc. DBA East 7th Auto (Tobin E. Peterson, CEO) at 874 E. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved.with the following conditions: 1. Vehicles which are for sale will be parked on the sales lot and not in the public right-of-way. 2. The sales lot will be limited to 21 vehicles on the lot at any time. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: APP By: �� OfEice of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection By: ��l�i..�+y"u`'�' � ���� Form Approved by City Attorney B J /+�7-�l5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 9,5-3aa- UEPAflTMENT/pFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE N� 3 0 7 0 9 LIEP/Licerising -- CANTACT PEqSON & PXONE INRIAVDATE INITIAI/DATE ODEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR �CRYCAUNCIL Christine Rozek/266-9114 ���'N aCRYAl70RNEY �CITYCIERK NUYBEii FOfl MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (PA7E) p�M� O BUD(iET DIflECTOR � PIN. 8 MCaL SERVICES DIfl. r' OI Hearing: � Z9 r1s �� � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION flE�UESTEO: East 7th Auto Inc. at 874 E. 7th Street requests Council approval of its application for a General Repair Garage License. (�k24802) RECAMMENDA7ION5: Appime (/.) or Hejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNFirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartrnen[? � _ CIB CoMMIITEE _ YES �NO _ STAFF _ 2 Has ihis pers0�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this erSOnMrm ss a skill not normall p posse y possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separate shcet and attaeh to green sheat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who. What. Whan, Where, Whyp ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' C��.`�;:;:! �����n'� , �. e :e�� � � ���� - ; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: " TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE .4CTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 95-3�'�_ Greensheet # 30709 r— In Tracicer? License (D # 24802 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/29/94 � APP'n Received / APP'n Processed Company t�fame: East 7th Auto Inc. DSA: East 7th Auto Business Addresss: 874 E, 7th Street Business Phone: 772-2224 Contact Name/Address: Brian H. Leuth, 1544 E. Minnehaha Avekiome Phone: 776-4310 DatetoCouncifResearch: �-1��,�1� Pubiic Hearing Date: _��-9 ��f S Notice SeM to Applicant: 3`� 7��� Labels Ordered: N/A District Council #: O5 � !"1 . �� Notice Sent to Public: �� J n2 g� Ward #: 06 � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �71Cj5 �� Environme�tal f�`� Health Fire ^ �� � �� �� (i Q� �,. � �_.�-- License Site Plan Received: Lease Received: 3� i3 a l� Police n�� Zoning 'J� 1� crn �o��---�-� �''"°�"° (� 9s- 3� �- CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CTTY OF SAI:�'T PAUL O;£ce of Licrnu, Snspections zad En�iroanental Pm:ution i50 S. P��a SC Svie � c•:.•Ycd,Miaxra;a 31�2 (611) YL�930] fax (6!2) 3:651?A License I.D. � (for office use only) THIS APPLICATION IS SL�3JECT TO REVIE�T7 BX THE PUBLIC PLF�SE TYPE OR PRIIv"I' I:�T II��I{ T}pe of Licease being applied for: �� rC�t V"Z �: C lr'S Company I�*ame: � ci5 � � r � • ft K� I n C Corp�rtion / PzY.nca6ip / Solc P�prieiotLip If businass is 'sncorporated, give date of Doing Business As: Business Address: :ci5� '7t" f-tw'� StreetAddrus t� City � Business Phone: �7 7Z - � 22 `{ State �Zip Between what Qoss streets is the business located? !' iZ �tG10'{Y� ;[`��nh z�r(��t W�ch side of the street? '�5 � �0 i:-� h Are the premises now occupied? �(C'S VTbat T}pe of Business? LSc'r� L'2 ��[ (� 5 Mtil To Address: , vi �J Y {- '7 t'' S t P� w(� 1�1� SS �L� te Street Add:ess Ciiy State Zip Applicaat Inform�tion: Name and Title; � b� ^ �. P� { PrSO i'� ��Q Fat .'.4iddle (.Maiden) Q Izst Title Home Address: � J� y� � M t n �� i llS � C` 5'�' + QEl I �°� S�5 �� �o StrectAddzess Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: J I Z� .� Place of Birth: } r n, o�+ Home Phoae: ��� `�3 ( O Are you a citizen of tl�e United States? I�`ative? y�'S T'aturalized? If you are not a US. citizen, you must hafe work authori�ation from the US. Immig�ation & ATatunlization Senice. Have you ever been con�2cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance otber than traffic? YES -= 1�'O � Date c: ar;est: WSe:e? � ''—a Chazge: t ' _' � Con�dction: Senience: List liceases whicfi you curren[ly hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: l�Sr't� Uel�tc��'SQ�P! �., � -_; Have any of t6e above named licenses ever been revoked? _ 1'ES �• NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocatioa: (over) -� - List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living within tbe Twin Cities Metro �xga, not-�r' lated to the applicant or financially interested in tl�e premises ot business, wbo may be referred to as to ihe applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS "" PIiONE �ou going to operate ihis business persoaally? � YFS _ I�'O If not, w'ho will operate it? . n , Fat tizne Homc Addrecc Strect tizmc c.y �25� qs 3� �- L23 Date of Binh S;ate Zip Phonc tiunbci Are you going to have a mznzger or usistznt in this bu�ess? � YES _ NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, plezse complete the follouiag information: �ria� E �4c�h i-19-5�'j F=si \zme Midc]e Icitizl ('.:y�en) L2st . D�te of Binh Hone Address: Staet lzne G�' S:zte Zip Phone:�vmber Please list your employment history for the pre�ious fi��e (�� year period: Business/Emplo�ment � Address Sc+�.4he� -(-tife f4K�c Srtc. 37K �- ?� - lcnn(.,�s �ed o�cl� St Zc::.r Ya�k P �C�'S'e� 1n . BCX j� $ (ri�c-� h't� List all other ofFicers of She corporation OFFICER TITZE HOME HOME BUSII�TFSS DATE OP 2�AME (O�ce Held) ADDRESS PHOI�'E PHO;�'E EIRTH �� �cn Lt,�t�'l� Abc�e If business is a paztnership, please indude the following informatioa for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): first I�ame ?.1iddle Initial Home Addxsss: Stzcct Name Fnt Tzme Midd)e Initial Home Addrest: S:reet (?.!aiden) Giy (?.Saiden) Ciry I25[ State Zip Last State Zip Dztc of Birth Phone I��umber Date of Birth Phone I�'umbcr Atffich to this application: ' 1) A defailed description of tl�e design, location and sqvare footage ot tLe premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your lease agreemeut or proof of owvership of the praperty. AI��I' FALSIFICATION OF AI�'SVi'ERS GI�'EN OR MATERIAL SUBT4ITTED WILL RESULT IN DEI�'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I fiereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the informatioa contained Berein is true and corzect to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other cobsideration, by way of loan, gifr, contribution, or o[heraise, other than already disdosed in the application which I herewith submitted. Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� °F-Y� ! ih 10 -'i H �G� day of y�'-Q�S�e- 19 q`� Signature of Applicaat Date � � BRIAN H. IUETH� � Z � I�Totary Public 4"4f`? C01121(V� MI`t � lIO�ARY pUbUC_µuLyF50fA My Commission eapues: / 2' �' y� ' yµy,.� RAMSEY COUNiY Mycommi:sio�ezpires iZ.g.qg t Midd]c Inicizl