95-315ORIGINAL Presented By Re£erred To Council File � �.S 3.s Green Sheet ,# ����� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, D�IINNESOTA /3 i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the 2 Mayor, of the following people to the BUSIlVF.SS REVIEW COUNCIL. 3 4 APPOINTMENT5 TERM EXPIRING 5 John Apitz 4/1J98 6 Mazie Aarthun, Co-Chair 4/1/98 � Christopher Bangs 4/1l97 a Long Bui 4/1/96 9 William Cosgriff, Co-Chair 4/1/98 10 Bill Daly 411198 1i Mary Dunham 4/1/98 12 Douglas Gale 4f1/96 ls Johnny Howazd 411197 14 William Huestis 4/1l96 15 Steven Johnson 4/1i97 16 Henry Kristal 4l1196 17 Kathleen Laliberte 4/ll97 18 Larry Laughlin 4/1/97 i9 Lorrie Louder 4/1/98 zo Chules McDuff 4/1i96 21 Abigail McKenzie 4/1196 22 Mark Moelier 411/97 z3 Muiam Rykken 4/1/98 2e David Schwebel 411/96 25 Rhonda Smieja 4/1197 25 James Stolpestad 4!1l97 2� Betsy Van Hecke 4/1l96 2a Tong Vang 4!1l98 z9 Steve Zaccazd 4/1l98 Requested by Department of: By: Appr � By: Form Ap roved by C'ty Attorney glr: �/ � � ��S � 7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $ Y ����� Adopted by Council: Date 5 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9S-,�S� �EPAqTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNGIL DATE INITIATED ' y� 3 4 415 Mayor�s office 3/34{95 GREEN SHEET _.___ CONTAGT PEflSON & PHONE INRIAVDPTE INITIALIDATE DEPAflTMENT DIflECTOR CITY CAUNC�L RogeY CuYt1S, 266-8531 0 .u��N cmranoeNEV cmc�aK MU5T BE ON COIINCIL AGENWI6V (DA"fE) NUYBEN FON gUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. ROUTING ORDER � MAVOP (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP All tACAT10NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Appointments to the BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL. RECOMMENDanONS: npprova (A1 or peject (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWIN6 QUES710N3: _ Pl4NNING COMMISSION _ C�VIL SEqVICE COMMISSION i. Has ihis person/Firm ever worked untler a Contract for this departmerrt? � _CIBCOMMffTEE _ YES NO _ siAFF 2- Has this person(firm ever Geen a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRICT CAUR7 _ 3. Do¢5 ihis ersonffirm ssess a skill not normal p po y possessetl by aM currerR city empioyee? SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet and attech M green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPEIRTUNITY (Wha, What, When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: APPOINTMENTS John Apitz Charles McDuff Marie Aarthun, Co-Chair Abigail McKenzie Christopher Bangs Mark Moeller Long Bui Miriam Rykken William Cosgriff, Co-Chair David 5chwebel Bill Daly Rhonda Smieja Mary Dunham James Stolpestad °�ou�^"i`as�G�ale� Betsy Van Hecke g Ton Van Johnny Howard Steve Zaccard William Huestis Steven Johnson � �����,� ��,�� Henry Kristal Kathleen Laliberte Larry Laughlin ��� � � '��95 I.orrie Louder �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�: -_.. _ _,__ __ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOPMATION' (EXPLAIN) 9s3�s ,35�yt� Irrterdepartmental Memorandum [.�rrL�na .� .rrnu� TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: DATE: RE: Roger C. Curtis � � Alberto Quintela ��• Sean Karpe March 14 9 5 BII5INESS REVIEA COUNCIL Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following people to the Business Review Council. APPOINTMENTS John Apitz Marie Aarthun, Co-Chair Christopher Bangs Long Bui William Cosgriff, Co-Chair Bill Daly Mary Dunham Douglas Gale Johnny Howard William Huestis Steven Johnson xenry Kristal Kathleen Laliberte Larry Laughlin Lorrie Louder Charles McDuff Abigail McKenzie Mark Moeller Miriam Rykken David Schwebel Rhonda 5mieja 3ames Stolpestad Betsy Van Hecke Tong Vang Steve Zaccard TERM E$PIRING 4/1/98 4/1/98 4/1/97 4/1j96 4/1/98 4/1/98 4/1/98 4/1/96 4j1/97 4/1/96 4/1/97 4/1/96 4/1/97 a/i/9� 4/1/98 4/1/96 4/1J96 4/1/97 4/1/98 4/1/96 4/1/97 4 f 1/97 4/1/96 4/1/98 4/1f98 � �'15 3iS City Council Paqe Two March 14, 1995 Attached are members. I£ at 266-8531. Thank you. copies of all applications for these new you have any questions, please give me a call Attachments ����� �C'i OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CIfiY HALL SA22IT PAOL, MINNESOTA 26b-8526 � �� ��1°2 9S- 3iS Name: John F. Apitz � I�ome Address: 1326 Fairmount Avenue St. Paul St=eet Gity MN 55105 Zip Telephone Nunber: (Home) 699-4399 (Aorkl 22$-9757 Planning District Coimcil: 14 Citq Council Aard: 3 Pre£erred Hailing Address: 1326 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, 1�IN 55105 knat is your occupation2 AttOTney Place Employment: Go�ittee(s) Applied For: n sserli & Kramer, P.A, Susiness Re�ulaLion Task Force Gnat skills/training or espe=ience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) £or cnich 5on seek apnointment? I am an attorney with emphasis in Government and L egislative Affairs. I have experience in the incorpor of businesses, makina application for licensing, registration and operation of businesses in St. Pau1 and elsewhere and management oP various essional associations. My experience in government relations o£fers both a perspective of the client required to deal with ctovernment recrulation and the regulator executing regulatory lv served as Asst. to the Commissioner, MN Dept. of Commerce and was involved regualtory affairs relating to bank insurance, real estate and securities. I also served as State Director, USDA Farmers Home Administration, responsible.for rural lending and portfolio management of $1 billion. The- in£ornation included in this application is considered private data accozding to the Hi*�esota Goversent Data P=actices Act. As a result, this in£or.aation is no� releaszd to the. gene=al public. (�VER.) Rev.a�?1/93_ PERS022A7. REFERENCES 9S- 3�s c� � ._ Name: I3orman B. ColPman Address: 9Q9 Osceola Av� St Pau� MN Pfione: SHome) 224-3791 tl7ork) 266-8510 Name: Pamela Wheelock Address:__390 City Aall, St. Paul MN Phone: (Home) 698-1164 (�7ork1 266-8520 Rame: PatY' Address: 190 Ci Phone Hall 225-89�5 Reasons foz pour interest in this particular committee 266-8617 __My participation was solicited by the Department of LIEP I am honored to be asked and am willin to offer m full measure ____ of professional and personal commitment Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of ous comrscunity, please check the li.ne applicable to you. This information is st=ictlp �olvn.arp. _$__ White (Caucasian) B1ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Ha1e _ Female isabled: Yes 2Io �_ Date o£ Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander f special accommodations are needed, please specifp. M13 v did you hear about this opening? Throuczh Department of LIEP ��� W1ll�AM F. M£55£RLl RO55 £. KFAMER TOM TOGAS RONqLO B.PEiER50N MARKS.lAR50N TIMpT�iy J, BAUER ROBERT G. RENNER� JR. G£ORGE R. SERDAR SANDFi4l. NEREN GHR�STOPHER B. HUNT JAMES C. WICSCA DANIELJ.GOLDH£RG JOSEPH H.NIER£NHERG WIL4AM G HICKS WILl1qM M. HABICHT PAUL W.qN�ERSON FR4NK 5. FARRELL, JR, MESSERLI & KRAMER P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW IHOO FIFTH STREET TOWERS ISO SOUTH FIFTH STREET MiNNEAPOLIS, MiNNE50TA 55402-4218 (612� 672-3600 PACSIMILE (612� 6'�2-3��7 n i nOA�ZEp SO �RACTICE LAW IN MINNESOTA. W�SCONSiN. �LL�rv015. �LORIDA TND waSiy�NGTON, p G M'R�T2i S OIRECT 01AL NUMBER (612) 228-9757 January 11, 1995 The Honorable iVorm Coleman Office of the Mayor City of St. Paul 390 City I 75 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Business Regulation Task Force - Application Dear Norm: tC�C � i ii �.� �AN 17 199� ,.i_� tZ���(� qs-sis JOSEPH W.LAWVER R. TERRI MANDEL GARY W. BECKER ANN M,SETNES 30riN i. APITZ IINDA 5. J£NSEN ANNEL.JOHNSON LEqNNf G. LITFIN PETER D. MnGNU50N MIGHAEL L WEAVER WILUAM B. HUTLER JEFFHEY M. ELLIS MARK A I.EVINE MqRTIN q.MUENZMAI£ft OfCOVNSEI VICTORIA E.SPRAGUE.P.A. R,obert Kessler, Director, Office of License, Inspectians and Environmental Protection, solicited my application for appo3ntment to the $usiness Iteview Cotmcil (also known as the Business Regulataon Task Force). I am honored by his invitation and especially pleased with the opportunity to assist the City of Saint Paul in achieving your priority of "revitalized economical growth." Attached, please fmd my application for appointment to the Business Review Council. I appreciate this invitation to be of service to you, Mr. Kessler and the City of Saint Paul. Please feel free to contact me should you have questions or need further information. With best rega ds� John F. Apitz enclosure c: Robert Kessler ���� �l'���� Na:ee : OFFICE OF THE MAXOR 390 CITY F�LL SAINT PAIIZ,, MIN2vESOTA 55102 26b-8526 �'� �EC 2 3 i994 gs-3�s _,. .,; �;p.� y,.?;:d;� Ho�e Address: z90 Oakwood Terrace, Vadn2is Heights Minnesota 55127 Street City yi Telephone 2vu�ber: (Ho�e� 484-7429 (�Zork1 483-9242 �ext 11 Planning Dist=ict Covncil: City Counci2 Aard: PYeferred �ailing Address:Knowlan's Super Markets, 111 E. Co. Rd. F, Vadnais, Heights, MN 55127 T+3at is pour occnpation? Owner/Operator Knowlan's Super Markets Inc. Place�o£ Emplopaent: Co......ittee(5) :ypl=ed :c2: P.evie;a Couacil Ghat skills/tsaining or espexience do you possess £or the co�ittee(s) for chich you seek appointment7 I currently operate three supermarkets withia the St. Paul city limits and an additional four stores in other municipalities. 2 have first-hand knowledge of every aspect of my company's operation. During my 30+ years o£ involvement with Knowlan's, I've seen regulation=_ come and go. Some have been beneficial to business and others have been detrimental, whether or not that was the intent of the City. I am vitally interested in the City's requlations and procedures which affect the operation of my business. With my many years of business experience and community involvement, I could offer the committee insight from a retail grocer's perspective. The inforaution included in this application is conside=ed private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pxactices Act. As a zesult, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=al public. (OVER) Rev.4./21/93 PERS021AI. REF£RENCES t'•ame 9S.- 3i.S Addxess: Briqqs and Morqan, 2200 First Nation2l Bldg., St. Paul, MV 55101 Phone: CHoae) CAork) z91-1215 Name: Tim Macke 6ddress: Liberty State Bank, 176 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, rtN 55164-0075 Phone: (Homel tAorkl 646-8681 Nane Address John North Star Ice, 1654. Marthaler Lane, West St. Paul, MN 55118 Phone: (Houe) (Aork) 455-0410 Reasons £or your interest in this particular coffiittea: T am estremely interested in being �art �f thP "voice of business" which will have the ear of the Mayor and City Adm�n;crrarors t�v vPars in business have aicen me a vezy clea idea of how much invo�vPm�nt government should have in orivate business Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee foz vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circuristances7 2n an attempt to ensure that committee representation reElects the makeup of our co�mity, please check zhe line applicable to you. Thia information is strictly vol•;s;tH�y. X Ahite (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) American Indian or A}askan Eskino 2Sa1e X Female sabled: Yes No X Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islandez Date of Birth: 8/5/44 special acco�odations aze needed; please speci£y. r did you hear about this opening? tP++ F R��rt-Ic�s.sler �a.t�-�ana-�a-a�.��= - -- - -- - -- 9S- 3/S ; ��� Name: ��luys��/ G 7' $ome Address: o �/(� Street OFFICE OF T%E M�YOR 390 C2TY EAI,L SA22IT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 „ z6s=ssz6 City Telephone Nw�ber: (Hoae) / J � / �-d� �p Planning District GolmciZ: �� Pre£erred 2ailing Address: � ! � vf ��� Linat is yovr occupation? '/<<'.ST t.�s�� �[,V/22,Q Place �of Employment: U�zPP.✓ � /.G/ �S��zctic�x coanittee<s} Applied For: v.S�'�' O<c-v%g,� Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess £or the com�ittee(s) £or chicn you seek appointment? / _ .-! I " �c ✓2Pitt Gc ��i?v��el� C�/ve�Vt.�.0 �JG(Si.�s �I>z_l� /�f.f� O�C/ ��'�S � � s� �� �PS,�e'.,��� /o o�" �`-�S� � yP�s / ` / / 1 // / �'N� �"//�'' �/iNl< Lt,C 0� 1l� �"t/ �t13i/'� �rt�C�GV /O 7�/� Gl S/�'/�9/� /�iG� /� / .nJrir .;n ,rei .i.,_ .. 6itiC T�e 6�eex _ ��-���IG�C �ak ��G�z/Z �rr..�s; �Jyi o�7�is �d/ ia7, 9 The in£ormation included in this application is considered private data according to the :iinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orwation is not release3 to the general public. s�--�; �;��;riv��3 DEC 19 ���� �::?.-i�'i=` "!i��:� .tir-i:.a ..5��� Zip Citp Covncil Fard: 5���,�{�/L/..,� SSjDs (OVER) Rev,4l7_7!93 PERS( Name Addr� qs- 3� Phone: (Hoae) CAork) o-�yU � ��� 21ame : Address .�/{..1�%(J./cY4 r Phone:____SHome) tAork) �O ld '� �� 7J 21ame • Address: Fhone: (Hone Reasons for your intezest in this p committee: � �� �=�,bnr�✓e � �7 ca�%r�,7 rr-� - ee�aa.�r� e.�.vihr.U� / y l' .Nt Jdi { I� GcJ/Li ' s�f,o�-�-f Have pau had previous contact with the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and cixcumstances? In an attempt to ensure that comittee representation zePlects the makeup of our :ommunitp, please check the line applicable to qou. This in£oxmation is strictlq �oluntazy. "\ White (Caucasian) _ Blacic (African American) Amezican Indian or Al.askan Eskimo �_ Hale , Female sabled: Yes 2do /\ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: ��/7 S�-1 special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. // / / did ou heaz about this o enin ? �� �j}// �nt /!� t 5 P 8 CCZCS �eF �'�-` � (% / �P � C/�v��Q/r? (� 2iame : OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,Z, SASNT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 z6s-ss26 :,2ttG O 1-✓I �< aS� h fs�,.�.� � �:;Y;'.'�� 9S-3,c5 JAf! 0 S 1JS5 Home Address: _� /`L rfl�ae,Z�� P� W„� �o ��=J �3 ! J��, ry1934 S�reet Citp Zi� Telephone Nvmber; _ (Hoae) „�,,,9,�- C�'�?Z 7 (qork) Planning District Caimcil; Citp Covncil Aard: �J Yre£erred Hailing Address: ��3 � p/n�?1-�,�,'�. �i� t � ��L �� e � � � O � '� 3 � �.eveZo�, �fizn� . Fhat is yovr occupation? �/,ln>���, ��� �� /� G � Place of Employment: �q'� //! 6e�Y✓�� 2 tJ. ��'rkC /�/.Z� T�U �_ t L Co�ittee(s) Applied For: 13 i�. � Ghat skills/training or ezperience do you possess foz the commaittee(s) for vnich you seek appointment? T'he infoz�ation included in this application is considered pzivate data according to the ?!innesota Goverment Data Pxactices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not released to the genezal public. _' O �� (04ER) Rev.4_/21/93 PERS02IAL REFERENCES qs- 3�s 2iame • '771�� ,U��P� . � � . Address• Phone: Ho Name: Address' Phone: (Ho 2lame : _._. _ ^ -- --- ---✓ Address: L%�2'1/L/'ni .f/e � `.�'..�C�'iL�-- �Irc �;�>.z,;.l- Phone : (Home) j>,i' / ��, (�/ (Aork) �' (Y � � g9 ("� Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: -� _. . - - - '/ � Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? 2n an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our co�nuiity, glease check the 1Lze applicable to you. This i, is strictiy voluntary. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African P.merican) ✓ Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale Female Date of Birth: �F� —� - � ' '✓ Disabled: Yes No ✓ 2£ special acco�odations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening7 - - - - - - 9s 3is � � l3� OFF2CE OF THE MAYOR =" � ., n „ 390 CITY 73ALL , �n�{ SA22� PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 � J �� _ 266-8526 Name: _ William J. Cos¢riff � Home Address: 1860 Colvin Avenue St. Pau1 2PiI 55116-2712 Street City Zip Telephone thaabex: (Home� (612) 698-4757 CAork) (612) 291-9294 Planning District Coimcil: Citp Covncil Aard: Preferred 2failing Address: 30 East 7th Street Suite 2800 St. Pau1, MN 55101-4999 Ahat is your occupation? Attornev � Place�o£ Employment: Doherty, Rumble & Butler P A Co�ittee�s) Applied For: Business Review Council T'ihat skills/training or eaperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £o= chicn you seek appointment? See attached resume. The in£oraation included in this application is considered private data accordi.ng to the Hinnesota Gove=ment Data Pxactices Act. As a xesult, this inPormation is not releaseZ to the general public. � (OVER) Rev.?-/21/93 -- - - qs 3�s PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Carl A. Kuhrme er Address: 30 East 7th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101-4999 Phone: CHome) (612) 483-3825 (Aork) (612) 733 1954 Name: I.arry D. Buegler Addzess: 1300 Cit Ha11 Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul i��I 55102 Phone:_ (Home) (612) 633-8045 CAork) (612} 266 6632 Name: William H. Klina President Minnesota Public Radio Address: 30 East 7th Street St. Paul iAT 55101 Phone: (Home) (b12) 451-1202 CAorkl (619 290 1555 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: See cover letter. Have you had previous contact vith the committee for which qou are making application. T� so, when, and circumstances? 2n an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our co�vnitp, please check the 2ine applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. ' X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (Afxican American) Asian or Pacific Islander P.merican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X 2fa.1e Female Date of Birth: 03/03J41 Disabled: Yes IZo X Cf special accommodations are needed, please specify. � ow did pou hear about this opening? Newspaper DOHERTY RUMBLE & BUTLER PROFE55!OG� a550Q4Ti0� Attornevs at Law ?500?linnesota t�brld Trade Ce�:e: i0 Eas: Se�'eitF St:eet Sain: Paui, \$ncew.a n101=99 Te!ephone(61?)291-9333 F.�1X (61?)?SI-9ili l� �;e= s d;rect d:al r.umcer: January 10, 1995 VIA MESSENGER Mayor Norm Coleman Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Business Review Council Dear Norm: 291-9294 \tagr�der Bu:Iding 16?5 �i S::eeq XSC. llishsg:cr., D.C.2CO36-i'_J3 Teiepnor.e (20?) 293-05=� FAX(20?)6i9-0+60 �= L J ,' ' , � ,�: I �� � ^ �v��-- 5s-3�. b, pne Taco: Cer.:e: i?CO Se�'er.:e^a;n S:rext Dem�eq Ce?oaco 50'_12-552i 7eie� nor.e :'w"3; =7�_l'9 HS(iV3i'^-bZV'i Replo to SaEr: i aci ona I recently read with interest that you are establishing the Business Review Council (the "Council") and that you are seeking 21-25 members from the community for the Council. I am interested in the subject matter described as coming within the functions of the Council. I believe that my 29-years of experience as an attorney representing businesses and my 12-years as Managing Partner of Doherty, Rumble & Butler give me a broad business background which would be useful in the deliberations of the Council. As you know, we occupy 42,000 square feet in the World Trade Center and have 175 employees in our St. Paul office. My entire career has been spent in the St. Paul office of Doherty, Rumble & Butler. I, like you and many others in this community, want to preserve a bL'S1riO3S-iil2Ilf'.1� 2iaV.l.i'JI'u�cila�'. i:: St. Paul, SD .j"..�i2± t.ti:E'. °:15}2ny businesses stay and expand and that new businesses are attracted to St. Paul. I am most interested in participating in a process which has those items as its goals. Enclosed is the Application form. I would be pleased to discuss with you or someone representing you my interest in the Council. Very truly yours, , _� r�� lliam J. Cosgriff i5W Fif:h S!ree! To�vers L=7 Suuth Fif:h S�ree[ >Lr.nea�uLs. \(inr.e5ota $SA?1?3i 7eir, hoae (612) r0-3+55 F.�.� (6LJ 3-0-rS. WJC178693.a1s Enclosure 9S• 31S � WILLtA2vf 7. CasGRIFF William 7. Cosgriff's practice includes commerciat and residentiai real estate development, He represents owners and developers of apartment complexes, r,ondominiums, townhouses and single family homes; developers and owners of office buildings, office warehouses, retail centers, industriai properties and recreational real estate; and landlords and tenants, His involvement has included private limited and general parmerships placement of equity and debt financing; transaction negotiations; land and building acquisition, financing, development and disposifion; azchite�ts' contracu, construction contracts; zon- ing; conditional use permits; leasing and numerous other real estate develop- ment issues. Mr. Cosgriff also practices in the area of corpora� law, representing both publicly and privately held business corporations and nonprofit corporations in such diverse areas as radio com�unications, microelectronics, computer graphics, franchises, insurance agencies, construction, beverage wholesalers, accounting, health care, manufacturing, pubiishing and the arts, His involvement includes client representation and counseling regazding equity and debt financing; mergers and acquisitions; asset purchases and sates; organization; financing and development of new businesses; restructuring of e�sdng businesses; and genezal corporate matters. He serves as a consultant to and as a director and officer of severai privately held corporations, Mr. Casgriff is a 1963 honors graduate of the Bniversity of St. Tfiomas with a degree in Accounting and a 1966 honars graduate of the University of Minnesota I.aw Schooi. Ae served in the O�ce of ihe 7udge Advocate of the United States Navy from 1966 untii 1969 with tours of duty in Rhode Island, Illinois, California and Vietnam. He has been with Doherty, Rumble & Buder since 1969 and has been a shareholder since 1973. Mr. Cosgriff has been active in the firm's management since i975, serving as Managing parpter and President for twelve years and as a member of the firm's Board of D"uectors for 16 years. He is admitted to practice before the Minnesota Supreme Court; LT.S. District . Court, Minnesota; U.S. Taz Court; Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit; U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit; IJ.S. Military Court of Appeats; and the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a member of ihe Corporation, Banking and Business Law Section and Real Estate Section of the Minnesota 3tate Bar Association and a member of the Ramsey County Bar Association. He is a Real Property Law Specialist, certified by the Real property Seegon of the Minnesota gtate Bar Association. �-is-3�s � In addition to the practice of ]aw, he has been active in civic, charity and cultural endeavors. He is a past member of the board of directors of St. Pau1 Athletic Club; The Minnesota Club; University of St. Thomas Almm�i Association; Community Program i� the Arts and Sciences; Newman Center at the University of Minnesota, United Ar� Council; United Arts Services; St. Paul Winter Carn{val Ass�ation; Westminster Corporation; Minnesota Communications Group; and Minnesota pnblic Radio. He is a present member of the Boards of Minnesoty Museum of American Art; geaI Foundation; Catholic Services , for the Flderly, Inc.; and Doherty, Rumble & Butier Foundation. ���� � � � �� ��� � Naae: Ho�e � OFFICE OF T&E MT.YOR 390 CITY HAI,y SA2NT PAIIL� MI2v'2vESOTA 55 26b-8526 gs- 3�s Telephone Nw-zber: CHo�e) ��jt� ����' � lS7ork) ,�/�t% "/� �� Planning Distzict Coimcil: City CowiciZ Gard: Preferred 2ailing Address: �S Si �%� S% Su%/� _�/O- ,�3,L,� q � k'hat is yovx occupation? �/1�r�G�'s�/c��- f �/7 ,�P�,/c-r � Place�oz" Eaploytaent: �, 1J/ S,4�i�/ 9ltc� �,l�,i�' Cor�ittee(s) Apolied For: � / ,�/G��7/��G �7 ��'6 �G�/lC'// Ghat skillsJtraining or espe=ience do you possess for the co�nittee(s) £or vhich you seek appoint�ent? � �n -z ,-,.��_ The in�ornation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goveraient Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is no;. released to the gene=al public. (OVER) Rev.4./21/93 rExsotani. xEF�xcEs Name: 9s- 3,s Address: ��G '✓� Phone• tZ2se : Addzess: Phone Naae� Address: Fhone: (Home) tAork) Reasons £or your 3ntezest in this particular co�ittee; _� , Have pou had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstancesl Sn an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation re£lects the makevp of ovr cou�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is st=ictly voluntaxy. _� Ghite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian oz Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskir3o � Hale Female Date of Birth: �1 '�.3 — S/ Disabled: Yes No n If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you fieaz about this openi.ng? �� j� ��� OFRTCE OF THE MAXOR 390 CITY HALL SASNT PAIIL, MSNAIESOTA 55102 , , z6s—asa6 23ame • Home Address: SYieet City d �,�:;u; :'`� S� 04 1S95 ..; r:�:t! gs 3is �02 Zip Telephone I7uaber: (Home)- a�a - � " 9 (Aork) �3 -a,�� Planning District Caimcil: // City Council Aard: � Preferred ?Sailing Address: �PPPh�/}2�W1G✓ �V�t� ���vl S� / � �Ut�C�I(�� �uITC �D Slfiat is youx occupation? (�Or'DDYo�I� T'i �YV) Q!(�J S� • dv� �I O t Place�of Employment: - Co�ittee(s} Applied For: 1�J5fLLLSS �1Vt{�� l..a.�v1L`l� Ahat akills/training or esperience do you possess for the coamiittee(s} for vhich yon seek appointment? �aa5 a merrn�@r�k-_�!�_��scu.<���eRu�a't��vt�as� t,��s `{�i, c t t vYr n`11 �3�+.v � C i3i17[R�Lsil'r�•!►� �■fr � m,�.��, ►�7►�C��iZ,7ls3t��iF.1'/iJ,:,�/�i �i'[,�' - — �- � . � 2e information included in this application i.s considered private data accozding to the nnesota Govezment Data Practices Act. As a resnit, this information is not zeleased to ie general public. C04ER) Rev.a/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Name Addzess �S-3�s Phone: (Homel (17oYkl C�lr�4 � 9 /�!� x�e: ��''a-�c1C ' c��ftcr.t.s��t C��+rnr�d� Address: ���Y' �nv�ro•nmz��r�{ n�3(D �•�� �. �o,�-� �us � ` n r � Phone : (Home) (Gork) O� � (� " ( � � Name: Addre Phone: (Home� � (Aork1 aa3 -3�� � Reasons for pour interest in this particular committee: /� a CorG�Ya� a,ttbYV1C,L{ ,.� �a�JL SLQ-V1 V??ah�J � ,�� 't ` ��Pp�. l.Si`Yt� Y1vY�`LS LJ�Lk- CoUL�U�V1A ��`�l �S8 I[.t. r.� � J Y ea LtGt�1 • � i1>QV�.Cl �C�2 �v VK.I� �-c�iVYY-'i�LtV'i. Have you had prev�ous contact vit the commi ee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumatances? ��aac � �rlvn_�u' ar7�it CDYt"�?!V �VSILtLS� �FQUCatlZcM ��lC �dYC,� In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our mmmunity, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictlp voluntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Hskimo Hale _� Female Disabled: Xes No � Date oP Birth: If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear a6out this opening? � l�. E �'V1(�,i 4 Y1St --- - -- � ��� - -- - �-- --- --- ----- 9s-3rs OFFICS OF THE MAYOR ����} !�`� j 390 cITY HALL �;>-� sAarrr PAIII,, MSbTtiESOTA ss.io2 �EC i 4 1994 (/ 26b-8526 Name: DOUGLAS W. 6ALE tr��� p°��,e;r:� Home Address: 103 CEDAR ST. WHITE BEAR MN. 55110 Street Citp Zip Telephone Nunber: CHomel 429-3520 (York) 224-3828 � "_'_--� Planning Distr3ct CoimciZ: City Council Aard: Preferred 23ailing Address: 411 MAIN ST. ROOM 207 ST. PAUL, MN. 55102 Tahat is your occupation? BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE/ FINANCIAL SECRETARI' Place of Employment: PLUMBERS & GASFiTTERS LOCAL n34 Gommittee<s) Applied For: BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Ahat skills/training or eapezience do you possess �or the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? WORKED IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY F�R 30 YEARS IN THE ST. PA AREA IN MANY DIFFERENT PHASES (RESIDENTIAL NEW AND REMODEL, SERV WORK & G�MMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION) MANAGED A BUSINESS fOR 2 YEARS. BUSINESS AGENT FOR PLUMBERS LOCAL #34 F�R 2=YEARS. The infozmation included in this application is considered p=ivate data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goveiment Data P=actices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OYE.R) o„_ 4f21194 �e�tsox�u. a�F�xcEs xame: DICK ANFANG Address Phone• Name: Address 411 MAIN STREET ROBERT SCHWARTZBAUER 411 MAIN STREET ST. PAUL, MN. ST. PAUt, MN. 55102 224-9445 55102 9S 3�s Phone: (Home1 (Gork) 224-3828 Name: STEVE PETTERSON Addsess: 766 7RANSFER ROAD S7. PAUL, MN. 55114 Phone: (Home) 535-7552 tQork) 646-2121 Reasons £or your interest in Yhis particular coffiittee; IT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO ME TO TRY TO EFFECT CHANGE IN T NE CITY TO POSITIVELY IMPACT BUSINESS & LABOR. Have pou had previous contact vith the coffinittee for which pou are making application. If so, when, and cizcumstances7 In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our co�imity, please check the line applicahle to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. V Ahite {Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islandez American Indian o= Alaskan Eskimo � 2iale ____. Female Disabled: Yes No `� Aate of Birth: �_ � L�' 1 'i 3 If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this opening? �11 � .����. Name: �. OFEICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,T, SAINT PAIIL, MI2INESOTA 55102 26&-8526 '�'�'[;'=a�� �'i�-3/�' ,�Q.�`� Q� ���� ---- - Home Addxess: 638r,�anBuren S} pan7 1�{Ar FSl(ld Street City Zi '�:r�`'rP„� r��;i:,'� P Telephone Humber: (Home) 999_��qsz (Aork) ��L� ry 0�61 Planning District Caimcil: �7 City Council Aard: �1 Pre�erred Hailing Address: 689 N Dale St G{- n M�i y�,��3 Ahat is yov2 occupation? EXeCUtiVP '1�irP�i Thnmaa 1�a�o R1��1r rtnh Place�of Employment: mhn a ti i ui� 689 N Dale 55103 Co�ittee(s) Applied For: Rnsi naGG RP\T1 Pti rrnmri 1 _(RR!') Ahat skills/training or ezperience do you possess �or the committee(s) foz vhich you seek appointment? As Executive Director of the Thomas-Dale Block Club my work requires me to work with businesses as well as the community. My family owns a sma11 business in Detroit and i know £irst hand the tvpe of cha].lenaes businesses face. • In my work with the community ihave the opportia.nitv to hear their concerns and needs of the neiahborhood he information included in this application is considered private data according to the �nn esota Govarment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoz�ation is not zeleased to he general public. (04ER) - Rev.4/21/93 . 9s 3�s YERS�NAI. REI'ERENCES Name: - wi i 1 i am w; i an„ �Fnxr.�Ar—Pi-t� Gauus' � Ms�mh�} Address: "� �'7F T.pxin�tnn Ava. � r� - Fhone:_�Hone) FidS-117Fi (�Tork) F�d �gd2 H�e� William Sands (Western Bank) Address;__�,F� rr„ivA,-Gi+., a<.A 55104 --�--� Phone: �Home) (Qoxk) 974 'f471 Name: Tom KiriqstOn � PrPVidPn+- a'r, * r7•i.� z� .a � Addzess: 919 Lafond Ave Fhone Reasons for your interest in tfiis particular committee 59-603 It is my belief that in order to have a successful communi y bosinPS� �PO��e and neiqhborhoods must ioork toaether. Have pou had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances7 NO In an attempt to ensuze that committee representation reflects the makeup of our coffinunity, please check the line applicable to you_ fihis information is strictZy voluntary, - -- - — - � Ahite (Caucasian) *� Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo ** Ha1e Female Disabled: Yes No �* Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander If special accommodations are needed, please specify. How did you hear about this opening? Robert Kessler (Director St.Paul : icense � b'ame � Home Address: �yv �l•rx etAZ.L SAINT PAIIL, HI2iNESOT.A 55102 266-852b �(rd�w, r�. t{uCS ts `'!S- 31.� St=eet �. �Cicp � Z�P Telephone 2tnmber: (Some) 'i `a�. � � ! � {_Yo�_S�__�.�/ �O ' lD �� 1'lanning ll�sisicc Couacil: ,—Jr City Couacil Yazd: Pre£erced Xailing Add Lhat is yaur occugat3 Place�ai' F�ployxenC- CoemSttee{s) Appli�d Foz: � R�S 1 5j �'�L SS ��(?! E l,(1 _ Q CI /(J.�'�f �-- vhat skilla�traini.ng o= axperience do pw possess for eh� co�ittee(s� toz vhich yw seek appoint�nent? , _ . � � f, N1r��l�r�r�,-r`��r��raE.-�1avl5o�C�lel.u�r _v ��t�r� 'Yk�tS � F� tG�. he iufoxmatiaa 3nci�tded i.n this apglicazion is considered private da a accoxding co che innasota Govezm.eut Duta PKac[ices Act, ds a result, this informatioa Ss not =eleascd to hs general gabiic. . Co $ 4121 / 9 3 � ZB'd 6686 6b9 ZS9 '�NI '3f1�S32I QIi�Y 65:9'[ S66i-60-NdL -- i "�� id �'a�c��� � �-tl 19qL� � '1C101 — ...�. ucissCi�t:t� ..._. _ , . :-. --r _ ,� Hame• =J Addxess: I.� 3rS Yhoae: t8ome) tYork) Name: Ynone• (Homel (VorYl Addzess Phoue: (I3ome) Cvorkl Reasons £or pour iataresc in this par=isular Hava gon tud previaus cantact v3th the coueaitcee for vhich you ara making applicaticm_ If sa, vhen, nad cizavmstancesr � Zn an attempc to ansure tha[ coffiaittee represrntatlon refleces tha makxup oi aur eo�m3tT, plQase eYiecic the line applleable to pou. This in£ozmatSou is strieLly voluzitar,f. , -� Ahite (Gaucasian) B1ack <Afri.can American) bnmericaa Zadisa ar Alsskaa F.rkS-�o k Ziale Pema�c, Disabied: Yes � Ne Hispanic as3,an ar Pacift� Isiander DaLe vf Bizth: Q� �� S �� C�' �J Tf spec�,al atcommodatians ate nceded, please spec3�. Ho+ did'yau heax sbauc this opaaing2 ��Of� t L���Z� f i114G1 Q11�. . Y TOTAL P.066 � �j a pFF2CE OF THE MAYOR s` k , , P � 1��� 390 cxTY aawn � ',' /� ,�� 5ASI�IT PAIII,, MINNESOTA C�' `�� 26b-8526 55102 ��r��� Jfi.;f ' 0 1SS5 9S 3� xame: ___-+—.�l-f'�VQ� I � � /l�h /7SC� t' 7 . , l(� �/7f!��p`L,n/� ., r s �?� Home Address: _�`-F L.la.,QJC Di dirto7l !S' L�.U"-r1E KGt �` �U3 /V `� .S n,. ^ �^� J' I Street City Zy Telephone Humber: (Home) llt� Z'" J� L � - a3��D (Gozk) ��� ���/u Plarsing Aistrict Coimcil: � Citp Counczl Aard: Pre£ez=ed 2ailing Addsess: __f���(� (�jll� (�p�Gir J-�L2 �p�Qa �j1 �om,,, y l v vi M� �Sya� T'+hat is your occupation? , �/j ��f �n t� �l_ �'Yl um.� �,' nr.Q. f Yi'S i.� , r C` Place�of Emplopment: � Committee(s) Applied For; �.5 �� S.S 0 � i e�,J �C ta O �Gi ( T+hat skillsjtrai.ning or eapezience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment? _...( hCt.�l� Y 1� UtSC,�-t�<`� �n `�}�2 c��ra,�n�iryrv�,�� txnaiv�i -iv'1 � �Sa � �� i b Lf/�� � 0 Al��-1 - � , 1, �t/i_O C�- � J � � ��� l �- ( S irire G1 t/r i i ri .+ 1 � ��s; � � ,oP �... _ � v C L. 1��., 'he information included in this application is considexed pzivate data according to the :innesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforsation is not released to he gene=al public. � (OVER) Rev.a�21/93 P�tsoxnz. xEF�xcEs Name:____�1�� Address: ;_� �v�'-�3IS Phone: (Home) CAork) GY 1(J� " Q� f Name Address p. w�ti��n;<<-a�(t'' s��s �nl„�1�;�,� R�.�i� _ " � �- —�r2S�� .-; � S��(��L Phone:--- fHome) � � � � � [ 'Z �J' fAork) + �"!v `- cs � 7 + . . . -- Name: Address: �'+�` a� loY� ��v' a,��dy� -� r�Tt,�n-•� /#'u� � 3G�0 � l 1�TLfL Phone ° c �`G3o'a. Reasons for your interest in this particular covffiittee:_��[(�LR — j(`/?-�£. ��'oc��T�a� 1�po � (a'":i'1 IDCJ , ��Yn� CfWn.�r1� mM.� 'l� C� �t'Ak.� �`Sfi6LfdFi'!h � 1 ��s�"� 1. A�l�Lor2 t� S CSPr?Y�L. ) i n r�-c.,_ E7 . C�l• %au,_ �"k<n .��,-,., ,�3,..,. unu' (s-Ubu-�i �t,ne Ku�x.r�� rF �t � Y"�;uL ��hi °� t r� t ,�,.,� -�,'' -� ► a� � �P� . � Have yon had previous contact vith th co�ittee 2f so, when, and cizcumstances? t,�ya'"" s S; 9, /l ,/ a,�a�^.P / X� neel� [-b be r-e�vQ s�de. which pou are making application. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our co�amunitp, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strict2y . V White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander _____ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� Hale ____ Female Disabled: Yes No � Date oP Birth: If special accommodations are needed, please specify. J(7. Hov did you hear about this opeaing? _ +_'� r'� f' ___ V�--M�'� ///���((�� � / �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOsZ <J � 390 CITY HPT,L ��' SAS2�*T PAIIL, 1dIN2tESOTA z6s—ss26 N�e: HENRY S. KP.ISTAL � Home Address: 1044 OVBRLOOii ROAD, h�NDOTA G AT� Street City ss , bi�i 55118 ����s��� 95—,3✓� 9EC �3 19�� �nwY��� �:�>;��:� Zip Telephone Nuaber: (Hone) 452-5573 (qork) 645-6473 Plannin District Gouncil: '-- � '�- _ 8 Citp Council Aazd: Pre£erred2iailing Address: Ei�'1BERS RESTAURANTS - 1664 U�IIVERSITY AVE. ST. PAUL, MN tthat is your occupation? CO-OP7DIER, E�tSBERS RESTAURA2dTS Place'o£ E�aployment: En4BERS RESTAURANTS Co�ittee(s) dpplie3 :'cr: BYJSINF,SS RFVIEV7 COUNCIL Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the covmittee{s) for chich you seek appointment7 - BUSINESSD:AN SINCE 1956 2. EXPBRIENCE �VITH CORSnSUNITIES IN ,F, STATES YdHERE T'TE IIAVE R�STAURANTS. 3. FTAVE S90RI�ED FREOUEiiTLY 59ITH CITX, COUNTY & STA"i"E AGENCIES IiI ISSIIES INVOLVING ALL PHASES OF BUSINESS CREATZON A1VD OPERATIO�. -4. HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEl4BER OF SEVERAL BI3SINESS ORGANIZATIOI3S IN fiiINNESQTr1 NEIGIiBORING STATES. 5. EIAV� �90RKED TPITF? C011MUPdITIE5 TO D�VELOP VARIOUS CODES RANGING FRO�1 SIGN _ ORDINA2ICES TO ST PA L' S Aiµ�D RAD4SBY COUNfiY' S NE�TES^t FI�ALTH REGULAT FOR RESTAURAI3TS. : in£ornation included in this application is considered private data accordi.ng to zhe inesota Govermant Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoztaation is not zelease3 to general public. (OP�'2) Rec.`�17]!93 PERSOHAI, REFERENCES 9s�is Name: BIi�L HEUSTIS Address: 2147 [TAIIVERSITX AVENIJE ST. PAUL Di2d 55114 Phone Nazae: DAVID OLSON 698-6799 0 Address; bil2iDi�iSOTA CHAi;�BER OF CO�IIIF,RCE - 30 E. 7th ST. SIIITE 17io ST. PFUL htN Phone 2.ame: ARNOLD HE�YES 292�4660 Address: i"?INti�SOTA RESTAURANT I�OT�L Pa RESORT ASSOCIATIONS - 571 JEFFERSON AVE . ' ST . PAIIL .. A.iN 55102 Phone: {gone) (GTork) 222-7401 Reasons fo= your interest in this particulaz committee: I T�OULD EOPE I COUI,D fIELP IPdPROVE THE ST. PPUL BUSIPdESS ENVIROPIMEPdT FURTHER IN OP�DER TO PEVEESE T�iE OUT FLO;1 OF JOBS FROb? T�IE CITY. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstancesl Yr.S. SSLL HEUS2`IS ASI.�D A� TO SERV� O;: A SUBCO�I�IITTEE DEALING t7ITH THE RF,ORGAP7IZATION OP THE HEALTH DBPARTn4ENT. In an attempt to ensure that committee rep=esentation reflects the makeup of our coa�unitp, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stri.ctly voluntarp. A Ahite (Caucasian) _ Black (African Araerican) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _�_ Ha1e ,_ Female isabled: Yes No � Date of Birth; E specia2 accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Iiispanic Asian or Pacific Tslander 20l32 v did you heaz about this opening7 I RECL�IVED A LETTER FROUS RCBEx T YZSSL�.P. �02i27/95 16:18 BECKMP,N PRODUCE j 612 266 9124 ' S12 266 9124 FEg-24-1995 Sa:q6 FRpM CITY �F ST ?aUt, LIEP TO sso csrz xaz,z, SAINT PJi.DL� ;4=2�i2�7ESOTA ; � 266-8526 Naae: � Hcma Address: Stkeet �. J S�` � ` 2ip Selepho:�.e 2�'4mber: `-- (Soce) [i��(�J�.Jo2.�i � �/yQJlAOrk1 ��� � Planning p�srrict Couaoil: /� Gitp Cauneil Yard• p�, Prefaxzed Hazlzng Address: _��� r'� f/S ��\.� �j,/` �,/J'�n� „� �-�� f Fhat is p� occugati P1aCe�o£ Employaent: Co�ittee(s) Appl"zed For: ����111��e �j�S111 (��s 11 The in£ormatiou includQd a.a zhis spplication Ss �aasidered privace data according ze tha 'iinnesota Gov�erment 17ata Practiaes Act. As s zesn7,c, th£s in:orcation is net released to the geaexal pubxic. N0.690 P002i003 922Z4141 P.985 9���� SS102 �Yt?.��a:�ea iN,^,;? p 1 199v Cov�t} Rev.g/ �Po or expazi¢r.cc do yau possess £ox the eo�uitLee(s) �ox vhich 5ou seek ��ei�r�95 Ab:18 BECKMAN PRODUCE � 612 266 9124 612 266 9124 FEB-2d-1995 14:a6 FROrt CIrY OF ST PAU� G[EP �•: N0.699 P0a3i0�3 92224191 P.HOo �5'.315 aaaYesS: rn�.Kz y-�� u�ri.crrc,. a340 /" �'�6� 14A>�� T3/�LS. PF�one:_.__C82me� 9a� fQOr,,,k1 ��,�a� ��� � Name: I�I�I�fG7 �fiS/fK A3dress: ���� IL�J`��'G 4,fV_� lVG�LC� �l �I�'x�/��j vi��, �J�' ���-y Fhone: CHome) ���'��y'� lAork) ��,3" ��j . , . � � _ � Reasons £cz pcu: interest ia this eommi.cte �°� � in au aCtempt to ensure Chat COIIG4xFZ¢¢ i<pressntarion reElacts the makevp o� oux coermuniep, please check the lire apglicable to pou. 7his xn�ormation is stsintly voluntary. � Wh£Le (Cdu08538A) Hispanzc 81ack (Af�ican Americ2n) Asiar� oz Paoi£ia lslandcr American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo iisle __Zi_ PemaZa Ilissbled: Yes Ao ,� 0 Date aP �Srch: �1'� �'" `f �/J If sgecial aceomeodatians are aeeded, pieas¢ speci£p. �,_,_, Hov d'zd you bear about this a eaing? �1��./f1�.t%/�c�r �,'7'�j/j1�� (,��// f�/�� Gor�€r»�Jh.7 A �H�'m�u2 0�7�ic�s ;/ TO7AL P.006 x�e: ,�'£ID ��1 f177"� an�e yw naa pre�aus canaaez v�ca tsle Cotaanttee foz� vhxch qou are x�aking applicat:on, If so, vhen, and circuastanaes7 u�L.� Name: ;�-. J 1! Home Address: Street OFFICE OF T&E MAYOR 34Q CITY IiALZ, SA2NT PABL� MSN2vESOTA 55102 , 26b-8526 Citg R�G��V�u . DEC 22 1994 � 9s-3�s !1 b Zip Telephone Nu:aber: CHo�e} �{ �} ��.t'� �,� � (Aork� � ['O �-��-� Planning District Colmcil: �(�.�� � Citp Cow Aard: Preferred �ailing Address : _�� � � � � g � � .� `� � 1 d },� }_ S�� � ( l k'hat is your occupati Place �of Employiaent: Coa�3ttee<s) AYPlied For: f�U `> ( N4�.�� (C ��'C,�.(�.J('/f'A� `1�° f� ��' f��� rrhat skills/t=aining or esperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) for vnich you seek appointment7 ' � �--;/�2S Sz�'-�-2itC� a� /Lcc,a.cM�rc.et �rv1-�L ��c-(�'K_��-�-z�c�4d ,1���4� -- / 1 • �S .���'-2�y�� f �1 i�JS 1�'. s�-t� � dct 5 �5 /--�vt�2D �K �r �l'� ,— d, 4 �i�_ �1����J��-�/4 s-� � t t � . c c�� ``' S �� ��� �� .�� �.2-� ����Q, u�:�� c.Q � � �'�'c�n.e i < � � .� The information included in this application is considered private data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pzactices Act. As a zesult, this information is not releaszd to the genera2 public. (OPER) Reo.4/21/93 PERSQRAT. RFFFRFT7!'FS Name Addx �'� 3iS Fhone:-- -CHome) fRozk) �7 O p V IZane : JLi L'� U.I Jit-ti.'t-�—� Address Phone:- fHome) CAor&) �� y ��� Name: Add=ess Phone: \>( � � Reasons £or your inte=est in tfiis pa=ticular committee: �6�%V( Yf� Y/G/(y� ° J� S�%(/� Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich pou a=e making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee repzesentation rePlects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volun " Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African Amezican) � Asian or Paci£ic Sslander American Indian or Alaskan Esk'v-ao � 23aI e _ _ Female Disabled: - Yes Date of Bizth: _[�'������ " "" . ' No L� . . . Tf special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. � Hov did you hear about this openingT �� ��L ittJ � ..JAId-10-95 TUE 14:44 PORT AUTH. OF ST PAUL . FAX N0. 6�2 223 5198 ; �- . � � G�, o rpz�� o� TSH MAYOR /��� � 390 ex�'Y aaLL ^ � SBTNT PA�T_,, MSKNESQTPi 55ZO2 (J/� �� 266-$526 :tame: Lorrie touder Eo3e Addzess: OY{2 �orest Daie Road _ Piinnea�olic Minnesota r, q�n S..reet �yt Zxp 2eieohane �ber: _�ome) 920-51Q2 lAorY) 224 56$6 Planning ➢istzict Crnmcil_ �, ti ori v) Citp Caunci]. F'a=d; pt• u v Psesesxed 2sai.lxng Addxess Aha� i.s poi:r oceupatian? Place'of E�glopment: Dnrt Auth�ritv_of tha Citv of C paii� ' Co�ittea(s) ApplieB Foz: __gUSin25s RoVlp{J Cnun�il '^ L'hst sk£17.s/t=aining o= expexieace do you pocsess £oz the cor�iCtee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment7 9.� 3is P, 02/03 * Ma�tor'e DenraP in t'itv Pianninn * 19 v ar �xoerience in neiahbnrhnnd lannin rnmmar�q 7' ' � � P---9 nn inni�ctt�al ranataln,��t� . . . ..._.:..._ ,;. . .. . . . . . a��,...,,..._ '---`--- --- ' � - a The in£ormation included in this application i.s considered privare data'accordzng to the xinnesata Govezment pata Pzaeticas Act. 'As a resnit, zhi's in£oraation is xiot =eleased .n the genezal pulslic. . ,� . � (�oER) Rev. 4./ 21 f 9 3. R eAN-10-95 TUE 14:45 ,PERSO?IAI. REFr'1tEpCES PORT AUTH, OF ST PAUL . FAX N0, 612 223 5198 P. 03I03 l�S 3/� aaaress: 451 East Industrial Blvd., Minneaoolis' MY 554i3 Phonel_ (Homel � [AorkS 352-4202 � x�e: Wi77iam Huestis, Fresident DS&B Realty Addzess:_11.43 Rankin Stree± -_.Sui Phonet (Fome} (SYork� 598-6799 � " " ' . .. . i � Name Address 3M Facilit�es Engineering & Kea Phone: tHome) (Aark) ' 77 8-R989 Reason;. �or youz interest iu th�s par�icul,ar cosmittee: * Ittterested in seeinq maximum business qrowth in Saint Paul dch ieved * ProceSS streamlinin4 � * Continued develoqment of customer-friendiy services to the business community Have pou had prev3,ous contaaC vith the co�mittea �oz vhich yau are making app7.i.cation. Tf so, when, and circumstances? _ Yes, durinq the initial meetings of the Business Requiat�on Ta'sk Force a couple of years ago. � � ' Sn an atitempC to ensura that co�ittee repxesentation re£lects tha makeup of oux co�un;.tg� please check the line applicable to yau, This infor�ation is strzct7.p voluntazy. X fihite (Gauessisn) B3SpaIIic Black (African Amesican) • Asxan or Paci.fi.c Islander Amezican xndian or Al.askan Eskiao kSa1e ' . X Femaxe, pate a£ Biszh: 4f30j52 Disabled: Yes No X IP speciaZ aecowmodations aze nacded, plesse'specify. How did you heax abont thzs openingT LIEP Staff ' -.,� �=� -�Y�J�� � Name OFFICE OR THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALy SAT23T PAIIL, MSNNESOTA 26b-8526 • U 9s-3,cs ss_io2 Rc��1V�g D�C 1 6 1594 � � 1� � PT'Jtc a .., . ._ Home Addresa: 5� _�do•_ �'YeeW.�-� �77. �2-„��-�, �P� c �- 5 ��- (' � Street � City Zip Telephone Nvmber: (Home) ���{—�{5/� CAorkl �S! -5�i3 Planning District Council: �� - City Colmcil Aard� Pre£erred Hailing Address: S'i'nat is pour occupation? 7.�t �P�{» �(9p�Jgl y y �„ � f- % �� �-F'.�' �$ Place of F�plopment: _ � � ��,lj =�{JC . Committee(s) Applied For: ��St`ltts /C��iP�/ �',... .,� / /�r���i� Ahat skillsjtraining or eaperience do yau possess for the committee(s) for chicn you seek appointment? �e � 4 5 �� ✓e� �B-/ �ao d t" T�e-�/.H r< asf' zy •, �.ws . /c'��pD .61� � , , $ / � iJ I /ni,, .., P.�,. .� r d l4 - �� � S /1 o-rld w ;�P.� Il.lo s -f !s �.� /Y�`4v 4—A-�JOp rr, �+�-�� `� z'�C�k� , K. _ � . ; ( �` � Z �� The infornation included in this applicztion is considered private data according to the ::innesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this iniox�tion is not releasad to the geneZal public. COV�) Rev.d/ o�z° �!✓?GP ce 5�k.a � r.-h a-�. ��C�o� l/d�zir-z� S'cs � L � GtJ SC ��c. � Tron.-_l�76-SG . /=�'.�-„ i.r�� �1�� 5��� � � b� �3/ T !n i n vt 1 • YERSONAI, REFERENCES � ; /� �/ � 15-3/.�.. Name • _ / �l"K Q�(2-�..) � �."�'�— /'rS � T �2Gi/c��ari� Address _ L'Zt� � � �t-� 'c. .��c0 � �� ���� � � � 1 �o-�� �� J � - -� Phone• (Home) (VOrk) a� 3 - z�z�3 Name: .� /�-� /� � � � I Lt, - f.� Address__ j I�L �S ��/�� � ��� T� x� F��,��< < R-�-,�,�-, ;- !'_'—v Iw � � 6-� � �f�i3-�� �t r� Phone • CHome) (Aork) Z�j' �j -- � Name Address � e- Phone: (Home) (Work) ZZ���L 7 Z Reasons for yovr interest in this particular committee: � - � . Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich pou are making application. Tf so, when, and circvmstances7 Sn an attempt to ensure that committee representation zeflects the makeup of our vol�. tats� Please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly 'F- � Ahite (Caucasian) Blaclt (African American) American Indian oz Alaskan Eskimo Male Female Disabled: Yes go SC Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o£ Birth: ��r' �7. � �� Z�j � z--t If special accommodations aze needed, please spec�.fy, Yov did you hear about this opening? 9S 3rS EC� � Ecolab Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Charles R. McDuff Direcior December 15, 1994 O£fice of the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 i.��`"ra �`� �a_._ �FC � s 7ss� ��:�7P+:i3 ' 2F' . ,`v �t..ii' Government Ecolab I nc. �niCal Affairs Dear Sir or Madam: Attached is my application for appointment to St. Paul's Business Review Council (BRC). If you need more information, please call me at 451-5713. Very truly yours, ECOI,AB INC. ���--�'-�--� c� • � �' `y�-L �� Charles R. McDuff CRM:br CRM/16194 . ` g� `f Q ��� _ �"' " �r Name: Abi4ail-E: i�frK Ho�e Address: 1843.Pr_ Street Telephone 2lui¢ber: r • ��'- '- a 55105 Zip Plannyng District Crnmcil: � L j' � � � Citp Covncil Aard: 1 Preferrea Maii;.ng t,ddress: 500 Mekro Square Building, 121 7th Place East, St. Pau1 55101-2'la &'hat is your occupation? Manager - Research and Information Services Place'of Employment: M�esota �epart�nt o= Trade and Econcqnic Developnent Committee(s) Applied For: BuSin2ss ReVieW CouriCll Plann?ng C�nmiission �hat skills/training oz espezience do yQU possess �or the committee{s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? - Public policy analysis and developrrent Masters degree, 15 years experience - Business de�relop�nt 10 years,exFerience - Cor�rn.u�ity develo�nent 10 years experience - Government management and administration 10 years espexience See attached reswr�e for detail Che infornatzon included in this application is considered private data according to the finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£or�aation is not released to he general public, (04ER) . OBFICE OF THE MByOR 390 ezmY aai,z SA2NT FAIII,, MINNESOTA 55_S62 . 26b-8526 �� 9s-3/..S DEC t}6 1994 >t. Paul, Minnesota City Rev.�/2,1j93 : PERSONAI, REFERENCES ` � w ���� S xame: E Peter-Gillette, Jr., C�anissianer Muviesota Departrrent of Tra_de and Economic Dzve op�sl Address: SQO Metro Square, '121 7tn Place East, St, Paul, Minnesota 55101-2"146 > Phone: CHome) lQ 296-6424 ` xame: Bob de la Vega, D�sector of GovPrrnr�erit Relations Non�st Carporatior. . address: 6th and Marquette, MinneapoZis, Minnesota 55?79 _ Phone: {Home) 1Aorkl 667-5051 Name• � r ^'� M��T�ich, Jr„ Seniar Fellaa Herbert H. Humphrey Institute nddress: 150 HFII3 Center, 301 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Miivzesota 55455 Phone: 625-7357 Reasons for pour in�erest in this particular committee: � a �5 year St. Paul resident, I am deeply cor.mitted to the health and future of the city. Key to St. Paul's future health is maki.nq fihe city business friendly. That means developing r_ew approaches to city-business reiationships, regulations, and camr�unication. I kz�lieve my ccmbine3 backgrwr,d in public �:olicy and i7usiness develo�nt uniquely suit � for a position on either fihe Business Review Ccuncil or Planning C�mrassion. " Have you had previous contact vith the committee £or_vhich pon,aze making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our co�unity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly voluntary. X kThite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male X Female Disabled: Yes No X Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Tslander If speciai acco�odatians are needed, please speci£y. �NOne, -. 'ov did qou hear about this opening? St. Paul Chaml�r of ComnerCe ABIGAII, E. MCKENZIE 1843 Princeton Street St Paul, Minnesota 55105 Home: (612) 698-8636 Work: (612) 296-8285 SKII,LS/ABILITIES Management, Economic and Public Policy Analysis, and Program Evaluation. EXPERIENCE 8/90 Airectar, Office of Information, Analysis and Evaluation to Present Department of Trade and Economic Development St. Paul, Minnesota Responsibilities 9s 3,s Manage DTED's informarion systems, economic analysis services and outcome measurement. In 1942, assumed responsibility for managing Division's Administrative Services Unit. Annual budget of $1 million and sta£f of 21. AccomplishmenYs o Provided research foundation for Minnesota ecanomac development policy, including Minnesota Economic Blueprint. o Instituted DTED's outcome measuremenUcustomer feedback system, providing service quality and cost-effectiveness measures for DTED progratns. Agency Performance Report Coordinator. o Designed and developed first-ever statewide business tracking system. Established quarterly DTED Business Trackine Report. 4l84 Director, Economic Analysis Unit to 8/90 Deparnnent of Trade and Economic Development St. Paul, Yvlinnesota Responsibilities Manage DTED's economic and international ttade analysis; direct evaluation of economic development projects and programs; staff of eight and budget of $450,000. Accomplishments o Established DTED's business location analysis and internationaI trade research capabilities. Winner of nine "Best of Class" awards in AEDC research competition (1490-1494}. o Led major business location projects, including Minnesota`s Proposal to Northern Corn Processor-s. o Managed Pipeline Safety Commission, resulting in comprehensive pipeline safety legislation. E�PERIENCE - continued 6180 Research Scientist- Energy Analyst to 4l84 Minnesota Energy Agency St. Paul, Minnesota 9/79 Research Assistant to 5/80 Institute for Social Research - Panel Study of Income Dynamics Ann Arbor, Michigan 10/76 Administrator to 8/78 ADASI-Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Des Moines, Iowa EDUCATIGN Master of Public Policy, University of Michigan. Receive May, 1980. Honors: Non-traditiona3 Studies Fellowship Bachelor of Arts, University of Iowa. Received May, 1975. Honors: Gtaduate with Distinction (cum laude), Phi Beta Kappa Additional Coursework Principles of Business Management - Drake University Business Finance - University of Minnesota PUBLICATIONS "Trendlines" Columnist, Minnesota Ventures Ma�azine, �eptember 1994 to present. 9� 3is Corcoran, Mary and McKenzie, Abigail. "Expected Wages in Men's Labor Supply," Five Thousand Families: Fatterns of Economic Progress. Volume 9, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981. Boards Minnesota Occupational Information Coordinating Board Minnesota Quality Council, Small Business Development Boazd Minnesota Economic Resource Group (1992 Chair) Olivet Congregation Church-Church Council Leadership St. Paul-Executive Orientation Program Associations American Economic Development Council St. Faul United Way-Citizen Review Committee (1989-90) Name: ��v���r� �X- Mark Moeller OFFIC£ OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY T3ALL SA22IT PAIIL� 24INNESOTA 55 26s-ssz6 �;=£E�V�� DEC 2 2 1994 9s3�s Home Address: 1751 Bohland ave St. Paul ```�''"`'� �' S5116 Street City Zip Telephone Number: CHome) 690-2477 �y 698-6321 Planning District Catmcil: 15 City Council Rard• 3 Pre£esed Hailing Address: 2073 Ford Parkway St. Paul MN 55116 Rhat is your occupation? Jew21P_Y' Place�of Empioyment: R.F. Moe Jeweler Committee(s) Applied Eor: n, „� R �, � �i1 �rhat skills/training or esperience do qau possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? Have been active in my community £or the past £ifteen years. I own and operate a business in the Highland Area of St. Paul. I have been president of my business association twice ancl vice president of the Highland Area Community Gouncil. he information included in this application is considezad private data according to the innesota Goverment Data Yractices Act. As a result, this i.nfozciation is not zeleased to ie general public, �a�) Rev.4.J21/93 PERSOt1AI,. REFERENCES p� Gerald Brennan �s 3�.s Address: Fairmount Ave St. Paul Mn 55105 Phone: CHome) 690-4471 (Aork) 298-1655 NaAe: Address Gordon Glendenring 1765 Pinehurst St. Paul Mn Phone: (Home) 698-5755 (po 699-0090 Name Alan Ruvelson Address: 2120 Upper St. Dennis Ave St. Paul Mn 55116 Phone: (Home) 699-4521 (Flork� 649-3588 Reasons £or pour interest in this particular co�ittee I feel with my backqround in the community and my experience in working with my community and the City speaks for itself. I have a strong interest in seeing ST. Paul succeed in the next centu Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for which you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and cizcumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our commmity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlp �ol•: ^.taz �_ Rhite (Caucasian) Slack (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ,x__ Male ___ _ _ Female Disabled:� Yes " No _,g_ Date of Bizth: 2f special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. Hispanic Asian or Yacific Islander 12/06J51 Hov did pou heaY about this opening? � yx � 1g 1 i � p � t r� tv c'rnmri 1 narcnn 12i16i94 17:3? DEC-16 , 1994 13�06 ��� 5� C/r V'�" GILMORE LRW FIRM � 512 255 8513 612 256 8513 . SRINT PAUL r�GiYpR'S OFFICE OF£ICE OP fi&E MAYOR s9a CITY IiAI,L SAINT PAIIL, 2iINNESOfiA 55102 • 266-8526 N0.896 P003i008 612 2E5 8513 P.02iH3 9�•-3�r xaae: Miriam P. Rvkken Eome li.ddress_ 1389 Aicrhl nd Parkwav, St. Paul, Minnes 55116 srL�a� cfts Zip {612) 699-9255 (612) 339-8965 Telephone Num6er: Y1azu�ing DistzieL Cotmcil: �+,�}�y,� AY'ea �.o�xrttiu.i��'-/ ttkW�', itp Cow-icil 9ard: � Dlitriti 15 _..j-- Pseferred2iaiiing Address; 1389 xicthland Parkwav, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Rhat is povr occupazionl Lawyer Ylace of Emplopment: te 3100, Co�ittce(s) Applied Far: Business Review Council ra a� N�r� '�"70ri l.�+MM�S3lOat. Forde, Anderson & Gra South Fifth Street, Mi Baa �r , MN 554�2 Shat skillsjLraining oz experiance do'yau possess for the noa�ittee(s) for vhich pou seek ippointment? Please see attached paqes. e i-�farmatiov incloded i.n zhis application is considered pzivate d.acs according to the assota Coverm�at DaLa Prant3ee5 Att. As a zesult. this ixc£ormation is noz released to ganexal public. (OYF1t) Rev.�/21l93 12i15i94 17:37 G1LM�RE LRW FIRM � 612 256 8513 ' N0.896 P004i008 612 26b 8513 DEG-16-1994 13�H6 SASNT PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.03�03 9S crsv.....i.. .vz� r.s.r.x,v.v Hamc: Karen Grandstrand, Vice Presir�ent. Ranking 4nnpr�>ia;nn . Federal Reserve Bank of Minne Address: 25d Marc7uette Ay�nue. MinnPa=r,'ti� M� SSdn� Rfiane: '(Hoael (York) �612) 340-23d.5 Hame: Address The Honorable Rolf Hagen, Workers'Comgensatzon Ofiice of Administrative Hearinqs 140__Sq, Was Minneapo is, MN 55402 Phorie_ f2iome) fYozk) (f,l��.. 7A1-7b��� ' COfiSR1.5 S1.OTIEY Address Phone; 8eas�ns fox yaur interest in this paxticulaz commitLee Please see attached pages. i612) 473--2972 $ave you l�ad pxevious conLacL viLh the committea £az vhizh yau are znaking application. Tf so, vhen, and cirevmstances7 . No. In an attempL tu easure ihat coamittea representatian reflects tAe makeup af oux cammw�ity, please chec� saQ line applicahle Yo you. This informstion is strictly voluntarp, x TiYhite <Caucasian) Hispani,c Black (tafslcan Amezican) Asian or Pac3£3c Islander ____ bmeriean Zadian ar Alaskaa $skimo Hale � Female )isabled: Yes No X nate of Birth_ 11-03-54 ' f sgeCial accommadatioam are needed, pleasa speci£q. County noard of Commissianezs None. �v did qau hear about thts openingt _ Throi�gh �PSC ,-Aie,� ��.� through the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. 12i16i94 17:37 GILMORE LAW FIRM -� b12 266 8513 Additional References: The Honorable Richard Hefte 3udge, workers' Compensation Court of Appea2s Minnesota .7udicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 (612) 296-6526 Mr. Gary Reetz Hammel Green and Ahrahamson, Architects and Engineers 1201 Harmon Place Minneapolis, MN 55402 N0.895 P0�/H0� J � (612) 332-3944--Work telephone number (St. Paul Resident) 12i16i94 17:37 61LMORE LRW FIRM � 612 266 8513 9'.�- 3�._ N0.8S6 P006i008 As a 16-year zesident of St. Paul, I have a keen interest in the affaizs and concerns of the St. Paul's citizens, businesses and organizations. My educational and employment background would facilitate my participation on various committees. I have listed numerous options, anfl uould be happy to serve Qn any one of these committees. Attacheti please Eind a copy of my zesume, which provides background intormation. I am wozking in the pzivate practice of laH, with a specialization in the azeas of workers' compensation and asbestos and environmental-related litiqation. I primarily represent employers and insurers, and have therefore developed a interest in Che azeas of work place sa�ety and employment-related concerns. As a result, I would enjoy working with the Business Review Council, since T have developed an understanding.of work-place issues from both the employers' and employees' perspectives. My personal working with Advisory Comm Board. interests and previous employment relates well to the Food and Nutrition Commission, the Mayor's ittee for People with Disabilities, and r.he Youth Fund Although I would be happy to serve on any of these committees, my first prefesence would be the Bueiness Review Council, and my second preference �ould be the Food and Nutrition Commission. If there is no opening on any of the committees listed above, please contact me about participation on any of the commissions and committees which currently have openinqs for citizen participatian. Thank you. 12i16i94 1?:37 GILMORE LRW FIRM � 612 26b 8513 MTRIAM P. RYKKEN 1389 Highland Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota SS115 (612) 699-9255 (home) (672) 339-89b5 (office) N0.896 P607�68 9.� 3fs • EDUCATION UNIVERStTY OF MINNES�TA, Minneapolis, MN J.D.. 198� Selec[ed for Philip E. .Iessup Intemational Mooc Court Campetition, 1985-86. StafF Member, Law atrd /nequaliry Jountal, 1486-37. C�NCORDIA COLLEGE. Moorhead, MN Bachelor of Aru, Magna Cum Laude. 1976 Majors: French Ianguae and Cul[ure; FducaUOn Awards: Concordia College Merit Scholarship and Upperclass Scholarship; Fargo-Moorhead Education Scholarship. . HLACK RIVER FALLS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Black River Falls, WI Graduatcd 1972, Discinguished Honor Graduate. Aivards: University of WiscOnsin Goidancc Laboratory for Svperior Swdents; Nalional Honor Sxiety; American Lcgion Girls' State; Lions' Honor $anquet; Wssconsin Honors Band and Orchcstra; John Philip Sousa Band Award; Ade1c Barber Music Award. Eiti1PLOYMENT G3LMORE. AAFEDT, FORDE. ANDERSON and GRAY. P.A., Minncapolis, MN 1987 to Present Attorney. Dcfense u( lvork-related injury daims. Other arcas ot practice include the detensc of asbestos-related pctsonalinjuty and property damage claims, toxic ton litigation. HONEYWELL CORPQRATION, Minneapolis, MN 19g7 iaw Gcrk. Human Resourccs Legat Departmcnt; arcas oC conccntralion inciuded workers compensation, cmploymen[ and labor law, employee benefit programs. CFrI' CORPOI2ATION, Minneapolis, MN 1986 to 1987 _ Law Clerk. Corporate legal work including liciga�ion, employtnent and immigraQon law, securities, eantracU, internalional {aw, tax, emptoyce hcneGts, and rea� estatc leasing. ALEX S. L�ISEL ANT� ASSOCIATES, Minneapolis, MN 1985 (House counscl for Travclers Insurance Company) Law Clcrk. Responsibilities: Legai research and wriiing, dratung motions and legal memoranda. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESQTA, EXTENSION SERVICE Minncapolis, MN Administrati�•e Fcllo.�•. Assiseed �rith orga�}iration and erecudon of regional and national seminars on agriculwral, economic, and go�enimental policies. IZesponsibilities: Liaison work with seminar speal:crs, participants, and University faculty; budgei p}anning; supervision of post- seminar pubfications; pvbiiaty coordinauon; management oF ofCice staff. 1�/z6i94 1?:38 GILMORE LAW FIRM � 512 26b 8513 ■ -.c' .._ �-,�/� NIIItTAM P. RYKFCEN Page Two EMPLO'YMENT {cnnx'd) WFST FARGO PUBLIC SCHQOL DIST. 6, Wes[ Fazgo, ND Senior Higb School Ins�ructor 1976-1978 MEMBERSHIPS American, Minnesota State, and Hennepin County Bar Associations; Mi�mesota Defense I.,awyers Association; Defense Research Insritute; Minnesota Women I.awyers Associadon; Attorney Coach, Minnesou S[aze Bar Association High School Mock Trial Program; C-400 Ctub, Concordia Collegc, Moorhead, MN. Flucnt in �rench languagc. a�� OFRICE OF THE MAYOR � .� ,^�- 396 CITY HALT, � U� 5AINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8526 2,ame: David Schwebel Home Address: 1059 St. Clair Avenue St. Pau1, MN Street City -}..��� 9.�3tS ;��_�,: „� • J r:'� ', 4 1:; � o .� �,. �, .,..::;_ 55105 Zip Telephone 2lrrmbe=: _ (%ome) z24-�209 �p 221-0242 Planning pistrict CounciZ� �6 City Covncil Aa=d• _Z__ _ P=e£erred Hailing Address: Towle Real Estate Co., 350 St. Peter St., �{7Gg, St. Paul, AIN 55102 Ahat is your occupation? property Manager P1ace�of Employment: Tow1e Real Estate Co�nittee(s) Applied For: pu�iac�s P,eview Counc Ghat skills/training or eaperience do pou possess £or the committee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment? As a property manager with experience on close to 40 different commercial properties throughout the Twin Cities, Z have had the opportunity to communicate directly with hundreds of businesses in the private, non-profit, and government sectors of our community. I have al'so had the experience over the past several years to manage office, industrial, warehouse, retail, and medical properties thYOUghout the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs. I am also a life-long resident of St. Pau1, a graduate of the University o£ St. Thomas with a degree in Business Administration, and am cuzrently Pianager at the Port AuthoriCy owned Lowry Professional Building and Carriage Hill Plaza in downtown St. Paul. e inz"ormation inc2uded i.n this application is considezed private data according to the mesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a zesult, this infozmation is not zeleased to � gene=al public. C Q�) Rev.a121/93 PIILSONAI, REI+gREgCSS 9S-31s $ame: William A. Buth (Executive Dire�torl St Paul BOMA Address: 386 N. Wabasha Street, Suite 64�, St. Paul, I�Lt 55102 Phone• CHomel CWork) 241-8888 Name: Mark Reiling (President) Towle Real Estate Company Address: 330 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis PIlV 55401 Fhone- tHome) (Aork) 341-4444 Name• William Morin (Manager Operated Assets) Port Authority of`City of St Paul Address: 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone:__SHome) fAork)224-5686 Iteasons �oz your interest in this particular committee: I have accepted the nomination to act as the St. Paul BOMA representative to the Business Review Council. Have you had previous contacC vith the committee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstancesl No In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our comTmuiity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black {A£rican American} , American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo X Hale ! Female Disabled: Yes No X Date o£ Birth Cf special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hispanic Asian or Facific Islander 11/11 ow did pou heaz about this opening? ti3i11iam A. Buth, St. Paul BOMA �/Y�-� OFFICE.OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAF,L SA=NT PAIII,, M2N23ESOTA 55102 266-8526 ����s��� U�� T � 1594 9.f-3rs Name: 3ames A. Stolpestad � c Home Address: 1 Edgcumbe P1ace, Saint Paul, NIDI 55 Street City Zip Telephone Number: _ (Honel 698-4999 �� Planning District Golmcil: not sure City Council Aard: Harris Pre£ez=ed Hailing Address: 1080 Montreal Avenue, Suite 400, Saint Paul, MN 55116 S±hat is pouz occupation? attorney/business person Place�of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Exeter Holdings LLC Business Re�ulation Task Fozce ti7hat skillsJtraining or experience do yau possess for the committee(s) £or shich you seek appointment? PasC professional attainments, past community activities and leadership positions, and present business 7e in£ormation included in this application is considered private data according to the inn esota Goverment Aata Practices Act. As a zesult, this in£orsati.on is not releaszd to ie general public. (OVER) Rev. 4 ' -"! ; 93 . �i's-3r� RERSONAI, REFPRENCES gy� Mayor Nor Coleman Address: Yhone• Name: Address: 1Home) _' . . _ . ' _ . : . . (Aork) - - _;,> _ ..... .: ... ... ... . ..' -:._, :_..... : _ . . . . Laxry Buegler -= : r._: - - . . � .. Phone: (Home) CGork) �� Tim Rogers Address a Pnone: (Home) (Aork) Reasons foz yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: Robert Kessler encouraged me to apply £or it. Have you had previous contact vith the committee for which you aze making application. Tf so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee repzesentation reflects the makeup of oux com�minity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic B1ack (Afzican 6merican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo x Hale Female Date of Birth: OcCOber 20 1942 Disabled: Yes 23o x Cf special accommodations axe needed, please speci£y. ov did you hear about this opening? Erom Robert Kessler , ^ � � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �j [� -.}��� 390 CITY BALL /.7 "�t� CJFI t SAINT PAIII,, MINNESOTA 55 ��'�� 266-8526 Name: �1EC 12 399� Home Address: 13b0 /i�tin�e_r�� f�ve �s p� 1`''''l`���^3' Street City Zip Telephone N�ber: (Home) �o� !- Q(DJ� (Aork) j�/�-��f�� Planning District Counci2: ,r);�,�r�c} l'� �S-„�t( , -} - �av,���rl, Citp Council Aard: /� }nrr� 7 U Preferred HaiZing Addressc _�nmo (�Hm✓z� Rhat is your occupation? Ct.j �� r�,> c_�e.r - 1 - 0 Place �of Emplopr¢ent: �' ���,�}� l'f rc '� Cct r'� c{� � �no {S � Cox�ittee(s) Applied For: � i�,�;.�.� jZ�v �k� �' r � , Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for chich you seek appointment? ._.� � -r.� �r - c1, o��� �IZ.��v2 an� o��. ����cr ,!'r��o�s�?s 1 J 1 � v —�4� �o:.�,�� 4^n� '} �� � r� r � ryv� C�.11 0C ri O v n .� )}(� <'r � � (to� � P fi rn l h� � � � Vl� V^�ti 4!�{^.c'�� rJ� IUON\� C\n� ��1. I 11t�. P J ie information included in this application is considered private data according to the ;nnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not zeleased to ie general public. (O4ER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSOIiAL REFEHENCES : �'� Name: �nv �i�nn. �. �`/l�nrn�v �''r�u�� J �Ge � 6.k! ��.r� � A � � J �.� � IS Address: U.S e.c�,r�1�o�S2. 11n 5. F��ur'r`- S �rl� yl"AJ �5�0/ . i — Phone • CHome) Cpork) �y �- �� Q � NdTQC� ���!''L� ���2,Cla`� � ��z5.��a`n) � �ht�� � Hwm��y2 l.o' �ca.l'�6.f { > Address: 1�I'-Ik �u�z� Phone: fHome) �o y� �'� �� CAork) I ��LS Naae: {�Il"�n�.ct�� (�.4,�z�I�� : /'i55� Ur�#»5 ��a�v5 Y�t�orna. - i Address: 1,( S. �,,.�i �<��.��z i//) S�i`-� r'l�. Sj /'� /- �/YJ�iI SSN�� / Phone:---�Home) (T7ork) ���'i�JOC7 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee:_ e._,-�rfe��� �Nf 5 f� -fL.Z -F'�..,-Furo �� �L� ��-Fv �i z� I I �z�� lo�� ��� � h 1��uz -4��1 O,v1 i m n f'r� V C� ���5 i v� o C S !' � i'r�7i "`'P i 3 ��� tJ�P <'n '�' �t /P � C' i r� !� { - �'o i �,'�.(� t � f' tn a.7 J n J (� hV'1')C' o S5 i'C n l�i`� �I i tn� (�.�'1�c rS Y`� IP Yl c� _�4 n(' � J (nno-� �C'crxv� l.n n� � �ti�iv�e,S5�5 � . .J J -__ Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich pou are maki.ng application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances7 �-- In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our commtmitp, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ozmation is strictly voluntarp. x White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) ^ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale .� Female >isabled: Yes No X Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or�Pacific Islander f special accommodations a=e needed, please speci£y. �v did pou hear about this opening? `� �,� ��lv Name: OFFSCE OF TEE MAYO?2 390 CITY 33AI,F, SAINT RAIII,� MI2INESOTA 55102 26b-8526 ;��'�3'> 33 ��C 3 0 1994 9.�-3is Ho3e Address: 1571 Wheelock Ridge Rd St.Paul Minnesota 55101 Street �ztp Zip Telephone 2�ber: (Hone) 771-4671 �q 297-4590 Planning Distzict Cotmci2: Czty Covncil-Aazd: 5 Preferred 2ai2ing Address: _1577 WI,Pa'i�rk Ridao 4t Paiil MN �55101 kliat is your occupation? Planner Place�of Enployment: De�artment of Natural Resources =c-Wit�..c<s) npp�ie.'. Fcz• Business Review Council (.BRC ) Ghat skills/t=aining or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) foz vhicn you seek appointnent? Being an independent business for the past 15 years, I have develoDed good e�;nerience, talent and creativity in the grocery business. The past we, less of communicated between our business and the Mayor's office. Z feel that I will be a good resource £or the Asian small business in the future. � infozpation included in this application is considered privaze data according to the mesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£or�ation is not releasz3 to : general public_ {OVEYt) Rev.4/7}f93 9�.�-3i� PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Hoa Young " Address: M�vflr's office Phone• fHosae) 690-Q078 g�e: Jon �utzman Address• Public housina 266-8515 Executive Director, Citv of St.Paul Public housina City of St.Paul Phone: (Ho�e) (tiarkl 298-5664 Name: Ying Vann Executive Director, Lao Familv Community of Minneso[a Inc. Address: 320 University Ave W. St.Paul� ?LfT 55103 Fhone: (Ho�e) ZZ7-25�4 (Aork) ZZ1-0069 Reasons for your interest in this particulaz committee: I feel that I have good connection with the Asian communitv and business wi11 hel� the Mavor's office to connect to the Asian business. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittea for which you a=e making application. IP so, when, and circumstances7 No In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation zeflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the 19ne applicable to you. This informazion is stzictly voluntazy. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Blacic (African Americanj % Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Hale + Female Date of Birth: 8/ 18 / 1955 ' �isabled: Xes No X £ special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. �v did you hear about this opening? From Mr. Robert Kessler ��� � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR R S� 2r s � 390 CITY H�LL � J ��� SAI1Qfi PAIIL, MSNI�ESOTA 55102 26b-8526 ����-d'�� Name: Steven Zaccard � � 1 ��g� Work Address: 100 E. llth .Street -; St.: Pau1, �MN . 55101._ �. �, , zx:r� n.;...�ee- Street �y.� . ..:a-....,,.... -_ ...�,� ZlP Telephone Number: Planning District CaimciZ: 228-6201 City CoLmcil Aard: Preferred Hail9ng Address: 100 E. 11th.Street;.St. Paul, M23 55101�._ = Ahat is your occupation? Fire Marshal Piace o£ Employment: Department o£ Fire & Safety Services Committee(s) Applied For: Business Review Council Sthat skills/t=aining or ezpezience do qou possess �oz the cosmittee(s) £oz vhich you seek appointment? Marshal of the Fire Prevention Division, I am responsible for the application and interpretation of the State Fire Code and local Property Maintenance Code for all businesses in the city. This experience and associate training enables me to contribute to the review and improvement of new and existing regulations affecting our business community. There are regulations we don't need and I want to help eliminate them, iahile._. maintaining only an acceptable risk to the public's safety. ie in£ormation included i.n this application is considered private data according zo the nnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to e general public. � Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAI, REFII2ENCES 9.S-3�s 2tame; Fire Chief Tim Fuller Address= Phone• Nazae : E. 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Roger Curtis 228-6250 Address:_390 City Hall Phone � 266-8531 Address: 386 N. Wabasha Street Yhone: � Reasons foz your interest in this particular committee• To help remove unnecessary _ business rec7ulations while maintaining an acceptable risk to public safety. Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. Tf so, when, and circumstances7 Ye s. I se o the previous Busin R Task Force that urompted this Business Review Council. 2n an attempt to ensure that committee representation rePlects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This in�ormation is strictly volvntary. X Ahite (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Tslander X 2Sale Female Date o£ Birth: $/ZZ/51 Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. None Hov did you hear about this opening? Bob Kessler 01/O9f95 MOI3 16:55 FAX 633 0606 MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION �(� � Q OF1rTCE OF THE MAYOR � 390 C2TY fiALL SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8526 Name: Rhonda Smieja Home Address� 5298 St. Street Street, St, pau2, pN Citp r.� � , �s-3�s 55112 Zip Telephone 2himber. �Home) (612) 784-0366 (Gork) (612) 633-5050 Planning District Council: nA City Gouncil Aard; NA Preferred 2iaiZing Address: 2737 No. Faixview Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55113-1372 What is yovr occupatian? General Business/EEO Administrator Place�of Employment: McGouQh Construction Co. Inc. Co�ittee(s) Hpplied For. __Business Review Council Ahat skills/training or eaperience do pou possess foz the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? _ MV experience includes 26 years of working for a ma}or General Contxactox who does business in the CiCy of St. Paul and other municipalities For the past 3 years I have been involved in procuxin� building permits use of street permits certificaCe of occupancy, sidewalk and other misc, permits and licenses from the City For the past 15 �years, I have been in chaxge of contract compliance in the areas of pzevailing wages, affirmative action in employment and subcontracting. My skills include excellent communication with others, and am good at seeing the total picture. I am a collaborative team player and enjoy working on solutions to challenging situations that will satisfy the needs of a11 parties affected. t� --- The information included an this application is considered private data according to the 2finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforsation is not released to the general public. ' ( 04F�t� Rev.��z1143