95-304ORIGINAL cou�C�i Green RESOLUTION CITY OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To # g.s 3a # 2g 20 � . Date WT�REAS, the City Council established City con butions towazd the premiums for health benefits far eazly and regulaz}�etirees who were members of the Saint Pau1 Police Federation, under Counci� Resolution File No. 93- 1027, and J WHEREAS, at the time that this Council R solution File No. 93-1027 was established such benefits were not terms conditions of empioyment under state law, and therefore such benefits wer, created by resolution rather than by collective bargaining agreement. a g WHEREA5, the Minnesota Public E ployment Labor Relations Act has since been amended to establish the con � ution toward the premiums for health benefits as terms and conditions o employment, and WHEREAS, it is the in contributions toward the through the collective b� collective bargaining agr f the Mayor and City Council that all n of retiree health benefits be negotiated process and that they be incotporated into the now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the ove referenced Council Resolution File No. 93-1027, which presently provi es City contriburion toward the premiums for early and regular health benef s for retirees who were members of the Saint Paul Police Federation, shall b repealed, in its entirety upon the effective date of the next collective bargai 'ng agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Fed ration, and be it �� �� � ���\ fi �� � .� � 9�� 3b� FURTHER RESOLVEA, that the acrion taken of the Council by this / resolution shall not affect those employees who aze members of the Saint Paul Police Federation and who retire prior to the effective date of the nea-t collective bazgaiiung agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint / Paul Police Federarion. � � Adopted by Council: � �� � ��c �.� � �� �� � d � Adoption CertifiecY by Council Secretary By: Approved by�i�7ayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: By: Form�pro d b City Attorney By: � L Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �5� �7� � OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNG�L DATE INITIATED N� G� L O 4 c�� co,��a 3-16-95 GREEN SHEE ' INITIALNATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEP0.RTMEN7 OIRECTOR � CITY COUNQL M1106 �I3i71S�SeIIy BI2ICP.}� ASSIGN � CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) p UTINGFOp O BUDGETDIREC�OR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. OFDEP O MAYOF (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FQR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: . A resolution to repeal Council Resolution 93-1027 in its entirety upon the effective date of the ne# collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _$TAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTflICT COURT __ 3. DoeS thls persOn/fiflT po5S25s 8 Skill nOt nafmdll y possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&1EC71VE? YES NO Explain all yea answera on separate sheM and attaeh W greert aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITV (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul needs more flexibility to conffol the costs of retiree health benefits that aze currently projected to be $213 million. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� Requires the negotiation of retiree health henefits. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �a'4d�l�i�^i� �3���� 1�l� �. � ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATIOW (EXPLAIN) �S- 3�� DATE: May 31, 1995 TO: City Council Members ( FROM: CherylO'Regan � President, AFSCME I.oca12508 �.. �..Qa,,, �'�o�. R Y S Gm.E Lo�,p,� (�y�, RE: Public Employee Labor Relations Act Attached is a copy of the Public Employment Relations Act. Please note on page 12, 179A.07 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYIItS subd 2 MEET AND NEGOTIATE. We find it very interesting that it states it is the public employer's duty and obligation under this subdivision, notwithstanding contrary provisions in a municipal charter, ordinance, or resolution, to meet and negoflate in good faith with the exclusive representarive of public employees in an appropriate unit, etc. In our opinion, this proves our point that it is purely a media publicity stunt to bring forth the big campaign to rescind the existing resolutions dealing with retiree health insurance benefits that remain on the books, since PELRA states that terms and condirions of employment must be negotiated in good faith. For this reason, we believe that Resolutions 95-303 and 95-304 before you today should be tabled or laid over until such time as all currently outstanding contracts are setCled. This is the only fair way of handling this situation. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. t �. � 9 � Y. � z J � t. i ��.�. � �r'rt��1"� .. �� . ,,,.,, ^ 3 < e �✓' { �� t 4 � y rr{��'�.a+4 V i �i � ��;'�° i 8 � �. r I 1 } �,e '� � w, W�� - "t +�tS�Ye'F` t �'T""Yr^ , ^ ...i i§�4 e �s,. ,�tnA x r;,{ � e i X a .. � r � � �� ... � t x � �. � n'y� c� - � .� 1 e -. : y i t i ', , �� ��� , „ , � -,_. s c .. - . � � ' :J" � ;� i r�� =_ 1 rk ' �I�. � i � � I.��s _ '� � 5 ��,� � .e� i � 1' �y ��r .. .. . . , ,. � . . ... ... 'i ....,.. ..� .. . �,. .. .... .. . . Q � I � 0. . . , � � ....} .iy. ; . ..� . . . . K: R ;�-a.. ;,,:4� .�.r � ' i , . ' . .,. r. .. .�.i � ' , i I ; ni+iPe�,•i'.. . . � •� J � . �� � , r � .rtiA'+„ � . ` � ` 5 ,` � � . �j,�n?f�'�i.l�'li�;::f� , ' e•' y` ! � . " ; � .>d.�}.,.1. ;,f : , R�" il'�x•' I�.: .wi �:t,��� i�'l• �.�'t � " •. • .. . !a.•t..{' :�•i •F(�;�u�. . ' ' .. . .. .:1:: _. ...°F1+{Li� .. .... . . . .�� �� �". . ".�e: � 5.. � . Sy{: ,iSYi�,r..•�• i' ,R,,7 ,. ' � �. �f.i'. .v�d:ti �S`6. : .t ��� =: �.�: . "!'Y'i:� `!� , � � • CMPP&1 179l� PfI�LTC � IJ�8W1 AW.qT109S qi�.0� Nnl1c potlry. Uos.o� Clteslon. lKA.O] ptlsltlon�. 1]9A.01 Comb�loo��1 peVep w�DWit4� �Addallb� lifa.ost �qy.0 o} mml.��en.r•. ewt�lom. Ii�A.O{ 1llqpp �pE aWIqINOP� a( 4p101N�. f1)a.% Otdpe� �aG ep1f91t1o0+ al �Ip1eP�r�. �19AA� Kllep aoa�oq�pu. tryn.M Unit lwnotenioo, U9e.10 il�q mle�. l)9�.11 dple��alry et N1u�w��. l)p�.l� EtC1V�lPI YYp��]plt6tlp0! ��Nt100�1 Qep�ttt W�sbn. 1]9�.I1 Onhlf lappr p[apUCa�. 1IOA.11 tNqml�[lon Pea�Au���. Uf�.lf wtEt�doe. IHGd6 GrteWt ��DIlUt{on. f)1A.1) Nw �NlWlv1 f�QtMILl��It1�. I1M.AB O41MN �ulDOII�W. Ntn.N 11�N�a rtrlF��. 1)9Ii.10 Coecnet�, 114�.}l Cfl�e�oo\ 4pLG�llen. lt9b}e 8t�w mq 1tr wyloja�o upaU�HOa�. Lr9�.T1 L1d[�tlan en apulNe�{aq-p�t W��ralw� prm�E�O Ly uro�f� oR ��ua o! Nlm�wu ot PalrvnUy 0f Mliwsou Wrp�l�bp eo1�• U9�.N Apyllu�lm ot ueelom Uf.af to 1Bf49. UvA.ff Iatlpsodmt rnlp. 11VR.p1 lplamel c�uWe< <mYa. eW�lnq 6w, uq a�rwelty-D��M t�clllkr �rty���. 179A.02 PaBI,SC PoLFCP. SC la tM pu0tto pol(cy o[ tpfn Rste and Ide pVtpoao o[ aecttone 179�1.01 to 2]9A.75 ko pwone� o�0arly nnd cnpRruatlw noletlansbip� 6atvte0. all p5Wlt0 wploY�ta pnA lT�1i �nploYe�s. Tols pollcp la aub�scE to tM p�.aummt flqA¢ a! the a1tleenn oC lals scata to ke�p lnvloleta th¢ Quuaqee�a (o� kTa10 naall�. apucntlon, aaLety. and velGCa. TDa taleUone��pa pveua<p !ne pubAlo, puCtic o�loq�es, and aaploq�r qov�eNb9 ��ea WwlVO reayoneldltlGla� to Ltw pybllc �pd / tlYYd fpY Ca0(1BC1tlOp eM Psplopnone P[plOOEIOq Mh4alt O[� dlLfaroat ttoq t6on� [owtl lo kba ptfvato saetor, Th� inpo[tAnce O[ Deceeslty a[ oo¢� aeC>ic�s tp cqe puAl10 eqn cr¢eta SnDaian<eo So the relativt b�tgelning pn+ot Deewaan putr11C"pO�IDyaR TR41Lfif4." 'VUTue appBCaChe� ' to orgcttatloaa and casol�Cloos o! d4v�ts� Aatrroen pub2i¢ ��- �nPloyvoa ao4 .mplepan er� necaa�acq. 1 Y .r' 0 c' l � � Spterfe�rp wiGh tM tull kUtdful enA Oiapa� pf[!O[venw of EM dueNc al saplopneot o: elaeunvppt tAe �fgTte oE tM oxclue�va r�Prcamt•dve. secESom �09A.01 ta 179A.T5 do oot [epui�e nny DuEl1e oopiny�� po p��£otn ]aboc oG asavlcef eqp�pst tTP teployep•s YIIL. if oo awoluelva ��p���epCeliVa Ma 6eeo eestA[{ad, any pnDlic �aploqee indlvlAunlly, o[ qtoup o[ empLopaea �p�ouqh lFetr rrpraHOpa�lve� Ds� t6e rlqht to ucpcans oi comanfcaeo e vSpa, grteveooa, eeapl�lnt, p[ oplpioo pn �ny nptter rtlattG to !Ee conE3Uon� oa coqp�ns�t}� oL puEllc oaplope.ent o� thei[ Mtcesapn�� Dy pi�lnq ritT ehNt puClAO .no�oy.: ac ep� emp,lopr•a aepn�eoe�niw, w lonq �a c61a la no! aealqaea to �M1O Q016 MC SptKlpFf NIC11 !hQ ZYllr �670�LY1� qRd p[ope[ pentoamocv of L�e dutles ot �oployaent. SuDd, 1. 4(yA� to myanlpc. FuDlSO �nployee� Reva ttu c19�t !o to[n and )o!o labon or �mployaa ai9soteq�loas, �00 Mve tp� �lqh! uot to Rorn snd �aln suoT or9�nl+stlons, ➢vellc mployp�s In e� pproD��ae� un[! pave che r19bt Ey a�caet ballot to deslqnaN nq �tcAwlaa tePeuaeoCiCfvo to neqotfate q�leVance proeadurae eqE lho ueqe md eonbltlane e( enptoysent aflG tAei� amp�oqer. Con((danpinl emploYaea of tAe ate[t a�d tAc Unlver�(ty o[ Nlnnoapka are oxeladetl t�om bL[9nfning. otAee epn,(f4entlal �nplo�eea, euper�lso[y eaq4oyea, pr�nefpale, end a�siasenn p[Iqoiynln aay fo[n eAalr ovn otlgnntz�[Iana. M aeploye� a�qll ertartd �xcluelv� rewqnlefon to a cepcesanentive o! or �n orqenlzselp� 01 superoinory Ot con[identlal aqployees, ot prSnetpals eod aaUstant p[fncipnle� foe th< pucpoae oL ns90lfiking t@>p� 0[ oopoltiOPf OC eAplOynOnt ln ecCOYdanCe v�t� evotfont 179R-Of to 399A.25, qpp���ple to eseenitel emplopfes. Sup�r���ory o: wn[4dentael anptoyeo prgenixeUOns eGalt not pa�tfCipsl� yo any cepaclRy In snq naqo[ISefoas ��ICh involve �nitp oC �mDloyeas alber CApn supervlwry oe cMELA�ptisi oeyioyees, bmept Fo� orgenisatlons uAleb [�ptlaeRl 6upervloon vAa e�b (t� �lretlqhlexs. O�sca aEflure suLj�c� to 1lCmeuc< vader a�Ctlon� 6i6.80 to 6i6.855, queide a! COIK�CUOM� Lac{1{tSfB Of e0ylp/Oef et �06pltpke otbe/ thCq etale Ao�pltals; and {i) oet xlatt ar Unlverelty o0 Mlnnesota �mployeea, a supvrvleory or contid¢ntl�l employee o�genfsecion �nle� Ie nlEillqted �ltd anoGMa e¢plopee o�qaniseGion •h(cD ic tTr aaclu�lve rapceamtstive ot nonwp�rv�aorp or noncoot{denelsl qnplopee� o[ tha sene publlc �mployar s�alL not De e<rtllled� ot act ae, en exclueiva reprasepueiv� tor tne snpe�v5sory oc eonfltlantiel enplapaea. For l6e yuepose a! [nSs aubdiviplon, e!L{liatlon meqna eit�ee tl�oect or 3nA:[ect enA lnclud�p aIL(4Iq{ion Ehrwqp � federnt(on o� jOtnt �oEy Ot emyloyea ozgnnlzaUOnc. ' 'SY6d', '1, "paIr eEqiv�Y�e. i.o ixeltislvv repieaantefive � wey {pqyyri o�ylo)NS vbo ��< �wk ob�Wrp O[ �M ea<Lu�ive �ep�enenoeuy¢ !O cObtC{bUkP e tali a�en fee [oc s<avApes lU J � 1 '� �> � �,� i � eepd¢�ad Ep 1�p etolu�lw tepreapnt�tlw. 7A� EsSC �h�r� !ee mu�k M pual eo tW xpnlsc aamber�63p du�s of tpa tYe1u61Va srps�eeMskloe� lt�r eb� coit oE DvnotlC� llaNOOO tTrouy� !Aa Au�� and aaallaEle oalp ta nam6eu at tna �aaAn�lve tspuwotaUv�, ip 0.o Yv�nt mep tM teir e6s[Y loe eaetad 86 pernqt ot Lp� tequLr w�obesablp dVe�. TAa exoluaSv� iep[e�OMlqtlVt sMll yioVtdo atlutGq vdtton potfce p[ tM1� amoun0 oS tEe Eet. sluro too to bho �op)oyec and eo unit omploysn w6o w171 bo psoeawd tM tee. vt� �aployeo �Mll P[OVSA� qN �NOIO�lYe FMpNNPL/k1W Y1CT i IlfO O( �11 YPl! cmP\o9�ac. • eh�3Arog� by ap aaDloyse o% Dt e pareon qgy[itvaA DY the �Yi OYit �Q {t�1d �O 4Y�1�➢Q Ytt�l ��1! 600Y�YY1MCt� 1R� fNb]j0 amyloyer, m0 tEO oicluetoa �ap[ae.nGCiw xlthta 7o d�ys aR�r t6CGl9� OE !b� vi3{itD W�lOt. .�11 CEqSltqqb WYk cpe4[y ehoea po[llopt ot N� LN okallqqqvA aqd eha ro�iona 1or tha ahaUaaq�. Tlu bacd�a oi psoot naAettoq �o kpt OWYpt o! tpe telr apua !n /e oA t�o lxclue(ou revs�n�n�etlre. Th� comiaiiOn�t iMl] 4eaF M6 daeld� sll teWp �p tRv{e chnllan9es. Tho wDlopa[ ebnil dedyct the tea lvoo tqa earoSnge ot tCe c�ployea W t[ao�ult tha CeV Ro !he axalun/d� HprnsnGtive JO dlIYO qCl�p !A� 4LStCsO PotSPU N11f (�COP�AiQr IE P 014Uep9� }{ tllea, tCe d.duatSone fo� e Sef[ sMre Ln� ou�! Da A�10 !a accro� by [M .mplope. pendlaq � Oeelslmi by tde comltafonae• Subd, 3. WaE and 000[o�, pro(a�61oM1 anploy�ea Mw tp� sSqLt to uet an0 aau[a[ uodot a�ctlon AT9q.RB �te� pubile eoployeca eeqnrdAaq policle� apG atters o[ho[ 1h�0 pf[R6 8A0 COfId1C�011t O( yOQIOYP<Ot. SLbd. 5. Meet md �goti�te. PuGlle wp�oyee0. chvouq� [b¢fr c�e!!lled axoluslv� rap�asmGtiw, hqvo the rlqAt pnd ob1f9>�SOn to ptat Aod naqotlAtl In 9�d l�1t� u1cM1 lb<!r amplopK rapeotling qciewncr poaweuns �qC kA� ae�q� and coadtttont of evplo�ment, bqt [bi� oDllqsefon Ooos not aonpl tpe e�cluafve nA�eaeotntlw b egvea to � p[opoeel or cpulx tAe mskin9 0[ s ouocerc4on. Sued. 6. Wes o4ack olE. Publio employees �eve �„o [Iqht 4o epueaG uid Ds nllqwd dnes c4eeM ott !or !�¢ ¢xclueivs eepteatobtl��, In CAe 4baQ�e oL �n lxolucive (rt9�eeonp�tive� publfc �uqlayroe Eave tho �49hk ta seqv�ot qntl Oe allowod du¢a cMeM alf tor tde ar9enleaC3w+ of epvir aAOfae. A29h 1981 c�64 o iF 19BT C 186 R LSS 3909 C 251 a 9 179A.07 ASGBYS Atm OLLL[G�TfOXR OB S1PIq;CNS. 6ubdivi�too 1. InMreop �emqevW) pu�lcy. nyuAl}c ewyloyor !a npp teqU{rad to me! and eegoEiate on uettesro ol -.SM�iwt-mamqaz-falpol.lep• roeet�ceoG�InAanntaene9eiial pollcy fne]udo� but are aot lfmftcE to� f�uc� nSY4,a O! d)ygCktfRp . or policq ns RRe Euneclone nod peoqiAns of thu .pAloqe�, Ska ovo[all bud9a�� utllleatiou o[ tacMOlogy, the o�gnnlincf0�m1 U J M � ♦ ! � ia>uctu[e, �tl�otlop o! p�nonnel� ep0 Ol�ecdop �00 tp¢ nuMa� o[ pec�p�l, po D�b1Jc ecplorer a�etl �x9n qn egievmaat pblch ltqn fbt rlqpt !o �Rllct postooa to Nxve e¢ napecatsooy �qptoyee� or ��eLe aemg�t� unAeC saotloo �]A.IB� �uOEfulsion J, ea raqultee t�� uea aY �tnlo[Ity Sp �pelr selmaloa, Ru�C. 2. Nt�t eod ¢�qotleta. (�) � pu�L7c eqpLOyat bas pp obllqatlon to �dt end naqoLlece �� qopd tsit4 wltA [he aulusive aepvnent�tSVe o; publlc amployws Ic an �pprOp�leb uolt �rap�idfpq ptMvaqqt pporodutus anA phe Getms aod cOnAltlone oL amployro�pp� 0ut kAAa ob1�q�Clvn doPi npk caop�] tAe puDltc fYployl� pY /!I{ [fpClp�Atpt10! [O OqCN 10 A PYOp0601 pf [�qui[� tAt mklnq ot s CoACUefo4. 4be puDllc piPloy�r�� duty undoe tNle eubGlvlalon ezbls �OIY{�I16LAIM�IIQ OOlIlP6fY (IlOVLij0U6 In a munleip�t epaaaeh o�0lp�aae� as t�solutyop. T pmvislon o[ n aunSclpnl cnar[ao, oeAloance, oa �eeolutfon ah!<� llqitn oe pplrictp � publlc � umploqac lCOD neqoll4ll� ox tYOn ent¢nfqy {ptD DlnElny Cobtrlelc ultb axclvslva vepresent�clvaG �a supersadtd by this {YDd1V1plOP. �D� !n add(tlon� p publlc onplpy�p nay, Eu� Aoes not have eo oDllgation to� ue�t and neqotlnoa Id 90od teltT v�th tDa aacluslve np�ecmlellv� pF puD!)p �myloyeos ln an epproprlete unf! [eparAfvy en ampAoyer oone.touuoa to �Ae au[� oE Nlnn<sote palecsad s0upensqtton ptan autRO[IZ<d Cy secllen 356.1�, yepsgeaph (e), clauvp (1)� wftAin trte �)mias sot by aectlon 756.31, patagcap� p�, eLtme ��), Subtl. J. Me�t s¢d cpp(ac. A puG1iC epploy�� Tee Gho oLifqatfan lo rtyec snd eonPa[, unACr eQet(on 379A.oe, pyth D�oleb�laml omDloyeea to dfacu�a poU�l�a end other mqxtero colatlny t0 thalr aoployPent ubleb are noc term� and coo6lctons of �c,ploywnt. bubd. {, OtPe� comnualostlon. IE �n exclusiv¢ [op[asent�tive �qc Man ct[t{tle6 tor nn epproprlata uaic, �rye t4yleyep g@ell nol me�! and pogotlnte a[ aeee and conlar wfpp eny anployee oi group oC amptoyees W�o aee In tTn[ ml� axcept th�aug� LAs axoW6lve fYp�keentsllv>. P��a aubAivlblOn does nOt ppqnene eomounieetlon to !ha emploY��� othec t�4n tMaouqA eM xxcluEi�e eepreM1Ontative. aE advioa o[ recpmnvndaalonc by pfateasfonal eaployaas, I! tnla coan�nleetfon le a{wst o( enc emplopea�a rrock sas5qmunt. bVbd. 5. Mbt[Relo[s yay and AlrSoq. An amy�oy¢r aay Mv eM pny Eo� arOtp�pcon Ee�l�� o� caqvl��d by aecolom 179A.01 m 179A.Y5. Suhd. 6, Tf.e o([. A pubLic employe� mua{ >}[ovd [e�aoneEl¢ t5o.e uE! !o �fecte0 oltfc�u o: eppp�ntee rep[esmteplv<s a1 tAe evelualoe wpranen4uvr to co�auct lpe duHes ot t�r encluslve teProaentqqlyt,enA_n45< upqp, Spg4dbt� ,.. yrovfa'e fdi la�v�a af eCOenco �o Hwted or npppinted otflelale 0! thp Y%plultV! Ylpio�obFdlive, 9I3'l't 198� e i67 a 6! 19BB e LOS s 5 19 � 7 � � t79A.01 PO4TCt OONBmKMTB. ' BaDOLV1�lpD l.� Y[OfeE�.lOnel �aploy�e6. 4Me AoqFsi�mre mcoqntta� EAet pro[usfonnl �op)ppo�c pocaw� kaovlsdq�, eapeet)q, md doolaat7an uplcn L bdplul and oacxaprq to tb! Ppo[ptlon nntl quellly OP publ3a ar+fau pnd vh[oh eep �s�ist probllo ocployet� !n 0ey�lOpinq k�vlr pN101e1. tt !e, eparafore. th� polAdY o( tble YE¢C! !p tllCDLf�q� �les� Coopeqt}oa EOlvli6 puEllC amPlo9ek� NE pwEQifSoh�l �+O1M"��8 by ptovldloq to[ AlaoYUlomo aaC tM mucu�l eKOMng� ot Idw t�gecOtno nll mtCan t�ap �ro pot tarau eoA ¢opolttons of roploqasnt. Subd. 2. Neat enA wn[IV. TM Reofea�lonsl aoploYeel nh�il �o1oc! s rap[uealaLive ta aes[ qn� ornNo v1t0 n eepiswatativo o: copmitqe o[ cTs pu6lta arop{oyat on wtGa« xoe cp.cltied LLGC�C aecUOa 179G.09, aub41rla1on ?y, rcln[!nq to tM oeiylces Daloq p�ovlA�d to t�p public. Tha pupllo �oployar �Cnll proof0� the Gcllftfas and �ot !M ctma tos tA�a! 000le�eaCbs to leka plaoe. 7M PercUe c6a11 meet �t Iua1 ane� aascY loAC aoatAt. e�BTt ]9N c �63 i 9 179T.U9 9NLS OafHUU�Otl. SvOdl4ialo� 1. C+1lpR10. Sn dste�ninlnq �h� 0 xppYaptia« unlc. tho coqnlaatoper a�e1L eohaidet tTa p[Snoiplu aM eh¢ Cowr�ge o! unllocm eowpaabamlve poaltion cleasttic�tloo eqd compenaetlon piqps o[ the aoployao�. pcot+aion� anE aklllad c[aEta� mA otper occupdelonel clamµLiCetiooe, relenant .Aolnlat[ptive nnd �uperolwry ]ev�la o( eutpoYltp, geugxnphitel location, Afetory� a�tent ot o[gpaSSa�ion, tne roeoamendeUon o[ H1e pertSVS� Nod ot�ee [olevaqt facw[s, @he em�missSonr� aball O�ac� patllculq[ lmpoftpp�e 4pon tda qieta[y ¢od o6len! oE arqnn{xilfon epG t�o dasi[ve of Fha peclelonlnq euplpgav rep�eaeot4ttv�a. Sub9. 2. PrahtDitlanc, The ooamlaslonn� chell noe desl9oeu an sypiopciaeo uplt unfeh Inoludaa ewanHal anployeea vit� o�Cer onp]oqrea. SuOd. ). DIv161oo of uoSte. If a desl9natod apycopxiste nnSt contalpa bolA pcaro otflaurq euDjoc[ 1.0 JfeB06Y<1 uRdef eeCQiOn6 626•84 t0 626.855 eoA �s5lM1k1A1 emplaqee� Mo ape �wt peeca otl35c[n� the.cotmisslonv�. oG tAe Caquesl oE a cejor(Cy PE eil�er tpo peaco o(fiCeYf or C�< other easantfaL emyloyaes wltbin [Re un1L ahaLl dloid� lhe onSt tnto 1so aepeoa�a �DP�opelete uqlls. ooe for c�o preee o[H cers entl Op! �OC i�1Q OCQ![ e�sanElal YbplOPlC6. �ST: 19Bi c 462 s]D� 1987 c 186 6�S� 1997 c 1J6 s 7 � ....M9hAU�8[ATe ONSYB: . • . . . suDqiV4aion 1. Bxcluatooa She conmiislcae[ o[. omployte raAecfons a�Ql m¢ot ao� ncgotlwcs vStn tTa uxclueive reprosentativr Ot eaeh of th¢ untle cpaei[led in <Als B�eelon. x� - ' `�S-�o�} Iris Park Place 1885 Universiry Ave. W., Suite 190 Sc. Paui, Minnesora 55104 PH:(612)645-0261 FX:(612)641-8969 May 31, 1995 My name is Thom Jordan and i am an Area Vice President for the Minnesota Senior Federation - Metropolitan Region which has 20,000 members in the seven county Twin Cities area. I aPl t7EPE f8�'iicS@htiPit�' iri �i&ii�S�y vUCifit� vfil(3 �f i�i0 Sc��i�ii Federation. The Ramsey County Chapter is calling on the Mayor of our city and members of the City Council to conduct meaningful negotiations with AFSCME and compromise on the issue of heaith insurance for retirees. Health insurance for retirees should be discussed as part of the bargaining agreement process in the months to come. This is such an important issue that it requires careful debate and negotiations where both sides reasonably discuss the costs to the city and the impact on not only the taxpayers but the current and future retirees from city government. ft is time for the Mayor and some members of the City Council to stop their pubfic attack on public employee retirees. These confrontations are not productive and give only one side of the issue. �or many St. Paul residents who have served the city Sor many years they deserve better than being criticized by the Mayor or City Gounci4. "Action for a Bright Future" Minnesota Senior Federation M E T R O P O L I T A N R E G I O N Statement to St. Paui City Council Healch Plan [nformac�on Cenrer • Semor Housing, Inc . Center for Career Change . Semor Opnons Expo __ s�'}z>s `�s-��y The Senior Federation has been working on the issue of heaith care reform for many years and has closely monitored the state and national debates. We also understand the many difficult choices that the City of St. Paul must make to balance its budget and still meet the needs of all of its residents. While it is cfear that heaith care reform at the state or national level will not solve all the probfems in the near future, it is also true that the cutt+ng benetits without caretul discussion and planning will hurt many St. Paul residents. The Senior Federation would be very interested in working with the City of St. Paul on this important health care issue. LeYs get together at the negotiating table and reasonably discuss the future of retiree health benefits as part of the bargaining agreement. Certainly the City can develop a plan that is good for the ta�cpayers while being fair to retirees. Thank you for ihis opportunity to speak.