95-294ORIG�N Presented By Referred Council File # 7s •s�yy Green sheet # e`� G 4 3� RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee:Date �? 1 WF�REAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Courny of Ramsey wishes to cablecast the meetings of the 2 County Board and County Board Committees, and 3 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Council V'ideo Productions is prepared to provide the services required by Ramsey 4 County to accomplish the cablecasting of County Board meetings, and 5 WHEREAS, an agreement has been reached whereby these services will be provided by the City; now, therefore, 6 be it 7 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the Agreement between Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul 8 for Videotaping Services. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date a,��., aa �\q�s Ado tion Certified by Council SecY ary Approved by Mayor for Submission to By . Council Approved b' M or• Date ��� � 1 ,��r 1 � i � � BY� By: 9�-a 9� AGREEMENT BETWEEN RAMSEY COIII3TY AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR VIDEOTAPING SERVICES This Agreement is between Ramsey County, (hereinafter referred to as "County"), by the Ramsey County Department of Property Management, and the City of St. Paul (hereinafter referred to as "City"), by the St. Pau1 City Council Investigation and Research Center. WI�REA5, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has authorized videotaping of County Board and County Board committee proceedings on a trial basis; and WHEREAS, the Citp of Saint Paul has the personnel and the equipment� or access to City Hall/Courthouse building equipment, necessary to videotape the proceedings of the County Board and County Board committees on a trial basis; 230W, THEREFORE, the County and the City agree as follows: I. Scope of City Services 1. The City shall record and broadcast the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and meetings o£ County Board committees live on the Continental Cable Company channel. 2. The City shall furnish a11 labor and equipment necessary to perform the services required under this agreement, it being understood that the City shall utilize building owned equipment for the recording of the County Board meetings and City-owned equipment for the recording of the committee meetings. 3. Within three hours of recording a meeting, the City shall provide two edited videocassettes of the meeting to County Property Management staff. Editing shall be in accordance with standards that are comparable to other cable cast programming. II. Scope of County Services 1. During the term of this agreement, County shall conduct all meetings of the Board of County Commissioners in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse. 2. During the term of this agreement, County shall conduct all committee meetings of the County Board in the City Council conference room on Che third floor of the St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse. 9s-a 9y 3. If two County meetings are held at the same time, the County shall inform the City on Friday, prior to the Tuesday meetinqs, which meeting is to be videotaped. 4. CounYy shall provide the City with a copy of all Board and committee agendas to be recorded. III. Compensation/Payment 1. County shall pay City for pre-telecast room set-up, recording and play-back editing services at the rate of $14.25/hour for technician time and $35/hour £or actual reco=ding time far the use of City-owned equipment. It is understood that two technicians will be required for each meeting recorded. 2. In addition to the compensation provided for in the previous paragraph, County shall reimburse City for the actual aosts of the videotapes turned over to the County pursuant to paragraph I. 2. of this agreement. 3. City shall submit an invoice, including documentation of the actual costs for the videotapes, and the dates and hours of services, on a monthly basis for services provided during the previous month. 4. County shall pay City within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. 5. Payment of interest and disputes shall be governed by the provisions of Minn. Stat. Section 471.425. IV. Term 1. The term of this agreement is for the six month period from April 1, 1995, through September 30, 1995. 2. This agzeement may be extended for an additional trial period not to exceed six months, as agreed upon in writing by the parties. 3. Either party may terminate this agreement with or without cause upon seven(7) days' written notice. V. General Terms and Conditions 1. Hold Harmless The County and the City each agree to defend and indemnify the other, its of£icials, employees, and agents, from any and all liability, loss or damage it may suffer as a result of claims, demands, judgments, or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the indemnifying party's performance of this Agreement. -2- qs-a9y 2. Alterations Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when reduced to writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County and Che City have exec Agreement this day of �t995. RAMSEY COUNTY By: Hal Norgaxd, Chair Board of Ramsey County Commissioners Sy: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk Board of Ramsey County Commissioners Insurance Approved: By: Risk Manager Approved as to Form: By : �vtA�.J �a /�,�. Kar n Kushne Assistant County Attorney Funds are Available: Fund Number By: Budgeting and Accounting SAINT P �'�! Direct�r of City Council Inve tiqation and Reseazch Center A ed a Fo . � Assistant City Atj rney �tor artment of Finance and Management Services -3-