95-281� 0 P f G! N A L Council File # �,' Green Sheet # 29316 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA y7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That applications for new Gambling Manager's Licenses by Laura DeMike DBA Harding Area Hockey at Minnehaha Tavern, ID #68460, 735 White Bear Avenue and Michael's, ID #35543, 1179 7th St. E., be and the same are hereby approved. r-_--��-�� Requested by Department pf: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (��;�,�..� /� E?�,�- By: Adopted by Adoption ¢�ertified by By: By: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney � B �,/I � � • ��� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 95-�8/ DEPARTM DATEINI7IATE� �REEN SHEE �O 29316 iNIT1AUDATE MIT7ALlJATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMEM DIRECfOfl � CITV CAUNGIL Christine Rozek - 266-9114 A��N � CIT1'ATfORNEY � CfTYCLEqK NUYBEqFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (D�TE� I pp��NG O BUDGET DIRECTOR O PIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. Hearing: � 15 �� OPOEP � Mpypq (ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP All IOCATI�NS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoNAeQUesreo: Laura DeMike DBA Harding Area Hockey requests Council approval of her applications for new Gambling Manager I,icenses, ID �E68460 & 9k35543, at Minnehaha Tavern, 735 White Bear Avenue N. and Michael's, 1179 7th St. E. , RECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (Fi) pERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persontlirm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? _ qBCOMMiTTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to grcen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN(Who, WhaC, When. WM1ere, Why�: ADVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: d . . C ��, .. � k ^4 , 4 �u:"x=;r� Yf s. �4a'?�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9s-��1 �reensheet # 0?93/� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: / In Trdckef? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 68��d �F 3.> J�7'3 Company Name: � /�. 730 lu i e�t t Business Addresss:,J»E'. �,s?: Contact Name/Address: _ / ��,� mt /1lP� — (��t m �/i�7� rS Date to Councif Research: 2 —� ZfS ��l� Public Hearing Date: v3,� t S� q 5 Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Public: Phone:� 23.3 - �I:36 d� � Home Phone: 233 — 936� tabels Ordered: District Council #: 4� O� ward #: D ( O2 Department/ Date Inspections Comments Ciry Attorney �/7/ 4/G Environmental Health ��� Fire �f� License Site Plan Received:_ � o� � Z �� � � �� Lease Receivea: Police � I js'�9 S � Zoning � t / N� L��iZ (Rav. 7l7J92j � Renewa! 6iinnesoia Law,h+[ Gambilrtp Gannbiing Manager Application FOR OFFICE USE ONLY s�,se uc : SEO • FEE CHK DATE INiT ONa da�e Nat C+e nvo-tlay pambMp mena;ar seminar was co+npleted. _�__J..___ a ��%9 , ..� � ,�i a/�3(95 -../ �ocae«, u� o-A�n�r�g '/YCS2 vr /l� �1 {cry7 Giw date ot trairung roceNed within Ihree ycen W'ior u �hv date of the application tw ranewW.,�,�_ Locavon oi tralnfnp MIDDIE Oetavl8u�h � Soc.'�eu+dy nuu�aas A � �� � � IJ n .�S15t) 1�'�pL �C. ,Al�,/t J:J�ti ( �V`a t:�J.. y M6MBERSNIP. Dete gamb4ng manager bewme a mamber ol tl�e organiza6on _(J�(_,�J2c� �� : � Mala � fomaie o r< . . .. , . . . . . .� � s: . . �.Or �attizati�Sri'Trifdr�a�ion'-' : , c� ' ` Llcence Number N�meofor�anisa6onn 1 I _ �I_ � C_1 ��.�� h1:�ti�1Q (^� r r... �. - 1"1 � � 1S Addroas ::�:,�� ,.�«i�::`;.:,"c - Coda phono ;Sii�l �61� y h 9-s-��l - v-'_'-w'-- — -- A 510,(AO f'de�ity bond in favor oS th6 or9anizaQOn must ba v6tained tor Ihe yambiin managsL , Name ot insura�a compeny (do noc usa apaney name) � 1 5 ���� }-h� �n. �nd Num6ar 0 3�{rya -9 I dadaze riat: • � have read Ih)s epp&ce6om m�d afl intormation submittad to llie board: • ali iNOrmation 16 we, ecarate nnd oomplele; • all other requirgd Inlwmation has been tully disdosed; � I am ihe only qantbhng maneger ol lhe orpanizatron; • i will femiliarizo myael� wilh ih0 �aw� ef ��+nnvsota governing lawtvl qambling and rules oi the Doerd and apree, illicensad, to aDido by 1ho�o taws and raVea, indutlinq amendments t0 U�am; • any chsnges in aDD���atiun inlormatwn wdl De subminsE to the board and locai�unit ol povemment wifhin 10 days ol tha chanye; • An nNidav�,t Por gernbiinp man�8vr �as Leen compinted and anathod, a�d • 1 untlers;and lhal ladure Io previde requ�red inlormatien u prov'd'm0 laise �nbrmat�on may reaWt m Ne dBNel or revocauon ol ihe licansa. _. _ ol Gembtinp �/� /7 �.� Send the mmpiated applicaiion and ail rcquirod allachments to; Gembtlng Conlrol 9oard Suita 300 S. 1711 W. Counly Road B RoseNlio, MN 55113 �'���� J � Pf ��l