95-279OP������� Council Fi1e # ��� Green Sheet # 30708 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,oJ�AINNESOTA �S RESOLUED: That application (I.D. #74573) for the transfer of the Grocery-C, Off Sale Ma1t and Cigarette License currently issued to Craig Sax DBA Craig's Country Boy (#01363) at 922 Thomas Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Awny A. Alkatout DBA Craig's Country Boy at the same address. �--���--��� Requested by Department of : Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection ay: Porm Approved by City Attorney BY� � � • � �% p � 9pproved by Mayor for Submission to �ouncil By: qS-�?9 DEPAFTMENT/OFFICEJCAUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� � O� O H CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAL/DATE I A= ODEPARTMEfITDiRECtOR OCffYCqUNC0. ASSIGN �CITVATTORNEV �CIT'CLERK MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENpA Y(DAT� p ���� aBUDGET�IRECTO �FIN.BMGT.SERVICESDIFi. � I S '1� � pDER � �� (OR ASSISTAMf) O T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE-0UESTED: Awny A, Alkatout DBA Craig`s Country Boy (I.D. 4i74573) requests Council approval of the transfer of the Gxocery-C, Off Sale Malt and Cigarette License at 922 Thomas Avenue currentl issued to Craig Sa�c DBA Craig`s Country Boy (I.D. �f01363) at the same address. aECOMMENDATiONS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a contrad for this Cepertmen[? - _ qB COMMI7TEE _ �'ES NO —�� 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRICT CAUR7 _ 3. Ooes this personlfirm possess a skill not nortnafly possessetl 6y any curteM city employee? SUPPOfiTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yas answers on saparate sheet antl attach to green sheat INRIA7ING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOqTUNRV (4Vho, WPat, When, NTere. Why): �`��j F�- ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: y ��d���Y � � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPRO�ED' . ���'v�i� S':�e�i,°;zv'� «'u�iivt� ��� � � 1���: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSt/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUN�lF1G S�UHCE AC7IYITY NUdIBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLr11N) 9s���► Greensneet # 3o�os L.I.E.P. REVIEIN CHECKLIST Date: 12/19/94 � In Tracke(.� npp�n aecefved / App•n Processed License ID # 74573 Comparry Name: Awny A. Alkatout DBA: Craig's Country Boy Business Addresss: 922 Thomas Avenue, 55104 Business Phone: 645-8538 Contact Name/Address: Awny A. Alkatout 401 Wilson Ave. Home Phone: 422-0099 Anoka, 55303 Date to Councii Researcfi: Public Hearing Date: 'd-`!S ��JS Notice Sent to labels Ordered: NfA District Council #: o� Notice Sent to Pubiic: Ward #: n� Department/ Date Inspections CommeMs City Attomey �� � � 6 �— Environmental ���r�� �� Health Fire a1 � J � � l! � License � ��'� � � Site Pian Received: Lease Received: Potice � l � d �� Zaning l-� 6'� 9S-s � p� swtetr P�DL � e CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAi\'T PAUL O.F,ce of License, Inspt.ctio.0 zr.d E��;roamcntal P:n:er.ion 3C,4.P�va 9.S+ilfe=.) c-=_� Pv,y Hucxa S51G2 (6::) kSb?)(A !as (61.) Yb51i{ Licerse I.D, a (foi office ese o�ip) 'fH7S .�PPLiCATIO:�I IS SL`3?ECT TO REVTEW BY THE PUBLTC PLF.�SE TY'rE OR PRIh'T IN L'� T}pe of Licease b Co�a �ny Name: ����-- If busiaess is incorporated, giti�e dzte of incorporation: DoingBusiness.�s: BusinessPbone: (6/Z�6�(> �'S3� Business Address: � Z 2 � h" m P-S �} V'� �l - Q ��YI . SS'�v S� Sireet Address City S:zte Zp Betu^eea wbat cross streets is tl�e buciness loc,ted? ��'hich side of t3e street? Are the premues aaw ?�1s1 To Addres<_: � What T}�e of Buiness? S:reet AaLrest Ciry Staic Zip Applic2nt Inforr�2tio /� \'ameandTitle: L1� !'� • ��A%O(J1 041A��i'� � Frst �tidt7c (!.Szi3cn) I2st TitSe I-3omeAddress: ��� W!lSoYl 5� - �N�'I� f�yl . �5.3°� Strcct Address Ciry S;2te Zip D'ate of B'uth: � I� I Iq 'f � Place of BuLh: i S fa�c�.Q Home Pbone: (,��ZJ YZ2--��44 Are }•ou a citizen of the United States? Nati�•e? �O Naturalized? It you are not a U.S. citizen, you must ba�•e w�ork authorization from the US. Tmmigration & i�aturalization Ser�ice. Have you ever been com�cted of my felony, cr:me or �5olztion of any ciry ordinance other thzn traffic? YES �:�'O �, Dafe of zrrest: Chuge: _ Coatiction: �Sentence: iSst the aames znd residences of tluee persobc of good iaorcl cbuacter, li�ing within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant ot financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to tbe applirant's char2cter: NANlE 1L'bere? ADDRESS List licebses which you currently bo1d, formerly held, oz m�y have an interest in: f'�.0.r yy�.aC� PHOITE Have any of ihe above named icenses ever been revoked? _ YES ,� NO If yes, list tbe dates and reasons foz revocation: (over) Are }'ou going to operzte this business personally? _� 1_S _ h0 If not, wbo �.ill operate it? Fm?+zmc 9iidL7clnii:z] Honc Addxcs� S:ut \xmc (!�°a�E:r.) C7 Iast 9s•s �. q Dz:c o£ Bir4 S:afe Zp Pho�e \unbcr Are }�ou going to hzve a maaager or usistaat ia this bu--ss? _ YES �, NO If the aanager is not the sa�e as tbe operztor, please cos�plete rl�e follo��ing i�formatioa: Fiat tizme ?.fiddlc Iritizl Home Address: 5:-eet 1z::�e (;.Sz;�cn) G. Izsc Dxu of Binh $izte Zip Pho. - .e:�unber Plede list your e�plo;�ent history for [3e pre�;ous fi�°e (� ; ear period: BusinesS/Emp]o�u ent � Address p � /� :� � � �x—c/ List all ocber o�ce.-s of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOD4E HO;�iE BUSL'�`ESS DATE OF NA1✓iE (Office Held) ADDRESS PHOh`E PH01�E BJI2TH If business is a putnership, piease include the following ir:formation for each paztner (use additional pages if necesszry): Fiist :�zmc Alidtic Initid (�Sud<n) G� (�!ziden� G.y Last Sizte Iast State Da�c of Binh Zip Phor,c Number Dzte of Binh HomcAddresx Stmet?ame Fxs[ :�`ame Middle Inititl Hom,e Address: Sirc<t �amc Zip Phon<\umb<r Attach to this application: ' 1) A detailed description oC the design, Iocztion aad square foofage oC the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your Jease agmement or proot of okvership of the property. Ah'Y FAISIFICATION OF AI��SFi'ERS GIVEN OR DIA2'ERIAL SUBb1I1TED W7LL RESLZT IN DE'�ZiL OF THIS APPLICATION I bereby state under oath that I have answered zll of tbe above questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct to t�e best of my 3:nowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or otber cobsideration, by way of loan, gift, conUibution, or oiheraue, other tban already disclosed in the application wlilch I bereu�[h submitted. � ,�'��.� Subsaibed and swo o befo e me thic� �ay of 2" ' /14'� AT ublic � C ty, 2F`I My Commisssion eapues: - -T��� �3,�.�-z urv�AKAYKORAN � z ���hO�ARY Pii�! IC-MINNESOrA � R4�SEvCOUNTY i ; Co,-m,�,y;r. Exr.res SepL C3 t937� . . � �., . ...ny�,...,'.,,,., �� �.vwwvv„vw n /2/i9/95� Date