95-273�' r S ���:�-�-�� �t l � 1 �s RESOLUTION CITY OF Presenced by Refeired To coun�a Fs�e a y�a? Green Sheet # oT9//9 Committee Date 3.� City Council Resolution for Improved Housing Communications 1 WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul departments, offices, and agencies provide a variety of housing services and 2 programs including housing counseling and referral services, housing code compliance, and fmancing incentives 3 for home purchase and rehabilitation; and 0 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, the City has a goal to improve services to citizens tluough enhanced communicarion; and WHEREAS, the City has a 1994-95 Housing Action Program which includes a priority to improve information and communication; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to continue and improve providing regulaz, simple, accessible and pertinent informarion on all city housing services and programs and, to the extent possible, to provide a single point of contact for citizen housing information; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to provide regulaz informaUOn reports to the Mayor and City Council on housing services and program accomplishments; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to continue and improve providing all citizens including low income, minority and ethnic households information about and access to housing services and programs; and Wf IEREAS, it is appropriate for the City of Saint Paul to improve housing communications in consultation with a variety of stakeholders. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council reaffums the priority it set in the 1994-95 Housing Action Program which created a focus to improve housing informaUOn and communication. BE IT F'[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council supports the efforts of the administrative staff. 1. a. � c. To improve housing communications in the Ciry of Saint Paul that enhances current services and programs by: Using a variery of communication methods that provide regulaz, simple, accessible and current housing information to existing and prospective city residents; Clearly identifying and publicizing a single point of contact for residents that provides general information and directs callers when necessary to the right person, depaztment, office, or agency; Improving cmrent information materials to ontline city, county, and neighborhood housing services and programs; VT PAUL, MINNESOTA s��-�.�-�.�� - �iS��S �5=a�.� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 � e. f. 2. 3. Improving public information and tazgeted mazketing to reach low inwme, minority, and other households that often do not lmow about available city housing services and programs; and Submitting regulaz housing information reports to City Councilmembers and other stakeholders. Develop�a community outreach plan wlrich includes current housing outreach efforts, and includes strategies to bridge gaps in current information provision. To simplify access aad application pmcesses, including consolidation of programs, wherever possible. To develop standazdiied reporting mechanisms and benchmazks that can be used to measure the success of housine communications efforts. esoeciallv in relation to the actual success of housina 4. To solicit input from stakeholders in the improvement of housing communications, and submit improvement initiatives to the City Council's Community and Economic Development (CED) committee for review and comment '�n S� be� 1995. by Department o£ Grimtn G ue r i n fian Megazd Kethnan Thune Adopted by Coi�3at�:� � � ��� Approved by Approved by Mayor for Submission Fo Councii ��--,.,�� 9s-�7s DEPApTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED �� � � � � " PEn 3/6/95 GREEN SHEET INRIAVD, T INITIAUDATE CANTACT PERSON & PHONE � pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR `' � CITY C�UNCIL Gary Peltier 266-6619 N YIBEqFOF �CfTYATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCILAGENOA BY (DATE� p0�{� Q BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. 3 $/15/95 OFDEfl �MpYOR(ORASSISTAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACfION flEQUE5TED: . Execution of City Council Resolution regarding improved housing communications. PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ qVll SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this depariment? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _$TAFF z. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRiCr CouaT _ 3 Does this persorVfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTIVE? YE$ NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to 9�een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What. When. Where, Why): City Council and the CED Committee has created a priority to improve housing information and communication. This resolution will be referred to CED, and when approved by the Council, requests the Mayor and staff to take a variety of steps to improve communications. �� � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: Focus on improved housing information and covmmnication. MAR C 6 1995 '�t��� �4@ ES.9���3 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � None ���e�?5 �.:'����-,5;.?� k ����e ��i�'�� � B ���� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ NA COSVREVENUE BUDGE7ED(CIFCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANpAL INFOFMATION (EXPLAIN) `� Q R 1 G� f� A L Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF S� T PAUL,IVIIl�TIVESOTA �. _ � 9/I - Presented By qs-�9 a �t ,, Referred To COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELQPMENT Committee: Date ,�'�RCH 15, 199 City Council Resolution for Improved Housing WHEREAS, City of Saint Paul departments, offices, and agenciesJ�rovide a variety of housing services and programs including housing cou�nseling and referral services, housing code compliance, and financing inc.�'ntives for home purchase and rehabilitation; and ,� WHEREAS, the City has a goal to improve services to citize�is through enhanced communication; and B WHEREAS, the City has a 1994-95 Housing Action Program �ich includes a priority to improve information and communication; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to continue and improve pro iding regular, simple, accessible and pertinent information on all city ho sing services and programs and, to the extent possible, to provide a single int of contact for citizen housing information; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to provide regular and City Council on housing services and pro� WHEREA5, it is necessary to continue and including low income, minority and ethnic access to housing services and programs;' ormation reports to the Mayor accomplishments; and providing all citizens lds information about and WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the City/of Saint Paul to improve housing communications in consultation with a{rarietv of stakeholders. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that set in the 1994-95 Housing Action housing informaCion and communicat BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that administrative staff: 1. To improve housing enhances current s a. Using a va simple, ac and prospe b. c. d. e. City Council reaffirms the priority it �am which created a focus to improve Council supports the ef£orts o£ the cations in the City of Saint Paul that and programs by: ,�y of communication methods that provide regular, sible and current housing information to existing ve city residents; Clearly ' entifying and publicizing a single point of contact for residen that provides general information and directs callers when n essary to the right person, department, office, or agenc ; Imp oving current information materials to outline city, county, an neighborhood housing services and programs; mproving public information and targeted marketing to reach low income, minority, and other households that often do not know about available city housing services and programs; and Submitting regular housing information reports to City Councilmembers and other stakeholders. f� � 5� 58 59 60 61 62 63 qs-�73 2 To simplify access and application processes, including consolidation of programs, wherever possible. 3. To solicit input from stakeholders in the improvement of housing communications, and submit improvement initiatives to the City Council's Community and Economic Development (CED) committee fo review and comment during 1995. gap/hct/hcplan2.res Adopted by Counci Adoption Certifi By: Approved by Mayor By: Date by Council Secretary Date Requested by Department of: Planning d Econo c Development By: Form Approved by City Attorney � �� B t Approved kry� ayor for Su iss'" to . Council �". � �� By: � � 9s a z� .�, o R � o o � y � m MARIE GRIMM Councilmember Date: March 22, 1995 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CED COMIvII'PTEE RS: Idarie Gamm, Jerry Btakey Roberta Megard Maxcia Mcermond, Poliry Analyst COMMITTEE REPORT COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. -,, � HELEN WELTER Legislative Aide VICKI SHEFFER Secretasy CED Committee Meeting Minutes from November 23, 1994, December 28, 1994 and January 25 1995. Minutes were approved. (3 - 0) Resolution - 95-273 - Accepting process for Community Development Agenda as proposed by Mayor Coleman (refened to Community and Economic Development Committee on 3/15/95). Committee recommended approval as amended. (3 - O) 3. Resolution - 95-274 - Supporting the statement of direction and priorities for the development of a housing information and communication plan (referred to the Community and Economic Development Committee on 3/15 f 95). Committee recommended approval as amended. (3 - 0) CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8660 s�ae \ Printed on Rerycled Paper