95-267OPfGINAL CITY Presenced By Re£erred To RESO�LUTION SAINT PAUL, MI Green Sheet n ra Comm=ttee: Da�e 25933 a� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 WHEREAS, the City's 1994 and 1995 Capital Improvement Budgets, budgeted Special Assessment Bonds in both years, and WHEREAS, the timing of actual construction of projects to be partially funded by Special Assessment Bonds has partially changed, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN United Children's Hospital/Smith Ave C94-71002 1995 Special Assessment Bonds 1994 Special Assessment Bonds SPENDING PLAN United Children's Hospital/Smith Ave C94-71002 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN 1994 Combined Sewer Separation C94-2T627 Sew Serv Rev Bnds-1988 Sew Serv Rev Bnds-Clwbk Spec Asmi Bonds - 7994 Water Surcharge Assessment 7994 CIB 7994 MSA 1994 PUB. IMPROV. AID Mn Water Pol Cont Grant SewerServ Wnd-MSR Water Utiltity MnDOT - Cauncil Fi1e n (�J �� / 410,000.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 -410,000.00 0.00 410,000.00 0.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 0.00 410,000.00 410,0�0.00 0.00 470,000.00 7,972,022.76 7,972,022.76 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 410,000.00 1,910,000.00 650, 000.00 650, 000.00 1,537,000.00 1,537,000.00 4,437,559.19 4,437,559.19 1, 088,655.36 1, 088,655.36 58,920.45 58,920.45 9,900,000.00 9,900,000.00 1 ,217,484.18 1 ,217,484.18 488,400.00 488,400.00 1,795,000.00 1,795,000.00 34,145,041.94 410,000.00 34,555,041.94 1 9s-� �� 7 SPENDING PLAN 2 1994 Combined Sewer Separation 3 C94-2T627 4 5 Co�siruction 6 7 8 ° 9 FINANCING PLAN 1 0 � 995 Combined Sewer Se�Paving 11 C95-2T528 12 13 1995CIB 1 4 Special Assess Bonds - 1995 1 5 Sew Serv Rev Bnds-1988 16 17 18 SPENDINGPLAN 1 9 1995 Combined Sewer Sep-Paving 20 C95-2T528 21 22 Construction 23 34,145,041.94 410,000.00 34,555,041.94 34,145,041.94 410,000.00 34,555,041.94 5,635,000.00 5,635,000.00 3,144,000.00 -444,000.00 2,700,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 10,779,000.00 -444,000.00 10,335,000.00 10,779,000.00 -444,000.00 10,335,000.00 10,779,000.00 -444,000.00 10,335,000.00 �;�:s Si. Faul I.ong -Range Capi4al imgsov>:*,��:� �,�aqa{ Commiitee c��°+�ed this request oa 2 �9I9S 3n3 Ye�om��� ti.; i::a4e) _ . Signed: � R2aues[ed 'oy Department o=: - - MJE/jb Public WOrkS 1-30-95 � � � By: Adopted by - Adoption By: _. � 4 icil• Dat 'ied by C u ecretary 9�r:''n Date --- - � -�i'-�- G' _ Form By: - � Appr/ 7 By . 1 � 2 by City Attorney � � . "V� - ---� Mayor for to Council DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7EINIi1ATED �S L/ Public Works 1/30/95 GREEN SHEET No. 2 v CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIT7AVDAiE INITIAVDATE DEPAR7MENTDIflECTOR ❑g CIiYCOUNCIL Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 �� � � c Tr arroaNe� � an c�aic MUSTBEONWONCILAGENDABY(�Ah� ROU'fMC BUDGETDIRECTOR �,� C �� MGT.SEflVICESDIR. OROHi �ypR(OR ASSIS � � TOTlLL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCAiION& PoH SICYdANN�� � CAP PROJ M � DEPARTMINTACCO f��' ACiION REQUESTm Appcoval of attacl�ed Coimcil Resflluflon amending the 19941995 Capital Impioyement Budgess by tcansfemng $41Q000 of 1994 Special Assessment Bonds from the United Children's HospitallSmith Ave project to the 1994 CSSP project, and aansferring $410,UQ0 of 1995 Spec tlsmt Bonds &om 1995 CSSP project to the United Chldren's HospitallSmirh Ave project and reducing 1995 CSSP by $34,000. qECOn.ihYENDATioNS:qpprove (A) orRe7ea (Fq pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Q _PLANNINGCOMMISSION=CFVILSERVICECOMMISSION ' -� Nasih5p2BOMRf1eV2fWOfkEtlUfltlEfaC011ifdClfo�thlStlBpalifflEfl!? CIB CoMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2- Hasthisperso�rmeVefbeenaCityempbyee? — � YES NO _ DIS7RICT COUNCIL _ 3. DaPS this PEISOMIRfI pOSSPSS 2 Sidll f10t f10Rfldlly pOSSeSSEf) by ff6 e SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCIL08JECTIVE? YE$ NO bUdget E��ain all yes armwers on separate sheet and attach to green stre INITIAT7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEflE, WH1�: Consnucfion of the United Children's HospitaVSmith Ave Ltg. project was delayed un611995. Special Assessment Bonds sold for tlris project were used for paving and ligJiting work done imder the 1994 Combined Sewer Separafion projecG Special Assessment Bonds will be sold in the amount of $3,110,000 in 1995 -$410,000 for the United Children's HospitallSmitl� Ave L' ject and $2,700,000 to partially fund the 1995 CSSP program. This is a net reduction of $34,000 in the adopted 1995 CIP or e 1995 CSSP pmject. �EB 23 1995 ADVANTAGES IF APPPAVEO: 7"� �." �, �- Budgets will reflect achial amount of Special Assessment bonds sold in each year and where these proceeds were transferred. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � ,�. None. L� L c, 5.��,�� �� �.� e, ��� ���EE�E� .�€,�. .��',��:"�.x c,�v'�od 'r,:.=;r=; � 2 ���a ��E � 2 1995 _ _ --. . _ ���� ��€"���� ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Budget for the United Children s HospitallSmith Ave Lighting project will not accutately reflect the pcoper year Special Assessment Bonds and ffie 1995 CSSP pro�am's appropriaflon will be $34,000 lrigher than it should. TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACT{ON$ -$��,0O0 COS7/REVENUEeUDGETED(GRCLEONE) YES � FUNDING SOURCE Special Asmt Bonds 1994 & 1995 ACTIVITY NUMBER C94-7I002 & C95-2T528 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN)