95-263��� 0 R I G!�I A L RESOLUTION � �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # �,s�iZ Green Sheet # �9� �� Referred To: � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the State of Minnesota, Department 2 of Public Safety for a Police Youth Liaison project in the amount of $50,000, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is required to provide a local match in the amount of $16,667, and 5 6 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to establish a budget to cover the remaining balance of the 7 grant, and 8 9 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Cnarter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 10 there are available tor appsopriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1995 budget; and 11 12 WHEREAS, The Mayor reCOmmends that the following addition be made to the 1995 budget: 13 14 FWANCING PLAN CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 15 16 436 - Police Special Projects 17 34120 - Special Investigations 18 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 243,881 8,334 252,215 19 All Other Fund Financing 1,019,173 0 1,019,173 20 1,263,054 8,334 1,271,388 21 22 SPENDING PLAN 23 24 436 - Police Special Projecis 25 34120 - Special Investigations 26 0557 - Transfer To General Fund 0 8,334 8,334 27 AIIOtherFundSpending 1,263,054 0 1,263,054 28 1,263,054 8,334 1,271,388 29 30 31 32 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1995 budget. Yeas ✓ ✓ Absent Requested by Dep ment of: Police By: __ •_ ......,,,� Approval Adopted by C Adoption Cei BY: Approved by By: Date I"^5 s�� ! • • � • s ' � � i b�y �ge¢Director: '�s Approved � C012595A � c ✓ q �EPARTMENT/pFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATE� N� 2 8 5 9 4 r LzcE Er��1•rr Ol/25/95 GREEN SHEET GOMACT PERSON & PHONE INITIFWATE INITIAL/DATE DEPFRTMENTDIflE CITYCOUNCIL Chief William Finney 292-3588 A`���N CITYATfORNEY CRV CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DA7E) NUMBEN FOR �� DIRECTOR qp�� �- �f FIN. 8 MGT. SERVIC DIR. OFDER MqyOR (OR A$$ISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qEQUESTEO: Approval of the attached Councii Resolution to establish a budget for the remaining balance of the match for the Police Youth Liaison project. The companion resolution to tlus match is routed under Green Sheet #28593. qECOMMENDATiONS: npprove (n) ar Reject (R) pERSONAI SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firm ever worked untler a contract tor this department? __ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _— � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry empfoyee? — YES NO _ DISiRICr COUR7 _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill nOt normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separete sheet anC attach to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What When, Where, Why�: The City of Saint Paul Police Department desires to continue to expend the Police Youth Liaison Grant wluch was received from the State of Minnesota. The City is required to provide a local match in the amou�rt of $8,334 for the remainder of the Grant. ��� A�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Police Departmem will be able to continue the Police Youth Liaisoic?�'r '"' '���N� � R ����VED ��� 8 1995 �U�G� QFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF APPFW ED. . s y �,=��t;�,�s� ; ;� . None. � �.� !� � "l��J DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. The Saint Paul Police Department will be unable to corninue with the Police Youth Liaison Program. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7qAN5ACT10N $ g• COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDfSdG SOURCE ACTiVITV NUMBEp 43634120-0557 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPI.AIN)