95-242Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 :•�� Committee: Date ��� �V .3a�3 �� RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Gala Foods (License ID l No. ) located at 1600 White Bear Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200 for the violation of the sale of tabacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the letter notice of the violation to the licensee, the LIEP inspection report, and such arguments as may bave been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: / 2 ,�)� r l�r� Form Approved by City Attorney s �_ ��ti� � �� �,�'LLGe Z - 3 -95 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 2/16195 �R�E1� SH�E� N° �073�, Robert RESSIES 266-9112 DEPAR T D RECT R 3 xrr uN xL y � y 1 ITY ATRbRNEY ITY CLERI( •�eRw ust be �n �.�unCll Agenda by: � U ET D R IP. S MGT. SVC. DIR. � SAP YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ncontested adverse license action. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) PSRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIST ANSwER TF3E FOLLOWSNG: PL4HNLNG COMMISSZON _ CIVIL SERVICE C�MMISION 1. Has th2 peYSOn/fiYm eveT Wozked undec a contraCt £ot this depait4ent? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO STAFF — 2. Has this person/fi=m ever been a City employee? DZSTRICT COVRT _ YES NO 3. �oes triis person/firm possess a skill not noxmally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO xplaia all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, W yj: Sale of tobacco products to a minor: 6ala Foods 1600 White Bear Avenue DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: "� �, ���° .w , .. � ti�€� _ _ .. , . . _. � r.•<, . _ .., � _ f�:��, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL SNFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF UCENSE, II�SPF,QI']ONS AND F.NVIRONMENTAL PRO?ECI'ION Roben Kerskr, Director �F �L� L CTI'Y OF SAIN'f PAUL Norm Coieman, Mayor 350 St Peur Street Suiu 30D Sent Paul, Minnesom SSIO2 Tekphone: 672-266-9772 Facsimile: 612-266-9124 February 27, 1995 Mr. John Sullivan Gala Foods 1600 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 Re: All licenses held by Gala Foods for the premises at 1600 White Bear Avenue, Saint Paul Dear Mr. Sullivan: ��� ., � ��..:; Piease take notice that �i��ruig concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for�:A9�p.m. on Wednesday, March 8�' in the City Council Chambers, 3'� floor, Saint Paul City Hall and 12aznsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the reports concerning the unlawful sale of cigazettes have been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council Hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the Office of Lacense, Inspections and Environmental Protection will be for a$200.00 fine. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Philip B. yrne Assistant City A omey ec: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, LIEP D'uector PIOTICE OF CQUNCII. HEARING Anima! nnd Pest Control 612-645-3953 Building I+upecrion and Design 612-2669Q?9 L¢wfuL GarezbGrtg Enforcement 672-266-91I4 Environmenra! $ealrh Services 612-266-913Q Foodlnspecaort Services 612-266-913Q Zoning Adminis[rarion 612-2669008 9S• �. ��. Business License Master Inquiry Date: Jan 6 LICENSE I.D. 19326 LICEN5E NAME FRANK WILLMAN DISTRIBUTION FIRST NAME MTDDLE INITIAL STREET NUMBER 1600 STREET 23AME WHITE BEAR CITY ST. PAUL STATE MN BILLING NAME S`PREET NUMBER 544 STREET NAME UNIVERSITY CITY ST. PAUL BLD STREET DIRECTION N STREET TYPE AV ZIP 55106 UNIT BLD STREET DIRECTION STREET TYPE AV STATE MN ZIP 55103 UNIT D.B.A. GALA FOODS COMBINE CODE LIC.EXP.DATE 03/31/95 TAX ID 6508059 SSN -- CEN.TK PHONE NUMBER 612-4882575 TERR 07 KRIS DEALER NUMBER BADGE.NO FIRE 07 Mailing License to the Billing Address (YfNj Y EFFECTIVE DATE 02/16(93 Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° BUSINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License YD 19326 Name JOHN SULLIVAN Transfer from License ID 19326 Transfer to License ID Street Number 1625 Street Direction Unit Street Name MCI,EAN Street Type AVE City ST PAUL State MN Zip 55106 Phone 7760767 Notes 1:12665 Env Notes 2:6/17/93 PH QN APPN FOR NEW A2 GROC(F), CIG, & OFF 3:SALE MALT LICENSE APP'D C.F. #93-855 4:LICENSE MAILED 7/12/93 5:8/17f94 OFF SALE MALT LICENSE CANCELED & REFUNDED 6:P.V. #V-160-2801 7: 8: 1: 2: 3: 4: Date: Jan 6 Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° g� @ � y_ . . �__`_-._�. TOBACCOCOMPLlANCECHECKFORM # � � — y �ATE; J� �� TIA.�: �� �� TAXI.D.NUMBER: S NAMEaFCOMPWWCECHECI�R N NAMEOFOFFICER -��L NAME AND ADDRESS OF LiCENSED VEfJDOR: s�—� WAS7HETOBACCO–SELFSERVE� ASSISTED? MACHWE? SALE WAS MADE YES _� N0: BRAND: {' l I�} R. �/�/�Cj� NAMEOFCLERK: SEI: M � F: DESCRIPTION: CHECKABOHTED: YES N0: ADDiTiONALCOMvtINTS: L:��(.(_ ��SPd/7"����X-� - . • P6bF� � � � ���J` �� ;-9 SA[i:i rwvt � �AAA CTTY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Caleman, Mayor January 9, 1995 Mr. John Sullivan Gala Foods 1600 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECfIONS AND /� ENVIILONMbNT.4LPROTECI'ION (//s� �' �� Robe1T%ss(er, Ditectar � ISCENSEAND Telephone:6I2-26S9100 INSPEClZONS Facsimile:612-2669124 350 St. Peur Street S�dre 300 S�nr Paut, Mi'vusow SSIO2 NOTICE OF COMPLAINT ����� ��g � s t c9�''ts�' � �e`' �9��`� q � � �� P �9 � FY� [^ ` t � ._ � -o- `�' S s,°P` ��I% Re: All licenses held by Gala Foods for the premises at 1600 W}ute Beaz Avenue, Saint Paul Dear Mr. Sullivan: The Office of License, Inspections and Envirorunental Protection will recoinmend to the Saint Paul City Council that adverse action be taken against all the licenses you hold at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following: On December 28, 1994, a clerk or other employee sold cigazettes to a minor under the age of 18 years in the licensed prem3ses. Th3s is an offense under Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Section 324.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. This offense is the basis for an action against all your licenses under Section 310.06(b) of the I,egislative Code. The recommendation of this office is a$200 fine for the first offense as called for in the Saint Paul Legis3ative Code as cited above. If you do not dispute the above facts, send me a faac or letter to that effect wittun 5 days. The case will be set before the City Council in the near future and you will receive further notice to this regard. If you do dispute the facts stated above, you may request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AIJ). The AW will hold a trial-type hearing at which both you and the City will be ab]e to appear and present witnesses, e��dence and cross- examine the other's witnesses. The Councll will decide the matter at a later public hearing after it receives the report of the ALJ. Please let me know within 5 days if you wish this altemate procedure and we will take the necessary steps to schedu]e it for you. Further guestions regarding this process may be directed to Phil Byrne at 266-8710. Failure to respond will result in an automatic AL.7 hearing, and you may be held responsible for the costs of such hearing. Very truly yours, 1'G'��l�G�s<9 Robert Ressler Director C: PhS] Byrne, Assistant City Attorney �.s.� �s- _��-�_- � -- �� � _��.�.___�G�__ -�-���----- ---- ------� ---- �A� : 9 1995 + ��. �. ,. - INV NO TMOVNt FRANK WILLMAN DISTRIBUTING CO., INC, DeA GALq FOO�S P.O. BOX 201152 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420 PAY ORDER OF �t c� �'� � � `�� _ . First 6a -T �� � F,., ee NB o nk B�oomington ssas tv�ame n.enve soum J BloommS�on, FW SSa20 9-s�y�-- 16363 — - ----L=�. " �. -- t9 y �316 -�_ � � � /.�tJ� �.D f3 `DOLLARS FOR � / ��'Oi6363u� � ������' "" 9005 196 16ii� 3a{���.at y 3. �r 23y^� �i�.zn�e Inspettin.n � Envaranmentai Frni;ectsor� 3543 St. Peter Street, 5uite �C�t� 5�:. F'aul , C1N SW i U2 Attn: Mr. Phil Byrne Uear Kkr. Byrn�: 9s-� y�-- � �,� �.- Thi� letter i� ta infarm Yat; that f;,ala F'U•:�ns �,r_,�=� nat dYS¢utC: th2 findina� ���'F yGtar A4fi1r_� re�a�BrdSnq th�� :ial� +��f s, tr�'ua�:cc� ��+r���du�_t tc a�i�inor uc�, Dc?���mbc:r 2�i, i'J'::4. A> �7�Y" ',1�.i._l� it-i''�Y�C7' l.'!, 'vi1�..1 C��.' C',v,�,&+�,� fiC!'C1'df.:d't1.�3f� r�'f GhK° l.1Cy . {IIP?tl'1tl i;r� Qg�PiC.'G •:�n 7'ihii=� Yb_+ti'k.E^T', Ti y;d t:,r p 1 r��e�rr_tiina tr�i-s ::,t;i:L . a i � - � r_ F� I� i3'i 's . � � k':l7hJ �:;'"�it�')F_'rC�E'Y" I"i�r�e�cJtr t:�ralta Hr�c,r,� -' wti'tt�,z E+asar Ld?�;� 771 �'r+8;3�4 e4���� @��� JA� : 9 i955 �b��� ��������