95-239Council File # •� 3 � Green Sheet # a 3 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Ibrahim Lulu dba Lulu Food Market & Deli 3 (I.icense ID No.��) located at 1626 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to 4 pay a fine of $200 for the violauon of the sale of tobacco or tobacco pzoducts to a minor. 5 6 Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental 7 Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and 8 signature by the Mayor. 9 10 This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the 11 facts contained in the letter notice of the violation to the licensee, the LIEP inspection 12 report, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public 13 bearing. The facts were not wntested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: �%/,��� /:�/ Form Approved by City Attorney B � z - 3 -4h Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: S �. 3 OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 2/16/95 ����� ..�H .� ,�� rr>;� N° 3 0 7-3 3�:� RObOxt Kess er 266-9112 2���T�"T Dx�cx x 3 rz o x x ,,,,,,� 1 zxz azma�z xv� cLZnx ...a�� ust be on Counci Agenda by: ^a^� � oi� A �». � MG . S c. oZR. � SAP Y A ( A S STANT) OTAL OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ncontested adverse license action. CODPIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR R&.TECT (R) PEILSONN. 58AVIC8 CONTRACTS MVST AHSNER THE FOLLOWING; PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVII. SERVICE COMMISION 1. fias the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaTtment? CIB COl4M1ITTEE _ yES NO STAFF ^ 2. Has thia pecson(£iim evex 6een a CiGy employee? �ISTRICT COVRT YES NO 3. Does this person/fizm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SVPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Cqrsent City employee? YES NO xplaia all YES answess oa a separate sheet a¢d attacL. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): 5ale of tobacco products to a minor: Lulu Eood Market and Deli 162b Selby Avenue DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �'E� N4 1595 CITY RTTOR�EY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: :�"�"�..,,_ ..__. � ,.. ��,._a. ,..: �� ? _ t�'�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: __ _ ___, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINj OFFICE OF LICENSE, A'SPF.CI70NS AND ENVIItONMENTAi PR07'E(.TION Rot�ni Ktukr, Dincros ����� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Calcman, Mayor February 27, 1995 Mr. Ibrahim Lulu Lulu Food Mart & Deli 1626 5elby Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 Re: All licenses held by Lulu Food Mart & Deli for the premises at 1626 Seiby Avenue, Saint Paul Dear Mr. Lulu: r . _ _ . . . c� _ .-�,_ �_.�.� �� Please take notice that �ring concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for�p.m. on Wednesday, March 8 in the City Council Chambers, 3'� floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the reports concerning the unlawful sale of cigarettes have been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council Hearing to present oral andJor written remarks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. The recommendalion of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very tnily yours, Phi ip ^ B rrie ���� Assistant City Attomey cc: I�3ancy Anderson, Assistant Councii Secretary Robert Kessler, LIEP Director 350 SY. Pemr Srreet Sjdu 300 Sm�tt Paul, Minnesor¢ 55102 Tekphone: 612-2669712 Farsimik: 612-26�9I24 NOTICE OF COUNCII. HEARING .lnima( and Pcsr Control 612-645-3953 Building Inspecaon ard Design 612-266-Ax)9 Lawju[ GmnbUng Enforccrsunt 612-26G9I14 Fsvironmenm! Heafth Servicu 672-266-9130 Food Inspecuon Servicu 612-26�9I30 Zoning Adminiscrauon 612-2669008 9s' a,3� Date: Jan 6 Business License Master Inquiry LICENSE I.D. 56447 LICENSE NAME LULU FOOD MART & DELI FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL STREET NUMBER 1626 STREET NAME SELBY CITY ST. PAUI, STATE MN BILLING NAME STREET NUMBER STREET NAME CITY STATS BLD STREST DIRECTSON STREET TYPE AV ZIP 55104 UNIT BLD STREET DIRECTION STREET TYPE ZIP UNIT D.B.A. LIII.,U FOOD MART & DELI COMBINE CODE LIC.EXP.DATE 03f31/95 TAX ID 108929� SSN -- CEN.TK PHONE NUMBER 612-6452160 TERR 01 RICH DEALER NUMBER BADGE.NO FIRE Mailing License tp the Billing Address (YJN) EFFECTIVE DATE 06/O1j93 Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° gs a 3� a ��\ n�� TOBPGCO COMPUANCE CHECK FORM # �3 � � DATE: �� � 1 TIME: �� •'1� 7A7C I. D. NUMBER: O NAMEOFCOMPUANCECHECi�R IJ� 0 '` NAMEOFOFFICER � _ NAMEANDADDRESSOFUCENSEDVENDOR:(�,L.b4Q�LI� F�D-A__l ��AIG��NA�L— WA51}iETOBACCO — SEIf SERVE? ASSISTED't SALE WAS MADE: YES ��� NO: NAMEOFC(FRK: �L� DESCRIPTiON: CHECKABORTED: YES N0: ADORl�NAL CONMENTS: �� •�' � , • I I � \ . \ � ► ��1 � a � G�7�j�`7 J 1 SAINi PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINf PAUL Norm CaZeman, Mayor January 9, 1995 Mr. I6ra}um Lulu Lulu Food Mart & Dell 1626 Selby Avenue Saint Pau3, Minnesota 55104 OFFtCE OF LICENSE,7NSPEC710NSAND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION /Z �` � �/J Ro6ert Kessler, Birecmr � ' IICENSE AND Telephone: 612-26G9ZOQ INSPEC170NS Facsimite:67?-266-9124 350 &. Peur Street Suiu 3IX1 Suira Paul, Minnesom 55102 ��-������ r �N9 � g NOTICE OF COMPLAIlVT Re: All licenses held by Lulu Food Mart & Deli for the premises at 1626 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul Deaz Mr. Lulu: `��f� =-d 1995 6 1J��� � � �5������ The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend to the Saint Paul City Council that adverse action be taken against all the licenses you hold at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following: On December 27, 1994, a clerk or other emp]oyee sold cSgarettes to a minor under the age of 18 years 3n the licensed premises. This is an offense under Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Section 324.07 of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code. This offense is the basis for an action against all your licenses under Section 310.06(b) of the Legislative Code. The recommendation of this office is a$200 fine for the first offense as called for ln the Saint Paui LegSslative Code as cited above. If you do not dispute the above facts, send me a f� or letter to that effect within 5 days. The case will be set before the City Councll in the near future and you will receive further notice to this regard. If you do dispuYe the facts stated above, you may request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AI�. The HI„J will hold a trial-type hearing at which both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross- exainine tfie other's witnesses. The Council will decide the matter at a later public hearing after it receives the report of the ALJ. Flease let me know within 5 days if you wish thSs alternate procedure and we will take the necessary steps to schedule it for you. Further questions regarding this process may be directed to Phil Byme at 266-8710. Failure to respond wiil result in an automatic t�I,J hearing, and you may be held responsible for the costs of such hearing. Very truly yours, 1�����f�� Robert Kessler Director C: Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attomey RECEIVED JAN � 7 ]995 C1TY ATTORNEY /�� , �� '' /' � yGrc�. ro,.c�.,r�w�«t �1�e4 • //vzG �.� 61�%`�.r�./, ..l�• s.��m�r �7� �lr: .�',��er-- d� �.2 � ��r.� �s-� 3 � %.ic �casu.«.l,e.� z�� fyt't� � c..y�ee �Pf c�va� ta- .w,.u:�...r-� wu�sl,rr- Dy(t �e �i��ra-.�. �.�'�.1�� �,�,�,,,�,`" � ���r p�� �- vr� ��. . I . �:,%!��- - ��- __ / i�r.�..' IO'd I00'oN OS�6 S6`Zt upt 09T7 l31 I�3Q '� 1?Jkil-d QL�J� mn�