95-23Council File 0 R 1 G I N A L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIN Presented By Referred To Green Sheet � � 9y "� # � 0 Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 1995 BOND ISSUES Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby give preliminary approval and authorization to City officials to examine the possible issuance of general obligation bonds to be issued by the City of Saint Paul for Capital Improvements in the amount of $12,500,000 and Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds in the amount of $3,145,000 and to report back to the Council with recommendations for the offering and sale thereof by a competitive public sale. The Council will then consider a resolution or resolutions fixing the amount and maturity thereof, and provide for the sale of said bonds. KY! Requested by Department of: BY � ec�,_._� � _ �..,�.��-a�-� Approved by May . Date �-9-9s� BY' �� � ._ �r'u'.�'y� Finance and Management Services aY' �+.+� i4/ rm Appr�jbed by City�tpttorn,e By: ✓ App ove Mayor for S mission to Coun i By: Adopted by Council: Date �- Adoption Certified by Council Secretary - - - . . . �7' � G� DEPARTMENT/OPfICE/COUNpL DATE INrt7ATE0 � Finance and Management Services - Treasury 7.2-22-94 GREEN SHEE N_ � 2 3 7 9 4 CONTAC7 PEfiSOM 8 PHONE" INRIAVDATE INITiAVDATE , J , ; � � DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR � CffYCAUNCIL Mart3�aKantoroxicz. 266-8836 . '��N Qcmnrroar+er �CRYGLERK NUYBERFOH MUST 9E ON CAUNCIL AGENDABY(DA7E) qp�N� O BUDCETDIRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR: SdDll 4 199$ ' ORDER MpyOfl (OR ASSISTANT) � a=Y � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLtP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N FEQUE97ED: � This PreliminarY Resolution qives the Depaztment of Finance and Management Services the authoritp to initiate all necessary action leading to the issuance of Citp General Obligation Bonds on February 22, 1995 with City Council awardi�g bids that aftexnoon. These bonds will be sold bp Competitive bid. RECOMMENDATIONS: npprova (A) or Fajea (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE F�LIAWiNG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hd5 fh15 pe�SOMifm BVe� Wo�ketl untle� d COn[rdCt fOl MIS dBpartmCrl[? CIB COMMITfEE YES NO ' _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRiC7 CoUrrr _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILOBJECTIVE? VES NO Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why). PLEASE PLACE THIS RESOLUTION ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA OF JANUARY 4� 1995. These bonds are for purposes of funding the 1995 Capital Improvement Budget and funding certain street impxovements. $12,500,000 General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds � $ 3�145,000 General Obligation Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds DEC 23 1994 ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED ��'���� ��'� ��� This resolution is preliminary as it only authorizes the Department of Finance and Management Services to begin the 1995 bond sale process. A fletailed bond sale resolution calling for the sale will be presented to the full Council on February 22, 1995. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: ' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Without a preliminary resolution, the Department of Finance and Management Services would not be authorized to initiate necessary action leading to a 1995 bond sale. �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 15�645�000 COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATI�N. (EXPWN) ORIGINAL Presented Referred To Co[amittee: Date 1 2 3 a RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves s e of the appointment and reappointment of the following people to the � a BOARD OF ZO1vING APPEALS. 9 10 11 iz APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING 13 ia Arlend "Buzz" Wilson 11/1J97 is 16 i� REAPPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING is i9 Gloria Bogen 11/1/97 ao ai az Requested by Department of: BY= App: Bye Council File � �� O�/ �� Green Sheet � aa� gn RESOLUTION \ �INT PAUL, D�IINNESOTA � By: Form A ved by C'ty Attorn BY� "� c Z�� �i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �,"""'� � .� G�"� Adopted by Council: Date q; ,�, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary '. �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� �•'T `� O Mayor' office 11/10l94 GREEN SHEET CONTACf pEFSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAUDATE DEPAFiTMENT DIRE T' COUNCII � I�O�2�'�-�CLlY'�7iSr-ZF)Cl��'SS'3�- �IGN CITVATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUSTBE ON COUNCIIAGENDA BV (OATE) pQ��NG�� BUIX'aEf �IRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ONDER � ypyOR (OP ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQl1E5TED: Reappointment of Gloria Bogen and appointment of Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AMSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DlsTqlCi CoURr _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where. Whyp None. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO� Reappointment of Gloria Bogen and appointment of Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to the Board of Zoninq Appeals. Terms will expire on 11/1/97. DISADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: �i5`�a56�3$ �o����� ���C� �EG � � �994 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI(dG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFOpMATION� (EXPLAIN) r � �L s Irrterdepartmerrtal Memorandum .f�►c.�.�__�r��� TO: Council President Dave Thuae Councilmember 3anice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: RogeY Curtis Jean Karpe �1rv DATE: December 2 , 1994 RE: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following people to the Board of Zoning Appeals. TERM EBPIRING Arlend "Buzz" Wilson 11/1/97 TERM E%PIRING Gloria Bogen il/1/97 Attached is a copy of Mr. Wilson's application. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8508. Thank you. Attachments � � �gZ ���r�� �iF' W OFRICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SA2NT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8526 ?"L' gs-�3�. Name: �Q�� fr�.�ZZ� vJ�1so*� nrr 9F �99� Home Address: ' S'.v�nS �J�N�-i.e �a;��' �1 flu` 1Y1i �JP v�A�- --S5JDLi Street City ." ""•.'� -t.} "'= Zip Telephone Number: CHome) (ota R l30"'� (Aork) ���iR d Planning District Crnmcil: S City Coimcil Aard: �c Pre�erred 2iailing 6ddress: `7'��6 S.MS �JPi.lu� .SAi� 1V�� tN�S� 651D1 Ahat is yov= occupation? L'4�.�e,� c�� � 2�.telL � 1a� A��c,t� �2p "�o�_ Place�of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Ahat skills/training or ezperience do you possess £or the co�ittee(s) £or chicu you seek appointment? S 2fP N�� C h�P .� The information included in this application is considered piivate data accordir.g to the :Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 _ 9s�-�3� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? Through previous work experience I have developed the ability to accurately interpret statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations; to effect their implementation in a£air and equitable manner. This skill was gained during 30 years of employment with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. I also have superior interpersonal communication skills necessary to understand complex questions and to respond in a manner which is clearly understood. This was essential wnen dealing with attorneys, judges, legislators, ann the general public during the course of my past employment. When faced with confrontational situations, I am able to remain objective, and yet am able to be empathetic. I was employed by State of Minnesota, Department o£ Public Safety, £rom February 1958 until my retirement in June 1988. My employment began as a Driver License Examiner. After 15 years, 2 advanced to the position of Driver Safety Analyst for approximately 8 years. I then served as Assistant to the Chief of Driver Evaluation for 5 years and as Chief of Driver F.valuation for 2 years immediately prior to retirement. In addition to my work related experience, I serve as a volunteer in various community organizations. Such as: -District 5 Planning Council Member of Housing Committee Member of Licensing, Land Use, and Zoning Committee -Case-Payne Community Council -Wilder Booster Club -Ramsey Action Program's Fair Share Program I have previously worked with other comsr,unity organizations such as: -Urban Revitalization Action Program implemented by the East Side Neighborhood Development Corporation. -The Mayor's Traffic Safety Committee -The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy Plan I most recently served on the 3PR (Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies) Board chaired by Councilperson Janice Rettman, The purpose of that committee was to review and revise the Housing, Building, and Zoning Codes for the City of St.Paul. I also served pn a sub-committee which wrote a proposed Nuisance Ordinance, It was then submitted to the city council, where it was modified somewhat and adopted._ 1 q��a3� Reasons for vour interest in this Particular committee. Board of Zoninci Appeals I believe that the application of Zoning code benefitsthe city and those living within its boundaries. That in the application of the codea, the interests of a11 parties should be protected. At the time the zoning codes were written, I have no doubt that they evolved from a very thoughtful process. And during that process that the concerns and rights of both the city and property o�aners were considered. However, as in all things, some situations arise which are unique and require special consideration. The purpose of the Board of Zoninq Appeals is, as I see it, to evaluate such situations, and rule in such a manner, that the integrity of the code is maintained, while addressing the need of the property owner. Because of the skills listed, I feel I am well qualified for this position. PERSONAI. REFERENCES qs � Name:_, `t��(2�� �-rR'� MM �'S�Ric'C � L ''i \ ((�pcv, a Address: ?�� �� oOR l.\'�}v1 f'1S� l� P. ��Y�f� , �It���2 "�'yD� ' ��( Phone : _ (Home) la t a. { 'lr1 �C `l S $ qi [Aork) � � jc ( $ j„ ( Cj Name: r jue.. �f,r��U���S C�'o.V.n,u�i,7 O{2q�U�z�2 �iS�R��C� 5�1ANs�iNq �aun�Qi� � � J Address: A �\y �f��.t tJ}c.. �-Je.tJU� ��icJ�- P�K� 1rY�irJl)� <��+q �iFilO � 1 Phone:_(gome) n1�'a9o (Aork) �e{�a '��7�1 5a3� Aame Addri Phone:__ (Home) (0 1 �_' 1`7� (Aork) !a - „�g,� ��.6 XRm•G�•c� Reasons �or your interest in this particular committee Sa�e.. C��cRC.�o � Have you had previous contact vith the committee for which pou are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? - �oT. iyy�s -'nos��r� cro n�o�.� .. In an attempt to ensure that co�nittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly voluntary. �_ Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (A£rican American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander Amesican Zndian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ Male Female Date of Bi=th: Io'7 Disabled: Yes No �_ If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. How did you hear about this opening? �,��p}�n�c° MPSS��4C>. �Rovvti �.A.r�ei� �jQ�SON M�a �� G�; n��.