95-225Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall r.�o,�a s� Refened To ���: �� WHEREAS the United States Department of Energy (DOE) wishes to promote air quality and environmental goals and policies by encouraging municipalities to make energy efficiency improvements in private and public commercial buildings, and in multi-family residential buildings; and WHEREAS, the DOE has made available $5-6 million and issued a request for proposals for Rebuiid America grants to be awarded to 5-6 U.S. municipal consortia comprised of representatives from local government, the business community and other appropriate entities to fund 5 year programs; and WHEREAS, D.O.E. grants may finance engineering, administrative, design, and marketing services in conjunction with energy efficiency efforts and are to be matched with local non- federal sources to finance equipment and installation costs; and WHEREAS, the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis have been recognized by the D.O.E., State agencies, the International Council for I.ocal Environmental Initiatives, and NSP for their commitment to making municipal facilities more energy efficient; and WHEREAS, the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, NSP, Minnesgasco and representatives from the Twin Cities business community have demonstrated the ability to cooperate through the effort to develop the Twin Cities Urban CO2 Reduction Plan; and WHEREAS, the Rebuild America program can help the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to augment government efforts and to extend fiscal and environmental benefits into other sectors of the Saint Paul commercial sector; and WHERBAS, the DOE is interested in providing funding to metropolitan areas larger than a single governmental unit; and WHEREAS; the Twin City project will integrate traditional activities such as energy conservation audits and fuel use analysis with extended options including strategic marketing, identification of affordable financing options, use of diagnostic tools, automated monitoring and verification, and training; and WHEREAS, the Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) coordinated the Twin Ciry Urban CO2 Reduction Project and drafted the plan which was adopted by both City Councils in 1993; and QRIG��IAL RESOLUTION CITY MINNESOTA Council File # s• r Green Sheet # � � ��S /P WHEREAS, CEE has extensive eapertise and experience with developing, securing federal funding and implementing private and public energy efficiency retrofit projects; and �.5. 3 � �� 9s- sas WHEREAS, CEE is submitting a Rebuild America proposal and has invited the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to join in the cansortium which will benefit from the five year program; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Energy Conservauon Project activity contributes to the local match; therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendauon of the Mayor, the City Council directs City officials to work with the Center for Energy and the Environment to develop a Rebuild America Grant proposal that benefits and includes representatives from the private sector and makes use of local resources such as the University of Minnesota; and be it further RESOLVED, that staff will return to the Mayor and City Council for approval of appropriate budget modifications when a grant is awarded. Yeas �� Nays�� Absent Requested by Department of: Finance & Ma / � na emen Services__ R \ f J 1.( /J J'/ K/� `7r^ti Director �.�i�JI .. -. i �� . i�, �.,,�: ��°�^ Form Approved by City Attorney Secretary BY. � �� ff ��� �� �l ;��5/ Approved by Mayor for Su to Council By: /" l "" r "' °� � 1L"_ "� �sf" 1 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: ���� �� Green Sheet Numbec 3 � �� � i FPARTAffi�71' DIRP.C.I�OR 4 CfI'Y COUNCII. taR Peison and Ph�e Number ,�, . ..�., 2 CCTY ATl'ORNLY 7 C�RK Susan Ode 266-6601 266-8850 °m' UDGEP DIItECDOR .& MGl: SVG DIIL YOR(ORASSISTANl) - �"sp� :s�' r ,� ne � cwa�a n�aa np March 8, 1995 g� ni, a or sG�.r�7vxe rnGrs one (c� nu. wca�or�s rox sGxnzvx� ,, aa �� � ON UPSIFD: � irection to staff to work with the Center for Energy and the Environment to develop a ltvin City U.S. Department of Energy Rebnild America grant. RECOMIvffidDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR REIECT (R) ruu. sexvics coxizcncrs Musr axsw�z z� roi.wwarG: PiANNING COTII�IISSION STA� .� y� peson/fnm ever wo:ked under a contra�rt for this departmen[? Y&+S NO CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION Has this peison/fiffi ever been a Giy employee? YES NO . Does mis pcxsonJFi� posses a stiu not aoimallY I� b9 �Y C/B COMbIITT� _ Cbrnnt Gt9 emPloyec' YFS NO lain all YES aaswea on a separace shcet aud attach. r; —<, ,,.. <r-: a a i,e PORTS Wf1IQ-I COUNCII. OBJECIYVE? covrrccu„ w�xnc� nisrx►cr r�NNUrc covr�cw � 2 7 1995 TING PROBI-EM, ISSIIF OPPOR1VN11Y (Who, WLat, When, Whem. R'hp!): {'�.�'���,'� ���' e Department of Energy has issued a request for proposals from municipal groups cooperating to make nergy efficiency improvements in commercial and multi-housing buildings. The Center for Ener�,y and the nvironment invites Saint Paul to join the 1�vin Cities consortium. The local project wili augment current City efforts and elrtend the beneTts to other sectors of the community. The grant must be submitted by arch 31, 1995. VANt'AGES IFAPPROVED: Saint Paul government and commercial buildings will be improved and operating costs will be reduced hile the drain on the natural resources is reduced in accordance with the Council and Mayor approved CO2 Reduction Plan. �snnv�wrnGSS m errxovsn: none ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul will lose the opportunity to participate in a five year program to improve economic development hrough rednced operating costs and will continue use taxpayer money to operate inefficient buildings. TAL AMOUNf OF 1RANSACIYON: $ COSi'/KEVEN[JE BUDGHIF..D (C[RCLE ONL� YES NO ING SOURCE ACl'NC1Y NUMBER: C1AL INFORMATION: (�LPIAIN) REBUILD AMERICA GRANT REOUEST FOR PROPOSALS �s-a�.s The U.S. Department of Energy is seelang proposals from municipal organizations that include governments, commercial and nonprofit organizations to make commerciai, multi-family residential buildings and government buildings in U.S. central cities more energy efficient. This effort will result in improved buildings with reduced operating costs to keep costs manageable and to encourage healthy central city economies. The D.O.E. will make $5.5-6.5 million total avaitabie to award to 5 to 6 cities to fund engineering, design, technical support, marketing, and other related costs to implement 5 year programs. Building owners, utility companies conservation incentives and other parties may match D.O.E. dollars with any non-federal money to fund equipment and installation of conservation measures. LOCAL PROPOSAL In the Twin Cities, the Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) is submitting a proposal to implement a Twin Cities project. CEE has eacpertise and experience working planning and implementing energy efficiency projects in both cities. CEE has worked extensively with state and local governments and federal agencies and is well qualified to coordinate the work of all parties. Other local participants will include local resources such as utility companies, the University of Minnesota, builders, and other energy services providers. OPPORTUNITY The D.O.E. and other government agencies are aware of energy efficiency activity in Saint Paul and Minneapolis in both government and private sectors. It is antacipated that a cooperative program serving the metropolitan area will be welcome. The local proposal builds on the success of many cooperative programs in the Twin Cities. The City Councils adopted the Urban CO2 Reduction Plan in 1993. Both cities have begun implementing a Plan strategy with NSP to make energy efficiency improvements in municipal buildings. Ttiis work gained the attention of two D.O.E. national laboratories in 1994 when the labs selected the Twin Cities as a project site to investigate municipal energy use. Rebuild America funding provides an opportunity to extend the benefits the cities haue developed into other sectors of the community and to make more use of expertise available in the community. SERVICES The program will ea.pand existing conservation services such as conservation audits, fuel use analysis, and use of traditional incentives where available will continue to be reliable components in the program. Services will be self-sustaining in order to continue energy efficiency gains despite changing regulatory environment. The project will incorporate additional activities including the use of diagnostic tools; increased energy-use monitoring and verification of savings; more sophisticated analysis of collected data to improve conservation measures; increased attention to commissioning of retrofitted buildings to assure optimum operation; training for designers, maintenance staff, inspectors, engineers and architects; code compliance assistance; and developing or locating financing tools appropriate to various participants. MARKETING Energy efficiency improves cost-effectiveness for businesses in central cities. Organizations must be aware of the savings opportunities in order to take advantage of them so public information and marketing will be an important component of the program. A primary goal will be to make participation as easy a possible. Information about existing government and utility programs will be consolidated and distributed to make technical assistance easily available. Contact: Susan Ode 266-6601