D00419Whrte — City C�erk Pink — Financc Oept. Gnary— DeOt. GITY OF SAI\'T PALTL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ADMIN]S'IRATIVE ORAER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 � 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 No: �ao� I q Date: � �' �� +� WHERF.AS, excellence in city government requires a strong commitment to promote employee excellence, morale, and pride in work, and encouragement to reflect those qualities in employees' roles as representatives of the City of Saint Paul. WHEREAS, excellence in city government requires promotion of programs and activities for employee participation to benefit their well-being as a group and as individuals. WHEREAS, excellence in city government requires initiation of programs that enable employees to receive recognition for their dedication and work. WHEREAS, the 0£fice of Human Resources - Training and Development Division, supports employee programs developed by the Employee Relations Committee, and is responsible for providing the cost of the programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources - Training and Development Division, be authorized to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred in providing the following programs and services; to be paid out of General Fund, Activity 00157: - Years of Service Recognition Breakfast for 108 employees, not to exceed $950. - Public Service Recognition Week Karl Neid Community Service Award and Employee Appreciation Reception supplies, not to exceed $800. - City Employee and Family Picnic Supplies and services, not to exceed $2500. - 7th Annual Conference for Clerical Support Staff Recognition supplies, not to exceed $50. - October Employee Event Misc. supplies, not to exceed $150. APPROVED AS TO FORM � ` Assistanc City Atto y • Date ��� ���� �� Department Head� � 6 dministratrv¢ Assistant Maror O ����� N_ 29745 Human Resources 12/16/94 GREEN S � �ACTPEflSON&PHONE EPARTMEMDIRECfOR �CRVCOUNCIL INITiAI/DATE Vicki Patschke, 266-6519 A��r'N CITYATfORNEY �CRYCLEflK i BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NIIYBEN FOR O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIq. ROU'(ING bv end of 1994 ORDER OMpypq(ORA$$ISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Authorization to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred in employee relations and recognition programs in 1994. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprava (A) or Ne�ec[ (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ — _ STAFF _ _ _�ISTpICTCOURT -- SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEFi THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Ihis person/Firm ever worked under a contrect for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has ihis personRirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does thi§ personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current c"rty employee� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Where, Why�: In 1994, the Employee Relations Committee initiated several recognition programs and employee relations activities that involved purchases from various vendors. The programs included Years of Service Recognition, Public Seroice Recognition Week Employee Receptions the City Employee and Family Picnic, and others. Costs for the Picnic were supplemented by union donations. • We would be able to continue to offer these recognition programs. None -- the funds are available. �' F i: 4�} 290� n. N5 � (� ; � r �.�a. 9v� i:34 ✓1f�jY'�+� �: � >-„���.� �� �!?V�1NCE �.tv+a .vr�s�:AGEivPEi�lj`.,,iEF2VlC�S '������/�� s�CCi91994 ��¢��� �, ������ ��, � _ We would not be able to continue offering the few employee recognition programs that are offered to and appreciated by employees. RECElVED DEC 21 1994 CITI' CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ $4450. 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE General Fund ACTIVITYNUMBER ��15� FINANCIAL INFORF�ATION. (EXPLAIN) � � J' l�V