D00418Whrta - City Gark Pink - Financ� OWt. G�ary - Oept. • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BI'Ili;El' I2E�75I0\ $ 2,000 2,000 1,500 9�000 - 0 - �1��js�j,��� O�$j�, Consisteni with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07,d of the Ciry Charter and basetl on the request of the Director of the Department of Finance and Manavement Services to amentl the 79 9 budget of the Debt Service funtl. the Director of the Department of Finance antl Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amentled Budget Change Budget 960 Debt Service F�nd 89955 General Debt Pre - 1987 0251 - Transportation 0252 - Lodging-Meals etc. 0253 - Registration Fees - Out o£ Town 0603 - Trustees Fees 0857 - Data Processing Hardward $14,500 165 Finance Special Projects 31154 Treasury Special Projects Fund 0299 - Other • 0857 - Data ProCessing Hardware . Y � r�� ��r�0- �� P pare0 by: Activity eger �s.t,�� �.r---- q �� ^ stetl � :Departmenttlirector \\YJ 'Y GITY OF SAIA'T PALIL ONf'ICF. OF TFiF. MAYOR $69�000 - 0 - 69,000 No: ( �' _ Date: � �- �� __!_!—^ (1�700) $ 300 (1,200) 800 (1�200) 300 (6�000) 3�000 10�100 10�100 - 0 - $14�500 (3�500) 3,500 � $65,500 3,500 69,000 C,���� � � Appro y. Mayo .../ �� f.•�N� j� - �-6 � � Dflta � � _ � � � . � � Il('Y1�1 i � DEPAFlTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE MRIATED � � Finance & Management Treasurq 12-2Q-94 GREEN SHEET N_ 2 3 7 9 3 iNmnvonre �Nmawnre CAMAC( PERSON & PHONE �/ /� n � pEPqRTMENT DIflE � CT' COUNdL Shirlep Davis 256�-8$39- I "}J v� ASSIGN O CT'ATTORNEY � CITYCLEqK. BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA'f� p0U7ING �Z BUDGET DIflECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES D IR. ONDER MpypR (OR ASSISTAPfT) Chief Accountant � December 28. 1994- � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Cf70N flEQUESTED: � � This ac�inistratioe order adjusts Treasurp Budgets to paq for computers necessarp to automate Treasury funetions. RECOMMENDn71oNS: Apprava (A) m Raject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSfON _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis person/Firm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? _ STA� — YES NO _ DISTRiC7 COUFiT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city emp�oyee? SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers oa separate ahee[ antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITV (Who, Wha1, When. Where, Why�: The Treasury Department needs updated computer hardwate to process software that enables treasuxy to ma�cimize £inancial analysis o£ debt, investments, and othez cash management. ANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Treasury will be better able to compare and analyse proposals and investment opportunities. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPPOVED: None. R � C '�'��� - DEC 21 1994 CITI' CLER6C DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Treasury may miss best oppoTtunities £or debt, investment, and cash management. �� TOTAL AMOUNT OFTpANSACTION $ 13�600 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 89955� 31154 FUNDING SOURCE ACTVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �� � . dW