95-191Council File #� /� � Green Sheet #28946 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL,/MINNESOTA An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for SafetyjADA Coordinator in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 5 RESOLUED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Safety/ADA 6 Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 17, of the 7 Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of 8 Compensation; and be it 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force an 10 the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appx By OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES `� '" �"' - - — — - Form pro d by City Attorney Ey. �..ti ' Approved by �1ay�or for Submission to Council � � ) ,q , $y: g 5 � q I G-s�r',� DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INITIATED N o 2 8 9 4 6 xwnan x�sources�c Sificat;.ons GREEN SHEE COMACT PERSON & PHON INITIAUDATE INRIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY CAUNCII John ShoCkley x66482 I1551GN � crzv anoaNe� ���� Q crtr c�aic NUYBEHFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A(3ENDA BV (DATE) RQ�� BUDCaET DIREGTOR � FIN. & MCaT. SERV(CES DIA �`� OHOEA MpYOR (OR ASSISTA Q Finanrr�-A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION RE�UESTED: . Approval of a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new classification entitled, Safety/ADA Coordinator. RECOMMENDnT70NS: Approve (A) or Aeject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FE��� ESTIONS: _ PLANNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personttirm ever worketl under a contract for this d _ CIB COMMIT�EE VES NO _ S7qFF 2. Has t�is person�rm ever been a clry employee? JqN i 2 1995 — YES NO _ �ISTRIC7 COURT _ 3. Ooes this personttirm ssess a skill noS normall � po y possessetl by any current ciry empbyee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO ����� ���y'���2 Exp�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNIN (Wlro. What. When, Where, Why): The City needs to have a Safety Coordinatot to provide safety training and education to employees to prevent accidents and in3uries, and to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations to minimize potentiallq expensive legal liabilities against the CiCy. Zn addition, the City must have a coordinator £ox Americans with Disabilities Act issues to ensure appropriate treatment for disabled people and to ensure compliance with the the ADA requirements. Due to limited resources, it is desired that we combine these positions. ADVANTAGE3 IF APPRWED� If this title is approved, the City will be better equipped to provide a safer work place for employees, reduce accidents that cut into productivity, and avoid expensive 1ega1 suits. The City will also be able to ensure appropriate treatment for disabled people and wi11 be better able to avoid expensive lawsuits that could be filed under the ADA legislation. Combining these duties into one position will result in maximum efficient use of resources. �������� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� FE� C � 1995 �4�� ������"��� There are no known disadvantages with the exception of paying the salary for the position. ��'ea"s`�.C:3 �`°;•�.�'z�°3 �s,�?��i" '��+ i: : 1�9M DiSAWANTAGES IF NOT APPRWED: "" If this resolution is not approved, the City could experience an increase in accidents, in lost time injuries, and in workers' comp claims, and a£ailure to realize the savings from an effective return to work program. The Gity will also risk not being able to txeat disabled people properly. In both the areas of safeCy and ADA, the City will be increasingly liable for expens3ve lawsuits if we fail to establish and maintain effective programs in both areas. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE �neral Fund qCTIVITY NUMBEH �137� FINANqAL INFOflMAT10N (EXPLAIN) : CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF HL3MAI3 RESOURCES LeeAnn Turchin, Acting Director 230 Ciry Hall Arsner 25 West Fourth Sdeet Saint Pau� MN 55102-163I Peter Hames, Director Finance and Management Services Michael F. Foley ��� Classification and C�iYsation Division December 27, 1994 Twenty Day Notice �'.�I4 / Teleplwne: 612-266-6500 TDD/77Y.� 6I2-266-650I Jobline: 612-266-6502 Facsimile: 672-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class of Safety/ADA Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Piease notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and wili proceed with the process. I have also notified SPSO. They did not receive a formal Twenty Day notice but did receive an informational letter with the class specs. I wili also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the titie of Safety/ADA Coordinator in grade 17, Section ID4, of the Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class specification. ��..�?�d ��V t�i�i ���S�Y Name Date � gs-�9/ CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CL,ASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Safety Coordinator Vacant Michael Foley �° % (/ December 19, 1994 Terry Haltiner (Risk Analyst) Bob Homsberger (Puhlic Works) Kathy Korum (Parks, SafeTy) Angela Nalezny (H-R, R&S) Art Peisert (Public Works) John Regal (Wellness) Back r,� ound This position was vacated due to a retirement. The manager of the position requested that the position be studied and the class specification be revised to reflect the responsibilities that would be assigned to the position. The position will have more responsibility £or management and coordination of a City-wide safety program and will be working more directly with department directors and managers. In addition, this position will also haue responsibIlity for the City ADA program as well as traditional safety duties. The working group listed above is composed of those who will be working closely with this position and representatives from two departments wheae there is a significant possibility of safety problems due to the nature of the work. APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION & COMPBNSATION MANAGER: 9s-i� � Study Components Review of job profile Input from working group listed above Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Job Description The position is located in the Department of Finance and Management Service in the Risk Management Division. The position will be responsible for overseeing the institution of effective safety programs and effective ADA programs in the operating departments and for the development of City-wide policies and procedures. The position will review safety procedures and ADA procedures for compliance with federal State regulations and ott�er regulations and will analyze safety trends and ADA information to ensure that the City safety program is not only in compliance but also that it is effective. The specific responsibilities of this position inciude: 1. Ensures City-wide compliance with OSHA and ADA regulations and with related State and local regulations by communication inspection, analysis and enforcement programs. 2. Acts as the City's technical expert on matters of occupational health and safety and ADA compliance. 3. Oversees the development of a wide variety of City-wide programs to insure that departments are implamenting OSHA and ADA principles, policies, and practices. 4. Coordinates and oversees the development of databases and information files to ensure that analysis of trends in OSHA and ADA compliance can be quickly tracked, analyzed, and appropriate program developed. S. Monitors and interprets new and e�cisting federal, State and local legislation and regulations relating to OSHA and ADA and ensure that this information is made available to the departments and other appropriate officials in a timely manner and in a useable format. 6. Liaisons with federal, State and local officials to keep abreast of pxoposed changes in laws and regulations and informs them of City concerns. 9s-�/ 7. Conducts site inspections and, if safety practices aze not in compliance or if a dangerous situation exists the position will close down the work site. 8. Ensures that adequate training and self-inspection progranis exist in ali departments and offices to ensure compliance with OSHA and ADA. 9. Develops and executes safety and ADA budgets for the City. 10_ Reviews and insures that departmental accident investigation procedures are competent and thorough. Comparison to Class Speci�ications Safety Officer 'Tf�is class spec is clearly oriented to departmental concerns and not to City problems and issues. In addition, this class does not address any ADA duties. Tl�is class is not appropriate for the position in question. Project Mana,ger Series (III and IVl Some of the duties described in this series could be seen as applicable to the position in question and parts of it are broad enough to cover both safety and ADA, but the series and the duties described are definitely geared toward positions in Pianning and Ecanomic Development. This series is not appropriate. Mana,gement Assistant III This series is cleariy oriented to administrative management, to budget issues and administrative support. The series does not address the independent development and administration of a City-wide program and does not indicate any "enforcement" authority such as the SafetyfADA position would have to have to function effectively. This series is not appropriate. Manaeement Anal� T`his class is oriented to research rather than administration and the "enforcement" authority that the position under study would have to have is not addressed in an unambiguous manner. Due to the legal implications of both the ADA and the safety programs it would be better if these were clearly expressed. This class is not the best suited for the posirion in question. Research Analyst Series �III and IV� This series does describe some of the research that the position in question would have to do, but it ciearly emphasizes research rather than administration of a program and, does not address the enforcement aspects of the position. This is not an appropriate class for the position in question. 9��� / Administrative Assistant The duties described for this class are clearly oriented to worlang at a responsible level but also clearly oriented to worldng within one department or office as opposed to working with ali of the departments or offices across the City. Mpreover, there is no mention of the responsibility for program development of the scope envisioned in the job description for the position in question. Proezam Coordinator This class spec is oriented to departmental responsibilities rather than City wide responsibilities. Moreover, the description implies a responsibility for implementation of policy rather than an active role in developing policies. There is no mention of enforcement responsibilities such as shutting down a worksite. The references to construction projects and work with construction contractors cleazly indicate that the class does not deal with program development. This is not an adequate class specification for the position in question. Proeram Administrator This ciass clearly describes duties that are geared to intergovernmental relations and programs that are dependent on federal funds. The spec does deal with City wide programs but ihe emphasis is on administration of funds and securing funds for the future rather than the development of program content and "enforcemenY' of policies and procedures throughout the City. While the class spec is a possible fit, it does not describe safety and ADA responsibilities specifically, and does not deal with program development and enforcement. This class is not recommended. Health Analvst This class is oriented very ciosely to public health and has little mention of safety concerns. There is no indication of enforcement responsibility or of working with other departments. This class does not describe the responsibilities of the position in question. Environmental Health Administrativ� Analvst This ciass has more solid technical requirements, does have administrative responsibilities, and has enforcement responsibilities. Nonetheless, the class is oriented to health as opposed to safety and appears to deal with the public as opposed to dealing with other departments. Moreover, the class spec does not mention ADA. The class specs would have to be revised to include the ADA responsibilities, to mention safety, and to clarify the responsibilities for dealing with program development that affects all City departments. Environmental Health Program Supervisor Essentiaily the same comments that were applicable to the Health Administrative Analyst apply to this class. The position does have some technical responsibilities and does include health but does not include safety as clearly as might be desired. The class does mention enforcement. Nonetheless, the class does not mention ADA and appears 9s-i�/ to focus on dealing with the pubiic as opposed to dealing with City departments. This class, too, would have to be amended to truly describe the responsibilities of the position in question. Safet�r Coordinator. Thus class spec only describes responsibilities for the safery program and the spec tends to emphasize work of the individual in the position rather than program coordination. It is now clear that the position must emphasize program coordination to be effective. It is clear that this position should be a focal point but that the responsibility for enforcement and education at the frontline employee level must remain with the departments. The same "managemenE' philosophy applies to the treatment of the ADA program responsibilities. Moreover, the eacisting spec does not describe the position as having responsibility for being current on OSHA regulations and the regulations of other agencies that are concerned with safety enforcement. The proposed spec describes the position in question as being responsible for coordinating with OSHA and other agencies and bringing that information to the other departments of the City. Moreover, the eacisting class spec does not address the implementation of the ADA responsibilities and does not recognize the new City environment with a City-wide safety committee and departmental safety officers. Finally, the spec does not recognize that the position has evolved from a single person position responsible for the daily operations of the safery program to a policy coordinator that assists departmental efforts and coardinates policy information and evaluates departmental programs. Minimum Oualifications None of the ciass specs described above, except for the Safety Officer and Safety Coordinator, make specific reference to formal education or experience in safety or in ADA. This is a major concem to the officials in Risk Management who believe that the potential legal liabilities require the incumbent of the position to have either experience, education, or training in safety. Ideally, the final selectee will have all three. Conclusion. Since none of the class specs considered fuliy reflect the duties contemplated for the position in question, it is recommended that a revised class specification, Safety/ADA Coordinator, be established. A proposed ciass spec is attached. Comparison to Other Positions Safet� Officer. Tt�e Safety Officers in the City are oriented to issues specific to one department and are not dealing with City wide problems such as City-wide accident trends or City-wide training. 9�ig! Proiect Mana�er Series (III and IV� Positions assigned to this series are, in fact, focused on urban planning and development. They typically do not deal with legally mandated programs and do not deal with intemal program management with a very few exceptions. None of the positions in this series have genuine enforcement powers as the position under study would have. Positions in this series do not compare well with the responsibilities of the position in question. Management Assistant III The positions assigned to this class do deal with internal administrative matters such as budget administration and dealing with special programs that are intemal to one department. These positions do not deal with multi-departmental programs. The positions do not have "enforcement" authoriry such as the safety position or the ADA position would have to have to function effectively. Positions in this series do not compaze well with the responsibilities of the position in question. Mana�ement Analvst No formal studies have been compieted on this class and there are no incumbents at this time. The remarks made under the comparison of classes apply. This is a possibility but is not really recommended since it is unclear on enforcement issues and is not specific on safety and ADA. Research Analvst Series �III and IV� Positions in this series do deal even more exclusively with research (as opposed to administration of a program) than the class spec implies. Positions in this series do not haue enforcement responsibilities. The responsibilities of the positions assigned to this series do not compare well with the responsibilities of the position in question. Administrative Assistant Many of the position with related titles were designed, or titied, for specific departments. This indicates that the scope of these positions is not normally City wide but is dapartmental whereas the position in question clearly has City wide responsibilities. The responsibilities o£ positions assigned to this class do not compare well with the responsibilities of the position in question. Pro�ram Coordinator The positions in this class do have responsibilities that come close to those of the position in question. They do have responsibility for developing programs and policies and do have responsibilities for multiple programs. There is an element of enforcement although this responsibIlity is not as formal as the responsibility for shutting down a worksite. In addition the programs tend to have a more external orientation, although this is not necessarily true in all cases. While this is a possible fit, the preference would be for a clearer expression of safety and ADA responsibilities due to the legal implications of each of these programs. 9s-�9/ Pro�ram Administrator The positions assigned to this class do perform policy work at a high level, however the spec implies that much of the work is within a department. Other positions within this class perform work that deals with the public rather than with other depastments. This is analogous to the positions in the Environmental Health series. The posit3ons in this class, moreover, do not have responsibilities for enforcement. The positions assigned to tlus class do not have resgonsibilities that compare with the responsibilities of the position in question. Aealth Analvst Positions in this class do deal almost exclusively with public health concerns and ha�e little concern with safety and none with programs that resemble ADA. These positions do not have an enforcement responsibiliry despite the fact that some positions in the public health do have such a responsibility. The positions do not work with departments and do not develop City wide policies. The responsibilities of the positions assigned to this class do not compare well with the responsibilities contemplated for this position, Environmental Health Administrative Analvst This is a single incumbent class which does utilize technical knowledge and l�as enforcement responsibilities. However, many of the responsibilities are oriented to health as opposed to safety and the position does deal with the public as opposed to dealing with other departments. Moreover, this position does not deal with any programs such as ADA, The responsibilities assigned to this position do not compare well with the responsibilitias contemplated for this position. Environmental Health Program Supervisor 'The positions assigned to this class do utilize technical knowledge but the technical knowledge is definitely oriented to public health issues such as food poisoning, standards of cleanliness in restaurants, and the operations of businesses that have public health implications. The positions do get involved deeply in enforcement issues but, again, these are �ssues related to health. The positions do appear to focus on dealing with the puhlic as opposed to dealing with City departments. Ti�is responsibilities assigned to positions in this class do not compare weli with the responsibilities contemplated for this position. Safetv Coordinator. This is a single incumbent position and is cunently vacant. While the incumbent did haue City wide responsibilities but they were described so that the focus was on individual accomplishment of tasks as opposed to directing a program that affected several departments. In addition, the enforcement responsibilities actually exercised by the position were relatively more restricted than is contemplated with the progosed position. Moreover, this position did not have the ADA responsibilities. The responsibilities contemplated for the position in question do not conespond as well as might be desired to the responsibilities actually exercised by the former incumbent of this class. Qs_iq� Conclusion. Since the positions assigned to the classes considered above do not perform dufies that fully reflect the responsibilities that are contemplated for the position in question, it is recommended that a new class be established. A proposed class spec is attached. O. E. S. Evaluation and Anal� is The QES analysis supports allocation to a grade 17 in the Standard Professional Supervisory Ranges. ' Recommendation It is recommended that a new class be established because comparisons indicate that eacisting classes do not adequately describe the duties of the new position. It is recommended that this new class be called City Safety/ADA Coordinator and be established at grade 17 in the Standard Professional Supervisory Ranges. It is recommended that the new class be assigned to the Non-Represented bargaining unit for the follawing reasons: 1. The new position will be participating with the staff of Risk Management and with the I.abor Relations unit in developing information that supports management positions in negotiation and belonging to a bargaining unit will most likely involve the incumbent in conflicts of interest that will exert unnecessary personal pressures and may interfere with effective performance. 2. Moreover, the new position will also be actually developing proposals such as safety incentive programs that wiil be included in bargaining strategies. It would appeaz to be a conflict of interest for someone who is developing bargaining strategy to belong to any bargaining unit. 3. Since the position will be closing work sites, it may be in an adversarial position with those managers who are in SPSO. It would appear to be imprudent to assign this position to the bargaining unit where these adversarial conditions could develop. 4. The Director of Affirmative Action is assigned to the Non-Represented group and there is an obvious correspondence between the work of the Director of Affirmative Action and the ADA responsibilities of the position in question. In addition we have a title of Internal Auditor, now inactive, which was assigned to Non-Represented to prevent a conflict of interest in the unit with SPSO members. �� � � q � Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: and procedures. SAFETY/ADA Conducts worksite safety inspections as appropxiate and may shut down work sites if serious discrepancies or OSHA violations are noted. Ensures adequate safety training and medical surveillance programs exist at departmental and City levels. Reviews departmental accident investigation procedures to insure they are competent and thorough. In the event o£ problems in the quality of the investigation, the position will make recommendations for corrective action to appropriate management officials. In the event of a serious accident or incident the positiom will respond on-site. Works with bargaining units and City labor negotiators to develop a variety of programs such as safety incentives to reduce accidents, decrease worker compensation costs, and improve the safety envixonment. Determines record keeping policies and procedures for the City and the departments to ensure compliance with laws and to ensure that records provide information required for effective ADA and safety program reviews. Develops and administexs the safety and ADA budgets for the City, coordinates with Human Rights, departmental managers and departmental safety officers to insure maximum efficient use of funds. Assists departmental safety personnel with the coordination of safety programming. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of occupational health and safety, envirorunental and ADA procedures and practices. Thorough knowledge of federal, State, and local laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety, environmental issues, ADA, and workers compensation. Considerable knowledge of the general principles and practices of administration. Considerable ability to plan, organize and coordinate the work of others. Ability to detect potential and actual problems through site inspection. Ability to analyze information and identify safety and ADA issues and to develop programs to deal effectively with those issues. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships at all levels in the organization, labor ozganizations and with organizations outside the City, Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with employees, departmental officials, elected officials, the media, and the �� SAFETY/ADA C06RDIHATOR CODE: 059X ��►�g, BU: ll EFFECTIVE: � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: SAFETY/ADA COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK t General Statement of Duties Performs administrative, professional and management work in directing and coordinating comprehensive occupational health and safety programs and ADA programs for the City government of Saint Paul; and performs related duties as required, Su,pervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. �ervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general techical and administrative supervision over professionaZ, technical and clerical employees. Coordinates a variety of interdepartmental and City-wide ADA and safety programs. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Insures compliance with OSHA requirements and compliance with other federal, State and local regulations by effective communication to employees, department directors, managers and elected of£icials. Directs and coordinates all aspects of the P.mericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance including the maintenance of a centralized database and reports. Reviews departmental programs and procedures related to safety and ADA to ensure consistent implementation and compliance. Monitors and interprets new and existing federa2 and State laws and regulations and leads in the development of City-wide ordinances, policies and procedures. Monitors safety trends and departmental safety programs and implementation of those programs and evaluates their e££ectiveness. Znspects work sites and work procedures. Communicates analyses to appropriate City o£ficials. Reviews City and departmental ADA trends, programs, policies and facilities for compliance and recommends corrective action if required. Relates to federal, State and local officials on an on-going basis to keep abreast of possible changes in laws and regulations and to communicate City positions and concerns on proposed changes. Provides information and technical expertise to City departments, elected officials, managers and employees regarding safety and ADA (continued on reverse side) SAFETY/ADA COORDINATOR � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: public. ��"4� ` Page����' SAFETY/ADA COORDINATOR ++ — Ability to identify safety hazaxds and tYends in the injury Yeports and to propose effective solutions. Ability to use computers effectively to produce reports and other documents. Ability to work e£fectively in stressful situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with a degree in industrial safety, safety engineering, or a closely related degree and six years' experience in occupational safety and health work, three years of which must have been in a responsible administrative capacity; or college graduation with a degree in industrial safety, safety engineering, or a closely related degree and six years' management experience, two years of which must have been in the field o£ ocupational sa£ety and health administration. SAFETY/ADA COORDINATOR