95-1710 R l� I N A L Council File # Green Sheet #� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA Presented By Referred To �ommiccee: Lace qS-��� 34406 1 z RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council has recommended the 3 a reappointments and appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following s e people to the HUBERT H. HLTMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER � s NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 9 10 11 �z REAPPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING 13 i4 Robert Fashingbauer 12/31/96 is Bruce Weber 12/31/96 ie Gail Bohr 12l31/96 i� is APPOINTMEN'1'S TERM EXPIRING 19 zo Johnnie Burns 12/31/96 zi Carol Eisenbarth 12/31/96 zz Jill Peterson 12/31/96 23 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date m„�,_� \�q �S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: Appr By: sy: Form A ed y City Attorney $Y' e ,�! .� f 3 �,9.� approved by Mayor for subm' ion to Council B -�.��2� =t 9S-I � / DEPqpTMENVOFFICEJCOUNG�L DATE INITIATED � y� 3 4 4 0 6 Mayor's Office a�io/9s GREEN SHEET _. __ INRIAVDATE wmnuoare CONTACTPEFiSONBPHONE DEPARTMENiDIFECTOR 1TYCOUNCIL Alberto Quintela, 266-8524 ^��" �cmnrroRNev �cmc�RK MUSi BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (�ATE) p��N� � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � PIN. & M6T. SERVICES Dlq. ORDER � MAYOR (OR ASS�STAN'n � TOTAL # OP StGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION flEQUESTED: Reappointments and appointments to the HiTBERT H. HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUS7 ANSWER 7ME FOLLOWING �UES710N5: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this per5o�rm ever worketl u�der a contract tor this departmeM? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES 'NO _ S7AFf 2. Has Shis per5ontfirm ever beert a city employae? ' YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any curtent city employee. SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeperate sheet and attaeh to graen sheet INITIATING PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why)� None. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: REAPPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING Robert Fashingbauer 12/31/96 Bruce Weber 12J31J96 Gail Bohr 12/31/96 APPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING Johnnie Burns 12/31/96 Carol Eisenbarth 12/31/96 D S VA TA E I R . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: SB�faBe�.�'.? � ve�".aswii:fi .d_....`s"� FE�? � sv�5 TO7AL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPtAIN) gs-��/ Irrterdepartmental Memorandum :�s•a���.����� TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Sanice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Iiarris Coullcilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Gueritt FROM: Alberto Quintela���� Jean Karpe �„�,� ��� DATE: February 10, 1995 RE:" HUBERT A. HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGABORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the reappointment and appointment of the following people to the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center Neighborhood Advisory Committee: REAPPOINTMENTS Robert �ashingbauer Bruce Weber Gail Bohr APPOINTMENTS Johnnie Burns Carol Eisenbarth Jill Peterson TBRM EXPIRING 12/31j96 12/31/96 12/31/96 TERM EXPIRING 12/31/96 12/31/96 12/31/96 Attached are copies of applications from Mr. Burns, Ms. Eisenbarth, and Ms. Peterson. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8529. Thank you. i � � j �' _ - " . _ � - . . 4 � . , . . . � . . ••.: : ! n . f '.' ' 6 F E CF YHE MA ' '� � O FTC YOR . ���: f - r �� 390 �� �3. . =T HALL _ � ,� � _ SA2NT PAIIL� MI272IESOTA 55202 � � '� ' ,� 26b-8526 �. , - �,,�r� ` _. , = DEC ,09 i994 � _ Name: CARo(:. EIS�hB�F�T1--� _ = . Home Add=ess; �700 C/tS I �OU'��]-� Street Citp #r`fo(3, _ST. Pi°cU[_ SSra! _ - Zip Telepfione 2.T�mber• (Home) ZZS — � �l � � (Aork) z '� � �' s t � � Planning District Catmcil: � � � Z - _ - . _ � City Council Aa=d: Prefexred Hailing dddress• 7 J�6 Ahat is your occupation? 4fN �T. # � � 3, s7- � YS � S s c) �.. SS ! O ! =�f�tics i Place'of Employnent: M�hnF�SOT.4 / ��h��G� �.��� Cc�ittee(s) AppZied For: �OAC�D vF" �oh�r-�� �,�p� =T { G�r��,. t�lEloi t-4 r� Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) £or rnich you seek appointment? ee af+���1�e� The in£ormation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goversent Data P=actices Act. As a result, this infor�ation is not released to the general public. - (OP�zt) Rev.4./21/93 PERSONAL REEERENCES _ � S_I / I M r ✓� ! l� iTlZ [_�l_' r-%`_. . Name• . . � � . adaress: MH�A.� �D. S(F3�EY'ST., SUIT�. 3Gt'7 � ST. PfkULL", Ml�1 S-r�- � ��' � Yhone: (Home) - (Aork) z�ib—��5z— �Iso�{-�a�tied -Fo �. lxe � (� Name: `}p4-�Y� ���LE(� Address•�h5/}5 Sjf47E UY�(l/. SE.4! �Y> f-FLFC_L 1'1cMZ {'�JM4-j�2 Gcly� Phone:_ (Home)�Z �'{"laln�d �CM WO�j� tlUN� II �,. Name �(z� P D�• , i✓ir� �s < L3/S�,Z-5°I58 Address:�f�Y15/�S S�}TE UV'it�J. Sc_f�� DY Phone: (Home) � � 3 /S 3 � — 4 "�"�7� LL. �a/ (z�P.D�P �l�/� 32.- 58 1-�/� 1 7x Reasons £ox you= intexest in this particulax comnittee• Se� Gi'�{"G4G�ec-�� Have you had previous contact vith the co�zttee fo= vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances7 , Sn an attempt to ensure that cosaittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. X Ahite (Cancasian) -- Bispanic B1ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Tslander American Indian oz Alaskan Eskimo Ha1e � Female Date of Birth: _ G ✓�P i, � �i, ( �j Lo�j Disabled: yes No X Sf special acco�odations are needed, please specify. I - Hov did you heai about this opening? ���� h1� Skills, Training and Experience 9s-��� 1 completed my graduate work in Regiona! and Gommunity Planning at Kansas State University. Combined with my current occupation -- Research Analysis Specialist for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency -- my education gives me a unique vantage: 1 am academicaily fiamiliar with city planning, but 1 am not a practitioner. I have studied the Kansas laws ihat guide zoning procedures in communities, and subsequently the development, purpose and powers of boards of zoning appeals and planning commissions. Through my education, i have come to understand the concept of and appreciate fhe importance of planning cam- missions and boards of zoning appeals. As a part of my coursework, 1 completed a course on land use and planning law, and a course on planning and zoning implementation. Furthermore, 1 have observed several planning commission and board oi zoning appeals meetings, so I understand the purposes of these boards. While at Kansas State University, I was also rec- ognized for my work in the area of city pianning when I received the American institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Student of the Year award for 1994. Reasons for tnterest As a newcomer to the community and as one who has been commitfed to com- munity service in the past, 1 am eager to become involved in my new home. However, i want to be more than just a"volunteer". f want to use something that took an effort to acquire: the practical knowledqe of community planning. l feel that i can be mosteffective and productive in my community service in this area. Lastly, I would like to be a part of these boards for the same reason I was drawn to the profession of planning: I can heip make a city a suitable and enjoyable environment far all. �� I ( OFFSCE OF THE MAYOR � S�I � I � .., �� � 390 CITY HALL � n PAIIS,, MI272dESOTA 55102 ��i;k���� ��� 26b-8526 Name: � 1 l 1 �2� erso-�n NOV 14 1��� Home Address: � 1 � � � CC'G� �`t S� • �C�-c� � +r'd'�::3"C� �-'' J�S � � � Street City - Zip Telephone Humbe=_ (Eoae Planning Dist=ict Cotmcil: Yxe�erred �iailing Add=ess: Ahat is youx occupation? _ Place�of Emploqment: � -� . .. : �aor � E. C �� ST. � C�C2��U�trS1 �mi� �-���e.Sfvv�e� C�i Committee(s) Applied For: ��Y'^�f'"'� �fi�l C.�.'�'Yimi{�"Z2 [.(,iJ�✓�� l7eV+2W COV"'C�� �-- .rihat skills/t=aining or espesience do you possess �ox the committee(s) for chicn yoe seek appointment? � `- Tl1rl2� rY'{nL� , uNUi �� i^'� ar �z'� r I d s i�n tMa-.-sk-�,e�d 4U1 • tvc+-G�e.c� in �ad�o ra� a6cs� �4 l��-}'�.�s-z - Fe,�- - 7 cye<z.�-s. { Vl_r,�a:� �nn �� �,o<.� � h! Q�I� n�'-LLr- 52��✓�,t�ivt.: ( nc2� ��i✓cYcr� 1. �r��r�, t�lc+�' C � i h �Za��.� �f R ; D �-�n e c�-�-�' .L "ve �� L�-✓� ��-2 J (,� A � t,'2 �� �C��l; � r �.t?7n't ✓VWvt i Ctt�'i�GV�. � Lt�vs't C(iv� � C�S� V i G��v v� C�+�-c.� W Cw � C The in£or,nation included in this application is considered p=ivate data according to the ;:innesota Govetment Data Piactices Act. As a iesult, this in£ormation is not releaszc to the genexal pvblic. —��� Citp Council Aard: (OVER) - Rev.a�?1/93 PEILS�HAI. REFERENCES 2Iame: � C1�' � t�Y'Gwi C� S gS-I?I � �-'. Address:_ _�JOJ� " �, '1 0 '�G.. S�•��� � �G7Gvr�����. /VI� ssyad Fhone •_ CHomel O 0 "7 - 53 � 3 (Aork) O 1 7 �� Name: �US�✓� ��'�edl Address: Jo �� � w' ��� ^• ��. �ji� �� Yhone:_ (Home) ( JO � d��p (Gork) � Q� S� �0 Name Address: 'y�{ /v, ITCl.�GW'L� ' l�� .f'Cw� SS(� � Phone: {Eome) � �J �' b C 3 "I (S7or1�) - Reasons £or your interest in this particular committee: \Y Gt�wt - �� Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and cizcumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation re£lects the makeup of our co�miity, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictlq voluntary. � � Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale x Female Disabled: Yes No � Date of Birth If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander a�j+��: Hov did pou�hear about this opening? y� J b l.i (' (ti (' [ PSS (�' �C� K =-� '� `� 3 OFFICE OF THE Mp,yOR 390 CITY HALL SA2NT PAIIL, MI2INESOTA 55102 a6s-asz6 RFc_3v� JAN 13 1995 gs-1��: ;?r�1����� ��s ��� Name: Johnnie Burns Home Address: 1542 Marion Street #111 St. Paul Minnesota 55117 Street Citp Zip Telephone Number: {Home) (612) 487-5394 CAork) (612) 297 Planning District Crnmcil: Citp Coimcil Aard: Preferred2failing Address: 1542 Marion Street #111 St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 Ahat is your occupation? _�dministra�ive Assistant Place of Employment: Minnesota D �artment of Transportation Committee(s) Applied For: The committee for JOB CORPS Ghat akills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for whicc pou seek appointment? -SEE ATTACHMENT A- The i.nformation included in this application is considered private data according to the liiimesota Govezment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the genesal puhlic. (OVER) Rev.4_/21/93 PERSONAI. REFEgggCES �' �.-9's-/7 � � Name: _�rnest L. Llovd � �. Address: 1499 lOth Avenue Newport Minnesota 55055 Pfione:_ lHome) (612) 4-6 7 (Aork) (612) 296-6899 Name: Issac McCrary Address: 395 John Ireland Blvd. Room 515 St. Paul Minnesota 55155 Phone:_ (Home) (612) 738-7199 (Aork) (612) 297-3897 Name: Claudia OSterman Address: 898 Gorman AvPZ � w ct t �,1 j�nnaao{ SSt] 8 ^ ..- :.��- . � , � � � Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: -SEE ATTACHbiENT B- Have you had previous contact vith the cammittee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensu=e that co�ittee zepresentation reflects the makeup o£ ovr co�unity, please check the line applicabie to you. This uiformation is strictl� volvntary. Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic � Black (Afxican American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo __� Male Female Date of Birth: Mav 1 F, 1 977 � � Disabled: Yes No _� If special accommodations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you fiear about this opening? ChannPl 18 - Pnhlir n r 9s"-/ 71 -.—_,_ --_ . -� ����a�.a _---� ATTACHMENT A j JAN 13 1995 , ,T �F �Fi ii i". `-� Johnnie Bums � What skills/training or e�cperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I am a 7ob Corps graduate (Class of 199�). Iob Corps training and support helped me qualify and secure a clerical posirion with the Minnesota Department of Transportarion. A posirion I still hold. I have not stopped my personai and professional development. I have increased the responsibilities of my current posirion and I continue to look for promotional opportuniries in my current job. I also am currently enrolled at Narional College in St. Paul, pursing an Associate Degree in Applied Management. I am a former job Corps student govemment president. As such, I am familiaz with the strengths and weaknesses of the Job Corps program. I can bring a wealth of first hand expeaence to the board that is oftan missing. I have personai experiences to shaze about what works and what may do more damage to individuals development. I am cunently, and permanently employed, as a direct result of my Job Corps Training. My personal experience is also tempered with my professionai and educational experience. I know why some things may be necessary even when they may seem redundant or needless. I can explain these requirements to current participants in a way they may find easier to relate since I was so recently one of them. I am a staunch supporter, and advocate of the Job Corps program. This program worked for me and helped me change my life. I was a person going nowhere and doing nothing and I didn't even realize it. Job Corps helped me leam and showed me a way out. I want others to have the same opportunity to benefit from this program. Finally if I am selected as a Boazd member I piedge myself to work towazd the continued success and availability of Job Corps. Together we can make a significant difference. � - • T _ 1 -_��---�' ATTACHMENT B � � � Johnnie Bums Reasons for interest in this particulaz committee: gs��/ I am a Job Corps graduate. As a successful Job Corps graduate I would like to bring my First person e�cperience to the board. I know what worked for me. I am aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Job Corps program in this area. I can be of significant value to the boazd in advocating for the azeas of the program that aze successful and also in highlighting ihose azeas that are weak or detrimental to the success of the participants. I can bring suggesrions for improvements to the Board. I have been successful in finding permanent work as a result of my Job Corps training and I am conrinuing to pursue goals of personal and proiessiona[ deveiopment. I can appiy tnese experiences to my participarion on the board both in evaluating current programs and in suggesting possible additions to the program. What has worked for me may not work for everyone but there aze basics of behavior, development, and performance that I leamed in Job Corps that have been a significant influence in my life and T would like to give something back. I would like to help others as 3ob Corps has helped me and i feel I can best do that through Job Corps itself. My experiences before, during, and after my participation in Job Corps has given me a unique perspective of the program and I wouid like to heip make it better.