95-170ORIGINAL Council File � 9 S- i� o Green Sheet # 34403 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date a 1 2 3 a RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui Ciry Council consents to and approves of 5 6 the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following people to the 7 s SAINT PAUL IIUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. 9 10 11 �z APPOINTMENTS EXPIRING TERMS 13 ia Richard Vang 10/9/97 is ie Clayton Robinson 10/9/97 i� is 19 20 21 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date�� ---�— Adoption Certified 6y Council Secretary By: Appx sy: Form A�ved by��orney By: -- `�u��'-� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council // B 1//� ��'' � �'�, - -"� qS-r� o DEPAFTMENT/OFFlCFJCOUNCiI DATE IN117ATE0 I V� 3 4 4 0 3 r�aYor�s O£fice 2/1/9s GREEN SHEET _ CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE Alberto Quintela, 266-8529 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR C CQUNCIL ASSIGN CITYATTOfiNEY �CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV NUMBEp FOR (��) pOUTING BUOGEf DIRECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. ONDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REWESTED: Appointment o£ Richard Vang and Clayton Robinson to the SAINT PAt3L AUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. aECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUS7 ANSW ER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? � _CIBCOMM�7TEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTfiICT CqURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ecplain all yea answers on separate aheet and ettdch to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNrtY (Who, Whet. Whan, WM1ere, Why): None. ADYAP{TAGES IF APPROVED'. APPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING Richard Vang 10/9/97 Clayton Robinson 10/9/97 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: - VvSidtlB.+#9 �a3b+�i� kFM9pS@� 1 �C7 lY'J I�,9M� �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDI(JG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) 9s-!�a Interdepartmerri�ai Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Gueria 7• FROM: Alberto Quintela Jean Karpe DATE: February , 1995 RE: SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMIS3ION Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment of the following people to the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission: APPOINTMENTS Richard Vang TERM E3CPIRING 10/9/97 Clayton Robinson 10/9/97 Copies of the applications for Mr. Vang and Mr. Robinson are attached. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8529. Thank you. � a� � Name: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HAI,I, SA2NT PAIIL� MI2INESOTA 55102 z6s-asa6 . � - "�i DEC 27 199� Home Aaaress: _ lOSll STjNSC/L1 �j � . �_ �q ut � /t.) SS/03 Street City � Zip Telephone 27�ber: Planning District Cotmcil: �l�-v .�-�8�- � �a_ City Coimcil Aard: � Pre£erred Mailing Address: .J�/l;C f-J,�jQ��' Ahat is pour occupation? �i �i/��g��c � �j-�jcf��,-�� Place o£ Employment: N/a !�l ! C. %/�l.J gG J Committee(s) Applied For: �JT- f�F/u� �L-�titf+N � C S C A.i�tf�55/C.C.% Ghat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? JI-f �/�(.1� �In�ii �lU L Llrf= �,y>tl C2J('trt i7 /sv Le>oi�lll� �/��{ .�111A.�C+/Z./T� t_ii�..fLL1Li,!)���1nL %�S� 1�L,�! 6nii1 .i_.� � i.. �i.� �„_-._ ._.� � `' �X�� f-� OZ�i r Fl.na C � � � , rN iri�(�� /t�t�.(- �[� �OlrGr� �c`��% dL�V /GG"�.�A/�2�SiL-��i��i � .�(."�Ll!)/an �-/Fr 4 L�7 �in�tl�.(C>Cil(�7`7 _S .� � %' /�!7 ; N'� : �- ^�ii�r.--r, v S r` - �jO�I ( � L�. ( �S �f .C'�v5 o t_J S 5�s c i,a-i 5 / • r•vU /i.( f/VG A i T// . i �!� 5 e sc.J � l/ /J GTJ fJ�.i l iLJ � Gt: nr �-� � r<f t� p� � �31i G - r� �= E�( � G i �� s�.z� �. c.,rt C�'<GGtf��, )� fl�lJ!) iRJ /ff � /�=�',.t/ !{t `� l�.lr'^rl� C�f� 5 5;� � � _� l2 ��-f cr" ,�.� � r- 5 YU Z� Flf� iJ`z. �5' = �=a� � n � - � - ss � , � v c�-i r��x�.�L 5�hi�'� QS ,� .3r G, ,u� fiL i� , �- � �-��-- � The information included in this application is considered private data according to the :finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OPER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSOt1AI, REgERENCES Name qS-l�d Address: ���5 1-F�,u`7..��rA� �(-iJ3' S• d-(r �,� �+7����s 55cf�fi Phone: CHome) �� �- /��v `� (Aork) c4 �a1 - � D �S Name: , �j}�� f� , �L V� ��- Address:_ UtV'�L``��� ((�i� �?lSGL`JV�7,t� _ S�CJ% • t��JOFlCGl4i� �L � , Phone: (Home) (Work) 7 � S — �.�� - � �!' ! 5 23ame: Y iYilY VA2)Z° �x�Gu77�Jg �-r� G%Z�P ��r � J , , Address : �� b U t'1 L 1/3i 2�7 %Z/ �-�.`� _ 5 1- /`� cJ � t�-1 /�.� 5'Sl� t � Phone: (Home) � � 7- � 5 L� (Aork) � a � - C> � � f Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: -�� c� 4 C•- a h- a.v i �1 ?'� �—�t� t�- - (�� TN r= rl' c� 1�� r� l' i. i Tt/ � � � 1 C� �-� �<^. � `I �+ � � � C� rt- � - '4b-' d.` � =� ` c' � � D c�� s 7�' �� 14 �90 S ��a r�c, � — � Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are maki.ng application. I£ so, when, and ci=cumstances? In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup oP our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volvntary. Ahite (Caucasian) _,�ispanic Black (A£rican American) ✓ Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ! Male Female Date of Birth: �-�r� 2GH �� � f S� � Disabled: Yes No � If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. How did qou hear about this opening? L� r S � +=-F� ( �i;Ci ��wrn � 95-�7 b JRN-11-1995 6B�SE; SPINT PAUL MAYOR'S ESFFICE 612 �66 8513 P.�?�3 �� �� �» �11•1 84�L . BAibP1' PAGL, MINNT9CTA SSSC3 24b-8526 Name: ClaYton M. Robinson, Jr. Eome Addrasa: 315 Ryan Avenue St. Paul SS1D2 SereeL eitp Zip Telephons Namber: oma 292-0702 7 225-8109 Planniag DSstr3et.Couacil: City Couacil 4ard; Second Preferr�d �Sailing Lddx'esae S�ite E-1901 332 Minnesota Street St Paul MN 55201 Vhat is yaur oeevpstioni Attornev P2aen o£ Empioymant: Robinson I,eaal Services, P.A. ` Committce(9) Applied For: Human Riqhts Coi[mission Qhat akills/training or arper3ence do �ou posacaa Eor the cec�ittae(s) tor �rhich pou seak appoi�+uuenc? Please see attached Resume. fihe 3sifoxmatioA ineludsd ia this applieatiau is consid¢red pi3vate data according to the Misut�gota Gavnxmant Data PiStcices Ac.:. As a=aault, zhis ia:ozmatiMa is aot xelaasod te Gbe gOA�raS publie. � (OVER) Res. TOTAL P.A3 T�-I1-1995 08�57 xnme• �illiam Finne SRIN7 PAUL PIAYOR'S OfF10E ', St. Paul P olice Chief 9S-� � a 612 2b6 8513 P.03i93 Address: 100 East Eleventh Street, St. Paul, 55101 Yhone•_ �Heme) {p 292-3588 x��: Reynaud L. Harp Address: First Nationa2 Bank Bidg., 332 Minnesota St., Suite E1401, St. Paul, 55141 Phona: tHamo) 823-2292 � 225-8104 Hamec Norman Coleman, St. Paul Mayor Add=ess: 390 City Hall, St- Paul, 55102 YHana; [!lome� (uorgS 266-8510 Reasone tor your intere�t in thia paztieular eoaitten: gecause af my interest and continuing involvetnPnt in human rights issues. 8ava you hnd p=evlous eonLaes vith the committee fos vhit2i yau are making applicaLion. If ao, vhsa, sad cizcumstsaeeaP None In an attempt te aa8vra thnt eoarmittee repreenntatioa xeflseta the makeup of out eea�uaity, plaas• cheek the li�te spplicabla to you. 77i3s 3 n�o�=ivn �S Stzietly vol,uacar7. 4hita CCaucsaiea) Eispnnic _� 1llacSc (ifriean Amarieen) �Ztln or Psetfic Ialaader Amsricsa Zndlau e= diaskazt y+skiIDo 7 � ?lalc 8ams1• Disabled: Yet No X Data o! Hirth: 2/22/53 I£ apeci�i aecammodntioaa aso n�edad, pleaae speci£y. �iov did 7ou hear about thia opea3ag7 Information brovided by city officials. TOTqL P.03 gs-��a CLAYFON MICHAEL ROBINSON, Jr. 315 Ryen Avenue St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Busiacss: (612) YLS-8144 nnd (612) 751-8551 Restdeue: (612) 292-0702 EDUCATIONALBACKGRQUND Graduate • Drake Universifij School of Lnw Graduated: May,1979 Uegree; Juris Uoctor Des Moines, Iowa Acttvtties: Moot Court Board; National Fredrick Douglass Moot Court Competition; Clinical Lawyer, Iowa SCate University L:ampus Legal Services ltlack American Law Student Association (Vice Presidentj. Awards: American Jurisprudence Award for Academic Excellence (Criminat Law); Fredrick llou�lass Moot Court Competition Itlinois Insfitute of Technology Chitago-Kettt ColJege of Law Student, Summet Session,1976 Chicago, Illinois Collegiate • Loyola tirziversify Chicago, Illinois Graduated: February,1975 Degree: Bachelor of Aris Majors in 1'olitical Science and History Soutieern Iltinois University Attended September,1970 to May,1971 Carbondale, Alinois Secondary � St. Francis De Sates High Schoot Chicago, Illinois Gzaduaced: May,1970 9s��7o ...- � - Resume, Clayton dtichael Robioson„Tr. Page Z PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Bar Affiliations • State of Minnesota State of Ivwa (Pr��ently u�a�tive) U.S. Disirict Court (Minnesota) and U.S. Supreme Court Asaociations • Recent: Barrieter, Wnncn E. Buzgcr Inn of Court of Court Member, Minnesota 5upzeme C:ourt Continuing �ducarion Dffice, Court Management Subcommittee Member, Minnesota 1'ardon t3oard Keview Commission Member, Quali�ications and 5ecection Commission for Chief nf Police, City of St, Paul Aesent: Barrister, Douglas K Amdahl7nn of Court Member, MinnesDta State Baz Association Member, Executive Council, Ramsey County Bar Association Me.mber, Minnesnta Min�rity i.awyers ASSnciatinn Member, Ramsey County Attamey's Office Continuing Legal Education Committee Membez, Minnesota Supreme Courtltacial Sias'Iask Force Member, Minnesota Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Rules of Criminal Procedure Assaciate fiditor, Notes &'lYends,l�ench and liaz oi M'nn ota (MinneSOta SFdte f�ar A,�pciation )numal) Presentations • Haznline University 5chool of Law Advanced Legal Education Program (Anatomy of a Crimina� Triai); Minnesota Inscitute for Legd] Fidttcat�on (F.r�idr.nrr.; F.thics); Minnesota Minority Lawyer's Association (Ne�ntiation Technlques); Minnesota State Court Reporter's Association, and the International Association of Women Police Officecs (State v. Lots Germaxe Jurgrns�; Minnesora Buxeau of Criminal Apprehension (Child Abuse Prosecutions); Kamsey County Attomey's Office Continuing Legal Educarion Program (Demonstrative Evidence; Prosecution and the Media; The Forensics o( Deat(r1: Council on Black Minnesotans (Btack on 81ack Crime); � Mumesota Association of Blacks in Criminal )ustice (Sentencing PracHces); Minnesota County Attomey's Association (Scientifrc Eaidenee; Prosecutoriai Lfability under Federal I�w}; Minnesota Federation of Teachers (The Charging Decision in Teacher-Re7ated Chifd Abuse Cases); William Mitchell College of Law (Ethics and the Proseeution); MADD (Artatomy of a Vehicuiar Horuicide Case); Minnesota State Ear Asocarion (Mastersng Trial Advocacy). 9� �� ]7 J1r��s ,� Resutue, Clayton Michael Robinson, Jr. Page 3 EMPLOYMBNTBACKGROUND Ramaey County Attorney's Office Assistant County Aitorney III • February,1982 to November 1,1994 Inver Hills Community College Paralegallxsfrurtor • SeptemhPr, 19R8 to Janu�ry,19S9 St. Paul, MI�1 Attomeys in the classification of AssistanE County III are responsible for litigating the most imporcant and complex cases handled by the Ramsey County Attorney's Office. This posirion is the highest career step advancement in the County Attomey's Office. In this position as a trial attomey, I have prosecuted in excess of 100 criminal felony jury trials. Presently, I am assigned to the Crimes Against Pers�ns Division where I prosecute the most violent telony offenders. This assignment has included the evaluation and charging or grand jury presentation of felony cases, and argument of mariers before the Minnesota Court of Appeals. During 1967, I was the provisional Assistant Chief of the Juvenile and Pamily Violence Divisian, where I assisted in the supervision of 8 other aitomeys. 1 have also served as an advisor to the Civii Division of the Counry Attomey's Office regarding constitutionai civil rights and human rights litigation. Award: Recipient,1988 Ramsey County Employee Achievement Award I�ver Grove Heights, MN Part-time position in which I was invited by Judge Gordon Shumaker, Director of the Paralegal Program, tn instruct an ABA approved course in Criminal Justice Systems to paralegal stuiients. This course surveyed all aspects of criminal justice in the United States, with an emphasis an Minnesota substantive aiminal law and procedural rules. 95-i � d Resnme, Clayton Michael Robinson, Jr. Page 4 Flamline University School o£ Law Adjunct Professos of Law Janu�uy I9£37 fio JunP,1 yy(} State of MinnesoW Board of Law Bxaminets Bar Examination Reader • Pebruary,1985 ta July,1989 Minnesota Attorney General's Office Speciat Assistant Attorney GeneraI • January,1980 to February,1982 St. Paul, MN Part-time faculty posiHon in which I Eaught three semesteF hour courses in Constitutional Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination Law. These courses included the substantive law pertaining to 42 USC §§ 1981,1982,1983,1988, and Titic VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and thc Minnesota Human Rights Act, Those areas included sex, tace, national ot ethnic origin, housing, age, and physical disabiiity based discriminarion, together with sexual harassment law. St. Paul MN Appointive position by the Executive Director of the Minnesota Board of Law Examiners in which I reviewed and graded the essay pprtion of the Minnesota Bar Examination. St. Paul, MN Appointive position by the Minnesota Attorney General in which I provided legal representatiun t0 a variety of state agencies. Those agencies included the Minnesota Departments of Commerce, Human Rights, and Corrections, together with the Minnesota Board of Teaching and the Minnesota C:ommunity College Board, My specific responsibilities included representing and advisin�; those agencies in administrarive rule-making proceedings, contract review, administrative li6gation before tlie Office of Administrative Hearings, and civii litigation before the Minnesota Dish'�ct and Supreme Courts. RBFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST