95-1590 R 1 G 1 N A L Council File #_l�`"' � S� Green Sheet # 30710 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA Lj.' . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #38983) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Fortune Auto Sales Inc. DBA Fortune Auto Sales (Kou R. Som - President) at 1265 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved. �_; ��_—�� Requested by Department of: a a e7c v Grimm Guerin Harris Meaa� Rettmen T une Adopted by Council: Date Of£ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Sy: �i✓�`�� �'K�..��� <_I Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: � - �.,�,�_ $Y= � /%'�'� I �7"7�J Approved by M y r: Dat �,� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By : (�• ��".,'�' '�..'�- By: q5 - I S�i DEP flTMENT/OFPICE/DOUNCIL DA E INRIATED GREEN SHEE "� � O / 1 O { LIEP Licensin INRIAIIDATE �NRIAVDATE CANTACf PER$�N & PHONE O DEPAATAEM DIRECfOR � C17Y COUNCIL Christine Rozek/266-9114 '�'�" aC77YATfOBNEY �CITYClEAK MUST BE ON CAUNCiL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER FOR Q BUDG£T DIRECTO � FIN. & MGL SERVICES DIR. POUTING For He rin : a- 15 C IS °"� Q MAYOFl (ORASS�STANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SifiNA7URE) acrww aEnuES�o: Fortune Auto Sales Inc. DBA Fortune Auto Sales (Rou Richard Som, PresidenC) requests Gouncil approval of its appl9.cation for a General Repair Garage License at 1265 Arcade Street. (I.D. �I38983) RECOMMENOA7�ONS: Approva (A) a Re}eet (R) pERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contracl for Mis depanment? - _ GB COMMI7'TEE YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry empbyee? — YES NO _ DiSiRiG7 COUFi _ 3. �oes this pereon/firm possess a skill not normally possessed � by any curcent city emploYee. SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explafn ell yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPEtRNNITY (Wtw, What, When, Wf�ere, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ����� �T� i� 1 ..- t.d �:� L �YI N*d DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFONMATION: (EXPLAIN) 1 Greensheet # 30710 in Tracker? License ID # 38983 L.LE.P. REVIEVI/ CHECKLIST Date: 12/30/94 ,�S '�5� APP'n Received / APP'n Processed Company Name: Fortune Auto Sales Inc. DBA: Eoxtune Auto Sales Business Addresss: 1265 Arcade Street, 55106 Business Phone: 2z7-6575 Corrtact Name/Address: Kou R. Som, 1775 Walnut St. , Lauderdalf9ome Phone: 649-1567 55113 1 i Date to Council Research: � f� f j� Public Hearing Date: �� � E S l C� Notice SeM to Appliqrrt: Notice Sern to Pubiic: Labels Ordered: 23JA Dis[rict Council #: OS Ward #: 06 Depa�tmentf Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 1 �a���i5 � DIC— Environmental Heafth ��� Flre L�.0 Q�' �-� s �„#� License I � Site Plan Received: �' l � f� ) ,rl � Lease Receivetl: -� 11 Police � `�'���`t5 Zoning �j I'j +{F S I Z�� ��� o�,ir --- - t� [�� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION Sentence: LicenSe 7.D. „` THIS .�PPLTCATION IS SL�3JECT TO REVIE�'J BY THE PUBLIC PT_F �SE T'I'PE OR PRINT IN IA'K cm oF sazn-r PaUr. Office of Licensc, Inspcctio. s znd En�ironmental PrD;ection i50 A. Pc�er S[. Svic V] c ;+• Pav7, ML-aaa:a S57@ (6i2)Y.N3iW L-%(61�j2:E?liA Type of License being applied for: ���_'�' �—�--�'�� ""� =? •��r F'/�f G' Company I�Tame: }�-'"':�:7i%�+�,`c s� C: � [r� c!=�C_: �S� / �^�'i � . Com J Pzr.ncisT.ip i S�Ic Propriete;s�ip � ., � If business is incorporated, gti�e date of incorporation: �'- f�� ��� Doin� Business As: Business Pbone: (foc officc uu only) Business Address l�L� .= i � ��;`�- t-- � S T� rr%� t:s� � i!`' `i i i =� Street Address City State Zip Betu�een what cross streeu is the basiness located? 1�%�: -=i�'t� � �>��=) ��� C� c=. Wlilch side of tbe street? �=`z= 5% 5• 1><- . L�,v�. , � Are the pzemises now occupied? ''� �Vhat T}pe of Business? MailToAddress: ;�.�'`:� �-��i=.,'� :.:�" 5 �;, .i�E�:7��Li� �.� j���� C31l� �3 S;sec Address Ciry ' Statc Zip Applicznt Inform2tion: A t��7�_' Cr�_f l-iF-'�7 j:'7)'"� ' ���C� :�. Aat �:iddlc (Ataiden) Lasi Title Home Address: � � �1 "� f . ; <_:� � < < .� f' /_ ->, i 7�, r� <.r7 'k_i , �' I ! L' :_> j / ! J Strret Address Ciy Statt Zip c� Date of Bufh: ���' �� '"��'�% Place of Bir[h: r�.���'_' Home Phone: r- `��� r f / Are you a citizen of t5e United Stafes? Native? ATaturalized? 'I� � If yau are not a U.S. citizen, }'ou must ha�e work aut6orixation from tfie US. Immigration & ATaturalizstion Senice. Have you ever been contiicted of any felony, crime or �iolavon of any ciry ordinance otber than tr�c? XES � NO/� Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: List the names and residenres of three persons of good moral character, li�ting within the 'Itvin Cities Metro Area, aot related to tbe agplicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wbo may be referred to as to the applicanYs character: I�TAME 7 J List �i'bere? ADDRESS / i ? �i f <'S ia S ✓� C,� f (` J /3�� . )`7.-, w�hich you currendy bo7d, formerly held, or may have an interest in: PHOr� 7%j >/ J/ —% �/� Have any of tbe above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YFS �/�'O 3f yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: (over) Are you going to operate this business persoazlly? _;=S ,� i�0 If noy who will operzte it? q S��,5 q Frtt K�zmE ?.Siddle Ini:izl r=�'en I.zsC/ Dzic oC Binh ('..._.. ) // ? / i/ / �'�..�.� Lf�Y(T�%9"/11"/�n/ �� �.f:. / /�// .i5��/� %7..-� /i-i Y.omcAddlrss: S:rcet?Camc C� State Zip PhoncVunba Are you going to have a manager or assstaat in this bu-ess? .� YES � NO If the mznager is not the same as the operator, please complete tbe followiag iafor�4tion: Fist :�anc :.liddle Inilizl (�!x;�er,) I�Sf Hone Address: Street \ane G? State Ptease lut yoi:r empIo}ment histo.y for the prezious five (�� }ear period: Susiness/Emplovment Address List all ot6er officers of the corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HOD4E iv*P.AQE (Office Held) ADDRHSS � i � `�� /_, S - � '`.� ,z — j , i t� �`r , i �.�i HOME PHQn'E Dz�e ot Binh Pnone'.�vnber DATE OF BIRTH %< :_� i i- _ , ~ �l - '7; � � zE If business is a pzstnership, please inc]ude ibe follov.ing inforaa[ion for each partner (use addiaonal pages if necessazy): Frst \ame Miaaic Tn;tial Home Address: Street Name Fist ?�ame Middle Initia] Home Address: Sireet \ame (!.!�id<n� G.y (�:aiden) Gry Zip BUSIIdESS PH01� %�-L;: �'�� Iast Sta�e Zip Iast State Zip Datc of Binh Phone I.'umber Date of Binh Phone Number Atfach fo this application: 1) A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises fo be licensed (site plan). 2} A topy of your ]ease agreement or proof of owners6ip o[ the property. r1NY FALSIFICATION OF A1VSR'ERS GIVEN OR MATE22IAL SUBT7I`ITED R'ILL RESULT IN DE\L�L OF THIS APPLICATION I bereby state under oath that I have answered all of tbe above questions, and that tSe information contained berein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I bereby state fiuther under oath that I bave received no money or other consideratioq by way of Ioan, gift, contribution, or o[herwise, other than already disdosed in the application which I berew5th submitted, t`� _ —_ Subscribed and sworn Io before me this� � G3 day of �� 19 � -. � S�. � �� Public � � C unty MN My Commission expires c ' �� �ahue of A 'cant ��� � � � � NO'ARY ?tf3:1C��J�ih!N£S0� �. 'nFb^.SEY GO�NTY h`;r �cT;mi�: io:, cr.c;r8s Seyt t3,