95-157QR{GIf�JAL Council File � �S �� Green Sheet # 29415 cirv Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 39 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #18255) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by M& M Auto & Truck Repair (Sohn Meyer & Mike Mench, Partners) at 1954 Benson Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. ��� _, , Requested by Department of: Office of License Ins ections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: ,q,S ay: �_/�-��✓� �'-^G _ / ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: � � . (Ov' �`Z '�G ' % By: Approved by Ma D te S Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council RESOLIfTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , `� j/ 9 5 -1s� DEPARTMENLOFFIGElfAUN��L DATE WITIATED N� 2 9 415 LzErlL��ens�ng " +� ' GREEN SHEE CANTACT PERSON & PNONE �NIT7AVDATE INfT1ALIDATE �DEPhfiTMENT�IRECTOR OCfTYCOUNCIL Christine Razek/266-9114 ASSIGN �Cf1YATfORNEY OCINCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DASE) q�� � BUDGES DIRECiOR � FIN. & MCaL SEPVICES DiP. r'OT �2dr7.IIg: p�. �� � � fl � ER �MAVOR(ORASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIOTI REQUESTED: M& M Auto & Truck Repair (3ohr. Neyer, Owner) requests Council approval of its application £or a General Repair Garage License at 1984 Benson Avenue, (I.D. 4/18255) RECOMMENDATiONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: __ PLANNIN6 COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRvm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO , S7afF _ 2, Has th"vs personRirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ o1STRiCT cOUAi _ 3. Does this personftirm possess a sk�0 not normally possessetl by any wrrent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITATING PROBLEM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. When, Where, Why) AOVANTAGES If APPROVEO. DISADVAN7ACaE5 IF APPROVED� �,.._ .._- - _ (,'�lS�IC� ����t ,rAn� a s ��s� DISADVAN7AGESIFNOTAPPRWED' �����"'°" �--+�==.:.sb TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ COST/pEVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIdG SOUHCE ACTIVYfV NUMHEH FINANCIA� INFORMATION' (EXPIAIN) `ts _tis� Greensheet # 29415 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/6/44 i In Trackel'! � � , npp•n Received / a�p�n Processed License lD # 18255 Company Name: M& M Auto & Truck Repair DBA: Same Business Addresss: 1984 Senson Avenue Business Phone: 648-3723 Contact Name/Address: 3ohn Mever, 2044 Maeoffin, SSll6 Home Phone: b98-7070 Date to Council Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: z/ 5 9-� Labels Notice Sent to Notice SeM to Public: DepartmentJ Gity Attorney Emrironmerrtal Heaith Fire License Pofice Date Inspections L( �.� �� ���a9�yy 1 �� � �� ��` `�la,� � N/A District Council #: 09 Ward #: � Comments G�- /1 t � v SNe Pian Received:_ Lease Received: oning � �/a�l� y I �� -15 5,�� lJ1OL � CLASS iII LICENSE APPLICATIO�I cm oF sa1�z p�uL O::se oi Uccr.x, Irs?:s;io:s � ;a &:1::�:-�-:�� ��:u:;�, _c S. Pr.ar S;. Sd:a � c.:_. Fsy1.!i�co:> '31C2 (E:i) "�d=i'.0 .�-..Y (bi�) 2`b:%:i{ I.icense I.D. T (foz c,`itt �<c oa7y) Ti-17S .aPPLICATIO:�T JS SL='tCT TO REVIEW BY 7HE PliBL3C PLEASE T1 � E O� PRI1T IN L\"K T}pe of L:ce. ce bei`g ��p ;or. (�YJ7 %�Y/-fls CoW^ \�,..e• % ��b G/ Y�=-�Y T '_ Co:x�:io� zr.�e:s.`,�,' If bnsiaess is i.corpe.�ted, �ce dzte of incorporation: Doing Bui:,e�s ?s: Bus:ness Adc�iess: T'� ur' . � _c. C B•��:ness P`ene: �f7"� ' S:ectn6Lxss ' Ci.y S:a;e Beh;eea M�zt aoss sL-eets is tke b��ess loc�ted? '��mr� � \�.'hich side of tbe street? .are t�e p.eWies now occupiea? ��'h�t :�_ e of Bv�iaess? I-�C�r'� � �V'.� �r�lJ�� �:ail To Addre�: !�� �/ ��,/ti S't�/1� e�- a'�x.. � ¢�'I itJ �, 5 i/� s::c«.;ae.—..0 cs.y s<:� z;, ."-.pp5c�t :�'a.-ne aad Ho�e Ad� S:. t AdCr Ci.y S�:c e � � Dzte of B'utb: �� PJzce of B'uti• � Hor.�e Pbone: � � Ase you a citiz.n of the L'nited Stztes? ;�'zcve? E���S :�'atur�lized? Ityou are nof a BS. citizen, ;'ou mu<t bav'e work author.z:lion from t6e US. Immigration & Naturaliiation Senzce. H;oe you e�•er beea conricted of any felony, c;ic�e or t:e'z�oa of zay city or�ance otber thzn tr2fi;c? YES _ NO ,� Dzte of azresi: CSarge: _ Con�Sction: _ ��I�ere? SenteLCe: List tbe nzmes znd resideaces ef three persoas of good ne:zl cb2r2cter, L•��ing n�ithia the Txin Cities?.7eiro Area, noi related to tbe applic2ni or finznciclly interesied in [be prenises cr buiness, uho may be referred [o zs to tbe applicznt's c�uacier: N�7,�iE ADDRFSS PHOi�'E 1, � �l L'ut licenses u•hich you cuneatly bold, formerly he1d, or :asy have zn interest in: Have zny of tbe above azmed licenses ever beca revoked? _ YES NO If yes, list tbe dates znd reuons for revocation: Are you going to aperate this business persoazll}? � 1FS ^ 10 If not, W ho w�ill operste it? � S�� S� F�st lemc :�liddle Ini:iz! (` I<s[ Dxte of B;nh Honc AdGress: S:ut lzmc G} �/� S:ate Z3p Phonc \cmScr Are you goiag to kave a n�zger or usistsat in �is bL-ess? ` YES �C_ NO If che mzazger is not the s2ne as tbe operator, please co�aplete the following informztion: fi:st :4zr„c ?.:icc;c Ir.: is7 HOaC ndditSi: $::eCt :�£IDG (;.!�3en) G.y LzSL S.ztc Zp D2;e of HiPh Pi;one \v-bez 0 List all other o�cers of tbe corporztion: OFFICER TITLE HO'�fE HOA4E BUSL\'ESS I.*Ai�1E (O�ce Held) ADDRESS PH01B PHO:��E If buziness is a pumershig, please iaclude tbe following ir..`ornatioa for each putner (use additionzl pages if ,.Y,�_r � , �'ICIIJ/�JL Frst I�ame '�1iddle Initid Hone AdC+us Siroei :Czme Fitst \�:ne LiSI E-uJ � S�! Stztc Zip �y�le _ ta�c DATE OF BIRTH D='ic ot Binh ��L r' Pf�ont ;�'umbei �� � _ �,� or ,nn Home Addrest: Sircct tia G.y S:xte Zip Phone Number Attach to t6is application: ' i) A detailed description of the desiga, iocztioa and squam foofage of t6e premises fo be liceased (sife plan). 2) A copy of pour ]ease agreemenf or proof of owvership of LLe property. A,\'Y FAISIFICATI04 OF A2�S�i�ERS GIVEN OR r4AT'ERTAL SUBAII'LTED ZVILL RESULT IN DE\L'�L OF THTS APPLICATION I bereby state under oath tbzt I have aaswered �11 of tbe zbove questions, and that tbe information contained Lerein u Vue and correct to t6e best of my knox�ledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have zeceived no money or othet consideration, by way of Soan, gfr, contribution, or otber»ise, other than alread disdosed in the application which I berew�th submitted. - Subscribed and sworn to beiore me this �� �� ' ������� ��`` day of � � • � %`� I�ot Pu6lic w��-.y- � , MN My Commission eap'ues: ` �' S Ci,y n�- ......:.... . ... .. /� — . .. z� uo�<= � � , ( ���j�. o A3S:*,':c VlOS3N��IW , .. 310tl1Vd �1f HG!'�y i iMlM�WWyyyVW�WVJYJVYdIL:^Jh:v':�.rt �. Plezse list your e�plo;�ent history for [he predoi:s fi��e (� ;ezr period: cLass zlz LICENSE A.PPLICATION CITY OF SAIIv'T PALiL O:fire of Liccau, Ir,spcctio;s znd Fmiro.:acr.t�l Pm:ec:icn � St Pr.�r A S�;i:c 3�0 S:ia: Psn1 v.�eraa '3:C2 (6i.) Y4'iUJ 'ax (6+..) 2'b?iit License I.D. T THS$ APPL7CATI0'�I IS SL �� ECT TO REVIE\V BY THE PUBLTC PLF�ISE 71^rE OR PRL\T IId L\X T}pe of Licease being for: Co�pzny I.'�e: Yr / R- % j 1 � f'�i1f7S Y/.(fl Co.rortion . anncrs.`,ip�/ Solc Proprie,ot`_:2 If biuiness is incorper�ted, �ve daie of incorporation: Doing Busiaess �: �rL`� �)� � � Bvsiness Phone: ��� ° � Y� � BusinessAddress: _j11�� �NSfPU ��- 1�n1.� >'1'1N 5�1/(� SlreetAd2:es5 ' G,y State Zip Betu•eea u•hat aess streets u tCe business located? `f � W'hicb side of tbe street? � Aze tl�e preaies now occupied? �'�'hzt T��e of Business? !�G'�r� �- J/�( � �o�7i�!` i Mzil To Address: S::cct AdErss Ciy S;s;e Z�p Applic2nt Tnformaticn: ''' t �/ '"U� /'�"�/��' ��i C3r,u��a� TTazne and Title: - ��Y�Gr U -- � Fits[ _ ASidCI� (?�Saiden) Lut T1ile Home Address: 9"✓�YC� J5 /� s::cot naa;rss U Gry s:z�o � Z'vp Date of Birth: fl'T �" >� P1ace of B'ut�• '�'' ' � Home Pboae: ���� r�� Are you a citi�en of the United StaTes? Native? �� Natura3ized? If �'ou are not a U.S. citizen, ; ou must bave work authoriution irom the U.S. Immi�-atioa & Naturalization Sen3ce. Have you e�•er been contiicted of zny felony, crine or tiielztion of any city ordinance other th2n tr�c? YES _ NO � Date of arrest: Cbarge: _ Cont�ction: NAI��(E \�'here? ADDRF_SS PHOI�B List licebses w�hich you currently hold, formerly held, or mzy bave aa interest in: � Have any of the above aamed licenses ever beea revoked? , YES � NO If yes, list tbe dates and reasons for revocation: � (fo: offitc tice oa7y) �Sentence: Coverl List the names and residences of three percons of good �oral chuacter, li�Zng vAthin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not re7ated to tbe applicant or financially interested in tbe premises or business, who may be referred to as to tbe applicant's cbuacier: q s �1s� Are }•ou go::�g io operate'th:s.busiaess persoa�ll'? _ 1`S _�O If aot, w3o �ill eper�te it? �:st :�zme '�`.idCic I:,i::�l (.'J�.o a) Zp iyc;ne AL2.-�cs; SLaet \z;�e � � 6:�� S:ate Z� "rho. \n-Sa A; e}'ou going :o }��'e a ��zger or 2s<_'slu.i i� ths bL_:«? _ yES � i�0 If t3e ia�.ager is not tbe szne as tbe operator, p]ezce ce�p7ete tte fo'7e���g infor�zuon: FAi \zr.,e '.:i„c;c 7:.i:iz7 HoaeAcL:�ss: St:ectlz-e ('.!;:�e: ) C� Dz:c of Birh Dz:e of Bi: h P'r,ex \c-Ser c L��t a11 otber o°icers of t�e co:porztioa: OFFTCER TI7LE HO'�:E :�,�'�4E (O�c: Helo) ,�DDRESS HO:�fE PHO:��E BliSL'�FSS PHO\�E If business is a p�taerslug, plezse iaclude tSe follov�ing i=.`e, �ation fer each partner (use zddivo�zl pages if ..,.�1�r� ! . ,r17G' h lP !L F:zt \tr.�< /�.�G S� 1 Ho-�e Add:us. S:rcct \zne ��� fU cr.s[ ;C�.—.�e �C��/ �� Ho;,�e ALdz�ss: S::eet �z� , G.y Lact DATE CF BIRTH D� c c� Btrh �IGZ 77� Zp Pho�e:�umber /i z • � D=te of �nh S:.:e Z� Phone :�cr..Sez Attach to this applicetion: ' 1) A detailed descripiioa of tbe design� loc:tiea and squ2re foofage of tbe premises to be {icensed (site plzn). 2j A copy of ?�our Jease a�reemenf or proot of owaership of tbe property. A.\Y FALSIFICATIO'.d OF A,\S�;�FRS GIS'Etd OR h1.iT'ERI�.L SUBA4ITTED \S'ILL RESLZT I; f DE\L�I, OF THIS APPLICATIO"I I hereby state wder ozth t1�zt T ha�'e zaswered zll of [he �bo��e questions, and tbat tl�e informatioa conizined herein is We and correct to the best of ny �:nowledge aad belief. I hereby stzte further under ozth tha[ I hzve received no money or otber cobsiderztioa, by way of 3o�ry gft, coniribution, or otSer»ise, other tban zlread disclosed in tbe application which I hereWith submitted. �� � � .�� yi Subsvibed znd sworn to before me this ' dzy of . 19 _. S's w pli t D te Notzry Public Cowty, MIZ � �� ///�t/�7 '<4 Commission eapues; 1'.idC)e I:.itiJ 6.y Lzst I,=st C_;xte I,zst Stz7e Plez_<e lit }•our e�p;o;�ent histo.y ior t!�e p*eti�oi:s fi�•e (� �'ear period;