95-156�� 0 R I G{ N A�. Covncil File # qS -- � S�o RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 29550 RESOLVED: That the On Sale Liquor-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-III, and Gambiing Location-B License (I.D. #54523) currently held by Metro Bar & Grill, Inc. dba Arnellia's at 1183 University Avenue West, 6e and the same is hereby renewed with the foliowing conditions: Effective immediately, responsibifity for security operations at ARNELLIA'S witl be assumed by Jerry Allen (h = 779-9372 t pager = 539-4138) and Jackie Hicks (h = 739-0338 / pager = 622-8451). 2. All security staff, both private and ARNELLIA'S, will be instructed by Jerry and Jackie in standard operating procedures for the establishment, as determined by the owner and the management of ARNELLIA'S with advice from a licensed private security firm of ARNELLIA'S choice. 3. � A digital pager will be purchased for the exclusive use of the �eighbors, elected officials and othess to have immediate access to the security staff at ARfVELLIA'S. The pager number is �i�° ��� All security staff members will be instructed in methods of responding to calis received on the pager. The person assigned to wear the pager will have the responsibil'�ty for responding to the calis, evaluating their priority, and directing the manner in which the problem will be addressed. This Lead Security Person wili aiso be responsible for reporting the nature of the cail and the response to management on duty prior to taking any action. Management and the Lead Security Person will concur on any and all actions taken. 5. Security staff will be dispatched to handle the problems identified when they can be addressed withoui jeopardizing the safety of the staff inember. If they cannot be addressed safely, the Saint Paul Police Department wili be summoned immediately. 6. Additional security staff will be employed on Friday nights by October 28, 1994. 7. A regular surveiflance schedule wili be maintained to put the security staff outside to patrol the area more frequently. • Security staff will rotate the outside detail every twenty minutes • The route is clearly defined • Each security staff member is trained on the routes • Each security staff member is trained on how to handle all foreseeabie incidents 8. All security staff wili continue to wear cfearly identifiable shirts and/or jackets. Licensed private security will be employed to augment ARNELLIA'S security staff. Private security wiit wear uniforms with badges. 9. All employees of ARNELLIA'S have received Alcohol Awareness Training and will be instructed to be aware of problem behavior and the methods to be used the instant they feel or witness something awry. 10. The practice of "Barring ouY' undesirable or troublesome customers will be stepped up. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3$ 95 -15G ii 12. The music staff will be instructed to continue to make frequent announcements for customers to go directly to their vehicles and disperse quickly. The music direction has been altered in anticipation ot deterring boisteraus individuals. 13. ARNELLIA'S will continue to empioy staffi io pick up debris from the surrounding area as depicted on the attached map each moming. 14. Security staff will monitor the parking lot, especially during the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., to discourage patrons and others from circling through the alley, and adjacent residential streets. Management will also pursue, with the neighborhood and the Department of Public Works, the possibility of designating the aHey and/or residentiai streets "one way" to reduce the "spill over" traffic in the neighborhood, 15. A removable security cable will be installed at the rear of the parking lot to control access to the alley and will be used to control "circling" during high traffic hours. 16. Professio�al trai�ing for ARNELIIA'S security staff, in addition to the in house training provided, will be obtained by April 1, 1995. 17. A regufar work schedule for security personnet will be mainiained and provided to the Police Department on request. C /-25-95 i'l�� �-��,� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � , n-_� Approved by a�r: Dat a- �.�5 By: V� --- BY: I��� Form Approved by City Attorney t �: 1� �, � 1� 2� -95 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� 45 �.Icr P DATE,ILNIOTIA95 GREEN SHEE N_ 3 a 7 s a'� CON ACT PEBSON 8 PHONE O DEPqflTMENT DIRE ❑ CRY CAVNdL N Rabext Kessler, 266-9112 ��N �cmarroaNEr �cmc�AK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'fE� RU � BUDGET DIRECTOfl O FIN. & MGT. SEFiVICES 018. For Hearin 2-15-95 �p�� �MAYOR(ORltSSISTPNn � TOTA4 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION AE�UESiED: Renewal of an On Sale Liquor-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-III, and Gambling Location-B License (I.D. �E54523) RECAMMENOnnONS: Appro�e (A) a Faject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANWING COMMiSS10N _ CNII SEPYICE COMMIS${ON �- Hds th15 peBOn(firm ev2f Wo[katl urtdef a ContlaCt fOf Ulis d6QaAment? _ C78 COMMI77EE _ YES NO _� 2. Has this personRirm ever treen a ciry emQloyee? — VES NO _ oisTRiCi COURi _� 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl 6y any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM. ISSUE, OP70RTUNITY (Who, WNat. When, Where, Why): Metro Bar & Grill, Inc, dba Arnellia's request Council approval of the renewal of Che On Sale Liquor-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-III, and Gambling Location-S License at 1183 University Avenue West. Phil Byrne and Robert Kessler have reviewed the application and have recommended the conditions a specified and accepted by the applicant as noted on the Resolution form. ApVANTACaES IFAPPROVED; Will reduce disruption to neighborhood. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� � ,?.�,�,,, � � N/A xw�� �,: �e Lo��jT�� � (,1 i�95 ---...._. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEO: - - If Council approval is not received, applicant will be scheduled for a review before a hearing officer. TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING S�URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) ' N .�.. .�3�f 1 S d d �1(1 U , . . . ."'� � - . . . . . . . . � . ... .. :� .. , ... � � � . . . . . . . . � � . . �. . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . �„�1 �' . . . . . . l nz,. �' .z�J>��z .... .... � . . . . .. 1�1 � � r 1� . . � . . � .`. . L �. . ......... �. ...... . . . . C�1� o.. . . . v 1 � � V J , . . . . . � . . . . . . � W � � t ' t � � � � � '�f. ... ..�-a 1'..... M �-- --Z � � ' Sb�.0 � ��2S�t1•I � t s, � i � 1 � [ t t 553�ldX3 t ivn�cti �.t `.� � � i S r� � . -� � � i �Q ' 2 l� �• � •�7v y� � d33r QQ ' r� i Q "' � , � , � � ' �________� � !� � Z > � � � � W } z � , , � � � � � •� idQNnti �1 ' J � � a � l� � L1 d r � �--- M � s W � Q �� Y Q a --� t-___�° GR(GGS STREET N. q,5 — 15 (�