95-146Return copy Yo: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented Bp Referred To QRIGI�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1i IZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution C.F. 89-546, approved April 7, 1989, vacated property described as follows: All that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of Wheelock Parkway as opened and all that part of the east-west a11ey lyiag westerly of the southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot 7, all in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas. WHEREAS, based upon utility easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of U S West Communications, Inc. Northezn States Power Company Gas Division, District Energy and Cooling Saint Paul, Inc., Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc., the Water Utility, and the Department of Public Works, and made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the CYry for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to uti�ity easements in the vacated areas as described in the certificates incorporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 of the St. Paul l.egislative Code and on behalf of the City of St. Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements, the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby waive and release the retained Utility Easements in the vacated public property described as follows: All that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of Wheelock Parkway as opened and all that part o£ the east-west alley lying westerly of tke southerly extension of tUe easterly line of L.ot 7, all in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villa Council File # q5 - i�} 6 Green Sheet # 3 ao� 3 gs-t4 G 'i BE IT FI7RTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby 2 authorized and d'uected to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Recorder, 3 Ramsey County and shali maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in 4 this resolution on file in the office of the Ciry Clerk. Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date Adopt' n Certified by Cou: By: Approved by � r: Date� sy: � � .\5 �15 �il Secretary Finance � Mana ement Services $y. ,., „?,� d�����4�'�- Director Form Approved by City Attortte� B �"..������ 1 2�'�s Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � (cinouse.alc)� �,j� � Sy : �� 7� u` ' (Cinouse.alc) s Y ' F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: January 20, Green Shcet Nnmber. 32073 1995 FYARIMH�T1' DIRF?Cl'OR 4 COUNCII. tlU Petsou aud Phooe N�mUec "° � 1 A11iDRNf?Y CIl'Y QP..RK Dick McCann 266-8850 �' EP DIILECPDR 2 ffi MGP. SVG DIR. YOR (OHASSISTl�Nl) - osc be a� Covuol Agepda bY- AL # OF SIGNANRE PAGPS 1 (QdP ALL IACA7ION5 FOR SIGNATURL') C1ION RfiQUES"iFd} pprove resolntion authorizing the release of utility easements within the vacated alley in Block 5, Merrills Division, bounded by Rice Street, Wheelock Parkway, Iowa and Park Street. xscor,n��nron�norrs: nrrxovE �n� ox ��F_cr (x) r.xsoru�t sExvice coxrxncis �rsr �uvswex � aoi.townv� PIANNING CO2�SSTON A SrAFF .����/� ��� �der a mnhact for this depzAment? YES NO QVII. SERVICE COI�4uI640N Has th"s pason/ficm ever beeu a Cry employee? YE�S NO c� cot.a�ri� no� ws reaoo/� r� a� oo� a�:roeur r�a br �r rns No _ aajent ary emplo9ee. lain alI YES answers on a uparaM shee[ and attach. UPPORIS WIIICH COUNCII. OBJP.GIIVE? covrrc�. wnxn(s� ,^ DIS'1'RICl' PIANNING COUN(9. 6 INPPIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNf1'Y (Who, Whak When, Whcre, Wh�} Property owner has requested a release of the retained easements to clear title to the property VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � emoves encumbrance of utility easements dAN 0 UISADVAPII'AGES IFAPPROVED: - :, one 'r�'��� f������ ISADVANfAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��y ��� ���§'� ncumbrance of utility easements will remain on property title .��IV � �. i.�a�� AL AMOUNl' OF TRANSACIION: $0 .00 cosr/xtvrrvos BunGSi�eo (c¢icye oxe� �res No ING SOURC� AC1IV71'Y NUMBER_ .-._:�.��---�.,,°".•_.��..'._"•.•"••.`�' FINANCIt1L INFORMATION: (EXPIAII� ����s��� � 5 �� F ��.f'�'✓ �9�� w3 1995 . ���� �������� `� S - l �-I (P «��Y Vd Y • u����u�� ��� 9 TF� HOI�RABLE MAYOR AIVD MII�7BERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIIVT P AiTi, I�te: Januasy 18, 1995 'j'hc , w':G''.°�'�Siy °G l. � o w yy y' ` �l- � ' �.. ♦.°SE''�" utE' QC itGi, iili.c�'i1 i.v exercise their utility rights in the following describecl realty: Al1 that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of Wheelock Parkuray as opened and all that part of the east-west alley lying westerly of the southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot 7, all in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas. U S WEST GL'J�MIUNICATIONS INC. Department or Ccxrq�any STATE OF MIIVNESdPA ) ) ss. CC�DNTY OF RAMSEY ) by Its Lr�cal Network rations F� ineer �� ...��'/^, Signature Bruce J. SYuldbezg The foreg��ng i_nstrument w�s ac'�s!o�aledged l�f_ore me tlis 19th day of January , 1995, by Bruce J. Sundbe� , the LNO Ehgineer of U S WEST COPM�IUNICATIONS INC a Corporation under the laws of the State of Colorado. � ,r " r Notary Public, ey County, Lirmesota My c�ission expires (Nonwse) an.v,na,n�'"" - THEODORE STROM JR. MOTARY PUBUC'NIMRESOTA RAMSLY COUN7V YY Gowln. EIIM� Jam 83 200C . OCT-26-1994 11�17 ST PRUL RERL ESTRTE 612 266 8855 P.01/01 �5"' �t�� CERiZFICATE OF SNTENDED HOH-USE Date 7HE HONOR9HLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTSY OF SAIHT PAUL She understgned hereby cert3Fy tktat they do not fnEend to exereise their ut3lity rights in the following described rea2ty: A1Z that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of Wheelock Parkway as opened and a11 that part of the east-west a11ey lying westerly of the southerly extension of the easterly 11ne of Lot 7, aII in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Stzeet ViZlas. /I!o � z��'�Zr� �i�t7'c� �ow�-2 �'o Dep�rtment or Company Its �. � � ' Signature STATE OF' MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The t'oregoing instrument was acknowledged beFOre me this E �� � day of� , 19��, by �`�/ �����. the ,1s..L� �� of _�� � .�--�-���, a� under the laxs of the State of Min�esota. Notary Pub13o, Ra��`sp C' ����t�nnesota My comq���i4�6 S�Gares �'d/ 7 (taonasel •� PAUIINE M, �!.s': ,-�• �� ►mTARr piiattc—�n:+;;__�:a RANLSEY CC:iiJTY M7 �. ExP+ras fe6. 11, 1997 TOTRL P. 01 r � OCT-24-1994 14�20 ST PRUL RERL ESTRTE 612 266 D855 P.01i01 9.5- t4,G CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE D a t e �� be.r o� 8 ��1 `I'� THE AONORASL£ MAYOR AND MEM$ERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL She undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility rights in the following described realty: All that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of GTheelock Parkway as opened and aIl that part of the east-west a11ey lying westerly of the southerly ettension of the easterly line of Lot 7, all in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Screet Vi11ss. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument uas acknouledged before me this a 8'�" day of ��� , 19 �(�{ , by Y'1Y��av�s. �N�44�,^ , the '"N�S�� of �;sfi'r�� �� �.�� .Ln�. , a P� US e Y�ch-�OV�'f Gor/k�ra�i�Y— under the laws of the State oF Minnesota. • nMnANN/�MnMnMM./�nn n,1.9 ^.AnMMM l TRUDY l, SHERWOOD � �� CiGThn". ?i)BL:U-,4''ifdNE50TA ` �„y,�? WAiN�.Np'fVNCOUNFY � �!y Comm. Expi�as Nax. T.149] > v VvW W VvvvVV�vvvWYb'W JVVVWV'Nw s (Nonuse) otary Publie�j Ramsey County, MinIIesota My comnission expires �OU, � �� �1`� TOTAL P.61 � I S�Y' is� �� a�. �� a...Q �� Department or Compa �CT-27-1954 11�5� ST PGUL REAL ESTFTE 512 2E6 8855 P.�2�9^c ls'���� CfiRTIFICATE OF rNTENDED NOt:-iJSE Date �G�il�2` �( � � (�� _HE HOtdORABT,r M3YOR IlND MEMBERS OF TY.E COUtiCIL OF TH£ CITY QF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify �hat they do noc intend to exrrcise *heir utility rig'r,ts in the followirg desarShed re2ltys All Yhat parC o,". the norCh-s�uth alley lying southerly of L�TFieelock Parkwa; as p� anE�i 8P_� 8� � =fi2t dLt l�� t'�rlfl t'2$L_ c � yl 1 0 l- �.-� _ � i i �_" �, :?2.. ..j' ..'j=^o :.°85Lc,.�.'j Ci Ci.°_ SC::T.itcT.i.y e:tension c�f th� easterly line of Lot i, aI1 Block 5, .ierrills Divislon of Rica Strset Vi11as. Departm t ar Car•.pany I t s �����"`�'"„n�t� (��-j ir gnat'ure STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. CO[INTY OF RAMSEY ) J�',� ✓ ��S u,.�... The foregoing instrument was ackpo�rledged 0e°ar? me this ��I day of d i✓�y1 ��'� , I9 ��, b C�.l� J t�-� , t h e �kl `'` C��� �`v- U'\. C ��(a-'f�.�4����,d� 4n-- OI �� lV � � a ��frl0.�ta"T' under the laus of the Scate o£ Minnespta. � a.-:.x.� . , . - '�_ , . � .. _.,F�..+�- (������ � � . ��� ,_ . . . . , ` , 7 � � �' ._ _ .. ..i� � _..-': ..:c_CiA': — � ti - ' t:otarp Publie, a�asey ounty, t�innesota ' r,:� cc,��. ...�. � .,. _. ,;� .� .� �� �,� � �-,,�,�.-,��..,,,�_,.....,.,-....-,�, ?!y eotnRisslon expires � (Planuse) �,T TOTRL F.�? `IS-�4G CERTZrICATE OF IIdTENDED 40N-USr Date November 2, 1994 THE HO2JORABLE M?YOR 9ND 1!EMSERS OF TY.E CO'JWCIL OF TAc CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utili�y rights in the fol].oxing described realty: Al1 that part of the north-south alley lying southerly oi i+''neelock Par'<»ay as opened and all that part oi the east-west alley lying westerly of the southezly extension of the eastezly line of Lot 7, all in Block S, :Serrills Division of Rice Street Vzllas. Water Utility Department or Conpany Its General Manager Signatur� e�—`�' c2���� STATE OF MINNESOT9 ) } ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY } The foregoing instrument xas acknoWledged before cae this 2nd Bernie Bullert Paul Water Utili 19 94 , by the General Manager, Saint of the City of Saint Paul , a Municipal Corporation under the laus of the St2te of ;tinnesota. � < ,'r'-� SHIRIEY A.10NES ;.��� PIOTARYPUBL1CCrMMIkNES07A z �, RAMSEY COUM)Y ` "9y Cammission Expirea Ayn� 13,1996 � � �� y (Nonuse} day of November ftotary P, lic� m y Count� nesota My comnission expires ��- /--3 � 95-iy,(, CERTIFICATE OF IIJTEA'DED NOid-USE Date /V�YEhtt3E/ � /99 THE HOtdOR9BLE MAYOR AND N,ENBERS CF TH$ COUlaCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility r3ghts in the following described realty: All that part of the north-south alley lying southerly of Wheelock Parkway as opened and all that part of the east-west alley lying westerly of the southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot 7, a1Z in Block 5, Merrills Division of Rice Street Villas. DEi�i: oF ��3��� GUoPKs Department or Comp2ny STATE OF MIN2SESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RANSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknouledged before me this �R'b day of /UpU�Yj��ie , 19�, by ����i�fS �/, EG�U�1( , the _ �iT;� �it/G//t/EEi2 o r TNE �FPT oF ��ic�e t/(/oi'v�s > a Gpi/E,�R//1/(E'ti�L �7G�tiG�/ under the Zaws of the State of Minnesota. ` # f- ` .'. f : _ �" �' x . � �`- _ -�.: -• r�. � ^ Notar{� Ramsey County, N,innesota CJ f My comnission expires — � U 1