D00413• • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ,�.: �y 13 Date: ' �� � f ! GS 41 25870 ADM{NISTRA7IVE 4R6ER Consistent with the authority gra�ted to the Mayox ir. Section '!0.67.�+ of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 19 9 4 budqet of the Capital Projects fund, the Director of tne Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following mannex: SPENDING PLAN C94-2T527-29203 HAMPDEWUNIVERSITY LTG Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T527-29203 HAMPDEWUNIVERSI7Y L7G Adjusted Amended Budget Change Sudget 20,631.55 20,631 .55 727,368.45 45,500.00 172,868.45 148,000.00 45,500.00 193,500.00 ASSESSMENT 26,294.37 26,294.37 PED 45,500.00 45,500.00 1994 CIB 121,705.63 121,705.63 148,000.00 45,500.00 193,500.00 � Prepaied by: Activiry Manager ,f�- r �1 �---- Requested by: Dep en[ D'ueaor _��� c�.� Approved SY: �yor Date �x�2Q�L rnblic works Michael J. Hggum 292-7153 SIGNATURE PAGES �� �� �� �' '�ATE 7NITIATED ionu94 GREEN SHEET I � � rvo. 2ss�o IN171 ATE �NITVAUDATE j ASSIGN <❑DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CITVCOUNCIL i NUMBER FOR n CITY Ai70RNEV O qN CLERK _', ROUTING �5 BUDGET DIRECTOR ❑j FIN 8 MGT. SERV - �Ifl. y /�� OR= n MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ri"� �yliceFAqwn �y_ // � (G4P All LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE� C. CAA PROd MGA�� O DEPNRTMENTACCOVNT 1/ Approval of attached Administtative Order increasing the spending and Einancing plans of the Hampden/University Lighcing project by adding $45,500.00 of PED CIB funding for ihe University-Raymond Ga[eway Project Streetscape Improvements done under this contrac4 RECOMMENDA710NSJIq�rove (/� or Rejaci (F� PLANNINGCQMMISSIQN CIVIL CIB CAMMITTEE A STAFF ! _ OISTAICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICN COl1NCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAi. SERVICE CONTFACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. FVas [hfs persoNfirm e�er worked under a conVact for this deparunent? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfum possess a 5kdl not normaliy possessed by any cuttent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate shaet and attath to graen sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHEFE, WHVJ� Original budget for the Hampden/University Lighting project was approvecl by City Council under Log No. SU-66246. There has been a request for additional work to be done under this project by PED. This adminisffative order increases the spendina and financing plans of the Hampden/University Lighting project by adding $45,500.00 in PED CIB dollus. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Spending and financing budget will reflect actual cosu and revenues. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. ��c�iv�� DEC 21 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Spending and financing budgets will be inaccurate. CITY CLERK $ _�4.�' � 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �YES� No �NDING SOUflCE PED CIf3 AC7IVITY NUMBEA C94-2T5 27-29 2 03 FINANCIAL MIFORMAT{ON: (EXPLAIN) d�