95-142ORiGINAL Council File # J " � e� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �� �q� RESOLUTION F SAINT�AUL. MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Committee: Date : WHEREAS, t�of West Saint Paul has requested a contract for services under a joint powers agreement for the City of Saint Paul to perform plumbing, mechanical, and warm air / ventilation inspections and to issue permits for these installations as required by the State Building Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has expertise in these azeas and can deliver permit and inspection services to the City of West Saint Paul without disruption of service or inconvienience to residents of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul's inspecrion and permit activities are financed through the fee revenues collected from such activities; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul's Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection desires to perform these services in accordance with a contract approved as to form by legal staff from both Cities; now, therefore, be it RFSOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute the attached joint powers agreement between the Cities of Saint Paul and West Saint Paul for inspection and permit services. ��, w �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Ap sy Office of License. Insoections and Environmental Protection �[����� L�1 r �[ Form Ap oved by City A orney s �u:�����(� �-2-5s" Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �W"' �`e%72� } OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 2/2/95 GREEN SHEET N° 30732 RObOrt &essler 266-9112 2 DHPARTHENT DIR& TOR 4 xxr ui+ zL „�, 1 x a wvez irY ..�.� ust be on COUncil Agenda bI7: � UDGET DIRL' TOA IN. i MGT. SVC. DIR. � SAP OR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: pproval of Joint Powers Agreement with West SAint Paul for permit and inspection services. COIM�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) PSRSOtAi. SERVICB COATRACTS NVST 9ASWBR THE FOLLOWING: YLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISION 7. Has the peYSOn/fiYm ever Vorked undeY a contraCt for this depaYtment? CIS COMMITTgE YES NO STi�eF 2, flas th3s persoa/fism evez beea a City employee? DI5IRICT WURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm poasess a skill not normally posseased by any SVPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OHdECTIVE? CuYYent City employeet YES NO zplain all YES answers on a separate sheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): here is an opportunity for the City to provide inspection and permit services for the City of West Saint Paul pursuant to Minnesota Statute 471.89. This is an excellent opportunity for Liep to expand services. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ill establish mutual benefits for both communities. Saint Paul will obtain additional revenue while west Saint Paul will receive excellent service at reduced cost to the City. ��C�lV�� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent - advantageous to both communities. �EB 06 19 ��� ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: n opportunity for mutual cooperation between nieghboring municipalities will e 1ost. TOTAL AMpUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e �. lv ��� �' 2 1995 ���� �������� r� 9s -iy� JOI1T PO«ERS AGREE:VIEiVT FOR INSPECTION SERVZCES AGREE�N'T, made this 7� day of �/�z,�;.,..ci,ti- , 199�, by and between the Ciry of West St. Paul, a municipal corporation (the "City ), and the Ciry of ST. Paul, a municipal corporation (the "Contrac.or"). WT�REAS, Section 471.89 oi Vlinnesota Statutes authorizes and empowers govemmental units to enter into agreements for the joint or cooperative exercise oi any power common to said govemmental units; and WHEREAS, the parties to this :��reement are empowered by law to provide mechanical� code installations and have determined that it is to their benefit to enter into this Agreement; and «'HEREAS, the Contractor desues to provide the City with permits for and perform inspections of inechanical code installations within the confines of the Ciry. WHEREAS, the Ciry has accepced a proposal of Contractor by which Contractor shall perform the above services, handle enforcement issues involving code compiiance for licensed contractors performin, work in the Ciry, monitor the performance of all inspectors and handie all correspondence, inspection;equests, job site or office meetings as required, and In consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties a�ree as follows: PER'VIITS l. The City, shall promptly forward to the Contractor, all applications for permits for all plumbing, mechanical, Qas, oil, sheetmetal, freestanding fireplace, ventilation, air conditionin� and fuel pipin� installauons to be performed in the City (the "Installations") and shall promptly forward all permit fees received in conjunction with said permit applications. 2. Contractor shall provide applicants with permits for the Installations. INSPECTIONS 3. Contractor shall inspect all Instaliations for City code compliance. 9s -1y a.. 4. In conjunction with the aieresaid inspections, Contractor shall process all correspondence zeIating to inspections, includin; inspection requests, and shall have ;he dury to have iu inspectors attend job siie or office meetings. 5. Contractor shall have the exclusi��e dury to monitor the performance of che inspectors it provides. E\�ORCE�'tEN'T 6. Contractor shall have the duty to insuze that any and all Installations meet Ciry code requirements. If any Installation eoes not meet City code requirements, contractoz shall have the dury to enforce the Ciry code by denying approval of the Installauon, conditionin; approval on futnre work or by any other means necessary or proper. 7. Contractor shall only have the dury to enforce Ciry code compliance on Tnstallations performed by Iicensed con�ractors. City shall have the duty to insure that contractors perfom�in, an Installation are licensed To perform the Installation in the City. 8. In the event that legal action is required to insure code compiiance, the Ciry aarees to establish and maintain any and alI such actions or proceedin�s. The Contractor aQrees to cooperaTe wizh the City and the Ciry Attomey in the establishment and maintenance of any such actions or proceedings. CO��Il'ENSATfON 9. Contractor shaIl perform the duries required of it under the terms of this A�reement using Contractor's established fee schedule, inspection methods, ordinances, certification of competency, hours and days of work. 10. City a;rees chat contractor shall retain 90% of the fees it receives from performin; its duties under the terms of rhis a�reement. Contractor shall retum 10% of the fees to Ciry each inonth in recognition of the performance of City's duties under the terms of this concract. EFFECTNE DATE/TER'12IlVATION/RENEWAL 1 l. This agreement shall take efiect February 1, 1995, and shall continue in effecc unti3 Ianuary 31, 1996, and may be ternunatec3 at any time by eithez parry ?ivin� sixry (60} days natice in writin, co the orher parcy. -2- /, / ; °ts-1�1� 12. This agreement shall automz�ically renew for successive years, unless either of the parties �ives written notice of ter_unation at least sixty (60) days in advance of the January 31 termination date. I�Y WITNESS WHEREOF, bo�h parties have si�ned this agreement the day and year first above written. CITY OF ST. PAUI, 't A �� M�yor Director Finance and ?fanagement Services Date: -��' Director CPTY OF WEST ST. P�UZ ,�� � a or c� 1 '��C�.---. � C�.��� g City Manager J Date: � — /���� License, Inspection and Environmental Protection �{ � Approved as to Form Assis ant City ittorney � � �'' �7 s Date 19194.00U70M�13019 -3-