95-140ORiGINAL Presented By Referred To . Committee: Date �S 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments, made by the Mayor, to the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TA% BOARD. 3 4 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVES 5 Larry Laughlin - 1/1j98 6 Russ Miller - 1/1/97 7 8 DISTRICT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 9 Jaye Rykunyk - 1/1/9S 10 David Skilbred - 1/1j97 11 12 MEMBERS OF FINANCIAL COMMUNITY ACTIVE IN NEIGHBORHOOD LENDING 13 Michelle Vojacek - 1/1/9S 14 Lola Franco - 1/1/97 15 16 COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIt1ES 17 Stacey Millett - 1/1/96 18 Shear Sfiakir - lflf96 19 20 FOt3NDATION REPRESENTATIVES 21 Mary Pickard - 1/1/96 22 Paul Mattessich - 1/1/97 23 24 CITYWIDE FOR PROFIT DEVELOPER 25 Steve Wellington - 1/1/97 26 27 PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE5 28 Frank Gurney - lflf96 29 30 MEMBER WITH JOB TRAINING AND EDUCATION E%PERIENCE 31 John Loban - 1/1/98 32 33 AT-LARGE MEFffiER 34 Kou Vang - 1/1/96 35 36 CIB MEMBER 37 Kris B - 1/1/98 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��,�� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = o...�-, c� � .t-7^�"�� Approved by ayor: D• e�� �� �9�j� By: � ���"� �� Council File # �S�/�Q Green Sheet .� 3�I 4 o S RESOLUTION �Il�IT PAUL. MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attoxvey � B � Z- 3'S Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � / �,{� ,� 'ry By: G�Un.�`� T'�'.��� (�.�,�M/� � �� qs � iue DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCIL pATE INRIATEO N� 3 4 4 0 5� Ma or� 5 offi�e 2/3/95 GREEN SHEET _. _ CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAIJOATE INITIAVDATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY CAUNdI Ro ex' C. Cux'tls 266-8531 ^�" aTVnnoaNev �CRYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �YBEA FOR BUDGET DIflECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. i10UTING �A� � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT70N RE�UESTED: Terms were determined for members of the.NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX BOARD meeting held on February 1, 1995. AECOMMENDAT10N5: Approve fA) orReject (A) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person�rm ever worketl untler a contrad for Mis departmenY? _ d8 CAMMmEE _ YES NO _ STAPF 2. Has this personnrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ �IS7RICT CqURT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl try any curtent city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein ell yes answers on seperete sheet and enach to grean shcet iNIT1ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why) None. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Terms were determined for members of the Neighborhood Sales Tax Board meeting held on February 1, 1995. The City Council passed the previous Council Resolution 94-1848 appointing these members to the board. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��Va�4 fr A33e7 i �� � � 1935 � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUqCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9s- ��a Ir�terdepartmerttal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jaaice Rettmah Couacilmember Serry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris CouncilmembeY Marie GriJnm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Alberto Quintela �•�� Roger C. Curtis Jean Karpe �� DATE: February 3, 1995 RE: NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TA% BOARD The terms were determined for members of the Neighborhood Sales Tax Board at their meeting held on February 1, 1995. Neighborhood Busittess Representatives Larry Laughlin - 1/1/98 Russ Miller - lfi/97 District Council Representatives Jaye Rykunyk - 1J1/98 David Skilbred - lJl/97 Members of Financial Community Active in Neighborhood Lending Michelle Vojacek - 1/1/98 Lola Franco - ljlJ97 Community Development Representatives Stacey Millett - 1/1/96 Shem Shakir - 1/1/96 Foundation Representatives Mary Pickard - 1/1/96 Paul Mattessich - 1/1/97 Citywide for Pro£it Developer Steve Wellington - 1/1/97 Planning Commission Representative Frank Gurney - 1J1/96 � 9S-1L10 Members of the City Council Page Two February 3, 1995 Member with Job Training and Education Experience John Loban - 1J1i98 At-larqe Member Kou Vang - 1/1/96 CZB Member Rristine Bolander - 1/1J98 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8529. Attachments