95-139QR1GI�fAL CITY Presented By Referred To Council File � S � � 9 Green Sheet �` 3 y�t o� PAUL, � Committee: Date � 1 2 3 4 5 e RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves � a of the appointment of Kristine Bolander to the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX 9 io BOARD representing the Capital Improvement Budget Committee. ii 12 is Her term will expire on January 1, 1998. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Requested by Department of: By: Appr sy: By: Form A ved by Ci y Attorney C By: � `� i'a� Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council � By: G � �vu� Adopted by Council: Date � J, ,�.'�. E l . `��,5 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary '%yl C s�'" �t5 .. t _�4 DEPARTMENT/OFiICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 4 4 0�4 � Ma or�s o�fioe 2J3{95 GREEN SHEET __ CpNTACT pERSON & PHONE INITIpVDATE MIRIAVDATE DEPAHTMEMDIflECTOR CRYCOUNCIL RogAr C. Curtis� 266-8531 p$SIGN cmm Cm`CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BV (DATE) NUYBER FON � BUDGEf DIRECTOfl � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Diq. NOUTING OADER O �,{pypp (OR ASSISTANTJ O. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Appointment of Kristine Bolander to the FtEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX BOARD, representing the Capital Improvement Budget Committee. fiECAMMENDAS7oNS: Approve (A) or Rejee� (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSIpN �� Has Nis person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this tlepartment? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFf 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RICTCpURi _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry employeel SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBAECTIVEI YES NO Explafn SII yea answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. WhBn. Whera, Why): None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Appointment of Kristine Bolander to the Neighborhood Sales Tax Board, representing the Capital Improvement Budget Committee. Her term will expire on January 1, 1998. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ���'3��;� �v:��.���� �2�S�eE' FE� ��� i995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFiOVEO: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO PUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FMANG�AL INFORMAT70N: (EXPLAIN) 9s - �3q irrterdepartmer�tal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Counailmember Dino Guerin FROM: Roger C. Curt' t4C Jean Karpe�� � DATE: February 3, 1995 RE: NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAS BOARD Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment of Kristine Bolander to the Neighborhood Sales Tax Board representing the Capital Improvement Budget Committee. Her term will expire on January 1, 1998. Attached is a copy of Ms. Bolander's application. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8531. Thank you. � �•.�.� ll,` l � Name: OFFICE OF TSE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAI23T PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 a6s-asz6 :�f.%I�`c=' S�� ??6 iGgq qS -13� # �-_ r.-� - ")0�7 Home Address :_� �\ VJ f t�l \\-2 ��7 C7 1 S\ �A v 1 �� �1 ' S Street City Zg Telephone Number: (Home) �G a -�y 3 �1 (Aork) Planning Dist=ict Crnmcil: � Preferred Hailing Address: Ahat is your occupati Place�of Employment: Citp Council Fard: � Committee<s) Applied For: �5��42���p�7 SAL.FS - T}�X 7�F-i��1C T�hM� t What skills/training or eaperience do yau possess £or the committee(s) £or v2icn you seek appointment? x�,-�.,as.�c= �P�z�����a� �xPE= 1 1N c�M������ Z� r,� .�o ��,��,�u� c �,a 6��..,t��T- -- P���� �-AR L.`� F AM� �Il�-2 W�'N �`�s c-, �o��/LF Zn» �1 G-> Sr-t��-L ���5,�1�FSSFs 1�,J� tyo� I �Ro�--1'�, - Rc42� - �=oZ �2� � T� � � r L.nP ��.� c� rJ �' �'ZC` cr� r-t N� �T F ���-� R�'2.E5�� �� �i S-r �L`T � �n� i ss� � S � o�.l .1�L��I� /-�4rJ7 vS�� - r� � ��J� ��rl � FNT` � A>.l � �(�..��.A�r �lr.lr i r�7. �( `.-. 1-�.�..�r� l._�.��-rr-_.� . J M ��"� -��.�� I.1va� :z.oJ� �� 8 �,iC. N�F� � �i� l� S �i�l �a i�7T�a� � �.1��_5�_� c�M�n��.J�� 1 ��F-� � �Xc.e�-�cr� c.fl,J,- j��,��c..l�c1c`�rJ ��� � L.� '� � �2nC„ g�L1�6Ra.�1� � IJ z-�1 Z JCRo ,J �o " �' � c,�i� , rSt�� - E= MA�,�1�r,-'F-M�rv � ' — CoMr��`T 1 �D 1 �l 1 ��0� ; fihe information included in this application i.s considered private data acco-ding ta the 2Sinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor�ation is r.ot released to the general public. ���� - Rev.4/21/93 ___ _ �. REFERENCES �� R5-�3�j aaareSS: _ 1 ri4� �t�l. �j� sJk- `� �T Sr ��iJL �S�n� Phone : (Bome) 7i�1 "�. } p 3 (work) �7 7 Z 1'] Z� Name : � 1� �. f��L OS �� �/ /�/� � Address: z�jZ W ST'�- ��'clJ �J�T �.q v� }"� J� J'� ib� Phone:__(Home) Z.Z� c� 6 `'� _/ (Aork) ��1 6 � � � Name : �� � �C F-,2�" }� Lq � Address•_ �77 (�T�CO'r�-�� GT �'" �.J�J �"�JIO� Phone: CHome) sZ 05 �p�— (Aork) 22� q"Zq � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee• � FG��- �T'}-�A j��I� � h1�ca�e�`� �� y-i F i� - s - o ������ rz-- �T� rNT�iZE =S� �`r �'�62, �M1�(�t_ �i�,ir�r'"c�S � �1��1'`\C,T ��117 L6C,C�,�- . C_o� - �L �o� �v �,gir1C� 8� c-z�.�1� `�-O s�� C oM1u TTP(� �y � ��-�-v � ���- rn� R�c �6��� �1� �� R��,, � a-�', ��.1 + o � U� �i�(o H F� iZ RND �uST�1o��#� 1� M�D�Tbg._ a�� con�M�,�� Have you had previous contact with the committee for vhich pou are making application.tit��.,� If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensuxe that committee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our com�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � Rhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo e Female Date o£ Birth: �8- �S - 6 O Disabled: Yes No � If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. 1 Hov did you hear about this opening? �� �-Z� �� �p.�nl `I �/ N1.Q�v2� C �,�/ ((--� Kristine A. Bolander 241 W. Winifred St. Paul, MN 55107 (612)292-1439 9,5 -t3°� SIIb4fARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Extensive practical experience in employee relations and financial management_ Particularly familiar with issues concerning small businesses and non-profits. Have successfully moderated a number of public meetings on divisive community issues. Have also successfully conducted several informal mediation and negotiation sessions in the work place. Excellent communication skills; experienced advocate, representative, and consensus builder. Strong commitment to the public interest. Excellent academic record. Pro£essional Exnerience 1994- Contract Compliance International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 Assist the Business Agents for all Metropolitan Area Public Sector Bargaining Units. Primarily responsible for grievances, assistance at mediation hearings, compliance between collective bargaining agreement and state and federal statutes, and preparation for arbitration hearings. 1987-1994 Vice Presideat Carl Bolander and Sons Construction Co. SRB Environmental Services, Inc. 251 Starkey Street Saint Paul, MN 55107 Responsible for employee relations and public contract compliance for regional heavy/highway and demolition contractor. Gross receipts for 1993 approximately $29 million. Average of 70 permanent employees and 150-250 seasonal employees covered by area- wide collective bargaining agreements. Conducted training for supervisors; wrote and effected employment policy consistent with state, federal, and local statutes. Negotiated 20 year, multi-million dollar lease for a Type ISI landfill located in Dakota County. Negotiations required a working knowledge of the permitting guidelines for three jurisdictions, in addition to all capital costs and financing requirements. �S -13°� Member; Associated General Contractor�s: EEO Committee and Government Relations Cpmmittee. Licensed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as a Type III Operator since 1988 1981-1987 Borg Warner Financial Services Group 900 Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605 Responsible for activities associated with floor plan loans to small businesses in the marine industry. Originated employment at Hopkins, MPII office as an entry level clerk. Transferred to Pensacola, FL office in 1984 as a District Sales Representative. Was instrumental in tripling new business volume for fiscal year 1984-85. Ended tenure as District Control Manager of the Cleveland, OH office. Was there responsible for nine employees, $30 million in receivables, and an annual budget of $72 million. Return on equity consistently exceeded 20% EDUCATION 1992-1995 Aamline IIniversity School of Law Hamline Graduate School of Public Administratioa 1536 Hewitt Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 AWARDS * Received Dean's Scholarship in the amount of $6664.00 per year. Scholarship awarded on the basis of academic achievement, renewed each year if ranked in top 1/3 of class. * Dean�s List 1992-1993 academic year, 1993-1994 academic year * First Runner-up, Oral Advocate of the Year, 1993 * Class Rank 1994: (22/196) * Graduate School G.P.A.: 3.9 1992 University of Saint Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 * Bachelor of Ax�ts awarded 1992. Majored in Administration, minored in Public Administration. * Dean�s List 1990-91 academic year and 1991-92 academic COMMUNITY SERVICE West Si$e Citizen's Orgaaization District 3 Planning Council Business year * Board of Director�s, since 1991 * Chair, Building and Land Use Committee, since 1991 qS-13�t City of Saint Paul } Citywide Economic Revitalization Committee, appointed 1993 * Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Streets and Utilities Task Force, 1991 and 1993 budget cycles, District 3 Representative The IIptown Roundation * Elected to Board of Directors, 1994 * Elected treasurer, 1994 Doamtown Airport Advisory Commission * District 3 Representative, since 1992 REFERENCES, TRANSCRIPTS, AND WRITING SAMPLE AVAILABLE UPON REQIIEST