D00412• C J � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION 18,405.91 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent wicn the authority g:anted to the Mayor in Section iO.Di.e of the City Charter and based on the request of the Di*ector oi the Deaartnent of Public Works to amend the 19 8 9 budaet oi the Capital Projects _ fund, the Director oi tne Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the followiag manner: SPENpING PLAN C89-2F006-28030 Rice/Wheelock Signals Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C89-2F006-28030 Rice/Wheelock Signals MnDOT PIA 1989 Ramsey County Roseville Maplewood C /, 7 � ""c�(7� Prepared by: Activity Manager — — � �- � - Requested by:�Depactmen[ Direc[or Adjusted Amended Budget Change Budget 4,000.00 4,000.00 21,892.44 18,87�.00 40,763.44 25,892.44 18,871.00 44,763.44 0.00 25,892.44 25,892.44 429.17 17.96 17.96 18,871.00 � Date: �Oy I Z «- z�- � Green Sheet 25987 15,405.91 25,892.44 429.17 17.96 17.96 44,763.44 7 ���" ! � �'� "'^-'�-GY Approved $y: Mayor fa-�� � Da[e DEPARTMENT/OFF CECOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED r�bli�w�x� ��i8�a GREEN SHEET ��- 2 wi a� iwrwwn COMACTPERSON&PHONE p � ❑q DEPARTMENTOIflECTOR � CITYCAUNpL M ic h ael J. Eggum 292-7153 � u���, ��� � cm nrrorwEr 0 cm c�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DAiE) HOUIING ❑5 BUDGETOIqECTOq ❑j FINBMGT.SERVICE � �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'� ❑1 MkeE um'7� � AL k OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNANRE�. �3 CAP PRO.1 MGR � DEPARiMEMACCOUNT � � acnoN r�nu�,srm Approval of attached Administralive Order increasing the spending and 5nancing plans of the Rice/Wheelock Signal project by adding $18,405.91 of MnDOT, $429.17 from Ramsey County and $35.92 fmm Ciry's of Roseville and Maplewood. RECOMMENDATIONSAppmve (!q or Rejm (R) pEHSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS YUST ANSWER T}lE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGC�MMISSI�N_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION � Ha5lhisperwnfirmeveiworkedunderacontraMfrntfiisdep2rbnent? Cla COMMfTTEE _ YES NO A S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm evet 6eert aciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RICi COUNCIL _ 3. Dces diis person/firtn possess a slull no[ normally possessed by any cument ary employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEGTNE? YES NO Explain all yes arevrers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORNNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): Original budget for the RicejWheelock Signal project was approved by City Council under Log I�TO. S-0604. The City did enter into agreements with the Minnesota Dept of Transportaaon, and the C�ty's of Maplewoal and RosevIlle, approved by City Council on CF 92-273, and Ramsey County under County Resolu6on 92-313. Budget amendments were not made az th� C �o,�t� e� �.�reements. G t�Vt�J PlOV 2 8 1994 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Spending and fmancing budget will reflect actual cosu and revenues. DiSA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. 4tECElVED DEC 211994 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Spenciing and financing budgets will be inaccurate. ALAA70UMOFTRANSACTION$ 18�571_00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yES No NDINGSWRCE ARnDOT. Ciry's of Roseville and Maplewood A�7IVITY NUMBER C$9-2F006-28D3D FINANCIAIINFOI7MATION:(EXPLAtN) d t�