95-132�, ' r� , � �� council File # ` 5—� 3 0�. r ' � � '� ��. � � p = � f-� � i � �LJ Green Sheet � � � c� �j � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o�9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, rental properry owners and tenants can be confused by the differences between various property maintenance standards and codes, especially between the Cit}�s property maintenance requirements in the Legislative Code (Chapter 34 et al) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing Quality Standazds used in the Section 8 Existing Rental Assistance Pro�am; and 6 WHEREAS, rental properties aze subject to inspections by various departments which may include 7 Fire Inspection Services, Public Health's Housing Enforcement Program, and, in certain cases 8 Planning and Economic Development; and units subsidized under the Section 8 program are 9 inspected by the Public Housing Agency; and 10 WHEREAS, properry owners' and tenants' understanding of, and compliance with, the muumum 11 property maintenance requirements of the City Code may be enhanced by eliminating or reducing 12 the variadons among inspection standazds which are applied to residential rental properties; and 13 WHEREAS, eliminating or reducing multiple inspections of well-maintained residential rental 14 properties will conserve public resources and minimize the City's intrusion into the lives and 15 business affairs of properTy owners and renters; now therefore 16 BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council requests that the Mayor and administrative staff, and 17 Pubiic Housing Agency take steps to reduce confusion about property maintenance standards, 18 eliminate duplicative inspections as much as possibie and, in particular, identify any workable 19 means to consolidate Section 8 Housing Quality Standazds inspections with the City minimum 20 property maintenance code enforcement. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Certified by Council Secretary By: By: Approved by By: _�- Approved by Mayor for Submission to C Council sl Byv Adopted by Council: Date �-� V`� , ��'��� �5-13�- oeP �ro Ro �e c rta Megard 2G6-8640 DAT �i�'�'4�°s GREEN SHEE N� Z 8 2 3 3 INITIAVDATE IN�TIAVDATE CANTACTPEflS N&PNON DEPARTMEMDIRE CITYCOUNdL Mazcia M 2G6-8570 � � ASSIGN O CITY ATTOHNEY � CRY CLERK NIIMBER FOR MI1ST E ON COl� NCI A NDA BY (DATE) s ROUiiNG O BUOGET �IFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Fe�Lllary 2S� ��' CD/iCMI}!W �e�JOY'( OHDEfl O Mqypfl (ORASSISTAN'� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AClION flEQUE5TED: Approval of resolufion requesting Administratioa and Public Housing Agency to identify workable means to consolidate Sec6on 8 Housing Quality Standards inspections and Ciry minimum property maintenance code enforcement. (Communiry and Economic Committee recommends approvaL) RECOMMEN�ATIONS: appmve (A) or Rel� (R1 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOW�NG �UESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis personRirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has ihis personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RiC7 CpUR7 _ 3. Does ihis personRirm possess a skill noi normally po55essed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFTUNfTV (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why). A series of discussions in the Community and Ewnomic Development Committee have shed light on the ongoing problem of confusion over the two types of inspection Section 8 F�isting Rental Assistance properties e�cperience; i.e. the Public Housing Agency inspection using HUD's Housing Quality Standazds, and Ciry inspections using the property maintenance requirements outlined 'm the LegislaGve Code (Chapter 34 et al). AD �im uation oi re of mulfiple inspecfions of well-maintained residential rental properties will conserve public resources. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. � '����>: ,i��^'t�� �E��= JAU � 1 1�3� � �ISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC71VITy NUMBER FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ^.�.� :� MARIE GRfMM Councilmember Date: January 25, 1995 CITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFICE OF THE CITY COU?�TCIL r CF,D COMI�IITI'EE ME Mave G�m, �ait . Jerry Blakey Roberta Megaxd Marcia Mcexmond, Polity Malyst COMMITTEE REPORT COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. 2. 3. � CTTY HALL ��-��� HELEN WELTER Legistative Aide VICKI SHEFFER Executive Assistant CED Committee Meeting Minutes from September 28, 1994 and October 26, 1994. Minutes were approved. (4 - 0) Discussion of the Housing Standards - Comparison of PHA and City. Councilmember Megard introduced a Resolution requesting the Mayor and Administration to work with the Public Housing Agency to reduce confusion of inspection standards and identify workable means to consolidate Section 8 Housing Quality Standards with City minimum property maintenance code enforcement. The Committee directed staff to seek feedback from stakeholders on resolution; and recommended approval of the Resolution. (3 - 0) Discussion of the 1995 Issues and CED Committee Planning. There was no action on this item. Discussion of the February CED Agenda and Staff Assignments. There was no action on this item. THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8660 s� as Prinred on Recycled Paper q5-i32 95-132 Be it finally resolved, that the Mayor, the administrative staff, and the Public Housing Agency report back to the City Council within suc months on the progress, actions and rewmmendations developed for property maintenance code enforcement for discussion and action by the City Council. ` V'�