95-127Presented By Re£erred To 0 R I G l NA L Council File � `� y, oC i RESOLUTION Green Sheet � z5s71 � CIT OF SAINT PAUL, MINN SOTA 3l _ _______ Committe2: Dzte ____ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior year Capital Project traffic signal projects, there is a need for transfers of surplus funding from various signal projects,1985 CIB Traffic Signals and 1994 PIA Contingency to offset deficit funding in other signal projects, and WHEREAS, ihe Department of Public Works would like to place the surplus MSA funding into the 1994 MSA Contingency account, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby furthes amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Grove & �afayette C87-2S019-28011 MSA 1987 Contributions PIA 1987 MSA 1986 SPENDING PLAN Grove & Lafayette C87-2S019-28011 Construction 11,825.14 1 7,825.14 30,000.00 30,000.00 3,418.00 -2;992.52 425.48 — - 7,78A.31 7,784.31 45,243.14 4,791.79 50,034.93 45,243.14 4,79�.79 50,034.93 45,243.14 4,791.79 50,034.93 �S -1��1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 FINANCING PLAN Signal Insiallations C88-2T820 CIB 1983 MSA 1988 CA 1988 MSA 1986 CIB 1990 PIA 1958 PIA 1989 MNDOT SPENDING �AN Signal Installations C88-2T820 Construction FINANCING PLAN Rice/Wheelock Signals C89-2F006-28030 PIA 1989 MNDOT Ramsey County Roseville Maplewood SPENDING PLAN Rice/Wheelock Signals C89-2F006-28030 Construction FINANCING PLAN Signal Instal lations C89-2T821 CA 1989 PIA 1988 PIA 1989 CIB 1989 MNDOT College of St Thomas CIB 1990 MSA 7988 MSA 1989 MSA 1986 MSA 1992 3,331.00 3,331.00 17,700.00 -16,521.92 578.08 30,000.00 -30,000.00 0.00 58,843.21 58,843.21 743.60 743.60 15,760.00 •9,800.00 8,960.00 7,734.07 1,734.07 78.967.14 78,967.14 69,191.00 83,366.10 152,557.10 69,197.00 83,366.10 152,557.70 69,191.00 83,366.10 152,557.10 25,892.44 -14,019.61 71,872.53 18,405.91 18,405.9i 429.17 429.7 7 1 7.96 1 7.96 1 7.96 7 7.96 44,763.44 -14,019.61 30,743.83 44,763.44 -14,019.61 30,743.83 44,763.44 -14,019.61 30,743.83 25,200.00 -25,200.00 0.00 5,940.00 5,940.00 50,000.00 -41,513.77 8,486.23 2,500.00 -2,500.00 0.00 51,061.89 51,061.89 18,553.24 2,140.90 20,694.�4 15,749.52 1 5,749.52 19,646.02 1 9,646.02 46,328.63 46,328.63 6,708.56 ( YO � 225.90 225.90 � 168,167.89 6,673.00 1,�8�P'SS� J ' :$9 2 9s_��� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations C89-2T821 Construction FINANCING PLAN TH 61/Carver C90-2A005 MNDOT CA 1990 PIA 1990 CA 1989 CA 1991 PIA 1987 PIA 1989 SPENDING PLAN TH 61/Carver C90-2A005 Construction FINANCING PLAN Signal Installations C90-2T822 MSA 1990 CIB 1990 MNDOT Contributions CA 1990 NSP SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations C90-2T822 Construction FINANCING PLAN TH 61 at Warner Rd C91-2S030 Municipal State Aid MnDOT CIB 1983 PIA 1989 168,167.89 6,673.00 174,840.89 �65,�67.89 6,673.00 174,840.89 47,945.00 -47,945.00 0.00 26,400.00 26,400.00 5,665.00 5,665.00 19,984.07 1 9,984.07 15,000.00 1 5,000.00 2,992.52 2,992.52 8,847.60 8,847.60 80,010.00 -1,120.87 78,889.19 80,010.00 -1,'120.81 78,889.19 80,010.00 -1,120.81 78,889.19 82,667.08 -82,667.08 0.00 192,500.00 -62,499.59 130,000.41 61,777.00 666.65 62,443.65 44,133.50 -6,3"I2.00 37,821.50 35,500.00 35,500.00 59,877.00 -18,942.94 40,934.06 476,454.58 -169,754.96 306,699.62 476,454.58 -169,754.96 306,699.62 476,454.58 -169,754.96 306,699.62 1 6, 717.91 1 6.71 7.91 21 ,008.64 21 ,008.64 4, 649.35 4, 649.35 2,273.25 2,273.25 42,375.90 2,273.25 44,649.15 3 �ts-�a�► 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SPENDING PLAN TH 61 at Warner Rd C91-2S030 Construction FINANCING PLAN Snelling/Randolph C91-2S036 MNDOT MSA 1991 CA 1991 CIB 1991 CA 1988 CA 1989 CIB 1990 SPENDING PLAN Snelling/Randolph C91-2S036 Construction FINANCING PLAN Signal Instal lations C91-2T823 CIB 1991 MSA 1991 CA 1991 CIB 7989 MNDOT SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations C91-27823 Construction FINANCING PLAN Un iversity/Laf ayette C92-2E016 MSA 1992 PlA 1992 CIB 7990 MSA t 990 42,375.90 2,273.25 44,649.15 42,375.90 2,273.25 44,649.15 90,550.00 -90,550.00 �.�� 15,000.00 -15,000.00 0.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 5,215.93 5,215.93 2,894.95 2,894.95 138,050.00 -67,439.12 70,670.88 138,050.00 -67,439.12 70,610.88 738,050.00 -67,439.12 70,610.88 20,473.01 72,625.75 15,000.00 -6,741.59 -27,190.37 -15,000.00 1,869.82 3, 087.16 -43,974.98 73,731.42 45,435.38 0.00 1 ,869.82 3,087.1 6 64,1 23.78 108,098.76 1 08, 098.76 1 08.098.76 -43, 974.98 -43.974.98 64,1 23.78 64.1 23.78 80,000.00 -9,934.04 70,065.96 5,200.00 5,200.00 30,000.00 -5,348.17 24,651.83 6,000.00 -6,000.00 0.00 121,200.00 -21,282.2� 99,917.79 4 �s-��� t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 SPENDING PLAN U n i ve rs ity/ L af ay ette C92-2E016 Construction FINANCING PLAN Lexington Pkwy C92-2T039-28035 PIA 1992 MSA 1992 MSA t986 MSA 1988 SPENDING PLAN Lexington Pkwy C92-2T039-28035 Construction FINANCING PLAN University Signal-Prior-Eustis C93-2S039-28036 MSA 1993 MSA t 990 MNDOT CA 1993 CIB 7989 CIB 1990 CIB �991 PIA 1988 PIA 1989 PIA 1993 SPENDING PLAN University Signal-Prior-Eustis C93-2S039-28036 Canstruction 121.200.00 -21.282.21 99,917.79 121,200.00 -21.282.21 99,917.79 2,676.73 -2,676.73 0.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 1 ,738.92 1 ,738.92 1 6,521 .92 1 6,521 .92 47,676.73 15,584.1 1 63, 260.84 47, 676.73 15, 584.1 1 63, 260.84 47,676.73 15,584.1 1 63,260.84 48,000.00 48,000.00 46,422.35 46,422.35 723,600.00 56,874.87 180,474.87 1 3,000.00 1 3,000.00 630.18 630.18 48,459.69 48,459.69 6,74�.59 6,74�.59 9,800.00 9,800.00 42,652.76 42,652.76 18,000.00 18,000.00 202,600.00 211,581.44 414,181.44 202,600.00 211,58�.44 414,18�.44 202,600.00 211,581.44 414,181.44 5 `�5-ti�.� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 FINANCING PLAN RoberUCurtice C91-2C012 CIB 1985 MNDOT SPENDING PLAN Robert/Curtice C91-2C012 Construction FINANCING PLAN Smith/Annapolis C91-2C611 MSA 1985 MSA 1983 CIB 1985 MNDOT W ST PAl1L DAKOTA CO P�A 1989 PIA 1990 PIA 1992 SPENDING PLAN Smith/Annapolis C91-2C011 Construction FINANCING PLAN C91-2K006 Snel�ing/University MSA MNDOT CIB 1983 PIA 1987 PIA 1992 SPENDING PLAN C91-2K006 Snelling/University Construction 7,800.00 3,408.28 11,208.28 5,325.71 5,328.71 13,128.71 3,408.28 16,536.99 13,128.71 3,408.28 � 6,536.99 13,128.71 3,408.28 1 6,536.99 327.94 327.94 5,582.62 5,582.62 4,900.00 2�6J2 5,116J2 36,726.08 36,726.08 5,864.31 5,864.31 3,421 .42 3,421 .42 625.70 625.70 2,676.73 2,676.73 5,184.1 1 5,1 84.1 � 56,822.37 8,703.26 65,525.63 56,822.37 8,703.26 65,525.63 56,822.37 8,703.26 65,525.63 4,760.06 4,760.06 55,356.07 55,356.07 7,667.7 1 7,667.11 36,000.00 36,000.00 34,987.80 34,987.80 103,783.24 34,987.80 138,771.04 103,78324 34,987.80 i38,77�.04 103,783.24 34,987.80 138,771.04 0 �s-���1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 �8 79 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � FINANCING PLAN PIACANTINGENCY C94-2T050 PIA 1992 PIA 1993 SPENDING PLAN PIACANTINGENCY C94-2T050 Construction FINANCING PLAN 1994 MSA Contingency C94-2T017 MSA 1990 MSA 1991 MSA 1992 MSA 1994 SPENDING PLAN 7994 MSA Contingency C94-2T017 Constmction 80,741.54 -40,171.91 40,569.63 13,465.00 13,465.00 94,206.54 -40,171.91 54,034.63 94,206.54 •40,171.91 54,034.63 94,206.54 -40,171.91 54,034.63 0.00 42,244.73 42,244.73 0.00 42,190.37 42,790.37 0.00 9,708,14 9,708.14 308,690.00 308,690.00 308,690.00 94,143.24 402,833.24 3�8,690.�0 94,143.24 402,833.24 308,690.00 94,143.24 402,833.24 w m � y o � N G. � � � ro � �-' N a .Li � <' U � 0 � d ti U L"-. m � %� o " a � aU m �, d •C � � '� � � �: A U m M � � � � IiL� Requested by epartment of: -- MJE/jb PUbliC WOI'IcS 12-13-94 � �� L�� sy: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary BY� � Hy; �� � Approved by Mayor £or Submi ion to Council _. l Approved by y r: Date 3 S -°� By: By: ' 7 Adopted by Council: Date �� J��a � Public Works CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 SIGNATURE PAGES ��-s-�a ��� GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE - A �� OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �'j(.; NUFBHtFOR � CfTY ATTORNEY `��� FiOUiiNG g BUDGET DIRECTO�R � � MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'� /� / (CL1P ALL LOCA7ION5 FOR SIGNAiUN� � ❑2 �s-ta� NO. 25871 CITV CAUNCIL _ qTYCLERK FIN 8 MGT. S�ER Dlfl. Mke EgAUm - / i��y� ❑3 DEPAflSMENT Approval of auached Council Resoluaon t�ansferring siupluses from various t�aftic signal projects, 1985 CIB TrafHc Signais and 1994 PIA Contincney to offset deficit funding in other haffic signal projects and the remainder to be set aside in the 1994 M5A Contingency account. RECOMMENDATOtS?�oprova (/q or Rejact (R) _ PLANNWG COMMISSION _ CNIL CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF ` _ _ DISiRICTCOUNCIL __ _ SUPPORTS WHICNCOUNqLOBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HasthispersoNficmeverwakedunderamntrac[forthisdeparmient4 YES NO 2. Has th�s persoNfirm ever heen a ciry emplcyee? YES NO 3. Does th�s persoNCvm possess a skill not normai(y possessed by an curr mpli YES NO ExpWin all yes afswers on separaU st�eet and attach to green she � INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH17: Tn a condnuing effort by Public Works to close out prior year Capiral Project projects, there is a need for transfers of surplus funding from various signal projec[s and unspent 1985 CIB Traffic Signals and 1994 PIA ConBngency funds [o offset deficit funding in other signal projects. The remainder of these MSA surpluses is being recommended to be set aside in the 1994 MSA Contingency account. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Prior year signal projects that have been completed can be closed out. MSA surpluses placed in 1994 MSA Contingency will be used for future projects eligible for MSA financing. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. _,� 1995 ?�19k'AY��� 9d��L�C9� ��CEiVE� ��� N6 19�5 ����' AT�ORNEY DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT qPPflOVED: T'he traffic signal projects with surpluses and deficits can not be closed out and available MSA surpluses will not be available ro be used on other projects. ��t'"''S§'s �����.�3 � . .�f�:�' � a ��G� iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 10774A67 COSTlREVENUEBUOGETEO(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE MSA. MnDOT. CA, CTB 85 & PIA ACTIVITY NUMBER C87-2S019.C88-2T&20,C89-2F006,C89-2T821, C90-2AOOS,C90-2T822,C91-2S030,C91-2S036 PINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) C91-2T823,C92-2E016,C92-2T039,C92-2S039 , $75,075.00 - 1986 MSA omitted in budgets $29,048.67 - addt'1 Con[ributions C91-2C012, C91-2C011, C91-2K006, C94-2T050 & C94-2T017 $3,625.OQ - 1985 CIB Traffic Signals