95-120��lGI�1AL Presented By Council File � S- 1 a � Green Sheet � 3�1 y o a RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA I 3 Referred To � ��� Committee: Date 1 2 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of 4 s the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following people to the 6 � MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: s 9 io APPOINTMENT'S TERM EXPIRING i� ia Kathleen M. Schwarten 6/30/95 is (Ms. Schwarten will fill the unexpired term i4 of Mary Jane Steinhagen, who resigned) is i6 Kathy Neuberger Manderscheid 6/30/96 i7 (Ms. Manderscheid will fill the unexpired term is of Bonnie Marsh, who resigned) 19 20 21 22 Requested by Department of: B AF Bp By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: - �� f disByZ*�w � - v Approved by Mayor fo Submission to Council BY:���,� �. ��� Adopted by Council: Date � �, _ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 95 - i�.o OEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL OATE INITIATED O MAYOR'S OFFICE 1/30/95 GRE�N SHEET N_ _3440 fAMACT PEFiSpN & PMONE INITIAVDATE INffIAVOATE Alberto Quintela 266-8529 DEVARTMENTDIRECfOR crrrcouNCi� / AS$IGN CffYATiORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� NUNBEN FOR gUDGET DIqECTOR O FlN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. A01ii1NG ORDFA � �/pYOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf70N RE�UESTED: Appointments to Kathleen Schwarten and Kathy Neuberger Manderscheid to the MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABTLITIES. RECOMMENDATwNS: pppfove (q) m Re;ect (a) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWEq TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CoMMlSS10N _ C(VILSERVICE CAMMlSSI�N �� Ha5 thi5 p8f50nffifm BVBf WO�ked untlBr a 4rolrtfdCt fOf thi5 tlBp2rt111ent? - __ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2- Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? � YES NO � DISTRICiCOURr _ 3. Does Ihis personRirm possess a sktll not normall � y possessed by any current city employee. SUPPOflTS WHICH C�UNqI OBJECTIYE4 YES NO � Ezplain all yes answers on saperete sheet and attach to 9�een ahaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Wha. Whet. When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVED: . APPOINTMEIVTS TERM EXPIRING Kathleen M. Schwarten 6/30/95 (Ms. Schwarten will fill the unexpired term of Mary Jane Steinhagen, who resigned) Kathy Newberger Manderscheid 6J30/96 (Ms. Manderscheid will fill the unexpired term of Bonnie Marsh, who resigned) DISADVAN7AGES IFAPPROVED' �YJ410!`�"�w3% F+x'`w'u�e'3 .�A�v � L ��95 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIFdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPUIIN) �(s-��o Interdepartmerrtal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Council Presideat Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Couacilmember Roherta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Counciimember Marie Grimtn Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Alberto Quin�ela Jean Karpe/ �n DATE: January 3 , 1995 RE: MAYOR�S ADVISOkY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE AITH DISABILITIES Mayor 23orm Coleman has recommended the appointment of the following people to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities: APPOINTMENTS TERM ESPIRING Kathleen M. Schwarten 6J30/95 (Ms. Schwarten will fill the une�ired term of Mary Jane Steinhagen, who resigned) Kathy Neuberger Manderscheid 6/30/96 (Ms. Manderscheid will fill the unexpired term o£ Bonnie Marsh, who resigned) Copies of the applications for Ms. Schwarten and Ms. Mandersheid are attached. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8529. Thank you. � . . �;�,r�,;''°`�� �°' � �'i �'j ��� _ OFFZCE OF THE MAYOR q S,, �Q � 390 CITX HAI,L �E� "17 Ig�� r, ,� ��i'.�=_ SAI21T PAIIL� MI2INESOTA 55102 J,.r 26b-8526 _ ,. ;. � > fi' -. • , l ` � ,/-A—/1 v � � n o '.;�-.: � Name : �(�(/!.11XO D / ' � X1��1� 1� � Home Address: �� � �I !i-t.f ,�� �di1 1 CL(-/-Q �/v �S/% � Street City Z1P Telephone 2hmber: _ (Home) � � � � � 9� 3 CAork) l �.s'- �s � Planning District Cotmcil: City Covncil Ga=d: Preferred 2Sailing Address: 1�� /C-�� JU SlL�-/�(i.c! Q rn� SS%/ `�/ Ahat is your occupatioa? �'Y.C'/.2��'CV� �/L(l d�CI�dZ� Place Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Qhat slcills/t=aining or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicn cou seek appointment? ���� 4/21/93 Rec. - The in£ormation included i.n this appli.cation is considered private data accordir.o to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this infornation is not released to the general public. PERSONAL REFERENCES - `f5 -i�o Name • _ �,l�f�� � Address: �� .� L� C,! G�f /�� C_/T-G��r� o �i/ �/'GGC,c.(� ���Ov Pfione: fHome) (Aork) ��v c�' �l0 7(� Name: � �F �°� �C/�� <} �" , � n Address• �a�� �CC.t�J � iy., �lru� SS/b¢ Phone: (Home) (o v� -S 3.3 � (Aork) Name Address: �"! �� ����/ � �� /^� ,�s//� Fhone: (Home) ���'� 7� 7 CWoxk) o��f �!�.� i � Have gou had p=evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich yau a=e making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our co7nmunity, please check the line applicable to you. This i.n£orwatiar: i.s sYrictl� voluntaxy. �Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African AmeZican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale j � -// Female Date o£ Birth: !O �� 7� � Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear about th9.s ppening? Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �l�, (�Jro� F � D[NO GUER!\ Couacflmember February 23, 1994 ���2,�? �� F�B 2 5 199'' Kit6�"fs:ft?'S vi��:i:t Mayor Norm Coleman City Hall Room 390 St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: ..-. � . \ L �. �- A� � e,f � q5-{a� MARK MAUER Lesislative Aide GUY WILLITS L:gislative Aide I am writing to you regarding the appointment to the Mayor's Advisory Committee For People With Disabilities. I would like to strongly recommend Kathy Schwarten for a position on this committee. Pve come to know and admire Kathy over the years through her community involvement and commitment to the Eastside of St. Paul. Kathy is an honest and sincere person who understands our great City. I am thorouQhly convinced that Kathy Schwarten would be a zeal asset to the Mayor's Advisory Committee For People With Aisabilities. Please take this recommendation under consideration. Sincerely, � ' MW DINO GUERIN ST. PAUL CITY COLJNCILMEMBER cc. Tom Marver CITY' OF SAZNT P� UI. OFFICfi OF TFI� CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8670 5 �66 Printed on &ecyctetl Paper .�� i t �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAI23T PAIIL, MI23NESOTA 55102 ^ a6s-ssa6 ���iN� qs-lao DEC 14 199� xame: �yy- /v e,c,�y. e,� i �ta,r�sc��;r� s e h ; 4� � ,�} � ����°n�. � �=�= Home Add=ess : l R �`� S:�'1,� /�v-P �� 1� t`-�-Q �✓t /�� V ��« S � Street City Zip Telephone i��ber: CHome) �� � U ` U � �' (Aork) �� 3 ` � S � O Planning District Cauncil: Rxe£erred 2Sailing Add=ess Ahat is your occupation? P1ace of Employmeiit: City Cotimcil Aard: . �l.uv�,..Z.> U--�-* 3 � 1.�-% �i`✓- . , s �-z.- l�e_ �� � � ,,, S� �-.�_. 8 cu �' ��`'' � �1+��.�, � �,/ ,'�.��y� I �_..� J_._ \ � Committee(s) Applied For: /✓[�_ o� s_ fy zl � Jo�`� �,�y irn ��., ('7`cf' � �'t-�A'/ %-,° /� � , v 471� V/lSt1 ✓J�' �1�Z'F�� Fhat skillsftiai.ning or eaperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? D iT G-�l Y1. L(f L r-Le S5� 5� lti .S!)�C.�-�'< 4� 4'Y� � �' l 2 /L V'rl �j 1 a-e 5•i r;l e S a (�"2`-� t �-�, � pz.�P_wp �� ��t V...� t� Ut.U. r5 �-.� �a:,.�� � � h�G� v-r cc% �� " ; i r,2.,�*�1, w << <,r i� 0-� ti;�-O �-r�-ut �t - >�-c ���-�-sti's - G6� �_ ,� � d � / h���-- G1 �-'sc t--� � Guw-t �u v,�v-.e� Q�r� S'z s�-, l�e--ti,-, �y�S'�-�' p i � �J U v` �� Pi- . �^2� sL Lci d �l� LU v�� t r-r1Li, V � wilU._ 1`C �' a �u`Z� '7� �,��--.r af °"-q�2 G/�o R c^e G C� Cf � ""° ' �,,� ,� � =a'= -�--a "`-� � ` "-� �a,wee-�-�--�2 �'�e.-�-iP'7 � 1(a�--� �er- c�< 5a �i!<�-.� �c C' e.zP�-e.���� � Lf K28 �. ..� G S 5 � St� ��:� 'r`�t2'� �L�-3�..,i'"� � r�.c.t.:"' GU Sa �i� t.��,.� `�L>.��,n -��1-c��-°,•-,_ �A -/ i �"�L���� a-..,.vt Cdu:- �.:�-� . � � 55i 5� �:. � �rlc(.ov-� �r-��»r� J'� �+' --- a� / Cp'2v'�u,t�.,.l" ( t U�� k +� t�u--[lry�•y� L%:.� ✓�c_.�2_Sl 5'..F v�v t+L'-sy .� G_,r,�w La/.rL ,� � �/ GC�-�`� a 3 'Sr� The infoxmation included in this application is considered private data according to the , Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices e1ct. As a result, this information is not released to the gene=al public. 1 ��� j ` L� v �--- �i v��� SaIJ! .� �z� ✓==� ! � � �"` °: (� � 7' �� V f�-�/✓:�"ty"'/v-� � �'d�z� ��t - ���l. ��� �C�Io 7ER c_ � e.tlyu-h-�---� � BQ . 4/ 21 / 9 3 ����� v � k9-�.f,� ��_ S� sdo� � 5-e u-.-�vd 1 ��--L'�'�2 �;u.ic.-.� . � GLG.-✓-�. h�.� J3r1�5 0`�� i° S.a�oe L,�� ' ; 5 �rR ; u„/;�2�.-,.,� CLG 5�-�-u �_C+�t„�� ! _ / `� PERSONAI. &LFERENCES � � � � �-` � � ",• � r � ftame : �P �`-�-Y ct�.� i e� �[� a� { s— l o�. � Address: - `'l � 1, �0 lJ /d����—cQ q� � ��/Jl5 ' " � y SSZ �-(� . �� Name Address as - a�i Li z���� S 5 2v--1��, 1��,,-��.�--�. s6 �` ��� �`�� Phone: CHome) � CAork) S� 3— � S�� � � S CilO? � , ` - Hame • � ` "h �^�3-��� - S �--5�.d�-� � � � a �� � CL� � � � � .� Address: �5�-- ����, at �� � �� S' � Phone: (Bome) (worx) � 6 3 '- � y � �� � J �� Reasons for yovr i.nterest in this particular committee: � l`�[- � l i7 v M � t �c_ e � J w d �-r,�—� � � 5�-� .� ��--w—� T .� �.,t � �-�,�� �K,�,��--z"`� � , � w.,.., � c�.��:� �- s _ m �- y� °� ya �---� �c�t e���.> �.-'-�.yiw'7 ��P�-�.�`-.e�_;, Have you had p=eviotts contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? Zn an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. �k'hite {Caucasian) fiispanic Black (African American) � Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � le 3 Female Date o£ Birth: �`� �� c Disabled: Yes No � If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? N.�u3 S