95-119ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION By: Form By: � /:\ Presented Referred To Council File � � � � 1� Green Sheet #` �y ��'"-, ' Committee: Date Ja 1 2 3 4 5 e RE50LVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council consents to and approves of � s the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Miriam Rykken to the 9 io YOUTH F[JND BOARD, representing the Adult-Ward 3 position. Her term will ii i2 expire on July 1, 1995. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date ��!,-., ;,` S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � By: rv-3��-.;.�__, Approved by Mayor: ` te �.� ag �� j � ' B �° ' � � �'"�,��m"a Y� by City Approved by Mayor for By: 5 -� 7-�;� to q�-�►a oEp Mayor' s office ° lj ° '�% T � °95 Ci'REEN SHEET N _344�50 CANTACT PEFi50N & PHONE �N�T�AVDATE INITIAVDA7E Alberto Quintela 266-8529 O�EPARTMENiDIqECTOfl cmcour+ca ! A$$IGN CfTYATTOFNEY OCITYCLEFK MUST BE ON COUNG� AGENOA BY (OAT� ���FOR SUIX'aET �IREC70R � FtN. $. MGT. SEAVICES DIR. ONOEN � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE$7ED: Appointment of Miriam Rykken to the YOUTH FIIND BOARD representing the Adult-Ward 3 position. Her term will expire on 7jl/95 REWMMENDATWNS: npprove (A) a ReJect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNINC� CAMMISSION __ CfVIL SERVICE CAMMISSlON �- Has this person/f"um ever worked untler a contract for this dapartment? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has [his per5on/firm ever b0en a city empl0yee? — YES NO _ DiSipICiCAURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employeel SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIYE? YES !JO Explein all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to grean sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNIN (VJho. What, When, Where, Why): None. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Appointment of Miriam Rykken to the YOUTH FUND BOARD representing the Adult-Ward 3 position. Her term will expire on 7/1/95. �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: � ,�� ���� ��°P� `� 6 ?`��'J DISADVANTAGES IF NDT APPROVEO'. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) �s -�t� Ir�terdepartmer�tal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guer�n FROM: Alberto Quintel �� Jean Karpe DATE: ,Tanuary 27, 1 95 RE: YOIITH FIIND BOARD Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment of Miriam Rykken to the Youth Fund Board representing the Adult-Ward 3 position. Aer term will expire on July 1, 1995. Attached is a copy of her application form. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8529. Thank you. � DEG16-1994 13�06 / • 7 � � � . i 612 266 8513 SAfNT PRUL InHYOR'S OFFICE oFFICE OP 3HE MAYOR 390 CSTY HAI+L BA;N'f YAIIL� HIId2iESOTA 55IO2 � 26b 4 K,�e; Miriam P. R kken Home Add=ess: 1369 Hiahland Parkwav St Paul. Minnesota 55115 Z1 Stzeat C£t9 P (612) 699-9255 (612) 339-E965 Selephone Number: _ �g�e) tVorkS __ _ - Ylanaing DisczicL Crnmci.l: Nie��evi�, p+tea �ew�M�++���/ GMr�itY Council 4ard: 3 `�7 Dis rict 15 Yze£ez=ed 8ailiug Addzess: 1389 Hiqhland Parkway, St. Paul, Minnesota 55216 Vhat is yovr oacupationt _ LawYez .._ �__�_ r_a..aa. c+.-..�.ie Dr�riorcnn I(�LdV. P_A.. Y]aee �of 8oploya+ent: Committec(s) Applied FeX: _ Business Review Council te 3100, 150 5outh F r�. COMM�SSlOyt. $oe 612 266 8513 P.62iO3 . M {L r . 4hat skills/tzaining or esperience do'you possess foz the oo�sittee(s) Por vhi,ch pou seek appointmentT Please see attached pages. The iia£ormatiaa ircluded in chis applicaLion is eonside�ed privaLe date according to the 2finnesota Coverm�at DaLa. Practiees Act. As a xesult. this in£otmation is noc released To the general public. (OYER) Res_��21/93 fi12 266 8513 DEG-16-1994 13 � 06 SQ I NT PqIA. PiLiYOR' S OFF I CE �e..�v...... msr�r.r.+.�+ 612 Z66 8513 P•03iO3 QS -t�9 .,o..�. Federal Reser�e Bank of Minne wddress• 250 Mar uette Phcnc: ' omc or (612) 340-2345 Bame: Address The Honorable Rolf Office of Administ , MN 5 , Workers`Comgen5ation Pho�ne • Hamel [4ork) ( f, l � L"t d 1_'263 L- - p�e; Ma Ta Commissioner-Elect Hennepin County Roard of Commissioners Addsess:_ 3AS1 s�, �aS� r�*P Minnetonk�, � Yhone• [Home) �york� �612) 473-2972 Aeasoas foz youz 3ateress in this particular co�issee Please see attached pages. 8ave you had ptevious eontaec vith s�e co�ittee £or vhi�t� yw sre tinakiag applieation. If so, ahen, atid ciscamxtat+ces7 • NO. In an aLtempt to easuxe that eommit�ee sepreseatation sefleots �he makeup o4 our cammimity, please check =he 2ine appl3cable to you. This informssioa is strictly voluntaxy. X iiS�ite (Caueasian) B2ack (Afticar► Americsa) Ameriean Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale ,�_ Femsle Disabled: Yes tio X I£ sgeeial accommadations are aeeded, please specifp. None. Hov did yon hear about shis cgeniagt Th.-o�� �r = �eas.p. through the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. Hispaaic Asian or Yaci£ie Islander Date of 83rzh- 11-�3-54 TOTRL P.03 `� 5 -1 lg Additional References: The Honorab2e Richard Hefte Judge, Workezs' Compensation Court of Appeals Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 (612) 296-6526 Mr. Gary Reetz Hammel Green and Abrahamson, Architects and Engineers 1201 Harman Flace Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 332-3944--Work telephone number (St. Paul Resident) °15 �\\g As a 16-year resident of St. Paul, T have a kaen interest in the a#fairs and concerns of the St. Paul's citizeas, businesses and ozganizations. Mg educational and employment background would facilitate my participation on various committees. I have listed numerous aptions, and srould be happy ta serve on any one of tAese committees. Attached please find a copy of my resume, which provides background information. I am working in the private practice of laW, with a specialization in the areas of workers' compensation and asbestos and environmenCal-=elated Litigation. I grimarily represent employers and insurers, and have therefore developed a interest in the azeas of work place safety and emplayment-related concerns. As a result, I would enjoy working with the Business Review Council, since I have developed an understanding.of wvrk-place issues from both the employers' and employees• perspectives. My personal wozking with Advisory Comm Haard. interests and previous emplayment relates we2k to the Food and Nutrition Commission, the Mayor's ittee for People with Disabilities, and the Youth Fund Although I would be happy to serve on any of these committees, my fizst preference would be the Eusiness Review Council, and my second preference would be the Food and Nntrition Commission. If theze is no opening on any of the committees listed above, please contact me ab�ut participation on any of the commissions and committees which currently have openings for citizen participation. Thank you. MTRIAM A. RYKKEN � S —11`� 13$9 HigAland Parkway St. Paul, M+nnesota 55116 (612} 699-4255 (home} (61?) 339-8955 (office) EDUCATION UNiVERSITY OF MINNESQTA, Minneapolis, MN J.D.. 198? Selected for Philip E. Jessup Intemauonal Mooc Court Competition, 1985-86. Staff Member, Law arrd Isequatiry Jounwl, ] 986-37. CONCORDIA COI.L.EGE, Moorhead, MN Bachelor ot Arts, Magna Cum Laude, 1976 Majors: French Ianguage and Cutture; Fducation Awatds: Concordia CoUegc Merit Scholarship and Upperclass Scholatship; Fargo-Moorhead EducaUOn Scholarship. BLACK RIVER FALIS SENIOR HIGH SCH�OL, Hlack River Falls. WI Graduated 1972. Distinguished Honor Graduate. Arvard�: University of Wisconsin Gnidance Laborat�ry For Superior Students; National 13onor Sxiety: American Lcgion Girls' S1ate; Lions' Hono� Banque[; Wisconsin Honors Band anJ Orchcslra; 3ohn Philip Sousa Band Award; Adelc Barber Music A�vard. EMPLOYMENT GILMORE. AAFEDT. FORDE. ANDERSON and GRAY, P.A., Minncapolis, MN 1987 to Present Attomey. Defense uI work-rela[ed injury claims. Qther azcas oT pracuce inciude the defensc of asbestos-related personatinjury and property damage claims, toxic ton litigation. H�NEYWELL CORPOR4710N, Minneapolis. MN )987 !aw Clctk. Human Rssourccs Legal Departmcnt; areas of concentratioa included workers compcnsation, cmployment and labor law, employcc bencfit programs. CP? CORPORATION, Minneapolis, MN 1986 to 1987 Law C1erk. Carporate legal wosk including litigacion, emDtoyment and " immigration law, securities, contracts, international law, iaa, employee bcnefits. and real estatc leazing. ALEX B. LEIBEL AND ASSOCIATES, Minneapalis, MN 1985 {House counscl for Travclers Insurance Company} Law Clcrk. Responsibi)ities: Legal research and wriung, draCring raotions and tegal memoranda. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. EX7ENSION SERv10E MinncapoliS. MN Administraas•e Fcllu«'. Assisted �cith or�aniration and e�ecupon af regional and national seminars on agricultural, econom�c, and gove[nmental policies. Respuasibi[ities: Liaisort work with seminar speakcrs, par6cipants, and University faculty; budget pianning; supervision of post- seminat pubiications: publiciry coordination; management of office sraff. MIRTAM P. RYKKEN Page Two EMPLOYMENT (cont'd) as -��� WEST FARGO PUBLIC SCHdOL DIST. 6, West Fargo, ND Senior Higb School InsWCtor 19?6-19?8 MEMBERSHIPS American, Mianesota Slate, and Hennepin Caunry Bas Associations; Mis;neso�a Defense Lawyers Association: Defcnsc Researah ]ns[i[ute; Minneso[a Women lawyers Association; Auorney Coach, Iviinnesata State Baz Association High 5chool Mock Trial Pcogram: C-4C10 Club, Concordia Collegc, Moorhead, MN. F7ucnt in French languagc.