95-115Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseated By Referred To Council File # �=) �S Green Sheet # 3 3 3� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, Capital City Ventures, LLC, has entered into an agreement for the purchase of the Saint Paul Athletic Club property to be financed through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Saint Paul City Council to assess for the Operation and Maintenance Services for the Skyway Bridge and Concourse associated with the Saint Paul Athletic Club property located at 340 Cedar Street from August 1, 1993 through the date of conveyance of the Saint Paul Athletic Club property to Capital City Ventures, LLC; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials take the appropriate action to ratify the cost of the above described services that have been provided from August 1, 1993 through the date of conveyance of the Saint Paul Athletic Club property to Capital City Ventures, LLC, to be collected via property ta�ces over a term of twenty (20) years at the prevailing interest rate and that such payments will be collected as an assessment against the Saint Paul Athletic Club located at 340 Cedar Street; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective only in the event that Capital City Ventures, LLC, closes on its purchase of the Saint Paul Athletic Club property. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Director Form Appr d by C' y torney By: By: Approved bp Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �-�3 �q95 G5- �i5 PI,AalTING �iD 8CON0l�IC Date: 01/27/95 Green Sheet Nnmber. �36 DEVSLOPMENT / c1TY COUNCII,� eC�� Peao¢ and Phoue Namber. , ( ...aaw. /L CIlY ATTO - � CLERK Steve Thompson 266-664 � Peter Whit� 266-885 BUtt'�' nmF�nx FIN. & MGT. SVG DIR. YOR(ORAS4STAN1) CounrilReseaich �,wo�c�,n��n � � �°''"�.,.`"j1M'-lrl, ei., �fZSfis' �o M�y� a 2 �'�9�' AL # OF S[GNATURE PAGES 1 (Q.IP ALL IAC111IONS FOR SIGNATlJRL� cr►oxxr.QVrsiEO: Approve the resolution to authorize the City to assess for operation and maintenance services for the Skyway Bridge and Concourse against the Saint Paul Athletic Club property. REC01lIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT CR) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONl'RACiS M[JSTANSR'ER 171L� FOLIAWING PLANNI NG CpMISSION A STAFF 1. Has the pexson�Eum ever worked under a couhac[ for tLis department? YF?S N CIVI L SERVICE CQ41 _ Fias t6is pe�son�fi� eve= been a City emplopee? YPS N CIB CpMITTEE _ 3, �¢5 [his p��soo�(axm p�ss a skill not nozmally �Osscssed by any PPORTS 4NiCH COl1NCIL OBJECTIVE? Neighborboods a`�°«�employee? YES N Explain all YES amwess on a sepataM sheet and attach. COUNCII. WARD-2 DIbTRiCP PIANNIPIC� COUNQGI7 Nl'tfA17NG PROBLEM, ISSU$ OPPORTTJ (Who, What, When, Where, Why): e City has incurred eapenses for the operation and maintenance for the Skyway Bridge and Concourse associated with the Saint Paul Athletic Club (SPAC) property and wants to assess the cost of the services. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Same as above. D AD A IF APP D: SPAC property will have an assessment payable via property taYes. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT AP ROVED: o not assess for services received would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO <�� � unding Source Activity I�iumber F �.� ,����� inancial Information: (EaLplain)