95-1144 � . Date 3� 1 RESOLVED: That application (Z.D. A66714) for an Off ale Malt I,icense applied for by 2 Umar, Inc. DBA AM/PM Mini Market (Jamal r, President) at 1377 Arcade 3 Street be and the same is hereby approv d. _� C' J /� / U � ��� � � � �� �� �\ �.., _. ��� Council File �k �r � Ordinance A Green Sheet # J� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAtIVT PAUL, MItVtVESOTA ` �� ' Presented By Referred To Requested by Department of: Office of License. Insoections and Environmental Protection B �� R-��,�.-.� Adoption By: Approved by Njfiyor: By: by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney B � (�'7.t)'j3 Approved by Mayor for Submi.ssion to Council By: Adopted by Councilf Date q5-1144 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC�IL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET '`O 3 0 8 5 6� LIEP/Licensin CQNTACT PERSON & PHONE 1NITIAVDAiE 1NRIAL/DATE ODEPARTMEMDIRECiOP OCITYCOUNCI� Bill Gunther, 266-9132 AS516N �CITYATTOfiNEY �CINCLEFK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (OATE) e pQ�p� � BUDGET DIREC70R � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. 1''OT Hearing: f� 2�'[ Ct� OBDEB aMAVOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL LpCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5iED: Umar, Inc. DBA AM PM Mini Market requests Council approval of its application for an Off Sale Malt License at 1377 Arcade Street (ID �k66714). RECOMMENDAnONS: AoD�e (A) or Reiect (a) PEFSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOL�OWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVII, SERVIGE CAMMISSION �� Has this personflirm ever worked under a contrect for this tlepartment? _ q8 CoMMfi7EE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT � 3. DoeS this personttirm possess a Skill not normall y possessed by any current city employeeT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain ell yes answers on aeperate aheet entl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM• �SSUE, OPPOFTUNIN (Who, NTat, When. Where, Why�: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: sd'���f�� �a��,�6�?t t+crtE��& SEP ° 4 i995 DISAOVANTAGES IF Ndi APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 30856 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/14/95 / 9 S�'{ `�}� In TfdCk01? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 66714 License Type: Off Sale Malt Company Name: Umar Inc. DBA: �/PM Mini Market Business Addresss: 1377 Arcade Street, 55106 Business Phone: 774-7999 Contact Name/Address: Jamal Umar, 2425 Larpenteur Ave, SS10rp{ome Phone: ��3-8212 Date to Council Research: t Public Hearing Date: GL I l � �i � Labels Ordered: 6-19-95 -- T Notice Sent to Applicant�3d� District Council #: 5 /v " /Y1� �l/ ��i? Notice Sent to Pubiic: �-���� � Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey L ,�@ � p� Environmental � � Health �,� �'s['f Fire ° �-r j ' pe�. ,� �� c a-v LIC8f1SE ���� i�,,.s� � Site Plan Received:_ ' ' � ! �+ l Lease Received: �c, ". � r Yht r � 0 n '� `_'(��l':.c'"`��.xj D Poiice ����_9s � o��-�/��� Zoning '�, �/ 6F�c= � -� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATIOi�I � CITY OF SAI:vZ PAI�L C:f..c oi ISacse, Inspec:io:s �:,a E-..;:o,-�r,:�� pro:«iion � R. F•:�r St. Su�c JO c.:_. 7y.-''. v:�cv:. ::,c3 (E::)'Lti:�J ::z (61'a) Gb�!:.t lice.se I.D. r � (foz o;ficc ux ovq) THTS ,�PPLTCATIO,I IS SL?JECT TO REV7E\V BY THE PliBLIC PLFIISE Tl rE OR PRI;vT IN L\�FC T�pe of Lice�e being applied for: .3 � � L'Q 1� ������ Comp2ny N2ne: �o.t ortio�/ Pz^r,c:<; ip J S`Ic P:opri<ICS_:? \ � If busiaess is incorpo.2ted, give dz,e of i.^,corporation: �7 — Z L � �-' �� 2Z DoingBi:siness?.s: A r� nl'Y1 minr IY)G,��P,f _ BusinessP�one: (�IZ) 77�/-7��//� Business Address: 13 7 7 ��r'a.�P 5 f s f Oui✓� �✓l ,N 5�5�l� � S:r.ct Addreu City S:s�c ZSp Benveea w•Szt voss streets is tl�e b,v�;�ess lo�:ed? � f(UF�2 f •['JIrI� \�'hich side of tbe street? �^/� f A:e the premices now occupied? �� 1Vhzt itipe of Business? M�✓�, rnCw i � 2 ?�:�il To Address: /� �7 (�i i 5 t 5 f��7au� lVl A,/ Lil��c� S;:eet Addrzss Ci.y ' S;a;c Zip .�pplic�t Informztien: r � \'aae 2nd Title: �) 0.m � M v YYI�t,'1� PrE''��'-�t � Fat A:idUc (�:aiLcn) I<si Tidc Hame Address: S::eetAddrest ' Ciry St�te Zp Date of Buth: 1�- ���k Place of B'u� ��t�mc�'1 Home Pboae: 77�—� IZ Are you a citizen of t'�a Un'sted States? Nati��e? _ �'� ATatwalized? If you am not a U.S. citizen, ��ou must ha��e w'ork authcriz:tion from t6e US. Immigration & Natura]ization Ser�ice. Hace you ever been con�icted of �y feloay, c:ime or ��d.�aoa of any ciry ordinance otber than trzffic? YES _. NO � Date of arresi: Chazge: ` Con�9uion: «'bere? �Sentence: List tbe nzmes �nd residences of three persoas of good �o: al chuacter, li�ing w�thin tSe Twis Cities D4etro Area, not related to tbe applican[ or finzncially interested in tbe premises or business, w�bo may be referred to as to tbe applicanCs chas2cter: NAD� ADDRESS PHO:�� �{c�.fle. 3la ��n4�e�S st �✓- i�w�1z 1�,4�te MN- 9�3 3i/JI �c� �,�cic '31u co��ye� 5k w r�.�,��� t�ze- MN- q63-3u�� _�;2o�J'- j°)35 w:i�o(. �ve. 1fi3c7 SI`.�7as�.1YIN- 735-11`%7 L'ut liceases u�hich you currently bold, former]y Seld, or nzy bzve an interest in: �aJa kfeR -t- C\rc�c Have zny of the above named licetues e��er been revoked? ! YES ,� A'O Jf yes, list tbe dates and reasons for revoc2tioa: ' ----i I Y Are you going to operate this busiaess personally? ,� 1 rS _ ti0 If not, who will operxte it? . �_ flsi ;��rc DfidClc Ini:izl (`.Saiden) Izst Dzu of Birh Ho:ec Add;rss: S;:cct Nzme G,—� Stztc Zip Phonc Vur„ber ,9re you goiag So have a manager or �tant in this bu�ess? _ YES ��O If tbe m2nager is aot the same as the operator, plede comp]ete tl�e follov.ing infornation: Fxst:�z:.x �4iLcleInitizt Hone.'.ddnss: St:cei \z�e ('.!ad<n) Q7 PIezse list yoc:r emplo}ment ]ustory for the preti;ous fi��e (� }'ezr period: Bvsiness/Emplo�ment • Lzsi Stzte Zip Address AY.nol..t� 5 � — —� f]---. /l_._ c6_ . Dztc ot Bir.h Phoae :�u-Ser List 2ll oi�er ofcers of ihe corpoz2tioa: OFFICER TI'ILE H0:�4E HOD4E BL'SLI�ESS DATE OF ;�'A.�fE (O: ic.°. Hetd) .�DDRESS PHO� PHO\'E BIRI'Fi If biuiaess is a pastnership, pleue iadude t�e follouing i=,`oz�ation for each partner (use addivoazl pages f aecessary): F.at ti�ne \:idcic Initia (!d�idcn) Lzst Date of Bi;th yip Phone \*umber Date of Binh Ho^eAdC� St�st:�a:ae :�sme ?.Siddlc Initizl G.y (!.:ziCcr,j Sizte M�v Ho-e Addresr. St:cet \ame 6.y State 73p Phoae DTUmber Attach to this application: ' 1) A defailed description of the desipn, luczvoa and square foofage of t6e premises to be licensed (sife ptan}. Z) A copy of your lease agreement or procf of o�versLip of the property. .SI�Y FALSIFIC,iTION Ofi AASR'ERS Gri'EN OR M.iTERT�L SUB?�4IITED RZLL RESULT L*I DE\IAI, OF THIS APPLICATIO;I I bereby staFe under oatfi that I have ansK•ered all of the zUove questions, and that-fl�e iaformation contained �erein is true and wrrect to tLe bcst of my }:nouledge and belief. I bereby staie furtber under oath tbai I hzvn received ao money or other consideration, by v;•ay of ]oan, gift, contribuiioa, or otber»ise, otber thzn already disdo d in the apphcatioa which I berev.6ch submicted. �� � �..r Sub;m"bed and sworn to before me this day of � ri / 19 9S �' :�otary Publi lr��/5 Counry, MI�I � My Commissioa exp'ues: / �/-C� WJTARYFJBJC-164NESOTA My ccae.�tSSSion r�ce�,�. at.200o �- 9� Date -