95-1143✓`x p"` s r a , � ( x � � f r j",, t{ 'v . F � L" { t 1 �. . s F ! ' , .a. Council File # �5 � ��� 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30850 CiTY Pre5ented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #62432) for an Auto Repair Garage License applied for Z by Trans-AUto (Tim R. McGoigan, Owner) at 1360 Rice Street be and the same is 3 hereby approved. ��—�� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection r A � — t� p � B ; ( ��.���N'�.:w� X By: —�_ Approved By: % / Date _ / � �'a�C��� ' � RESOLUTION SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: J������ �-g-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B1' = Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy q5-1ty3 DEPARTMENT70FFICE/COUNCIL �ATE INIi1ATED GREEN SHEET N� 3 0 8 5 0 LIEP/Licensing INITIAVDA7E INffIAL/DATE CONTACT pER50N & PHONE O OEPARTMENT DIRE � CITY COUNCIL Bi11 Gunther/26b-9132 ASSIGN OCffYATTORNEV aCITYCLERK NUYBERFOR MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � P O�� a BUDGET OIREGTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. r'OT Hearing; �'j � OpDEF aMAVOR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Trans-Auto at 1360 Rice Street requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License at 1360 Rice Street (62432) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVI� SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis personHirm ever worked under a corM1ract for this tlepartment'? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7qFF 2. Has this personttirm ever been a cily empbyee? — YES NO _ DISiRICT CqUR7 — 3. Does this parsonlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by aay curcent ciry employea? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTiVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answera on separate sheet anE ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha, Whet, Vfien, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Gou��:d �°,��� ��a 3 � 1�95 —�--�.�.��,__.,_�.a . ��,� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVED: TQ7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIQN S COST(REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTfVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 30850 In Tracke�? License ID # 62432 Company Name: Trans-Auto L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/26/95 �q.5 �11�}'�j App'n Received f App'n Pmcessed License Type: Auto Repair Garage 1'1RA� Same Business Addresss: 1360 Rice Street Business Phona: 488-4792 ContactName/Address: Tim McGuigon, 60� Goswin, Mahtomedi Home Phone: 653-4757 55115 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: �l � Z� �G5 Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Labeis Ordered: N/A District Council Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 5 -q - �� (�� Environmental Heaith �� J� � Fire � � � -'� � � � License f � Site Pian Received: G � l � � 5 (G �L �� ����aa: — � `� l�.ex-�-���-� °�',c___ f �� s s�� N a r�co �� Police Zoning �; � p �� ���� .�re you going to operate this busiaess personally? � FES , NO If not, vwho Kill operate it? C, ��`, � 1 ..7 Frst \zme Midd1<Snitial (>`.�iden) Last Date of BiY.h Homc Address: Strcct Namc Gty / S:at< Zip Phoa< Numbcr Are you going to have a manager or assistant in tfiis butiness? = YF_S _ NO If t6e manager is not tbe same as tSe operator, pleue complete [he following information: j' % �----- - _ . Fsst Name Middlc Ini:ial � (�:aidcn) 3.ast � Datc of Binh Honc Address: S:rect Namc G:y Please list your employment history for the pre�2ous five (�7 yeaz period: Business /Em ploam ent State Zip Phone A'umber Address L'ut all other o�cers of [he corporation: OFr TITLE HOME HOMH BUSI,\'ESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHOh� PHO:�'E BIRTH If business is a partnership, pleue include the following information for each partner (�se additioaal pages if necessary): F:tt Name Home Address: St�et Name Middtt Initial Fi}st :�ane hiidd(e _��.. (.V.aidenj Iast Statc Iast Datc of Binh Zip Phone Number Date of Birth Home Address: Street Name �— City S;ate Zip Phone Kumber Attach to this application: 1) A detailed description of tl�e design, ]ocation and square footage of tbe premises fo be licensed (site plan). 2) A wpy of your tease agreement or proof of ow'ners6ip ot the property. Al\'Y FALSIFICATION OF ANS«'ERS GIVEN OR MATERI�L SUBh1ITI'ED WILL RESULT IN DENI�L OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that [he information contained herein u true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otheruise, other th�an eady disdosed in the application which I herewith submitted. � .�/ / � � Subscribed and sworn to before me this _�� day of .ti . 19 � � K�, ��w�. _�-� IVotary Public �aUrc� , Counry, MN My Commission exp'ues: �'/G��'.� �y3 AtNi PwUL � AMA CLASS III LTCENSE APPLICATION CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL OCfice of Litense, Inspec:io:�s and Fstvironm<nta4 Pcoceccion iV R Pr.0 Sc Su,�e 3�J c•:�� Paui, Mue�da 55102 (61l) ]66�J100 fu (61:) 131 License I.D, r n� �.n�' (for office use only) THIS APP LICATIO*I IS SU�STEC'P TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYP� OR PRINT IN L�'K Type of LiceaSe beiag applied for: �� ��� �r� _ Company Nazne: ! VC /'� /V v —' / -/ � c � Corporation / Pznnenhip / Solc ProprictoaSip If business is incorporated, give date of incorpora[ion: /� Doing Business As: Busin s Phone: '�� Business Address: �? O �C P 7 7f' tk1 �� `� Street Address City State Zip Betu�een wbat aoss streets is the business located? Which side of che street? C�� Are the premices now occupizd? � What T}pe of usiness? — T%A? f'M `�f.�,v tC-�OA. �` Mail To Address: S:reet Address Applicant Information: I� and Title: _� Statc Zip Fist /' Middlc (}iaidcn) � Ias�t� Ii Home Address: ��J /x-zt � 41is� ��G'�ifUie�-r l'1'I � ��J f/,S StrcetAdd:css � City S:ate Zip Date of Birth: V� � Place of Buth: � Home P6one: C��� — 1 '��.�/ Are you a citizen of tbe United States? A`ative? � A'aturalized? If you are not a US. citizen, you musl har•e work au orization from the US. Immigc-ation & Natunlization Senice. Have you ever been comided of any felony, crime or �7olation of any city ordinance other than iz�c? YES � NO � Date of arrest: C6azge: � Conviction: Where? �Sentencz: Lisi the names and residences of three persons of good morai character, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in tbe premises or business, �bo may be referred [o as to the applicanYs character: ADDRESS List licenses <.�� � former]y held, or may have an interest in: PHO:rTE �1�� �� 3 �/ Have any of tSe above named liceases ever bcen revoked? _ YES ,�NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: fnv<rl