95-113ORlG1NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - - RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #40801) for Gas Station, Grocery-C, and Restaurant-A License applied for by Murphy Oil SA Inc. (Kenneth A. Rittmueller, Retail Supervisor) DBA SPUR at 1215 N. D le Street be and the same is hereby approved. 1. This SPUR location will nqk open until final approvals have been given by Zoning, Fire and Envirlonmental Health. / }� S ��� \�� �� \` � �� Requested by Department oE: Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection g �,��1�� �'� G��-�c-� Adoption Ce}ftified by Council Secretary By: Approv by Mayor: Date By: Council File # � Green Sheet � 29414 � 3S Form Approved by City Attorney BY: cV� • u� /�1. '�// yG/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Cof ncil: Date `l5 -113 DEPARTMENT/OFFlLE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 2 9 414 LIEp�Ll�ens1ng ' GREEN SHEE INITIAVOATE INRIAL/DATE CANTAGTPEPSON&PHONE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCRV NCIL Christine RozekJ266-9114 ASSfGN QCT'ATTORNEY �a�v �aK NUNBEqFON MUSi 8E ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY ( TE) j p�� Q BUpGET OIREGTOR � Fl.& MGT. SERVICES DIR. r'OT Hearing: - } J ORDEq aMAYOR(ORASSISTANT� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE ED. / urphy 0�1 USA Inc. DBA SPUR (Kenneth A, Rittmueller, Retail Supervisor) requests Council pproval of its application for a Gas Station, Grocery-C and Resta�ant-A License at 1215 N. Dale Street. (I.D. 9�40801) j � i RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeq (Fi) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST SWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNINC+COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under ContfflCt fOr thi5 tl2pertment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a c employee? — YES NO _ DlsTaICT GOUR7 _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a ill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� YES NO Explaln all yes answers on se arate ahaet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What When, Where, Wny). ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�' � � G� �:�v3��5 "Lt3�;�4� �„� ��� .lA4� 1 � 1J�� �., �\` v `� ___ 1 DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TO7AL AMOUN7 OF iHANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (E%PLAIN) Greensneet # 29414 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKUST Date: 12/8/94 � 5_ � ` � / In Trackef? app'n Received / app�n �rocessed UcenselD # 40801 Company Name:�rnhv Oil USA Inc. DBA: SPUR Business Addresss: 1215 N. Dale Street Business Phone: 835-1381 Contact Name/Address: Kenneth A. Rittmueller, 7200 France Home Phone:_ 835-138 Ave. S. Edina, MN 55435 Date to Council Pubiic Hearing Notice Sern to � Notice Sent to I City Attorney Environmental Health Fire � Date /0?-1 � License � � � � �`� ~�� ✓ r f ��q� Po{ice ��>��y� Comments Labels Ordered District Councii Ward #:___ _ N/A 06 ,� i� �-y`1_` R� �a �� � ����?�r�C',�e.cLe�L _ �f�rn v� - -� /�ce. i � � "� ,��—� L�i�(/`�'� Site Plan Received: 'y ���L�� ' " Lease Received: � a-�-�' ��c� � � ��i, � /� .��v C��-���, !i �!`�� dl � M /Y .�/lJ`I �llLi P/ Zoning I f t`-ya�(9�j✓ �i-fer���.cc�T'ev'teeJ f� j���C . �/ � T}pe of License being applied for: Company I�Tame: Murphy nc THiS APPLICATION IS SL�JECi' TO REVIE�TJ BY THE PLTBLIC � � PLEASE TYPE OR PRIi�T I.'3 AT{ >'� • CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ����� t Co:portion / Pzrtncnhip � S.te Proprictett:p If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: see attached a Doing Btisiness As: SPUR BusinessAddress: 1Z15 N. Dale st _ St Pau7, Street Address Between What aoss streets is the business located? Are the premues aow occugied� no Mail To Address: �200 France Ave . S:reet Addtess Applicant Information: ATame and Title: _ Home Address: Ciry land & Dale VThat T�pe of Business? S. Ed ,�'t-� /T 1 I j r ��� /�e r� see attached annual Fsc ;.i;date Street Address ` Date of Birth: �����J��� P]ace of ,. , , . Are you a citizen of the United States? ATative? If you are not a U.S. citizen, ?�ou must 6ave work au Have you ever been con�icted of any felony, aime Date of arrest: Charge: Cont�iction: 11 T 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ottce of Licenu, Inspcctions and Environrnental Piu;ection 35� Sc Pe:u St Sv�ic 3� c•�.• Pavi, ~Sic.�un;a S51o1 (mz� �iim � �c�z) xssi:a License I.D. y . ,� (�o ofttt ux only) Phone: 612-835-1381 MN Sca�e 7� / VThich side of the streec? We s t lorist � qreenhouse MN 55435 State 7�p ���t� � `�-�uDc'rl'r`S L I"— / , CL,�(� � ��� _5 ;`; Scate yp Home Phone• 2�'aturalized? from the US. Immigration & Naturalization Senice. �iola;ion af any city osdinance other than tr�c? YES � NO _ Septence: List tbe aames and resideaces of three ersons of good iaorai cbaracYer, living w5thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not re)ated to the applicant or finaucially interest d in tbe premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHOI�TE List licenses wbich you currentIy hold, formerly heid, or may bave an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YE$ _ NO If yes, list tfie dates and reasons for revocation: (over) Are you going to operate this business personally? fllst Name Initizl 1�ES ('.Saidcn) Last 95-�1�j Dzic of Binh Hone Addmst S:Iect \ame Gy State Zip Phoae \ur.nbcr Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this buti.ess? �tt YES _ IvTQ If tbe manager is not tbe same as the operator, pleue complete tl�e follo�ing informauon: /` Flst \ame Midd]e Initizl (ti.`ai3en) Iast Dztc of Biah Hone Address; S;reet ?�xr.�e GS State Zip � Phone :�ur..ber Ple2se list yout cmp]oyment history for [he pre��ious five (7 yezr period: Business/Emplo��ent • Address L'ut all ot5er o�cers of tbe corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NA2�fE (Office Held) ADDRESS BUSII�'ESS DATE OF PHOr'E BIRTH e NO If not, wbo v.�ill operate it? If buciness is a partnership, please include tbe following informat�n for each partner (use additional pages if aecessary): Fist Kame Middle Initia7 Daic of Binh nomc i:ooress aeroex name Phone Number Fim ;�ame Middle Initial (�:aiden) L'e52 State Zip I7st Date of Binh Home Address: Stree[ Name G,y State Zip Phonc `�umba Atfach to this application: ' 1) A defailed description of t desiga, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your lease a eot or proot ot oxvership ot the properfy. AI�'Y FALSIFICf�TIQ,tT OF AI�SGiERS GIVE;�T OR NIAT'ER7AL SUBA4ISTED i��.L RESULT IN DE\L�L OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under oath thet I b e answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct Io tbe best of my know dge and belief. I hereby state furtber under oath tbat T have received no money or otber consideration, by way of loan, , contribution, or otberuise, ot6er than alread d'udosed in the application which I herewlth submitted. Subscribed and swor to efore me ttvs /a —S=S� �%� r " day of -,- (,,� 19 �' Signature of Applicant Date �'`° Murphy Oi1 USA, Inc. , Retail Supervisor Not ublic , . , : . Counry MN ` �.� Y MyCommissione er // - B�TT�S•CHOUfNARD NOTARI' FUBLIC-MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY 2 MY Commission Expires Noe 18, tgg7