D00408CITY OF SAIWT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � h � No.: ld ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER /� • Date: � Z �� "�-1 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, a 1995 budget priority for the Mayor is the development and implementation of the Safe City initiative; WHEREAS, in order to guide and facilitate the development of a successful initiative, Dr. Gisela Konopka, D.S.W., Professor and Director Emeritus at the University of Miimesota and a nationally recognized expert in youth development, has agreed to serve as a Senior Advisar without monetary compensation; WIIEREAS, Dr. Konopka is expected to spend approxnnately 8 hours per month during 1995 advising Safe City Saint Paul staff and the Public Safety Advisory Council; • WHEREAS, as a geshxre of appreciation and respect it is proposed that Dr. Konopka receive an honorarium of $500; NOW, THEREFORE, Dr. Gisela Konopka is authorazed to receive an honorarium of $500.00 for her services to the Safe City Initiative. FLJND SOURCE: 001 - 06025 - 0219 APPROVED AS TO FORM . ����r.� 1.3, /9ls� Date: T 1 Department Head ��"d��%��� Admini rative Assistant to Mayor 06-Dec-94 - � � � � �ur�� DEPARTMEPlr/OFFIGE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Planning fi Economic Development 12/8/94 GREEN SH T � 231 88 CAMAGT PEpSON 8 PHONE _. INIMLI INIMUDATE t � � �EPARTMENrDIRECTOR CfTYCAUNCIL ope Melfon_ . 266-6570 �� � °'� ^�" � �'�*oar+sv / Q,� � CLEAK XUYBFA FOR BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pp�NG � BUDGET DIRECfOF n FlN. & MGT. SERVICES D�fl. . ' , . 0 �� � MAYOP (OP ASSISTAM) �O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACiION RE�UESTED: . 9pproval of attached A��r�Gtrative Order vill authorize an hono=a=i� of �500.00 to Dr. Gisela Ronopka, a nationally recognized espert in youth development, vho is advising the Safe City staff and Public Safety Advisory Crnmcil,'vithont monetary compensation:. REC�MMENDAnONS: Apprava (n) or Reject (R) pEHSONAL S£RVICE CONTAAC7S MUST ANSW ER SHE FOLIAWIHG �UESTfONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION - _ CIVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION �� Ha5 ihis persoMrm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMRTEE �'ES NO — 2. Has this persan/firm ever been a ciry employee? — � — YES NO _ DISTRiCT COUFii _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on separate sheet antl ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who. What, When, Where. H'hy): The Public Safety Advisorp Council is responsible for advising the Mayor on matters of public safety and crime prevention related to youth development and family support, economic apportunity and c��+n;ty-buildl�4 at the neighborhood level. Dr. Konoplca is renowned for her vords on issues of juvenile delinquency and vill be an excellent resource to both the Mayor and Advisory Council. ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Juvenile crime is the most serious issue related to public safety for the City of Saint Paul. Dr. Konopka's expertise i.n youth development and juvenile delinquency and her eacellent professional contacts at the II of H where she founded the Center for Youth Development and Research will enhance the quality of the vork of the Advisory Council, improve the legitimacy and the effectiveness of their recommendations to Mayor Coleman, and lend prestige to the Safe City Initiative. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVED: xone RECEIVED ����� �E� DEC 21 1994 DEC 12 ,gq4 �ITI' CLERK g���"� ��-����,�,� DISAWANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: The honorari� is a gesture of appreciation and respect to Dr. Konopka who, at 84 years of age, has volunteered to guide and support the Mayor's initiative. diN TOTAL AMOUNT OF THAN5ACTION $ SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Safe Clty pCTIVITVNUMBER �� - Qai - D�vaS - ea/9, FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � q �9 !