95-1127� � � %.� ? € 'i: f "' S � Presented Referred To 1 WHEREAS, in 1995 the assessment rate for street paving, including curb and gutter, in connecpon with the 2 Combined Sewer Separation Program (CSSP) was $22.51 per assessable foot; and 3 4 �VHEREAS, in 1995 the assessment rate for storm sewer in connection with CSSP was 3.55 cents per square foot "s for 1, 2 and 3 family dwellings, and 8.89 cents per squaze foot for all other types of property; and 6 7 WHEREAS, in 1995 the assessment rate for the modified lantem style lighting was $3.98 per assessable foot, and 8 the alternative bent straw llghting was $2.50 per assessable foot; and 9 10 WHEREA,S. in 1995 the assessment rate far sidewalk reconstruction of five foot wide sidewalks for 1, 2. and 3 I 1 family dwellings was $7.04 per assessable foot; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council, by resolution, has directed that these assessment rates be adjusted yeazly, 14 based on the Minneapolis-St.Pau] Urban Consumer Price Inde�c; and 15 16 WHEI2EAS, It is proposed to continue the assessment policy for assessments levied for the Residential Street Paving 17 Program (RSPP); and 18 19 WHEREAS, the most recent Minneapolis-St.Paul Urban Consumer Price Index showed an increase of 2.5�h hom the 20 first half of 1994 (142.5) to the Tirst half of 1995 (146.0); now, therefore, be it 21 2`L RESOLUED, that in order for the assessment rate to reIlect the increased construction costs and benefit to the 23 pmperty owners, the assessment rate for street paving in connection with RSPP is increased 2.5% from $22.51 per 24 assessable foot to $23.07 per assessable foot for all such RSPP projects apprwed by FYnai Order after October 1, 25 1995 to be constructed 3n 1996; and 2� 27 BE IT FUR7'HER RES(7LVED, that the assessment rate for the "modified lantern style llghting" is increased 2.5% 28 from $3.98 to $4.08 per assessable foot, and the altemative "bent straw" lighting is increased 2.5% from $2.50 to 29 $2.56 per assessable foot for such projects approved by FYnal Order after OcYober 1, 1995 to be constructed in 30 1996, and 31 32 BE IT FINALLY RESOLUED, that the assessment rate for reconslruction of five foot wide sidewalks is increased 2.5% 33 from $7.04 to $7.21 per assessable foot for 1, 2 and 3 fatnily properties for such projects approved by Final Order 34 af'ter October 1, 1995 to be constructed in 1996. 35 Requested by Depa=tment of: Public Works By : `�„"'�"_ Stacy Be ier, Director T K 9/6/95 Council File RESOLUTION Green Sheet SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date # otS -1\a`1 # 33558 �� Adopted by Council: Date �.�,� ��`���'� Form Appr by City R Adoption Certified by Council Secretary !. By � ( By: Approved by Ma¢�9'r: Date By: by Mayor £or Submission to Council Hy : / " ✓ ���2��/-� W��$ � / is Kuhfeld (Tei No. 1 ON (YJUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) .k OF SIGNATURE PAGES as -���� � GREEN SHEET No.33558 INR ATE �niiwr��nic�, oFrnanaeNrov�cra� 4 cmrcourrc�, I cm a�rroRNev � cm c�rm 9UDGETDIRECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DRi. MAVOFi(OFiASSiSTANn ❑ � � . _ a�� �ocanoris Foe Approval of resolution establishing the 1996 Residential Street Paving Program assessment rates. PfANNING CpMMISSION �GNIL SFAVICE COMMISSION dB COMMfI'TEE �_ STAFF � D�SiA�C7 COtRiCIL OFTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? Street Paving PERSONAL SERV(CE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER TNE PoLLOW WG QUESTIONS: t. F{as this persoNfirm ever wurked under a cantract for this departrnent? YES NO 2. Has Niis person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not normalty possed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explaln all yas a�wers on sBparate sheet and attaeh to green sheet In 1990, the City Council adopted a resolution calling fior the assessments for CSSP projects to be adjusted each year according to the previous years change in the Mpls-St. Paul Urban Consumer Price Index (90-1459). In addition, in 1992, they adopted a similar resolution dealing with reconstructiort of sidewalks (92-146). We are proposing to adjust the assess rates for ihe Residentiaf Street Paving Program in a similar manner. Accordingly, the attached r ',��creases these assessments 2.5%. SEP 12 1995 Assessmerrts wiil keep pace with inflation. We will be able to do slightiy more paving of old oiled streets. ��"�;� ;���,��7�";i ��¢�' �^ €� t � i��t� Assessments will be 2.5% higher for residents. � : '� - M. '� �. ,, � �������� We will be able to do less paving of oid oiled streets. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTKINS COSVHEVENUE BUDGETED(CIBCLE ONE) YES NO ACITVITY NUMB�R �wroHmnrx�w: �txruiw�