D00406Oi;ginal- City Clerk No : p��L-� �� Copies- F� & Mgmt Services I ' p Public Works Accounting Date: I L� Lf - �`f Engineer o ,.� • Contractor "E' CITY OF SAWT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �'� e �` �?'�� ADMINISTRATIVEORDER �% jy�'�11S�Q -'i for Fisc�stf8u e;'� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NII � Puviie 4ti'orks Co�s�ructic� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the impro�ertient described asP���,' Reconstruction of Pig's Eye Lake Road �-� �-_� known as dob No. 62245 , City Project No. 93-P-1010BR , �hafel' ContraCtint� COmpany InC CoMractor, is composed of the following: Estimated Item Descri�rion Unit Unit Price Ouantity Amount GranularBackfill Cu.Yd. 7.00 2,146.9 $ 15,028.00 12" Gate Valve & Box Each 1,120.00 1.0 $ 1,120.00 Traffic Control (Extra) Lump Sum 800.00 1.0 $ 800.00 Tie into Bxisting Catch Basin Lump Sum 275.00 1.0 $ 275.00 Topsoil Borrow (LV) Cu. Yd. 6.00 865.0 $ 5,190.00 Ditch Grading Lump Sum 22,000 1.0 $ 22,000.00 Remove Bituminous Surface Sq. Yd. 2.50 817.0 $ 2,042.50 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Lin. Ft. 29.00 295.0 $ 8,555.00 Culvert Headwalls Each 45�.00 S.Q $ 2,25�.�0 Flowcrete for Existing Culvert Cu. Yds. 50.00 9.0 $ 450.00 Dike Construction (Warner Rd) Lump Sum 8,087.77 1.4 $ 8,087.77 • Overdepth for Watermain Lin. Ft. 10.60 120.0 $ 1,272.00 TOTAL INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 67,070.27 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordanCe with the specifications in the sum of $ 67.070.27 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as Job No. 62245 , and which amount is to be financed from: Funding available in the contract. � �/-.a� S Go7� - Xr'KX�- loaa �S J/- z 3 y'J� 57��-,e. �,r n��-rr.�c �• ��<-.. i 9 Contracior � Division Manager Director, De rtment of Public Works .i y 19�y BY 19— �( L 19�- v and to the Mayor (YcPARTMENT10FF10EICOUNGL ATE INITIAIED � PublicWorkSConstruction 17/9l94 GREEN SHEET ��b . is ��s I VDATE INiT1AVDATE-- CONTACTPEASONEPHONE D f� '�/y Q DEPAflTMENTDi�ECTOR � CINCOUNCIL ` Larry Lueth 266-6083 ��-' '��`- ASSIGN O CIN ATfOFNEY � CITYCLERK NUMBERfOR �� MVST BE ON CAUHCtL AGENDA BY �DA1E) FOUSITSG BUCGET DiPEGTOfl �yi r�N & MGT. SEFiVICES DIF. Z ORDEH MAYOR(ORA$SISTAIJn ��❑i {��y�p� AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 (CUP ALL LOCA7ION5 FOR SIGNATURE) ❑3 AfkeEggmn 2 DEPARTMEM ACCOUNi �� W QN AGTqkAEOUESTEO Approval of Contract Change Agreement I�To. 1 Extra Work Items Reconsuuction of Pig's Eye Lake Road Ciry Project No: 93-P-IOI OBR Convactor: Shafer Convacting Company, Inc. PECQMMEN�ATiONSAppwe (A) or Re�ea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: PLANNINGCAMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECON.�dISSiON � Hasihispersorofirmeverworkedunderacontrac[tor[hisdepartment? _^ CIB COMIdITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has t�is person�firm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ Dts7R�CTCOUNC�L , 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOliTSWHICHCOUNC�LOBJcCTIVE? YES NO Sewer Separation Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, W4ERE. WHY): Exva work items were required to completc the project in a satisfactory manner. For example, the project site did not drain because the ditch and culvert system was ineffective as a result of dcvelopmen�s in thc area. The ditches were regraded and new culver�s instalted. :t�� _:��' ���V 28 �9�4 ADVANTAG'cStFAPPROVED. -��.��7� g�Y$�;,�f.. ntractor will ber paid for exva work pedormed at the direction of the Eneineer. ����EV'�� �� ;; 1 � i�'��« ���0�}� �"c� T�'+� F��:iL4'Ttt� . . :_ � 1 � DISADVA � -E$'IFAPPROVEDa � p a1,t3 t'Y'.'r'.i\f?9.:C�irG(�7 .5����CE.] Non�"'� ������E� RECEIVED DEC 211994 �C�� �3 1994 CITY CLERtC ����' �`�"������ DiSADVANTRGES IP N07 APPAOVEff. J Di(ticulry compensating Comractor for work performccl. L AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S 67,070 ?7 COSTIREVENUE HUDGE7ED (qRCIE ONE) ES No fUNDING SOURCE Fundine availablc in_the Contract ACTIVITY NUMBER ¢�§ C J� aS G� ' �(JCjC— FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) dU1l