95-1087��O�i�i�A� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON 1B & J9510TDBC �� Voting Assessment No. 9666 & 9667 Ward In the matter of the assessment oC benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9511B (9666) Boardings—Up of vacant buildings for June 1995. J9510TDBC (9667) Summary Abatements (Property Clean—Up) for summer of 1995 (May thru August 7). Preliminary Order xxx Final xxx xxx xxx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connechon with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public heazing 6e had on said assessment on the L 1 th day of October, 1995, at 3:30 P.M. x�MEincx�nafxtex���skc:9�x in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in ihe City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statmg in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. nnm icue�y COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays � akey �G imm ,/Gperin ✓� xris ✓M2gard '�R ttman �une SEP 30 7995 Adopted by the Council: Date� �_� 7 ��`_° � Certi£ed Passed by Council Secretary � In Favor By r �' Against '�`~--�� Mayor Hearing before Legislative Hearing Officer - October 3, 1995 ��� Q� Public Hearin Date - October I1 1995 RE 9-1-95 �°1j��'' " '-� ( DE7ARTMENT/OFFtCElCAUNdL DATE tMT4ATE� (�I O Q��� 8 GREEN SHEE '" � Finance Department/Real Estate 9-1-95 - CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPAqTMENTDIRECTOR aCITYCOUNCIL INITIAVDATE Roxanna T'l1RIC 266-8859 ASSIGN �qTVATTORNEY OCITVCLERK NUMBEfl FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA eY (OATnE) 9-13-95 ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � fiN 8 MGT SERVICES OIR 1°IllS� �D0 lII C011I1C11 qBS �R�ER OMAVOR(OAASSi$TANTj � C011RCll Research no ater than noon i�ri a 08 �� TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREdUESTED. J9SLIB 9666; J9510TDBC, 9667 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up of vacant buildings for June 1995 and Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for summer of 1995 (May thru August 7). RECOMMENDATIONS Approve (A) or Re�ecl (R) pERSONAL SEflVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this pErson/fl(m eVer Wofked untle! a cOniraCt for [his dBpafiment? _ GIB COMMITfEE YES NO � STAFF A Public Heal th 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee,? YES NO _ DtS7RlCi CqURT A VBCdnt Bl(]QS . 3 Does ihis persontlirm possess a sktlf nN normaily possessed by any current cRy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE'+ Ward �L YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attech to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPOFiTUN17Y (W�o, What. When. Where, Why) Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throup�hout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kepe up. ���e c� i��.y��i ��"'E��`i' StP � ? T995 - - _ _.. �u:� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up vacant bldgs. and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, xefuse and tires. A1so, a11 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidecaalks and cross walks. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED If Council does not approve these charges, General Pund would be required Co pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. DiSAflVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth �arbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ 4Z , 146.50 COST/REVENUE BUDGETE� (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE ASS25Sm2RtS ORLV ACTIVITVNUMBER FINANCIA� INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) 193 ro ert owners wi11 be notified of the ublic hearin and char es. �" ��RiG����� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING T�ME OF HEARING THEREON Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 ,T9511B J9510TDBC Preliminary Fina] Order 1& & J9510TDBC (9666) Boardings—Up of vacant buildings for June 1995. (9667) Summary Abatements (Property Clean—Up) for summer of 1945 (May thru August 7). XXX xxx l� approved xxx xxx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 11 th day of October, 1995, at 3:30 P.M. x�Cc9hc�tx�ficl�na����x in the Council Chambei of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pau1; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and p]ace of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot oc lots of the particula: ownec to whom the notice is directed. aqBl IeLf[�j SEP 3 01995 COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nays � akey ✓G� imm ;/Gyerin ✓�xris ✓HS gard � t tman �une Adopted by the Council: Date �� �� r � `� S Certified Passed by Council Secretary ` In Favot By O Against ���� Mayor Assessment No. 9666 & 9667 Hearing before Legislative Hearing Officer - Octobez 3, 1995 T q � Public Hearin Date - October I1 1995 RE 9-I-95 EPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL �ATE iNfTtA7E0 �� 3 4 0 2 8 Finance De artment/Rea1 Estate 9-1-95 G RE EN SH E E - �NTAG7 PERSON & PF'HONE INITIqL/OATE �NITIAlIDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOfl � GItY COONGIL ROXdRRd F11RiC 266-8859 ASSIGN QCIT'ATfOFNEY �CiTYCL.ERK UST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATEj NUMBER FON 9-13-9 p{' FOUTMG � BUOGEiO1REGTOR � FIN & MGT SERVICES Dlft. Mns �� b Pr l t n -ha� u nnnn �rSc�av��9�081�� OFDEO �MAVOR(ORASSISTANT) �Council Research TOTAI # OF StGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .TlONREOUESTED: J 9666; J9510TDBC, 9667 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up of vacant buildings for June 1995 and Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for summer of 1995 (May thru August 7}. Apprme (AI ot Re�ect �R) .__ PfANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMITiEE �._ STAFF A Public Health _ OISTftICTCOURT A Vacant Bld¢s. Sl1PPORT$ WHICH COUNplO&IECTIVE� WdT'd �L Neiahborhoods PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worKed untler a contmct tor this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNf�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3 Doeslhis person/tirm possess a skill oot normaily possessed by any current ciry employee? �ES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sM1eet Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throug the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. �s�i�`+c� 4�'.�-�����i ��� StP � 1 i995 A�VANTAGESIFAPPPOVEO: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up vacant bldgs. and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, a11 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs an all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidecoalks and cross walks. If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if no� paid. Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 42 ,146. 50 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUN�IHGSOUACE ASS0SSm2ntS Ori1V ACTIVI7YNUMBEF FlNANCIAL INFORMATION' (E%PLAIN) the public hearing and �. �-Q���l�A� City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON J95 1B & J9510TDBC �� Voting Assessment No. 9666 & 9667 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9511B (9666) Boardings—Up o£ vacant buildings for Sune 1995. J9510TDBC Preliminary (9667) Summary Abatements (Property Clean—Up) for summer of 1995 (May thru August 7). xxx Fi:sa FinalOrder xxx approved xxx The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connecUOn with the above improvement having been submitted to the CouncIl, and the CouncIl having considered same and found the said assessment saflsfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha[ a puhlic hearing be had on said assessmen[ on the 11th day of October, 1995, at 3:30 P.M. xac�tfinexlxvte��f�t3�sla�sc�x in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Crty Hall Building, in ihe City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the tkne and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. anai rcuen SEP 3 01995 COUNCILPERSOti Yeas � Nays ✓�Zakey �G imm ` /G erin rris gard ttman �une Adopted by the Council: Date� ����`� C Certified Passed by Council Secretary � In Favor By � Againsi '�`'�� Mayor Hearing before Legislative Hearing Officer - October 3, 1995 ��T a S �(�oR'� Public Hearin Date - October 21 1995 RE 9-1-95 `�j��' '- ''( DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 4 0 2 8 Finance Department/Real Estate 9-1-95 G R EE N S H EE _ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O dTV COUNdL ROX8RI13 T'LlII1C 266-8859 ASSIGN �CITVATTOFNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (�ATnE) 9-13-9 5 ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR RO S �Iater i than u noon PI1 ORDEP OMAYOfl(ORASSISTANT) �C011I1Cl1 Research a a8 � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREQUESTED: J9SIIB 9666; J9510TDBC, 9667 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up of vacant buildings for June 1995 and Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for summer of 1995 (May thru August 7). RECOMMENDATIONS Approve (A) or Re�ect (F) pERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� HaSlhis person/firm ever wo(ked untlet a Contract for ihi5 depertment? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _� STAFF A PllbllC Health 2. Has this person/firm ever bee� a ciry employee? VES NO _ DISrRIC7COURr A VBCdRt B1dQ5. 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normaliy possessetl by any current ciTy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.O&IECTIVE? WdTCl Z YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and ettach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (Who. Wha6 When. Where. Why) Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throu�hout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. ����'�� �'�'����'I �"���;5 StP ° � 19°5 -- ___r___.. �<�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up vacant bldgs. and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sota chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from side��alks and cross walks. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth Karbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4Z , 146. 50 COST/flEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ASSeS5m2ntS Only ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 193 ro ert owners will be notified of the ublic hearin and char es.