95-1083Council File # �S_ �± _ �Q g3 Green Sheet# 340'I1 A _ RESOLUTION .- _�{�jOF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� T / Presented By: Referred To: " Committee: Date: WI on April 12, 1995, the City Council approved Final Order 95-387, in the matter of candemning and taking fee title to the property at 722 Payne Avenue to construct the Eastem District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, and WHEREAS, City officiais have negotiated and signed a Auchase Agieement with JESCO Group, Inc. owner of the said property, establishing a pwchase price of $1,392,210, which price zepxesents the faiz markef value of the pmperty as built ont to the specifications of the Police Depaf¢nent; and V�ffiREAS, the Real Estate Division has calculated that the cost of required fumishings for t}le facility will be $50,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESC�LVED, by the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul, upon reeommendafian of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that e C�pital Improvement Bndget, as heretofore adapted and amended bv the Council, is hereby further emended in lli� followi�g p icul s: ' a m G �' w ;� � Current Amended FINANCING PLAN a� � Butlget Ch�nge Budgef Relocahon of East Team Pohce Site .3 �,d C95-4A002 ,� `^ ss 1995 CIB Bonds -� � � 1,2�0,000 1,250,000 StateofMinnesota ti " 250,000 (250,000) 0 1994/1995 CIB Bond interest eami s� m 0 192,210 192,210 � b� o ],500,000 (57,790) ],442,210 SPENDING PLAN m � � Relocafion of East Team Potice Site ��� ' C45-4D002-0518 cs �i Mayor's Contingency o� S 1,500,000 (1,500,000) 0 C95-4D002-0891 "� � —, � Purchase of Fac$ity ��� � q 0 1,392,210 1,392,210 C9S-4D002-0818 �• U �rnishings m � 0 >0,000 50,000 �; �' � 1,SOO,OOQ (57,790) ],442,210 s�. ..� a BE TT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, tlxaT the proper City officials aze heteby authorized and direcYed to execute the purchase and fiunishing of the said property on behalf of ihe Police Depaztment of the City oP 5aint Paul. reas_ � � Nays � � Absent � � Requested by D�partment of: Grimm Gaerin Hamis By: Reftman �/ Thune � � 0 Ap roval Recommended y dget Director: Adopted byCOUncil: Date � By: j�^�_ . ~ Atloption Certified 6y Council SecreWry: Form A roved by City Attorney: ,r /f BY: By: � �- ii� f � \ � � Approved by Mayor. �4� � Appr�ved,' ' y for S miss'on to uncil;, By: By: C.��� PrepareCbyYneMayofspffice- u0get5ec4on FWSERS\ENGEL1�231RESEASTWK4 09fOfi195 Police r 0 Police Pesoa and Phone I3nmbet L�. JOQ POISki be oa Cvnnal Date: ���� � , ' _�s 8 j28 f 1995 Green Shcet Nnmber. 34p17 1 DF.PARIT�TT DIIiA,Cl'OR 5 QTY COUNC�, � (T1Y ATPORNL+SC � , (ZIILK & MGl. SVG DII2. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (QdP ALI. LOCAIYONS POR SIGNATURE) authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute the purchase of the property located at 722 ne Avenue for the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Poliee Department. Ref: Resolution for sideration; 2. Copy of F'mal Order 95-387 authorizing purchase; 3. Copy of Purchase Agreement for property. PIANNIIJG COMMIS40N C[VfI-SERVICE COMI�IISSION A.� ��, ��soxe� s�vic:e corrrxncrs t�nrsr �swEx� rou.owmi�: �� 1. Has We pexsoa/Srm ever worked undcr a contract for tbis depadmcnt? YES NO Has this peson/Srm ever been a Caty employrc? YSS NO C@ COMl�II1ZEE Aoes tbis person/Eroi possess a still not noimall9 P°�� b9 �°➢ _ Curreut Gty employee? YPS NO laia all YES answexs on a Sepatate sheet and a[qcL. 'ORTS WfIICH COUNCQ.OBiEC£SVE2 couricn.w�u�s� 6 nisnucrrinrrrmvc wuivcu. g ATING PAOBI.EM, IS5UP OPPOltl'UNTSY (Who, Whak When, Whexe, Why?x April 12, 1495 the Council approved Final Order# 95-387, anthorizin� hase of the facility ited at 722 Payne Avenue to replace the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, ;.h is inadequate for its purpose �u� �p >g95 � 1FAPPROVED; ;w�i� A Police Department will have a facility sufficient to the needs of the Eastern District of the Police IF APPROVID: �'�;� i:�� Eastern Division of the Palice Department would remain in its current location, which is insufficient inappropriate for its needs. - _. sovrrr oa xn�x.sncriox $ 1,44 2, 210 cosr�v�r� sunGSrsn �cmc� o� �s xo ��� 1995 CIB Bonds/ 1994/95 CIB Bond Inter�s�i C95-4D002-08XX-�0000 INPORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Earnings ` F.��I.S./REA� ESTATE QIVISION Pcxson an4 Phonc Numbcr. Dave Nelson 266-8850 � "�, . � . `, T i . . � i �. (+ £. �✓. . � � ° ' � ` I x � i �,il$'1Fk���ti3� <l 1/26f95 Green Sheet Number. 3'f38`s � UP.PARIM(?Kl' DIRI�.CI�OR 2 CT1Y COUNCIL csrr arroxrttn c,rrv ct.r_tuc .� — �. BUDGG'S' D[RSC1'OR i'[N. &. MCT. SVG D[A '. MAYOR (ORASSISTiINl) 7 UNQI. RPSTi�RCFI b�onCouocilAgcoaaby:2-22-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 2/10/9 ll. # OP SIGNANRL PAGPS I (Q.CP AI.L IACt1770NS POR SIGNANRL� set a hearing date to approve the condemnation and taking of property. To approve condemnation and ing of property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of relocating the Poi'sce Department's East trict Office. Ref: 1. Preliminary Order; 2. Map showing location of said property. Number 18788. PIANfiING COM1vIIS5[ON A C[VQ. SERVICE COMhIISS[ON c�t cor.u.irt'rt� W3IIQi COUN(II.OH7H(.TIVE? :••• �••� L'RSONAL SLRVICE CONl'RACIS MUSS ANSWL'RTHL� S�OI,IAWING: �� 1. flas Nc personJlrm c�cr woticcd undcr a 000tract for this departmcnt? YE?S NO flas this person(6rm cvcr becn a Gty cmployee? YI:S NO . n� ���o/�,ro � a Sev �oc ��ur t� br �+r Cnx=cnt Gty emp{oycc? YL'S NO Br�laia all YPS aoswecs on a scparete shcet and anach. COLJI3CQ. WARD(S7 ( D{SI'RICT PLINI3ING COUNQI, S fATIIVG PROBLE�f, I.SSUP OPPOR7VNiTY (W6o, What, W6cn, Whcre, WLy?): � current East District Office of the Police Department, located at fi99 East Seventh Street is inadeq its purpose. Action has been requested to acquire fhe above mentioned property. �VAM'AGES IF APPROVF,D: he Police Department will be better able to serve the East Side Community of Saint Paul. �.,, _ - , � .,,:�:: � = SADVANI'qGPS IPAPPROVIiD: �' '" rt „rt : _ i. � c: � � one �� IVANI'AGL�S IF NOT APPROVL�D: Police Department must either continue to operate from inadequate facilities or find an alternative AMOUNI' OF TI2ANSAC170N: SOUI2CH- IIVPORMAT70N: (EXP1AI7v� $1,250 000 cosrlxL�viirrue nuDCeiT>_D <cixcl.r oNe� > ACI7VPfY NUM[3P,R YLS NO � CIB Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250,000 ..- CITY OF - SAINT PAIIL PRELIMZNAHY OBDSR ������ a � �5 �a5 � �0�3 COUACIL PILE P0. " I H;��G�t-C,efid�`---- _ FILE NO. 18788 VOTING WA$D 6 In tbe Matter of Condemning and taking fee title in that property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constructing the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said property is legally described as follows: Borup and Payne's Addition to St. Paul, Lots 14 through 17, Block 4 and that part of LoC 18 Block 4 lying Westerly of and parallel 'to the centerline of Northern Pacific Railway. The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 ' , ' ' ' , hereby resolves: bac,l�arou �t�..,r�c.0.��cr.l w:\1 b�. av4;1ti1a1e� . � . Rpr�\ \a�'''1 1. T h a t�r a ...�_ « r, _ �, t, .. f , -�,_z� �°�n-, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,250,000. financed by Capital Improvement Sonds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day " April, 1995, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice o£ said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COIINCILPERSONS Yeas � Nays B�llakey �/ imm ,/G�fe r i n �/H ris �gard tman hune ORIG�NAL Adopted by Council Certified Passed by Date �O 5 \ � Council Secretary �Zn Favor By �� �Against Mayor _= � I ` ��r �% J�.n�G•n - � � r -,'_ ' _ _ ____ ' ' ' _ � _ _ _ _ 6 3 Z _ _ _ - _ _ � r - a 'a12 � � I /< �� ' r t� � � / � �� �p , ! p 1 ^� � � p s�_� � W�, q5 - 3��7 �' � J � ��s�_ � �,� c a � � � �' 1� i 6 � t cJ in c o � ��, �/� � �� Q n !"' e � � ( . N� �� r �Q /_ v, f �� > � 'v • � � � � i ' N \, � ��('� O' C� � R1 1 t' F 7'F � ` 1 � �O r O� ' a o' � � , ; , � � � �� ,�� o � � i � , � � /�j i � � �`��.��� _ , r � ' / - i � � 0� i � � � � S'!LZ � � - � �' ri � . r � � o �, „ � � r -=� t .,�•«, -y ,� � -� o � � � � � �.' y � C�il V ��r, � � � !n �� . ti_ �� �/ ` S w RI \ .,� �' ���� r Q� S � � � "i � ?", - r �• : V' �� � v � %.". _ : • _�� SII! .' C • :?a, ' � � �N ) � � • '. =r*e. t� � �`�� � Q `. � : �! ' ' � :�'t a. �IV _ � G . . �:a� - � , '3 � L._—' J sr.i.:, , � _ -`! . : -c. s �, `� 0� C .� ,.i sj .. �- a .. � � .� � � : .�` ` > '� '' K' �- u • '� -- _= �' — = .: � .sF. � �Y=. � :, " = .i. -x •.;; � ..;a n Y� . - -- � �7 , � ` i _� � � �'^ �{y � + ` � ` � �j �s �� � v a i ° �:- T. . ;a . .+� �� S ^ n ' 0. o to F`�p V . rS - - -''x �o^o° �_ • �"� r � ti °' si�z, m � >'- 'K . ° -��J� Qi e� N J ¢32� � ^ ' � `�^ Y.1. ��.�' ::� s?� E SZ v v e Z�L7 � "' � � . SF/ r"� '-� /. .. _�,a.....: ... _W..•/ . �---} � N �l�'d � i °T o o J:J ^ SF/ " �.rr�;'"�r:��Sdr""'_'r_. :;� � o m d �' � 'i' , n 1,_ ' �\ a � � N c '� I v. e-. b sr i K i � ` � v - _ \ }� I �' C M; � �r y N i c� � N f` - r r F� °�` i� �� _�, ( � � � Li � � �\ I ^ -- `=' M �y � ry <`+ M � � - v V u � N v ^ ", � o I = � M m � � ! M e o ` -\'_`t _ N � I N ' � - i I `-' c , �. - =� . � - - nf � c a _ � � _ - _ n h v v � � --�-�^ I r s ` �l q[ `p �— ^ / � � i• � � N v T b � � � ' ' .� �: . y �' � /, � �n � _ _ _ _� - - � c h �1 _�, O n _ � -�+ � �. 5 V ' ' � fu ° ? y __ 3 � `/ � _� _ _ _ _ _ L� � "� �1_ � = Y� � /1 n r\ < � m � � � ° `'� ' � - — -----'�` � � � � •°o �7 !� SAtNT C'AUL � Alt(!A � � Interdepartrnental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Joe Reid Budget D'uector From: Dave Nelson Real Estate Manage Date: September 11, 1995 qs - i o�� ..: :4;.::.�,,.;s�.;:<:...:;�_.:.,::,:>:>_:.......,:y,<. ..,.<„<>,...::. �,..,: ,::�>._ <.�.:.::�: �...:.::_:;;£�.�:<:,,...:;:•.,:�:;:-,.� ..:...::::.:.::: Su��tc:.-.::;_:>;<::;,<.:��:.><;��s�f�n <.�eeY�::�ort�:��st��Te�mi': ;.�+ic ��o�z.��::-> J. ...:�.:�;:;.:.:.>..,...._........ ..�....., .:....:........: . � � �.::..:�.:.���„ , ��._�..�N,�_,.«_. �� ,�._ .�.,.��..�....... ._> In follow up to all the questions I have received, I have prepared the following responses: i. 2. How is the purchase price of $1,392,210 broken down? Attached is a breakdown of the land and building (as is), hard construction cost and the various soft costs. The apgraised market value of the properTy, based on its highest and best use as commercial properiy, was estimated by Mike Bettendorf, the City's independent fee appraiser at $245,000, as of June 18, 1994: Land $218,000 Building $ 27,000 Totai Appraised Market Value $245,000 I contacted Mr. Bettendorf to inquire if he had a sense of any real change since his 1994 appraisal. Mr. Bettendorf indicated that he did not believe there has been any significant change in value since 7une 1994. 3. The following is a recent history of the market value of the subject property, as prepared by the Ramsey County, Department of Property Taxation. T'he values reflect Industrial zoning of the properly, as when it was part and parcel to the Hamms Brewery Company, now Stroh Brewery Company. In 1993, Ramsey County reduced the assessed valuation on the property based on physical obsolescence of the buiiding and its failure, as income property, to produce an income stream. 1992 Land $ 54,700 Bldg 242 900 Total $297,6�0 1994 Land $ 97,000 Bldg 1000 Total $ 98,000 1993 Iand $ 84,900 Bldg 000 Tota1 $ 85,900 1995 Land $ 97,000 Bldg 1000 Total $ 98,000 �5—���� • The primary distinction between the City's appraised value of $245,000 and that of tbe Assessor, is that the City's appraiser determined the highest and best use of the property as commercial, rather than industrial. Consequently, the market value of the land as commercial is about twice as much as for industrial land. In reviewing the appraisal by the City's independent fee real estate appraiser, the Real Estate Division concurred Mr. Bettendorfs conclusions. 4. Ownership of Jebco Group, Inc. is as follows: John E.Blomquist ........................................... 60% A trust agreement for the benefit of Peter J. Biomquist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40% 5. Traditionally, the City purchases a property, then employs an architect to design the building and, finally, bids the construction. When this project was first being considered by the C�ty, back in 1992-1993, we decided to provide as many ways as possible for the marketplace to respond, as long as the City achieved a quality site and facility for a fair price. The City received proposals based on three approaches: a. Lease the space as built out to the Cit}�s specifications; � b. "As is" sale of the Property, with tbe City to build out the space or construct a new building; and c. "Turn key" sale of the property, with the seller to build out the space to the Cit}�s specifications, the sale to take piace upon completion, of the construction. When the East Team Facility Task Force analyzed the proposals, with the professional assistance of the LIEP Design Section, the "turn key" approach proved to be the most cost effective proposal for the 722 Payne site. The costs established by; a. The LIEP Design Division estimated the C�ty's cost under the "as is" approach would have been $1,475,467. b. The Request for Proposal submitted by the Seller in 1993 indicated that, under the "turn Key" approach, the City's estimated cost would be $1,183,000. Additionally, the "turn key" approach, by combining the sale, design and construction into one contract, provided a more direct time line for completion and occupancy. � � s- ���� • 6. The Seller informed the City that the property was broken into around July 31 and some of the electrical and heating compQnents were removed. My response to the Seller was: As unfortunate as this incident may be, any uninsured losses or damage as a result of this incident are the Sellers responsibility, and are clearly not the City's problem. A footnote: The purchase price from the Seller, dated July 6, 1995, of $1,392,210, is the same price as state in the Seller's letter to the City of August 24, 1995. In the event a break in wouid occur at the properly after the purchase agreement is signed and construction started, the Seller would have property insurance in place, and the contractor would carry Builder's Risk Insurance on the project. u 7. Following are the assessments against the property for years 1489 through 1495: Assessment Principal Interest Assessment Principal Interest 1988 Maintenance $1124.00 Sewer Charge $ 628.00 Recycling $ 50.63 Manaeement $ 11.50 1989 $ 0.00 Sueet Maintenance $1263.00 $ 0.00 Storm Sewer Charge $ 628.OQ $ 0.00 Waste Recycling $ 62.56 $ 0.00 aste Management $ 11.40 1990 Maintenance $1290.00 Sewer Charge $ 657.00 Recycling $ 68.46 Sewer $ 204.55 1992 Maintenance $1387.00 Sewer Charge $ 709.00 Management $ 64.56 Sewer $ 44.55 1991 $ 0.00 Street Maintenance $1333.00 $ 0.00 Storm Sewer Charge $ 675.00 $ 0.00 Waste Recycling $ 73.98 S 29.17 Storm Sewer $ 103.31 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 II IIP 1 11 1 11 16.93 1993 $ 0.00 Street Maintenance $1374.00 $ 0.00 Storm Sewer Charge $ 709.00 $ O.QO Waste Management $ 60.28 S 10.69 Storm Sewer $ 44.55 1994 Maintenance $1488.00 Sewer Charge $ 747.00 Management $ 61.02 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ � �i � �� � �� 1995 Maintenance $1512.00 Sewer Charge $ 873.00 Management $ 261.28 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 11 1 11 1 11 :1 0.00 0.00 O.OQ 2.67 � -- --- - - - __. -- �is-���� � : According to Ramsey County Tasation, as of today, September 11, 1995, all assessments have been paid. Recap on the Cost of the project as per City Council Resolution 95-1083: Real Bstate and Buildout of 722 Payne $1,392,210.00 Systems furnishings $ 50.000.00 Total Cost $1,442,210.00 � � Should you have any further questions, please contact either myself at 26fi-8860 or Joe Polsld at 242-3764. cc: Council President Thune CouncIl Member Harris Council Member Rettman Council Member Guerin Chief Finney Lt. Joe Polski, PD Project Manager Ron HIine, Budget Off'ice Council Member Blakey CouncIl Member Megard Council Member Grimm Mark Shields, Mayor's Chief of Staff Martha Larson, Director of FMS Peter White, Real Estate Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Office CIB (Eastbref� 0 �j � •� N .�.. O � w C R � ❑ C w' � U N w � F y W • �i a a � > N U � � � a�i d U F b � m - U � y O �s� - �� V1 Q N .: � � �, Y � � � � � .� y q 0 w O 0 U N N � a � � a � �; � 0 U � 0 � � .� � .- �� `9 3 'V . 3 a � v 4 O N � � N [� � �n � b � � T ����� 0 n b ' O � M . r (�1 � � � � m O O O �N o q N O O� fi �'s � �D � � F/3 69 N N � � y � � � � � cn 00 � � U 0 y O � G a O .� � � � U y O '� � O � '� O G u. U o„ U o� a 0 � a� $. w � V O ��� Vf O � y � V ° � ° V o � .$ ,�, � '� b .. � U A U U a V x 0 F O � x �- O O O h � 9 b . Pa � q a" 9 0 U �: 0 � 0 N '� N V U ' C a. U aa T ^ >. � � � O O� O� O O O�n � � � � � � � h O O O O O O O O M o o v o 0 0 0 O(++ (+5 th [� M O M C� � sgsFi�� vj� vrv� l� O � O h � � .-� � �, � 0 0 0 � H �n N n � � m � U N 4 � � C m " U x '� w K �U�� 8U E N � o p o � >. o ° D � U � � .5 W m �c d o � � ° � ° Q�-1 W ti! V rn A U A � � F v � F O � O N � � _� � O � O O N V) p O O � � � � � U o � R � c0 a U v O O O N � 0 N N � m � c G a w O F �CS-���� ❑ 1. 2. 3. 4. • 5. � 7 : CtTY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASE AGREEMENT Date: September 15. 1995 L.ocation of the Real Estate: 722 Pavne Avenue Saint Paul. Minnesota SS1Q1-4127 Legal Description of the sale property: All of Lots 1D through 17, Block 4, Borup and Payne Addition to Saint Paul, together with those parts of Lots 18 and 19 in said Block 4 lying westerly of a line 50 feet westerly of and pazallel to the center line of the Northem Pacific Railway Right-of-Way. Parties to the agreement: � � Name and address of Buyer: Citv of Saint Pau] - PD in c/o Lt Joe Polski 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul. Minnesota 55101 Name and address of Seller: JEBCO Group. Inc. 360 Robert Street Saint Paul. Minnesota 55101-1503 Purchase price accepted by Seller, $1.392.210.00, is contingent upon the successful completion of the buildout of the property (as described in Paragraph 7 of this agreement). The terms and conditions of this Purchase Agreement are subject to approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Buildout of the Buiiding and Site. a. The buildout shall wnform to tY�e plans and specifications as prepared by Shea Architects, Inc. and dated September 13, 1495. b. Further, changes requested by either the Seller or the Buyer after formal approval of the design development documents, must be made in writing and signed by both parties and must be in compliance with Paragraph 12 of this agreement. Shea Architects, Inc. shall be the provider of professionai design services. The Buyer shall approve, in writing, any change of professional design services provider. `�S-1o�3 Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue • Page 2 9. Tbe Seller shall provide to the Buyer a Schedule of Values for the project, prior to tbe commencement of Work on the site. Progress payments shall be payable on a monthly basis, or according to a mutually agreed upon timetable. Seller sball submit an Application for Payment in accordance with the Schedule of Values and based upon tbe cost of Work completed and materials stored on the site or at other locations approved by the Buyer. Within twenty (20} days after receipt of each monthly Application for Payment, the Buyer, acting in the capacity of construction Lender, shall make progress paymenis to tbe Seller in the appropriate amount for with Application(s) for Payment sball have been submitted less 5%, which percenta;e shall be retained as a contingency reserve untii completion of the buildout and transfer of the properiy. Completion of the Work shall be sub}ect to verification by tbe Seller's Architect; and the scope, materials and workmanship shall be subject to review and approval by the Buyer, acting in its capacity as construction Lender. If the Buyer fails to pay the Seller at the time payment of any amount becomes due, the 5eller may, at any time tbereafrer, upon serving written notice that the Work will be stopped within five (5) days a£ter receipt of the notice by the Buyer, and after such five (S) day period, stop tl�e Work until payment of the amount owing has been received. Buyer shall pay interest on payments due but unpaid, as provided by law. • At the time of closing, any unpaid balance, 3ncluding the percentage retained as a contingency less the cost of any disputed work, shall be due and payable. 10. Buyer shall have the option to require the General Contractor to obtain a performance Bond for the project, in which case tbe purchase price shall be 9ncreased by the amount of such bond premium plus an appropriate 15% administration fee. 11. The Seller shall observe the dictates of the Davis-Bacon Act and Caty Ordinances, specifically Administrative Code 82.07 requiring in all contracts over $10,000 that contractors must pay employees the prevailing wage. 12, Change Orders for the buildout shall be permitted only according to the following procedures: a. The Buyer sball be given copies of all Change Orders initiated by the Seller; and it shall be the Buyer's responsibility to advise tbe Seller within &ve (5) days, commencing on tbe date the Buyez receives notice of the Change Order, when tbe terms of such Cbange Orders materially modify the scope and intent of the Work. b. In those circumstances, if any, in which the Buyer has notified the Seller within the allotted five (S) days that the Buyer believes a Change Order has materially modified the scope and intent of the Wark, the Seiler must demonstrate that any changed . specifications will be equal to or improve upon the specifications contained in the Contract Documents. �s-�d�3 Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue • Page 3 c. Any additional costs resulting from Seller initiated change orders will be borne by the Seller unless the Buyer has agreed, in advance and in writing, to assume such additional costs. d. Any additional costs resulting from Buyer initiated change orders shall be borne by the Buyer unless the Seller has agreed, in advance and in writing to assume such additional costs. The Contractor shall submit an itemized list of the costs of such Change Orders to the Seller, who shall add JEBCO Group, Inc.'s administrative fee, not to exceed fifteen percent (15%), to cover AiE and management costs of tbe Change Order. e. Any savings resulting from Cbange Orders, whether initiated by tbe Seller or the Buyer, shall be deducted from tbe purchase price. 13. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within thirty (30) days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owner's Certif'icate of Titie. Seller agrees, at Sellers's cost and eapense, to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on tbe Buyer's "Commitment to Tnsure" title examination report. 14. If, within fifty-five (55) days of the signing by both parties of this purchase agreement, an unforeseeable circumstance develops that would make the Seller responsible for substantial unanticipated costs to complete the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Seller shall � have tbe right to terminate this agreement. Upon such termination, any earnest money or other payments already submitted shall be refunded to the Buyer. 15. All notices required herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or mailed to the address as shown in Paragraph 4, above, and, if mailed, shall be effective as of the date of mailing. 16. Closing shall occur upon substantial completion of the buiidout to the scope and specifications outlined in design development documents, at which time the title to the premises shall be conveyed to the Buyer and the finai disbursement of funds shall be made. 'The Closing date shall be March 19. 1996, which date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Seller shall pay ail closing costs. Substantial completion of the Work, or a designated portion thereof, shall mean the date on which construction has been sufficientiy completed, in accordance with design development documents, as to accommodate occupanry or use for its intended purpose of the Project or a designated portion thereof. The date of substantial completion of the Work sball be confirmed by a Certificate of Substantial Completion signed by the Buyer and Seller, and by the issuance of a Certi�cate of Occugancy as required by law. If causes beyond the Seller's control delay the progress of the Work, the date of Substantial Completion shall be modified by Change Ordez as appropriate. Such causes may include but not be limited to: changes ordered in the Work, acts or omissions of the Buyer, prevention by the Buyer of performance of the Wark by the Seller pending any resolution • of dispute, discovery of hazardous materials, differing site conditions, adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipated, fire, unusual transportation delays, labor disputes or unavoidable accidents or circumstances. G15 - la�� Purchase A.greement 722 Payne Avenue • Page 4 17. At the closing, the Seller shall convey marketable fee utle to the Buyer by Warranty Deed. 18. Seller shall pay all taYes payable in 1995, as well as any delinquent ta�ces not yet paid. Seller shall pay all assessments levied and pending against said property as of the ciate of closing. Seller shall provide buyer with proof of payment of ta�ces and assessments. Any assessments, tases, and liens not paid as of the date of ciosing, shall be withheld from the purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taYes payable in 199fi and thereafter. 19. At the closing, the Seller shall provide mechanics' lien waivers for all contractors, general contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. 2Q. Seller shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as defined in section ii5A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1983; and that, other than as shown in the Phase I, II and III studies performed on the property by Peer Environmental, Inc., there is no basis to conclude that this property has been subject to or contaminated by the release of any bazardous substance, hazardous waste, pollutants of contaminants as defined in Section 115B.02 of the Minnesota Statutes. 21. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and tt�e conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and perfortned by or through the • closing, survive the closing and the conveyance of title to the property. The Seller shall warrantee the materials and worl�anship specified in design development documents for a period af one year following the closing date. 22. This contract sha11 be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 23. Representation a. The representative of the Buyer is . The representative of the Buyer shall be fully acquainted with the Work and shall serve as the point of contact for the Buyer. b. T'he representative of the Seller is . The representative of the Seller shall be fully acquainted with the Work and shall serve as the point of contact for the Seller. 24. Dispute Resolution a. Initial Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises out of the interpretation of any article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretation of the Construction Agreement or its breach, the parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute first through direct discussions. If the dispute cannot be settled through direct discussions, the parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute by mediation under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of tlae American Arbitration Association before recourse to arbitration. The location of the mediation shall be the location of the Project. The . parties agree to conclude such mediation within sucty (60) days of the filing by one party with the other contracting party and the American Arbivation Association of a request for mediation. Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue • Page 5 �S-Io�3 b. Agreement to Arbitrate. Any controversy or claim arising out of the interpretation of any article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretaflon of the Construction Agreement or its breach that cannot be resoived by mediation, except for claims that have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. c. Notice of Demand. A written demand for arbitration sball be filed with tbe American Association and the other party to this Agreement within a reasonable time after the dispute or claim has arisen, but in no event after tbe applicable statute of limitations for a legal or equitable proceeding would have run. d. Award. The arbitration award shall be final. Judgement upon the award may be confirmed in any court having jurisdiction. e. Work Continuance and Payment. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, tbe Seller shall continue the Work and maintain the approved schedules during any arbitration proceedings. If the Seller continues to perform, the Seller shall continue to make payments in accordance with this Agreement. • f. Multiparty Proceeding. The parties agree that all parties necessary to resolve a claun shall be parties to the same arbitration proceeding. Appropriate provisions shall be included in all contracts relating to the Work to provide for the consolidation of arbitrations. g. Cost of Dispute Resolution. The prevailing party in any dispute arising out of the interpretation of arry article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretation of the Construction Agreement or its breach that is resolved by arbitration or litigation shall be entitled to recover from the other pariy reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred by the prevailing party in connection with such arbitration or litigation. � �IS-Io�-� Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue . Page 6 SELLER: : u BUYER: B Police Department By: � Real Estate Division (eastprc7) Date: Date: Date: � �i� �r, a,�a aia � ,5 ' � �' �3 � � � � � � � � � � � N �'� � � y , EAST SiDE POLfCE TEAM FACILfTY ST. PAUL, MN OUTLtNE SPECIFICATION DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 SHEA ARCHITECTS, 1NC. COMMISSION #3815.00 � 1 � � , � PROJECT: lOCA710N: ' OWNER (SELLER): � � BUYE2• � PROJEC7 MANA6ER: �' ARCH/TECT.• � � STRUCTUR.4L ENGINEfR: � � East Side Police Team Facility 722 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN JEBCO GROUP, INC. 360 North Robert Street, #700 St. Paul, MN 55101 612-222-3081 612-2223085 (fau) CITY OF ST. PAUL PD in c/o Lt. Joe Polski 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 CBA LTD 1221 Nicollet Mall #216 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-342-9300 612-342-9301 (faX} SHEA ARCHITECTS, INC. 100 North 6th Street, #650C Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-339-2257 612-349-2930 CLARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 2815 Wayzata Boulevard South Minneapotis, MN 55405 612-374-4740 612-374-4749 �5- Ic��3 � MECHAN/CAL/ELECTR/CAL STEEN ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SERV. INC. ENG/NEfRS: 4215 Winnetka Avenue North, Suite 257 New Hope, MN 55428 612-546-8553 � 6'12-546-7523 � � � ,� �' DOCUMENTS �� � �� � � � �J � � � � �� DIVISION 1 Scope and intent of Documents DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK 02050 02513 02831 DIVIS{ON 4 - MASONRY 04200 D1VfS10N 5 - METALS 0512� 05310 DIVISION 6- WOOD AiJD PLASTfCS 06100 06115 06400 TABLE OF CONTENTS Allowances Options �5-���3 East Side Police Team Facility Demolition Asphaitic Concrete Paving Chain �ink Fenci�g/Gates Unit Masonry Structrual Steel Roof Deck Rough Carpentry Wood Deck Architectural Casework DIVISION 7- THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07210 Building Insulation 07510 Buiit-up Asphalt Roofing System 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07900 Sealants DiVISION 8- DOOR AND WfNDOWS 08110 08210 08300 08650 087�0 08800 DIVISION 9 - FtNISHES � 09250 09310 09330 � 09510 09650 09680 09900 � Metal Doors and Frames Fiush Wood Doors Special Doors Speciaf Windows Finish Hardware Glazing Gypsum Wallboard Ceramic Tile Quarry Tile Acoustical Ceiiings Resilient Flooring Carpet Painting � � � � ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10100 10160 10200 10400 �0500 10520 10670 10860 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11131 DIVISlON 12 - Furnishincts 12500 TABLE OF CONTENTS East Side Police Team Facility ��-io83 Marker Boards and Tackboards Toiiet Partitions Louvers Identifying Devices Lockers Fire EMinguisher Storage Shelving Toilet and Bath Accessories Projection Screen Window Treatment Table of Contents i � � � � u � � � � � � � ,� � � � �5- io� East Side Poiice Team Facifity DIVISION 1 SCOPE AND fNTENT OF DOCUMENTS SCOPE AND INTENT - The Owner (Seifer) intends to perform afi of the Work required or reasonabiy inferred by the Design Development Documents, which have been prepared in connection with a certain building located at 722 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN. Such Work is also reierced to as "Buildout of the Building and Site" and an enumeration of the Design Development Documents is described as follows: Outline Specification, Design Development Documents, prepared by Shea Architects, Inc. (Architect) and dated September 13, 1995. P{ans (Drawings�, prepared by Shea Architects, Inc. dated September 13, 1995, described as foilows: 1. DD1 - Site Plan 2. DD2 - Construction Plan 3. DD3 - Elevations 4. DD4 - Scheduies 5. M2 - HVAC/Plumbing 6. E2 - Lighting 7. E3 - Power & Systems Subject to the execution of the Buyer/Seller Purchase Agreement (Purchase Agreement) and its approval by the Councii of the City of St. Paul, on or about September 20, 1995, ihe Selfer shail cause the Architect to prepare Construction Documents that are suitable for construction purposes. Subject to Revisions and/or Modifications, as may be required to satisfy codes, laws or regulation of governing agencies, such Construction Documents shall be prepared in conformance with the Design Development Documents. ALLOWANCES -The Purchase Price includes the following Allowance Amounts which are intended to cover certain items for which the Scope of Work and Pricing has not been determined. At such time that Fina1 Requirements have been determined and approved by the Buyer, the Owner (Seiler) shall cause necessary Plans and Specifications for the Allowance Work items to be completed by the Architect and priced by the Owner (Seller)'s General Contractor. Subject to the provisions of the Purchase Agreement, in the event that the total of the amounts set forth hereinbelow exceeds the total cost for performing Allowance Work, the Purchase Price shall be decreased in the amount of such excess. In the event that the total of the amounts set forth hereinbelow is less than the tota� cost for performing Allowance Work, the Purchase price shall be increased by the difference between the total cost of performing Allowance Work and the total of the amounts set forth hereinbefow: Division 1 Scope and intent of Documents � L �� t 11 � ' , C� Ll ' 1 � � ' ' � 1 J � �5 �c�?g3 East Side Police Team Faciiity DIV1SlON 1 - continued Allowances are as follows: • A1 - Door Release and N Monitoring Systems $500.00 • A2 - Public Address and Intercom Systems 2,000.00 • A3 - Building Egress a�d Intesior Circulafion Modifications 500.00 made necessary by Code Requirements • A4 - Data and Telephone Lines/Equipment 9,200.00 (exciuding associated conduit) OPTIONS -The Owner (Seller), subject to availabiiity, price and performance criteria, has the sole option of selecting the Roof Deck type, whether it be steel, solid wood deck or laminate wood deck. The Owner (Seller)'s Roof Deck selection shall not cause an increase or decrease to the Purchase Price. The scope of work exciudes asbestos abatement and demolition within the basement area. 0 END OF DIVISION 1 Division i Scope and Intent of Documents ' � � � � � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 � 1.�2 � 1.03 � � � � ,� � � � SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITION � �5 - i0�3 East Side Poiice Team Facifity All existing interior walls, ceili�gs, finishes, fixtures, equipment, windows, doors, etc., to be removed, including existing perimeter wall insulation and finish. All existing surfaces inciuding basement to be cleaned/prepared as required to receive new finishes/construction. All as6estos/hazardous materials to be removed by qualified contractor, in compliance with current codes. Existing roof structure to remain exposed after construction shall be cleaned. �' END OF SECTION � � 0205D Demolftion � � � � �5-�0�3 East Side Poiice Team Facility SECTION 02513 - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 MNDOT 2341 wearing coat over existing paving. Prepare existing paving as required. 1.02 Striping to be two coats of chlorinated rubher-alkyd type traffic lane marking paint in 4" wide � stripes. � � � � � � � D � END OF SECTION D2513 Asphaltic Concrete Paving i i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Y ��-��� East S+de Police Team Facility SECSION 02831 - CHA1N LINK FENCINGIGATES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Chain link fencinglgates to be galvanized systems in the locationstheights indicated on the drawings, and in fuli compliance with Chain Link Manufacturers Institute product manuai and applica6le ASTM standattis 1.02 All gates are manually operated. END OF SECTION - 02831 Chain Link Fencing/Gates � � � � � � � �� � � �° � � 1� �5- �og� East Side Police Team Faciiity SECTION 04200 - UNIT MASONRY PART 1 GENERAt 1.61 CONDfTIONS OF THE CONTRACT A. The Conditions of the Contract {General, Supplementary, and Other Conditions) and the General Requirements (Sections of Division 1), apply to the work of this section. 1.02 MATERIALS A. Mortar, ASTM C270, Type S B. Concrete block, ASTM C90, Grade N, Type 1. C. Wail reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to AS7M A80. D. Brick, SW of a type determined by Architect and approved by Owner. I All masonry laid running bond. �.03 TUCKPOINTING All existing 6rick to be tuckpointed as required to repair ai{ looselcracked joints. PART 2 PRODUCTS N!A PART 3 EXECUTION N/A END OF SECTIQN 04200 Unit Maso�ry i 1 � �' � � � � � � � � � � � { ��- ��� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 05120 - STRUGTURAL STEEL PART 1 GENERAL 1.0� Provide steel beams, channels or angles for the support of roof top mecha�ical units and around duct penetrators through the roof decking. A. S1eel to be ASTM A36. B. Steel to be shop painted with 2 to 3.5 mill coating of fabricators standards shop paint. See Roof Finish Schedule for fieid painting requvements. END OF SECTION 0�120 Structural Steel � ! � � � � � � � � � � � � � �.�r"�{�� East Side Pofice Team Facilfty SECTION 05310 - STEEL ROOF DECK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Provide steel roof deck: 1-1(2 inch - 20 gauge-type "B°, meeting the requirements of the Steel deck lnstitute. A. Deck to be attached to all supports with 5/8" round puddle weid in a 36/4 pattem. Side laps to be secured with one (1) intermediate #10 Tekscrew. B. Qeck to receive orte coat of manufacturer's standard baked on rusi-inhibitive prime finish paint. See Room Finish Schedule for field painting requirements. C. The Owner, subject to availability, price and performance criieria, has the soie option in seiecling the roof deck type, whethet ii be as noted above or under Section 06115 Wood Deck. END OF SECTION 05310 Steei Roof Deck i 1 � � � � � ��-�0�3 East Side Police Team FaciliTy SEC710N 66115 - WOOD DECK PART 1 GENERAL 1.Oi Provide wood decking spanning ihe 6'-8" purlin spacing, of a type listed below: All deck sha11 meet the requirements of "National Design Standard for Wood Construction", i991 Edition. � Solid Deck: Generally maiching the existing roof deck, similar species, strength and size. Laminated Deck. � 1.02 Deck grade shafl be "Industriai". Design loading shall be 40 psf - live load and 15 psf - dead Ioad, with a detlection criteria of U240. Deck shall span a minimum of two spans and can be spliced at the purlins or placed in a random pattern. l� � � �' � � � 1.03 1.04 � Deck shaN be attached to the existing wood blocking at the puriins utilizing deck manufacturer's standard connectors. See Room Finish Schedule for fiefd painting requirements. 1.05 The Owner, subject to availability, price and performance criteria has the soie option in se{ecting the roof deck type, whether it be wood or steel; as noted under Section �531 Q. END OF SEC710N 06115 Wood Deck ' � � � � PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY ��- ��pi3 East Side Police Team Facifity � 1.�1 MATERIALS A. Biocking in wails to be fire retardant treated. 8. Biocking and curbs on roof to be Pressure Treated, with water-borne preservative. � � � � � � �J � � END OF SECTION 06100 Rough Carpentry � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � f � � f � �5- [��3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 06400 - ARCHITECTURAL CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 All casework shall be pfastic laminate covered, in accordance with °Quaiity Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Institute" (AWIj, for custom grade casework. END OF SECTION ' 06490 Architectural Casework ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � F 4 g��f�63 East Side Poiice Team Faciiity SECTlOtJ U7210 - BUILDING INSULATlON PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS A. Extarior thermal wall insulation to be 2" extruded polystyrene board insulation to roof deck at ali exterior walis of office portion of building. B. Sound insufaiion to be US Gypsum Thermofiber unfaced sound attenuation blanket or equal, provided in all new metal stud walis. C. Roof insulation to be in compliance with UBC/Minnesota Code. END OF SECTIOSJ 07210 Bui{ding Insu{ation � i � Q�- ���.3 East Side Pofice Team Faciliiy � SECTION 07510 - BUILT-UP ASPHALT ROOFING SYSTEM � PART 1 GENERAL , 1.01 4-Ply Owens Corning buiit-up roof system. � � �_J � � � � u � END OF SECTION 9�510 Built-up Asphalt Roofing System � Ij � � � PAflT 1 GENERAL q5 - �0�3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTfON 07600 - FLASHING AND SHEET METAL � 1.Oi Metal roof edges, counterfiashing etc., to be 24 gauge, gaivanized steel material with fluoro-polymer type factory applied finish. � � � � � � � � END OF SECTION 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal ! � � � SECTION 07720 - ROOF HATCH g5��o8� East Side Police Team Facility � PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 ROOF 4iATCH A. Provide roof hatch and access as required by code to allow access to roof top equipment. � � � � � L� ! � END OF SECTION 07720 Roof Hatch � � ' � SECTION 07900 - SEALANTS �F ' �o� East Side Police Team Facifity I PART 1 GENERAL � 1.�1 MATERIALS A. Sealant conforms to Federai Spec. 'rf-S-�02306, Type li, Ciass A. B. Sonolastic NP1 or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol 1. � C. Sonofoam, ethaform, or polycel backer rod. D. Sealant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved othenvise by Architect. � � � � � ' � � END OF SECTION 07900 Sealants Ll , i [� �� � ���� East Side Pofice Team Facility SECTtON 08110 - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES � PART 1 GENERAL � AII existing exterior pedestrian doors(frames to 6e removed and replaced. 1.01 MATERIALS � A. Doors with steel faces and steel vertical spacers weided to both faces. Doors fiAed with insuiation. Exterior doors wiih 16 gauge faces. interior doors with 18 gauge faces. B. Frames unit type with welded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Interior frames 16 gauge. � C. Doors and Srames factory prime painted. � C� � i f � END OF SECTION - 08110 Metal Doors and Frames LJ � � � � PART 1 GENERAL ��_��� East Side Po{ice Team Facility SECTION 08210 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS ' 1.01 N.W.M.A. Industry Standard I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sficed, book matched, solid core. � � �_ 1 � � � � � END OF SECTION 082�0 Elush Wood �oors � i �� � � PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 083�0 - SPECIAL D�ORS �� - �083 East Side Police Team Facility 1 1.01 MATERIALS A. Sliding cfoset doors of N.W.M.A. I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Ve�eers, plain sliced, book matched. � B. New Sectionai Overhead door at Payne Avenue entry to be galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, with coMinuous foamed-in-pface polyurethane insulation. � C. Existing vehicie doors to remain at Room 139, to be cleaned, repainted and checked for smooth operation. � � , � � � f END OF SECTION - 08300 Speclal Doors , 1 i � i � � � � � � � � ' , ' � � ' SECTfON 08650- SPECIAL WItJDOWS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIAI.S Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insufated g{ass. END OF SECTION g�— c�� East Side Police Team Facility 08650 Special Windows � � � ' r , � ' � � � � � � � I I �� - i�3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 08700 - FINISH HAROWARE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steel elsewhere. Mortise type lever handled lock set wfth cyfinders to match master keying. Duil chrome finish on locks and miscellaneous. 1.D2 Cyiinders to be Capitalize Best System to match existing St. Paul Policy system. END �F SECTION OS700 Fi�ish Hardware , 1 � � � � � e � � � a ' � � w � i �5- �0�3 East Side Police Team Faality SECTION 08800 - GLAZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIAI.S Exterior windows, 1" insufating glass, bronze reffective with Low E coating. Clear glass at all interior applications. END OF SECTION 08800 Glazing � 0 , LJ I PART 1 GENERAL �5 � !0�3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTfON 09200 - GYPSUM WALLBOARD , i.01 MATERIALS A. Waliboard shall conform to ASTM C36, thickness as shown or 5{8" if not shown. B. Steei studs, drywall type, 25 gauge. Wallboard all screw attached. , C. Joints taped and filled; screw heads filled and sanded, except a6ove finish ceilings, where waliboard is to be taped, but not sanded. D. The Contractor shall patch as required ail pfaster or gypsum board surfaces disturbed by demolition with the appropriate matching material. � E. AII new construction shall consist of 5!8" F.R. gypsum 6oard on metai studs or Furri�g strips as required and finished to match adjacent existing surtaces. F. All new or existing plaster and gypsum board shall be prepared to receive a new paint � finish. i [� 1 1 1 1 1 END OF SECTION 09250 , 1 , ' � ' i e � � � t ' ` � i I ` q5-�0� East Side Police Team Facility SECTiON 09310 - CERAMIC TItE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS A. All tile siandard grade, per TCA 137.1-1976. B. Floors, 1" X 1" mosaics. Wails 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" glazed. Base, cove mosaics, 4" high. C. Shower floors and drying areas, non-slip type tile. Set floor tile per Tile Council Method F113 and ANS! Specification A108.5. Set wal! t+fe per Method W212 and ANSI Specification A108.5. END OF SECTION 09310 Ceramic Tile ' , � �,''' SECTION 09330 - QUARRY TILE � 5 " � �c� East Side Police Team Facility , PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS , A. Quarry tile and base shall be America� Olean. Quarry tile shall be thin set in an epoxy mortar bed both ver�icaffy and horizontalfy, and grouted with "4iydroment .loint Fil4es" of a color as selected by the Architect. , � CJ C'�, 1 1 � � 1 END OF SECTION 09330 Quarry Tile ' 1 , ' �5 - �0�3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 09510 - ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS , PART 1 GENERAL , 1.01 Exposed grid with 2'x4' lay-in panels, fissured pattern, 5/8" thick unless othenvise shown. Panels white. Grid white, painted. ' � IJ ,� � � � , �J lJ ' END OF SECTIOtd 09510 ' Acousticai Ceilings � � � , �5 -10�3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 09650 - RESILIENT FLOORING � PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 Vinyi composition tile, 12"x12" and 1/8" thick, standard commercial cofors and patterns as selected. Install with mastic adhesive to concrete floor slabs. Vinyl base, 4" high, top-set, cove type, color as selected. � , � l_J ' � � � ' � END OF SECTION 09650 Resilient Flooring , i ' , ' ' , e � � � 0 ,- i 1 1 i � I q5 - �0�.3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTlON a9680 - CARPET PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Nyion tufted-type carpet, 28 ounce per square yard face yam, static controf. Direct giue-down without pad. END OF SECTION 09680 Carpet , i � � � � � � i� � i 1 1 1 1 I I i � � � � �a� East Side Police Team Facility 5ECTION 09900 - PAINTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 fNTERlOR Per Room Finish Scheduie and as specified. Biock fiiier and two coats semi-gioss paint on concrete block walis. Two coats satin paint on gypsum wallboard walls. Two coats fiat paint on ceilings except prime and two coats of 2-part epoxy paint where scheduled. Stain and two coats varnish on interior wood doors and raiis. 1.02 EXTERIOR Exterior doors, touch up shop coat and two coais alkyd-type gloss enamel. END OF SECTION " 09900 Painting � � a5-��� East Side Police Team Facility � � SECTION 10100 - MARKER BOARDS AND TACKBOARDS � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 4'-0" high white marker boards with anodized aluminum frames and chalk trays. � � � � � � � � �, � I END OF SECTION 10100 Marker Boards and Tackboards ! � I � I � , � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � SECT{ON 10160 - TOILET PARTfT1dNS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Steel, tloor mounted, headrail braced, baked enamef finish. END OF SECTION q5 - i�J�3 East Side Police Team Facility - 10180 Toilet PaRitions � � � � � PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 10200 - LOUVERS C,� � " ( ^� D � East Side Police Team Facility 1 1.01 Extruded aluminum blades and frames, minimum thickness �.125". Baked e�amel finish. ,� O @J � � � �� � � END OF SECTION 10200 Louvers � L � � � PART 1 GENERAL ��- ���3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 1040D - iDENT1FYItJG DEVECES � 1.01 Required ADA and emergency signage providing directions to offices, office room numbers, HC and emergency evacuation routes. � L� � � � � � � f END OF SECTION 10400 identifying Devices � � � �� � PART 1 GEt3ERAt SECTION 10500 - LOCKERS q� -�(��3 East Side Police Team �acility � i.01 Lockers to be 18"W x 21"D x 72"H steel u�its on tile bases, with sioped tops, coat hooks, number plates, and standard hand{es to accommodate pad{ocks (padlocks not provided). � ,� � �1 � � � � � END OF SECTION 10500 Lockers � � � � � PART i GENERAL SECTION 10520 - FIRE EXTINGUISHER �5 ° l��3 East Side Police Team Facility � 1.01 Ten pound, ABC dry powder type uniess otherwise shown. Bracket mounted. In quantity as required by UBC. � � � � � O � � L� END OF SECT{ON - 10520 Fire Extinguisher � � � � � PART 1 GENERAL ��- l�J�,� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 10670 - STORAGE SHELVING � 1.01 Shelving, service wunter and other specia( buildout features: the Buyer to provide sheivi�g and counter specifications to the Seiler during the Construction Document phase of pfan preparation. � l_Y � � � � � END OF SECTION 10670 Storage Shelving � � i � � PART 1 GENERAL � �' � � � �J � 1 � ��-�C��3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 1Q800 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 1.Ot Heavy Duty, stainless steel. include the foifowing: A. Paper Towel Aispensers B. Liquid Soap Dispensers C. Mirrors D. Tissue Dispensers E. Sanitary Napkin Disposals F. Grab Bars as required by CODE(ADA G. Shower Curtain Rod (Curtain not provided) H. Soap Dishes (o�e per shower) I. Foiding show seat (as required by ADA) J. Hardwood locker room benches on steel pedestals i� standard manufacturer's sizes END OF SECTION - 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessones ! � � � � PART 1 GENERAL ��-�a� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 11131 - PROJECTfON SCREEN � 1.Oi Ceiling recessed, manuafly operated, roli-down 70"x70". White non-gioss, mat surface. � �� � � � � � � END OF SECTION 1i131 Projection Screen � � � � ���� ��� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 12500 - WINDOW TREATMENT � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 1" slats - Levolor or equal at interior and euterior office area windows. � � � � � � � � � � END OF SECTION 12500 Window Treatment � � � � � � � � � �� � � � SECTION 15010 SECI'ION 15120 SECT'ION 15170 SECTION 15190 SECI'ION 15260 SECI'ION 15330 SECI'ION 15410 SECTION 15430 SECI'ION 15440 SECTION 15450 SECTION 15480 SECI'ION 15575 SECTION 15600 SECTION 15620 SECI'ION 15625 SECTION 15781 SECTION 15835 SECTION 15861 SECTION 15890 SECI'ION 15910 SECI'ION 15936 SECTION 1�980 SECI'ION 15990 SECI'ION 15995 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION INDEX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DEMOLITION ELECTRIC MOTORS MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INSI3LATION WET-PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PLUMBING PIPING PLUMBING SPECIALTIES PLt1IvIBING FIXTURES PLUMBII3G EQUIPMENT NATiJRAL GAS SYSTEM BREECHING AND STACKS RADIANT HEATING SYSTEMS DIRECT-FIRED FURNACE F.T"F. HEATERS PACKAGED ROOFI'OP AIR CONDITIONING HEATINCT TERMINAL UNITS EXHAi3ST SYSTEMS DUCfWORK DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES AIR INLETS AND OUTLETS 1NSTRUMENTATION ADNSTING AND BALANCING WITNESS TESTING SHASQ8 INDEX-1 q5- �08� s, � EtiGINEERISG R Construction Services, Inc. 6 L•�4b-8553 612•i46-8523 fax Designing Sensible Cost Effective Solutions Suite #257 • 4215 Winnetka Avenue North • New Hope, Minnesota 55428 � � � l_� � q5-f�� MECHA23ICAI, SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 of 10 15010 General ReqLi*e*�er�• 1. Design Intent: Tt is the intent of the design documents that the plumbing and HVAC systems satisfy the requirements of applicable State and Local Codes and Ordinances including, but not limited to, the State Energy Code, ADA, Plumbing Code, Building Code, Mechanical Code and ASHItAE 62-1989 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor � �iTy- 2. Pemuts, Licenses and Chazges: Pernuts and licenses applicable to Division 15 work � shall be secured and paid for before actual work is started. Perform any requirements stipulated therein. The Contractor shall include ail such cosu within his hid. � f�.l � � � Maintenance and Operating Instructions: This Contractor shali prepaze a portfolio of all mechanical equipment furnished by him on the project. This portfolio shall include manufacturer's shop drawings, parts lists and operating and maintenance instructions of such equipment. Information shall be submitted in duplicate, neatly folded to approximately 8-1/2" x 11" and bound in indexed loose-leaf binders of adequate size to contain the material 4. In addition the insuuctions, each manual shall contain the following information: a. Manufacturers recommended cieaning and maintanance procedures. b. List of materiais recommended for maintenance. a Complete operating instructions. d. Name and address of authorized service organizations and parts depot. e. List of contractors, suppliers, etc. who were involved in the project. £ VJarranty rates. � g. Valve list. h. Test and Balance Reports. �� 5. Contract Cioseout: a. Maintenance Manuals and record Drawings. Comply with requirements of Division 1. b. Wananties. Compiy with requirements of Division 1 and 5ection 15995. 6. Firestopping: Firestopping materials shall be tested according to U.L. 1479 and ASTM &814 for through-peneuation firestop systems. Contractor shall use 3M products or approved equivalent. approved equivalent. Penetrations through e�cterior walls below grade: Link Seal modulaz system or 8. Painting: Ail painting of Mechanical items by the General Contractor. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMBNT � � � � � � � � � �J � ��-�0�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 10 15120 Demolition: l. Demolition of Mechanical systems will be under the responsibility of the Demolition and Abatement Contractor. 2. The Mechanical Contractor shall identify any piping and systems to remain in service. 15170 Electric Motors: 1. A11 electdc motors 3HP and lazger shall meet the efficiency standazds necessary to qualify for NSP rebates. 15190 MechanicalIden6fication• 1. Provide Brady or approved equivalent labels and directional anows on piping systems for identification. 2. Provide approved identification on eachaust fan switches and thermostats. 1526� Mechanical Sv temc Incnlaflnn• 1. E�aust ducu for ten feet back from curb: Cover duct with 2" fiberglass blanket insulation with FSK jacket. 2. Supply air ducts: Cover duct with 1" fiberglass blanket insulation with FSK jacket. 2. Reriu ducts: One inch acoustical liner on reriun ducts for six feet back from � connection to unit into plenum. Haif inch liner on transfer ducts for e�aust makeup to Toilet rooms, etc. � � � 3. Hot, cold, recirc water lines and rainwater leaders: Fiberglass pipe insulation with all service jacket in accordance with State Energy Code. 15330 Wet-Pine S rinkier y ts ems• l. Cap off existing 8" main below floor and abandon. Run new 6" DIP combined domestic and fire protection service into the Mechanical Room. Test new service per NFPA. 2. Low pressure mains may be Sch. 10 grooved. All other piping shall be Sch. 40. 2. Ail sprinkler piping in finished azeas shall be concealed above new ceilings. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � 'L7 � � ,� �J i � � � � � �5 -10�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of 10 15330 Wet-Pine Sprinkler vctemc• (continued) 3. Design and calculate system per NFPA 13 and according to ihe local authority having jurisdiction. Coordinate locauon of piping and heads with other trades. Provide shop drawings to Architect, Owner's Insuring Authority and City Fire Mazshal for approvals before installing piping or heads. 4. Provide freeze protected heads and piping where required. 15410 Plumbine PioinQ: 1. Domestic water distribution piping: Type L seamless copper tubing with soider joints. 2. Provide new sanitary drain and vent piping. Cazefu(ly sawcut e�sting floors for all new underfloor piping and drains. New soil, waste and rainwater piping underground inside the building shall be Schedule 4Q PVC pipe and glued fittings. 3. Soi1, waste, vent and rainwater piping aboveground inside the buiiding shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe and cast iron fittings. 4. Water Meter: Per City requirements. 5. Water treatment: None. 6. Building sanitary service: Verify location of existing sanitaty service. Run new service to street (if required) to meet City requirements. Restore surfaces to original condition. 7. Floor Drains: Floor drains in fuushed spaces on grade shall be Josam 30000 6AJ or equivalent with backwater valve and 6" diameter nickaloy strainer. In Showers, ptovide pan of water-proofing under the entire basin azea and at least 6"up the walls. Individual floor drains in Gazage shall have cast iron tr�c grate minimum 12" diameter. Assume a total of six (6) floor drains. 8. Roof Drains: Roof drains shall be Josam 21500 or equivalent cast iron with lazge sump and removable dome. 7. Miscellaneous Conttections: Connect drains for infrared vacuum pumps underfloor to trench drain. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � L.� � � � � � � � �� - ���3 MECHANICAI. SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of 10 15430 Plumbing $yecialties: L Wali Hydrants_ Josam 71050 or equivalent Zurn or Wade exposed nozzle with satin Nikaloy face, bronze casing and vacuum breaker-backflow preventer. 3. Ball valves: Apollo, Milwaukee or Watts. 15440 PlumhingFigtures• l. Piumbing fixtures by American Standard, Kohler, Crane or Eljer. 2. Lavatory "P" traps #400 Duracraft tubulaz PVC or approved equivalent. 3. Water Closets: Elongated, vitreous china, wall mounted, siphon jet action, 1-1l2" top spud. Black solid plastic seat with open front for elongated bowl. Handicapped similar with 17" rim height. Sloan Royal 115 flush valve for standard, Sloan Royal I 10 with shortened supply tube for handicapped. 4. Urinal: Vitreous china wali mounted siphon jet, with 3/4" top spud with Sloan Royai 186 flush vaive. � 5. Lavatory: 20" x 18" vitreous china, wail hung for concealed arm supports. Insulate water under countet for handicap use. Single lever mixing faucet supply Delta 515 WF HDF with 6" handle or equivalent. 6.J � � � r 6. Electric Water Cooler: Elkay EBFS-8 or equivalent Haws, Sunroc or Oasis lead-free wheel chair access water cooler with pressbaz and stainless steel cabinet. 7. Pedestal Shower: Bradley or Acorn stainless steei unit with four (4) non-scald presswe balanced mixing faucets and adjustable shower heads. 8. Wall Shower: Bradley or Acorn stainless steei unit with two (2) non-scald pressure balanced mixing faucets and adjustable shower heads. 9. Janitor Receptor: 24" x 24" 10" high grecast moulded stone service basin, strainer, drain body and 3" deep seal P trap. Chicago Faucet No. 897 supply fitting. 10. Double Compartment S.S. Sink: Elkay LR-3322 18 gauge Type 302 S.S. self- rimming with Elkay 49 strainer and tailpiece, Chicago Faucet No. 201 faucet. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT r � � � q� - ��� MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 1Q 154�0 Plumbing Fq�u'�me^t• 1. Water Heaters: Two (2) State SBT80-180NE or equivalent A.O. Smith or Lochinvaz 180 MBH each input, 171 GPH each delivery with 100°F rise after first hour. Provide 2psi regulator. � 2. Domestic HW Circulator: B& G Series LR-15B to deliver 6 GPM at 12 feet of head. Honeywell LA-409A surface aquastat, timer, service valves, check valve and balancing cocks. � � � � � � � � � 15480 Natural Gas 4ystem• 1. This Contractor shali arrange with the gas utility for tapping of the main (if required) and furnishing and setting of Meter and shall pay all chazges for same. 2. Gas Pipe: Schedule 40 black steel pipe, A-53 seamless. Provide 125 pound threaded fittings 2" pipe and smal]er, welded fittings 2-1/2" pipesize and lazger. 3. Gas Valves: Gas shutoff valves shall be approved ]ubricated plug type, DeZurik No. 425, Nordstrom No. 143 or Homestead. i-1/4" and smaller valves may be approved ball vaives similar to Apoilo Series 70. 4. Presswe Regulators: Up to 300 CFH: MaYitrol Mode1325-3 with vent limiter. Above 300 CFH: Fisher I3o. 66 with approved vent to the outside. 5. All gas piping on roof shall be supported on treated lumber stands 8 ft. O.C. consisting of 2" x 12" x 12" base and 2" x 6" boxed uprights. Clamp piping to supports. b. Clean and paint all exterior gas piping with a rust-resistant primer. 7. Tests: All new gas piping shall be testefl under the supervision of the owner with a 25 PSIG an test for 12 hours without a drop in pressure. 15575 Breeching and Stacl�• 1. Double-wall Type B gas vent with aluminum inner liner and galvanized steei outer jacket for water heaters and unit heaters. 2. PLEXCO or equivalent corrosion proof venting system for mid-range high efficiency gas appliances for infrazed systems. System shall include a11 parts for through the roof venting, including a teeJdrain assembly below the stack. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paui, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT , , ' Ll ' ' � ' ' `"I J - �E7�J MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of 10 15600 Radiant Heating�ystp.�c; 1. CO-RAY-VAC with three (3) zones of radiant heat. System sha11 include seven (7} burner heads with pre-wired gas controls and electric ignition and accessories. 2. NOT JS�D. 3. Radiant manifold shall be 4" OD 16 gauge steel tube and fittings with stainless steel connectors. Tailpipe shall be sunilar with tube, fittings and connectors 4. Provide standard and perimeter reflectors where noted or required. 5. Vacuum pump shall be heavy duty 6. Wiring of bumers, panei and controls shali be the responsibility of the Mechanical contractor. He shall wire the systems in accordance with the requirements of Division 16. 15620 Direct-Fired Furnace: ' 1. Makeup air unit MIJ-1: King National DFOG118 or equivalent IAS, Weatherite or Hastings with 990,000 Btuh natural gas input, 9250 CFM, 7-112 hp 208/3J60 Hz motor, ' down dischazge, curb, V-bank filter housing with 2" pleated TA Farr 30/30 or equivalent filters with max 350 FPM face velocity, G90 housing, outside air hood with birdscreen, discharge air controi, and burner lockout intake hi limit stat. � ' ' 15625 Electric Heaterc• 1. Electric heaters based on Qmazk AWH series with heavy duty grille and integral thermostat: Unit No. EH1 EH2 EH3 EH4 EHS EH6 EH7 EH8 EH9 Room No. 100 101 102 103 106 107 127 t28 133 .n Vestibule Lobby Mens Womens Mens Womens Mens Womens Vestibule $1ZC 3 KW 2KW 1KW IKW 1.5 KVJ 1.5 KW 1.5 KW 1.5 KW 2.5 KW East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � ! � � � � � � � � � � � � � f ( I q5-i��3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 7 of 10 15781 Packaged Roofton Air Conditioninn• i. Rooftop Uniu shall have I 00% wet bulb economizers, EER ratings greater than 10, SEER ratings greater than 10.25, and nat�ual gas heat sections. They aze based on Cazrier, Trane, McQuay, York or Lennox. Unit No. Area Served CFM @ ARI Tons RTU-1 Community Room RTU-2 Roll Call, Coffee, & Corridors RTU-3 Lunchroom, Lounge RTLT-4 Locker Rooms RTU-5 s � South Perimeter Offices, Corridors 0.6"ESP 1900 5 3720 8 1850 4 2150 5 2400 6 4800 10 15835 Heating.Terminal Unitc• 1. Propelier fan-rype Reznor FE Series with factory-supplied vent terminal, SO% thermal efficiency aluminized steel heat exchanger, vertical discharge air louvers, 120/24 volt transformer, intemuttent spazk pilot with supervision, factory installed power venter, summer/winter switch and relay for summer operation and T87F low voltage thermostat. 15861 Exhaust Fans: 1. PRV's shall have factory curb and gravity backdraft damper, NEMA i disconnect switch factory installed and wired, and SS Speed Control. They aze based on Greenheck or equivalent Penn, Acme, Cook Breidert, Powerline or Carnes. Unit Type Serves CFM SP Model HP No. EF1 BeitDrivePRV Toilets 102,103, 820 .375" ca-ioo-a- 1/4 i Qf),1 �7 3A EF2 Dir Drive PRV Lunchroom 109 500 375" G-100-B U6 EF3 Dir Drive PRV Coffee 112 220 375" G85 I/20 EF4 Dir Drive Ceil Conference I1$ 380 .375" G95 1/8 East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGI3 DEVELOPMENT � i � � � � � � � � � � � ' � f ! 1 l q5 - �a�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 8 of 10 15861 Ev1 aLSt Fans; (continued) EFS Beit Drive PRV Lockers 124 750 375" Gs-�oo-a- 1/4 I2�,12$ 3A EF6 Not Used EF7 BeltDrivePRV Veh. Stor. 139 1200 .5" GB-130-4 I/4 EF8 BeitDrivePRV Gazage 142 1800 .5" GB-180-3 1/3 EF9 Belt Drive PRV EF10 Belt Drive PRV Garage 142 3000 .5" GB-200-5 1/2 Garage 142 4000 .5" GB-240-7 3/4 15890 Ductwork: I. It is intended that the makeup air ductwork be round and extend throughout the Gazage. It is intended that the Garage exhaust systems have high and low pickups. 2. It is intended that Rooftop units return air be ducted back from the unit approximately six feet into the RA plenum with an increaser to 1-1/2 times the retum duct crossection for acoustical reasons. 3. It is intended to supply and return air to the corridors. Comdor walls are assumed to be fire-rated. 4. Seal ductwork according to SMACNA "HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test ManuaP' for 3" W.G. static pressure construction (Class B- all transverse and longitudinal seams). 5. Duct and fittings shall be fabricated from G-90 coated gaivanized sheet steel of lock- fornung grade, unless noted otherwise, in accordance with ASTM A-525 and A-527. 6. Exposed round ducts shall be Spiral ductcvork and fittings. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT q���0�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 9 of 10 15890 Ductwork: (continued) 7. Sheet metal gauge shall be equal to or heavier than the following standard (up to 2" duct static): Ducts Rectangulaz Longest Side Up to 12" 13" to 30" 31" to 54" 55" to 84" 85" and Over Round Ducts Diameter Up to 12" 73" to 22" 23" to 36" 37" to 50" Over 50" 26 ga. 24 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 8. Ducts handling wet air: Provide almninum ductwork two gauges heavier than for galvanized construction, soldered watertight. 15910 Ductwork Acceasories: 1. Fire dampers shall have 165°F. McCabe type resettable link and access window in duct. 2. Motorized dampers: Motorized outside and exhaust air dampers shall have blade edge and side seals for positive shut-off. 15936 Air Inlets and Outlets: � 1. Low sidewall exhaust gilles in Gazage shall be heavy duty gymnasium-type grilles with 14 gauge steel blades and 16 gauge steel border, bIades on 3/8" centers, white enamel finish. 2. Supply re�isters in Garage shali be dou�ale deflection type with opposed blade damper on the sides and bottom of supply duct. 3. There shall be a rectangular double deflection supply register suppiying approximately 200 CFM above each exterior window. 4. Diffusers shall be a 24" x 24" layin type ceiling diffuser with a round neck and balancing damper. 5. Return air grilles shall be eggcrate layin type units. 6. Provide combustion air intakes for the unit heaters and the domestic water heaters. Minimum Sheet Meta! Gauge East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT �5-f��3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 10 of 10 15980 Instrumentation: 1. Submittal: A. Submit shop drawings as required in Section 15010. B. Provide shop drawings of equipment fiunished, control diagrams and written description of control sequence. 2. Thermostat: Fully configurable prograznmable for commercial single zone heating, ventilating and air conditioning. Provide a Honeywell #T7300A/Q7300 fully programmable stat and remote temperature sensor for each RTU. The system requirements include: Seven-day fle�ble programming Keyboazd lockout switch Progaznmable display for time and temperature Override from unoccupied to occupied 3. Furnish and install two (2) Toxalert Model GVU-2R IAQ sensors and a GVU-3 control unit or equivalent Staefa. Low voltage wiring of sensors by Mechanical. Line voltage wiring to panel, and interlock wiring to exhaust units by Electrical. Provide factory start-up trip in bid. 4. Locate IAQ control unit and T7300 thermostats in Mechanical Room t38. 15990 Adjusting and Balancin¢• 1. Test and Balance Agency: Test and Balance Agency shall specialize in, and their business limited to, testing and balancing air and hydronic systems in the building construction industry. 2. Certification: Test and Balance Agency shall be NEBB or AABC certified. 15995 Witness Te tine: L Upon acceptance of Test and Balance reports, and completion of the Mechanical systems, wiring and controls, the Contractor may arrange a witness test of the systems in the presence of the Owner and Engineer/Architect. 2. Upon successful completion of the witness test, approval of as-builts and manuals, the Contractor shall be notified in writing of complerion. Contractor's one yeaz warranty shall commence at the date of this notice, and operating responsibility for the systems shall be turned over to the Owner. End Of Mechanical Specifications East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT , a � C J� L � ' � � � � �J � � � � � � � Q5-�0�,� S 1 tti� ENGINEERI!�G � & Construction Services. Inc. 613•546-8553 612•i36-8523fax SECI'ION 16010 SECI'ION 16040 SECI'ION 16100 SECTION 16ll0 SECI'ION 16120 SECI'ION 16130 SECTION 16140 SECfION 16141 SECTION 16160 SECI'ION 16165 SECI'ION 16200 SECI'ION 16205 SECI'ION 16210 SECI'ION 16220 SECTION 16300 SECI'ION 16720 SECTION 16740 SECI"ION 16900 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION INDEX GENERAL COI�DITIONS TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING BASIC MATERIAL AND ME'I'HODS CONDUIT AND F1TI'INGS BOXES AND FTITINGS WIRE AND CABLE WIRING DEVICES MULTIOUTLEI' ASSEMBLY PANELBOARDS S WTI'CHGEAR DISCONNECTS STANDBY POWER SYSTEM FUSES MOTOR STARTERS LIGHTING FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM SCAEDULES LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE SHA508 INDEX-1 Designing Sensible Cost Effective Solutions Suite #257 • 4215 Winnetka Avenue North • New Hope, Minnesota 55428 r � � 1.00 �J �� � � � � i � lJ �J � � � � � � � u�-i��3 SECTION 16010 GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL A. Generai and Supplementary conditions within Division 1 aze hereby incorporated and become part of tlus Specificarion, covering all work in Division 160(�, Electrical. B. Contractois shall familiarize themselves with all Architectural, Structural and Mechanical Drawings and Specifications. These Drawings and Specifications, as they affect the electrical installarion, shall become part of Division 16 Contract Documents. C. The IIectrical Dtawings and Specificarions shall form a set of Plans for the electrical work. Neither the Drawinas nor the Specifications shall be complete without the other. Any item shown on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications shall be considered as shown and specified on both. D. Any questions regazding the intent of the Drawings or Specificarions shall be brought to the Engineers attention as soon as possible. If direcrion from the Engineer cannot be obtained due to time or communication limitations, the greater quanriry, higher quality or condirion most favorable to the Owner shall be assumed. E. Electrical Drawings are diagiammaric and aze intended to show approximate locations only. The Contractor shall thoroughly review all Arct�itectural, Structural and Mechanical Drawings and Specifications. Placement of electrical equipment and devices shall not interfere with locations or clearances of other trades' materia(s or equipment. F. The following terms used in this Specification shall be defined as follows: Contractor: Work: Fumish: Shall mean Electrical Contractor or any of their Subcontractors. Shall mean labor and/or materials of the Electrical Contractor or any of their Subcontractors. Shall mean purchase, submit for engineer approval, coordinate with Contract Documents and deliver to site in new, undamaged condition. Install: Shall mean to schedule for delivery, deliver or have delivered to the site, store as directed, protect from damage, set in place, make all necessary final connections, test as required and turn over to the Owner in full operating condirion. Provide: Shall mean furnish and install. Connect: Shall mean to bring electrical service and/or control wiring to equipment, make all final connections, provide all necessary miscellaneous materials required, and do final check out to ensure proper equipment connections. G. The Contractor shall visit the site and familiarize themselves with the condirions effecting Division 16000 work. No additional costs to the Owner shall be allowed for items verifiable during site visits. SHA508 16010 - 1 � � �J H. The Contractor shall supplied as required. Architect/ Ena neer. ��� - �0�3 provide office space and storage for materials and equipment Location shall be as directed by the General Contractor or the I. The Contractor shall be a licensed contractor in the State of Minnesota and shall be or employ a Licensed Master IIectrician. � J. The Contractor shall procure all necessary certificates and permiu and pay all required fees. Utility cosu, if any, shall also be the responsibility of the Coniractor. Conuactor shall furnish a certificate of final inspecIIOn and approval from all enforcement agencies to the Owner. i � � � � LJ L � � � � � � � � K. The work included under Division 16000 shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and services for the complete installation of the Electrical System as indicated on the Drawings and called for in this Specification. L. Specific materials and equipment specified is intended to establish a minimum standazd of required quality. Where specified materials and equipment fail to meet minimum standards of existing federal, state and local codes and ordinances, the goveming codes and ordinances shall prevail. M. The Contractor shall furnish and install all minor miscellaneous materials necessary for the complete electrical installation. N. Within fifteen days after the awazd of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit for approval shop drawings on all major electrical equipment. These shop drawings shall cover such items as lighung fixtures, lamps, disconnects, fuses, starters, MCC sections, switchgeaz, devices, plates, panels, contactors eta The Contractor shall thoroughly review each item for compliance with this Specification prior to submitting them to the Engineer, making any necessary corrections. Stamp each drawing, sign and date indicating Contractor review. Submit eight sets of fully reviewed and stamped shop drawings for each piece of material or equipment the Contractor proposes for use on the Project. If the Coniractor fails to properly review shop drawings, the Contractor shall reimburse the Engineer for all additional reviews on a time and material basis. No equipment shall be released for shipment or installed prior to final approval by the Engineer. O. The Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary power and lighting to allow other Contractors and Subcontractors to perform their work. Prior to submitting a bid for tlris Project, contact the General Contractor to determine ihe rype of equipment to be used in the performance of the work. The Electrical Bid shall include all labor and materials required to provide and maintain a complete temporary power and lighting system. P. Provide two sets of O&M manuals complete with one copy of approved shop drawings, wiring diagrams and operating instructions for all electrical equipment. Include a list of manufactures and telephone numbers for all equipment where replacement parts are available. These manuals shall be bound in three ring binders labeled with the Project name. Provide an index and section tabs. Q. The Contractor shall regulazly clean their work area of debris. Removal of ali Contractor generated debris and rubbish caused by their work shall be at the Conuactor's expense. SHA508 16010 - 2 ' � � � � � q�-lo� R. The Contractor shall properly protect all equipment from dama�e during construcuon. Thoroughly clean all fixtures, panels and other supplied equipment. Make all necessan repairs and apply touch up paint as required prior to final inspection and contract close out. All work and materials shall comply with the latest edition of the Nationa] Electric Code (NEC), and all other applicable state and local codes. T 77 All work shall comply with the following industry standazds: IEE, NFPA, NEMA and ANSI. Materials and equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner by skilled craftsmen. V. Delivery of all materials and equipment shall be in accordance with the overall Project schedule. The Contractor shall closely coordinate all deliveries with other Contractors and the Engineer. � W. For materials and equipmeni specified by descripdon only, the Contractor shall provide materials or equipment suitable for the purpose intended. These shall be in conformance with all governing codes, tlris Specification and normal trade practice. � � X. For materials or equipment specified by manufacturer's name and catalog number, the Contractor shail provide the item specified. The Contractor may submit materials and equipment for prior approval to the Engineer. All prior appmvals must be received by the Engineer at least seven working days prior to bid. Y. The Contractor shall provide and maintain an"As Bui1P' set of bluelines on site, neatly � notating routing, location or other changes to the Contract Documents. Upon Project complehon and final close out, turn the "As Built" drawings over to the Owner. � Z. The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment to be free of defects that may develop in any part of their work, caused by faulry workmanship, material or equipment failures, for one yeaz from the date of final acceptance of the work. � �; � � � � � AA. Upon notification by letter, personal contact or telephone conversation of a problem with the electrical system, the Contractor shall respond within one week, making repairs or correcrions as necessazy. After ali repairs and conections aze complete, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. BB. Upon completion of the work shown and specified under Division 16000 and prior to final close out of the Project, the Contractor shall verify in writing that each circuit and all systems are 100% complete and operating properly. This notification shall include copies of all Subcontractor norifications. CC. At the option of the Owner and prior to the awazd of the conuact, the Contractor shall provide a 100% performance bond. The cost of this bond shall be added to the contract amount. END OF SECTION SHA508 16010 - 3 �1 ' � � 1.00 l� q5- �og3 SECTION 16040 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING GENERAL A. The Contractor shall perform all excavation, boring, drilling, bacl�llin�, compacdon and surface repair to install a complete underground electricai system as shown on the Drawings and as called for in these Specificarions. . B. All conduit and direct buried cable shall be installed a minimum of 24" below finished , grade. Trench shall be b aded level to pmvide uniform support for each section of conduit Excess excavation below required level shall be bacl�illed and compacted to 98% prior to conduit or direct buried cable installation. � , , � � 1 � lJ � , , i � 1 � C. All debris and water shall be removed from the trench prior to final installation of conduit or direct buried cable. Properly protect conduit or direct buried cable until bacl�illing can be performed. D. The Contractor shall bacl�ill all excavations performed for their work. Inspection of all installations by I.ocal Inspection Authorities shall be completed prior to backfilling. E. F Carefully backfill to a point 6" above condnit or direct buried cable and thoroughly tamp. Complete backfilling in 12" lift and compact to 98%. Restore surface to its original condition, ie grass, concrete, blacktop, etc. END OF SECTION . ,: .�•� �i � ' � i J � , , � ;' � i � � � � � �J LJ q5 - l��3 SEC I'ION 16100 BASIC MATII2IALS AND M�THODS 1.00 GENERAL A. Unless noted otherwise in this Specificauon or on the Drawings, all materials shall be new and in their original packages. All materials shall comply with this Specificarion and all applicable codes, and shall be LJL listed or constructed with UL listed components. B. Provide nameplates on all equipment such as disconnecu, starters, MCC's, panels, and switchgeaz. Nameplates shall identify equipment by name and source of power. They shall be a minimum of 1 ll4" x 3", or lazger if necessary for wording. I,ettering shall be a minimum of 3/16" in height. Identify all pull and juncrion boxes with circuit or feeder numbers and source of power using black magic mazker. C. All distribution equipment, such as discommects, starters, MCC's, panels, and switchgeaz, shall be obtained from one manufacturer. D. Each panelboard shall be provided with a typed circuit directory. Cleariy describe loads and areas served. Room names or Owner's room numbers shall be used. Handwritten directories will not be accepted. E. F The Contractor shall perform saw cutting, trenching, bac�lling, compaction and patching required for underground raceway systems shown or specified. The Contractor shall provide concrete pads for all floor mounted equipment. Pads shall be 4" thick and extend a minimum of 2" beyond equipment. G. Any cutting and patching required in walls, floors, ceilings or partitions for the installation of electrical systems shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. All cutting and patching shall be done with the prior approval of the ArchitecU Engineer. Patching to match ea�isung finishes shall be performed by the proper vades such as concrete finishers, sheeuockers,tapers, painters etc. H.� The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying locations of such things as piping, ductwork, equipment, door swings, heights of cabinets and counters, etc., prior to the installation of all electrical equipment. Installed electrical work that interferes with the work of other trades shall be relocated by the Electrical Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide access panels where j-boxes or pull boxes are installed in inaccessible locations. All access panels shall be approved by the Engineer and Architect prior to installaaon. All 120 volt control wiring for mechanical equipment shall be provided by the Electrical Contractor, unless noted otherwise. K. Seal all penetrations and sleeves through floors and fire walls with high temperature, fire rated sealant. Firestop material shali be Chase Technology CTCPR-855 fire stop, 3M brand Fire Barrier Penetration System or Nelson Fiameseal System. END OF SECI'ION SHA508 16100 - 1 �J ' l� i �.00 � � � �� - �083 SECI'ION 16110 CONDUIT AND FTTTINGS C�,ENERAL A. All conduit shall be galvanized steel, PVC plasric or aluminum as manufactured by a recognized manufacturer and in accordance with the latest ediuon of the Naaonal IIectric Code (NEC) and latest industry standards. B. IIectrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) shall be used in all interior spaces not in direct contact with the earth. Fittings shall be steel, set screw, concrete tight type. EMT may be used where exposed to weather using steel, watertight compression fittings and backstraps. EMT shall not be used in direct contact with the earth or unprotected within five feet of the ground, slab, blacktop, or floor. Rigid conduit shall be used below five feet or proper protection shall be provided for EM'I'. EMT shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the NEC. � C. Rigid Galvanized Steel (RGS) Conduit, Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) or Rie d Aluminum Conduit shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the NEC. All conduit shall be provided as shown on the drawings. All feeders 600 Volts or ' higher shall be installed in one of these three types of conduit. The Engineer shall review and approve conduit and method of installarion prior to installation. � , � � � ' � � � � D. PVC piasuc conduit shail be installed only when shown on the Drawings, specified elsewhere in this Specificarion or as approved by the Engineer. E. F1eJCible Metal Conduit or Liquidtight fle�ble metal conduit shall be used for final connections to equipment such as motors, fixed equipment, electric heating equipment, etc. Trade sizes 1/2" through 1 1/2" shali be used in lengths no longer than 24", 2" through 3" no longer than 36", 3 1/2" through 4" no longer than 48". Fittings shall be steel, set screw type for smaller sizes and steel, clamp type fot larger sizes. F. Conduit shal] be sized according to the Drawings, with no conduit smaller than 1/2" trade size. If not sized on the Drnwings, the NEC shall be used to determine the size based on the number and size of conductors required. The Engineer shall approve all calculated conduit sizes and method of installation prior to installation. G. All conduit runs shall be complete, instalied per this specification and the NEC prior to wires or cable being installed. . H. Unless specifically noted, all conduits, fittings, and boxes shall be concealed within the building construction. Conduit located in equipment azeas may be exposed but shall be installed in parallel with the building lines. Install expansion fittings at all building expansion joints and as required by the NEC. Approval must be obtained from the Architect prior to any cutting of the building structure for nceway installation. Conduits shall be securely fastened with galvanized steel suaps, clamps and hangers using appropriate anchoring systems. Straps, clamps and hangers shall be specifically designed for use with electrical conduit. Conduits connected to equipment or lighring fixtures supported by or within a suspended ceiling may be supporte� from the suspended ceiling wires with "Caddy clip" rype fasteners manufactured specifically for that purpose. No more than two 1/2" or one 3/4" conduit shall be supported from an individual wire. The number of SHA508 16110 - 1 ' ' �J , � , , � �1 , � � � ' � � , � K. L. �� - f0�3 conduiu supported shal] be the total of all installed conduiu by all trades, not just this Contractor. Tie wire shall not be used to support any conduit on the Project. All other conduit systems shall be supported from the building structure. The following manufactureis are appmved for conduit: Allied, Carlon, Republic, Triangle, VAW of America , Youngstown, SealrigJit and Alflex. The following mant�acturers are approved for conduit fittings: Appleton, CH, Kellems, OZ Red Dot and T&B. IND OF SECI'ION SHA508 16110 - 2 ' ' , 1.00 ' � , , ' �j �1 , , , , ' ' fl! LJ q5-�o83 SECTION 16120 BOXES AND FTTTINGS GENERAL A. All boxes and fittings shall be standard electrical type manufactured for the elecuical industry by recognized manufactures, in accordance with the latest edition of the National Flectric Code (NEC) and industry standards. 0 C Boxes and fittings shall be of the same material as the conduit system, i.e. EMT shall use steel, PVC shall use plastic, etc. Ouflet boxes shall be 4" squaze galvanized steel. Provide FS or FD outiet boxes in damp locations or outdoors. D. All boxes shall be concealed witlun the building consAVCtion unless specifically shown or noted othenvise. Boxes or rings shall be installed flush with the finished wall. Mud rings with rounded corners shall be used in sheeuock walls. Tile rings with squaze corners shall be used in masonry, concrete or tile construction. Boxes used in suspended ceiling systems shall be clipped to the ceiling suspension wires or supported from the ceiling grid system. E. Specified mounting heights shall be to the center of the device, unless specifically noted othenvise. These heights may be adjusted to align with Architectural details or masonry joints. Adjust all similar ouflets to the same height F G Provide knockout closures and blank covers clearly identified with circuit numbers as specified in Secrion 16100. The following manufacturers aze approved for boxes: Appleton, Bell, Raco and Steel City. END OF SECTION SHA508 16120 - 1 ' ' 1 1.00 ' � �I �5 - i��3 SECI'ION 16130 WIRE AND CABLE GENERAL A. All wire and cable shall be soft annealed 98% pure copper, #12 AWG minimum. Fi00 volt. Provide #8 AWG THFIN copper and smaller for branch circuits and control wiring; THW copper for feeders #8 and larger. Provide XHHW for outdoor and underground wiring. �re size #14 AWG may be used for control wirin� and where specifically called for or shown on the Drawings. Wire size #14 AWG through #10 AWG shall be solid; wire size #8 AWG and lazger shall be stranded. Wire and cable color shall be in accordance with the latest ediUon of the NEC. On larger cables, where factory color coding is not available, mazking tape shall be used to identify each phase and neuual conductors. A minimum length of 6" shall be color coded az each end. B. Aluminum wire shall not be used. , C. The following manufacturers are approved for wire and cable: Anaconda, Continental Wire & Cable, Cyprus, General Electric, Houston, Pirelii, Rome, Southwire and Triangle. � � � , �J � � ' ' i 1 f7 E. The following manufacturers are approved for wirenuts: Blackbum, Buchanan, Ideal and 3M. The following manufacturers are approved for splices: Blackbum, Burndy, Ilsco and T&B. END OF SECTION SHA508 16130 - 1 ' ' , � 1.00 �l q� —cOg� SECI'ION 16140 WIRING DEVICES GENERAL A. Switches for lighung loads shall be 20 amp, 120/277 volt, quiet to�=1e rype. Switches shall be ivory in color unless noted othenvise. All switches shall be specification grade. . B. Duplex receptacles shall be 20 amp, 125 volt, 3 wire, grounding type. Install all ' receptacles with the ground slot down. Provide GFT receptacles where shown and install with the ground slot down. Receptacles shall be ivory in color unless noted othenvise. Al] receptacles shall be specification grade. L C. Special receptacles shall be as noted on the Drawings and shall be the same color and manufacturer as other devices. , D. Device plates in finished and unfinished azeas shall be lexan, ivory in color, unless noted otherwise. Multiple device plates shall be constructed of a single plate. No sectional plates will be accepted. E. Devices shall be mounted at the following heights, unless noted otherwise. Distances shall be measured from device center to floor. 1. Receptacles, normal 1g" 2. Telephone outlet, normal 18" 3. Telephone oudet, wall, normal 54" 4. TV oudet, normal 1 g" 5. Switches, normal 48" 6. Receptacles, handicapped 24" 7. Telephone oudet, handicapped 24" 8. Telephone ouUet, wall, handicapped 48" 9. TV ouUet, handicapped 24" 10. Switches, handicapped 44" F. The following manufacturers are approved for receptacles: Arrow Hart #5362, GE #Gen 5362, Hubbell #5362, Leviton #5362, P&S #5362 and Slater Medalist Series. GFI receptacles shall be similaz to Leviton #6599-I. G H I. The following manufacturers are approved for special receptacles: Arrow Hart, GE, Hubbell, Leviton and Slater. The following manufacturers are approved for dimmers: Lutron #NT 1500P. The following manufacturers are approved for cover plates: Arrow Hart, GE, Hubbell, L,eviton, Lutron, Sierra and Slater. END OF SECTION SHA508 16140 - 1 ' � � , � , ' lJ i� ' � C � , � i 1 ' �5 - ld�a3 SECTION 16141 MIILTIOUTLEI' ASSIIviBLY 1.00 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall fumish and install all muiriouflet nceways and fitrings necessary to provide a safe and complete installaUon in lengths shown on the Drawinos. B. MulIIODUet assemblies shall be Wiremold Plugmoid #2000 20GBA. Assemblies shall consist of a base, factory punched cover and factory wired receptacle hamess. C. Receptacles shall be spaced 12" on center using alternate circuits. No more than twelve single outlets shall be connected to a circuit D. The raceway base and cover shall be gray in color. E. The following manufacturers are appmved for multioudet assembly: wremold, Metallic, and Walker. END OF SECTION SHA508 16141 - 1 � C' t_� � ' � � � � � , � �� � ' � ' � ' `1�" �(�� SECfION 16160 PANELBOARDS 1.00 GENERAL A. Panelboazds shall be LJI, nted. Cabinets shall be constructed of galvanized steel. Covers shall be constructed of cold mlled steel finished with baked on enamel. ANSI 61 Grey. B. Panels shall be provided with copper or aluminum bussina and factory assembled lu�s for connection of feeder conductors. � C. Breakers shall be molded case, thermal-magnetic type with trip indication. Two and three pole breakers shall contain a common trip. D. All breakers shall be plug-in type, with ampere ratings as shown on the Drawings or to match circuit sizes shown. E. The following manufacturers are approved for panelboards: Squaze D, GE, Siemens- ITE and Westinghouse. END OF SECI'ION SHA508 16160 - 1 ' � ' 1.00 �5�1�� SECTION 16165 SWITCHGEAR GENERAL A. Switchgeaz shall be rated for 1,200 amps, 208 volts, three phase, four wire. ' B. Switchgear shall be totally enclosed, dead front construction, free standin�, front accessible only. Switchgear shall be constructed out of IJI. gauge steel secured together to support coverplates, bussing, component devices, side and rear closure � plates. All closure plates shail be screw removable with a single piece removable top plate. Switchgeaz shall meet ail LJI. requirements and be UL labeled. � � � L � � � C. Bus shall extend full height as required for disconnects shown in all sections. No spaces shall be provide for future expansion. Construcrion and rarings of bus shall be similar throughout, including neutral. Bus shall be constructed of tin plated copper or aluminum with sufficient cross secrional azea to meet UL Standard 891 for temperature rise. D. Switchgeaz shall be suitable for operntion at the specified available fault current and shall be labeled as such. The short circuit rating of any switchboazd shall not be less than 50,000 rms amps symmetrical. � F Switchgear shall be labeled as suitable for service enuance equipment. The following manufacturers aze approved for switchgear: Square D, GE, Siemens- ITE and Westinghouse. END OF SECTION L � � ' � � L I SHA508 16165 - 1 � L, � � 1.00 L � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � �� ` �r�g aJ SECTION 16200 DISCONNECTS GENERAL A. All disconnects shall be heavy dury, horsepower rated, fusible, quick make, quick break type Nema 1 or 3R as required unless otherwise noted. Nonfusible disconnects may be used in lieu of fusible where allowed by the NEC. B. Equipment disconnects shall be mounted on neazby adjacent wall or on a freestanding floor mounted stand. Disconnects shall not be mounted direcUy on equipment. C. Free standing, floor mounted stands shall be constrvcted of welded angle iron or unistrut and fittings. Stands shall be 6'-0" high with disconnects mounted 5'�" to the top. Quick bolt stand to floor neaz equipment and make final connection with flexible conduit per Section 16110. D. The following manufacturers are approved for disconnects: Square D, GE, Siemens- ITE and Westinghouse. END OF SECTION SHA508 16200 - 1 � � ' 1.00 � � � � ' � � � IJ � � � � � �5-10g� SECI'ION 1620� STANDBY POWER SYSTEM GENERAL A. Provide a standby power system for supply of power in the extent of failure of normal utility power, consisting of a liquid cooled engine, an AC altemator and system controls with all necessary accessories for a complete opernting system, including but not limited to the items specified in this Section. B. Provide automatic opernIIOn from one 100 amp automatic transfer switch so that the system wmes on line fully and automatically upon the loss of urility power and on restoration of utility power fiilly and automarically reh load to normal power, shuts down the generator and returns to standby readiness for another operating cycle. C. The electric generaring system shall consist of a prime mover, generator, govemor, coupling and all required controls. This system shall have been tested as a complete unit on a representing engineering model as required by NFPA 110-1985. These tests, being potentially damaging to equipment testes, shall not be performed on the equipment sold, but on a separate protorype model. All equipment shall be UL rated, conform to the National Electric Code (NEC) and meet all local codes. D. The prime mover shall be a liquid cooled, gaseous fueled, naturally aspirated engine of four-cycle design. It shall have four in-line cylinders with a minimum displacement of 3.0 liters (183 cubic inches), a masimum BMEP of 97 psi with a minimum rating of 40 bhp when supplying its rated output of 20 kw at an operating speed of 1,800 rpm. E. The ena ne shall have a battery charging DC altemator with transistorized voltage regulator. Remote two-wire starting shall be by a solenoid shift, electric starter. F. Ena ne speed shall be govemed by an electronic govemor to maintain altemator frequency within 0.5% from no load to full load altemator output. Steady state regulation shall be ±025%. G. Sensing elemenu shall be located on the engine for the following conditions: 1. Low Oil Pressure shutdown 2. High Coolant Temperature shutdown. 3. Low Coolant I.evel shutdown. 4. Overspeed shutdown. 5. Overcranking shutdown. H. All sensing element sensors shall be connected to the control panel via a wiring harness with the following features: 1. Wire number labeling on each end of the wire for easy identificarion. 2. Molded rubber boot to cover the electrical connection on each sensor to prevent corrosion. 3. All wiring shall be run in flexible conduit for protecuon from the environment and any moving objects. I. The engine shall have an engine mounted, thermostatically controlled water jacket and oil heater to aid in quick starting. Heaters shall be of adequate wattage as recommended by the engine manufacturer. SHA508 16205 - 1 � ' � C� � , Q5 - i0g.� The alternator shall be a four-pole revolving fieid type, 12 lead reconnectable wired for a 120/ 208 volt, three phase, four wire 60 hz with brushless exciter. The stator shall be directly connected to the engine flywheel to ensure permanent al aanment. The eenerator shall meet temperature rise standards for class "F" vamish and conform to MIL-1- 24092, rype "M", class 166. K. A solid state voltage regulator designed and built by the en� ne-eenerator set manufacturer shall be used to control output voltage by varyin� the exciter magnetic field to provide t1.0% regularion during stable load condiuons. Should an extremely heavy load drop current frequency, the regulator shall have a voltage droop of 4 volts/ hertz to maximize motor starting capabiliry. The frequency at which this drop be�ins shali be adjustable, allowing the generator set to be properly matched to the load characteristics ensuring optimum system performance. � L. A thermal magneIIC, iJI, listed, main line mounted in the AC connection panel. Th factory. A system utilizing a manual transformers is unacceptable. � ' � circuit breaker, rated at 225 amps, shall be e line side connecUOns shall be made at the reset, field circuit breaker and current M. The engine-generator set shall contain a safety shutdown monitorin� system. This system shall include a solid state engine monitor with individual lights and one common e�emal alazm contact indicating the following conditions: 1. Overcrank shutdown. 2. Overspeed shutdown. 3. High Coolant Temperature (I.ow Coolant L.evel) shutdown. 4. Low Oil Pressure shutdown. Monitoring system shall also include lamp test switch for manual reset of tripped � conditions. Engine rpm shall be monitored by an independent permanent magnet sensor. If a failure occurs in this circuit, the engine must immediately shutdown and illuminate a"L,oss of RPM Sensor" shutdown. � � N. An exhaust silencer(s) shall be provided of the size recommended by the manufacturer and shall be of critical grade. These silencer(s) shall be mounted on the weather protective enclosure with the use of a flexible, seamless, stainless steel exhaust connection and rain cap. O. A heavy duty,lead acid battery set shall be provided by the generator set manufacturer � of adequate voltage and amperage capability to start and operate the system. Provide all iniercell and connecUng battery cables as required. 0 Provide an automatic, dual rated battery charger manufactured by the engine-generator set supplier. The ATS shall consist of the following: � ATS shall be iJL listed (Standazd 1008) with circuit breaker protection. 2. ATS shall be a three pole design, nted for 100 amps conrinuous operation in ambient temperatures of -20° F to 140° F. Main power switch contacts shall be rated for 600 volt minimum. If fuse protected, ATS shall haye a minimum withstand and closing rating of 200,000 amps. SHA508 1620� - 2 L 3. ATS shail be double of throw construcuon, posirively elecfficall}� and � mechanically interlocked to prevent simultaneous closing and mechanically held in both normal and emergency positions. � � 4. ATS actuator shall have as independent disconnect means to disable the electrical operarion during manual switclung. Maximum electrical transfer time in either direcUOn shall be 160 milliseconds, exclusive of IIme delays. Main switch contacts shall be lugh pressure silver alloy to resist burning and pittin� for lono life operarion. y 5. ATS shall contain one SPDT, 10 amp, 250 volt auxiliary switch on both normal ' and emergency sides, operated by the transfer switch. Full rated neutral baz with lugs for normal, emergency and load conductors shall be provided inside the cabinet � � � � i � i � � � ! � � 6. ATS shall contain the following conuols: a. A solid state undervoltage sensor shall monitor all phases of the normal source and provide adjustable ranges for field adjustments for specific application needs. b. Signal for starting the engine-generator set to stazt in the event of a power interruprion. A set of contacts shall close to start the engine and open for engine shutdown. A solid state time delay relay start (adjustable from 0.1 to 10 seconds) shall delay this signal to avoid nuisance start-ups on momentary voltage dips or power surges. c. Signal to transfer the load to the engine-generator set after it reaches proper voltage (adjustable from 70% to 80%) and frequency (adjustable from 80% to 90%). A solid state time delay (adjustable from 5 seconds to 3 minutes) shall delay this transfer to allow the engine-generator set to warm-up before application of load. There shall be a switch to bypass this de►ay to avoid short term normal power restoration. d. Signal to retransfer the load to line after normal power restoration. A retum to utility timer (adjustable from 1 to 30 minutes) shall delay this transfer to avoid short term normal power restoration. e. Engine run timer (adjustable from 1 to 30 minutes) to ensure an adequate engine run period. f. A solid state plant exercise cicek to set the day and time of generator set exercise period. Clock shall have a one (1) week cycle and be powered by the load side of the transfer switch. A battery shall be supplied to maintain the circuit boazd energized when the load side of the transfer switch is de- energized. Include a switch to select if the load will transfer to the engine- generator set during the exercise period. g. A manual locking handle to allow manual transfer. This handle shall be mounted within the lockable enclosure so allow access only by authorized personnel. h. A safety disconnect switch to prevent load transfer and automaric engine start while perfomung maintenance. This switch shall also be used for manual uansfer switch operation. i. I.ED status liahts to provide a visual readout of the operating sequence. Monitor status shall include the following: (1) Uuliry on. (2) Engine warmup. (3) Engine warmup bypass. (4) Standby voltage "ready". (5) Standby frequency "ready". (6) Standby on. SHA508 16205 - 3 � ' � , �� (7) Transfer to standby (8) Retum to urility. (9) Engine cooldown. (10) Engine minimum run. (11) Fasttest mode. R. The following manufacturers aze approved for standby power systems: Caterpillar, Cununins, Generac and Kohler. IND OF SECITON � � I 1 �i l � � � � � � L� � SHA508 16205 - 4 � , � , 1.00 �_ i �� � � �' �J � � � � � � � � � � � Q C. 0 SEC'I'ION 16210 FUSES GENERAL Fuses protecting 0 to 600 amp feeders shall be current limiting L.ow-Peak Dual-Element LPN-RK (250 volt) or LPS-RK (600 volts). Size fuses per circuit amperes shown or as required by the latest edirion of the NEC. Fuses protecting individual motor circuits rated 480 amps or less shall be current limiung Low-Peak Dual-Element LPN-RK (250 volt) or LPS-RK (600 volts). Size fuses per circuit amperes shown or as required by the latest edirion of the NEC. The Contractor shall supply three (3) fuses of each size shown in the Contract Documents for spares. Turn over to the Owner prior to final close out of the Project. The following manufacturers aze approved for fuses: Bussman, Gould Shawmut and Reliance. END OF SECTION SHA508 16210 - 1 , � ' 1.00 � C � � J � � 1 � t � t l � � � SECI'ION 16220 MOTOR ST.ARTERS GENERAL A. Manual motor starters shall be full voltage, fusible, toggle switch rype with NEMA 1 enclosure unless noted otherwise. Starter shall be rated for motor startin� with replaceable thermal overloads on all phases. Provide piiot light where shown on the drawings or identified in these Spec�cations. B. Individual motor starters shall be full voltage, fusible, combination rype unless noted otherwise. Starter shall be rated for motor starting with repiaceable thermal overloads on aII phases. Each starter shall be supplied with two (2) spare normally open and two (2) spaze normally closed contacts. C. Starter coiis shall be rated at 120 volu. Provide control power uansformers where required. D. The following manufacturers aze approved for motor starters: Square D, GE, Siemens-TI'E and Westinghouse. END OF SECTION SHA5�8 16220 - 1 Allen Bradley, � ' � � 1.00 , � � � � � !� _� l � � r � � � SECI'ION 16300 LIGHTING GENERAL A. Fxtures shall be fumished complete as specified and/or called for on the Liaht Fixmre Schedule. Each fixture shall be installed per the latest edirion of the NEC and the manufacturer's recommendations. Proper support for each fixture shall be provided b}� the Contractor. 0 C Voltage for light fixtures and lamps shall be as noted on the Light Fixture Schedule. Provide all lamps as noted on the Light Fixture Schedule. All incandescent lamps shall be 130 volt unless noted otherwise. D. Ballasts shall be Type "P", Class "A", HPF, CMB-EI'L equal to Advance Mark III. HID ballasts shail be HPF type with constant wattage desib . E. Upon completion of the project and before final inspection, clean all fixtures and replace bumt out lamps. F. Photoelectric control shall be constructed with a ITV-resistant raintight polypropylene housing. It shall be calibrated to a 1.0 footcandle turn-on, and provided with a shutter for field adjustment tum-off. Photo conuol shall be rated at 1,2(� watts Tungsten, 1,000 VA ballast at 120, 208, 277 or 480 volts. Photo control shall be mounted on a stainless steel plate supported by a recessed electrical box. G. The following manufacturers are approved for photo control: Fisher-Pierce Nitelighter Series Model # FT15 (120 volt), #FI'168 (208-277 volt) or #FT19 (480 volt). END OF SECTION SHA508 16300 - i � ❑ , , 1.00 L �� � � � !J' � � , � 1 � � �� � �� - ���3 SECI'ION 16720 FIRE DEI'ECTION AND ALARM HARD WIRED GENERAL A. The Contrnctor shall provide a complete and system, consisting of equipment from one wiring, conduit, j-boxes and outlet boxes. fully funcrional fire detection and alarm manufacturer and including ali required B. The compiete installation shall conform to the applicable secaons of NFPA-72, local codes and the Narional Electric Code (NEC). Fach item of the system shall beaz the LJI. label. All conuol equipment shall be listed under the ITL category "UOJZ° as a sin�le control unit; partial lisrings will not be accepted. Smoke detectors shall be approved under UL 268 and shall be approved to operate only with a panel listed under UL 864. System controls shall be UL listed for Power Limited ApplicaUOns per NEC 760. All circuits shall be mazked in accordance with NEC 760-23. C. Shop drawings submitted for approval (refer to Seclion 16010) shall contain the following minimum infomiation: Complete descriptive data indicating UL lisrings for all system components. Complete sequence of operations for the system. Complete system wiring diagrams for components capable of being connected to the system and interfaces to equipment supplied by others. D. The following devices shall be provided where shown on the Drawings (Simplex model numbers aze provided for cross referencing): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fire detection and alazm control panel. Simplex #4002 series. Fire detection and alann remote annunciator. Simplex #4602 series. Combination hornl strobe, common areas. Simplex #4903-9224. Strobe, common areas. Simplex #4904-9137. Manual pull starion. Simplex #2099-9754. Smoke detector. Simplex #2098-9209. Smoke detector, duct. Simplex #2098-9649. Heat detector, common areas (135° F rise). Simplex #4098-9402. 24 volt DC power adaptor. Simplex #2098-47. Digital alarm communicating transmittet Simplex #2080-9024. E. The foliowing zones shall be provided: �. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Office Area Garage Area. RTU-1. RTU-2. RTU-3. RTU-4. RTU-5. RTU-6. Spare Spare Water F1ow. Water Tamper. SHA508 16720 - 1 � F_ Provide digital alarm communicating transmitter (DT) at telephone backboazd. Provide two RJ31X telephone jacks adjacent to "DT". Provide 1" conduit between "DT" and main fire alarm panel. G. All wirina shall be installed in a separate conduit system. A color coded wiring system shall be maintained throughout the installation. Connecrions to devices provided b} others shall be coordinated with the installing contractor. H. wring shall be color coded, tagged and checked to insure that it is free from shorts and grounds. All wiring shall be solid copper. Minimum wire size shall be #14 gauge with #12 gauge for all suobe circuits. I. Ali j-boxes shall be sprayed red and labeled "Fire Alarm". Devices shall be mounted at the following heights, unless noted otherwise. Distances shall be measured fmm device center to floor. Detectors Horn/Strobes Pull Stations ceiling 80" ��� K. The equipment manufacturer shall provide to the Owner a maintenance contract proposal to provide a minimum of two inspections and tests per year in compliance with NFPA-72H guidelines. L. An equipment manufacturer's representative shall provide as part of this contract a minimum of four hours system operation training for the Owner. The time and date of training session shall be detemuned by the Owner. M. The following manufacturers are appmved for fire detecrion and alarm equipment: Edwards, Norifier, Pyrotronics, Simplex or equal. END OF SECTION SHA508 16720 - 2 1 , SECTION 167-� TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM � 1.00 GENERAL A. All wiring shall be installed according to the local Urility's recommendations. ' B. The local Utiliry shall pmvide system entrance telephone cable to a main entrance backboazd provided by the Contractor as specified in this Section. ' C. The Contractor shall provide one 8'x8', 3/4" plywood backboard, extendin� from floor to ceilina, for use by the Utility. Width of the panel shatl be shown on the Drawings. Contractor shall paint the panel with a grey, fire retardant paint prior to all equipment , installation. � � , � � , � , � �� .� � IND OF SECTION SHA508 16740 - 1 � , , , 1.00 , , � , �� � � � � � , �� F J � ' SECTION 16750 VIDEO AND DATA CABLING SYST"EM � � C�7 GENERAL The Contractor shall provide a complete and fully functional interior video and data cabling system, including all required wiring, backboxes and jacks. The complete installalion shall conform to local codes and the Narional Electric Code (NEC). All wiring shall be installed and connected according to the video and data equipment manufacturer. D. The Contractor shall provide all video and data cabie from the equipment rom through the cable management system to each voice/ data outlet with sufficient length at both ends to allow proper connecuon by the Contractor. Provide sufficient lena h of cable, coiled above drop ceiling, to allow connection to all cubicies and future cubicles through power poles. Connecrion point shall be farthest point of cubicle from power pole. Connections at both ends of individual video and data lines will be made by the Conuactor. E. The Contractor shall provide one 10 Base T ethernet cable from the equipment rom to each voice/ data oudet in o�ces, rooms and each individual cubicle. F. Voice/ data ouUets shall consist of a double gang box with 3/4" conduit stubbed into nearby accessible ceiling space. Provide blank cover pates for all unused voice/ data outlets. G. Contractor shall pmvide an connection jack at each voice/ data outlet. END OF SECTION SHA508 16750 - 1 � 1 ' , � ' � � , ' 1 1 i � 1 1 ! 1 1 1 SECI'ION 16900 SCHEDULES 1.00 GENERAL A. The schedules identified below aze included as part of these Specifications. B. List of Schedules: 1. Light Fixture Schedule. END OF SECTION ,: . l�.i ��, LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE 1 , , ' ' l 1 ' ' , , , �J ' , � � I I , ,, ��� � � �� � ��� �ri � �i iUSIIH� I � IDENT ! FfXTUpE TYPE � R�'� C I H�I MOUNTING �' IAMPS , LENS, LOUVER, ETC. � MANUFACTUHER'S CATALOG NUMBEB NOTES � � � 2k4' I � � ` RECESSED j (3) 32Y! T8 I 3' DEEP,18 CELL � LITHONL4 f2PM3G332180.120-GEB A �I PARABOLIC I X �� i � LAYdN Po3?/735 PARABOLIC OR E�UAL i I� I � 2X4' � �i �I RECESSED ��i (2)32WT8 ' ' LfTHONIA3SPG23TAl2.125-120-GEB B I 'I LENSED � LAY-IN I F037/735 I� 0.725ACRYLJC OREQUAL i � . 2'#' �� X � � RECESSED � (2) 32W TB I 3" DEEP, 9 CELL ' 11THONIA 2PM3G62349612fFGEB 2 , PARABOLIC � � ' i LAY-IN i FB03T/735�6 I PARABOLIC I OR EQUAL 1, ; i � I D I �, DOWNLIGHT � X II I RECESSED l (2)78WT4 � CLEAflALZAK �I STAFFA83CL-HP420-WH-EB � LAY-IN i CF13DD/835 �� � Ofl E�UAL i � EXR-LED � � I BLACK BODY LfTHON1A #LES61 R120 ' E SINGLE FACE X I UNNEHSAL WRH UNR i RED LETTERS ' OR EQUAL , i i EXR-LED I � BLACK BODY I� LfTHONiA #LESB2R720 E7 I I ' X UNNERSAL WRH UNR DUAL FACE � � RED LETTEHS OR EQUAL i CEILING � (4) 32 T8 I � LITHONIA d8TAF432420-GEB F 8' INDUSTRIAL I X I I, 20% UPLIGHT , I CHAIN I F03?l735 � OR EQUAL , i � I G I DOWNLIGHT I I X RECESSED (1)100WMH CLEARSPECULAR INFlNITViMH7StOQ�MWT � EXTERIOR I CEWNG MIDNWMED ALZAK j OREQUAL � �� H SHOWER I X i RECESSED ; (2) 13W T4 FLUSH PRISMATIC STAFF YSP5202-51-520LP-TWEB �' i � CEILMG i CFI3DSB35 LENS . OH EQUAL , � I � I NOT USED � ' I I I �� I I �I i, , J I 4' STRIP i g I SURFACE '�, (2) 32W TB I "' , LfTHONIA iUN232-124GEB I �� � I CEILING -:. F032/735 � OH EQUAL ' I DOWNLIGHT � j RECESSED CLEARSPECULAH � INFlNfTY�A7&70PMWT '' K � DIMMED X' (1) 700W A79 � ', � I LAy-IN I qLZAK i OR EQUAL , i � I 2'x2' I � I RECESSED I (2)32WT8 � LtTHON1A42SPG232Al2.725-120-GEB ' L '' LENSED X � � LAY-IN � � F8032l735r6 � 0.725 ACRYLIC OR E�UAL � SRE � y5' POLE I(4) 250W MH GLASS DIFFUSER, I, 5TERNER ALB23A-4}3-AC-AR•250S 'I M �' FOUR HEAD X i DARK BROP2E ' 208^SSS74P-C-N ', 1, 2 I TYpE III I ON BASE I Mu ��� FlNISH ' OR EQUAL ! NOTES: 1. 208 VOLT FIXTURE. 1. PflOV1DE 3 FOOT DIAMEfER, 6 FOOT NIGH, CONCRETE POLE BASE MOUNTED 5 FEET INTO GROUND. ��1F � � , , , � ' , , , , � ' , ' � � ' 1 I k x `J- aRJ6���'� Re MaN � z W y w Z � � � 1� _� � � � � � -_ I _�_ _ -��:Z� J � I � i � `t��,�1�' "' I ', �14� i--�- - � --• � i NL. —_ —" _ � �8 ' I I --->��-_--� — � I c,rre+� I _ I - � - � �-- -' � ---- �(ew�ro�E.s wl —�' 2 FIxTUR0.S_eT I _ — 'uNK `��o �- I � I � � _ � --�—� - - � — �— — �-- — — � _ I _— _ � � I _ I I � eroelcvev � w��� Yk �l , ' { �R. � I I I.RRA N4Ni> �~� I� I Mmo YLLCD � � ' �( ' I i � � ,� i JJ ! I � -c�crrirmlu snc��t_ I � _�resav ro��ce ���rr � �"oKE�r "swt �e�►'vrc�R�`' I � - I - I � I ! I I � � I I 1 � ( � I I � � I � � I I � � r-fil�t�E�AHA .4V�I�IUE �I . � �I �I —�� � I ' �--ExISTUdNf� � To N R! rFnE N � PFIL£ R+EtJTRT niovE ex�sr. _ � PoLE ? AKFJ� — , �I L�NNT IJEN IL Y�INN i � 61fUHI�OV°.ELKI" n� NERLTn W�sY I 6-d'�C � 6L.d. H a5 � �a�� � hbicr�l SHEA Butln Se�m IM lbile Sliln SV��1 W n�u0o��. YM pp�pf R�fl 1n-zz5r v�mm 0111 UF]BM �n �WNER (SELLER) JEBCA INC. PROJECT TITLE EAST SIDE POLICE TEAM FACILITY ST,PAUL, MN SHEET TI�LE SITE PLAN �,�„ a� _,..,lrr_ aEC�eu m _ neM uvrn�x � ixEeEmttenri�xu�mtruM+r[�nennow a� �Eroer �oi r�Eramm � u[ v� u�� ur tlllFtl lWt�YLipY �MO FMI I�Y /. WLY �FN/IfI1F01pGU1fLl VXOFA itlF IAW N IW SfI1E0[YIXXES0111 -- Mif -_P[BN01)Y!1 5[Aff 1'+ 20'-0' n�iF _ 13 SE('fE1.EEq igd5 [o�uM MO Sg15W PEVISIOMS AflGNIiECTS, INC DD• 1 � t 1 � , � i , , , ' 1 � ' ' ' � ' ■ � � � �' � A PPRKNG ' :� � � � �� I I -• �� ��!■ ■ I r■ �� I '':� '� � � � I L_ ...._..-_._ • • � � !_ �ii �� �f" � � �� I � � � I � h � � �� � �� � � �I I i - b.s,m. ,mmee�oa� ��re�en � � ��� �x57 1RF.IJLH DftAN 70 REMAN II II I �a.ao ro II prq � II I I � I r --xslAU.�nxw I �ReYPeN11M5 _. I I rr�i it rr�i �r�� � � � i � r � � � �4 � i� i, � rr�i ir�� �rji �r% _ i i i � _ ,� —�`� ' �, erxnnt �q{ � � rl �� I I � IJ i � �.` "�"� � �€ � �. —� � � �. � LC�Y ' � 1/ V l � �\ L I J � I�^` i- �- � C � i � l� � 1 t ��. ������ r - i � _, ,_ ,� ��� � ��� ��� ` C� � � � �> r--� --, � ���� -' �,�'. ���� . �� � __' [ _-_ - �, � �� ����� � , ��- ra�„���( - L. Ip cr , �� _ f A� _ . ����„������. i �—_�-- �, �, � � � � � � � b � �� � ,�,. �, � � � (�IR� r .a.eo � I IB / IVVM M V .-w�.'�r I � "'a"�' L �� wMawr ..w I w��utY PoI ` �� � � � � uuver I �cruruiiwa� I i � r� �r ; � 2a cHSn � - vi -� � -- � ' , �.�. --, ' -- �:��.�_ ��■� u ■�,� ..��n=::����..'►.�� �'°:I� :,.• ♦ �:. �:�.�..�:°�� � � 24 ��PARIOPG STALC6 — EN'. � cr. � �� TC GT GT. 1 �' � � � � � rfT � l r-1 T�y fT "� 4 r - T _• � ���o' ~o� -; �o r� ' 1; ro' i i i 1 �, �.� t1.�lJ r__i' i Ir� v p3 r �� � r � I , { LLL_��+ • _1_�� t-.I .- ����� �{aLal� f O r. r��r�� .� • •� �' �i���i� r__� �� i{ I 1 1! i �/ 1; �.� 1 1 1 f� �. 1 Y �� � - L__fii{ J �11F J ����� F���� �__ Y,__ �__ tl.�._� �__ � F--�-141-�__i F--�-I+I-�-�i Q i -- iif4r - �l uvn . i; �iiii��: �1 ��iiii� �� r TT k��} l� L�1�J aJ � �� �� E- �-_�� _, - �� � � � � � n�u. 5 ev eurert. (FORNrtLRE 5 SnONN DA5nED) I I I wAU. KEY • � u,�....d.,..�.. r—� n�mmw�.,� � .�rxnw.we+oaeraca � � �.«�.�a�m.� � Nwrcrwmoroneoaure�vov::m�e � s� NI ��-��� wrutrom�x i --- - -------� � I _ _ _ _ ey�mromww _ _ °`.y,�Ss'� i�a . � O O FLOORDftAN -! LPLAM TRAP p- - - - - - - vsnn o�,v� ro ai.w ;-�--- I ppiNfPXR6lORXJN ( .cmfOCyaqry [TfAex tl9 � �wzwemro — L'NL� b� � Ri1mY4'I.a(l11�! CpRINGi MlNCRbwiMNl - lSAM1CIU�+�KCN y� +m w � 9e SHEA �.�..,..,�. ���� ��� ���.�. ���. OWNER fSELLER) ��. ��.. PROJECT TITLE EAST SIDE POLICE TEAM FACIUTY ST. PAUL, UM. SHEET 717LE c�trs�ucrior� � OPAVRI 6Y� � aCa� Bn iEMI CMfA1! 'a�s,�.t� a w r a uM w wsr alenr9� ,� �., �.,. �. N �WI M R�IF � aie �ea w vss �� �• . �� wrt� a eera� oai mu uo aenm av5us� ARCNITECT/,INC DD• 2 r — I I �� �� I � I �I �� SHEA ,� �.. �,� �, ���� �w� � �.�, �. ��� OWNER [SELLER) .EBCO IWC. EI,EVATION AT CAMNdWffY RM. KffGFIENETTC 3/8 - I � EILVATION A7 COMMIINRY RM •104 3/8' - I'-O' � ELEVATbN Ai LOFFEE RM. 3/8' - I'-0' �jl ELCVATI�N AT M/d, RM. 3/8' . �•_�- .. _ PROJECT TITLE EAST SIOE POLICE TEAM FACILITY �� ROU. GALL RM. WLST WAU. �\ ROU. GAU. RM. EAST WAU. 3/8' - I'-0" 3/8' • I'-0' �r�rica. •c• wrr�ow 3/8' • f-0' wr e v.esr vtu� dXML d � nre,v. ro• wr�rnm 3/8' • I'-0" EI.EVATION AT U1NGH RM �p9 �SEGTK7N DETAY, �1 EL�YATI_ON A7 ORIGCR RM 1p5 3/B' • f-0' 9/8' • f-0' 9/B' - f-0' uar e swM w.w. roi e wezT w.0 w e ucr ri,u, m �1 TYPYAI. "A' WdJDOW 3/8' - f-0' �n1 EXTERi�R EIEVATION AT An L Ab WS�ONS 3/8' - I'-0' SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS �� �. � oea� er� ir�w cvru� e.n 'a w m &'ME' L!' . Ta' MR� O �I�e91 fY6 CUM w� xam RV6106� R II�TE,IIIC DD•3 w ceF �v m uanx wru d.KRV P`lASi MNl wr e zom� wru m e wr wua m N4Cr. LP0 NJllll WNA. 7YfY.a. '8� 1VN�OVY 3/8' • I'-0' •ti• MP.^M • N • M1C�V WflNX�11WALLLLT ' IMlNMIMWVlOT �LFlt IGYIiiC.M l aM1 (f NlWLl ✓n5 , — � ' ' i ' , ' , , � , � � , ' ' 1 t �5��a SHEA �,.�..�..�,. ao wrli s.n ur MrWd� W SS'0! !Pl SPLbT qv� !tl �IG2Y]C Yx OWNER (SELLERI .�CO INC. PROJECT TITLE EAST SIOE POLICE TE�M FACILITY ST. PAIL, NN SHEET TITLE Sf�II.ES a.w., �, s. � �, — n..� �w. � � w 'ar'�,v."x'.wm �i �u�mi n WpJ}A YT 1�116 ! M/1[� Kl 6LN! are� e net�en �coe m,�t w aem Rvmna �i E rs, Nc DD•4 � � ' ' ' � ' � � � , � ' ' ' ' � � I � 2]G • v,rv^, Ti s .- -.--- ' � ' i I I i i ' I i , nac �srz ma �-� -;-, _ � � �� ' ! i i � 'i' �f.a..i' �iAU C I I I � � � i � ` saur nem.o mrn ��PA�9�F��IEmi FFEa10R °AFKOyC yh� ( i l � 4sm �e9 Ik1NC° OPNN �� F' -�. �(� I-�� � R �' �� � �.� �- -' F � �: �„u � �, � � I I-� � � �'il L' �� „nou.r � � ' ro�� � ��� 4 3 I t \� �b.'� q� i q� , <�, ��, 4.:a�+u� �..,v��rv� � ��L"cA�-Rk �'L.�;J�-� / - ff3 \ HOR `:t,L���GOIA '-` �cckr�.00R [ �, i� �-� � zi � ,�, � � , ,� I I NOMEIJ i �� � III . 4'J (,�JFS � �--� � '15`LL'. �� I � I q ' � � , �� � I � ' � � � I � 'r.�,�ar.�rnir i.; li L�� ; i I �.� � I � � { � a 1 �o , i ac �n � ,. .. ; (� I t_i (� � � �� � � � �{ f � � A I %�E>IS LOCnEH ft00�1 - � �� (��� 1':fl I!)LWdS „� �F r�orc�nce � ' �. �� cr c* �z__ : � I� � � � ;� / r� � _�, � II � � t� '���- l�� \ � �. �_ _ ci cr � � ,�T__"rR P " 4 � r.. , . � , � co�riuc+� �,,,� �. - -- V � C 77.�'� �i.r: \ i �� d, f 1 MPY � . i 124I _ i7 _ _. g c _ 6 °"w'"'""".�� ' �m d ' 1�1 LR/ �� � ' C <s� r �� O vFCiiPN F� I T� �. �_ I W f �- 'w� t � to, �'� � / o; I',�S � 4 � � o.� . F-.� ,P.�r.Y�. f ,�� I � --�� ,. I � • ��o[3er �� � i i!�I , � ��ttPnki . ' ic�� � . - �\ (� � > >a3 ��.��> � � ^r,e��noa � � � `,A � .. / ' - ''.' J-0 oi � _ � _ r.�� sErtctrs� � ,.�, i �, �A � i J9 � (� � a��l <.x w.�r��� � �.�m,� � � d �Y , � � t'�. � _ � �c..mn '' IDtl A�a-NJ � LItUi � �� ������ � } �J ...., � 'I . � ..-1 T I�.. � Pwxl k,.,,a [_??ij i W i p�CVMAP10E �� � ROPP1 r�n.r 1IDl�YfA fltll � �I KEY NOTES O i pSTM1 M M.Yf MWS N HfM MYf WN1fCi qYlf6 l0 o s� �'�p m� ix�DSCw�"cc w�us zOxnr.s� n�siv+e ir euwme swu awra O c.w orr wo .arnoor1 no mmw �musm svmrxr Smnc¢. O i oisnnc swrtwr o�wc mn ++wm' I � 28I :�i LUCktki i �` i , �y �u � 11 1'"1 �� �I C0R200R 160 ...� �� � � t3FiFj ����-rr3� � It:VhSiIGPi0R5 ; 131� :tv[�' 5- �08� �� + � ' � 1 P 5�4.5 -� -- SHEA � � BuHer Squar0. Sdte 650C u 10p NartM1 Sizlh Street � il � Ninneopoih, MN 55403 � (6I2j 339-2257 P�e � (612) 349-293(7 fax iji � a71 CtN . a.r.r r+.. r. u�e �r+na s a �r.. w. n w. I! w�s wro � — OWNER (SELLER) � ' JEBCO GROUP INC. {I'�� 'i I �''i I'I' i, ''��'�, I i �� 360 N. ROBER7 ST. � SUITE 700 SAINT PAUL, MN SFCUPr �r�hU F "TOPnGC 13 � a ruruac ornc� 1 51 1 MECNANICAL PLAN M`� 1 / 8 ' - 7 ' -0 ' ��'� � bnm � ; I � � �i_--___�__ Rti0'C Ya`ACC rL ��a l � �> � 6Y fYN 9 OR I;f L FiAM IiAf �F PROJECT i�l EAST SIDE POLiCE � � TEAM FACILI7Y � ,� _� ST. PAUL, MN YGI � MLC�ia1.IIC 1 15 MECHANICAL PLAN DD PNASE � xe110Y rnlfer 1�uI 1Nf ivx. fr[pKAtqll M ROM MS M1IPIIIW C( 1& M IIIGIt W � iJlCGRLR V �lR�l1E�4�3 K M n,NE a wmuwrw dl[ RFG M Iab�� SLNE� t/6 . P-p OATE: 13 9eptember 1991 CONM. N0. 0000.00 RENSIONS: '� AHCNITECT8,INC "°�' M • 2 t � , ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' , ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 �F_ i ��i�� � �0.�-� 1 O � � �� t I I � I� r �T 0 �� 1 ' � H 'f' H L l` r �,��-"1 5"� �L E:�� ��� �r� . � � r I . y „ I �oel u'i I � � E � =0 � GJRrv�00R E � 'iJ v U ' Yy9�i� rF� , � � `� �a� � �vu �r�..� ��� vv:.�� � -�'4^�"�.i 4�0� " � ' L'o .1 c ` , �' i �l L'°J 1� E I �a � .w. C :� o ,! a� o �, ro � I i � %\,� 1 0 � � E u ❑° �'GPPd)JP � -, / � �� Fr'."n�:n^ §�Ia�.S i � � cNirn Pi,�261niC agl �� ll � I ii � l i I , i I � � I' i� IBI E u � �9 ���.. ..�0 � � q�—� � �� L_— _ — �—� �� � __ — __— �'d58Yl�i F �� � � 'J �_ � 5 �-� - — �� — � � ' ' ���� � '��r � � . I I i I �,� � - � I r, I �, + ��j .� . 1 � ' �� � � � .] � �� I ( � � � � !0 i :il .i�� �t I� L-� �I ' , ��� V{V�"L LOC�WiOpM O g 0 O 1 - rz�� ��i �ockrr� I �,.�.. I- �•cr C' o z rasrmc siu�s � e �� � � Y � " 7 , "� 0 ��� � �- . ��, � .r " � �� . � i I:_I a /�,'w"W i-\ , e - '- - � i ��u � e cor+ c _' � �i ,l �.in�, e � 3 F e' I <I -g� 1Z3� �l , ,�; , a .r ' p ,� ��� 0 � F+ b , � , � -� - � ,�-�-.�'� � �ra,� L , - '� 1e. ' `e'�� 0 0 0 ; v�sr��O • i R�� �c� e ,�'. �,� r � � o � � � � � ° �1 ' H LO133 � � . _�� 0 'EJ � " — ���. �KC�'Ozl - � . • �� °— I � _�19 � _ o � - � � � " � �, • �1� i i - �� _ . D��or�a�oo� 0 S � ��� �� i � ' �� E tig �c �'a• °C l 5' AN I I � � —3 1 � � NI I I '' I i � �` � 'I u ❑onra � h8 f s�' r 1 tJl. S e � � �-1-� �� � � � I � � (}�} I ry �I I I E � -i \O�-'_� L . — � \ � �'� � E C g� I��� 0 0 0 .rn 5'J . � — ❑ � I �� � � � , � .0 0 0 � Q � 3 ° f_= li `if3 � ��--�� �}�� r� �i�ri_iRC Of!'irC " O I- I !-lL . L� �q i"I:ESiIGFtOHS � -� � I.S1! 3 �.�F�: '�-�� n a � � �� �. .,i = ii1� �` Q �� � Q�_,I i 0 0 0 � o • o! �o� . - � �p , o �_ �. e I `J A � —�, �_ � � �s] � - ��..�� .d� �'1�.,�� � =.uc�; � � �� � �� �• � �I'� GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES A w n'n �u�m�x s��wvm r�a u uauw" m�'n mc w� vc �s WMICF FRCM (➢�� ML PIEV�FNCI LIGMIX6 SIMl1 SN41 � fIKNPQlS' fAOY V-2 IXM SPECIFIC ELECTRICAI NOTES � mnm¢ swi eE coxmoum ar nrt aad .xo wwro cEU. a nmincs woimrtn mrs wrr vwi a w rr,a w-� um x ax a� �ouns � oa a nnwrs xwcno �ws w�r swu ec rm mw w-� a ru ovr rmuxes sw�u e[ rEm nau oi-i 5 COXA�CId1 $HVl MON9E iWJ ]O' WR NNIOVmS 'MIII iOLR 3'A �Il�ii YN. SWE N.L T9E iIRT11E1 /NU �ME MST�WICM. BIG[� �III�D �P��lqlP�i�.K MECFSVA! NR �CtlRLLIE ��[AWL� P.Nplp lOf 41CM11X6 MICY iEm flKY V-I. O WMRICIq! SNNL PRSIM fpR !' SMP P%iWLS. fY9AT 59K'N n MF XSdEM. PRJMOE CNE . WPIL% M 16CM.'GE M WIIYIL CNCVR. � I� � u I I �_= �1Pr �.rf1�Cl f :�i=� I � , 1591 I � I I I�\\ � � NC^.nP6�Ce� � 1Stl T� r �� �� ��"! �,1�5) t LIGHTING SYSTEM _ E ` Z 1/8 = 1 '- 0 " �� SHEA � ��� BWar Sauare, Suile 650C �ji 10p NorN Sixlh Street �nneopolis, YN 55l03 � (612) 339-2257 phone (812) 349-2930 fez �i I� � �IL...VI� • py p ra� r � MYr.Wf�MW «.-m a.w m OWNER (SELLER) JEBCO GROUP INC. 360 N. ROBERT ST. SUITE 700 SAINT PAUL, MN PROJECT EAST SIDE POLICE 7EAM FACILITY ST. PAUL, MN LIGHTING DD PHASE i xcemr avmr iwx Me wa. monu�ox m uswr wN mw�nm er uc on umu rr nmis'mm� w�u� nic�u:s� nii $f/.lE Cf YMES9fA Mft 1W.Iq. �<N{ SUa£: f/6 . 1•-p o�re: 1J SeplertMet 1991 CONN. NO. WLU'.W REN90NS: '� AACNITEGT8,INC �' E • 2 � � �'. � � �I f � L 1 � , C � l J � , ' �� G1�Itt �Q O ivx C sr � �� �!� r � O O � T 1 O � � µ� Qi (q ��? c r/(q xw Kat mm� /� z0� i/f e w/(s) fa nnM /Ew.++ ap z � »ic.> sro ,� � �(:) Y c r/(�l ra xon nr.H /rxn ul vAx[�s sewL a rvrol@Im Flum wm enfi+�mS 1. ]. CR 3 Fdf AS IEqMRID. 1 POWER AND SYSTEMS E3 �i�' ='' O Q � µv nrz-i d-� 10 I(I/ ccewroa 2 DISTRIBUTION RISER , E3 NO SCALE GENERAL ELECTXICAL NOTES �� axarnai aru seaac caart x,o ve srd m wu�a vocfn .at xt�naa x�xa rucx swu a rm v�u a_�. � m u otw.a wm msu[xr saw riwa ca�vr ra cvm wu ���c vw xcmr�ae � r�oi-�i s�mw v�wi i eae9AFXiumum � mv swi c rm ° �n�w��i so �i' �c s�"a �c�ur s�n Iovrt w�m u ro��iu�m��r�mxm ���,a„� p„�.w,��,������, .� c vmi.Ae rvss ra ru oRarwecn wcwaw mMra rv»s awi A me wu. �sw.a vrm w�mv.v. �osrm R 11E IAPo6'! Wi �6MNZf.T MLL MRW. a� Nl R�IMt4 x OMMt MG SWLL R Y.W�ED p 1S YI ND B[ M SPEqFlC ELECTRICAL NOTES Y N �� � � " �TM� � a �� �� ��� � O Af 4EWVM P DIIIK M%R Y.tl. wM/L G� NN.CqN Y/K Aw. 4MELIVG A W71 MMW. Lf YlMY6IL MVA.CIPI. NV.tlf ENYU3I Mi[Y V WPMI I�T AT1K 1U91 F/� VCVA T fE1tW !IM 3-IM1 CM0.CIW p�tlNOM rannc .mi ruvaw wo .iw w rwau �ew.+ui ca.non As x�nm va w urn mmac x�mowm. W+c .0 uawm x¢wuveee x me nwvcium. ��mo� via.me,ui,mnow� �uwme rme� rox 0 ��� � na �an �m� ti a ao�or w 10 wuec ae in-m wxw�a mw rie ecu no�w ve au � rm �rox rvuur � wn �uw�aoar amn ro �-eox rewu e�ivnexvox mec .wo ura Q i oTrac e-nz �m.c cw awm u aa�w iwuam � m w. .vi mmeo mwmere ibo. a.0 mma ore �m .«. o.vr ra cw .w as.aasrmo-e � �xa�x v ma .ao v�ou .xo wn« me n�m. ua.n �r+ xo� w�i v°�wo¢ vxr wcur vax uw nuxvr� aivn w r�w ws ou n cuwa. wum �uxmn wo rowx senfs x arun xmu wxc rsmrso w� ca[ .vo wn w� mo¢�c�n g �.� ��,��.� ,�,��a�n�� nmwc w�a �wo ....w n...a a w. mm marc. �wu n.mo. ' av �.��m.c� c�xc uwauexr mm �r ,�eme a..n wro .aw.a wm+campe wu s uutm x arcu now� rw.0 r�amx�aciw c�sc nm uu¢ xi m�r mxs � m�ua��wuiw� avnxd ° sa rnara IAT'M IVm KR/.�1M1 q5 - ���� �sHEA iRUE � Butler Squam, SuRe 650C tOp North Sirtfi Street Alinnropolis, MN 55403 (612) 339-2257 phone (612) 349-2930 fax t71 tCIV a....�...�.. • .nn�win... �. 11w1M.b MW W-m4 MHp M OWNER (SELLER) JEBCO GROUP INC. 360 N. ROBERT ST. SUITE 700 SAINT PAUL, MN PROJECT EAST SIDE POLICE TEAM FACILITY ST. PAUL, MN POWER AND SYSTEMS DD PHASE � .�a .n�.un er�wv w maec awmHSax wn TM.x �.0 � o�xv rtcamrau � uwou � ux9 a nc R.VE Cf WiE40TA arz RFO. ra. �eSH �..� ,� - +•—v ORE 11 Spbrn4s� 1991 COMN. NO rA00.ao RENSWNS: AACNITECTB,INC E • � 95a1G�� ATTAC��VI�NT A DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DO(:UMENPS EAST SIDE POLICE TEAM FACILITY 722 Payne Ave. Saint Paul, MN PROJECT No. 9507.00 CTT'Y OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT 100 E. 11 Street Prepared by: LIEP, Facility Planing and Design 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 266-9090 Fas:266-9099 95-�083 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS EAST TEAM POLICE FACII.ITIY DOCUMENT INDEX Part I Purchase of Existing Facility "As Built Out" Proposal, dated 8/31/93 Part IT Agreed upon modifications of the °As Built Out" Proposal. Part III Agreed upon modificarions as a result of the Seller - Buyer negotiations between between April 26 and August 21, 1995. Part IV Build out 5pecifications as contained in the Buyer's Original Rquest for Proposal Part V Design Development Drawings: Exterior Perspective (llx17) DDl Site Plan DD2 Floor Plan DD3 Cabinet and Window Frame Elevations (Autocad Re1.12 drawing files are available for sheets DDl-DD3) 95 � Groupinc. Real Estate - Investment Finance Management Development 360 N. Robert Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55701 (612} 222-3081 ;612) 222-3085 FAX �°Qi:°St =01 ?YOpOSd_' ?vo. Rr? - 14964-3 ..�st �e�m ?oiice S�atioa St. Paui, ?^,N ?urc^ase oi �xisting ?aciiity "As Bui i t O�;t" 95-1083 T• I^LSRt ?ursua^.� �o _... .eac=s� :^ade ;_. .__e Ci�y o� St. _��_ �°�; �state �ivisio.^_'s� '_et�er c� Seg*em'ner °. '_493. J we ^eve _e�zred = _ po�- revi=w a _c�osai :or an "as ..�__� o::t "ac�i:�y fcr t_^.= �as� _ea:^ ~ S�a=_cr• ---=s prcacsat stzi_ ce��e^:�la±=s �he _^arove•;:=^'ts *_o �� ce�str::c�ed __. �__� i22 Buiic=ng, 722 ?ayre AvenLe Gt. P2i:� *'=.^.^esc'ta. ;N°_ AYOD^vS° r0 CO^SL�ACL L_^..0 _'T`DYOpomav�:5 _....,.""y� O: `^e ?=cpose3 'ioc_� ?�an �P_1 dz'ted 8/31J93, ' ��_ _ as _�o�ec_ � a_^.d t:e swec:.�_czi;o^s i�e_^.�i�_ed as =X^�D�± n �'Z n cDBCl:'_C . REQill?"E'.P,�^tS� 'aC�'B _ `" � ^ � C:.;C.^_ '_2. 3oc� a:° _�ciuced =^er°wit_. as �x_^.ibi_s • a:d �•3�• resgec't,vely. ?L':SL'2IIL LD C15CllS510IIS W7.±11 =8�:°52PL2`_1V°S .._ .�OL: *�° City Desig.^. stafi and t^e ?olice Depa:'t:*:e:�t, some c:ariiicatio_^.s are r=^��;�=d Lo deter.^.:;^� w�at is an3 wnat is ,,._ _ _ not included i_^. our �roaosai. _. e.^.is i.^.cind=d: 3xterio_ i. Existing er�=ricr wi^cews are :o be rer:.cvec ar.d ±�e oa°ninas wili �e bricked c?cse. �. �'L'.2 D'arl':1.^_Cj !Ct Wll= bE' COIP,D-ECE'i �25�,:.YL�C2C h�±:? c:^cW asa:a:_:ra± a^d s�riped. A guarc rai_ w?__ �_ �^.sta=:>d a:or.g tre Pay.^.e P.venue siaewalt. 3. .he esisring iuei oil ±a^k :�;:-ied ;_. t:e par:i:: g:a= cai: � be re;novea pricr to :epa�.�:.^.a t�e _o:. 4, =^e =xcerior o= c^e nuz:....g wi:_ He �ai_^.,._.,. 5. A new -oc� aec� a�c membrane sys�=m wili be _^s±a�?ed ocer =_^_e =ntire buiiding. I'ter.;s inciudec: I^terier _. Ai� entry ecors _^to �^_ ��.:i?di^g wi L..� Yeg:acec. 2. A^ew er'r.Gust syste!� wiii be iastalled in ±%:e aerzce zroz - - 3. m':= garage wa�'_s a�c ..,�='-r.g w==1 �e pai^�ec. - 1- 4�-�0�� G -nc ar� o wi:. r=ceive :ew f:'wO�ESCEr± _'n+ir �rG tiow . _ 4�--5- ' ig..,._._g steam u^ii ^eaters. .. ='.^.e =xist::g s�eam �oi�er ar.d ..istri�u�ion sys�=:^. w=:- :emzi.^. as �?;e :r,ain scurce cf �ea�iag. 6. ---., exist��g :1/C e��iamert wil: a= r�.,.ev=d a�� ..=w recf*_c� A(C u.^.its witn economizers wii: ::s�a�iea ati_izing ,.^e =xistirg cuct distribution sys:e:*.i. 7. P.1_ existing offic= im.groveme^.ts wiii �= ce*..^.c:is^ec and zii ^.ew =:^provemeats accordi^g to 't_^.e pia^s __^.c specs will be instalied. 8. A!? �ew oifice ?igrii^g wi?1 �_ ?8 tech.^.eiogy. 9. All asbes'tos pine i.^.sulatioa wi11 be repaired a^d mar.aged in �?ace as nec<ssary to cempiy wi'*_h appiicabie health rules. _0. ?rovide and install a:ew 20 Rid emergency e:ectrica� qenerator. 11. ?erimeter drywall z_^.d ir_sulation *_o deck (23 ft. ::igr). All irterior walis to 10' A.F.r. Ali i^tericr c�ai!s wi:1 be sound ir.suiat=c. 12. Ceramic ti?e wair.scot walls ir. toile` rooms. �w._ ^eigh: c=ran:ic tile walis in showers and loc:�=: rooms. Exciusions: As per instruction, the foliew 1}2^:S have ;�een excluded. i. No parking 1ot liqnting is ir.ciuded i*� taic pr000sai. 2. No �e.^.c_�g is i.^.ci.:ded. 3. The secor.d 0.:?. door en the rorth wzi_ ^as been exci�dec. W:i�e this is ^o� a cem:plete listi.^.g of zi1 _°m°^}s �rc:uded in onr proposa?, it coes qive an zccurzte picture ci ±:,° 5C0�° CS WO:'K W° ZII±1C1�2L° 1..C� ;:C1^C� c1 WO'1� ��° ::2�A�' to refi�e t?:ese numbers as more detai!s anci stiecifics become avai�abie. -2- 95 ?�4rchase ?_ice: �YJ..�CS�� �Jvi���S� +�Z�C�. S�/���?.�JJ.Jv �^2 ul}:1C^ �^2 YL`^CrE� �1C��y :'.^,O�Sd^G vC1:2=5 Cash ai c:osi^g. '� GL'�:^Q VC1°_' :°_ViEW 8?:Y 1 °SL10^S O'_" CO:.^,1T:2_^.�S c=?5° :2Q��G'_.^.� .,_.:S �YO^C521 � D:°$S° =°°1 �_..... T_C COIILcC� i:?° 2L ZZL'?OH� . Sir.cerely, J33r -?OU�, i?�'C. ;� . _ � ��� x/ �C��tii'r C«�-' �c��� David ??, Spili :aa o��_o�± ?.+arager D:'_S/'.r'as - 3- � � � � � � F� � � � � � Exhibit "B" EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 12 95-10$� The LESSOR, at its own cost and expense, shall build out leased premises according to the concerns espressed herein, and to the space plans which shall be prepared by . Construction shall begin within 30 days of the time LESSOR receives signed and appmved documents (specifications and plans.) COMMON AREA BUILDING IMPROVEA4ENI'S Prior to commencement of the lease, I.ESSOR shali provide, at iu own cost and expense, the foliowing building improvements: 1. Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, etc.) shall be clean, as direct as possible for safe simple traffic flow and fully handicap accessible. 2. Common Area rest rooms shall be updated to present a clean attractive and fully accessible image. 3. Signage to the leased premises shall be displayed in such manner as to cleariy indicate the Iocation of the LESSEE'S offices. 4. Access to the leased area must be controlled for security reasons. Access to stainvells and elevators must be iimited after business hours. However, the buiiding must also be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5. There must be adequate provisions to park vehicles while.transporting materials and equipment to or from the leased premises. Vendors must be able to deliver large items easily. LEASED PREMISES BUILDOUT IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMiNARY SCOPE OF WORK � In addition to the schematic design, the following buildout requirements shai] be reflected in the pians and specifications of the contract dacuments. "I he specified sections may include sections or work that is not appiicable to the building or site being proposed. Use the appiicable sections. � 1 � LEASED PREMISES Leased premises shall have some private o�ces and some open workstation areas. The LESSEE may have Herman-Miiler electrified work stations. DIVTSION 1 - GENERAL REOUIREMEN'I'S Section 01000 - General ` All work will be done in accordance with Industry standards and will be in accordance with all state and local codes. ` The Contractor must schedule his work to allow for the security of the building and occupied spaces (if any) throughout the period of construction. ` The Contractor wili be responsible for cleanup and disposa] of all refuse resulting from demolition, construction, etc. � EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMEN7S Page 2 of 12 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Section 02050 - Demolition -if anDlicable ` Remove all masonry, walls, floors, ceilings, finishes etc. as indicated or required by the new work shown on the drawings. Section 02100 - 5ite Pre�aration ` Remove and relocate any structures, remove above grade and below grade improvements, and remove growth and vegetation at site. Section 02200 - Earthwork ' Excavating, placing, stabilizing, and compacting earth at the site; including the addition of bonow and disposal of excavated material. Section 02513 - Asphaltic Concrete Pavine ` Walk and Parking Paving, as shown. ` Base course, Mn DOT 2211, Class 5 aggregate Bituminous binder course, Mn Dot 2331, BA-2 aggregate wearing course, Mn Dot 2341. ' Stripping. . Section 02800 - Site Im�rovements ` Fences, uaffic and parking control barriers, and signs. Install all improvements as require� by Site Plan Review. Section 02900 - Landscaping ` Lawns, trees, shrubs, ground cover; including soil preparation and finish grading involving topsoil. DIVISION 3 - COI�'CRETE Section 03300 - Casbin-place Concrete �5--1083 � � �: = Bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. s Mesh, ASTM A185 ` Concrete, ASTM C94, 4000 psi, 3/4" maximum size aggregate, exterior exposure air entrained. Interior slabs troweled. Exterior broom finish. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPEC(F1C BU(LDOUT REQUIREMENTS 9�j -- �, Q�j � Page 3 of 12 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY Section 04200 - Unit Masonrv ' Mortar, ASTM C270, Type S, no color. ' Concrete block, ASTM C90, Grade N, Type 1. ' Wall reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to ASTM A80. ` Brick, SW of a type deiermined by Architect and approved by Owner. All masonry laid running bond. DIVISION 6• WOOD Ai\TD PI.,�STICS Section 46100 - Rough Carpentrv ' Structural grade lumber at stairways or steei and concrete. � Blocking and curbs on roof, Pressure Treated, water-borne preservative.^ ' Wood closures, CAX grade. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentrv ' Casework: AWI "C�stom" grade, plain sliced red oak exposed pares; counter tops for casework, ]aminated plastic. ' Benches for locker rooms, clear maple. DIVISION 7 - THERMAL .�'YD �tOTSTURE PROTECTION Seclion 07210 - Buildin� Insalation ` Perimeter insulation, Fed. Soec. HH-1-S24C Type II, 1.5 pounds per cubic ioot, R=6S. � Thermal insulation in walls,�R=23.4; roof R=16.b7. Vapor barrier, b mil polyethylene. Section 07510 - Bitvminovs RoofinQ ` 4 ply Qwens/Corning built-up roof, over 2" polyisocyanurate and fiber�lass insulation. Aluminize�, non-fibez surface or ;ravel. Section 07600 - Fiashing and Sheet'vtetal ' Metal roof edges, counterflas�'�ing, etc., 24 gauge, gaivanized steei, fluoro-polymer type factory applied finish. Section 07900 - SkvliEhts ' Preformed metal-framed s;cyli;ht assemblies with glass glazing. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPEC{F{C BUILDOUT REC�UIREMENTS Page 4 of 12 Section 07900 - Seaiants ' Sealant conforms to Fed. Spec. TT-S-002306, Type II, Class A. ' Sonolastic NPl or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol 1. ` Sonofoam, ethafoam, or polycel backer rod. ` Sealant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved otherwise by Architect. DiVISION 8- DOORS A1�D WINDOWS Section 08110 - Metal Door and Frames ` Doors with steel faces and steel vertical spacers welded to both faces. Doors filled with insulation. Exterior doors with 16 gauge faces. Interior doors with 18 gauge faces. ' Frames unit type with welded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Interior frames 16 gauge. ` Doors and frames factory prime painted. Section 08210 - Ffush Wood Doors ' N.W.M.A. Industry Standard I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, piain slaced, book matched. Section 08300 - Special Doors ` Sliding closet doors of N.W.M.A. I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. ` Sectional Overhead doors, galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, with continuous foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation. Section 48650 - Special Windows ` Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insulated, security glass in windows or openings designated by Owner. Section 08700 - Finisfi Hardware ` Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steel elsewhere. Mortise type ]ever handled lock sets with cylinders to match master keying. Dull chrome finish on locks and miscelianeous. Section 08800 - Glazing � ��-zos� i � � ' Exterior windows, 1J2" insulating glass, bronze reflective, security glazing, with Low E coating, Clear glass at all interior applications. Wallboazd shaIl conform to AST�VI C36 thickness as shown or �J8 ii not s�own. Steel studs drywall tvge � gau2e. Wallboard all sc:ew attached. DIVISION 9 - Fi.VZSHES �ection 092�0 - Gvosam Waliboard EXHIB4T "E-2" SPECIFIC BUiLDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 5 of 12 Joints taoed and filled; screw heads filIed and sanded. The Conuactor shall patcb as required all plaster or gypsum demolition with the appropriate matching material. All new construction shall consist of � j8" F.R. gypsum board on as required and finished to match adjacent existing suriaces. All new or existing plaster and wpsum board s�ail be prepared R5-1Q83 board suriaces distumed by me:al studs or Furring strips to receive a new paint finish. SecLion 09310 • Ceramic Tile �' .� :�" _. All rile s`andard Cade, per TCA 137.1-?9i6. Floors, 1" X 1" mosaics. Walls, 4-1/4" X 4-1/�" Qiazed. Base, cove mosaics, 4" high. Shower floors and drying areas, non-slip type ale. Se� floor tile per Tii�`ouncil Method Fll� and ANSI Specincation A108�. Set wall tile per �fe:hod W212 and AI3SI SQecincation A108.�. Section 09330 - Ouarrv Tiie Quarry tile and base shall be American Olean. Quarry tile shail be thin set in an epmry mortar bed both verticaily and horizontally, and ;routed with "Hydorment Joint Filler" of a color as selected by the Architect. Section 09510 - �cousiical Ceilings ' Exposed ;rid with 2' X 4' lav-in panels, =issarea pattern, �/8" thick unless othe:wise shown. Pane?s white. Grid white, painted. SecYion 09650 - Resilient Floorin� Vinyi composition tile, 12" X 12" and 1/8" thic?c, standard comme:cial zolors and patterns as se3etied_ InstalI with mastic adhes;ve to conc:ete floor sIabs. Vinyi base, ?" hig�, top-set, cove type, color as seIected. Section 09680 - Carpet ` Nvion tufted-type carpet, 28 ounce pez square yard face yarn, static control. Direrc glue-down without pad. Section 09900 - Paintin� 3nte:ior: Per Room Finish Schedule and as specined. Bloc?< fiiler and two coats semi-gloss paint on concrete block walls_ Two coau sadn paint on eypsum wallboard walls_ Two coats flat paint on cailings except prme and two coau of 2-pan epos;r paint whe: e scneduled. Stain and two coats vamish on interior waod doors and rails. Exterior: Exterior doors, touch up shop coat and two coat5 aIkyd-type ;loss enamel. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 6 of 12 � 95-10�3� �� M,�TERIALS AND FIiVZSH SCHEDI:LES Floors ' Carpet througnout with exception of entry ways, toilet rooms, locker and exercise rooms. ' Quarry tile in entry ways and lobby. Ceramic tile in all toilet rooms, and shower areas. ' Vinyl comDOSition uIe on inter,'or stair treads and rise;s, lunca room, exercise room and secure storage. Concrete floors in basement mechanical room(s), s�oraee room(s). Base ` Vinyl at carpet and VCI' iloors. ` Quarry tile at quary tile floors. ` Ceramic tile at ceramic wa11s. ' No base at concre:e floors. Wa31s � ` Painted gypsum board (�i8") or plaster on walis and partitions; ceiiings w/o acousticai treatment in all ofiice areas except secure interview and storase rooms. Sec�re rooms shall have 5/8" gypsum board over 3J4" p3ywood fastened to studs on walls and ceilings. ' Painied plaster on walls and ceiling m toi3et rooms above the ceramic tile wainscot on the walis and floor. Shower areas shall have full height ce:amic tile walls and floor. ` Painted concrete block or gypsum board walls in mechanical and stora'e rooms dependin� on the type of construction. � Ceilin s ' acoustical ule wzth textured desi�n in suspended metal ceiling system in all are2s, except: entry ways, toilet and shower rooms, mechanical rooms, secure areas and s.orage rooms. ' Plaster ceilings in toilet rooms and shower areas. GyPsum board over plywood in secure areas. No ceiling materiais required in mechanical and �enerai storage rooms. DI4TSION 10 • SPEC3ALTIES Section i0100 - Chalkboards and Tackboards ' White marker boards with anodized aluminum frames and cnalk uays. Tackboard units similar. SecTion 10160 - ToileY Partitions ` Steei, floor mounted, headraii braced, baked enamel finisn. Section 10200 - Louvers ' Extruded a]uminum blades and frames, minimum thickness 0.125". Baked enamel finish. � � � � !� � ! � � lJ i � ! i � EXHIBIT "E-2" � SPECIFIC BUtLDOUT RE(�UIREMENTS Page 7 of 12 �� � � � � � � �: � x . �y � r X .. � � I S�ection 10400 - IdentifvinQ Devices 95-1083 ` Required ADA and emergency signage. Within the Leased Premises LESSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, signage providing directions to offices, office room numbers, HC and emergency evacuation routes. Section 10500 - Lockers ' Steel lockers, 24" X 24", with sloping tops. Mounted on tile bases. Numbered. Padlocks by others. Section 10520 - Fire E�inguisher ' Ten pound, ABC dry powder type unless othenvise shown. Bracket mounted. Section 10670 - Storag,e Shelving ` Shelving, Service Counter and other Special Buildout Features: The LESSEE shall provide shelving and counter specifications to the LESSOR during the Construction Document phase of plan preparation. Section 10800 - Toilet and Bath Accessories ' Heavy duty, stainless steel. Inciude paper towel dispensers. DIVISION 11 - EOUIPMENT Section 11131 - Projection Screen � Ceiling recessed, roll-down, size as shown. White, non-gloss, mat surface. DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS �ec[ion 12500 - Window Treatment ' 1" slats - I,evolor or equal at office windows and exterior windows. DIV ISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS $ection 14 200 - Elevator ` Provide elevator to all floors, if leased premises are on more than one level. Car must comply to ADA and may be a hydraulic unit. EXH[BIT "E-2" SRECIFiC BUfLDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 8 of 12 DIVISION 15 - MECHAIvICAL Section 15025 - Selective )emolition (if reauiredl �ection 15050 - Basic Materials and Methods 1. Scone• This section applies to all the work and materials of the mechanical systems and requires all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to make a complete and acceptable mechanical installation as specified and as shown on the drawings. 2. Regulations. Codes, and Standards. Ail workmanship, materials, and equipment shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules, ordinances, regulations and codes. 3. Shon Drawin�s. shal] be submitted to the Engineer for approval for all equipment and materials. T'hese shall consist of manufacturer's construction information, wiring diagrams, curves for pump and fans, and maintenance data, all of which shall be assembled into Operating Manuals for the Owner. 4. As-Built Drawines. Prepared by Contractor to reflect changes of locations, materials, configurations, and incorporated into Operating Manuals. 5. Eiectrical Pmvisivns of Mechanical VVork. Provide energy efficient motors, power factor correction, and wiring in conformance with Electrical Division. 6. Substitution oP Materials and Equipment. Allowed with approval of Engineer only. 7. Identification. Provide labels and markers on piping, duct work, equipment, valves, etc. Section 15060 - Piping Svstems 1. Potable Water piping in building shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel or Type L copper. 2. Soil. Waste, and Vent piping in building above grade shall be no-hub cast iron. 3. Heating Water pipe shall be Schedule 40 steel or Type L copper. 4. Testine• All piping shall be pressure tested at pressures and duration meeting or exceeding the Minnesota State Code and shall be free of leakage. Section 15250 - Mechanical Insulation 1. Water piping for hot and cold domestic use shall be insulated using molded sectional glass fiber with factory-applied fire-retarding ali service }acket. Thickness shall be in complianc� with the State Energy Code. 2. Waste and Vent piping in outside wall chases shall be insulated with 1/2" molded, }acketed fiberglass. � ��-lo�� , L ��: �: , 3. Heating, cooling and intake ducts shall be insulated with jacketed, glass fiber insulation. 1 EXHIBlT "E-2" j SPEC1FiC Btt{LDOUT REQUIREMENTS � Page 9 of 12 � � � � � � � � � � � � { Q� Section 1530� - Fire Protection 1. Sorinkler heads sha11 be instailed in a11 occupied and storage ceiling spaces. 2. Main sprinkler valve shall have required monitoring sensors. Section 15406 - Plumbin� Svstems. Fixtures and Trim 1. Water and Fire Protection Service shall be provided from the street service main. 2. Sanitarv Sewer Service shall be provided from the existing street sanitary service. 3. Domestic Ho[ Water. Gas fired heater with recirculating return pumping and timer. 4. Lavatories shall be vitreous china. 5. Water Closets shall be wall hung, siphon jet, flush valve type, with e]ongated rim, and constructed of vitreous china. — 6. Urinals shall be wa11 hung, manual flush valves, vitreous china. 7. Electric Water Coolers shall be semi-recessed self-contained wall hung type. 8. howers shall be balanced pressure mixing valve type, with energy miser regulator. 9. .Ianitor Slou Receptacles shall be fiberglass construction. 10. All water closet and urinal flushometer vaives shal] be equipped with energy miser valve adapters, appropriate for water pressure of facility. Section 15600 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 1. Provide boiler for perimeter heating and a air tempering coii within building ventilation system for ventilation air. In a leased premise, the LESSOR must design and install an HVAC system capable of providing a temperature range of 68 to 78 degrees in spite of adverse conditions. Certain areas of the premises will have a coneentration of machines that both produce high heat levels, and at the same time are sensitive to that heat. Additionally, where there are high concentrations of electrical equipment, adequate ventilation (air exchange) is required. The HVAC shall comply with the ASHRAE standard 62.73 bench mark. � 2. Air Conditianing Compressor/Condenser equipment equipped with wet bulb economizer will be air cooled DX type. EER ratings shall be greater than 10. SEER ratings shall be greater than 10.25. Distnbute supply air in duct work throughout facility and terminate with appropriate grilles or diffusers. 3. Provide exhaust fans in toilet rooms, locker rooms and elsewhere as required. Section 15900 - Automatic Temperature Control 1. Provide separate temperature control systems for each floor and f or occupancy zone. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT RE(�UIREMENTS Page 1Q of 12 �ection 15990 - Balancin� and Adjusting C 9�-x��� ' i. All systems balanced by firm not associated with the Contractor, and certified by AABC or NEBB. 2. Systems to be balanced include HVAC, supply air and exhaust; domestic hot water. 3. Complete report submitted, necessary conective actions accomplished, and systems re-balanced. DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Section 16000 - General Information ` Electrical Characteristics - Equipment and Motors 208V or 240V Lighting 120/208V, 30, 4W Genera] Purpose 120/208V, 30, 4W ' Provide labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for the completion of all electrical work defined under the scope of this project. Scope: i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Electrical Demolition - if required. Electric Service and Distribution. Power Generation Secondary Electrical Equipment Lighting, receptacles and small power revisions Fire Alarm System Telephone System - Public Address System Intercom Systems TV Monitoring System Motor and Equipment Wiring ' Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections. � Work shall comply with the following industry standards: IEE, NFPA, NEMA, AI�'SI, and the latest edition of the NEC. ` Maintenance and operating instructions shall be provided for all equipment and systems. ` 'The entire electrical system shall be guaranteed against defects in material and installation for a period of one year. Section 16]00 - Basic Methods and Materiais ` Al] electrical equipment shall be U.L. labeled, where applicable. ` All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Contractors Association Standard of Installation. s All wiring shall be installed in raceway. 1. PVC - Underground, damp locations and exteriot exposed locations. 2. Flexible steel - Connection to motors, light fixtures and vibrating equipment. 3. Electrical Metallic Tubing, Rigid Metal Conduit or Intermediate Metal Conduit - as applicable to codes. � _.. ��. � ���r , �,. � « ;"�� :�'. �--: �.: �"_ � EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT RE(�UIREMENTS Page 11 of 12 95-1��3 ` Outlet boxes - 4" square galvanized steel. FS or FD in damp locations and outdoors. ` All home-runs - 3/4" conduit minimum. ' Conductors -#8AWG, 600 V, THHN copper and smaller for branch circuit and control wiring. 600V, THW copper for feeders #8AWG and larger. Wiring installed outdoors and underground sha11 be type XHHW. ` General purpose wiring devices - All 20A rated. � ' Safety switches - NEMA type HD (Heavy Duty) with rejection type fuse clips where fuses are to be provided. , ' All equipment shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code. � ` Power factor correction capacitors shall be provided for all motors and motorized equipment rated 1000 watts or greater which exhibit a power factor of less than 90%. � � � � � Section 16200 - Power Generation An internal combustion generator shal] be sized for the anticipated emergency lighting and communication loads for the facility. — Section 16400 - Service and Distribution Main distribution board shal] accommodate all anticipated loads and integrate switch-gear for emergency generator. Branch circuit panel boards shall be bolt-on circuit breaker type. In addition to normal electrical circuitry for lighting, separate circuits shall be installed for computers. . Section 16500 - Lighting � ` Interior lighting shall consist generally of 3 and/or 4 lamp lay-in fixtures in areas with removable ceilings. Flush mounted fluorescent fixtures shali be provided in areas with structural or gypsum board ceilings in secure areas. To accommodate the use of computers � and to avoid eye strain by computer users, it is essentiai that the space be equipped with nonglare, energy efficient lighting throughout with light levels to meet ASHRAE Standards and the City Energy Standards. � ' Incandescent lighting shall be used only where dimming required. ' Vestibule and exterior lighting shall be H.I.D. type and photocel] controlled. ' Lighting Levels: Administration f Offices Corridor/Vestibule Locker Room/Toilet Rooms Storage Exterior Parking L.ot �i. �� ='r �=:�°- grv; _. �:: 75 FC 15 FC 30 FC 5 FC FC @ 15' 1 FC Emergency ]ighting shali be locaied in corridors in accordance with Life Safety Codes. F�it and emergency lights shall be compact fluorescent. HID ballasts shall be premium grade, constant wattage. Fluorescent lamps and ballast shall be T-8 technology with electronic bal]asts. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT RE(�UIREMENTS Page 12 of 12 Section Ib70i1 - Communications � 95-10�� � 1. Telephone Svstem. Provide a complete new empty outlet box and raceway system as necessary and required. Provide dedicated equipment room space for the new system. In a leased premise, the LESSOR shall instail the proper conduit, wiring and c:oset for phone service to the leased premises. The telephone in the Leased Premises must interface with tl�e PBX system being installed in the Main Public Safety Building. LESSEE shall pay for the telephone sets. 2. Cable Drous for Video and Data Equipment. The LESSOR shall at its own cost and expense instal] at each workstation and/or office, the following types of low voltage wiring: (i) 10 Base T ethernet wiring from each o�ce and work station to central points of service; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain locations on each floor to central points of service; (3) 3-pair telephone wire (6 total wires) from the Point of Presence on each floor to each office terminating in (RJ11) telephone jacks; (4) two coaxial cable installations to be installed by Continental Cablevision at the cost of the LESSOR and coordinated by the LESSOR'S general contractor: (a) the Institutional Network (video and data); (b) The Subscriber Network (video only). The scope of all work shall be reviewed and approved by agents or employees of the City. 3. Fire Alarm Svstem. Provide a complete new zone annunciator coded, genera] alarm fire alarm_system with manual stations, corridor signal devices, heat and smoke detectors, fan shut down in accordance with all governing codes. CA 5. Door Releases and/or Monitoring. Shall be provided where required. TV Monitorine. Camera at the main enTrance shall be installed. Section 16900 - Eauipment. Motors and Controis ' Provide power & control connections for all motors & electrical equipment specified for this project or otherwise provided. Use high efficiency motors over 3 horsepower (See attached). ` Provide disconnect switches, starters and control devices as required for all equipment and motors inciuding fieid watering system. END OF SECTION Range of Qualify ates �' � �_; ;; �' � � � �Higl�-ef6cienq• mocors hom 3 hp io 400 hp qualify for NSP rebares when [hry meec efficiency srandards lisred on rhis page and ofFa d�e follow- ing featutes: � AC polyphase induaion mocor • squirrd cagc roror design • NE?�QA design B Torque characteriscict •specdsof3600,IS00,1200 ot 900 rpm To qualify For the NSP Mocor Rebate Pro�ram: The motor's NENiA \ominal E�cirncy I2acing mus� meec or excecd the ef�iciency standards in che chart ar righr. The rating is idencified on che momr namcplaTe. � � � � � Z Efficienry Standards Attachment to E�c�ib�t�"(�}� � 95-1083 � "MotOtType - -. : ; _,: . _ = 0pea : . Fado�d HP 900 3 8G.5 5 87.5 7.5 58.5 �o s25 �5 s�.s 20 90.2 z5 9az 30 91.0 40 90.2 50 91.7 60 92.4 75 93.G ]00 93.G 125 93.6 150 93.G 200 93.6 1200 55.5 SG.S s?.s 90.2 91.� 91.7 91.7 9t.7 92.4 I 350 94.5 95.4 400 95.0 95.4 RPM 1800 3600 900 SG.S 82.5 81.5 8G.5 85.5 � 84.0 58.5 55.5 85.5 88.5 57.5 � 87.5 �o.z s�.s sa.s 91.0 90.2 89.5 91.7 91.0 S9S 9].7. � 90.2 91.7 91.0 93.0 91.7 93.0 � 93.0 93.0 93.0 Are all "efiicienc" motors che same? Definitc]y noc. Manu{aaurers frequrntly designace mocots as "cflicicn[," but chey mighc noc qualify for NSP's rc6a[e pro�ram. In addiiion, ef}i- cicncics arc labcled in many differcnt w�a}'s, such as: quored, nominal, �vcr��q capetccd. calculaced, minimum, suaran- cced and apparen�. NSP�s program qualificacions are baud on chc nominal efficicncy of morors. 94.1 93.6 � 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.0 , 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 HoH• does a high-efficienry motor difI'er From a standard momr? • Highcr qualiry and thinner sceel laminarionz in che s[awr • Morc copper in rhe H•indings • Smaller air gap bcrveen ihe roior and zcator • Rcduced F.in Iosses • Closer machining �oleranca I��SP offcrs motor c�cicnry testing Mocor e�cirnq� cu�ing is a.�ailoble (rom NSP. �X�e will tcsc the customcr's operacing moror �o dc�crmine �he aaual RPM 1200 1800 3600 54.0 84.� 82.5 SS.i 55.5 55.5 57.5 87.5 55.5 s7.5 s7.5 s7.5 89.5 88.5 87.5 99.5 90.2 as.5 901 91.0 89.5 91.0 91.0 89.5 91.7 91.7 90.2 91.7 92.4 90.2 91.7 93A 91J 93.a 93.6 93.a �3.0 93.G 93.0 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.1 94.5 94.7 95.4 95.0 94.5 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 eflicirnry while in use. Call youc NSP represencacivt ro arrange msting. NSP now also offezs MotorMastcr The Moror.ivfazat daca6ax lisring and sofnvare p�ckage is now av:�il�ble co h�lp pou evaluarc che ms[ efiectivcness of mocon you arc considcring for yout sys�cm. Before you purchase pour next high-e�- ciency moror, cal) che ncares[ NSP rcpresrncative lisred in �he back of this brochure, and ask for assisrance w•ich this program. e A �� m x s � v W R 9 BUILDING 722 MINNEHAHA & PAYNE AVENUE, SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA T1IF. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - iiUILDING 350 SAINT PETER STREET, STG. 320 PURPOSED FLOOR PtAN eeC�oo� 8/37/93 7��g I D �) r � PROJ �: 9307.00 ] D B.HBM: SHEA : ..__. ,_.,.._��u...�:. _.. ,_ r�c u agrcea-npon moa:fications Of Ya18 ° AS BDllt 011t" PIOPOS81 9�°10�3 1. Page 1, #1. Windows shall not be blocked up, but replaced in accordance with the window replacement schedule in the Design Development Document. 2. Page 1, #2. Last sentence is inconect. Parking lot will be fenced with 6' high chain link. 3. Page 2, #4. Due to the removal of the boiler, steam unit heaters cannot be used in the garage. They will be replaced by gas heaters. 4. Page 2, #5. The earisting boiler shall be removed. 5. Page 2, #6. The e�sting duciwork shall be removed. 6. Page 2, #9. Steam heating pipes shall be removed. 7. Page 2, #1. (near bottom) Parking lot lighting is now included. 8. Page 2, #2. (near bottom. Fencing is now included. The items below relate to the specific buildout requirements section of he specs from 1993. 9. Page 4 of 12, Special Windows. Security giass has been eliminated for all windows, superseded as specified in Daue Spillman's memo of June 22, 1995. 10. Page 9 of 12, Section 15600, Heating, Ventilation, etc. #1. The first sentence no longer applies. The balance still applies. �Construction 5200 \ormandzle Bovlevard, Sv�te 200 Minneapolis, Yi�nnesota 55437-1060 612 897.:860 Fax 897 7868 June 22, 1995 Mr. David Neison Real Estate Manager City of Saint Paul 140 City Hall Saint Paui, MN 55102 Re: East Team Station 722 Payne Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Nelson: 95� Pursuant to our last meeting and the action list of May 30, 1995, we have rev3ewed the discussed items per the action list and determined the following: 1. Modify window details per our last discussion utilizing standard glazing with low "E" coating, and fix some of the operable units -- reflected in tkae revised budget. ;a 5� ....75. . '> � '�� 2. Obtain a more accurate pricing for the communication/computer/video hook-ups. See ��-= >� �'_ - altemaCe number. � R ��, � �� �".,�z� ��s Nt�.�=- � �._- ---� 3. Check cost of cleaning waste oil from drain. No change in cost. 4. Cost for window blinds -- reflected in revised budget. �.r :,;::., 9 c, ,,� „��� 5. Cost to soffit acoustic ceiling over windows -- no change in revised budget. 6. Locker specs included, bid pricing in revised budget. ���:i .t-, L{ � 7. Funds to energize existing boiler system pending building ownership authorization. �� �� �� � J Based on the above, the revised price for the improvements is as follows: r � ;y � 7 / "�� /�'9�.�N , �� General Conditions Sitework and Demolition Concrete and Masonry Metals Carpentry Moisture Protection Doors and Windows Finishes Specialties Plumbing HVAC SpS1II1{IBIS Electrical ��; il���,'� � Total Direct Construction Contingency Contractors Fee I o% TOTAL COST S��s ,r�s Proposal B Bud¢et $ 46,067 $ 71,380 $ 71,541 $ 8,500 $ 31,440 $ 154,791 $ 116,560 $ 157,625 $ 32,405 $ 52,345 $ 106,576 $ 1�,��� $ 110.650 $ 969,880 $ 16,000 96 988 $ 1,082,868"` * Note corrected bottom line total from 5/25/95 letter. t�,�j�35]. O H � Pro posal B Revised $ 45,045 $ 71,380 $ 71,541 $ 8,500 $ 30,565 $ 154,791 $ 104,789 $ 157,625 $ 25,134 ��� � $ 52,345 �� �� $ 106,576���-�`^- �I �L $ 1�,0�� . �\ . $ 108.650 �'. � S° ac $ 945,941 � �5ss,isi $ 16,000 $ 94.594 °�S,si9 $_ �056335 � f, oc�, ;,� Alternates 1. Install a 4-piy roof ; in lieu of an EPDM membrane roof, please add $ 4,80Q.0Q �,sc,_, ��,� � i ,� f�v�s�t� ���U-6 2. Relating to the Environmental Evaluation prepared by Peer Environmental and q�,��, Engineering Resources dated 6/2/94, the following items are addressed in our proposai: �, g�-1��3 Included: - Abandon fuel oil UST ^, - Manage/Remove ACBM ; - Dispose of PCB lighting ballasts ��L - 12emove hazardous materials - Clean oil from drains and sewers % Excluded: - Investigate and c]ean-up UST release, if any t.�,.� rt�� ,.�;- � - Petrofund reimbursement �-� - Former gas station - Abandon hydraulic lifts � 3. Re-energize boiler system. An allowance of $ 6,500.00 is included. I have received numbers ranging from $ 5,000 to $ 27,000 for this work. �a-� G y �,, .�-. 1 4 5 rn�!��✓' �6 No winter conditions are included. No performance bond is included. No additional SAC/WAC charges are included. � w/� = 7. Tm furnish and install a recessed, ceiling-mounted projection screen, add $ 1,608.00. ., �, .• ���U+- ,� w j�- 8. To supply and install optional upper cabinets in Room #112 and #109 per detail sheets, t� . please add $ 2,200.00. � w/� = 9. , To install a movable partition in the Community Room, add $ 4,000.00. �„�.�,- ».. 8-.,., c�`� '�.. &�,, G�,� Qa,�� 1�-_ G�s�- ��/� ��:� 10. An allowance of $ 9,250.00 has been included for communications/computer/camera wiring. I appreciate the opportunity to present this information, and look forward to progressing with this project. If you have any questions regarding anything contained herein, please contact me at your convenience. Since ��J y .�1�G��� David H Spillman Sr Project Manager Welsh Consuvction Corp. DHS/jlf 'E '- - - �?5 15: i4 S"AF ?�t �PFP;: UF-5�3�J •*�:« LOCK�iA 4RRANOlMHNTS lNGLE TIEI� LOCKERS ���+ .�. - � � . 9�-1083 � �; � The raost o�ac!�ca� andw(dely usad of au �ockers. Prov�des e con• van�enl shel( es well as!u)I Iength clolhinp storage. 7Lohnieal pata • ShB�f is 9" "Gm ;00 b� 9,10lag0 O� h84.lunchBS, etC, • lockers �2" wide hyve 0 doubte�pronq (tedinq) hook — as wall as t�.ree s��ng�s-orong h0oks in lockers under 15" wide, and'our in locknrs ! �' anc wider. • Coal rods are stantlard equloment m piace of the ceilmg do�blo- p�ng hook on iockvrs f 8" and 27" dee0. • PaC�or.k attac�menl is an ln:epral par? Otth9 ha�tl�a. PaCioCh re not induded. • May be eQUipped wRh buiibin focks or padlocks. • Nwnoe� D�ams xre ave�iflbla as accassories. aee p�ga 131 Cotor Intormotion Unlass otbvrv+�ne indieetsd,lM atocktininh tor all lyon producis le DOVe prey. R�try (a ��Q�t Aeigel, Wed9ewood BWe anC Ash avedqblp al no cxfra charge iron manutflcturing schequles. Sac yvur Iw;df Lyo�+�aclorympresen�e[rvC o�A=atei forOelivBry m70�m:.DCn on lhese non-slock rnlors. io ind�cala r.olor preference whon ordoring, uxe lh� pr9`n coCcs LstBd below wA� r.atalog numbers D— Dova Gray 0— WeCae��ood B��B 1''— Puuy A — Ash _ _ NOTE: 6i the inrorest of safety, Lyon stronBiY recommende lhut �ockei's L•e fioo� �ntl/or wAll anthored. Sae page 130 fvr important IOCker anchonng informBdOn. Whpn o�do�ng, 5D5raty ihe tctai rumber of bcker oCern^.gs �oqu�red. j � � � l i i i � ; I�'I � � S F it f I � ��� $� j �� �i , ORDERONENo.500Z OAflERTHREENO.6002-3 AND RECEIYE AND RECEI`/E ihiS one sectlon, one Ireme This one secUon, throe iramas wltle(onoiockerooaningj. wida(NreelockeroCenings). 12"wF12"E180"A' 1i"w�16"tx60"�' t2"ws18"6xfl0'0." - tz"walYaz72"h' 12"w:75"OF72"h' 12'wzt8'dxT2"h' 75"wz18"Gs7Yh' 18"w z 18"G c 72" 1• z21'9xTT'h' '_�^9Ei53 P.�2 h6mee •HstQhb chown do not ineluda lega — add 8'to hetpht for leqs. �All numDen Iisted sbove ero shipped knocked dorm• For lockera paekeped thse0 iramea wids, order ae shown. NOts: For adtlillonel sizea, reler !o ihe Lyon locker �ukle, Caielog No. &01, hrlvw. PREB �70N LOCKYA OWAE AOtl�lional Sizes and Slyles Av9�leMo The LYON UJCKEA GU1DE, GOt pro�des cnmplete Inlamarion and spediicetione lof many tizee and styies af Ivckere including: Efpe"ded Metal, EachangeMas ref', SupplyMaeier' II.Oulet Lock- ws and BaskM Rsckv. ComaG your nearby l.yo� Olstrict Man- apot Your LWr� DISIhDufvr a call i-B00 323�0�96 tot your lree capy. ��'�'". � 725 �J6-�Jl%i995 15�:5 S'tiP. Pqt�RF�;: UF-SCJ�J w:««�« :a�o6:5� P.�3 IACKER SPBCIFlCATfONS �` L �� • STHBLLOCKERS MATEAIAL-Prime, hqh-grade C�ass I miid annealoa. cob- f0118Q SiB04 if90 4fOR1 SUf�dCB �mp9da=1i0�4. g0:15 70 DB Z�nC-p'91Ed 0! subieciecl to othor rust-retardant treatmeni. BOOY-2a�a�6o steel. AangeC ;o p'•�e dou5!e tNCkress cf mv;al al back vertical corners DOORFRAME-18yaupeformedst_eichenne:s vorticalmem- bers shan have an atltlitional flange ro brm connnuous dooi smke. Corners shall be laDPea antl webed into a rigie essembN in addlllon, Dottom uoas members ahstl fiava teng al mnh enA that tlls throuph a1o13n reartlsnpe of upriqht frnme mem4er to prarent twisiing out of alipmnent. Top and bonom cross mombors shali promde supooft br iront ed68 0� Ipcker!op ar.d lock9r bctlom. DOOA— Ooa•o�eca, t6-geuqe steel ar. single end douCie 6er :ockers with bolh verlical edges brmed into channel-shene0 fprmation� IoD and boltom sha71 bo ilanqed at 90° angle. On mutllol= 09r lockers. ningo side shell be tormad into chennel-shaood formetion with othor three sides flangad at 90 angie. NOTE: Coet aompertment doors pi two-person and box Ib¢ka doon up to end Includlnq 16" wide 6y 15" nip� ahall 6e 1Bqau0e unleas otherwlce cpecliled. VENTILATION—Louvers shall De providec as Iol;ows: LockerStyles Louverm Single/Dnublc tier Iockers-9' w S�x 3!�° Iouver61o0 and bottom. �� Singie Iier lockers-0ver 9' w�. Six G' buvara IoD Bnd Ootlom.� Doub!e lier lockcrs Six 6" louvers top and boltom iripi¢vr. iocke�s Three3h"'ouVersto0andbotto�+ MWhpleOertockers T�teely 7 Z" an0 15"•w�do lockers. Four 6" louvers per door tor locker, 18" wida antl over. .r. DOOR JAMBS—Single tier:ockers s�all have Ihree Coor;amos. tloubie ller and tdde tier lockers shali have iwo weidod lo siCe o! door IremestovnBa9elocking0ewco.Designandgavpooijambshail ' Drerent treoing ot locktnp dovics 6y ury�ng. Eacli jamh 5hai1 have safety reverse �oso to ehmmste �axard ol sharp-GOinted edges Dro- irudmg irto �he locker EDeh iemb shall have e 5of4Nbbersiloncer secured througfi ho�e in )amb and uoriqht membai. HINGES—Shanbenotlessi�en2"h�;,h. ihey�ealure O50"sleel. 5-knuckle, �ull-loop lorming double �hickness on eacn IeaL Hinges �o 6e se� in slot ;n door and irame end projection� weltleC co i�ame— attach=d to door, hinge p:n ;o De spun ovar et ends to resist ram0 SinQ�e irer IOCkefS 72'� and 60" higft 10 h3va ihBB h�ngBS. antl �ocker5 48" high lo heve Iwo hingas. MuIti014 PBr to hav9 N+0 hin6os—flll on right•hand s�de oi door. .�e' IACKiNG�EViCE-S�nB�ener�ockingCeviceshanongagetrameai ihrae poina: double tler end lnuln Uer at two ooims. Cna��el-sheped locking devicc shall be endoseG on �hree sitles by, and ooerate wdhin, Chennel formalion ol door Locking d6nce shall be Drelocking so mvchanism can ba tocked in ooen pos��ion-door �ocking auto- maticatly when closed. tioa lockers shan oniy neve one-Rant lockl�9 tlev�ee whh a 1a-gauge ixk cOp for atleching oadbck Doors siso t0 be ��oviCOd vnih lock �de fiiler to unrmd use ot buill-in kay or eomb�- natbn Yock. �rr MANDLES-Onsmple,doublaendinplaueriockers.ail�art;snalf �e chrome-piated, die-CBSt zmc a71oy w�tl� a tans�lo strenglh ot not les; ,� than 4�.600 OSi. No mcvu�g Darts are �o o0erate aga�nst outs�tle su�� � lace ot locker. Padlock attachmem ro be iniegrei part of lift which shall he attachedCirectly to lockmg bar anC profeUed Sy 6xed handle hoUSmg Hantlle lo providB Cwlhin petlbck str,kE. MuIIiD�e l�er bckars shall be OaWvped wil� a 16-9evgedoor 4�ull witn padlock aua�hment when �oi usee with buih-�n �ocks. An optional recessetl �andle shell Da evailable at no ezva cherga on slr �le tier, double �ler, Irlpie uer and 1wo-Uersoo bckers. The recessed RanCie sha11 be 43�,' w x 6n.' n a t�" d and constrvctud ui dieaas� zmc a�ioy w�th a min��num lansile strenpth ol n0.OD0 ps�. MA7 SFIELVES—Smg�a lier lockers shal� heva one hat snvlt apDroY• mately 9" below too. Flenced on all tour siCes for sfrangth wdh the iront Ilanpe Nmva a5 tor satelv and atfeched at no lass ihan two pomis tht0uq:1 edch S.tla flar,ga. !AU16pIB ��ef Ippkers tlo �ot have sheNes. AT HOOKS S�nqle tnr, doubie Iier and tri0�e uef bcker5 shaH have on ou e•oro�g (cBi��nq) hook an� fhree s�nqle-orong hooke in IoCker51e6s Ihan IS" wnle and �our Singie-p: ong hooke in bCkerS �5` witle antl ovor ;3�" diemeter coat rods are siantlartl In t8" anC 21'��dBep s+�g�e ��er lockers. roo7acir.g ce�h�9 nook.) All hooks �0 6e nncplaletl or sublec:ed ro a comparable rus4ratarCaN Ire9imenl are auachetl wim ;wo bo1�s. MBER? T Aium�numnumoerpiateswrtntiguresatleast �,' �g emooss or ete�aC). Atl lockers ehad have �umber Wates / att�ach�ed �near toF ot door �IIHISH�zposed sisei parts shad be Ihorouqhiy deaned.6�� a eonaiT�ntl rUS4inhibllive phosvha�e ireatment, and ihen e�ectro- sfaGCa11Y soroYed wnh a heavy coat o� F�gh-CUahry enamaL Enemel shall De Caketl a� 300°F and must wnhstand a rigid hammer tosl with- oul chlpDin9 or!leking. NOTE: Lyon reoommends eDP��eallon o( a oorro�ion-realstsnl finieh on IxMera used In Mah humfENy or corrostve atmospherea. ANCMORING—In thein�erestol safe�y, LVOn sirongty recommends Ihat locker5 be floor andJOr wali anchorBd. FREE-3TANDING IAC%ERS—l.ockers shall be Wmishetl wi:h 8' legs. Front and enG ciosed bases avedabie. RECESSINO AND FiNISHIN6 3TRIP&—End and top imishlnp strips tor lotkers to be o�aced in wail recesses shs» be t8�gauge tormed sieel wdh a 2�"-w+Ce iace and shell be bolted to locker Irameg Tvp fi�ish�ne SInp510 be in 80P�oximalety 5'0" langths wilh e lormed splice cao to cover joints and to hold toD f inishmg strtps in allgnmenL EnC ilnishing strips b �e 2$" higher Ihan Iockers and wlll lap over entls ol top Iinishing strips tor a neat ioint at �on ol comers. LOCXER BENCHES—rierdwood b=nd� sha4 have c4ear hardwood teps 9'h' wide try 1%'thick linighed with two coa78 ot Aerylic Finish. Ptastlo Laminele: Shail b? cWOr-matcned or snec:airy•wood lammaiod conslrucred of <5•Ib. densd,v paeicleocartl core givad and Iayeredloaih;cknesaoS 11k"w�th!wo 1 ' - s4��a {° -• bpiece, ta-g¢uge ;teel iubes buriad In Uoerd core mm��rg tho full length of the locker pench, posihoned to ror.oive auachment screws irom pedestals. lonp S�d965ha11 neve �ull 180° wfl edOe. TOps shell bB 12' w x 1i1"h etltl ava�table+n�e�ths�ra�3'bt2' Pedeate�s:Alllockerbencnesshali bQ 'aUG�OfiOC� �%y �kiPl pedeslals, spac?d O� no� R10fB ihafl 6��� cr.rners. Overall no�ght shall be �7a:". F�rnsh of cedestels shail be same cctor as bckors. Each pedostai shall Ue attachetl to Iop by sC�ewS aoA sheU be anchored to fico� by Iw0 surfablo anchor6. QUIET LOCKEflS t AND II See tyon Locker G��Ue {Catabg �607) Ior Owet locker SoecJiCa0cn5 CoVor tnformetton Unleas otherwlse indlceted,lhe etoek flntah 1or ell Lyon producL 19 Dwe Gray. °utly (a lighf beige). Wad9�'ooA B�e and Ash avadablv at no extra charge (rem manutac�urmg sc�edules. SBB yvur local Lyon lacroryreprosentauve or des�er for dellvery �nfom:etwn on IheSE non-sfock :do�s. To intliCale Golo( P�e�efBnCe'�'hen ordermg, use the nratix codes lisied be�oH' w'� 6� e �BWe D — Dove Gray e p . Puttv A — Ash t29 �J6�'cJl�?9S5 15�:6 5'RP PRNRF�X UF-59GJ ^�** LOCKER ACCESSORIES wcxew ser+exes Ripid. tluraCie End ettfaCtive• SelecteGharCwooOseatswith r ;':i cfear 5881Br o� 9f951ic laminnte. All benches ! OB" 10np of IOnpBf "ava throo Pede5faL4. PI�rtIC Isrtl- ...•_a,:, ..,,-. InstelOCkerbsnohefflooMed _�.i,_.._.y.., ., , Sn Dave Gw �+ d Putty on7• ✓ N0. 5810 a�n° w x�r i X� e h Hum�oDE ✓ No. 5871 9h' w x 98' I z 78' h Harcxaal ✓ no. 5812 9'h' w x iQ8' 1 s 18' h Hereaooa ✓ Ho.5813 9Vd' w z 12D' � x id' h NerCMOOO ✓ t1a.3815 iT�z7Z'Ix'9!5'h Poasnciammaia ✓no.681T �2'w�120"Ix�BK'ti �aenoiamh�ate ✓ No.G818-2 Pe706I216onh(� ✓ No.5818•3 PodE6121601�'�7� RLAT K8Y LOCKS' Sama tock tite all Lyon ioekere except ExchenqeMaslai' enG SuppfylAesler."' Eeay b instel! and tumished wi�h Iwo keyc. ✓ Na 102D — Flet key lock WCKS, Ciher Iceks avaiiaWe Miustratad hore. For full orde�ing inlorme- IiOR. COn1aC1 yoW �o[alLyon Ceater ot'adory tepre9ent8tive. CLOSIID BASBS lOCker rooms IHke o0 e ne3ter eppearanco and become easier io kaop cloan with lyon closed bases. Quickly attach without lools. Cnly two ond bayee are naoaadto tinish a row of lockors. • � r � � •M c y �A ` � � �� �� Bulll-In aater-Keyed Combinatlon bmbiaation Pedbok � Mastar-Xeye� � Combtnntton � Patllock ✓ ryp. 5900 72 w� 6" h �/ No. 5801 19" R� 6" h ✓ No.5802 1H'w x 8' h ✓ Nv.6803 12'Ox6"� ✓ rca580a �a"az5h ✓Ha6805 iB'GZ8'h ✓ No,6s09 21'CZ6'A IMPORTAN7: in the fnlerest ot sslety, Lyon strongly �ocommenda that lockers be floor antlJar wall arrohorotl. Sae pege 130 for Importent Ixker a�ctprinB i�fWmatlon. 147�6iS P.�4 NuMeeaauTas E:chetl black igure3 on nldminum p4ata - Z�l �' w z 1' h, Same plales are cso� cn singto, da:blo and mwliple :ier IOCkprs and on 5as�ets ��n task=l racMS. N�mbers trom t 'a 10'JO- �/NO.5B29 2�'."iP11aa111oeKMeeMhaaA9181 No.593B Z?'i al't�mbas7atrzctsaNveamtp MOOKSAND COAT RODS Hpoks are nac-plated sDaol wdhbalHypepo�nts. �"diameier rods are ava�leble in Dlflce of dDUble-prona ceiiing hooks flt sUght acGltlonal cvsL (Standflrd on lockers es noledJ �, Nook . 1 i Hook � Coet Rod BPRAY PAfNT CANS Pressunzed spray peint lor fast, oasy touCh-uDS. No. DD 7003 � No. PPiIX13 Puth�9?COi. No. OB 70p3 WoapawwG 8ue. BY� ot. No. MM 7�03 Mandarin OranOn. 934 az SAFfi.6.MAT LOCKINU sYST6M � '" LyonsSels-0 �NallOCking �'f systemiaaco:nEeposiliocking ,�,';,�' system br 18GIit�es inal desfre sal4sarviCe IemDOrary bckef storaga, using conventional• style IOCkers. Lockere 1eHlUnnp Sa�e�O-Mat are ideal Ior atudent u�lons, emD�Wee lounges, health clubs, shopP�ng melie. Outald9 Vlew Inald� Vlew etc. 7he lock is desi9ned W be installed in tt+e same menner as a buiibin combination foch, and can ba retrotllted ro most ex�sfing lockers. See your locel lyron �actary repreeenletive or Ipcal lyon tlealer for ordering intormaGon. � Color Infortnatlon Unleea othe�lee indieated. Me stoekftnlei� fm atl Lyon Qroduets ia Ume Grey. Pulry (a Ilgnt bxiflo), Wedgewood Btuc end Aeh availeble at nooxtra charge trom maoulactun� sc�edutes. See yow IoCe/ �yorr (BCforymprBeenlAU�'6 ordeeler;0.'d9��very �nlo/maUP'�P'� fhese nwt-sfock cobB. To intlicata colot pBfervnw when o�dedng, �ga �hv prclix todes iistetl beiow with cata�ga e�^W��RIUe D— Dovs Grey E— 9 p -- Puliy A — Ash 131 95 :=?S i5�1i STAP PqNRFti;: �JF-6�� «:u:.:a ?J�96i5� P.�S LOCKE�[ SSORIES 8�OPinO-TOPLOCKERS � � — � O �vai aDie rom naanulaC 6ch8Cules a� shght adtlRional mst. SLOPG-TOP K173 Slove-�op k�ls comrert slandard SOOC Svnos Lyon.ockars inio slopinq-!op lockers awckN ard easi�y Ki;s artr packed enhef threg wide or bulk QuanUly of 40. A aackaqe ol;hr9e consisis ul: three slcca toCS !wc enQs (L � R7, two �nlo�im supGOrts. hefCWe/E 8(ld 8^SER7bfy fn61NC- tions. Bulk DeCkag86 Consist ol ' 1) CO S�ODB IODS, AO �OIBnm Supports, "27 "<0 P8'vs ol Bna9 (R & LJ; antl harCware and � a&Sempty instruc4ons. STANDARDIACK9R ♦NDLE Fng?niD•o , u Ou6 chromo h»�tl7e has bulNtin padlock ariachmenl (OMllaek ❑ol furnisho[n. Bu14in key locks are elso ava�tebie. .,�.: ��,� � �i, pNCMORiNQ 4N41E For Locken Wtthout Lep¢ l\ .� -� A lockor anchonng engig (runnmq from front to roar on ihe ins�de bottom of th9locxer] providas a bearirg Sur1eC9 bf Ihe f9sten9rs, which 2rp con- ncc:ed lo Ihe Iloor or IoCker base. For rypicaf conrinuous-row locker Insta�le[lpn. order ona Iocker anchonn9 a^9�a for oaCh antl of t fOW, p1U5 SUtfiG1C�� QU8fl�iliB6 lo orovide angles on 38" coMers. On gingle-row inssaHa4ons. wnnro hncks ere tlgeinst e well. IDCkerS &�nuld ha sutlebly wnilenChofed s detalled In assembly mstruc• 90n5 paCkod'�+ith aP 4oLket6. _�meCaoO� � mn� "`--- �Na.5872 Fcrt2"4Wdcera ✓N26BT3 Por�S'O �NO.587 W t1 8" dlo c keR .�✓.1J0..587h �m11"amdcBfe LYON RECH88ED NAHDL! The lyon recessed F.ar.dle;s des�qnea for ciear. anoeare.nce. greatarsefetyanC �ecvnry. R 1B81Uf06 8 DOCk01 TadB 0� C25I zinc alloy (a0,00G osi) SAE 903 wilh a Ilght4y gra�ced. nicKel- p;alatl hrvsh and uses a 1inger 11(t for acfuaung 1he lock:ar when ODenirg ihe door. The recessod oocket wili accon- mOdBtg all lock Options ezCeDt the Safe-0-Mat coin deppsit locks. Dlmansicns: ag" witlo x 6Xs" h X lb" d00w LOCKRRF09T � i �� ��I � 1 ` ✓No.587U - lockerfoot Foz Locken with Le9s Locker!ool No. 5070 should bo ur3d'or anct�or;ng lotkers with legs. When bacKS arc cx- pvsed (frees�xr.ding) e Iocker foot is recommendad tor ati locher logs. Wfien becks are ega��si a waii and suitably wa11 a^chcred, locker feBl afe �eeommonded on the iront lege oniy. For more detaas, sas asseR".Lly i�slrUCtio�s peCkBd wi{�� (�7B 10CkBl5. REGEaBEDLOCI(QNS Comolete deta��s on che met�ods ol recassinq lockers. InCluding recess timshmg slnUS, ere ava+lable trom your lyon dealadAlbMbutnror your Lyon fae!ory reo�eeentairve NO LEG LOCKERS ProviCes a smovlh, unbroksn apoea*ance in recessed and floor-feesf insialfaflorb. NQTE: Formndltlonaolharthanabove,00nteetyourLVOndeelar taetory rov�eeenhtive, w IYa+Mela1 ProduaL, ina., Aurme.11llnolc. 130 SLOP!-TOP KiT PAR78 incwoss: � SIODe�oCS.intenm=uAPOrtsand 1 +��,_ pfll[ ol e��CS (R & U COFNER TOP FiLLBRB U6Bd 1011�I d SOaGe when Iwv ;ockors come loget�er to torm a GornCr ✓fJor.igrema "Cuebmar Pro(orrvtl" nNecbona ebtkad al ell Lron Dlstrlbuhan Cenle�s �.'.'�-.�. ti% .�. • �_ / ` < 'C> � ��� �� � �� ?� :�L�� . � =i:��� 70PCLQSUREB UsBd t0 CiO� bDacB bBtw9en Iw010�5 wh90 ODstfucflOn pre- vente in;ta�lation of a locker. Cornar Top Flllo�s for Wckers Fle1roo f SlWeloo Cala�op No. Size Catelo Nu. Slxo 1'6900 12'w�i2'� t6903 12"wr.12'0 t59ai i@"��16"C i550a 76"w�15'd + t' t 6 18"ws18'U T�p Cioaures for Lockors � ' ��� ,� i �I i .. l=, �':1.�� . Fiat top Ixksts `; �� i � i Slon� bP � EXPANDABl.6 FRONT FiLLSRS Usod to tili s�aee between two �ockar froMS. Two-oiew conslrucfion permlts adiusiment to f+t cpaCe. TS1oak tiMah 16 Puity (a IIOM Pelpe). Fof alza oi tyoeanet ahown, eontact your loeef Lyon deeler or feetory ropresentetiva. �6 15�'_8 S�RP, °RNFFRX UF-5�9 <k�* :A P.�6 C�LOR I�IFORMATION ''��• Mos, of Lyon'; siorage produc's are available in your chc�co ot four standard colors. The stock firnsh is Dove Gray or Puiry (a light 8e�ge) as a sicck fini;h on selec'ed products. wedgewood [3lue anC Ash are avadable at no add�ticnal ch�rge frcm manutac,uring schedufes. Color noi2s, ciariiyirg cofor avada- bili;y!or each product, can be found on pages ,hrougnout ;his cata- log. See table below and repres2ntations ot colors on page 3. sroRac� �oaucTS co�o�s pove Watlgewood Gray Pulty Blue Ash Black Sheivinq . * ic ❑ ❑ n' Haeks ♦ s O O O O ShUp EUUipnlnnt 'k Yr Cabinets & BookCases t * Lockers * � * Ciothinp ExchanQe * � Tool Slorege o-- p ❑ a U O O ❑ o 'a p r� a 95 ,t — No exira cherg_ (In stock for �mmadiate shlomenq �—NO exira charpe favatlablofrom producuon scnedules) q — Not aveilabie a' — Consult Lyon represernetive lor Calrvery antl pncing iMCrmation ♦—Pelle� Recic—Orange beems J Caniflever fleck —Orenqa arms *— Dow Grxy end Pu�ry ure offered aa etnndnrd wilh ull Ix�dy pans.'inished in tha =ama coioc Wed�ewood Bl�e end Ash are offeretl as siandartl wd� unoxcosetl body oerts finlshed In Dwe Grey or Putty. �--Hlqh Gloss Red, Black cr WrinMe Brown on c3rtaln items. FOURTEBNiSTANDARD LOCiCEi2 COLORS Lyon offers 14 standard colors for lockers, plus spa- cial high gioss tioi9hes.7he special hlghyloss flnlsh is comprisod of the Qofor coat plus one co2t of clear acryAc tor extra durabiliryand protection. Highgloss'INShes are avatlable in any of tho 14 standard colors. For additional o�dering or pricing information, con• tad your Lyon dealer oNaCOry represzntalive. �—DoveGray �—Teal a'—ForestGreen '�—Putry 'Q—Ciaret a'—ti+�drnght8�ue 'S—Wedgewood8lus �-3urgundy n'—CardinalRed a—Ash 'a'—Sunburs! 'a'—WinterWhita 'a—MandarinOrange Ye14ow -g_SilverFem � LIFETiM� PRODUCT WARRANTY Unless othecwise +ndicated, Lyon psoducts are warranted against ., defects in matenal and workmansh�p for the life of the prcduct when used in accordance with manulaclurer's specifications and/or oporat- ing instructions. (This warraniy applies to (he original purchaser enly, and purchaser's soio romc�dy under this warranty is limited to replace• ment or repair of the product and specii'icaliy exciutles consaquential. inatlen;al or any other tlamages directly or indireciiy resulting trom fa��ure or loss ot usa of or by Lyon products). - 145 TOTRL P.96 Part III g�-�0�3 Agreed npon modifications as a result of the Seller-Buyer negotiations between April 26 and Angnst 21, 1995 1. Data and phone shall lines and equipment shall be installed, at an allowance of $9,200, according to specifications and to the June 8 letter to Dave Spillman from General Telephone Services. 2. As shown in the Welsh Construction memo dated June 22, 1995: a. window blinds shall be included in the price. b. cabinet and other millwork detail shall be included in the contract price. c. item 8. of the memo is rejected. 3. As established by Dave Spillman in the June 22, 1995 meeting, the following shali be included at no charge: a. the moveable parCition in the community zoom, boxed 'm but not installed; b. soffits and acousuc ceiling over the windows; c. lockers as specified in the memo; d. 4-ply roof to specifications in lieu of the BPDM roof as bid; e. projection screen in the community room (to be paid for by Welsh Construction). 4. In accordance with the June 23, 1995 memo from Welsh, as well as the verbal agreement of August 21, 1995 between John Blomquist and Chief Finney to replace the boiler system with roof top units to handle bath heating and cooling, the boiler heating system along with a11 piping connected with that boiler shall be removed. 5. Seller shall provide at no charge: a. the surcharge, if any, for winter construction; b. a 6' high chain-link fence, with a gate, along the west and north sides of the parking lot; c. parl�ng lot lighting. Part IV 9�-10�3 Build out Specifications as contained in the Buyer's Original Request for Proposal EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUlREMENTS g � ' � � � � Page 1 of 12 The LESSOR, at its oKa cost and expense, shall build out leased premises according to the concerns expressed herein, and to the space plans which shall be prepared hy ' . Construction shall begin �cithin 30 daps of the time LESSOR receices signed and approved documents (specitications and plans.) C0�1'�10;v` AREA BUILDI'�G I'�1PROVE�SENTS � Prior to commencement of the lease, LESSOR shal] provide, at its own cost and expense, the following building improvements: 1. Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, etc.) shall be clean, as direct as possible for safe simple traffic flow and fully handicap accessible. 2. Common Area rest rooms shall be updated to present a clean attractive and fuily accessible image. 3. Signage to the leased premises sha11 be displayed in such manner as to clearly indicate the location of the LESSEE'S offices. 4. Access to the leased area must be contro]led for security reasons. Access to stairwells and elevators must be limited after business hours. However, the building must also be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5. There must be adequate provisions to park vehicles while transporting materials and equipment to or from the leased premises. Vendors must be able to deliver large items easily. LEASED PREIIISES BUILDOUT I:l4PROVE�IENTS PRELI�tINARY SCOPB OF �i'ORK In addition to the schematic design, the following buildout requirements shal] be reflected in the plans and specifications of the contract documents. The specified sections may include sections or work that is not applicable to the building or site being proposed. Use the applicable sections. LEASED PREMISES Leased premises shall have some private offices and some open workstation areas. The LESSEE may have Herman-Miller electrified work stations. DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REOUIRE?�ZEN7'S Section 07400 - General ' All work will be done in accordance with Industry standards and wili be in accordance with all state and local codes. ` The Convactor must schedule his work to allow for the security of the building and occupied spaces (if any) throughout the period of construction. ` The Contractor will be responsible for cleanup and disposal of all refvse resulting from demolition, construction, etc. EXHIBiT "E-2" SPECtFtC BUILDOUT REQUIREMEN ���' Z Q�� Page2of12 DNISION 2 - SITE VVORK Section 020"� Demolition -if anolicable � Remove all masonry, walls, floors, ceilings, finishes etc. as indicated or required by the ne�v work shown on the dra�vings. Section 02100 - Site Pre aration ' Remove and relocate any structures, remove above grade and below grade improvements, and remove growth and vegetation at site. Section 02200 - Earth`tork ' Excavating, placing, stabilizing, and compacting earth at the site; including the addition of borrow and disposal of excavated material. Section 02513 - As haltic Concsete Pa��inQ * Walk and Parking Paving, as shown. * Base course, Mn DOT 2211, Class 5 aggregate Bituminous binder course, Mn Dot 2331, BA-2 aggregate wearing course, Mn Dot 2341. * Stripping. Section 02800 - Site ImDro��ements ' Fences, traffic and parking control barriers, and signs. Install all improvements as required by Site Plan Review. Section 02900 - Landscapi� ' Lawns, trees, shrubs, ground cover; including soil preparation and finish grading involving topsoil. DIVISION 3 - CON�RETE Section 03300 - Cast-in-nlace Concrete ` Bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. • Mesh, ASTM A185 ` Concrete, ASTT4 C94, 4000 psi, 3/4" maximum size aggregate, exterior exposure air entrained. Interior slabs troweled. Exter�or broom finish. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUfREMENTS q 5_� Q�� Page 3 of 12 DIVISION 4 - h4ASO�RY Section 04200 - Unit ?�'fasonrv s Mortar, ASTM C270, Type S, no color. � Concrete block, AST?�2 C90, Grade N, T�Pe 1. ' Wall reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to ASTM A80. ` Brick, SPJ of a type determined by Architect and approved by Owner. All masonry ]aid running ' bond. DIVISION 6 - ��'OOD AI�D PLASTICS Section 06100 - Rough Carpentrx ` Structural grade lumber at stairways or steel and concrete. ` Blocking and curbs on roof, Pressure Treated, water-borne preservative. * Wood closures, CDX grade. Section Ob200 - Finish Carpentrv ` Casework: AWI "Q�stom" grade, plain sliced red oak exposed parts; counter tops for casework, ' laminated plastic. ' Benches for locker rooms, clear maple. DIVTSION 7- THER'�'IAL A.\'D 1[OISTL'RE PROTECTION Section 07210 - Building Tnsulation ' Perimeter insulation, Fed. Spec. HH-1-524C Type II, 1.5 pounds per cubic foot, R=6.5. ' Thermal insu]ation in walls, R=23.4; roof R=16.67. Vapor barrier, 6 mil polyethylene. Section 07510 - Bituminous Roofing ' 4 ply Owens/Corning bui]t-up roof, over 2" polyisocyanurate and fiberglass insulation. Aluminized, non-fiber surface or gravel. Section 07600 - Flashin�and Sheet Metal ` Metal roof edges, counterflashing, etc., 24 gauge, galvanized steel, fluoro-polymer type factory applied finish. Section 07900 - SkvliQhts ' Preformed metal-framed slcylight assemblies with glass glazing. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS ��� 1 Q�� Page 4 of 12 Section 07900 - Sealants ` Sealant conforms to Fed. Spec. TT-S-002306, Type II, Class A. ' Sonolastic NP1 or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol 1. ` Sonofoam, ethafoam, or polycel backer rod. ` Sealant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved otherwise by Architect. DIVISION S - DOORS AND �ilNDO�i'S Section 08110 - Tletal Door and Frames ' Doors with steel faces and sieel vertical spacers welded to both faces. Doors filled with insulation. Exterior doors with 16 gauae faces. Interior doors with 18 gauge faces. ` Frames unit type with ��elded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Interior frames 16 gauge. ` Doors and frames factory prime painted. Section 08210 - Flush «'ood Doors ' N.W.M.A. Industry Standard I.S. 1-78, TyPe I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. Section 08300 - S�ecial Doors ' Sliding closet doors of N.W.'�4.A. I.S. 1-78, Ty�pe I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. ` Sectional Overhead doors, galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, with continuous foamed-in-place po]yurethane insu]ation. Section 03650 - S�cial �i'indows " Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insulated, security glass in windows or openings designated by O�vner. Section 08700 - Finish Hard�+are ' Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steel elsewhere. Mortise type lever handled lock sets �;�ith cylinders to match master keying. Dull chrome finish on ]ocks and misceilaneous. Section OSS00 - Glazine � �,. ' Exterior windows, 1/2" insulating glass, bronze reflective, security glazing, with Low E coating. Clear glass at all interior applications. t � t f EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECfFIC BUILDOUT REQUfREMENTS � � � � o � � Page � of 12 DIVISION 9 - FI:�'ISHF_S Section 09250 - Gvpsum �Vallboard ` Wallboard shall conform to AST\2 C36, thickness as shown or 5/8" if not shown. ` Steel studs, dryv.�al] type, 25 gauge. Wallboard all screw attached. ` Joints taped and filled; scre�v heads filled and sanded. � The Contractor shall patch as required all p]aster or gypsum board surfaces disturbed by demolition with the appropriate matching material. � All new construction shall consist of 5/8" F.R. gypsum board on metal studs or Furring strips as required and finished to match adjacent existing surfaces. ` AIl new or existing plaster and g}Psum board shall be prepared to receive a new paint finish. Section 09310 - Ceramic Tile ` All tile standard grade, per TCA 137.1-1976. ` Floors, 1" X 1" mosaics. \ualls, 4-1/4" X 4-1/4" glazed. Base, cove mosaics, 4" high. ' Shower floors and drying areas, non-slip t��pe ti]e. Set floor tile per Tile Council Method F113 and ANSI Specification A108.5. Set wall tile per Method W212 and ANSI Specification A108.5. Section 09330 �uarrv Tile Quarry tile and base shall be American Olean. Quarry tile shall be thin set in an epoxy mortar bed both vertically and horizontally, and grouted with "Hydorment Joint Filler" of a color as selected by the Architect. Section 09510 - Acoustical CeilinQs ' Exposed grid with 2' X 4' ]ay-in panels, fissured pattern, S/8" thick unless otherwise shown. Panels white. Grid white, painted. Section 09650 - Resilient FloorinP Vinyl composition tile, 12" X 12" and 1/8" thick, standard commercial colors and patterns as selected. lnstal] with mastic adhesive to concrete floor slabs. Vinyl base, 4" high, top-set, cove type, color as selected. Section 09680 - Caraet �` Nylon tufted-type carpet, 28 ounce per square yard face yarn, static control. Direct glue-down without pad. Section 09900 - PaintinE ` Interior: Per Room Finish Schedule and as specified. Block fi]]er and two coats semi-gloss paint on concrete block wa11s. Two coats satin paint on gypsum wallboard walls. Two coats flat paint on ceilings eacept prime and two coats of 2-part epoxy paint where scheduled. Stain and two coats varnish on interior wood doors and rails. ' Exterior: Exterior doors, touch up shop coat and two coats alkyd-type gloss enamel. EXHfBIT "E-2" SPECIF(C BUiLDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page6of12 ��— � Q�� '�1ATERIALS AtiD FI\1SH SCHEDULES Floors ' Carpet throughout with exception of entry ways, toilet rooms, locker and exercise rooms. ` Quarry tile in entry Gvays and lobby. Ceramic tile in all toilet rooms, and shower areas. ` Vinyl composition tile on interior stair treads and risers, ]unch room, exercise room and secure storage. Concrete floors in bacement mechanical room(s), storage room(s). Base ` Viny] at carpet and VCT floors. ' Quarry tile at quarry tile floors. ' Ceramic tile at ceramic walls. ' No base at concrete floors. Walls ` Painted gypsum board (S/8") or plaster on walls and partitions; ceilings w/o acoustical treatment in all office areas except secure interview and storage rooms. Secure rooms shall have 5/8" gypsum board over 3/4" plywood fastened to studs on walls and ceilings. ' Painted plaster on v.�alls and ceiling in toilet rooms above the ceramic tile wainscot on the walls and floor. Shower areas sha]] have full height ceramic tile walls and floor. ' Painted concrete block or ��psum board "�alls in mechanical and storage rooms depending on the type of construction. Ceilines ' Acoustical tile with textured design in suspended metal cei]ing system in all areas, except: entry ways, toilet and shower rooms, mechanical rooms, secure areas and storage rooms. ' Plaster ceilings in toilet rooms and sho�er areas. Gypsum board over plywood in secure areas. No cei]ing materials required in mechanical and general storage rooms. DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 10100 - Chalkboards and Tackboards ` White marker boards with anodized aluminum frames and cha]k trays. Tackboard units similar. Section 10]60 - Toilet Partitions ' Steel, floor mounted, headrai] braced, baked enamel finish. Section 10200 - L.ouvers ° Extruded aluminum blades and frames, minimum thickness 0.125". Baked enamel finish. EXNIBIT "E-2" SPECIFfC BUILDOUT REQUiREMENTS � � - �, Q � �J Page 7 of 12 Section 10400 - Identif��ing De�ices ' Required ADA and emergency signage. `'Jithin the Leased Premises LESSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, signage providing directions to offices, office room numbers, HC , and emergency evacuation routes. Section 10500 - Lockers ' Steel ]ockers, 24" X 24", with sloping tops. T4ounted on tile bases. Numbered. Padiocks by others. ' Section 10520 - Fire Extinguisher ` Ten pound, ABC dry powder type unless othen;�ise shown. Bracket mounted. Section 10670 - Storage Shehing ' ' Shelving, Service Counter and other Special Buildout Features: The LESSEE shall provide i , shelving and counter specifications to the LESSOR during the Construction Document p ase of p]an preparation. Section 1Ofi00 - Toilet and Bath Accessories ` Heavy duty, stainless steel. Include paper to���el dispensers. DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT Section 11131 - Proiection Screen ` Ceiling recessed, roll-down, size as sha«n. White, non-gloss, mat surface. DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Section 12500 - Windo�� Treatment ` 1" slats - Levolor or equal at office v✓indows and exterior windows. DIVISION 14 - CO;�TVEYII�'G SYSTE]!4S Section 14200 - Elevator ` Provide elevator to all floors, if leased premises are on more than one level. Car must comply to ADA and may be a hydraulic unit. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIF(C BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Z Page8of12 �5 � DIVISIO�I IS -'�4ECHA;�ICAL Section 1�025 - SelectiF•e Demolition (if required) Section 15050 - Basic ?�laterials and Methods 1. Sco°e• This section applies to all the ��ork and materials of the mechanical systems and requires all materials, equipment, and ]abor necessary to make a complete and acceptab]e mechanical installation as specified and as sho«�n on the drawings. 2. Regulations. Codes, and Standards. A71 workmanship, materials, and equipment shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules, ordinances, regulations and codes. 3. Sfiop Drawings. shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval for all equipment and materials. These shall consist of manufacturer's construction information, wiring diagrams, curves for pump and fans, and maintenance data, all of which shall be assembled into Operating Manuais for the Owner. 4. As-Built Drawin2s. Prepared by Contractor to reflect changes of ]ocations, materials, configurations, and incorporated into Operating Manuals. 5. Electrical Provisions of 1lechanical «'ork. Provide energy efficient motors, power factor correction, and wiring in conformance with Electrical Division. 6. Substitution of ;�4aterials and Equinment. Allowed with approva] of Engineer only. 7. Identitication. Provide labels and markers on piping, duct work, equipment, valves, etc. Section 15060 - Piping S�stems 1. Potable VVater piping in building shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel or Type L copper. 2. Soil. Waste. and Vent piping in building above grade shal] be no-hub cast iron. 3. Heating Water pipe shall be Schedule 40 steel or Type L copper. 4. Testing. All piping shall be pressure tested at pressures and duration meeting or exceeding the Minnesota State Code and shall be free of leakage. Section 15250 - T4echanical Insulation 1. VVater piping for hot and cold domestic use shall be insulated using molded sectional glass fiber with factory-applied fire-retarding all service jacket. Thickness shall be in complianc� with the State Energy Code. 2. �'Vaste and Vent piping in outside wall chases shall be insulated with 1/2" molded, jacketed fiberglass. 3. Heating, coolinP and intake ducts shal] be insulated with jacketed, glass fiber insulation. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFfC BU{LDOUT REQUIREMENTS f � Page9of12 gJ Section 1�300 - Fire Protection 1. Sorinkler heads shall be inst211ed in all occupied and storage ceiling spacec. 2. 14'fain sprinkler vah�e shall have required monitoring sensors. Section 15400 - Plumbine S�sfems. Fixtures and Trim 1. Water and Fire Protection Ser�ice shall be provided from the street service main. 2. Sanitarv Sewer Service shall be provided from the existing street sanitary service. 3. Domestic Hot Water. Gas fired heater with recirculating return pumping and timer. 4. Lavatories shall be vitreous china. 5. VVater Closets shall be wail hung, siphon jet, flush valve type, with elongated rim, and constructed of vitreous china. 6. Urinals shall be wall hung, manual flush valves, vitreous china. 7. Electric ��'ater Coolers shall be semi-recessed self-contained wal] hung type. 8. Showers shall be balanced pressure mixing valve tyPe, with energy miser regulator. J 9. .Tanitor Slop Receptacles shall be fiberglass construction. 10. A31 water cioset and urinaS flushometer valves shall be equipped with energy miser valve adapters, appropriate for �vater pressure of facility. Section 15600 - Heatine. Ventilating, and Air Conditioninp 1. Provide boiler for perimeter heating and a air tempering coil within building ventilation system for ventilation air. In a leased premise, the LESSOR must design and install an HVAC system capable of providing a temperature range of 68 to 78 degrees in spite of adverse conditions. Certain areas of the premises wi11 have a concentration oF inachines that both produce high heat levels, and at the same time are sensitive to that heat. Additionally, where there are high concentrations of electrica] equipment, adequate ventilation (air exchange) is required. The HVAC shall comply with the ASHRAE standard 62.73 bench mark. 2. Air Conditioning Compressor/Condenser equipment equipped with «�et bulb economizer will be air cooled DX type. EER ratings shall be greater than 10. SEER ratings shall be greater than 10.25. Distribute supply air in duct work throughout faci]ity and terminate with appropriate grilles or diffusers. 3. Provide exhaust fans in toilet rooms, ]ocker rooms and elsewhere as required. Section 15900 - Automatic Temperature Contro] 1. Provide separate temperature control systems for each floor and/or occupancy zone. EXHfBIT "E_2" SPEC(FIC BUlLDOUT REQUfREMENTS Page IO of 12 Section 15990 - Balancina and adjustina R5 1. All systems balanced by firm not associated �iith the Contractor, and certified by AABC or N�BB. 2. Systems to be balanced indude HVAC, supply air and exhaust; domestic hot water. 3. Complete report submitted, necessary corrective actions accomplished, and systems re-balanced. DI�'�SIO:�T 16 - ELECTRICAL Section 16000 - General Information ' Electrical Characteristics - Equipment and Motors 208V or 240V Li�hting 120/208V, 30, 4\'✓ General Purpose 120/203V, 30, 4VJ * Provide ]abor, materials, equipment and services necessary for the completion of all electrical work defined under the scope of this project. Scope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. il. Electrica] Demolition - if required. Electric Service and Distribution. Power Generation Secondary Electrical Equipment Lighting, receptacles and small power revisions Fire Alarm System Te]ephone System Public Address System Intercom Systems TV Monitoring System Motor and Equipment \'Jiring ' Obtain and pay for all permits and incpections. ` Work shall comp]y with the following industry standards: IEE, NFPA, NEMA, ANSI, and the latest edition of the NEC. ` Maintenance and operating instructions shall be provided for all equipment and systems. ' The entire electrical system shall be guaranteed against defects in material and insta]]ation for a period of one year. Section 16100 - Basic Methods and ?�laterials ` All electrical equipment shall be U.L. ]abeled, where applicable. ' All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electricai Contractors Association Standard of Insta]]ation. ` All wiring shall be installed in raceway. 1. PVC - Underground, damp locations and exterior exposed locations. 2. Flexible steel - Connection to motors, light fiatures and vibrating equipment. 3. Electrical Metallic Tubing, Rigid Metal Conduit or Intermediate Metal Conduit - as applicable to codes. EXNlBIT ' E-2" SPECIFfC BUILDOUT REQUfREf�/IENTS Page 11 of 12 '' � i ' Outlet boxes - 4" square gah�anized steel. FS or FD in damp locations and outdoors. • All home-runs - 3/4" conduit minimum. ' Conductors -#8A�§�G, 600 V, THH:� copper and smaller for branch circuit and control wiring. 600V, TH\'J copper for feeders �8A\VG and larger. �'liring installed outdoors and underground shall be n�pe XHH`TJ. ' General purpose wiring devices - All 20A rated. • Safety switches - nEMA type HD (Heavy Duty) with rejection ty�pe fuse clips where fuses are to be provided. * All equipment shall be grounded in accordance wich the National Electrical Code. Y Pov.�er factor correction capacitors shall be provided for all motors and motorized equipment rated 1000 watts or greater which exhibit a pow�er factor of ]ess than 90%. Section 16200 - Power Generation An internal combustion generator shall be sized for the anticipated emergency lighting and communication loads for the facility. Section 164d0 - Service and Distribution Main distribution board shall accommodate all anticipated loads and integrate switch-gear for emergency generator. Branch circuit panel boards shall be bolt-on circuit breaker type. In addition to normal electricai circuitry for lightin�, separate circuits shall be installed for computers. Section 16�00 - Li2hting ' Interior lighting shall consist generally of 3 and/or 4 lamp lay-in fixtures in areas with removable ceilings. Flush mounted fluorescent fixtures shall be provided in areas with structural or gypsum board ceilings in secure areas. To accommodate the use of computers and to avoid eye strain by computer users, it is essential that the space be equipped with nonglare, energy efficient lighting throughout with light levels to meet ASHRAE Standards and the City Energy Standards. ` Incandescent lighting shall be used only where dimming required. ' Vestibule and exterior lighting shall be H.I.D. type and photocell convolled. ` Lighting Leve]s: Administration�Offices Corridor/Vestibule L.ocker Room/Toilet Rooms Storage Exterior Parking Lot 75 15 30 5 FC @ 1 FC FC FC FC 15' FC Emergency lighting shall be located in corridors in accordance with Life Safety Codes. Exit and emergency lights shal] be compact fluorescent. HID ballasts shall be premium grade, constant wattage. Fluorescent lamps and ballast shall be T-8 technology with electronic ballasts. EXHIDIT "E-2" SPECIFIC QUILDOUT REQU(REP�iENTS Pagei2ofl2 �5—�04?� Section 16700 - Communications 1. Tele�hone Scstem. Provide a complete new empty outlet box and race�;-ay system as recessary and required. Provide dedicated equipment room cpace for the new system. In a leased premise, the LESSOR shall ir,stall the proper cor.duit, ���iring and closet for phone senice to the leased premises. The telephone in the L.eased Prenices must interface �ith the PBX system being installed in the Main Public Safety Building. LESSEE shall pay for the telephone sets. 2. Cable Drops for Video and Data Equipment. The LESSOR shall at its own cost and expense install at each workstation and/or office, the following types of low voltage wiring: (1) 10 Base T ethernet «�iring from each office and work station to central points of service; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain locations on each floor to central points of service; (3) 3-pair telephone wire (6 total wires) from the Point of Presence on each floor to each office terminating in (RJ11) telephone jacks; (4) two co�ial cable installations to be installed by Continental Cab)evision at the cost of the LESSOR and coordinated by the LESSOR'S general contractor: (a) the Institutional iv'etwork (video and data); (b) The Subscriber Network (video only). The scope of all work shai] be revie�;-ed and approved by agents or employees of the City. 3. Fire ,�larm S�stem. Provide a complete new zone annunciator coded, general a]arm fire alarm system with manual stations, corridor signal devices, heat and smoke detectors, fan shut down in accordance with all governing codes. 4. Door Releases and�or '�4onitoring. Shail be provided where required. 5. 'T'V Tlonitoring Camera at the main entrance shali be instal]ed. Section 16900 - Equinment, nlotors and Controls � Provide power & control connections for all motors & e]ectrical equipment specified for this project or otherwise provided. Use high efficiency motors over 3 horsepo�}�er (See attached). ' Provide disconnect switches, starters and control devices as required for all equipment and motors including field watering system. EIv'D OF SECTION A��;/ide R3nge of Motors QuaIify For Rebates Y,i�!; e� ie�rnn•; �o:ca (:or� 3 hp to Gp0 `P 9:::!�y �or VSP re�a:es �rhen �hey mee� eifidcnq� srand:+rds !ir.:d on �his pa�e and o��er d�e ,`o!io�,e' ing rca;u:es: • ?,C pc;;•pl:ase i^duaion mocor • squir:d c;ge :e:or des,gn • \E?�iA design 3 Torque characte:i<cics •speee�sof3600,1500, or 900 rpm To qualify (or the �SP '�4oior Rebate Prognm: The motor's \E?.1.q �omimS ETcirncy R�:ir.g musr mccc or txcecd cht eflicier.q• scandares in thc ch�rc ac righr. 7�he t�cin� is ic�enci�ed on tL mo�or ramep!a:e. Ef�ieiency Standards .�7 �_ t � � y � � � � 5 � ,.��^��!.C��'�: r i `e :'�� }'�:..-e `} S f � �/F'�i�. s .::.ync- `.L'�; .+i.�T.. 2 [ LC.tiS � HP 5 7.> ]0 �5 20 25 30 G� 50 60 75 ]00 125 l$0 200 350 400 900 1200 SG.> S>S si.> s�.s sss ss.> 59.5 90.2 59.5 59.5 ).2 97.0 l.0 91.7 )1 9].7 1J 9IJ 2.4 92.4 3.6 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.G 94.5 94.5 9�.5 9�.0 � 9>.4 R P?�4 IS00 56.5 . SG.S ss.5 S S.5 90.2 91.0 91.7 91.7 .Are all "eflicirnT'� motors the same? Dcfinird�• ner.'�i_nu(ac;u:crs frequcntly designate mocors as "e.jlic.rnq" bu[ chey mi�}:t noc quali5� for i�SP's rcba�e prog;am. ]n �ddi;ion, c�- tienties �re labded in many differene �+�ays, such as: quard, nomin�l, average, espeacd, taleui�ced, minimum, guor�r,- crcd and �pp-rrnc \SP's program qualificaiions arc Uasrd on the nominal e(litirnry of momrs. 93.6 94.1 94.] 95.0 95.0 95.4 3GO0 sz.s S>.� 55.5 s�.5 s�.s 90.2 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.7 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.4 Aitachment fo Exi�it�if "F_-?_" . �� 900 s�.s 54.0 55.5 s�.s s9.5 s9.5 90.2 90.2 91.0 91.7 �3.0 93.0 93.G 93.G �4.1 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Ho�v does a high-e�cienry motor difl from a standard mowr? • H;;hcr quz!iry znd thinner sceel laminations in che scator • '�Sore coppv in nc�.+�indin�s • SmaUer air gap ben��een che ro�or and s�aior • Rcduced fin losscs � Closer machining iolerances I�SP ofTirs motor eflicienq� iesting �iotor e$i[irnq� �esting is avail�blc from NSP. \Y�c ��'il� �cst chc cus�omcr's operating mmor to dncrminc �hc anual RP'�f ]200 7500 3600 54.0 54.0 E2.5 s>.s ss.> ss.> s7.5 57.5 s5 � 87.5 57.5 57.5 s�.s ss.s s�.s s9.5 9o.z sa.5 90.2 91.0 89.5 9I.0 91.0 5�.5 97.7 91.7 90.2 91.7 92.4 90.2 91.7 93.0 91.7 93.0 93.0 92.4 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 93.0 74.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.0 94.5 95.4 95.4 9>.0 95.4 75.4 �5.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 ef iciency while in uee Cal] your NSP represenca;i�•e �o arrzn�t resir.�. N$P noti• also ofi'er: AQotorhlasmr Thc ;��o�er?�'fascer darzbase lisr,ng and sofn+•arc packa�c is now;�•>i1361e ro hdp ��ou c�•alua�e �hc cost rf32aivrness a(mo�ors �•ou art considrring for your s�•s:em. Before pou purchasc ��our ncxc high-cffi- ciency mmor, call the ncaresc hSP rcprescmativt lisred in ihc back o(this brochurq and �sk for assiscancc ���i�h ihis program. 2 Council File # � �__1,Qg3 Presented By: Referred To: Green Sheet# 3401'i RESOLUTION .- � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � a� J�� Committee: Date: WHEREAS, on Apnl 12, 1995, ihe City Council approved Final Order 95387, in the matter of condemning and tak�ng fee title to the property at 722 Payne Avenue to construct the Eastem District Office of the Saiirt Paul Police Department; and VJI3EREAS, City officials have negotiated and signed a Purchase Agreemenf with 7EBC0 Group, Inc, owner of the said praperty, establishing a purchase price of $1,392,210, which price represents the fair market value of the property as built out to the speciFications of the Police Department; and WHEREAS, the Rea1 Fstate Division has calcuiated thaY the eost of cequiied fumishinge for fhe faeility will be $SQ0�0; NOW THEREFORE SE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recammendafion of ffie Mayor and the adviee of the Long Range Capital Im.provement Budget Committee, that C�pital Impcovement Budget, �.s heretofote adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby further aznended in th� following p rticul s: ' G �y G G w � � Current Amended FINANCING PLAN a� � Budget Change Bud;et Relocation of East Teazn Police Site � d� C95-4D002 « '^ ct 1995 CIB Bonds �� `� 1,250,000 1,250,000 9tate of Minnesota �" 250,000 (250,000) 0 1994(1995 CIB Bond interest eamin s d 0 192,210 192,210 g o� ���^, 1,500,060 (57,790) 1,442,210 SPENDING PLAN � m � Relocation of East Team Police Site � � C95-4D002-O518 [ � Mayox's Contingency p.� � 1,500,000 (1,500,000) 0 C95-4D002-0891 "' � ^ Puichase of Faeility � p� � q 0 1,392,210 1,392,210 C95-4D002-0818 ta� U Flimishings �, m � 0 50,000 50,000 ;, �y m I,500,000 (57,790) 1,442,210 � r � n BE IT Ft7RTHER RESOLVED, fllat the proper City officiaLs are hereby authorized and direeted to execute the purchase and furnishing of the said property on behalf of the Police Department of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by DQpartment of: Grimm Guerin Harris Pofice By: Retbnan �/ � �- Thune � Q o Ap roval Recommended y dget Director: 1 Adopted by Council: Date �_� �j 5 �q�� By: j^+ti Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form A roved by City Attorney: / gy: By: 1 �- � y' �� 4 x � r � Approved hy Mayor: L� Appr ved; yor for S miss' n to uncil� By: /��'� By: � [.��2� Preparetlbyt�eMayoPSOttice- utlgetSecOOn FIUSERSENGEL1123\RES_EAS�WK4 W/O6/95 s - l� ,� R Police Department Date: SJ28/1995 Green Sheet Number. $40y 1 ' � Y DEPARTMINI' DIItF.C1�DR 5 COUNCII, cact Petsoa and Phoae I3umber. ,,,�„ ., . ' w �., a Q1Y A7T�ORNEY �, Q1Y C7ERK Lt. Joe Polsl� 292-3764 � vn�Er nmeciox- � . a� MGr. svc vm. 4 YOR(ORASSf.Sl' 6 ESTATEDIVISION ost be on Co�ma1 Agenda by: AL # OF SIGNA'i[JRE PAGES 1 {QdP ALi.IACATtON5 FOR SIGNA"1'URL} GTION RP.Q . o authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute the purchase of the property located at 722 ayne Avenue for the Eastern District Office oF the Saint Paui Police Department. Ref: Resolution for onsideration; 2. Copy of Final Order 95-387 authorizing purchase; 3. Copy of Purchase Agreement for he property. Mhffi�IDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJE(:1' (R) ERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACIS MUSI'ANS9VER T7IE FOLiAWING PIANNING CO�SSION STA�' L Has the peaan jfirm ever worked uader a mntrut for Wis department? YBS NO CIVII, SERVICE COMbIISSION Has this peson/Emi evet beea a C+t➢ emp1°3'ee� YPS NO . Dces tLis pesonJfitm possess a sk�l not notmally p� by arq C1B COMbff1TEE+ _ Glirnnt City employee? YES NO ' all YFS answeis on a separate shcet and attacfi. PORTS WiIICH COUNCII.OBSf�.('$1VP.? COTJN(aI. WARD(S� ( DISTRICl' Pft1NNING COUNQ[. J r �rnvG rxosi.n�e, rss�e, orroxzvNn� (cc'iw. wtiaz, vw�a, wa�, wnY•'7 n April 12, 1995 the Council approved Final Order# 95-387, authorizin� hase of the facility ocated at 722 Payne Avenue to replace the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, hich is inadequate for its purpose A u� �Q �g95 j 1 VANfAGES IFAPPROVED: 5r�'•" •>,- '�'?�' e Police Department will have a facility sufficient to the needs of the Eastern District of the Police Department. rsnnvanrrnc�,s rnnrrxovm. one ISADVANIAGPS IF NOT APPROVFA: e Eastern Division of the Police Department wonld remain in its current location, which is insufticient d inappropriate for its needs. -_ nMOVxr or z�sncnox: $ 1,442,21 0 cosr/�vr�v�$ s�srEU <cma� or� Yrs xo ' ING �� a ''` 1995 CIB Bonds/"1994/45 CIS Bond Inte r�s�'��'��` C95-4D4(12-Q8X *qAI, glgpgMATTpN; �E�SAIIy� Earnings F.r,�.S./REAL ESTATE DtVtStON Date: 1J26/95 Green SheeL Number. 3138 � u�rn air.u�sn • ns�u�.eroR 2 CTIY COUNC9L tact Pcison and Phox Nomber. ,,,�., — so ��� Qf'Y A'I'Il7RNL�Y CCIY CI.GRK � Dave Nelson 266-8850 � suocer nta�cinR mx. � Mc; r. svc o�x_ a x MAYOR (OK ASSISTAM) I COUNQL RIS7sRCF1 tauscnconcouuriiqgcndaby.2-22-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 2J10/9 N, # QP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (QIP AI.L iAG17iONS POR SIGNATUI2L� CTION RLQUBSIm: o set a hearing date to approve the condemnation and tal:ing of property. To approve condemnation and aking of property located at 722 Payne Avenve for the purpose of relocating the Potice Department's East District Office. Ref: 1. Preliminary Order; 2. Map showing location of said property. File Number 1$788. Rf'AOMIvII:NDATIONS APPROVE (A) OR RFJHCL' (R) gRSCyNAt� SERVICE CONS'RACIS Mi3ST ANSWI3R'I7II3 POI.IAWING: PIANNING COMfvIISSION A ST��' L FIas tAe pecson fCssm cvcr wociccd uodcr a cantract (ot this departmcnt? YF3S NO CiVII. SER'VICE COMMISSION � Sas t6is pcison/firm cver been a Gry cmptoyee? YES NO ���,� Does t6is peimnJCum poasess a skill aot normatlY P� 6 3' �Y ,— Cutxcnt Gty employee? YES NO ' all YL�S answccs oo a scparate shcct and attach. RTS WfIICki COUNQL OB.k�.CI7VE? COi3NQL WARD(S7 6 DISIRICT PLANNI73G COUNCfI. � INi17[i17NG PROBII�M, ISSUE, OPPORIVNR'Y (WAO, WhaS A'hcn, Whcre, Why?)' e current East District Office of the Police Department, located at 699 East Seventh Street is inadequate or its purpose. Action has been requested to acquire fhe above mentioned property. VANl'pGL'S IF APPROVII7: e Police Department will be better able to serve the East Side Community oS' Saint Paul. V.n.^ . '. .:-`,'� q,`�/Ty UiSADVANfAGE5 IA APPROVID: �_ ; /' n ..�.- '��one _.� � t: J.,..J DISAD VANI'pGL�S IP NOT APPROYFD_ e Police Bepartment must either continue to operate from inadequate facilities or find an atternative location. rarf.i,nMOUivror�rxnr�sACnor�: $ 1,250,000 �STJ�-'vF�J1:13UDGLTTGD(CIRQ.P.ONF� n� No ��vtvDU�� souxc� ncrrvrrY rruntnesz :�nrrcw. u.moxnu'nox: �e�ceu,u.� CIB Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250,000 , CZTY OF - SAINT PADL PRELIMI2iABY QBDSF ������.� a f is ��s ��� � - COIINCIL PILE NO,_��� � ( B�2�,�=-- � FILE N0, 18788 vOTZNG WABD 6 In the Mattet of Condemning and taking fee title in that property located at 722 Payne Avenue for the purpose of constzucting the Eastern District Office of the Saint Paul Police Department, said ptoperty is legally described as follows: Borup and Payne's Addition to St. Paul, Lots 14 through 17, Block 4 and that part of Lot 18 Block 4 lying Westerly of and parallel 'to the centerline of Northern Pacific Railway. The Council of the City of Saint Paul , ' ' , hereby resolves: . bac�.�!°y `�<�ma��c�J w:ll b� a�a:�.��ilc� � ���.� \:l, 1. That'� ���z«c�r.ts, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,250,000. financed by Capital Improvement Bonds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day ' 1995, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveraent and the total cost thereof as estimated. CODNCILPERS�NS Yeas Nays �akey ,/ �imm ,/G�ferin i/H ris �ard �tman hune oR���NA� �In Favor �Against Adopted by Council: Date��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � c � Mayor -' ' , �.r �% -y� ' - .� _nn _ - . r - -.-� ---- - - -� T ------- I i � 68 OLZ i t -,- -_- B'oLZ � � 1 : , < �� � . � I • ��,� � Q y � j�F `� .��J — �� � � b I �J �n � `� J� J:,'� 1 � +� ' � 2 _5? . M� < ° � � � , �� 6� �, v ,� � o b�� L � ��., 1 / � � 2 �t Q N I� e cf'. v I <� �V � li I� w� � � j � f ' N ci � .n e� . iN O A �, I � o� f �. m ^1 � � ' � V �V � � o ; ' S ` � � � � � � /� �� g � / /� � � � � � I I"iF /y ' � �� ' � ' �' "y � , , S ° � �� - O � ' � �� � s � � �` � — � � ,s • r, � � .� � � t y' � �..- " r .�'cc� � - � r � " i c ^� o : ^.�1 7 ,� � ' \ ���. �p � : � -� Gl � r � � � G) �: , ; ''� V � • T i � : � g I _ �� � � � `��~��`� — + S� i . � �. V h v C� ) ' i � I y t SZ'/I , � : � l� I � t i« � � 1 ::' -s.F: I ' p O _ _. �" � O . ' e � � !�- '�. p� I v � .�a n �/ .. 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"' •" �kt�...: - � N �.�i'd � � "` '�' ` � - sF - - - si. .,::� •si'f- ----------- �� b � ` � � �u c „ d -, „ s.•i � : v .� _ ' . � .� _ �` . �n ^ � N ( � 1 � [ J ' P ''� 1n 1� l.. � V b � �.+ � a � � ry C � � v � N = ry v V v M � m � M � � � v �' (y a � �'' h c � � c N h v. � �i ��U _ b /1 y r ` � V ti v m b <l.� � N rl �� (�j N v � i" � �`'Tc' � T �/ R! � � , _ I � � � .� °1 0 �, - a - �, `'' � � ° � -- � ^ � � / % t 6 $PINT PAUL � AAAA {nterdepartrnental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Joe Reid Budget Director From: Dave Nelson Real Estate Manage Date: September 11, 1995 qs - 4 0� ,......_-•.: �,.>... .,..,� ......:.........:......;....... .., . ...M:_- ... ..:..::. . . .:. :...,.., . .: . .... ,. .>,.,. .,.., 's.��R�i��G�f sr�I`��.'L.��3f <.+��1.@@�:.^..�:QX;:: :� '`�$�;:�'�$� �_:�:C'. . Lil1.:..�:;� :::r�. E;k .: y . �;.,,..,,. . .:,i:�. ...�Z .:,. 7�'i..:: %': ;;;3;.:::::23$3 :� �Y;E:.:... _.., .,.., .:. . ...:. .,� ........::.... .... . _,., _..,-�.: - ..,.::,.,..o,e:.,.�:<.�::,�:,,:.":.xw.;:::�2::.; .�.,.: a.,�...,,.....,�,..w,....i.:,.,.F.,.<..,.::.. ..:.......:... In follow up to a11 the questions I have received, I have prepared the following responses: 1. How is the purchase price of $1,392,210 broken down? Attached is a breakdown of the land and building (as is), hard construction cost and the various soft costs. 2. The appraised market value of the property, based on its highest and best use as commercial property, was estimated by Mike Bettendorf, the City's independent fee appraiser at $245,000, as of June 18, 1994: � Land $218,000 Building $ 27,000 Total Appraised Market Value $245,000 I contacted Mr. Bettendorf to inquire if he had a sense of any real change since his 1994 appraisal. Mr. Bettendorf indicated that he did not believe there has been any significant change in value since June 1994. 3. The following is a recent history of the market value of the subject property, as prepared by the Ramsey County, Department of Property Tasation. The values reflect Industrial zoning of tbe property, as when it was part and parcel to the Hamms Brewery Company, now Stroh Brewery Company. In 1493, Ramsey County reduced the assessed valuation on the property based on physical obsolescence of tbe building and its failure, as income property, to produce an income stream. � 1992 Land Bldg Total 1994 Land Bldg Total $ 54,700 242 9 0 $297,600 $ 97,000 1000 $ 98,000 1993 Land $ 84,900 Bldg 1000 Total $ 85,900 1995 Land $ 97,000 Bldg 1000 Total $ 98,000 �5— 1��3 'The primary distinction between the City's appraised value of $245,000 and that of • the Assessor, is that the City's appraiser determined the highest and best use of the property as commercial, rather than industrial. Consequendy, the mazket value of the land as commercial is about twice as much as for industrial land. In reviewing the appraisal by the City's independent fee real estate appraiser, the Real Estate Division concurred Mr. Bettendorf's conclusions. 4. Ownership of Jebco Group, Inc. is as follows: John E. Biomquist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60% A trust agreement for the benefit of Peter J. Biomquist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40% 5. Traditionally, the City purchases a property, then employs an architect to design the huilding and, finally, bids the construction. When this project was first being considered by the City, back in 1992-1993, we decided to provide as many ways as possible for the mazketplace to respond, as long as the City achieved a quality site and facility for a fair price. T'he City received proposals based on three approaches: a. Lease the space as built out to the City's specifications; • b. "As is" sale of the Property, with the City to build out the space or construct a new building; and c. "Tum key" sale of the property, with the seller to build out the space to the City's specifications, the sale to take place upon completion, of the construction. When the East Team Facility Task Force analyzed the proposals, with the professional assistance of the LIEP Design Section, the "tum key" approach proved to be the most cost effective proposal for the 722 Payne site. The costs established by: a. The LIEP Design Division estimated the Cit�s cost under the "as is" approach would have been $1,475,467. b. The Request for Proposal submitted by the Seller in 1493 indicated that, under the "tum Key" approach, the Cit}�s estnnated cost would be $1,183,000. Additionaily, the "tum key" approach, by combining the sale, design and construction into one contract, provided a more direct time line for completion and occupancy. � � 5- loS3 • 6. The Seller informed the City that the property was broken into around July 31 and some of the electrical and heating components were removed. My response to the Seller was: As unfortunate as this incident may be, any uninsured losses or damage as a result of this incident are the Sellers responsibility, and are clearly not the Cit�s problem. A footnote: The purchase price from the Seller, dated July 6, 1995, of $1,392,210, is the same price as state in the Seller's letter to the City of August 24, 1995. In tbe event a break in would occur at the property after the purchase agreement is signed and construction started, the Seiler would have property insurance in place, and the contractor would carry Builder's 12isk Insurance on the project. • 7. Following are the assessments against the property for years 1989 through 1995: Assessment Principal Interest Assessment Principal Interest 1988 Maintenance $1124.00 Sewer Charge $ 628.00 Recycling $ 50.63 ManaQement $ 11.50 1989 $ 0.00 Street Maintenance $1263.00 $ 0.00 Storm Sewer Charge $ 628.00 $ 0.00 Waste Recycling $ 62.56 $ 0.00 aste Mana�ement $ 11.40 1990 Maintenance $1290.00 Sewer Charge $ 657.00 Recycling $ 68.96 Sewer $ 204.55 1991 $ 0.00 Street Maintenance $1333.00 $ 0.00 Storm Sewer Charge $ 675.00 $ 0.00 Waste Recycling $ 73.9& $ 29.17 Storm Sewer $ 103.31 1992 Maintenance $1387.00 Sewer Charge $ 709.00 Management $ 64.56 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.69 0.00 0.00 0.60 5.35 y994 Maintenance $1488.00 Sewer Chazge $ 747.00 Management $ 61.02 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ $ $ $ � �ti 0.00 0.00 16.93 1993 Maintenance $1374.00 Sewer Charge $ 709.00 Management $ 60.28 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ $ 1 11 { 1{ 1 11 :1 1995 Maintenance $1512.00 Sewer Charge $ 873.00 Management $ 261.28 Sewer $ 44.55 $ $ $ $ 1 11 0.00 0.00 � - __ --------- �S�ti��� • E:� According to Ramsey County TaYation, as of today, September 11, 1995, ail assessments have been paid. Recap on the Cost of the project as per City Council Resolution 95-1083: Real Estate and Buildout of 722 Payne $1,392,210.00 Systems fiunishings $ 50.000.00 Total Cost $1,442,210.00 � � Should you have any further questions, please contact either myself at 266-8860 or Joe Polsld at 292-3764. cc; Council President Thune Council Member Harris Council Member Rettman Council Member Guerin Chief Finney Lt. Joe Polsld, PD Project Manager Ron Kline, Budget Office Council Member Blakey Council Member Megard Council Member Grimm Mazk Shields, Mayor's Chief of Staff Martha Larson, Director of FMS Peter White, Real Estate Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Office CIB (Eastbret� � vi F � � > N u ^ � a � O S� N M1�j U 6 E., � .�i w. v j� ^ U � y O � a�y � y N � � o''p a �p V) Q� N ❑ R U �. A �^ W � � � m m A w $ E ° o v a F � N � U � � � N � O • 0 U � rn �i rn vr a: N C T O a, V a. � S � h v m II � o � � � N � 0 3 4. � o C 0 3 0 N O � � 1�1 Q O V�i M � N [� N v� O� t+1 �O N Vi (�i �D .�r � O� � 69 fR � V) O O N� N O Q. o: �o" " cn �o l� 69 H9 vr 4 N m 4 a � a � v � d a .- � U T a v a a � ° o 0 � � � > d N W � Q � O O � O �D O � h o � V3 t1 O - O I� O W N ki 49 h � I � � � N a O T '� ,., � G y� O 5 0� � y � 0 0 ^� "� � o c .�. `� U � " � � y N � � y N .a o V O �, � O � y V c� a� R � C � w .� b � 9 Q U U a U � � 9 x F G 'V W � C .� � 0 V 'r: 0 ti 0 ai y d v m �o U ' P� U P. � � � � � � � O �n N Y'� N n � 49 M V) O S � p � O O �p O O O O O O� �� � � �c�A � h O � O N M W r+ 69 � � h O S O O O O O O t? O O O V� O O O O � � � e � � � � � 69 V3 59 V3 V N oa i � -C y N � O PG p CL U y � C C y ` O N O n ' .`3 P U o � V � o o p��, o°D h U 4. a� .$ w � c d o `�' � ° � ° Q.-� W W U v�i l U C� `n � O F� U 5 O F � ��— � v�� O N N � In 69 O O O N N � 69 � O O O N 69 O 6�4 O 0 N � 7 � o � R b � '� U O � y d � a o a. a��i C � °' 5 U ri w 9 O F^ QS - ���� � i. 2. 3. CfTY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASE AGREEMENT Date: September 15. 1995 I,ocation of the Rea1 Estate: 722 Pavne Avenue Saint Paul Minnesota 55101-4127 Lega1 Description of the sale property: All of Lois 10 through 17, Block 4, Borup and Payne Addition to Saint Paul, together with those parts of I.ots 18 and 19 in said Block 4lying westerly of a line 50 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of tbe Northern Pacific Railway Right-of-Way. • 4. Parties to the agreement: a. Name and address of Buyer: City_of Saint Paul - PD in cfo Lt Joe Polski 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul. Minnesota 55101 b. Name and address of Seller: JEBCO Grou�. Inc. 360 Robert Street Saint Paul Minnesota 55101-1503 5. � Purchase price accepted by Seller, $1.392,210.00, is contingent upon the successful completion of the buildout of the property (as described in Paragraph 7 of this agreement). The terms and conditions of this Purchase Agreement are subject to approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Buildout of the Building and Site. a. TJle buildout shall conform to the plans and specifications as prepared by Sbea Architects, Inc. and dated September 13, 1995. b. Furtber, changes requested by eitber the Seller or the Buyer after formal approval of the design development documents, must be made in writing and signed by both parties and must be in compliance with Paragraph 12 of this agreement. • 8. Shea Architects, Inc. shall be the provider of professional design services. The Buyer shall approve, in writing, any change of professional design services provider. `�S-lo�'3 Purchase A.greement 722 Payne Avenue � Page 2 9. Tfie Seller shall provide to the Buyer a Schedule of Values for the project, prior to the commencement of Work on the site. Progress payments shall be payable on a monthly basis, or according to a mutually agreed upon timetabie. Seller shall submit an Application for Payment in accordance with the Schedule of Values and based upon the cost of Work completed and materials stored on the site or at other locations approved by the Buyer. Within twenty (20) days after receipt of each monthly Application for Payment, tbe Buyer, acting in the capacity of construction Lender, sball make progress payments to the Seller in the appropriate amount for with Application(s) for Payment shall have been submitted less 5%, which percentage sball be retained as a contingency reserve untii compietion of the buiidout and transfer of the property. Completion of the Work shall be subject to ver'if'ication by the SeDer's Architect; and the scope, materials and workmanship shall be subject to review and approval by the Buyer, acting in its capacity as construction Lender. If the Buyer fails to pay the Seller at the time payznent of any amount becomes due, the Sellez may, at any time thereafter, upon serving written notice that the Work will be stopped within five (5) days after receipt of the notice by the Buyer, and after such five (S) day period, stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received. Buyer shall pay interest on payments due but unpaid, as provided by law. • At the rime of ciosing, any unpaid balance, including the percentage retained as a contingency less the cost of any disputed work, shall be due and payable. 10. Buyer sha11 have the option to require the Generai Contractor to obtain a performance Bond for the project, in which case tbe purchase price shall be increased by the amount of such bond premium plus an appropriate IS% administration fee. 11. The Seller shall observe the dictates of the Davis-Bacon Act and City Ordinances, specificallyAdministrative Code 82.07 requiring in all contracts over $10,000 that contractors must pay employees tbe prevailing wage. 12. Change Orders for tbe buildout shall be pemutted only accarding to the following procedures: a The Suyer shall be given copies of all Change Orders initiated by the Seller; and it shall be the Buyer's responsibility to advise tbe Seller within 5ve (5) days, commencing on tbe date tHe Buyer receives notice of the Cbange Order, when the terms of such Change Orders materially modify the scope and intent of the Work. b. In those circumstances, if any, in which the Buyer has notified the Seller within the allotted five (5) days that the Buyer believes a Change Order has materially modified the scope and intent of the Work, the Seiler must demonstrate that any changed • specifications will be equal to or improve upon the specifications contained in the Contract Documents. �S-1d83 Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue . Page 3 c. Any addiuonal costs resulting from Seller inivated change orders will be borne by the Seller unless tbe Buyer has agreed, in advance and in writing, to assume such additional costs. d. Any additional costs resulting from Buyer initiated change orders shall be bome by the Buyer unless the Seller bas agreed, in advance and in writing to assume such additional costs. The Contractor shall submit an itemized list of the costs of such Change Orders to the Seller, wbo shall add JEBCO Group, Inc.'s administrative fee, not to exceed fifteen percent (15%), to cover A f E and management costs of the Change Order. e. Any savings resulting from Change fJrders, whether initiated by the Seller or tbe Buyer, shall be deducted from the purchase price. 13. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within thirty (30) days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated Abstract of Title and f or an Owner's Certificate of Title. Selier agrees, at Sellers's cost and eacpense, to conect or remove any excegtion or "clouds" on the title as shown on tbe Buyer's "Commitment to Insure" titie examination report. 14. If, within fifty-five (55) days of the signing by both parties of this purchase agreement, an unforeseeable circumstance develops that would make ti�e Seller responsible for substantial unanticipated costs to complete the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Seller shall • have the right to terminate this agreement. Upon such termination, any earnest money or other payments already submitted shall be refunded to the Buyer. 15. All notices required herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or mailed ta the address as shown in Paragraph 4, above, and, if mailed, shall be effective as of the date of mailing. 16. Closing shall occur upon substantial completion of the buildout to the scope and speciflcations outlined in design development documents, at which tune the title to tbe premises shall be conveyed to the Buyer and the �inal disbursement of funds shall be made. The Closing date shall be March 19. 1946, which date may be postponed and rescbeduled by mutual agreement of tbe parties hereto. Seller shall pay all closing costs. Substantial completion of tbe Work, or a designated portion thereof, sball mean the date on which construction bas been sufficientiy comp]eted, in accordance with design development documents, as to accommodate occupancy or use for iu intended purpose of the Project or a designated portion thereof. The date of substantial completion of the Work sball be confirmed by a Certi�cate of Substantial Completion signed by the Buyer and Seller, and by the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as required by law. If causes beyond the Seller's control delay the progress of the Work, the date of Substantial Completion shall be modif'ied by Change Order as appropriate. Such causes may include but not be limited to: changes ordered in the Work, acts or omissions of the Buyer, prevention by the Buyer of performance of the Work by tbe Seller pending any resolution • of dispute, discovery of hazardous materials, differing site conditions, advezse weather conditions not reasonably anticipated, fire, unusual transportation delays, labor dispntes or unavoidable accidents or circumstances. �S - 1�8; Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue • Page 4 17. At the closing, the Seller shall convey marketable fee title to the Buyer by Wananty Deed. 18. Seller shall pay all t�es payabie in 1995, as well as any delinquent taYes not yet paid. Selier shall pay all assessments levied and pending against said property as of the date of closing. Seller shall provide buyer with proof of payment of tases and assessments. Any assessments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, shall be withheld from the purchase price. Buyer shall pay all t�es payable in 1946 and thereafter. 19. At the closing, the Seller shall provide mechanics' lien waivers for all contractors, general contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. 20. Seller sha11 provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicatSng that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as defined in section 115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1983; and that, other than as shown in the Phase I, II and III studies performed on the property by Peer Environmental, Inc, there is no basis to conclude that this properry has been subject to or contaminated by the release of any hazardous substance, hazardous waste, pollutants of contaminants as defined in Section 115B.02 of the Min.nesota Statutes. 21. All wazranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and the conveyance of utle to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the . ciosing, survive the closing and the conveyance of title to the property. Ti�e Seller sHall warrantee the materials and workmanship speciffed in design development documents for a period of one year following the closing date. 22. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 23. Representation a. The representative of the Buyer is . The repzesentat�ve of the Buyer shall be fully acquainted with the Work and sha11 serve as the point of contact for the Buyer. b. T'he representative of the Selier is . The representative of the Seller shail be fu11y acquainted with the Work and shall serve as the point of contact for the Se11er. 24. Dispute Resolution a. Inivai Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises out of the interpretation of any article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretation of the Construction Agreement or its breach, the parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute first through direct discussions. If the dispute cannot be setfled through d'uect discussions, the parties shall endeavor to settle the dispute by mediarion under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association before recourse to arbitration. The location of the mediation shall be the location of the Project. The • parties agree to conclude such mediation within sizty (60) days of the filing by one party with the other contracting party and the American Arbitration Association of a request for mediation. Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue . Page 5 `1s-���3 b. Agreement to Arbitrate. Any controversy or claim arising out of the interpretation of any article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretation of the Construcdon Agreement or its breach tbat cannot be resolved by mediation, except for claims that bave been waived by tbe making or acceptance of final payment, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect unless the parties mutually agree otberwise. c. I�otice of Demand, A written demand for azbitration shall be filed with the American Association and the ather party to this Agreement within a reasonable time after the dispute or claim has arisen, but in no event after the applicable statute of limitations for a legal or equitable proceeding would have run. d. Award. The arbitration award shall be final. Judgement upon the award may be confirmed in any court having jurisdiction. e. Work Continuance and Payment. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Seller shall continue the Wozk and maintain the approved scbedules during any arbitratian proceedings. If the Seller continues to perform, the Seller shall continue to make payments in accordance with ttus Agreement. • £ Multiparty Proceeding. The parties agree tbat all parties necessary to resolve a claim shall be parties to tbe same arbitration proceeding. Appropriate provisions shall be included in all contracts relating to the Work to provide for the consolidation of arbitrations. g. Cost of Dispute Resolution. The prevailing party in any dispute arising out of the intezpretation o£ any article of this Agreement or its breach, or the interpretation of the Construcuon Agreement or its breach that is resolved by arbitration or litigauon shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attomey's fees, costs and ea�penses incuned by the prevailing party in coanection with such arbitration or litigation. • �IS-lo�3 Purchase Agreement 722 Payne Avenue � Page 6 SELLER: ; • BUYER: B Police Department By: • Real Estate Division (eastp�i) Date: Date: Date: �� �zm. �S_ 1 ���, ��� � ��� � � �� �� � � 1 � � � � � � 1 � � C� EAST SfDE POLICE TEAM FACILITY ST. PAUL, MN OUTLINE SPECIFfCATION DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 SHEA ARCHITECTS, INC. COMMISSION #3815.d0 � 1 � � � � ' � � ' � � , � � � � � � � �5-10�3 PROJECT: LOCATION: OWNER (SELLER): BUYER: PROJECT MANAGER: ARCHI7ECT: STRUCTUR,4L ENG/NEER: East Side Police Team Facility 722 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN JESCO GROUP, INC. 360 North RobeR Street, #700 St. Paul, MN 55101 612-222-3081 612422-3085 (fax) CITY OF ST. PAUL PD in c/o Lt. Joe Polski 100 East Efeventh Street St. Paui, MN 55101 CBA LTD 1221 Nicollet Mall #216 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-342-9300 612-342-9301 (fax) SHEA ARCHITECTS, INC. 100 North 6th Street, #650C Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-339-2257 612-349-2930 CLARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 2815 Wayzata Boulevard South Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-374-4740 612-374-4749 MECHAN/CA!/ELECTR/CAL STEEN ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SERV. INC. ENGINEERS: 42'IS Winnetka Avenue North, Suite 257 New Hope, MN 55428 612-546-8553 612-546-7523 � � � , � DIVISION 1 Scope and Intent of Documents DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK ' 02050 02513 02831 � � � � � � � � � DNISION 4 - MASONRY 04200 DIVISION 5 - METALS 05120 05310 D1VIStON 6- WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 06115 06400 ��.����.�. . - 07210 07510 07600 07900 DIVISION 8- DOOR AND WINDOWS 08110 08210 08300 08650 0870Q 08800 r DIViSION 8 - FiNISHES � 09250 09310 09330 , 09510 09650 09680 09900 , ��-1Q�3 East Side Police Team Facility TABLE OF CONTENTS Allowances Options Demolition AsphaNic Concrete Paving Chain Link Fencing/Gates Unit Masonry Structrual Steel Roof Deck Rough Carpentry Wood Deck Architectural Casework Buiit-up Asphalt Roofing System Flashing and Sheet Metal Sealants Metal Doors and Frames Flush Wood Doors Special Doors Special Windows Finish Hardware Glazing Gypsum Waliboard Ceramic Tile Quarry Tile Acoustical Ceiiings Resilient Flooring Carpet Painting � � � ,� � � � � � j � � 1 1 � 1 � � 1 D1VIS10N 10 - SPECIALTIES 10100 10160 10200 10400 10500 10520 10670 10800 DIVISION 11 - EGIUIPMEN7 11131 DIVISION 12 - Furnishinqs �2500 TABLE OF CONTENTS East Side Police Team Facility ��j-l��� Marker Boards and Tackboards Toilet Partitions Louvers identifying Devices �ockers Fire Extinguisher Storage Sfieiving Toilet and Bath Accessories Projection Screen W indow Treatment Table of Contents Q�- ia� East Side Police Team Facility DIVISION 1 SCOPE AND fNTENT OF DOCllMENTS SCOPE AND INTENT - The Owner {Seiler) intends to pertorm a4! of the Work reqwred or reasonably inferred by the Design Development Documents, which have been prepared in connection with a certain building located at 722 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, MN. Such Work is also referred to as "Buildout of the Building and Site" and an enumeration of the Design Development Documents is described as follows: Outline Specification, Design Development Documents, prepared by Shea Architects, Inc. (Architect) and dated September 13, 1995. Plans (Drawings), prepared by Shea Architects, Inc. dated September 13, 1995, described as follows: 1. DD1 - Site Plan 2. DD2 - Gonstruction Plan 3. DD3 - Elevations 4. DD4 - Schedules 5. M2 - HVAC/Plumbing 6. E2 - Lighting 7. E3 - Power & Systems Subject to the execution of the BuyedSeller Purchase Agreement (Purchase Agreement) and its approval by the Council of the City of St. Paul, on or about September 20, 1995, the Seller shall cause the Architect to prepare Construction Documents that are suitabie for construction purposes. Subject to Revisions and/or Modifications, as may be required to satisfy codes, laws or regulation of governing agencies, such Construction Documents shall be prepared in conformance with the Design Development Documents. _ ALLOWANCES -The Purchase Price includes the following Allowance Amounts which are intended to cover certain items for which the Scope of Work and Pricing has not been determined. At such time that Final Requirements have been determined and approved by the Buyer, the Owner (Seller) shall cause necessary Plans and Specifications for the Allowance Work Items to be completed by the Architect and priced by the Owner (Seller)'s General Contractor. Subject to the provisions of the Purchase Agreement, in the event that the total of the amounts set forth hereinbelow exceeds the total cost for pertorming Allowance Work, the Purchase Price shall be decreased in the amount of such excess. In the event that the totai of the amounts set torih hereinbelow is Iess than the total cost for pertorming Allowance Work, the Purchase price shall be increased by the difference between the total cost of performing Allowance Work and the total of the amounts set focth hereinbelow: Division 1 Scope and Intent of Documents �i� `�d�J� Easi Side Police Team Facility DIVISION 1 - continued Allowances are as foilows: • A1 - Door Refease and TV Monitoring Systems $500.00 • A2 - Public Address and Intercom Systems 2,000.00 • A3 - Buiiding Egress and Intesior Circularion Moditications 5��.0� made necessary by Code Requirements • A4 - Data and Tefepho�e Lines/Equipment 9,200.00 (excluding associated conduit) OPTIONS - The Owner (Seller), subject to availability, price and performance criteria, has the sole option of selecting the Roof Deck type, whether it be steel, solid wood deck or Iaminate wood deck. The Owner (Seller)'s Roof Deck selection shall not cause an increase or decrease to the Purchase Price. The scope of work excludes asbestos abatement and demolition within the basement area. END OF DIVISION 1 Division 1 Scope and Intent of Documents � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��-j�83 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 02050 - DEMOLITION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 All existing interior walls, ceilings, finishes, fi�ctures, equipment, windows, doors, etc., to be removed, incfuding existing perimeter wafl insulation and finish. All existing surtaces including basement to be cfeanedlpsepared as required to receive new finishes/construction. 1.02 Ali asbestos/hazardous materials to be removed by qualified contractor, in compliance with current codes. 1.03 Existing roof structure to remain exposed after construction shall be cleaned. END OF SECTION 02050 Demolttion � � � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � � i � � �5-ic��3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 02513 - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MNDOT 2341 wearing coat over existing paving. Prepare existing paving as required. 1.02 Striping to be two coats of chlorinated rubber-alkyd iype traffic lane marking paint in 4" wide stripes. END OF SECTION 02513 Asphaltic Concrete Paving � � East Side Poiice Team Facility SECTION 02831 - CHAIN LINK FENCING/GATES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Chain link fencing/gates to be galvanized systems in the locationslheights indicated on the drawings, and in full compliance with Chain Link Manufacturers Institute product manual and applicable ASTM standards 1.02 All gates are manually operated. END OF SECTION 02831 Chain Link Fencing/Gates � � � � � PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 04200 - UNIT MASONRY t ' a East Side Police Team Facility � 1.01 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT A. The Conditions of the Contract (General, Suppiementary, and Other Conditions) and the General Requirements (Sections ot Division 1), apply to 1he work of this section. � � � � � � � � � � � 1.02 MATERIALS A. Mortar, ASTM C270, Type S B. Concrete block, ASTM C90, Grade N, Type 1. C. Wall reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to ASTM A80. D. Brick, SW ot a type determined by Architect and approved by Owner. I All masonry faid running bond. 1.03 TUCKPOINTING All existing brick to be tuckpointed as required to repair all loose/cracked joints. PART 2 PRODUCTS N!A PART 3 EXECUTION N/A END OF SECTION 04200 Unit Masonry � � r East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 05120 - STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Provide steel beams, channeis or angles for the support of roof top mechanical units and around duct penetretors through the roof decking. A. Steel to be ASTM A36. B. Steel to be shop painted with 2 to 3.5 mill coating of fabricators standards shop paint. See Roof Finish Schedule for field painting requirements. END OF SECTION 0�'I 20 Structural Steel � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � � pattem. Side laps to be secured with one (1) intermediate #10 Tekscrew. Deck to receive one coat of manufacturer's standard baked on rust-inhibitive prime finish paint. See Room Finish Schedule for field painting requirements. The Owner, subject to availability, price and performance criteria, has the sole option in selecting the root deck type, whether it be as noted above or under Section 06i15 Wood Deck. q5-���3 East Side Poiice Team Facility SECTION 05310 - STEEL ROOF DECK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Provide steei roof deck: 1-1(2 inch - 20 gauge-type "6", meeting the requirements of the Steel deck fnstitute. A. Deck to be attached to all supports with 5/8° round puddle weld in a 3614 C. � END OF SECTION � 05310 Steei Roof Deck � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � � ■ l PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 06115 - WOOD DECK �� - I�g� East Side Police Team Facility 1.01 Provide wood decking spanning the 6'-6" purlin spacing, of a type listed below: AI! deck shaii meet the requirements of "National Design Startdard for Wood Gonstruction", t891 Edition. 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 A. Solid Deck: Generally matching the existing roof deck, similar species, strength and size. B. Laminated Deck. Deck grade sha11 be "Industriaf". Design loading shall be 40 psf - live Ioad and l5 psf - dead load, with a deflection criteria of U240. Deck shail span a minimum of two spans and can be spiiced at the purlins or placed in a random pattern. Deck shail be attached to the existing wood blocking at the puriins utilizing deck manufacturer's standard connectors. See Room Finish Scheduie for field painting requirements. The Owner, subject to availability, price and performance criteria has the sole option in sefecting the roof deck type, whether it be wood or steel, as noted under Section 05310. � END OF SECTION �� �I Ofi115 Wood Deck � q�-��8.3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS A. Blocking in walls to be fire retardant treated. B. Biocking and curbs on roof to be Pressure Treated, with water-borne preservative. END OF SECTION 06100 Rough Carpentry � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � 1 � � � �5- ��83 East Side Pofice Team Facility SECTiON 06400 - ARCHfTECTURAL CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Ail casework shaA be plastic faminate covered, in accordance with "Quafity Standards of the Architectural Woodwork institute" (AWI), for custom grade casework. END OF SECTION - 06400 Architectusal Casework ������3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 07210 - BUfLDING 11JSllLATl0T3 PART 1 GENERA4 1.01 MATERIALS A. Exterior thermal wall insulation to be 2" extruded polystyrene board insulation to roof deck at all exterior walis of office poRion of buifding. B. Sound insulation to be US Gypsum Thermofiber unfaced sound attenuation blanket or equai, provided in ali new metal stud walls. C. Roof insulation to be in compliance with UBC/Minnesota Code. � END OF SECTION � � 07210 Building Insulation � i � � � LJ �J � � � � � � � �� � � � ��-1��.3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 07510 - BUILT-UP ASPHALT ROOFING SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 4-Ply Owens Corning built-up roof system. END OF SECTION 97510 Buift-up Asphalt Roofing System � � � �J ll q� -10�� East Side Po{ice Team Facifiry SECTION 07600 - FLASHING AND SHEET METAL � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 Metal roof edges, counterflashing etc., io ba 24 gauge, gaivanized steef material with fluoro-poiymer type tactory applied finish. � CJ � � C � � � � � � END OF SECTION � 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��'�0�3 East Side Police Team Facifity SECTION 07720 - ROOF HATCH PART 1 GENERAL �.01 ROOF HATCH A. Provide roof hatch and access as required by code to allow access to roof top equfpment. END OF SECTION 07720 Roof Hatch g� - ���.? East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 07900 - SEALANTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS A. Sealant conforms to Federal Spec. TT-S-002306, Type Ii, Class A. B. Sonolastic NP1 or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol 1. C. Sonotoam, ethaform, or polycel backer rod. D. Seafant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved othenvise by Architect. END OF SECTtON 07900 Sealants f_ J i � � , i � i � i ! �� i � 1 � i � ��J`���� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 08110 - METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 GENERAL AII existing exterior pedestrian doors/frames to be removed and repfaced. 1.01 MATERIALS A. Doors with steel faces and steel vertical spacers welded to both faces. Doors filled with insulation. Exterior doors with 16 gauge faces. Interior doors with 18 gauge faces. B. Frames unit type with welded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Interior frames 76 gauge. G. Doors and frames factory prime painted. END OF SECTION - 08i10 Metal Doors and Frames �J [� 1 i � � � � � � � � �i ' � � � `J �� ��-i�� East Side Police Team Facifity SECTION 08210 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 N.W.M.A. industry Standard I.S. 1-78, Type i bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched, solid core. END OF SECTION 08210 Flush Wood Doors �� � 1 � � , , � � � � � � , � � , � � � �� - ��$:� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 06300 - SPECIAL DOORS PART 1 GEfVERAt 1.01 MATERIALS A. Sliding closet doors of N.W.M.A. I.S. 1-78, Type 1 bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, pfain sficed, book matched. B. New Sectional Overhead door at Payne Avenue errtry to be galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, wfth continuous foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation. C. Existing vehicle doors to remain at Room 139, to he cleaned, repainted and checked for smooth operation. END OF SECTION - 08300 Specia! Doors � , � l_� , l� , ' ' � ' 1 J � � � � �� � SECTION 08650- SPECIAL WINDOWS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insulated glass. END OF SECTION �1� - ��;k� East Side Pofice Team Facifity 08650 Special Windows � � � ' � � � � � ' � ' � � S � � , � , �5 - ���3 East Side Police Team Facifity SECTION 08700 - FIN15H HARDWARE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steel elsewhere. Mortise type lever handled lock set with cylinders to match master keying. Du!! chrome tinish on locks and miscellaneous. 1.02 Cylinders to be Capitalize Best System to match existing St. Paui Policy system. END OF SECTION 08700 Finish Hardware , 1 � l � , �� i 1 � ❑ ❑ [] 1 1 1 1 1 �J � 5 - r��3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 08800 - GLAZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS Exterior windows, 1" insulating glass, bronze reffective with Low E coating. Clear glass at aii interior appiications. END OF SECTION osaoo Glazing �J tJ L! � , ' � C l � l_J � , � , , , , � , � 11 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 09200 - GYPSUM WALLBOARD PART 1 GENERAL i.0� MATERIALS A. Waliboard shall conform to ASTM C36, thickness as shown or 5/8" if not shown. B. Steel studs, drywail type, 25 gauge. Waffboard all screw attached. C. Joints taped and filled; screw heads filled and sanded, except above finish ceilings, where wallboard is to be taped, but not sanded. D. The Contractor shall patch as required all plaster or gypsum board surfaces disturbed by demolition with the appropriate matching material. E. Aii new construction shaN consist of 5/8" F.R. gypsum board on metai studs or Furring strips as required and finished to match adjacent existing surtaces. F. Ail new or existing plaster and gypsum board shall be prepared to receive a new paint finish. END OF SECTION 09250 ' � 1 , , SECTION 09310 - CERAMIC TILE ��J ` �t°��3 East Side Police Team Facility I PART i GENERAL , 1.01 MATERIALS A. All tile standard grade, per TCA 137.1-1976. B. Floors, 1" X 1" mosaics. Walis 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" glazed. Base, cove mosaics, 4" high. � C. Shower floors and drying areas, non-sfip type ii1e. Set ffoor tife per Tile Council Method F113 and ANSI Specification A108.5. Set wall tile per Method W212 and ANSI Specitication A108.5. ' � e � �� � ' � � ' END OF SECTION �I 093'10 Ceramic Tife , ' � , � SECTION 09330 - QUARRY TILE 95 -1��3 East Side Pofice Team Facifity , PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS , A. Quarry tile and base shall be American Olean. Quarry tile shall be thin set in an epoxy mortar bed both vertically and horizontally, and grouted with "Hydroment Joint Filler" of a color as selected by the Architect. , ' � � � LJ , � � , END OF SECTION ' L 09330 Quarry Tile Li , , ' ' , , ' � ' � ' ' ' � , , ' , , �J� - (d� East Side Police Team Facility SECTiON 09510 - ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Exposed grid with 2'x4' lay-in paneis, fissured pattern, 5/8" thick unless otherwise shown. Panels white. Grid white, painted. END OF SECTION 09570 Acoustical Ceilings , � � , � , � , , , , , , , , , ' , , �5 -1��3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 09650 - RESILIENT FLOORING PART 1 GENERAL 1,01 Vinyl composition tile, 12"x12" and 1/8" thick, standard commercial colors and patterns as selected. Instali with mastic adhesive to concrete fioor slabs. Vinyl base, 4" high, top-set, cove type, color as selected. END OF SECTION 09650 Resilient Floari�g g5 - ���3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 09680 - CARPET PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Nylon tufted-type carpet, 28 ounce per square yard face yarn, static control. Direct glue-down without pad. END OF SECTION 09680 Carpet 1 � � ' � , ' , �� � i 1 � i 1 �1 1 i 1 q5-ia� East Side Police Team Facility SECTlON 09900 - PAtNT4NG PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 INTERIOR Per Room Finish Schedule and as specified. Block fiiler and two coats semi-gloss paint on concrete block walls. Two coats satin paint on gypsum waliboard wails. Two coats flat paint on ceilings except prime and two coats of 2-part epoxy paint where schedufed. Stain and two coats varnish on interior wood doors and rails. 1.02 EXTERIOR Exterior doors, touch up shop coat and two coats alkyd-type gloss enamef. END OF SECTION ' 09900 Painting C� �� � � ��-���3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 10100 - MARKER BOARDS AND TACKBOARDS � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 4'-0" high white marker boards with anodized aluminum frames and chalk trays. � � � !� I � �i � �' � � � END OF SECTION ' 10100 Marker Boards and Tackboards LI � East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 10160 - TOILET PARTITIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Steel, floor mounted, headrail braced, baked enamel finish, END OF SECTION - 10160 Toilet Partitions � � �� � � ' � � � L� � � � L� � � Ll � ��' �"'�� East Side Police Team Facility PART 1 GENERAL SECTfON 102U0 - LOUVERS 1.0'I Extruded aluminum blades and frames, minimum thickness 0.125". Baked enamel finish. END OF SECTION '10200 Louvers � C.� �� � � � PART 1 GENERAL ��� �a�� East Side Police leam Facility SECTION 1040D - IDENTIFYING DEVICES � 1.01 Required ADA and emergency signage providing directions to offices, office room numbers, HC and emergency evacuation routes. �� � � � � � l_9 � � END OF SECTION � � � 10400 Identifying Devices � � � � � � � PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 10500 - LOCKERS �� -id�3 East Side Police Team Facility � 1.01 Lockers to be 18"W x 21 "D x 72"H steel units on tile bases, with sloped tops, coat hooks, number plates, and standard handles to accommodate padlocks (padlocks not provided). � � � � � � L � � END OF SECTION � � � 10500 Lockers ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��J' ���j� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 10520 - FIRE EXTINGUISHER PART i GENERAL 1.01 Ten pound, ABC dry powder type unless otherwise shown. Bracket mounted. In quantity as required by UBC. END OF SECTION - 10520 Fire Extinguisher 1 t � 1 � � � � � � � � r � � � i I � �� - ( 0�,3 East Side Police Team Faci(ity SECTION 10670 - STORAGE SHELVING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Shelving, service counter and other special buildout features: the Buyer to provide shelving and counter specifications to the Seller during the Construction Document phase of plan preparation. END OF SECTION 10670 Storage Shelving � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � !� � � � � q� — d��� East Side Police Team Faciiity SECTION 10800 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 Heavy Duty, stainless steel. Include the following: A. Paper Towei Dispensers B. Liquid Soap Dispensers C. Mirrors D. Tissue Dispensers E. Sanitary Napkin Disposals F. Grab Bars as required by CODE/ADA G. Shower Curtain Rod (Curtain not provided) H. Soap Dishes (one per shower) I. Folding show seat (as required by ADA) J. Hardwood locker room benches on steel pedestals in standard manufacturer's sizes END OF SECTION - 10800 Toilet and Sath Accessories � � � � � ��J'���3 East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 11131 - PROJECTION SCREEN � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 Ceiling recessed, manually operated, rolf-down 7�"x7�". White non-gloss, mat surtace. � � � � � � � � 1. J � � END OF SECTION � 11'131 Projection Screen 1 � � [ _1 � � � � � � � � � � � i � � ��-��� East Side Police Team Facility SECTION 72500 - WINDOW TREATMENT PAR7 1 GENERAL 1.01 1" slats - Levoior or equal at interior and exterior office area windows. END OF SECTION 12500 Window Treatment � � � � � � � � � � � :_1 � � i t � I i l �5- �Og� s� ENGINEERIIG & Construction Services. Inc. 6l2•546-8��3 6L•546-8523 fax SECI'ION 15010 SECI'ION 15120 SECTION 15170 SECTION 15190 SECTION 15260 SECTION 15330 SECTION 15410 SECI'ION 15430 SECTION 15440 SECI'ION 15450 SECTION 15480 SECI'ION 15575 SECI'ION 15600 SECI'ION 15620 SECI'ION 15625 SECI'ION 15781 SECTION 15835 SECTION 15861 SECI'ION 15890 SECPION 15910 SECI'ION 15936 SECI'ION 15980 SECTION 15990 SECTION 15995 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION INDEX GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DEMOLTI'ION ELECI'RIC MOTORS MECHAi3ICAL IDENTIFTCATION MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INSIJLATION WET-PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PLUMBING PIPING PLUMBINCs SPECIALTIES PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING EQUIPMENT NATURAL GAS SYSTEM BREECHING AND STACKS RADIANT HEATING SYSTEMS DIRECI'-FIRED FURNACE ELECTRIC HEATERS PACKAGED ROOFTOP AIR CONDTI'IONING HEATING TERMINAL UNTTS EXHAUSTSYSTEMS DUCI'WORK DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES AIR INLETS AND OUTLETS INSTRUMENTATION ADJUSTING AND BALANCING WITNESS TESTING SHAS�g INDEX-1 Designing Sensible Cost Effective Solutions Suite #257 • 4215 Winnetka Avenue I�3orth • New Hope, Minnesota 55428 � � � � lJ � MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 of 10 15010 General Requirements: 1. Design Intent: It is the intent of the design documents that the plumbing and HVAC systems satisfy the requirements of applicable State and Local Codes and Ordinances including, but not limited to, the State Energy Code, ADA, Plumbing Code, Building Code, Mechazucal Code and ASHRAE 62-1989 VentilaUon for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. 2. Pernuts, Licenses and Charges: Pernuts and licenses applicable to Division 15 work * shall be secured and paid for before actual work is started. Perform any requirements # stipulated therein. The Con�actor shall include all such costs within his bid. � � � � 3. Maintenance and Operating Instructions: This Contractor shall prepaze a portfolio of ail mechanical equipment fiunished by him on the project. This portfolio shall include manufacturer's shop drawings, parts lists and operating and maintenance insttuctions of such equipment. Information shall be submitted in duplicate, neatly foided to approximately 8-1/2" x 11" and bound in indexed loose-leaf binders of adequate size to contain the material 4. In addition the instructions, each manual shall contain the following information: a. Manufacturers recommended cieaning and maintenance procedures. b. List of materials recommended for maintenance. c. Complete operating instructions. d. Name and address of authorized service organizations and parts depot. e. List of contractors, suppliers, etc. who were involved in the project. f. Warranty rates. � g. Valve list. h. Test and Balance Reports. � � 5. Contract Closeout: a. Maintenance Manuals and record Drawings. Comply with requirements of Division 1. b. Warranties. Comply with requirements of Division 1 and Section 15945. � 6. Firestopping: Firestopping materials shall be tested according to U.L. 1479 and ASTM E-814 for through-penetration firestop systetns. Contractor shall use 3M products or approved equivalent. �_� L: � � 7. Penetrations through exterior walls below grade: Link Seal modular system or approved equivalent. 8. Painting: All painting of Mechanical items by the General Contractor. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � � � � � � � � `1 �J ' ���.� MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 10 15120 Demolirion: l. Demolition of Mechanical systems wili be under the responsibility of the Demolition and Abatemeni Contractor. 15170 Electric Moto : 2. The Mechanical Con�actor shall identify any piping and systems to remain in service. qualify for NSP rebates. All electric motors 3HP and latger shali meet the efficiency standards necessary to 15190 MechanicalIdentification- 1. Provide Brady or approved equivalent labels and directional artows on piping systems for identification. 2. Provide approved identification on exhaust fan switches and thermostats. 15260 Mechanical Svstems InculaHon• 1. E�aust ducts for ten feet back from curb: Cover duct with 2" fiberglass blanket insulation with FSK jacket. 2. Suppiy air ducts: Cover duct with 1" fiberglass blanket insulation with FSK jacket. 2. Retum/transfer ducts: One inch acoustical liner on retum ducts for six feet back from � connection to unit into plenuzn. Half inch liner on transfer ducts for e�aust makeup to Toilet rooms, etc. � � � � f t � 3. Hot, cold, recirc water lines and rainwater leaders: Fiberglass pipe insulation with all servicejacketin accordance with State Energy Code. 15330 Wet-Pi.pe S�rinkler Sy temc• 1. Cap off existing 8" main below floor and abandon. Run new 6" DIP combined domestic and fire protecUon service into the Mechanical Room. Test new service per NFPA. 2. Low pressure mains may be Sch. 10 grooved. All other piping shall be Sch. 40. 2. All sprinkler piping in finished azeas shall be concealed above new ceilings. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT �� - io�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of 10 15330 Wet-Pine S�inkler $ystems• (continued) 3. Design and calculate system per NFPA 13 and according to the local authority having jurisdiction. Coordinate location of piping and heads with other trades. Provide shop drawings to Architect, Owner's Insuring Authority and City Fire Mazshal for approvals before installing piping or heads. 4. Provide freeze protected heads and piping where required. 15410 Plumbing Pi in¢: 1. Domestic water distribution piping: Type L seamless copper tubing with solder joints. 2. Provide new sanitary drain and vent piping. Cazefully sawcut existing floors for all new underfloor piping and drains. New soil, waste and rainwater piping underground inside the building shail be Schedule 40 PVC pipe and glued fittings. 3. Soal, waste, vent and rainwater piping aboveground inside the building shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe and cast iron fittings. 4. Water Meter: Per City requirements. 5. Water treahnent: None. 6. Building sanitary service: Verify location of existing sanitary service. Run new service to street (if required) to meet City requirements. Restore surfaces to original condition. 7. Floor Drains: Floor drains in fuushed spaces on grade shall be Josam 30000 6AJ or equivalent with backwater valve and 6" diameter nickaloy strainer. In Showers, provide pan of water-proofing under the entire basin azea and at least 6"up the walls. Individual floor drains in Gazage shall have cast iron uaffic grate minimum 12" diameter. Assume a total of six (6) floor drains. 8. Roof Drains: Roof drains shail be Josam 21500 or equivalent cast iron with lazge sump and removable dome. 7. Miscellaneous Connecrions: Connect drains for infrazed vacuum pumps underfloor to trench drain. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � � r � � lJ � MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of 10 t5430 Plumbing��ecialties: 1. Wall Hydrants: Josam 71050 or equivalent Zurn or Wade exposed nozzle with satin I3ikaloy face, bronze casing and vacuum breaker-backflow preventer. 3. Ball valves: Apollo, Milwaukee or Watts. 15440 Plumbing Fixtures: l. Plumbing fixtures by American Standard, Kohler, Crane or Eljer. 2. Lavatory "P" traps #400 Duracraft tubulaz PV C ot approved equivalent. 3. Water Closets: Elongated, vitreous china, wall mounted, siphon jet action, 1-I/2" top spud. Black solid plastic seat with open front for elongated bowl. Handicapped similaz with 17" rim height. Sloan Royal 115 flush valve for stattdard, Sloan Royal 110 with shortened supply tube for handicapped. 4. Urinal: Vitreous china wall mounted siphon jet, with 3/4" top spud with 31oan Royal 186 flush valve. L 5. Lavatory: 20" x 18" vitreous china, wall hung for concealed ann supports. Insulate water under counter for handicap use. Single lever mixing faucet supply Delta 515 WF HDF with 6" handle or equivalent. r � � j � � � � � 6. Electric Water Cooler: Elkay EBFS-8 or equivalent Haws, Sunroc or Oasis lead-free wheel chair access water cooler with pressbar and stainless steel cabinet. 7. Pedestal Shower: Bradley or Acorn stainless steel unit with four (4) non-scald pressure balanced mixing faucets and adjustable shower heads. 8. Wall Shower: Bradley or Acorn stainless steel unit with two (2) non-scald pressure balanced mixing faucets and adjustable shower heads. 9. Janitor Receptor: 24" x 24" 10" high precast moulded stone service basin, strainer, drain body and 3" deep seal P trap. Chicago Faucet No. 897 supply fitting. 10. Double Compartment S.S. Sink: Elkay LR-3322 18 gauge Type 302 S.S. self- rimnung with Elkay 99 strainer and tailpiece, Chicago Faucet No. 201 faucet. East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � � c_ MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 10 15450 Plumbing E�uigment" 1. Water Heaters: Two (2) State SBT80-180N� or equivalent A.O. Smith or Lochinvaz 180 MBH each input, 171 GPH each delivery with 100°F rise after first hour. Provide 2psi regulator. � 2. Domestic HW Circulator: B& G Series LR-15B to deliver 6 GPM at 12 feet of head. Honeywell LA-409A sutface aquastat, tuner, setvice valves, check valve and balancing cocks. � � � 15480 Natural Gas System• 1. This Contractor shall artange with the gas utility for tapping of the main (if required) and furnishing and setting of Meter and shall pay all chazges for same. 2. Gas Pipe: Schedule 40 black steel pipe, A-53 seamless. Provide 125 pound threaded fittings 2" pipe and smaller, welded fittings 2-1lZ" pipesize and lazger. � 3. Gas Valves: Gas shutoff valves shall be approved lubricated plug type, DeZurik No. 425, Nordstrom No. 143 or Homestead. 1-1/4" and smaller valves may be approved ball valves similar to Apollo Series 70. � � � � � 1�.' 4. Pressure Regulators: Up to 300 CFH: Masitrol Mode1325-3 with vent limiter. Above 300 CFH: Fisher No. 66 with approved vent to the outside. 5. All gas piping on roof shall be supported on treated lumber stands 8 ft. O.C. consisting of 2" x 12" x 12" base and 2" x 6" boxed uprights. Clamp piping to supports. 6. Clean and paint all exterior gas piping with a rust-resistant primer. 7. Tests: All new gas piping shall be tested under the supervision of the owner with a 25 PSIG an test for 12 hours without a drop in pressure. 15575 Breeching and Stacks- 1. Double-wali Type B gas vent with aluminum inner liner and galvanized steel outer jacket for water heaters and unit heaters. � 2. PLEXCO or equivalent corrosion proof venting system for mid-range high efficiency gas appliances for infrared systems. System shall include all parts for through the roof venting, including a tee/drain assembly below the stack. � � � East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT a� -1�g3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of 10 1560Q Radiant Hea6ng�yctP..�c• L CO-RAY-VAC with three (3) zones of radiant heat System shall include seven (7) burner heads with pre-wired gas controls and electric ignition and accessories. 2. NOT US�D. 3. Radiant manifold shall be 4" OD 16 gauge steel tube and fittings with stainless steel connectors. Tailpipe shall be snnilar with tube, fittings and connectors 4. Provide standard and perimeter reflectors where noted or required. 5. Vacuum pump shall be heavy duty 6. Wiring of burners, panel and controls shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical contractor. He sha11 wire the systems in accordance with the requirements of Division 16. 15620 Direct-Fired Furnace: , 1. Makeup air unit MIJ-L• King National DFOG 118 or equivalent IAS, Weatherite or Hastings with 990,000 Btuh natural gas input, 9250 CFM, 7-1/2 hp 208/3l6Q Hz motor, ' down dischazge, curb, V-bank filter housing with 2" pleated TA Farr 30130 or equivalent filters with maat 350 FPM face velocity, G90 housing, outside air hood with birdscreen, discharge air control, and burner lockout intake hi lunit stat. 15625 Electric Heaters: 1. Electric heaters based on Qmazk AWH series with heavy dury grille and integral - thermostat: Unit No. EHI EH2 EH3 EH4 EHS EH6 EH7 EH8 EA9 Room No. 100 101 102 103 106 107 127 128 133 �� .�T,ST:". Vestibule Lobby Mens Womens Mens Womens Mens Womens Vestibule Size 3KW 2KW 1KW 1KW 1.5 KW 1.5 KW I.5 KW I.S KVJ 2.5 KW East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � , � � i � � � � � � � � , � � � � �l5-��83 MECHANICAL SPBCIFICATIONS Page 7 of 10 15781 Packaged Rooftop Air Cnnditinninv 1. Rooftop i3nits shall have 100% wet bulb economizers, EER ratings greater than 10, SEER ratings greater than 10.25, and natural gas heat sections. They aze based on Catrier, Trane, McQuay, York or Lennox. Unit No. Area Served CFM @ ARI Tons RTU-1 RTU-2 Community Room Roll Cali, Coffee, & Corridors RTU-3 Lunchroom, Lounge RTU-4 Locker Rooms RTiJ-5 RT23-6 South Perimeter Offices, Corridors O.b"ESP 1400 5 3720 8 1850 4 2150 > 2400 b 4800 10 15835 HeafingTerminali3nits• 1. Propeller fan-type Reznor FE Series with factory-supplied vent terniinal, 80% thermal efficiency aluminized steel heat exchanger, vertical discharge air louvers, 120124 volt transfortrter, intermittent spark pilot with supervision, factory installed power venter, suuimerlwinter switch and relay for summer operation and T87F low voltage thermostat. 15861 Exhaust Fans: 1. PRV's sha11 haue factory curb and gravity backdraft damper, NEMA 1 disconnect switch factory installed and wired, and SS Speed Control. They are based on Greenheck or equivalent Penn, Acme, Cook Breidert, Powerline or Carnes. Unit Type Serves CFM SP Model HP No. EF1 BeltDrivePRV Toilets 102,103, 820 375" GB-}�-�- 1J4 106,107 3A EF2 Dir Drive PRV Lunchroom 109 500 375" G-100-B 116 EF3 Dir Drive PRV Coffee 112 220 375" G85 1/20 EF4 Dir Drive Ceil Conference 118 380 375" G95 1/8 East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � � � � � � i � � i � � � � � � ��J � ���� MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 8 of 10 15861 E%haust Fan : {continued) EF5 Be1tDr;vePRV Lockers 124 750 375" Gs-ioo-a- 1/4 127,128 3A EF6 Not Used EF7 Belt Drive PRV Veh. Stor. 139 1200 .5" GB-130-4 I/4 EF8 BeltDrivePRV Gazage 142 1800 .5" GB-180-3 1/3 EF9 Belt Drive PRV Garage 142 3000 .5" GB-200-5 1{2 EFI O Belt Drive PRV Garage 142 4Q00 .5" GB-240-7 3/4 1589Q Ductwork: I. lt is intended that the makeup air ductwork be round and extend throughout the Gazage. It is intended that the Gazage e�taust systems have high and low pickups. 2. It is intended that Rooftop units return air be ducted back from the unit approximatelv six feet into the RA plenum with an increaser to 1-1/2 fimes the retum duct crossection for acoustical reasons. 3. It is intended to suppiy and return air to the corridors. Comdor walls aze assumed to be fire-rated. 4. Seal ductwork according to SMACNA "HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual" for 3" W.G. static pressure construction (Class B- a11 transverse and longitudinal seams). 5. Duct and fittings sha11 be fabricated from G-90 coated galvanized sheet steel of lock- forming grade, unless noted otherwise, in accordance with ASTM A-525 and A-527. 6. Exposed round ducts shall be Spiral ductwork and fittings. East Side Polace Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � � � � � � CI � ��� �0�3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 9 of 10 15890 Ductwork: (continued) 7. Sheet metal gauge shall be equal to or heavier than the following standard (up to 2" duct static): Ducts Rectangulaz Longest Side Up to 12" 13" to 30" 31" to 54" 55" to 84" 85" and Over Round Ducts Diameter Up to 12" 13" to 22" 23" to 36" 37" to 50" Over 50" 26 ga. 24 ga. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 8. Ducts handling wet air: Provide aluminum ductwork rivo gauges heavier than for galvanized construction, soidered watertight. 15910 Ductwork Accessoriec• 1. Fire dampers shall have 165°F. McCabe type resettable link and access window in duct. 2. Motorized dampers: Motorized outside and exhaust air dampers shall have blade edge and side seals for positive shut-off. 15936 Air Inlets and Outlets• � l. Low sidewail e�chaust grilles in Garage shall be heavy duty gymnasium-type grilles with 14 gauge steel blades and 16 gauge steel border, blades on 3/8" centers, white enamel fuush. , � � � i � � 2. Supply registers in Gazage shall be dou�le deflection type with opposed blade damper on the sides and bottom of supply duct. 3. There shali be a rectangulaz double deflection supply register supplying approacimately 200 CFM above each eafterior window. 4. Diffusers shail be a 24" x 24" layin type ceiling diffuser with a round neck and balancing damper. 5. Retum air grilles shall be eggcrate layin type units. 6. Provide combustion air intakes for the unit heaters and the domestic water heaters. East Side Police Team Faciliry St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Minimum Sheet Metal Gauge � � � � � � � � J � � � � , � � � � � LJ� ��'1�t��J MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 10 of 10 15980 Instrumentation• 1. Submittal: A. Submit shop drawings as required in Section 15010. B. Provide shop drawings of equipment fumished, control diagrams and written description of control sequence. 2. Thermostat: Fuily configurable programmable for commercial single zone heating, ventilating and air conditioning. Provide a Honeywell #T7300A/Q7300 fully programmable stat and remote temperature sensor for each RTU. The system requirements include: Seven-day flexible programming Keyboazd lockout switch Programmabie display for time and temperature Overtide from unoccupied to occupied 3. Furnish and install two (2) Toxalert Model GVU-2R IAQ sensors and a GVU-3 control unit or equivalent Staefa. Low voltage wiring of sensors by Mechanical. Line voltage wiring to panel, and interlock wiring to e�;haust units by Electrical. Provide factory start-up trip in bid. 4. Locate IAQ control unit and T7300 thermostats in Mechanical Room 138. 15990 Adjusting and Balancigg• 1. Test and Balance Agency: Test and Balance Agency shall specialize in, and their business limited to, testing and balancing air and hydronic systems in the building construction industry. 2. Certification: Test and Balance Agency shall be NEBB or AABC certified. 15995 Witness Tes 'n� 1. Upon acceptance of Test and Balance reports, and completion of the Mechanical systems, wiring and controls, the Contractor may arrange a witness test of the systems in the presence of the Owner and Engineer/Architect. 2. Upon successful completion of the witness test, approval of as-builts and manuals, the Contractor shall be noufied in writing of completion. Conh�actor's one year warranty shall commence at the date of tlus notice, and operating responsibility for the systems shall be tumed over to the Owner. End Of Mechanical Specifications East Side Police Team Facility St. Paul, Minnesota DESIGN DEVELOPMENT � � � � L� � �J � C � , , �� �`J ' ' Cj l_� L� �� � fd�� S ittl� ENGINEERING � & Construction Services. Inc. 61?•546-8553 612•546-SS?3faa SECTION 1601Q SECTION 16040 SECI'ION 16100 SECTION 16110 SECI"ION 16120 SECI'ION 16130 SECI'ION 16140 SECI'ION 16141 SECI'ION 16160 SECI'ION 16165 SECTION 16200 SECI'ION 16205 SECTION 16210 SECTION 16220 SECTION 16300 SECTION 16720 SECTION 16740 SECTION 1690Q ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION IPiDEX GENERAL CONDTTIONS TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING BASIC MATERIAL AND METHODS CONDUIT AND FITT'INGS BOXES AND FITTINGS WIRE AND CABLE WIRING DEVICES MiJLTIOUTLEi' ASSEMBLY PANELBOARDS SWI'I'CI�GEAR DISCONNECTS STANDBY POWER SYSTEM FUSES MOTOR STARTERS LIGHTING FIRE DETECI'ION AND ALARM TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM SCHEDULES LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE SHAS�g INDEX-1 Designing Sensible Cost Effective Solutions Suite #257 • 4215 Winnetka Avenue North • New Hope, Minnesota 55428 ' � � 1.00 � � � � � LJ � L.� � � � , � � � �5"IQ�J� SECI'ION 16010 GENERAL CONDiTIONS GENERAL A. General and Supplementary conditions wittun Division 1 aze hereby incorporated and become part of tlus Specificarion, covering all work in Division 16000, Elecn-ical. B. Coniractors shall fanuliarize themselves with all Arclutectural, Structural and Mechazucal Drawings and Specifications. These Drawings and Specifications, as they affect the electricai installation, shall become part of Division 16 Contract Documents. C. The Electrical Drawings and Specifications shall form a set of Plans for the elecuical work. Neither the Drawings nor the Specifications shail be complete without ihe other. Any item shown on the Drawings or specified in the Specificauons shail be considered as shown and specified on both. D. Any questions regarding the intent of the Drawings or Specificarions shall be brought to the Engineers attenUon as soon as possible. If direction from the Engineer cannot be obtained due to time or communication limitarions, the greater quantity, trigher qualiry or condilion most favorable to the Owner shall be assumed. E. Electrical Drawings aze diagiammatic and aze intended to show approximate locations only. The Contractor shall thoroughly review all Architectural, Structural and Mechanical Drawings and Specifications. Placement of electrical equipment and devices shall not interfere with locations or clearances of other trades' materiais or equipment. F. The following terms used in this Specification shall be defined as follows: Contractor. Work: Fumish: Shall mean Electrical Conuactor or any of their Subcontractors. Shali mean labor and/or materials of the Electrical Contractor or any of their Subcontractors. Shall mean purchase, submit for engineer approval, coordinate with Contract Documents and deliver to site in new, undamaged condition. Install: Shall mean to schedule for delivery, deliver or site, store as directed, protect from damage, necessary final connections, test as required Owner in full operating condition. Provide: Shall mean fumish and install. have delivered to the set in place, make all and tum over to the Connect: Shali mean to bring electrical service and/or control wiring to equipment, make all final connecIIons, provide all necessary miscellaneous materials required, and do final check out to ensure proper equipment connections. G. The Contractor shall visit the site and familiarize themselves with the condirions effecting Division 160Q0 work. No additional costs to the Owner shall be allowed for items verifiable during site visits. SHA508 16010 - 1 i 1 � �� - �0�3 H. The Contractar shall provide office space and storage for materiais and equipment � supplied as required. I.ocation shall be as directed by the General Contractor or the Architectl Engineer. u I. The Contractor shall be a licensed wntractor in the State of Minnesota and shali be or empioy a Licensed Master IIectcician. 1 J. The Con�actor shall procure all necessary cerlificates and permits and pay all required fees. Utiliry costs, if any, shall also be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall furnish a certificate of final inspecrion and approval from all enforcement agencies to the Owner. � ll L � � � I 'J ' � , � � � �� I � K. The work included under Division 1600p shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and services for the complete installarion of the Electrical System as indicated on the Drawings and called for in this SpecificaUOn. L. Specific materials and equipment specified is intended to establish a minimum standard of required quality. Where specified materials and equipment fail to meet minimum standards of e�sting federal, state and local codes and ordinances, the goveming codes and ordinances shall prevail. M. The Contractor shall furnish and instali all minor miscellaneous materials necessary for the complete electrical installation. N. �thin fifteen days after the award of the Contract, the Contractor shali submit for approval shop drawings on all major electrical equipment. These shop drawings shall cover such items as lighung fixtures, lamps, disconnects, fuses, starters, MCC sections, switchgeaz, devices, plates, panels, contactors etc. The Contractor shall thoroughly review each item for compliance with this Specification prior to submitting them to the Engineer, making any necessary correcrions. Stamp each drawina, sign and date indicating Contractor review. Submit eight sets of fully reviewed and stamped shop drawings for each piece of material or equipment the Contractor proposes for use on the Project. If the Contractor fails to properly review shop drawings, the Contractor shall reimburse the Engineer for all additional reviews on a rime and materia] basis. No equipment shall be released for shipment or installed prior to final approval by the Engineer. O. The Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary power and lighting to allow othei Contractors and Subcontractors to perform their work. Prior to submitting a bid for this Project, contact the General Contractor to determine the rype of equipment to be used in the perfomiance of the work. The Electrical Bid shall include all labor and materials required to provide and maintain a complete temporary power and iighring system. P. Provide two sets of O&M manuals complete with one copy of approved shop drawings, wiring diagrams and operating instructions for all electrical equipment. Include a list of manufactures and telephone numbers for all equipment where replacement parts are available. These manuats shall be bound in three ring binders labeled with the ProjecY name. Provide an index and section tabs. Q. The Contractor shall regularly clean their work area of debris. Removal of all Contractor generated debris and rubbish caused by their work shall be ai the Conuactor's expense. SHA508 16010 - 2 C� , � LJ � � ��J � l0� R. The Contractor shall pmperly protect all equipment from damage during construction. Thomughiy clean all fixtures, panels and other supplied equipmen� Make all necessary repairs and apply touch up paint as required prior to final inspecrion and contract close out. All work and materials shall comply with the latest edition of the Nationat Electric Code (NEC), and all other applicable state and loca] codes. T U AIi work st�all comply with the following industry standards: IEE, NFPA, NEMA and ANSI. Materials and equipment shall be installed iu a neat and workmanlike manner by skilled craftsmen. � V. Delivery of all materials and equipment shall be in accordance wiffi the overall Project schedule. The Contractor shall closely coordinate all deliveries with other Contractors and ihe Engineer. � W. For materials and equipment specified by descripuon only, the Contractor shall provide materials or equipment suitable for the purpose intended. These shali be in conformance with afl governing codes, this Spec�cation and normal trade practice. � �.7 X. For materials or equipment specified by manufacturer's name and catalog number, the Contractor shall provide the item specified. The Contractor may submit materials and equipment for prior approval to the Engineer. All prior approvals must be received by the Engineer at least seven working days prior to bid. Y. The Contractor shali provide and maintain an "As BuilY' set of bluelines on site, neady � notating routing, locauon or other changes to the Conuact Documents. Upon Project completion and final close out, turn the "As Built" drawings over to the Owner. � Z. The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment to be free of defects that may develop in any part of their work, caused by faulty workmanship, material or equipment failures, for one yeaz from the date of final acceptance of the work. , �J , � � LJ LJ AA. Upon notification by letter, personal contact or telephone conversarion of a problem � with the electrical system, the Contractor shall respond within one week, makina repairs or corrections as necessary. After all repairs and corrections aze complete, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. BB. Upon completion of the work shown and specified under Division 16000 and prior to fina! close out of the Projact, the Contractor shall verify in writing that each circuit and all systems are 100°lo complete and operaung properly. This norification shali include copies of all Subcontractor nofificarions. CC. At the option of the Owner and prior to the award of tfie conhact, the Contractor shall provide a 100% performance bond. The cost of this bond shall be added to the contract amouni. L � ►11��.' i .� �� 1 � ��1 � i SHA508 16010 - 3 � , � � 1.00 � �5- i08� SECTION 16(k!p TRENCHING AND BACKFTLLING GENERAL A. The Contractor shall perform all excavatian, boring, drilling, baci�illin�, compaction and surface repair to install a complete underground electrical system as shown on the Drawings and as called for in these Specificafions. B. All conduit and direct buried cable shall be installed a minimum of 24" below finished � grade. Trench shall be graded level to provide uniform support for each section of condui� Excess excavation below required level shall be bacl�lled and compacted to 98% prior to conduit or direct buried cable installarion. � � ' � e � � � � � � � i C. All debris and water shal] be removed from the trench prior to final installaAOn of conduit or direct buried cable. Properly protect conduit or direct buried cable unul backfilling can be performed. � E. F The Contractor shall bacicfill all excavations performed for their work. lnspecdon of all installations by I.oca] Inspection Authorities shall be completed prior to bacl�'illing. Cazefully backtill to a point 6" above conduit or direct buried cable and thoroughly tamp. Complete backfilling in 12" lift and compact to 98%. Restore surface to its original condition, ie grass, concrete, blacktop, etc. END OF SECTION SHA508 16fl40 - i � � _ , � �� �� - I�s�3 SECI'ION 16100 BASIC MATERIALS AND MEI'HODS 1.00 GENERAL A. Unless noted othenvise in ttus Spec�cation or on the Drawings, all materials shali be new and in their original packages. All materials shall comply with this Specification and all applicable codes, and shall be IJL listed or constructed with UL listed components. B. Provide nameplates on all equipment such as disconnects, startets, MCC's, panels, and ' switchgeaz. Nameplates shall idenrify equipment by name and source of power. They shall be a minimum of 1 1/4" x 3", or larger if necessary for wording. Lettering shall be a minimum of 3/16" in height. Idenrify all pull and juncrion boxes with circuit or ' feeder numbers and source of power using black magic mazker. C. Al] distribution equipment, such as disconnects, starters, MCC's, panels, and switchgeaz, shall be obtained from one manufacturer. D. Each panelboard shall be provided with a typed circuit directory. Clearly describe loads and areas served. Room names or Owner's room numbers shall be used. Handwritten directories will not be accepted. E. F The Contractor shall perform saw cutting trenching, backfilling, compaction and patching required for underground raceway systems shown or specified. The Conuactor shall provide concrete pads for all floor mounted equipment. Pads shall be 4" thick and extend a minimum of 2" beyond equipment. ' G. Any cutting and patching required in walls, floors ceilings or paRitions for the installarion of electrical systems shall be the responsihiliry of the Electrical Contractor. All cutting and patching shall be done with the prior approval of the ArchitecU = Engineer. Patching to match e�sting finishes shall be performed by the proper trades such as concrete finishers, sheetrockers, tapers, painters etc. w w Provide access panels where }-boxes or pull boxes aze installed in inaccessible locarions. All access panels shall be approved by the Engineer and Architect prior to installation. All 120 volt control wiring for mechanical equipment shall be provided by the Elechical Contractor, unless noted otherwise. K. Seal all penetr-ations and sleeves through floors and fire walls with high temperature, fire rated sealant �restop material shail be Chase Technology Cl"CPR-855 fire stop, 3M brand Fire Barrier PenetraIIOn System or Neison F7ameseat System. END OF SECTION SHA508 16100 - 1 H.� The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying locations of such things as piping, ductwork, equipment, door swings, heights of cabinets and counters, etc., prior to the installation of all electrical equipment. Installed electrical work that interferes with the work of other trades shall be relocated by the Electrical Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. i . � � � � �� � f 0�3 � conduits supported shall be the total of all installed conduits by al3 trades, not just this Contractor. Tie wire shall not be used to support any conduit on the Project. Aii other i conduit systems shall be supported from the building structure. 1 � K. The following manufacturers are approved for conduit: Aliied, Carlon, Republic. Triangle, VAW of America , Youngstown, Sealright and Alflex. i L. The following manufacturers are approved for conduit fittings: Appleton, CH, Kellems, OZ Red Dot and T&B. � END OF SECTION �� '' � � � � SHA508 16110 - 2 �, �� - i0�3 SECI'ION 16130 WIRE AND CABLE 1.00 GENERAL A. All wire and cable shall be soft annealed 98% pure copper, #12 AWG minimum. 600 volt. Provide #8 AWG TFII�t copper and smaller for branch circuits and control wiring; THW copper for feeders #8 and lazger. Provide XHFIW for outdoor and underground wiring. Wire size #14 AWG may be used for control wirina and where specifically called for or shown on the Drawings. Wire size #14 AWG through #10 AWG shall be solid; wire size #8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. Wire and cable color shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the NEC. On lazger cables, where factory color codina is not availabie, marking tape shatl be used to idenufy each phase and neuual conductors. A minimum length of 6" shall be color coded at each end. B. Aluminum wire shall not be used. C. The following manufacturers are approved for wire and cable: Anaconda, Continental Wire & Cable, Cyprus, General Electric, Houston, Pirelli, Rome, Southwire and Triangle. D. The following manufacturers aze approved for wirenuts: Blackbum, Buchanan, Ideai and 3M. E. The following manufacturers aze approved for splices: Blackbum, Bumdy, Ilsco and T&B. END OF SECTION SHA508 16130 - 1 i�, � ' � 1.00 � �5 -���� SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES GENERAL A, Switches for lighung loads shaii be 20 amp, 120/ 277 volt, quiet toggle rype. Switches shall be ivory in color unless noted otherwise. A1] switches shall be speciFication grade. B. Duplex receptacles shall be 20 amp, 125 volt, 3 wire, grounding rype. Install all , receptacles with the ground slot down. Provide GFT receptacles where shown and install with the ground slot down. Receptacles shall be ivory in color unless noted otherwise. All receptacles shall be specification grade. i C. Special receptacles shall be as noted on the Drawinas and shall be the same color and manufacturer as other devices. , D. Device plates in finished and unfinished areas shali be lexan, ivory in color, unless noted othenvise. Mulriple device plates shall be constructed of a sinale plate. No sectional plates wil] be accepted. � ' � � � � � i ' , �� E. Devices shall be mounted at the following heights, unless noted otherwise. Distances shall be measured from device center to floor. 1. z. 3. 4. 6. 7. x. 9. 10. Receptacles, normai Telephone oudet, normal Telephone outlet, wall, normal TV outlet, normal Switches, normal Receptacles,handicapped Telephone outlet, handicapped Telephone outlet, wall, handicapped TV outlet, handicapped Switches, handicapped ix �� 18" 54" 18" 48" 24" 24" 48" �,� ��� F. The following manufacturers aze approved for receptacles: Arrow Hart #5362, GE #Gen 5362, Hubbell #5362, I,eviton #5362, P&S #5362 and Slater Medalist Series. GFI receptacles shall be similaz to L.eviton #65�-I. � H �. The following manufacturers are approved for special receptacles: Arrow Hart, GE, Hubbell, Leviton and Slater. The following manufacturers aze approved for dimmers: Lutron #I3T 1500P. The following manufacturers are approved for cover plates: Anow Hart, GE, Hubbell, L.eviton Lutron, Sierra and Slater. END OF SECI'ION SHA508 16140 - 1 � �5 - E(��3 SECTION 16141 MUI.TIOUTLEI' ASSIIvtBLY 1.00 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall furnish and install all multioutlet raceways and fittings necessary to provide a safe and complete installation in lengths shown on the Drawings. B. Mulfioutlet assemblies shall be �remold Plugmold #2000 20GBA. Assemblies shali consist of a base, factory punched cover and factory wired receptacle hamess. C. Receptacles shall be spaced 12" on center using altemate circuits. No more than twelve single outlets shall be connected to a circuit D. The raceway base and cover shall be gray in color. E. The following manufacturers aze approved for mulrioudet assembiy: Wiremold, Metallic, and Walker. END OF SECLION SHA508 16141 - 1 � � ��" �� c�..J SECTION 1616Q PANELBOARDS , 1.00 GENERAL A. Panelboazds shal] be UL rated. Cabinets shall be constructed of galvanized steel. Covers shall be constructed of cold rolied stee] finished with baked on enamel, ANSI ' 61 Grey. B. Panels shail be provided with copper or aluminum bussing and factory assembled lugs ' for connection of feeder conductors. C. Breakers shall be molded case, thermal-magnetic type with trip indication. Two and ' three pole breakers shal] contain a common trip. D. All breakers shall be plug-in rype, with ampere raUngs as shown on the Drawings or to match circuit sizes shown. � E. The following manufacturers are approved for panelboards: Square D, GE, Siemens- ITE and Wesringhouse. � �; � ' ' � 1_7' , � � � END OF SECTION SHA508 16160 - 1 lj i � , 1.00 ��-i�� SECTION 16165 SWITCHGEAR GENERAL A. Switchgear shall be rated for 1,200 amps, 208 volu, three phase, four wire. � B. Swiichgeaz shall be totally enclosed, dead front construction, free standing, front accessible only. Switchgeaz shall be constructed out of i3L gauge steei secured together to support coverplates, bussing, component devices, side and rear closure , plates. All ciosure plates shall be screw removable with a single piece removable top plate. Switchgear shall meet all UL requirements and be iTL labeled. � � � � � C. Bus shall extend fuil height as required for disconnects shown in all sections. No spaces shall be provide for future expansion. Construcrion and ratings of bus sha11 be similar ttuoughout, including neutral. Bus shall be constructed of tin plated copper or aluminum with sufficient cross sectional azea to meet iTI. Standard 891 for temperature rise. D. Switchgear shall be suitable for operarion at the specified availabie fault current and shall be labeled as such. The short circuit rating of any switchboazd shall not be less than 50,000 rms amps symmetrical. E. F Switchgear shall be labeled as suitable for service entrance equipment. The foliowing manufacturers aze approved for switchgear. Square D, GE, Siemens- iTE and Wesringhouse. END OF SECI'ION � Ll � � � l�' � � SHA508 16165 - 1 � q� - ���� SEC'I'ION 16200 DISCONNECI'S 1.00 GENERAL A. All disconnects shall be heavy duty, horsepower rated, fusible, quick make, quick break type Nema 1 or 3R as required unless otherwise noted. Nonfusible disconnects may be used in lieu of fusible where allowed by the NEC. B. Fquipment disconnects shall be mounted on nearby adjacent wall or on a freestanding floor mounted stand. Disconnects shall not be mounted directly on equipment. C. Free standing, floor mounted stands shall be constructed of welded angle iron or unistrut and fittings. Stands shall be 6'-0" high with disconnects mounted 5'-6" to the top. Quick bolt stand to floor neaz equipment and make final connection with flexible conduit per SecUOn 16110. D. The following manufacturers aze approved for disconnects: Squaze D, GE, Siemens- ITE and Westinghouse. END OF SECTION SHA508 16200 - 1 � � � 1.00 LJ � � , , a L� � � ' � � I ��I � � ��'�Q�� SECTION 16205 STANDBY POWER SYSTEM GENERAL A. Provide a standby power system for supply of power in the extent of failure of normal utility power, consisIIng of a liquid cooled engine, an AC altemator and system controls with all necessary accessories for a complete operating system, including but not limited to the items specified in this Section. B. Provide automatic opeiation from one 100 aznp autonnaric transfer switch so that the system comes on line fully and automafically upon the loss of urility power and on restoration of urility power fully and automatically retransfers load to normal power, shuts down the generator and retums to standby readiness for another operating cycle. C. The electric generating system shall consist of a prime mover, generator, governor, coupling and all required controls. This system shall have been tested as a comptete unit on a represenling engineering model as required by NFPA 110-1985. These tests, being potentially damaa ng to equipment testes, shall not be performed on the equipment sold, but on a separate prototype model. All equipment shall be UL rated, conform to the National Electric Code (NEC) and meet all local codes. D. The prime mover shall be a liquid cooled, gaseous fueled, naturally aspirated engine of four-cycle design. It shall have four in-line cylinders with a minimum dispiacement of 3A liters (183 cubic inches), a maeimum BMEP of 97 psi with a minimum rating of 40 bhp when supplying its rated output of 20 kw at an operating speed of 1,800 rpm. E. The engine shall have a battery charging DC altemator with transistorized voltage regulator. Remote twawire starting shall be by a solenoid shift, electric starter. F. Enb ne speed shall be govemed by an electronic govemor to maintain altemator frequency within 0.5% from no load to full load altemator output. Steady state regulation shall be ±0.25%. G. Sensing elements shall be located on the engine for the following conditions: 1. Low Oil Pressure shutdown 2. High Coolant Temperature shutdown. 3. I.ow Coolant I,evel shutdown. 4. Overspeed shutdown. 5. Overcranking shutdown. H. All sensing element sensors shall be connected to the control panel via a wiring harness with the following features: 1. Wire number labeling on each end of the wire for easy identification. 2. Molded rubber boot to cover the electrical connecUon on each sensor to prevent corrosion. 3. All wiring shall be run in fle�ble conduit for protection from the environment and any moving objects. I. The engine shall have an engine mounted, thermostadcally controlled water jacket and oil heater to aid in quick starting. Heaters shall be of adequate watta�e as recommended by the engine manufacturer. SHA508 16205 - i , ' �J ' � ATS shall be double of throw construction, posirively electrically and mechanically interlocked to prevent simultaneous closing and mechanically held in both normal and emergency positions. 4. ATS actuator shall have as independent disconnect means to disable the electrical operntion during manual switching. Maximum electrical transfer time in either direcuon shall be 160 milliseconds, exclusive of time delays. Main switch contacts shall be high pressure siiver alloy to resist buming and pitting for long life opention. 5. ATS shail contain one SPDT, 10 amp, 250 volt auxiliary switch on both normal � and emergency sides, opernted by the transfer switch. Full rated neutrai bar with lugs for normal, emergency and load conductors shail be provided inside the cabine� 1 � � � � � � � � � � � �� L ATS shall contain the following controls: a. A solid state undervoltage sensor shall monitor all phases of the normal source and provide adjustable ranges for field adjustments for specific application needs. b. Signal for starting the engine-generator set to start in the event of a power interruption. A set of contacts shall close to start the engine and open for engine shutdown. A solid state time delay relay start (adjustable from 0.1 to 10 seconds) shall delay this signal to avoid nuisance start-ups on momentary voltage dips or power surges. c. Signal to Uansfer the load to the engine-generator set after it reaches proper voltage (adjustable from 70% to 80%) and frequency (adjustable from 80% to 90%). A solid state time delay (adjustable from 5 seconds to 3 minutes) shall delay this transfer to allow the engine-generator set to warm-up before application of load. There shall be a switch to bypass this delay to avoid short term normal power restoration. d. Signal to retransfer the load to line after normal power restoration. A return to utiliry timer (adjustable from 1 to 30 minutes) shall delay this transfer to avoid short term normal power restorauon. e. Engine run rimer (adjustable from 1 to 30 minutes) to ensure an adequate engine run period. f. A solid state plant exercise ciock to set the day and time of generator set exercise period. Clock shall have a one (1) week cycle and be powered by the load side of the transfer switch. A battery shall be supplied to maintain the circuit boazd energized when the ]oad side of the transfer switch is de- energized. Include a switch to select if the load will transfer to the engine- generator set during the exercise period. g. A manua] locking handle to allow manual transfer. This handle shall be mounted within the lockable enclosure so allow access only by authorized personnel. h. A safery disconnect switch to prevent load transfer and automatic engine start wlule perfomung maintenance. This switch shall also be used for manual transfer switch operarion. i. LED status lights to provide a visual readout of the operaung sequence. Monitor status shall include the following: (1) Uriliry on. (2) Ena ne warmup. (3) Engine wannup bypass. (4) Standby voltage "ready"_ (5) Standbyfrequency "ready". (6) Standby on. SHA508 16205 - 3 � � � � � (7) Transfer to standby (8) Return to uritiry. (9) Engine cooidown. (10) Engine minimum run. ( i l) Fast test mode. R. The following manufacturers are approved for standby power systems: Caterpillar, Cummins, Generac and Kohler. END OF SECTION l� [_� � � � � � � � � � � � � SHA508 16205 - 4 � I � ' � � � � � � � _� � � � ' ' � �� SECTION 16210 FUSES 1.00 GENERAL A. Fuses protecting 0 ta 600 amp feeders shall be curnnt limiung i.ow-Peak Dual-Element LPN-RK (250 volt) or LPS-RK (600 volts). Size fuses per circuit amperes shown or as required by the latest edition of the NEC. L3 C. Fuses protecting individual motor circuits rated 480 amps or less shall be current limiung I,ow-Peak Dual-Element LPN-RK (250 volt) or LPS-RK (600 volts). Size fuses per circuit amperes shown or as required by the latest edition of the NEC. The Contractor shall supply three (3) fuses of each size shown in the Contract Documents for spares. Turn over to the Owner prior to final close out of the Proyect. D. The following manufacturers aze approved for fuses: Bussman, Gould Shawmut and Reliance. END OF SECI"ION SHA508 16210 - 1 �J � � ' 1.00 � , � ' � � � � � � � , � l� � SECI'ION 16220 MOTOR STARTERS GENERAL A. Manual motor starters shall be full voltage, fusible, toDgle switch type with NEMA i enclosure unless noted otherwise. Starter shall be rated for motor starting with replaceable thermal overloads on all phases. Provide pilot light where shown on the drawings or identified in these Specifications. B. Individual motor starters shall be full voltage, fusibie, combinarion type unless noted othenvise. Starter shall be rated for motor starting with replaceable thermal overloads on all phases. Each starter shall be supplied with two (2) spaze normally open and two (2) spaze normally closed contacts. C. Starter coils shall be rated at 12Q volts. Provide control power transformers where required. D. The following manufacturers are approved for motor starters: Squaze D, GE, Siemens-TTE and Wesringhouse. END OF SECTION SHA508 16220 - 1 Allen Bradley, l_ � � � � � 1.00 1�1 � � 1 � � � �� � � � � � � � SEC7'lON 16300 LIGHTING �ENERAL A. �xtures shall be fumished complete as specified and/or catled for on the Light Fixture Schedule. Each fixture shall be installed per ihe latest edition of the NEC and the manufacturer's recommendauons. Proper support for each fixture shall be provided by the Contractor. B. C. D. E. Voitage for light fixtures and lamps shall be as noted on the Light Fixture Schedule. Provide all lamps as noted on the Light Fixture Schedule. All incandescent lamps shall be 130 volt unless noted otherwise. Ballasts shatl be Type "P", Class "A", HPF, CMB-ETL egual to Advance Mark III. HID baliasts shall be HPF type with constant wattage design. Upon completion of ttte project and before final inspection, clean all fixtures and replace burnt out lamps. F. Photoelectric control shall be constructed with a W-resistant raintight polypropylene housing. It shali be calibrated to a 1.0 footcandie turn-on, and provided with a shutter for field adjustment turn-off. Photo control shall be rated at 1,200 watts Tungsten, 1,000 VA ballast at 120, 208, 277 or 480 volts. Photo control shall be mounted on a stainless steel plate supported by a recessed electrical box. G. The following manufacturers aze approved for ghoto conuoi: Fisher-Pierce Nitelighter Series Model # FT15 (120 volt), #FI'168 (208-277 volt) or #FI'19 (480 volt). END OF SECTION SHA508 16300 - 1 � , , , 1.00 , � � �� - ��c�� SECTION 16120 FIItE DEfECTION AND ALARM HARD WIRED GENERAL A. The Contractor shall provide a complete and fuliy funcrional fire detection and alarm system, consisting of equipment from one manufacturer and including all required wiring, conduit, j-boxes and ouflet boxes. B. The complete installation shall conform to the applicable sections of NFPA-72, local codes and the Narional Electric Code (NEC). Each item of the system shali bear the UL label. All control equipment shall be listed under the UL category "UOJZ" as a single control unit; partial listings will not be accepted. Smoke detectors shall be approved under UL 268 and shali be approved to operate only with a panel listed under UL 864. System controls shall be IJI, listed for Power Limited ApplicaUOns per NEC 760. All circuits shall be marked in accordance with NEC 760-23. Shop drawings submitted for approval (refer to Secrion 16010) shall conrain the following minimum information: C Complete descriptive data indicaring UL listings for all system components. Complete sequence of operations for the system. Complete system wiring diagrams for components capable of being connected to the system and inteffaces to equipment supplied by others. The following devices shall be provided where shown on the Drawings (Simplex model numbers are provided for cross referencing): 0 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fire deteciion and alarm control panel. Simplex #4002 series. Fire detection and alazm remote annunciator. Simplex #4b02 series. Comhina6on horn/ strobe, common azeas. Simplex #4903-9224. Svobe, common areas. Simplex #49t)4-9137. Manual pull starion. Simplex #2099-9754. Smoke detector. Simplex 4f2048-9209. Smoke detector, duct. Simplex #2098-9649. Heat detector, common areas (135° F rise). Simplex #4098-9402. 24 volt DC power adaptor. Simplex #2098-47. Digital alarm communicaring transmitter. Simplex #2080-9024. The following zones shall be provided: E. 1. 2. 3. 4. �. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. il. 12. Office Area. Garage Area. RTU-1. RTLi-2. RTU-3. RTU-4. RTU-5. RTU-b. Spare Spare Water Fiow. Water Tamper. SHA50& 16720 - 1 , 1 F. Provide digital alarm commuaicaring transmitter (DT) at telephone backboard. Provide two RJ31X telephone jacks adjacent to "DT". Provide 1" conduit between "DT" and main fire alarm panel. ' �J C i � ' � � �.J � � � � , r i ! G. All wiring shall be installed in a separate conduit system. A color coded wiring system shall be maintained throughout the installarion. Connections to devices provided by� others shall be coordinated with the installing contractor. H. Wiring shall be color coded, tagged and checked to insure that it is free from shorts and gtounds. All wiring shall be solid copper. Minimum wire size shall be #14 gauge with #12 gauge for all strobe circuits. All j-boxes shall be sprnyed red and labeled "Fire Alattn". Devices shall be mounted at t6e following heights, unless noted otherwise. Distances sha(I be measured from device center to floor. 1. Detectors ceiling 2. Hom/Strobes 80" 3. Pull Stations 48" K. The equipment manufacturer shall provide to the Owner a maintenance contract proposal to provide a minimum of two inspections and tests per year in compliance with NFPA-72H guidelines. L. An equipment manufacturer's representative shall provide as part of this contract a minimum of four hours system operaUOn training for the Owner. The ume and date of training session shall be detemrined by the Owner. M. The following manufacturers are approved for fire detection and alazm equipment: Edwards, Norifier, Pyrotronics Simplex or equal. END OF SECTION SHA508 16720 - 2 � ' , SECTION 1674D TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM , 1.00 GENERAL A. All wiring shall be installed according to the local Utility's recommendations. � B. The local Uriliry shall provide system entrance telephone cable to a main entrance backboard provided by the Contractor as sQec�ed in this Section. , C. The Contractor shall provide one 8'x8', 3/4" plywood backboard, extendina from floor to ceiling, for use by the Urility. Width of the panel shall be shown on the Drawings. Contractor shall paint the panel with a grey, fire retardant paint prior to all equipment � installation. ' � e �� � � e i �� t � i IND OF SECTION SHA508 16740 - i � L � � � 1.00 � � � � � !-� l� � � L� l_J , , , �� SECTION 16750 VIDEOAND DATA CABLING SYSTEM � f� C. GENERAL The Contractor shall provide a complete and fully functional interior video and data cabling system, inciuding all required wiring, backboxes and jacks. The complete installation shall conform to ]ocal codes and ihe National Electric Code (NEC). All wiring shall be installed and connected according to the video and data eguipment manufacturer. D. The Contractor shall provide all video and data cable from the equipment rom through the cable management system to each voiceJ data outlet with sufficient length at both ends to allow proper connecuon by the Contractor. Provide sufFicient length of cable, coiled above drop ceiling, to allow connection to all cubicles and future cubicles through power poles. Connection point shall be farthest point of cubicle from power pole. Connections at both ends af individual video and data hnes will be made by the Conuactor. E. The Contractor shall provide one 10 Base T ethemet cable from the equipment rom to each voicel data oudet in offices, rooms and each individual cubicie. F. Voicei data outleu shall consist of a double gang box with 3!4" conduit stubbed into nearby accessible ceiling space. Provide blank cover pates for all unused voice/ data oudets. G. Contractor shall provide an connection jack at each voiceJ data oudet END OF SECI'ION SHA508 16750 -1 � , , , � i , ' ' � a ' � a i � � � � , SEC'I'ION 16900 SCHEDULES 1.00 GENERAL A. The schedules identified below are inciuded as part of ihese Specifications. B. List of Schedules: 1. Light Fixture Schedule. END OF SECTION SHAS�g 16900 - 1 LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE , ��;� � ; ; � ��I I° , � ' �OINIE I ' 4DETiT I FlXSURE tYPE � R i C I p � MOUNTfNG j LAMPS I LENS, LOWEH, ETC. ' MANUFACTURER'S CATA�OG NUMBER NOTES I i I A � 2X4' �I X I � I pECESSED j (� 32W TS I 3" DEEP, 18 CELL I LfTHONIA t'2PM3G33278D-12(FGEB i PARqBOLIC I I I � LAY-tN � FOSTf/35 PARABOLIC OR EQUAL � I I g i 2k4' � X I � RECESSED � I ; LfTHONIANSPG232At2.t25-721FGE6 0.'@5 ACRYLIC i LENSED I I I tAY-IN f F03?/735 I I OR EUUAL I I � � ' 2�c2' I X I I I I RECESSED i � (2j 32W T8 ; 3" DEEP, 9 CELL i LITHONIA 2PM3G62349d124GE6 i PARABOLIC I I lAY-IN F663?l7355 i PAFiABOLiC i OH EQUAL i I D � DOWNLIGHT � X I I pECESSED I(2)18WT4 I CLEARALZNK �� �AFF383C4HR72Q-WFI�E6 I I I I LpY-IN I CF73DDB35 ; I OR E�UAL I E EXIT-LED I I � X� UNNERSAL WfTN UNIT � BLACK BODY � LITHONIA RLESB7R720 � SlNGLE FACE � � � � I I RED LETfEHS . OA EpUAL i � � EX�RLED � I I � I � BLACKBODY j LfTHONWELES62R120 E � � DUAL FACE X I UNNEHSAL � WI'fH UNfT I , I �, I I REDLETTERS OR EQUAL F � 6' INDUSTRIAL � X � � � CEILING � (4) 32 T8 � L(fHONIA 68TAF432420-GEB ' CF{AIN i F��35 � UPUGHT OA EQUAL I I� i I i G I DOWNLIGHT � i I X � RECESSED I(i)100W MH � CLEAR SPECULAH I INFlNITYCMH75-tOQ-MWT � � EXTERIOR � I � CEILING � M70M1/MED � ALZAK �� OR EDUAL , � H �� SHOWER IXI �I � RECESSED I(2)13WT4 � FLUSHPRISMATIC ��, STAFPOSP5202-57-52ULP-TW-EB ' i CEtLlNG � CFI3DSB35 I LEN$ � OR EQUAL , � � I I I 1 I NOT USED i I I ' I j I � I � i � I � � '! � � ��� � SURFACE ' J i 4' STRIP � X�I i � (� 3 � TB 'I ' LJTHONIA OUN232-120-GEB � � , � CEfLfNG � F037l735 � �, OR E�UAL ' DOWNLI6HT � I I � RECESSED � I CLEARSPECULAR �, INFINfCY#q7�tOp�MWT K , DIMMED i I X i � LAY-0N I(1) t00W A79 �i AIZAK � OR EGIUAL , � 2'Xl' I X �I �i � RECESSED I (2) 32W T8 , � LITHONIA S25PG232Al2.'125-120-6E6 ', LENSED ,, � , i LAydµ ,, Fgp3y735�G ' 0.125 ACRYLIC OR E�UAL i M FOUR HEAD I ' '� X', �" POLE �(4) 25DW MH '� GLASS DIFFUSER, ! STERNER SLBZ&4-4&}pC-AR-250S TYPE fll i i i ON BASE � M25dWMED � DARK BROIaE , 208�SSSti-RC-N 7, 2 , � � FlNISH OR EQUAL � , � NOTES: 1. 208 VOLT FIXTURE t. PROVIDE 3 FODT LNAMETER, 8 f00T HIGH, CONCRETE POLE BASE MOUNTED 5 FEET INTO GROUND. $HA$�$ � � � i 1 � ' � t r r � ' � � � � � ! � �� — z��� � nbRr�l SHEA ,��.,sa�.�. ,�.o„� ��� �,.., MlnnuO011� MN �l10.1 @Itl ]3&i1519�m 1!I]I 3�V t8]O ln OWNER (SELIEA) JEBCA INC. PROJFCT TITLE EASf SIDE POLICE TEAM FACILITY ST.PAUL, MN SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN owwne�_�_ _J15 CMEQfOBY _ IFAN WtlIM _.—__ i xr��ert�enmwnme ru� neuriuno� 011 �Eb�1 YM �IIl�MFO �� Y[ 0� Y�IM� Y� dllEGl M[IlYppll IMp !M! I IY � WIl �aF'4ifYINMFID �f1U�MR�xtlN�01 �X5 arz _ _ _ nre n vuz SGtF P � p 0' MtF _ 13 $FPIE1.6Eq 19% [p44 NU '�9�5� NFVSOMS RRCNITECTS,INC DD• 1 � i 1 1 , , i , , � , � , , ' , � 1 1 � � � �� � �s� ,��� u� n u �� n ra.rv �w �� � °o 0 Lr� rRpr � � i �`� �� �� i��� l — — ' _ � �. ��?' r ��e� t�j> rJ ��-;�� ------� -------' ��„am.o� I 1 ¢ Ir� `f�l f�'j _ ` �. ` i � ; I IwN (� � � L� �� �- , �- � �r�i iF�� ���i ir t _� � _� _ `� — � _ �ora �.�»�«.oa..., ro GS CL ��.._._�� m r� iner� i i �° f J �. a� I ^g s � -� ! ur � �mar � � � �, I _ � �w • uYM1C�M.�eIM I � �—�Y�YLY�M �_� � I I �� �� GMCf I �u�P4� I � u n�i.i.�e�rsraruee � ar e�m..R (WRNR�2E 5 SNAhN OA51'ED� � � m SHEA ,..� �.�. m��� ��� ���,�. ���� OWNER [5ELLER) �CO. INC. PROJECT TITLE EAST SIDE POLiCE rea►� Faciurr ST. PAUL. M4 SHEET TITLE Cq�RRTRUCTION PLAN �,�, �„ ,d GEU� Br� t�E��W C�w�^f,V eleCH'wiWa V M 4 oM W �iel !/lMU� � �1 m�M R/.�V m W�O�/ GR MG q p!i sC1tE� ve� - ra nrt� a eareea aan m.�a w aem �� ARCNITECii,1NC DD• 2 �� r I � I 1 I I � �� � � � � I I I �' L m_..a.w..� 3 . e n•u' eoac M�. EOR6 K MC aat a+cs SHEA SMY SY�I 9.IY 1W� W IbL Lxf� Et�Y Mr�yc4 W 5l�G m a.ua. up, ee aa�o � OWNER [SELLER) .�BCO INC. EI.CVATION AT LOMMUNITY RM KRGHENETT� i/A' - �'�' w�scrH� w,w. vezt w�w PROJECT 71TLE EAST SI�E POLICE 1'EAM FACfUTY � ROLI. GAU. RM. 1YE57 WAU. 3i8' • f-0' TYPIGAL'G" WNDOW 318' • 14' ROI.1- -VATION , 3/B' I'-0" N• Ma^M un s wem ww. aT SHEET TITLE ELEVATION5 wra en oa� en 16w cvr... A o.n �n w m �E' ]2' - TO wn e e�ia� cm � � xem rtvsua� R IiiE Ti,I11C DD•3 tlLCF iP 0 ECNM MNL nGA �P � G5� w'ui �5°1G�� a�racxi�rrr A DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DO�UMEN'i'S F.AST SIDE POLICE TEAM FACILiTY 722 Payne Ave. Saint Paul, MN PROJECT No. 9507.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPAR'TMENT 100 E. 11 Street Prepared by: LIEP, Facility Planing and Design 35Q 5aint Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-5510 266-9090 Fax266-9099 � " � � DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS EAST TEAM POLdCE FACILITIY LTIZ�IIJ� 1 �►`Y 171►117 D/:/ Part I Purchase of Existing Facility "As Buiit Out" Proposal, dated 8j31 j93 Part II Agreed upon modifications of the "As Built Out" Proposal. Part III Agreed upon modifications as a result of the Seller - Buyer negotiations between between April 26 and August 21, 1995. Part IV Build out Specifications as wntained in the Buyer's Original Rquest for Proposai Part V Design Development Drawings: Exterior Perspective (11x17) DD1 Site Plan DD2 Floor Plan DD3 Cabinet and Window Frame Elevations (Autocad Re1.12 drawing files are availabie for sheets DDl-DD3) �O Group Int. 95 Real Estate - investment Finance Management Development 360 N. Robert Street, Suite 700 Saint Paul, Minnesoia 55101 (612! 222-3081 (612) 222-3085 FAX �?QU°St �flT �.O'_'J4SZ� ?io. 3�P - 14964-3 ,_„$r =o?m� DO:1C° $Ld�IOA S L. P z i: �, ?•:?�' ?urc^ase oi �xis�i.^.g Fzciiity "AS 3wiit Ont" � « • t; i . :r.tent _�rs::aat �o �^e reaUes::*:ade i^ *:� Ci�y oi St. ?a�_ �°a_ Est2te Jivisio.^.`s ietie: cf Seatember °. 1993, we r2ve JY°T�2�°C �O� Y'G:;.- _°V1°W ^c DYOPOS'�.1 �CY 2^ •• 25 .7'11�� O;:t�� L2.Cili�}' i0Y �::° :.�5� :'EcT .�.C2�iC.^_. �'ti?=S D.CDCSd! S�l.:_ ..,,_.�e�^�lates t:*.e improvements ±o be ce^struc�ed __. ,.re 722 �'�i�G1.^.C�. �22 `.�Z}�^E P.ve^ue $t. t�ct�! � �`=1 :::25CLc. i'+_ �'"^�05� �O CO_^.5L�.:CL L:C 1"T'A'(OV2?'.:� ;LS iCc+ _, �"e ?_cpCSe� Floc� °i�II �P_1 ca�ed $/31i93, ��:r�^eY _c.e���fiec as _�o�ect �9307.00 a^d t_e s�ec_�icatio^s �Cen�i=iec as =,X.^.1pi� �`."�.'2 $D2C��:C �;:.11QOL:L lZeQt:l?'2!:':EPtS� ?cC = L::rp;:,C�n _2. �4L : fl�° 1:C� L:C°C = 25 �X_^.l�1LS nArr �nri n J n resnec��ve?y. ?ursuant to ciscuss:ons with re�reserta_�ves o� ao+_: *_:e City Desiqn stz�i a_^_d t^e ?o?ice Degart^;ent, some ad.c,itior.ai C.'dL1f1C2t10T:S dY° �°�:;1�?Q LO C2�°Y:',:7.^° W^dL 1S �:� W^dL 1S no* iacl�.:ded in our �ro�osal. ��ems i.^.ciude3: �x*erio� i. Existing ex.=ricr wi^dcws are 'to be remcvec ar.d *_ne o�e.^.iags wi?. �e �ricxeci clos=. Z. :re pa-kir_g 1ot wil? b� complete�; resvr:aced with a ne�z 3S�^8� ::^3� �^C SC:�A° A g rai: w; __ �_ i _^_St2-'°G a? ong the Pay*:e P.venue sid.ewal:�. 3. _':e °S;1SL1;1CJ �U°: O1� Ld:liS 'a�.;Y:eG �n _..= par�:^g :o: ca_:! w2 Y@MOVeC D:1C'_" tC CEAcV:.^C �^E :OC. 4. _: e exL=-ior o= ,. :e �-.ii:� .: g wi �: we �ai^.. _�. �. A new roei cec� a^c :^er.;bra�e sys:e.^.; c.ili be i^sta?lec ove� t�e entire ;�ui�di_^.g. :'ter.;s inci��den: ?n"terier _. �1_ °^LZV CCO_"S �-.�O �'_^_° .,..,,__�_�G�' Wl" D° '°�18C°C- 2. �: ^2W EY,_^_a'.;.5� S}'S�°^t W7.-1 �D°.. 1_^Si.21�EG '_^ �_^.e CcYGC2 ?r��, ' _ 3. .._.. car__ aai:s a°_c c=i:_ =g wi? _ bs aai ,�ac. -1- 95-10�3 �. =he garage wi?� receive ^ew iiwo:escent ?ig_^,ti.^.g a�a aew steam unit heaters. �. _'.^,e =xis:i^g s�eam 'aoi?er ar.d dist_iau�ion sys�em wi:l remai.^, as 'tre main source of nea:inq. 6. -^e existi�g �fC ecuia�ent wil: �e remov=d a�a :ew rocftan AfC units with economizers wiii be �r.s�aiiea, uci?izin� tae exisving duct distriau�io� sys�em. 7. P.2: existinq ofiice ifi�roveme.^.*s wiii pe demc:is^ec anc �ii rew improveme^ts accordiaq �o }he pia_^.s =_^d sp=es will be ins'ta:ied. 8. Ali :ew office lighti:g wi!i �e T8 tec�noiogy. 9. A11 asbestos pipe insulation will be repaired a^d mzr.aged in �?ace as ^ecessary to com�iy with anpiie4bie heaitn ru?es. �' 0. ?YOV1dE 2.^.Q 1^Std� : 2 riEW 2� KI� cmgTg ° eC+r1C3! qe.^.erator. 11. ?erimeter drywall a^d insuiation to deck (23 £t. :^.ign). All ir.terior walis to 10' A.F.F. A? i ir.*erier walis wi! 1 be sou^.d ir_su? ated. 12. Ceramic tiie wainscot walls in toile� :ooms. Ful: reig:i C°T2!.^.iC ti?e walis ia s�owe�s a^d ioc�ce: rooms. Exclusions: As per instruction, tre foliowing items have been excluded. ,. No parking ?ot liqnting is ir.cludec ia t:^.is proposai. 2. .�io ianci^� is inciuded. 3. `Ihe seco^d 0.:?. door en the r.ort� wai_ ^zs neen exciudec. 4�^i�e this is _^_o� 4 ccm:p:et= listi.g of ai? eie;.^.er=s i^ci�:ded i^ our oropo�a=. ?'t does give a:� accarate pict�r= o: ±^e sce�e ei wo�k we a^.±=c:aac= �^c�udi^g. :'_ aou'_d �_ ^appy to refi^e these numNers as :nore detai?s anc �ecome avai_abl�. - -2- . �� ?arci:ase ?rice: <<6DOS°G� �C�C^2s° �r_�.,. $��l'3Z.�nn nn � J V V. V J �^@ T!1> > 10^ �T'.B Y1::!CL'E4�' Y ::011Sd.^_C ✓0::2Y5 C2S : 3t C:OS1,^C3. T� C'�Y7.^.q y0�:?' :2Vi8W d?7V CL^�5:10^S C: CO'.;tR:E_^.*$ cY=SE '_'C� L::?5 �ZODOSZ:, A.�'.°�SG' '_°S "°p LO CO:L2CL ..... "dL 2Z� Sir:cerelY, :,v3C -?OU�, I_�C. i ' f���� �i'.�'c d.-..� � Dav�d ??. Spill :an ?roject Ma^agez D:?S/.^„�as - 3- Exhibit "B" EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 12 ��~7��^ Tfie LESSOR, at its own cost and expense, shall build out leased premises according to the concerns expressed herein, and to the space plans which shall be prepared by . Construction shalf begin within 30 days of the time LESSOR receives signed and approved documents (specifications and plans.) COMMON AREA BUILDING IMPROVEMEiVT Prior to commencement of the lease, LESSQR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, the following building improvements: 1. Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, etc.) shail be clean, as direct as possible for safe simple tra�c flow and fully handicap accessible. 2. Common Area rest rooms shall be updated to present a clean attractive and fuily accessible image. 3. Signage to the leased premises shall be displayed in such manner as Yo clearly indicate the location of the LESSEE'S offices. 4. Access to the leased area must be controlled for security reasons. Access to stairwelis and elevators must be limited after business hours. However, the building must also be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5. There must be adequate provisions to park vehicles while.transporting materials and equipment to or from the leased premises. Vendors must be ab3e to deliver large items easily. LEASED PREMISES BUILDOU'I` IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF WORK � In addition to the schematic design, the following buildout requirements shaJl be reflected in the _ plans and specifications of the contract documents. The specified sections may include sections or work that is not applicable to the building or site being proposed. Use the applicable sections. � � � � L LEASED PREMISES Leased premises shall have some private o�ces and some open workstation areas. The LESSEE may have Herman-Miller electrified work stations. DIVISION i - GEN�RAL REOUIREMENTS Section OlOQO - General ' All work will be done in accordance with Industry standards and will be in accordance with ail state and local codes. ' The Contractor must schedule his work to allow for the security of the buiiding and occupied spaces (if any) throughout the period of construction. ' The Contractor wili be responsible for cleanup and disposal of a13 refuse resulting from demolition, construction, etc. � EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIFIG BUiLDOUT REQU[REMENTS Page 2 of 12 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Section 02050 - Demolition -if applicable ,. � ; ` Remove all masonry, walls, floors, ceilings, �nishes etc. as indicated or required by the new work shown on the drawings. 5ection 02100 - Site Pmparation ' Remove and relocate any structures, remove above grade and below grade improvements, and remave growth and vegetation at site. Section 02200 - Earthwork ' Excavating, placing, stabilizing, and compacting earth at the site; including the addition of borrow and disposal of excavated material. Section 02513 - Asohaltic Concrete PavinQ ' Walk and Parking Paving, as shawn. � Base course, Mn DOT 2211, Class 5 aggregate Bituminous binder course, Mn Dot 2331, BA-2 aggregate wearing course, Mn Dot 2341. ' Stripping. . Section 02800 - Site Improvements ' Fences, traf�c and parking control barriers, and signs. Install all improvements as required by Site Plan Review. Section 02900 - Landscapina ` Lawns, trees, shrubs, ground cover; including soil preparation and finish grading involving topsoil. DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE Sectian 03300 - Cast•in-place Concrete s Bars, ASTM A515, Grade 60. ` Mesh, ASTM A185 ' Concrete, ASTM C94, 4000 psi, 3/4" maximum size aggregate, exterior exposure air entrained. Interior slabs troweled. Exterior broom finish. EXH{SIT "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILDOUT REQU{REMENTS 9�' j��� Page 3 of 12 DIVISION 4 - MASOivRY SecYion 0420Q - Unit Masonrv ' Mortar, ASTM C2i0, Type S, no color. ' Concrete block, ASTM C9Q Grade N, Type 1. ` Wall reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to ASTM A80. ` Bric3c, SW of a type determined by Architect and approved by Owner. AlI masonry laid running bond. DIVISION 6 - WOOD �,'VD PL=ISTICS Section 06100 - Rough Carnentrv ' Structural gzade lumber at stairuays or steel and concrete. ' Blocking and curbs on roof, Pressure Treated, water-borne preservative.- ` Wood closures, CDX grade. Section 06200 - Finish Caroentrv ' Casework: AWI "Custom" grade, piain sliced red oak exposed parts; counter tops for casework, laminated plastic. ' Benches for locker rooms, ciear mapie. DIVISION 7- THERi�tAL �'VD l�tOISTURE PROTECTION Section 07210 - Buiiding Insaiation ` Perimeter insulation, Fed. Spec. HH-1-52^-.0 Type II, 1.5 pounds per cubic foot, R=6S. ' Thermai insulation in wails, R=23.4; roof R=16.67. Vapor bamer, 6 mil polyethylene. Section 47510 • Bituminous RoofnQ ` 4 ply Owens/Corning built-»p roof, over 2" polyisocyanurate and fiberslass insulation. Aluminize3, non-fiber surface or gravel. � Section 07600 - Flashing and SheeY'1�Ieta1 ' Metal roof edges, counterflas7in;, etc., 24 eauge, galvanized steel, fluoro-poIymer type factory applied finish. Sectian 07900 - Skvlights ' Prefor•nea metal-framed skylight assembiies with gIass g?azing. EXHlBIT "E-2" SPECIFtC BUILDOUT REGtUIREMEhtTS Page 4 of 12 Section 07900 - Seaiants 95-10�� ` Sealant conforms to Fed. Spec. TT-S-002306, Type II, Class A. s Sonolastic NPl or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol 1. ' Sonofoam, ethafoam, or polycel backer rod. ` Sealant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved othenvise by Architect. DIVISION 8- DOORS AND WINDOWS Section OS110 - Metal Door and Frames ' Doors with stee] faces and steel vertical spacers welded to both faces. Doors filled with insulation. Exterior doors with 16 gauge faces. Interior doors with 18 gauge £aces. ` Frames unit type with welded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Interior frames 16 gauge. ' Doors and frames factory prime painted. Section 08210 - Flush Wood Doors ' N.W.M.A. Industry Standard I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, 12ed Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. Section 08300 - Special Doors ` Sliding closet doors of N.W.M.A. I.S. 1-78, Type I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book �:atched. ` Sectional Overhead doors, galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, with continuous foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation. Section 08650 • Snecial Windows ' Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insulated, security glass in windows or openings designated by Owner. Section 08700 - Finish Hardware ` Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steei elsewhere. Mortise type lever handled ]ock sets with cylanders to match master keying. Dull chrome $nish on locks and miscelianeous. Section 08800 - Glazin� ` Fxterior windows, 1/2" insulating glass, bronze reflective, security glazing, with Law E coating. Clear glass at all interior applications. 95-�.0�� VISION 9 - FINZSHES ction 04250 - Gvpsam Wallboard Wailboard sha11 conform to AST?v1 C36, thiclaiess as shown or S J8" i£ not shown. Steel studs, drywall type, 25 gauge. Wailboard ali sc:ew attached. 3oints taped and nIIed; screw heads filled and sanded. The Conuactor shall patch as required all plaster or e„ypsum board suriaces disturbed by demolition with the appropriate matching material. All new construction s�all consist of �/8" F.R. gypsum board on metal studs or Furring strips as required and finis;�ed to match adjacent existing suriaces. AlI new or e�sting ptaster and wpsum board shail be prepared to receive a new paint finish. Section 09310 • Ceramic Tile � All tile standard a ade, per TCA 137.1-1976. ` Fioors, i" X 1" mosaics. WaIls, 4-1/?" X 4-lJ?" ;iazed. Base, cave mosaics, 4" high. ' Shower floors and drying areas, non-s;ip type Lie. Set floor tile per Tii��ouncil '�Iethod F113 and ANSI Specin"carion AI08.�. Set wa11 tile per iriechod W212 and ANSI Specincation A1Q8.�. EXH{B1T "E-2" SPECiFIC BUlLDOUT REQUIREMEN"iS Page 5 of 12 Section 0933Q - Ouarrv Tiie Quany tile and base shall be American Olean. Quarry tile shall be thin set in an epo� mortar bed both vertically and hori2ontally, and ;routed with "Hydorment Joint FiIlei' of a color as selected by the ?rchitect. Section 09510 - Acoustical Ceilin?5 Fxposed �rid wich 2' X 4' iay-:n paneis, r�ssarzd pattern, � J8" thick uniess oche:wise shown. Panes white. Grid whate, painted. Section 09650 - Resilient Flooring Vinyl composition tile, 12" selected. Install with masti type, color as se?ected. Section Q9680 - Car�et X 12" and 1/8" thic's, standard cnmmercial colors and patterns as c 2dhes;ve to conc:e:e floor slabs. Vinyl base, ?" hiQn, tap-set, cove ' Nvlon mited-ype carpe:, 28 ounce per square yard face yarn, s�atic conuol. Direzt glue-down without pad. Section 09900 - Paintina Interior: Per Room Finish Sc;�edule and as spe: ned. B;oc:< fiiler and :wo coau semi-gloss paint on conc;ete black walls. Two coau sadn paint on 2ypsum wallboard waIls. Two coats �at paint on ceilings except prime and turo coau of 2-part e�oa;r paint wne:e scheduIed. Stain and two coau varnish on interior wood doors and rails. Exterior: Fxterior doors, touc� up shop coat and two coats alkyd-type gloss enamel. EXHIBI7 "E-2" SPECIFIC BUtLDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 6 of 12 � '. 1 : � MA'I'ERIAL3 AND FINISH SCHEDL;LES Floors ' Carpet througnout with excepdon of entry ways, toilec rooms, locker and exe:cise roams, � Quarry tile in entry ways and lobby. Ceramic ule in all toilet rooms, and shower areas. ' VinyI composition tile on inter:or stair ueads and risers, lunch room, exercise room and secure sLOraDe. Concrete floors in basement mechanical room(s), storaQe room(s}. Base ' Vinyl at carpet and VCT floors. ' Quarry tile at quas;y tile floors. ` Ceramic tile at ceramic walls. ` No base at concre:e �Ioors. Walls Painted eypsum board (� f 8") or piaster on walls and partitions; ceilin2s w/o acoustical treatment in all ofnce areas except secure interview and storzQe rooms. Secsre raoms shall have 5 f 8" gypsum board over 3/4" plywood fastened to studs on walIs and ceilings. Painted plaster on walls and ceiling in toilet rooms above the ceramic tile wainscot on the walls and floor. Shower areas shall have fuil height ce:amic tile wa11s and floor. Painted concrete block or �psum board walts in mechanical and s:ora�e rooms depending on the type of construaion. , s . Ceilin s ' Acoustical *�le with tea2ured design in suspeaded netal ceiiing system in all arez�, except: entry ways, toilet and shower rooms, mechanical rooms, secure areas and storaQe rooms. ' Plaster ceilings in coilet rooms and shower areas. Gypsan board over plywood in secure areas. No ceiling materials required in mechanical and �enerai s�orage ;ooms. DIVISIOI3 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 10100 - Chalkboards and Tackboards ' White marker boasds with anodized aIuminum frames and c:�alk t*ays. Tackboard uniu similar. Section 10164 - Toilet Partitions � Steel, floor mounted, headr2ii braced, baked ea2meI finisa. Secrion 102D0 - Louvers `£xtruded aluminum blades and frames, runiraum t}vckness 0.125". Baked enamei finish. � _a � � � � � I � � � C� � f [ 1 � EXHIBIT "E-2" � SPECIFiC BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 7 of 12 � S�ection 10400 - Identifving Devices ' 1 i ' Required ADA and emergency signage. Within the I.eased Premises LESSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, signage providing directions to of�ces, office room numbers, HC and emergency evacuation routes. Section 10500 - Lockers ` Steei lockers, 24" X 24", with sloping tops. Mounted on tile bases. Numbered. Padlocks by others. Section 10520 - Fire Extin isher ` Ten pound, ABC dry powder type unless otherwise shown. Bracket mounted. Section 10670 - Storape Shelvinp ' Shelving, Service Counter and other Special Buildout Features: The LESSEE shall provide shelving and counter specifications to the LESSOR during the Construction Document phase of plan preparation. Section 10800 - Toilet and Bath Accessor'ses ` Heavy duty, stainless steel. Include paper towel dispensers. DIVISION 11 - EOUIPMEN'I' Section 11131 - Proiection Screen ` Ceiling recessed, roll-down, size as shown. White, non-gloss, mat surface. DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Section 1Z500 - Window Treatment ' 1" slau - Levolor or equa] at office windows and exterior windows. DIVISION 14 - COIv'VEYING SYST'EMS Section 142QQ - Etevator ` Provide elevator to all floors, if leased premises are on more than one level. Car must comply to ADA and may be a hydraulic unit. EXHISfT "E-2" SPECIFiC BUILDOUT REQUtREMENTS Page 8 of 12 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL Section 15025 - Selective �emolition (if reauiredl Section 15050 - Basic Materials and Methods R�i 1. Scone• T'his section applies to all the work and materials of the mechanical systems and requires all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to make a complete and acceptable mechanical installation as specified and as shown on the drawings. 2. Regulations, Codes, and Standards. All workmanship, materials, and equipment shall comply with all appiicable federal, state, and local rules, ordinances, regulations and codes. 3. Shop DrawinEs. shall be submitted to the Bngineer for approval for all equipment and materials. These shall consist of manufacturer's construction information, wiring diagrams, curves for pump and fans, and maintenance data, all of which shall be assembled into Operating Manuals for the Owner. 4. As-Built Drawinas. Prepared by Contractor to reflect changes of locations, materials, configurations, and incorporated into Operating Manuals. 5. Electrica} Provisions of Mechanical Work. Provide energy e�cient motors, power factor correction, and wiring in conformance with Electrrcal Division. 6. Substitution of Materials and Equipment. Aliowed with approval of Engineer only, 7. Identificatian. Provide labels and markers on piping, duct work, equipment, valves, etc. Section 15460 - Pipin� Svstems 1. Potable Water piping in building shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel or Type L copper. 2. Soil. Waste. and Vent piping in building above grade shall be no-hub cast iron. 3. Heating Water pipe shall be Schedule 40 steel or Type L copper. 4. Testin� Ail piping shall be pressure tested at pressures and duration meeting or exceeding the Minnesota State Code and shall be free of Ieakage. Section 15250 - Mechanical Insulation 1. Water piping for hot and cold domestic use shall be insulated using molded sectional glass fiber with factory-applied fire-retarding all service jackei. Thickness shall be in complianc� with the State Energy Code. 2. Waste and Vent piping in outside wall chases shall be insulated with 1/2" molded, }acketed fiberglass, 3. Heating, cooling and intake ducts shall be insulated with jacketed, glass fiber insulation. EXHIBI7 "E-2" SPECiFfC Bt11LDOl1T REQUIREMENTS Page 9 of 12 Section 15300 - Fire Proteciion 1. �,prinkler heads shall be instailed in all occupied and storage ceiling spaces. 2. Main sprinkier valve shail have required monitoring sensors. Section 15400 - Plumbing Systems. Fi3ctures and Trim 1. Water and Fire Protection Service shall be provided from the sireet service main. Z. Sanitary Sewer Service shall be provided from the existing sueet sanitary service. ��-���� 3. Domestic Hot Water. Gas �red heater with recirculating return pumping and timer. 4. Lavatories sha11 be vitreous china. 5. Water C►osets shall be wali hung, siphon jet, flush valve type, with elongated rim, and constructed of vitreous china. — 6. Urinals shall be wall hung, manual flush valves, vitreous clrina. 7. Electric Water Coolers shall be semi-recessed self-contained wall hung type. 8. howers shall be balanced pressure mixing valve type, with energy miser regulator. 9. ,Ianitor Sloo Recentacies shall be fiberglass construction. 10. All water c{oset and urinal flushometer valves shall be equipped with energy miser valve adapters, appropriate for water pressure of facility. Section 15600 - Heating. Ventifating, and Air Conditioning 1. Provide boiler for perimeter heating and a air tempering coil wiihin building ventilation system for ventilation air. In a leased premise, the LESSOR must design and install an HVAC system capable of providing a temperature range of 68 to 78 degrees in spite of adverse conditions. Certain areas of the premises will have a coneentration of machines that both produce high heat leveis, and at the same rime are sensitive to that heat. Additionaliy, where there are high concentrations of electrical equipment, adequate ventilation (air exchange) is required. The HVAC shall comply with the ASHRAE standard 62.73 bench mark. 2. Air Conditioning Compressor f Condenser equipment equipped with wet bulb economizer will be air cooIed DX type. EER ratings shall be greater than 10. SEER ratings shali be greater than 10.25. Distribute supply air in duct work throughout facility and terminate with appropriate grilles or diffusers. 3. Provide exhaust fans in toilet rooms, locker rooms and elsewhere as required. Section 15900 - Antomatic Temperature Control i. Provide separate temperature control systems for each floor and/or occupancy zone. EXHiBI'F "E-2" SPECIFIC BUILQOUT REGtUfREMENTS Page 10 of 12 Section 15990 - Balancing and Adjustin� 95--r��� 1. All systems balanced by firm not associated with the Contractor, and certified by AABC or NEBB. 2. Systems to be balanced include HVAC, supply air and exhaust; domestic hot water. 3. Complete report submitted, necessary corrective actions accomplished, and systems re-balanced. DIVISION 16 - ELEC7'RICAL Section 16000 - General Information ` Electrical Characteristics - Equipment and Motors 208V or 240V Lighting 120/208V, 30, 4W General Purpose 120/208V, 30, 4W * Provide labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for the completion of aIl electrical work defined under the scope of this project. Scope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Electrical Demolition - if required. Electric Service and Distribution. Power Generation Secondary Electrica] Equipment Lighting, receptacles and small power revisions Fire Alarm System Telephone System - 1'ublic Address System Intercom Systems TV Monitoring System Motor and Equipment Wiring ' Obtain and pay for ali permits and inspections. ' Work shall comply with the following industry standards: IEE, NFPA, NEMA, ANSI, and the latest edition of the NEC. ` Maintenance and operating instructions shali be provided for all equipment and systems. ' 'The entire electrical system shall be guaranteed against defects in material and installation for a period of one year. Section 16100 - Basic Methods and Materials ' All electrical equipment shali be U.L. labeled, where applicable. ` All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Contractors Association Standard of Installation. ` Ali wiring shall be installed in raceway. 1. PVC - Underground, damp locations and exterior exposed locations. 2. Flexible steel - Connection to motors, light fixtures and vibrating equipment. 3. Electrical Metallic Tubing, Rigid Metal Conduit or Intermediate Metal Conduit - as applicable to codes. EXNIBIT "E-2" SPEC{FIC BUILDOUT REQIlIREMENTS Page 11 of 12 An internal combustion generator shall be sized for the anticipated emergency lighting and communication ]oads for the facility. — ' Outlet boxes - 4" square galvanized steel. FS or FD in damp locations and outdoors. = Ail home-runs - 3/4" conduit minimum. • Conductors -#8AWG, 600 V, "THHN copper and smaller for branch circuit and control wiring. 600V, THW copper for feeders #8AWG and larger. Wiring installed outdoors and underground shall be type XHHW. ' General purpose wiring devices - AIl 20A rated. s Safery switches - NEMA type HD (Heavy Duty) with rejection type fuse clips where fuses are to be provided. ` All equipment shall be grounded in accordance with the Nationai Electrical Code. ' Power factor correction capacitors shall be provided for all motors and motorized equipment rated 1000 watts or greater which exhibit a power factor of ]ess than 90%. Section 16200 - Power Generation SecNon 16400 - Service and Distribution Main distribution board shali accommodate all anticipated loads and for emergency generator. Branch circuit panel boards shall be bolt-on In addition to normal electrical circuitry for lighting, separate circuiis computers. , Section 16500 - Lighting Administration JOffices Corridor/Vestibule Locker Room/Toilet Rooms Storage Exterior Parking Lot � ` Interior lighting shall consist generally of 3 and f or 4 lamp lay-in fixtures in areas with removable ceilings. Flush mounted fluorescent fixtures shall be provided in areas with structural or gypsum board ceilings in secure areas. To accommodate ihe use of computers ] and to avoid eye strain by computer users, it is essential that zhe space be equipped with I nonglare, energy efficient lighting throughout with light levels to meet ASHRAE Standards and the City Energy Standards. � ' Incandescent lighting shall be used only where dimming required. ' Vestibule and exterior lighting shall be H.I.D. type and photocell controlled. ` Lighting L.evels: � � 7 �' : r"Y� iF�' ��'� ��� ' �: integrate switch-geaz circuit breaker type. shall be installed for 75 FC 15 FC 30 FC 5 FC FC @ 15' 1 FC Emergency lighting shali be locaied in corridors in accordance with Life Safety Codes. E�t and emergency lights shall be compact fluorescent. HID ballasu shall be premium grade, constant wattage. Fluorescent lamps and baliast shall be T-S technology with electronic bal]asts. EXHISiT "E-2" SPECiFIG BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 12 of 12 Section 1670t1 - Communications 95-1�1�� 1. Telephone System. Provide a complete new empty outlet box and raceway system as necessary and required. Provide dedicated equipment room space for the new system. In a leased premise, the LESSOR shall install the proper conduit, wirin; and closet for phone service to the leased premises. T'he telephone in the Leased Premises must interface with the PBX system being installed in the Main Pubiic Safety Building. LESSEE shali pay for the telephone sets. 2. Cabte Drops for Video and Data Equipment. The LESSOR shall at its own cost and eapense install at each workstation andJor office, the following types of low voltage wiring: (1) 10 Base T ethernet wiring from each o�ce and work station to central points of service; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain ]ocations on each floor to central points of seroice; (3) 3-pair telephone wire (6 total wires) from the Point of Presence on each floor to each of6ce terminating in (RJ11) telephone jacks; (4) two coaxial cable installations to be insta]]ed by Continental Cablevision at the cost of the LESSOR and coordinated by the LESSOR'S general contractor: (a) the Institutionai Network (video and data); (b) T'he Subscriber Network (video only). The scope of all work shall be reviewed and approved by agents or employees of the City. 3. Fire Alarm Svstem. Provide a complete new zone annunciator coded, general alarm fire alarrn_system with manual stations, corridor signal devices, heat and smoke detectors, fan shut down in accordance with all governing codes. 4. 5. Door Releases andJor Monitoring. Shall be provided where required. TV T3onitorine. Camera at the main entrance shall be installed. Seckion 16900 • Equipment, Motors and Controls ' Provide power & control connections for all motors & electrical equipment specified for this project or otherwise provided. Use high efficiency motors over 3 horsepower (See attached). ` Provide disconnect switches, starters and control devices as required for ali equipment and motors ancluding field watering system. BND OF SECTION Range of Qualify High-e�cienq� mocors from 3 hp to 400 hp qunlify for NSP rebates when they meec e�ciency srandards lisred on this pagc and offcr �he follow- ing feamres: • AC polyphase induction mocor • squirrel cage rocor design • NE�L1 design B Torque �h�n�t�r;5ua •specdsoF3600,1600,1200 or 900 rpm To qualify for che NSP Motor Rebate Pro�ram: The mocor's NEMA \ominal E�cirncy I2ating mus[ mttt or excced the cfficienry srandards in che chatt ac right. Thc racing is iden�ificd on che motor nameplaie. Efficiency Standards HP 90D 1200 3 8G.5 55.5 5 s7.5 sG.S �.5 ss.5 sa.5 �o s�.s �os 15 59.5 59.5 20 90.2 90.2 25 90.2 91.0 30 91.0 91.7 40 901 91.7 50 91.7 91.7 GO 92.4 92.4 i5 93.6 93.0 ]00 93.6 93.6 ]25 93.6 93.6 750 93.6 93.G 200 93.6 94.] 250 94.5 95.4 300 94.5 95.4 350 94.> 95.4 400 95.0 95.4 Attachment to �ck�ib � RPM ]S00 3G00 900 86.5 82.5 81.5 8G.5 85.5 { 84.0 58.5 SS.S 85.5 sa.5 s7.5 � 87.5 901 59.5 58.5 91.0 90Z I 89S �i.� ��.o s�s 91.7 9].0 90.2 92.4 91.7 . 90.2 92.4 91.7 91.0 93.0 93.0 91.7 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.6 94.1 93.6 93.6 94.1 93.6 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.0 � 95.0 Are sll "efTcienc' motors the same? Definicdy nor. ?Janufacmrcrs $equrncly der.gnare morors as "cflicicnq" bur they migh[ not qu�f ify for :� SP's rcbaie program. In addicion, cfii- tiencia arc labded in many diffvrnc w•sys, such as: quo�ed, nominal, �vvagq capcacd, c�lculaccd, minimum, gunnn- cccd and appasrnt. �vSP's prognm qunlificacions arc 6ued on chc nominal efficirnry of morors. How does a high-efficicnry motor differ fiom a standard motor? • Higher qualiry and chinner sted ]aminaoons in che scacor •'.dorc mppet in nc� windings • $mallcr air gap betwecn the rocor and st�tor • Rcduccd fan lossa • Goscr machining tolennces NSP offcrs motor <�cirnry ms�ing Mocw ef(icicncy ccscing is a��aiJable from NSP. We w•ill �cn thc cuscomcr's operacing mocor �o dctcrmine �he �cma1 ' ' � i RPM 1200 ]800 3600 54.0 84.0 82.5 85.> 85.5 55.5 s7s s�s s5.5 89.5 89.5 -90.2 97.0 9IJ 97.7 9lJ 93.0 93.0 94.1 94.7 87.5 57.5 88.5 &7.5 �0.2 ss.s ��.o a�.s 9I.0 89.5 91.7 90.2 92.4 90.2 93.0 91.7 93.0 92.4 5 95.4 95.4 95.0 �5.4 95.4 95.0 cEficiency while in usc. Call your NSP reprcsenracive ro atrange mscing. NSP now also offert MotorMasur Thc Mocor.�vtasmr dacab�se lisring and sofn�are package is now availabk co hdp you cvaluacc che cost efl�eccivrness of mocon pou arc considcrin� for your s•stcm. Beforc yo� purchasc your ncxr high-cffi- cicncy moror, call the ncarest NSP rcpresrncacive lisced in che back of chis brochurq and azk for assis�ancc wich �his prognm. 2 BUILDING 722 MINNEHAHA & PAYNE AVENU£, SAINT PHUL, MINNESOTA TIIF. CITY OF 5AINT PAUL - ilUILDING DT'SICN SF.C' 350 SAINT PETER STRI:F.T, STE. 320 pI;oNE: 288— PURPOSED 8/31/93 1� � 7'-0 D B.HgM � m x T Y• S M R � 2 In � � � ( r PR�J �: sao�.aa SHEET , A1 ..___ _.,:.�_�...rs .�::z_. _. ,_. �: Part II �-II�IOII IClOdlflCflf10II5 Of Y.jlB ° AS BDllt �IIt" ptOjl(IS� z r . • 1. Page l, #1. Windows shall not be blocked up, but replaced in accordance with the window replacement schedule in the Design Development Document. 2. Page 1, #2. Last sentence is incorrect. Parking lot will be fenced with 6' high chain link. 3. Page 2, #4. Due to the removal of the boiler, steam unit heaters cannot be used in the garage. 'They will be replaced by gas heaters. 4. Page 2, #5. The e�sting boiler shall be removed. 5. Page 2, #6. The e�sting ductwork sha11 be removed. 6. Page 2, #9. Steam heating pipes sha11 be removed. 7. Page 2, #1. (near bottom) Parking lot lighting is now included. 8. Page 2, #2. (near bottom. Fencing is now included. The items below relate to the specific buildout requirements section of he specs from 1993. 9. Page 4 of 12, Special Windows. Security glass has been eliminated for all windows, superseded as specified in Dave Spillman's memo o£ June 22, 1995. 10. Page 9 of 12, Section 15600, Heating, Ventilation, etc. #l. The first sentence no longer applies. The balance still applies. �Construction 82�0 Normandale Buulevacd, Svice 20� Vfinneapohs,!N�nnesota 55437-1Ob0 612 897.7560 Fax 897J86S June 22, 1995 Mr. David Nelson Real Estate Manager City of Saint Paul 140 City Hail Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Fast Team Station 722 Payne Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Nelson: 9���.Q�3 Pursuant to our last meeting and the action list of May 30, 1995, we have reviewed the discussed items per the action list and determined the foliowing: 1. Modify window details per our last discussion uCilizing standard glazing with 1Qw "E" coating, and fix some of the operabie units -- reflected in the revised budget. !�;�,���r.r �� 1 ..i J: � K {� i �( 2. Obtain a more accurate pricing for the communication(computer/video hook-ups. See ��» > �-- alternate number. � �?So, �` 1 °'�">�T ,<s=sz�-r-'� 3. Check cost of cleaning waste oil from drain. No change in cost. 4. Cost for window biinds -- reflected in revised budget. �.xw�.-., �.,- >;; c, s� „„ `;��•, 5. Cost to soffit acoustic ceiling over windows -- no change in revised budget. 6. Locker specs included, bid pricing in revised budget. �.-a:s`�,t--, ;,, � ��n V{ ' ' �! � 7. Funds to energize existing boiler system pending building ownership authorization. )�, , � , Based on ihe above, the revised price for the improvements is as foilows: .�� , ' 'rt%�-a:s-.. � (' General Conditions Sitework and Demolition Concrete and Masonry Metals Carpentry Moisture Protecrion Doors and Windows Finishes Specialties Plumbing I:iil�i7 Sprinklers Electrical ��. ; ;w� ;= ; v � Total Direct Construction Contingency Contractors Fee lo°(, TOTAL COST s��s,�s Proposal B &udeet $ 46,067 $ 71,380 $ 71,541 $ 8,500 $ 31,440 $ 154,791 $ 116,560 $ 157,625 $ 32,405 $ 52,345 $ 106,576 $ 1Q,�0� $ 110,650 $ 969,880 $ 16,000 96 988 $ 1,082,868* * Note corrected bottom line total from 5/25/95 letter. �� P i � V I f�s Proposal B Revised $ 45,045 $ 71,380 $ 71,541 $ 8,500 $ 30,565 $ 154,791 $ 104,789 $ 157,625 $ 25,134 ���� � $ 52,345�^ � " I $ 106,576'`� =�'�-� ' ��-;z� $ 10,000 � ,� . $ 108.650 � z S� o't $ 945,441 '' �4ss,i5t $ 16,000 94.594 '�S,s�9 $. �56;535 � l,c�,�10 Alternates 1. Install a 4-ply roof in lieu of an EPDM membrane roof, please add $ 4,800.00. !,s „� t'-£V I 5 �� �'f �ca •-� 2. Relating to the Environmentai Evaluation prepared by Peer Environmental and �,�` Engineering Resources dated 6!2/94, the following items are addressed in our proposal: �� ��'���� Included: - Abandon fuel oil UST ^ - Manage/Remove ACBM - Dispose of PCB lighting ballasts � pk, - Remove hazardous materials - Ciean oil from drains and sewers j Excluded: - Investigate and clean-up UST release, if any 1.�„ - Petrofund reimbursement � - Former gas station - Abandon hydraulic lifts � 3. Re-energize boiler system. An allowance of $ 6,500.00 is included. I have received numbers ranging from $ 5,400 to $ 27,000 for this work. tie.-� G 4�,{-�, �,n'�1 y t 4. No winter conditions are included. 5 rn�l�w �� � 6. No performance bond is included. No additional SACIWAC charges are included, � w1��- 7. Tm furnish and install a recessed, ceiling-mounted projection screen, add $ 1,608.00. �� \v�3F G'eJ` ``�' � .1 w I�� 8. To supply and 'anstall optional upper cabinets in Room #112 and #109 per detaii sheets, t� . please add $ 2,200.00. ✓�(3 � 9., To install a movable partition in the Community Room, add $ 4,QOO.QO. '�,,� .� P--ti, c�� 'd.,. &n� G:� C'a,� l�.-. g�.-s -�-� -�a 10. An allowance of $`9,250.00 has been included for communications/computer/camera wiring. I appreciate the opportunity to present this information, and look forward to progressing with this project. If you have any questions regarding anything contained herein, please contact me at your convenience. Since ��/ � "'/' G��'v `� David H Spillman Sr Project Manager Welsh Consuuction Corp. DHSIjIf „6 -J: _9��5 i5: ga � AR PFtIPPay, UF-5�F1 K�M:« ia��s�s; P_�3z fNGLE TIE�! LOCKEt;S ���� 9�-10�3 � {,, ��. i� � � LpOKGR 4RRANnlMHNTS �I � Whon v�doring, speGly lha �Ctai number oi locker oDen�.^.g5 roqoired. �: � The most oraN.�cai andwfdely used ot aii iockers. Prov�des a con- , nn�enl sbeil es r�eii ss IWI �ength ciothina atorage. Ttiohnical Deta • She�� �5 9” �'cm ;oU lor itOfagO 0� haL, IunchBS, etC. • lockers 12" wide ha�e 8 dovD�e-prong (CeiYng) hook — as well as t^ree sn8'a-orong hooks in fockers under 15" wide, antl!our m loCkors 1G" anC witler. • Coa1 �ods are standard eauloment m c�aca of the ceihnq do�blo• prong hook on �ockers I B" and 2I"dflep. • PaClor.k attactmnnl is an In:egral paR otth9 hantlia. Patllock is no[inc!uded • MaY be equlnPad w�tfi buifl �nfocksor pacl0cks. • N�mOS� o�acoc a�_ availab�a as accessor'ies. aee pagc 131 Cotor Intormotlea Uniass olborw7se indleatetl,lM atock ffninh tor a0 Lyon praducis la Dove Orey. H�ty (a IigN ryB�ga1, Wedgewoad 9W6 and ��sh evadnbloatnocztracharge+rommanutecturingser+etlules £^ccyour I(lCtl� LyC'� �JCOrvK'p2'Sd�if9t'�'E01dP8lerlOtde fhese na*stoce rn�ors To Ind�catx coia� prelerence wh�n orCOring, cxe Ih� pr?`,Y coCcs U;ted below vrA� :ataio9 �umb°!5 D— Dove Gray 6— Wedaew�ou 31�e P .— ?u:iv A — Asn NOTE: hi tl�e �ntaest of sa(ery, lYon ahongly recommenda that iockero :;e ��oor nnti/or wal� anChored. See pega 130 for important lOCke� a�cbonng �nformBtion. � � � � � . �j ORDER ONE No.50f72 AND RECEIVE This one section, ona trame wltle (ono iaker oDenlnp). 12"wz12"JxBD"A• l2"wx16"Ez60"A' t2"wi18"dx80"h• - 72'wa12'CZ72"n` 12"wx55"dx72"fi' l2'+r.iB'dz72"h' i5"wa t8"CS72`h• 78"wz58"O�T2"D• 1 f � �, � � � �� i � { 1����� ORDEfi THftEE No. b002-3 AND RECSIVE 7his one beclion, thro9 frames wida Qhree focker oGaninge). t6"wx27"Ox72"�' � 3 3 5102•3 'Hsiphti atawn do not IncNCe lege - edtl 8'to hei0ht for leps. "�0.t4 numOen Iinted e6ava ero shipDad knccked do.m. For lockers peckeqed tMe9lramet wlds, order ae shown. Note: For adtlitionel aBea, refer t0 iM1e Lyon Loekef Oukle, Catalog No. 807, hdow. Fn¢E �ron LOCKiR GN1AE rw0�tbnal 3�zes ar+d Styles AvgilOWo The LfDN lDCKER GUIOE. GO7 prov,des crompiete Infar.+ation ac+d sQecilicatiarts fo� many siZee and styles af locke+s inclutlina: Exi�anded Matel, EzchengeMas� ter', SuPP�YMastet' It. �ulet lACk- ors arrS Basket Racks. CoN,ab ypur nearnY Lyvn Dlstrict MaTM e0ot ywr LY�+' D18IACUbr ar cell Y800323�OD96 tor yair irea copy. �w�s� ._"`++.�. � .� ! � 125 G36 �Jl; i995 ':5: _5 S�RP. PR'1qFh:; IJF-o99 'k:k�«� NAT SMELVES-Singlo tler iockers shaii heva one het snofl approxi• matety 9" betow too. Fla�qed on alf (our sides �or sirength wRh Me Iront flange iurnud a5° for safetY and afteched at na less 1hfl� two polnis IhfOUph BBCh Atl0 f18ngB. MUIbO�B tiei �OCkerS do �Oi h9V@ shenres. AT NOOKS S+nqle tfer, dou5le tier arni Irip�e uer bckers sheN have on ou e-oro++g (ce�iingJ hook anb three s�ngle-OrOng hopke in IoCke�s �96s i�an IS" wrc7e and �aur single•prong hoohs m bCk9TS �5' witle and ow� (�" dlameier coat rods are stantlartl in t8" an0 21"'-deep 9�9�8 ��e( IOCke�s. rnO�acir.g cei��ng �ook.) AO hooks to �9 7�nopfsietl or suDlec!ed lo a comparable NsPretardaN t(ealmenl an0 allachetl wnn i»o boils, IACKER SPBCIF�CATIONS '� `'� sreeL wcKEas MATEAIAL-Prime, hph•g�ade C1ase i mild anneebd. coltl- ro1190 steel frva trom sVdeca �mpe�loctions. Bo%s to �e <ino-ptated or subjeGted to Othor n:sFret9rt74n1 tlaatmeN. BODY- 2<-gau;,o stee{. ltaogeC to g;ve double thiCkness ot motal at p9cKVeftiCelCOfnBfS. DOOR FRAME-18-qauCe �ormed st¢ai chgnne�s veriicaf inem- bs(s sha11 have an adtlihanal Nanga to form contlnuvus tloc� stnke. Comers shall bA lap9� anC webed into a ri9itl a5aembly in addiqort, bottom eroas membxs ahatl have ter+9 et eaah enC thal !He ihrouph alot ln resr Henps of uprfoht ireme membe* to prerent twistln0 � of allpmment. Top and botlom cross mombors sha�i provide suRDOrt ior troat edge o� �OCkar roF and lock9r boHOm. DOOfl- One-D�ece, t6-gauqe stee� on s�agie and dou6�e ear :ockers wdh bolh venc�a� edgas formetl imo channsl-shansd to*mation� 1oD and botlom sha�l bv Oanged a� 9D angle. On mulripl> Uer fockars. tlingo side she71 ba (ormad inio channel-shapod (o�meti0n with otho� threa sides flanged at 90 ang�e. NOTE: Cont aomPertment doors p� two-peraon and box 1DOkm doon up to e�d Mcludlnq 15" wlde by 16" hip0 shall 6e 18•ysu0e un)eat otharwbe epee0fed. VENTIUITION-Lvuvera shatl De provldec as �allows: Loeker Styles Louvers Sing�e/Drwbic her iock9re-9' w S�x 9?4' fouvels tOA d�4 bottom. rr Singie liar lockere-0ver 9' w� Su 6' �ouveB toD end bonom. � Doubfe l+nr bcke[s Six 6" �ouvers top entl botlom Trlpt¢llc'foche�N ThreB3!4"�ouVerstoDapCboliom Mulliply lia� locker5 Three 3y�" louvers per tloo� tor 72" 8n0 15 "-w�dm lockere. Four 6" louvers �e; door far lockere 18" wide ar.d over. �. OOOR JAM83 -Sinele Ger'xkers shan have ihree door;am�s: tlouDta trer and lripte uet Iockers shall heve two we+dod io siCe o! door iramas to onB�9e fockinp dev+co. Desiqn antl gaupo ol jamb shall prevenr �rooing ol tocklnp do�ce by ory�ng. Each jamb sha�l fiave safefy feverse noso lo el�m�nata �azard ol sharp-GOinted edges pro- tmdingiMOtfie�ocker E6ch{ambshauhaveasatFrubbersnaacer secured througM hoie m jamb and uDn9M membar. HINGES-Shall be not less Nen 2" hidh.7hey leaWre O50" s1ae1, 5-k�uckle, �oA-IOOO �armiag doubla thicKness on each IeaL Hinges ro be se� lo slo� m d4o* andirame and pcojecnon-weldetl to trame- sttsch=d to door, hinga pm!o Da saun over et xnas io rssist remo Sin4�e tier lakers 72" and 60"'�igh to hava Ihree Nnges. antl lockers 48" hiBh to heve lvro hingas. Mullipls Uer to have Iv+o hm6os-eli on nqM•harxi s�de ol door. .� r IQCKWG DEY�CE-Single Uer lockmg Gevice 5ha�1 onga6e itama at iMee pO+nts: dOUWe t4er and UNIa der at Iwo ooints. Channal-s�aped �ocking device shall be enclos�sd on �hree s+Ces by, and operata wdhin, Chennel tormalion oi door Locking dev�Ca shati be Dfs�oCkmg so mochaaism can b� locked in ocen aos+tion-tloor locking auto- matica��v When dosed. Oox lockers shail oNy nave one-po�N locklnq Oevroe with a�a-gauge'wek cHp lor ariacMng �adiock Ooors elso to tre QrawCVd vnih lock hde tiller ro Vv�md use ot buiit•in key or tcmb�- natton ivck. MANDLES- On sin9�e, douh4e encl ir+A�e uer iock<_rs. ali oar's snall be chrom0-��afed, dle�casi z�nc atloy wnh a tensde strengtb of not fess tnan a�.O�Q os� No mwing Darts are to op=raie agamst outs�tle su�• facs ot Iocke�. PetlloGk attachment to be �ntegrfll pari Of litt which shali t� aitached cireclry ta tocklr.g bat BnC profected Sy fiXed hande h0U5�++g Hantl�e �0 PrpvitlB OUdbin petl�oCk sir.kE. MU�1iP1e ner lockers sna�i be 94ui0Ped wi�n a 16-pa��ga door Cull wilh patlloCk aflat4ment whe0 nol used with buiil-in iocks An Dp�ional rece55etl hantlte shell be eva�able at no eziracharge an sir ;le Oer, double tier, Ir�ple tier and Iwo-UersOn bcke�s. Tha+ecegsed bflnCia sha�� 7e 4 V{( w s 6Re" � x�'b� d 2nd eonsirueted oi dre-eatt Pnc a�ioy with 8 m�n,�iwm ;ensiie atrenpth af <0.000 psi. near toC ot tloor ±a��5;s P.�3 rn numbe� p�8teb with tigores at ipas7 AII Iocker5 6h6tl heve numbef Watet FlHISN -)Exposetl slaei paiis shstl bs Ihoroughly c'saned. �iven a .�. .. DOnO`ilfg an0 rust-inNDlUVe phvsphate VeatmaN. and ihan e ectrrn stat+cally sorayed wrth a heary cva� o� higb-CUabtr enamal. Enemal ahail be Caked a� 300 and must w�thsland a rigid bammer tnsl wlth- out chl0��np or'leking. NQTE: LYOn reeommenda apPlieailon of a oorrodon-roElaUnl tlnlsfi on loakers uted ta ni9h fiumlaity or rnrroaire atrmaDhsroa. ANCHORING-In ihe imerest of saiety, lvon strongty recommsnds that lockers be tiaor and/or wall anchored. FRE687ANDING I.00KEA&- l.oCkers shall be (umi5hetl wi;h 6" legs. Fiant and enC cfossd bases availabie. R ECESSINO AND Fl NISMINO STA1P5- End antl ion 4mshlnq stnps for bakers to he a�aced irf wali recesses shall be t8-gauge foimsd stsel wrlh a 2�"-witle face a�d shail be Colted to tockef irames ToA rnishlnp sinps ta ba in aDProximalely 5'0" lengths wiih a Ipfined spliCe Cdp �0 COVdf jQifltB flnd to h01C� lOD �Ifii$hing S�dpB in aliqnmenl. Entl ilrnshY� stnps fo De 27P' higher tRa� ixkers and will lap over ends ot top flnishmg strips for a neatjomt at ton ot comsrs. LQCKER BENCHES-Hardwood b°nch shan have clear hardwootl �ocs 9'h" w'w'e by tiY+'thickfinished •Mth nvo coate otACrylic Finish. ?Insite Leminais: Shan be co�or-matened or sDec:a�ry•wood Iamma�od ccnswcied ol a5-Ib. Uensitv panicleboard cme glued and tayered to a thwknessvf Nb" with !wo 1"-sqoare. 1-pieCe,14-gaugo ,teel lubes bunod in boa�d core �unnug tho fuU langth of tne laker benc'+. posn'�oned roror.oive aitachmeM screws trom pedestals.lon9 s�dss shait have �ull 1B0 soH edoe. ToPS s�ali »e i2' w. t�." h antl ave�l6ble �rt io��ths �rom 3' �o t2' Pedeete�8: All IoGNe! benCne9 sh31i bo �ucnoned L^y ste?I pedeFiais. soec=d on ool more than 6'0' cr,nters Ovefatl ho�ghl shail bo 17�:". Rrrsfi ot pedestets shs11 bg sama ccior as �ockors. �ach pednstal s�all Ue attached 70 1op by scsews and s^�uU be auchored to Ilca by lwo sudpblo anchore. QUIET LOCK£RS t AND �� See lyon Lvcky� GuiUe (Cafalog ���1 !or �W9t Locket 5p�cifiC3tiCn5 Color lnformetlon Unleas otherwtae Indleated, fhe atoek flatahfor nfl Lyon produeU {g Oove Gray. °++lty (a lighi beiqel. Wadgewooa Bh.�e arxi Ash a�ada6lo at no sxlra charge frem mnnutactonng sChedules. See}vur foca7 L yOn tac7orv �eproseM aLvtr or tles�et �or de((�ery �nfam:ahon on lhese nOn.slotk :010�5. �a inaiCale co�o! preferenCe when ortle�mg, use th.e p�afi.< coCes hsled be�ow wil 3cata�eag me�i�9�ue p— Dove Gray A_ A � p. cunv t29 cJb%c�1�?995 15�:6 5'RP_ PANRFRX iJF-53c� ���«* LOCKER AG�ESSORIES LOCKBR BSNCHSs ftiyid. 6urab�a and acttactive. SelacleC hardwooC seats w�Ih r� clear s9eler or Dlastic 1aTinatB. Att benches 1D8" iong or tonper rava throo PerJestais. Plartie lsm• „? ;q �y.' ::•�°, x }, ` fnatelookerWnoheatto¢ked .. , . ; erirs, (n Dave Gay and PuttY ony. ' ✓NU6870 8YY'vtz7Ylx'8'A h��d ✓ No 5811 9'N w x 96' i x' 8� h N'arc++ooa ✓ no.58t 2 9'h' w x 108• I x 18' h Hadwoad ✓ No. SB13 BV1' w x 120' I x 18' h HarE+ooa ✓ tio.5875 /2'w PfaSOCleminale ✓rio.681P t2`ra120'IctBK"h flaetlo ✓ No.GBl9-2 PoEBb ✓ No.581H•3 Pedesroisonll(5f gu►r.Ker wcxs 5ama iock tita all LYon bekers ezcept �xcha�qeMesler and SuVOlyMesler. Esay to insta�l and turnisfied with Iwo keys. ✓ Na 701A — Flel key 1�k WCKS, Ctfier focks availaae Mlushatetl hore. For fufl orda0ng rpforme- fion, con�act Your local Lyon daaler or factOry repre9entatnre. cwsQO sasea Locker rooms take on a neater 8DP80ranco e0d b9COT0 eas�ef Io kepp cloan wilh lyon Closed b0Se5. QUiCkly attach wilhaut loofs. Only two ond bages are nootled lo tlnish a row of lockor5. , ♦ � �, � •� c y u t w•- �^ a J.� y: � Buiil-In laster-Keyed CombineUOn :ombination Padloek � Matter•Keye� / Combinet(en `` Pstllock ✓ Nu 5800 iZRib'h i/ Na5801 19".:fi"n ✓ N 0.5802 7 8'w x 8'h e�o ✓ No.6803 12'GZ8'� ✓ No.5904 1 S" 0: 6' A ✓ Ha5805 7B'a:B'A ✓ No,b609 Z1'Oi6'A IMPORTaNT: In ffia fqterest of seiaty, lyan strongiy �ocommends that i0okers be floor andlor wall am�orotl. See Aege 730 for 4mpoRanl locke� anchoYing Infortnfl�lon. �a�s3s;s P.�a HUMBBR PLATaB EtChed251aCk iguf880n q7uminum P�64n- 2�1�' w z 1' h. Same p4eles are csoU cn single. doub�o and mufl�pfe t�er IocM1�ors anC on b3sKets in Caskel /aCN6. Numbers frpm 1 '0 70D0. �/ No. 5B2A 2�"r t' Oor ail ioc%me a'M baaketel No.593B 2vi z7"tlprbac�tmctmNwEOnM HOOKSAAD COAT RODS Hooks are zmo-pWted stoo! witb bel{-IYPe Points. !§' diemeter rods are avarieble m pface oi tlouble-prona ceiiing hooks el slight 9oq�tlonal cosl. (Standerd on iockers es noted.7 � � Hook SPRAY AAINT CANB . � i Stde Hook � Coet Rod Prassunzetl spray palnt tortest oasY toucfi�ups. No. OD 7003 OweCrry,B�oi. Ne. PP iW3 ��Y No. OR 7p03 WcOparaA 84e. 8Yi oE, No. MM 7003 1.1a�darin Oqnqn, 9Y ot se��-o-MaT wcxiNO arareM Lyon'� Sa4e-6•Mal lockinq syslem ie a co:n-0aposif {ocking sysiem lor fBahhes tnatd9slre selb3Brvica lafnpofery IpCkBf starage, using cornentional• stNebcke�s Lockereteatunnp Sa��-6-Mat are+deal tot atudent unlons, emo�ovee faungas. health clubs, shoppinp maila. OutalOa View inafd�Yfew etc, The lock is desi9ned W be inscaAetl In Ihe same manner as a buill-In combinafivn iocN, and can be retroSltted ro most axisting lockers. See your bcel Lyon �aotory reprasen180veorlppaltyon6eatertorordaringm}ormation. � Colot information Unfesa atherwtae indieated. Me atock ftMSh tvr all Lyon producb is Dme Grey. Pufty (a fi9fit ba�Dn}. Wedgevrood 8luc and Ash avalnUle at no oMlrn charge hcxn r+snolsannng schedu�es. See yaur �oce�Lya� laaory�ep�eeenrepve o�0ee�erlw detivery �nkrma�ion m Nese non-slocA cob�5. ;o intlKate colw fxeis�o�o vinen ortlsring. use �h3 prefix code5 Ii6leci be�rnv w0h tatalog� um�r p— Oovn Gtay e— 9° P -- Pu1N A — Ash t31 96�91.?295 15�17 S-AP PANAFA;: UF-5��J �«=«:«:K LOG�CER iJ7�6i�� P.95 ✓boe�q^eree "CUebmur prviarrad" rtde�9ona abekad ei alt LWn Distribuhon GeNere. 3TAHDAHDfACK6R 1NDLE Fmgynip•o , � � us chromo ha�dis has bulfl-in pnd�oCk aNeChTeot (0ldioLk notlurnishOC7 BuilPinkey la:ks ere also avada6le. ANCNORINO AiiQIE For Loeken Without Leps �� �� '� A locicor �nchoring angle (tunnmq irom troM ro roar on ihe insde boflom oi th9locxer) p�owdes a beari�g surfacs lor Ihe f96tener5, which ar8 Corn nected to �he tloer or bCker base. For ,yp�ca� continuous-row locker fnstar�euon. order one Iocker anchor�nq angle for aa�h aod cf a row, alvs svtfident quanfities io orovitle anpies on 39" cornere. On single-row installaUOns. w�oro Cecks are ageiost e wall. Iockers shouttl hn surtably wnll enCl �ored a, detalled in assembry mstrvc• tiOnS Oackvd with aIi loCker6. __�tG%.A69xrt aR �M�nws �Na.5672 Fct12'akcke�a ✓No. 6873 Por 75' a loCkere �No.5874 For _✓.JVab8 �ur2�^atotli LYQN RECH88ED riANALL The lyon recessed har.tlie Is designetl tor ele»n anDeerence, grearer seleiy and sacunly. 11 198tU1B68 DOCkBt mddB O�CZSI zinc aAOY C^o, asi] SAE 903 wnh a Nghtly 9reinetl. nicKel- ;�faiad fimah and uses a 1inger Alt Ior actuanng !he tock bar whon aDenirg Ine door. The �assod Docket wlll accOm- modais eli lock opt+ons except the SafeA-Mat coin deposit locks, Dlmensions: a%" w�do x 6R." h z 1 b" d000. tACKiAF00T i � �\ \ ��, , ✓No.5870 — Lockertoot For Lockers with LeQa Locker!oot No. 5070 shoNd bo usad br ancnonng locke�s with legs. W�an bac!c:are cx- poxad (heestanding} a locker!oot 16 �eCommended for ail locker logs. When backs are against a wail anC suitanM waU anchcred, Voeker test are �cemmonded on the iront legs Oniy, for more detads, see assemUly inslrucnans packed w�th lhe 10Cker5. R�cESSeo wc�as Comolete delads on the methods oi recassinq lockers, including rqc»xs tm�shing 5{rtDS. are avedable �+om ycur tyon dealeUdistdCU�or nr your Lyon facrory �eoresentau�e. HO L�fl �.ocKER8 Piov�Cee a snou!h, unbrcks�i apoearance in �ecessed and ha0ldevB� frt51fl�13ll0�16. NOTE: Foreondlrtonsotharihanabove,contectYOUrtyandesier. i6C10*Y roC+esnnhtive, w lYO++ Mefel ProduaB, Ine., Aurme, flt1n01s t30 1 J ��.�7� SLOPINa•TOP lOCKBRb nva�aoie rommanuac schadulesatsf�8ntadtlnionatcost. gLOPi-TOP KITS Slooe-�oo klls convert stantlard SOOC 5onos Lyon lockers inio sfop,ng-!o41ook0�s au�ckry ar�d eas��y Kits aro Oacked a�ther three wrde or bvik quanLry o140. A packaqe ol three cons�sts oi: thrae slece �ops two enqs {L 8 R3. cwo �rtor�m suoaorts, hertlwere and essembry mstruc- hons. BWk DeCkage6 Consist Oi •t I a0 slooe toos, a0 mrenm Sup4nrtx, "Z) 20 uairS ol Bntls (R Ps 1.;; an6 herCwere and � assem oN �nstrucfions, SLOPC-TOP KfS PARTS INCLUDEB: � 5�090�Ops.�nterim<upport:and '�'l`� Ueir of anCS (R & L} BIkK PnCN Lap(ER PRCSf� BULKPhCK Of 20 :iWIOF 4{1• PAIBOFENOS" WIOTN OEPiN ✓FB3D ✓5841 ✓5842 12" 12" ✓5B3f ✓5646 ✓5847 iT' iS ✓5B�2 ✓5851 ✓5852 12' 7H" ✓9833 ✓595B ✓68d7 1s' 15' ✓5834 ✓SBGt ✓bfl62 15' 1B" �S�jS, ✓5889 ✓8HCi2 1H" 18" EXPANDABl6 FRONT FILL6RS Usod lo iill s0ace belween two locknr fronls. Two-o�ece construction permlls adlustment to 1�i SpaCa. E:�andabfa FroM Rtflorsfor Look.rs WlmH"196t � WIICOU(IB78 Cacaio Nv. Por SOaca Un To Caieto No. Fm Svace Un To t540B Ph"Mxd6"A t59t2 Ph'wz80'� `5907 7�h"+Kle�n t5A13 7 'w172"11 1°A16 13 "wFEB"R t6814 1J'h'w[fi0'h ^ p7 t t7'wx12'4 " ; � - � ��� � j ,, JJ � , G � G ` �'� l �., ,� ,�:� . ;;,���' CORNER TOP FILLBRS TOP CLOSURE8 Usetlto7ntasnar.awnentwu UsOdtocipses9flc9betwean lockorscomelogetherlotoima lwolouSwhsnObslNtNonprB- �p�M,� wnlB mSt0118ti0n Of 8locker. Cornar To4 Filtora for Lockers .y�� ci�t oo J s+oastoo = ''� '� CatamqNO. Ske Cetelo Na. Slro � �= I i'6900 12"�s1T7 t59(13 72"wx12'0 � � i 59 t5401 i6'wrf6`G t580 �B"wsiS'd ' 1 3 r �' t 6 t8"w:t9'C d , _ �: :�;:.. •�._ T��CfosuresforLockors _ -;,�;,;;;",.�;z:-> Fl�mn Slouetoo ppttopixketb CafalapAb. S�iC CatalopNG. SfZo ts922 9�h'w[72'd 1591H B!�'ws12 .'.' 'b92J 9y!'wct;i O `581T 9 'wxi6`C _:-' � '��.. i5924 4l'�xiB"d t�918 B!5'wii6"d :� . }6925 15�h'witt'A 15959 15yZ"xs�2'E �., t5328 lb '�vxt5a t5B20 75 "ex75'C - i - t } t �'wx!8"U . `�`�-`` t$tocklinlahiaPutry(alIOMCeIpe).FOralzeaf - Sypeanotsf+vwn,wntedre�n�xe��Wnde9lar � , �• orleUOryrep*eaanfatWa. S1op�l�fockMs �6 15:18 S'+AP °RNAFRX UF-5�� k*�� 14?�5'_=� P.�6 COLOR 1�IFORMATiON �� � Mos; ot Lyon'; sipra9e products are available in your chcico o( fpur standard colors. The ssock f�nisP, is Dove Gray or Puity (a lir�ht Beige) as a stock fini;h on seiected producis. Wetlgewood f31ue and Ash are avaifabie at no addi;ional charge frcm manufac:uring schedufes. Cofor not2s, cfarifying cofor avatla- bi)i;y ior each product, can be (ound on pagos .hrougnout :his cata- log. See tabie below and repres2ntations ot colors on page 3. 95 STaRAGH PfRODUCTS COLORS Dove Wedgewood Gray Pulty Biue Afi Shelvinq . * ir O t� Hacks J * O O O SIWpEUUipmnnt 'k * CabineSS 3 Bookcases * � Lnckers * * * Cfothing Exchange :k O YoolSiorage � Q `'�' u c� ❑ o 0 4 Black ? O a � a a *-No extra rnarge pn stock for �mmediate sh�pment) Q•- No extra charpe �aveilaDlo trom Groducaon schedules! O - Not avadeble '�' - Consolt Lyon representauve for Celneri antl pnC�ng inicrt"�atian ♦- Patlel Rsck-Orange beems / Cantllever fleck -Orange erma *- Dow G�uy and PultY are �tfered aa aiw�dxrd wilh u(1 twUy perts'inishad in tfia same c�foc Wedgewood 81ve snd Ash ere ofieletl as sfantlertl wiih unoxposetl bo%parts finishad I� Owe Grey ar Putty. r-^ Mgh G}oss fletl, Black a Wrinkls 3rown on c3Ra�n 0ems. FOUATEENiSTANRARa LOCKER COLORS Lyon offers 14 standard c�lors for lockers, pius spa- c:iai high gioss flni9hes. The special hfgh�ioss iinish is compnsod of the aotor coat plus ono coai of dear acrytic for extra durabi�ityand protec0on. Htghyloss itnlshes are ava+labfe in any of tho 14 standard caiors. �or additional ordeting or pricing intormation, con- tact ycur Lyon deaier or'ac7ory representative. 'fl'—DoveGray 'a—TeaY 'Q—ForeslGreen �—Puiry 'a'—C12ret �'—MidrngM0lue '�—Wedgewood0lus �-3urgundy �—Ga�tllnalRed 'a-Ash 'a'-Sunburs� 'a'-WirnerWhRe 'n'-�Aandari�Orange Yeffow g_SjlverFem � LIFETIM� PRODUCT WARRANTY Uniess otherwise indicated, Lyon produUs are warranted aga�nst d k h' t h I'f f�fie roduc' when ., defects in ma�erisi an wor mans �p or t e � e o� p � used in accordance wilh manufacturer's specifications andJor oporUt• ing instructions. im�s warranfy applies to lhe original purcha&er enry, a�d purchaser's solo romotly under Ous warranty is limiied to repiace- ment or repair of the praduct and specilically exc'uaes conszquentiat. inc;clen:al or any other damages direUly or indirecUy resufling from Eaiture oc loss ot use a£ or by �yon products). ta5 70TRL P.06 Part III w. � + A,g��eed npon modifieations as a resalt of the Seller-Buper negotiations between Apri126 and Angast 21, 1995 1. Data and phone shall lines and equipmettt shall be installed, at an allowance o£ $4,2AQ according to specifications and to the June 8 letter to Dave Spillman from General Telephone Services. 2. As shown in the Welsh Construction memo dated June 22, 1995: a. window blinds sha11 be included in the price. b. cabinet and other millwork detail shall be included in the contract price, c. item 8. of the memo is rejected. 3. As established by Dave Spillman in the June 22, 1995 meeting, the following shail be included at no charge: a. the moveable partition in the community room, boxed in but not installed; b. soffits and acoustic ceiling over the windows; c. lockers as specified in the memo; d. 4-ply roof to specificarions in lieu of the EPDM roof as bid; e. projection screen in the community room (to be paid for by Welsh Construction). 4. In accordance with the June 23, 1995 memo from Welsh, as well as the verbal agreement of August 21, 1495 between John Blomquist and Chief Finney to replace the boiler system with roof top units to handle both heating and cooling, the boiler heating system along with all piping connected witb that boiler shall be removed. 5. 5eller shall provide at no charge: a. the surcharge, if any, for winter construction; b, a 6' high chain-link fence, with a gate, along the west and north sides of the parldng lot; c. parking lot lighting. Part IV ��-�o�� Build out Speci�ications as contained in the Buyer's Originai Request for Proposal EXHIBIT "E-2" - SPECiFIC BUILDOUT REQUIREMEhfTS � � � � Q � � Page 1 of 12 � '£he LESSOR, at its own cost and eapense, shall build ovt teased premises according to the concerns expressed herein, and to the space ptans which shail be prepared by " . Construction shall begin �i�ithin 30 days of the time LESSOR receives signed and approved documents (speci}ications and plans.) CO�'[140N AREA B[I[LDII�TG Ih4PROVEh1E'vTS v Prior to commencement of the lease, LESSOR shall provide, at its own cost and expense, the following bui3ding improvements: 1. Access to the leased premises (corridors, foyers, etc.) shall be clean, as direct as possib]e for safe simple traffic flow and fully handicap accessible. Z. Common Area rest rooms shall be updated to present a clean attractive and fuily accessible image. 3. Srgnage to the leased premises shall be dispiayed in such manner as to clearly indicate the �� location of the LESSEE'S offices. 4. Access to the leased area must be controlled for security reasons. Access to stainvells and elevators must be limited after business hours. However, the building must also be accessible to selected staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5. There must be adequate provisions to park vehicles while transporting materials and equipment to or from the ]eased premises. Vendors must be able to deliver large items easily. LEASED PftE'�1ISES BCJ{LDOUT 1�4PROVEI�IHNTS PRELI'�tIN.ARY SCOP'� OFt�'ORK In addition to the schematic design, the following buildout requirements shall be reflected in the plans and specifications of the contract documents. The specified seciions may include sections or work that is not applicable to the building or site being proposed. Use the appiicable sections. LEASED PREMISES Leased premises shail have some private offices and some open workstation areas. The LESSEE may have Herman-Miller electrified work stations. DIVISIOIV 1 - GEh�RAL REOUIRE?�1EV''I`S Section 010o0 - General ` A]1 work will be done in accordance with Industry standards and will be in accordance with all state and local codes. ' The Contractor must schedule his work to allow for the security of the building and occupied spaces (if any} throughout the period of construction. ` The Contractor will be responsible for cleanup and disposal of all refuse resulting from demolition, constructio3�, etc. EXNIBfT "E-2" SPECIFiC BllILDOUT REQUiREMEN Page 2 of 12 DIVISION 2 - SITE WOKK Section 02050 Demolition -if aoplicable ' Remove a11 masonry, walls, floors, ceilings, finishes etc work show�n on the drawings. - ' :•; ► as indicated or required by the new ca�r;�n 02I00 - Site Preoaration t Remove and relocate any structures, remove above grade and below grade improvements, and remove growth and vegetation at site. Section 42200 - Earth«ork ' Excavating, placing, stabilizing, and compacting earth at the site; including the addition of borrow and disposal of excavated material. Section 02513 - As haltic Concrete Pavina * Walk and Parking Paving, as shown. ' Base course, Mn DOT 22l i, Class 5 aggregate Bituminous binder cowse, Mn Dot 2331, BA-2 aggregate wearing course, Mn Dot 2341. x Stripping. Section 02800 - Site Imoro�'ements • Pences, traffic and parking contro] barriers, and signs. Instal] all improvements as required by Site Plan Iteview. Section 02900 - Landscaain • I.awns, trees, shrubs, ground cover; including soil preparation and finish grading involving topsoii. niVISIO'�I 3 - CON�RETE Section 033d0 - Cast-in-nlace Concrete • Bars, ASTIJf A615, Grade 50. ' Mesh, ASTM A185 ` Concrete, ASTM C94, 40Q0 psi, 3/4" maximum size aggregate, exterior exposure air entrained. Interior slabs troweled. Exterior broom finish. EXNIBtT "E-2" SPEC{F{C BUILDOUT REQU{REMENTS r� ��. 1 Q�� Page 3 of 12 DIVISION 4 - 141ASONRY Section 04200 - Unit Masonrv • Mortar, ASTM C270, Type S, no color. ' Concrete block, ASTM C90, Grade N, T��pe 1. r Wail reinforcing, Truss Type, wire conforms to ASTM A80. : ' Brick, S�V of a type determined by Architect and approved by Owner. A11 masonry laid running ' bond. DIVISION 6 - �'�'OOA AnD PLASTICS Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry ` Structural grade lumber at staini�ays or steel and concrete. s Blocking and curbs on roof, Pressure Treated, water-borne preservative. ` Wood closures, CDX grade. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentrv ' Casework: AWI "Q�stom" grade, plain sliced red oak exposed parts; counter tops for casework, laminated plastic. ' Benches for locker rooms, clear maple. AIVI4ION 7- THER?�4AL A,ti�D �ZOISTURE PR07'ECTION Section 07210 - Building Insulation ' Perimeter insulation, Fed. Spec. HH-i-524C Type II, 1.5 pounds per cubic faot, R=6.5. ` Thermal insulatipn in wa]]s, R=23.4; roof R=16.67. Vapor barrier, 6 mil polyethylene. Section 07510 - Bituminous Roofn� ' 4 ply Owens/Corning built-up roof, o��er 2" polyisocyanurate and fiberglass insulation. Aluminized, non-fiber surface or gravel. Section 07500 - Flashi� and Sheet i�letal ` Metal roof edges, counterflashing, etc., 24 gauge, galvanized steel, fluoro-polymer type factory applied finish. Section 07900 - Sicvliphts ' Preformed metal-framed skylight assemblies �+�ith glass glazing. ExHiefY °E-z�� SPECIFIC BUILDOIlT REQUIREMENTS � � v � � � � Page 4 of 12 . ection 07900 • Sealants � Sealant conforms to Fed. Spec. TT-S-002s06, Type II, Class A. ` Sonolastic NP1 or sikaflex la, or Pecora Dynatrol l. ` Sonofoam, ethafoam, or polycel backer rod. ' Sealant colors to match adjacent materials or as approved otherwise by Architect. DIVTSION 8 - DOORS AND �i7ND0\VS Section 08110 - Metal Door and Frames ' Doors with steel faces and steel vertical spacers welded to both faces. Doors filled with insulation. Exterior doors �vith 16 gauge faces. Interior doors with 18 gauge faces. ' Frames unit type with v.�elded corners. Exterior frames 14 gauge. Tnterior frames 16 gauge. ` Doors and frames factory prime painted. Section 08210 - Flush V4'ood Doors ' N.W.M.A. Industry Standard T.S. 1-78, Ty�pe I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. Section 08300 - Special Doors ' Sliding doset doors of N.W.'�1.A. I.S. 1-7&, T�pe I bond, Premium Grade, Red Oak Veneers, plain sliced, book matched. ' Sectional Overhead doors, galvanized, corrosion-resistant embossed sheet steel, .016" thickness, with continuous foamed-in-place polyurethane insulation. Section 03650 - Snecial �i''sndoµs ' Thermal Break Aluminum Frames with insulated, security glass in windows or openings designated by O�vner. Section 08700 - Finish Hardware ` Painted steel, BB butt hinges for entrance doors; prime painted steel elsewhere. Mortise type lever handled Iock sets �t�ith cylinders to match master keying. Dull chrome finish on locks and miscelianeous. Section OSS00 - GlazinQ � ,' ' Exterior windows, IJ2" insulating glass, bronze reflective, security glazing, with L.ow E coating. Ciear glass at all interior applicat�ons. :; i y EXH{Bil" "E-2" SPECfFfC SUILDOU7 REQUfREMEN7S � � � � � � � Page 5 of 12 DIVISION 9 - F3NTSI3ES �ec[ion 0925� - GvQsum 1�'allboard ` Wallboard sha11 conform to ASTM C36, thickness as shown or 5/8" if not shown. ' Steel studs, dq��all type, 25 gauge. Wallboard all screw attached. ; Joints taped and filled; screw heads filled and sanded. ` The Contractor shall patch as required all plaster or gypsum board surfaces disturbed by demolition with the appropriate matching material. ` All new construction shall consist of 5/8" F.R, gypsum board on metal studs or Furring strips as required and finished to match adjacent existing surfaces. ` All new or existing plaster and gypsum board shall be prepared to receive a new paint finish. Section 09310 - Ceramic Tile ` Ali tile standard grade, per TCA 137.1-1976. • Floors, 1" X 1" mosaics. Walls, 4-1/4" X 4-1/4" glazed. Base, cove mosaics, 4" high. ` Shower floors and drying areas, non-slip t}Pe tile. Set floor tile per Tile Council Method F113 and ANSI Specification A108.5. Set wall tile per Method W212 and ANSI Specification A108.5. Section 0933Q - Ouarr�Tile ' Quarry tile and base shall be American Olean. Quarry tile shall be thin set in an epoxy mortar bed both vertically and horizontally, and grouted with "Hydorment 3oint Filler" of a color as selected by the Architect. Section 09510 - Acousticai Ceilin�s Exposed grid with 2' X 4' lay-in panels, fissured pattern, 5/8" thick unless othenvise shown. Panels white. Grid white, painted. Section 09650 - Resilient Floorinp Vinyl composition tile, 12" X 32" and 1/8" thick, standard commercial colors and patterns as selected. Install with mastic adhesive to concrete floor slabs. Vinyl base, 4" high, top-set, cove type, color as selected. Section 09680 - Carpet /� ` Nylon tufted-type carpet, 28 ounce per square yard face yarn, static control. Airect glue-down without pad. Section 09900 - Paintino ' Interior: Per Room Finish Schedule ar,d as speci5ed. Block filler and two coats semi-gloss paint on concrete bJock walls. Two coats satin paint on gypsum wallboard walls. Two coats flat paint on ceilings except prime and t«�o coats of 2-part epo�.y paint where scheduled. Stain and two coats varnish on interior wood doors and rails. ' Exterior: Exterior doors, touch up shop coat and two coats alkyd-type gloss enamel. EXHIBIT "E-2" SPECIF[G BUILDOUT REQUfRER�fENTS Page 6 of 12 T4ATERIALS AND FI;�TSH SCHEDULES Floors ` � i ' Carpet throughout with exception of entry ways, toilet rooms, ]ocker and exercise rooms. x Quarry tile in entry ways and lobby. Ceramic tile in all toilet rooms, and shower areas. ° Vinyl composition tile on interior stair treads and risers, lunch room, exercise room and secure storage. Concrete floors in basement mechanical room(s), storage room(s). Base ` Vinyl at ca ' Quarry tile * Ceramic ti] ` No base at Wails pet and VCT floors. at quarry tile floors. ; at ceramic walls. concrete floors. Painted gypsum board (5/8") or plaster on walls and partitions; ceilings w/o acoustical treatment in all office areas except secure interview and storage rooms. Secure rooms shall have S/8" gypsum board over 3/4" plywood fastened to studs on walls and ceilings. Painted plaster on walls and ceiling in toilet rooms above the ceramic tile wainscot on the walls and floor. Shower areas sha]] have full height ceramic tile walls and floor. Painted concrete block or g}�psum board ���alls in mechanicai and storage rooms depending on the type of construction. Ceilin�s Acoustical tile with textured design in suspended metal ceiling system in all areas, except: entry ways, toilet and shower rooms, mechanica] rooms, secure areas and storage rooms. Piaster ceilings in toilet rooms and shower areas. Gypsum board over plywood in secnre areas. No ceiling materials required in mechanical and general storage rooms. DIVTSION 10 - SPECIAT.TIES Section 1�104 - Chalkboards and Tackboards ` White marker boards with anodized aJuminum frames and chalk trays. Tackboard units similar. Section 10760 - Toilet Partitions ` Steel, floor mounted, headrail braced, baked enamel finish. Section 102QQ - Louvers ' Extruded aluminum blades and frames, minimum thickness 0.125". Saked enamel finish. EXHiBfT "E-2" SPECIFiC BUILDOUT REQUfREMEN75 � � — �, Q � �j Page7of12 Section 10400 - Identifving Devtces ° Required ADA and emergency signage. �Vithin the Leased Premises LESSOR shail provide, at its own cost and expense, signage providing directions to offices, office room numbers, HC and emergency evacuation routes. Section 10500 - I,ockers ' Steel ]ockers, 24" X 24", with sloping tops. Mounted on tile bases. Numbered. Padlocks by others. Section 1052Q - Fire Ex�tinguisher � * Ten pound, ABC dry powder type unless othen�ise shown. Bracket mounted. j Section I0670 - Stora,e She[tinQ , ` Shelving, Service Counter and other Special Buildout Features: The LESSEE shall provide , shelving and counter specifications to the LESSOR during the Construction Document phase of plan preparation, Section 1OS00 - Toilet and Bath Accessories ` Heavy dury, stainless steel. Include paper towe] dispensers. DfVISION I1 - EOliIPME;�"I' Section 11131 - Proiection Screen ` Ceiling recessed, roll-down, size as sho`�n. White, non-gloss, mat surface. DTVISIO'�` 12 - FURNISHII�'GS Section 125o0 - VF'indo�v Treatment ` 1" slats - Lzvolor or equal at office windows and exterior windows. DTVISION 14 - CONVEYI\G SYSTE'�9S Section 14200 - Elevator ' Provide elec-ator to all floors, if ]eased premises are on more than one level. Car must comgly to ADA and may be a h��draulic unit. Exl�EB�T °E-a�� SPECIF[C BUILDOUT REQUIREMENTS Page8of12 ��� ���� DI�%ISION l5 - MECHANICAL Section 15025 - SelectiF�e Demolition (if required) Section 75050 - Basic ?�laterials and �lethods 1. Scone• This section applies to all the «�ork and materials of the mechanical systems and requires all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to make a complete and acceptable mechanical installation as specified and as shown on the drawings. 2. Re�uiations. Codes, and Standards. All workmanship, materials, and equipment shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules, ordinances, regulations and codes. 3. Shop DrawinQS. shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval for all equipment and materials. These shall consist of manufacturer's construction information, wiring diagrams, curves for pump and fans, and maintenance data, all of which shall be assembled into Operating Manuals for the O�+�ner. 4. As-Built Dra�+�inps. Prepared by Contractor to reflect changes of locations, materials, configurations, and incorporated into Operating Manuals. 5. Electrical Provisions of :�lechanical Work. Provide energy efficient motors, power factor correction, and wiring in conformance «ith Electrical Division. 6. Substitution of ;14aterials and E uipment. Aliowed with approval of Engineer only. 7. Identitication. Provide labels and markers on piping, duct work, equipment, valves, etc. Section 15060 - Piping Scstems 1. Potable V4'ater piping in building shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel or Type L copper. 2. Soil. Waste, and Vent piping in building above grade shall be no-hub cast iron. 3. Heating VVater pipe shall be Schedule fi0 steel or Type L copper. 4. Testing• All piping shall be pressure tested at pressures and duration meeting or exceeding the Minnesota State Code and shall be free of leakage. Section ]�250 - Alechanical Insulation L�i'ater piping for hot and cold domestic use shall be insulated using molded sectional glass fiber witH factory-applied fire-retarding all service jacket. Thickness shal] be in complianc� with the State Energy Code. 2. �i�aste and Vent piping in outside wall chases shall be insulated with 1/2" molded, jacketed fiberglass. 3. Heating, cooling and intake ducts sha11 be insulated with jacketed, glass fiber insulation. EXNIBIT "E-2" SPECiFiC BU{LDOUl" REQUIREMENTS � p Page9ofl2 ���loO� Section 15300 - Fire Protection 1. Sprinkter heads shall be installed in all occupied and storage ceiling spaces. 2. h4ain sarinkler F�aIF_e shall have required monitoring sensors. Section 15400 - Plumbin; Svstems. Fixtures and Trim 1. Water and Fire Protection Senice shall be provided from the street service main. Z. Sanitarv Sewer Service shall be provided from the existing street sanitary service. 3. Domestic Hot Water. Gas fired heater with recirculating return pumping and timer. 4. Lavatories shall be vitreous china. 5. Water Closets shall be wall hung, siphon jet, flush vaive type, with elongated rim, and constructed of vitreous china. 6. Urinals shall be wall hung, manua] flush valves, vitreous china. 7. Electric �i'ater Coolers shall be semi-recessed self-contained wal] hung type. 8. Sho�+�ers shall be balanced pressure mixing valve ty�pe, w�th energy miser regulator, � 9. .Tanitor Slop Receptacles shall be fiberglass construction. 10. Ali water closet and urinal flushometer vah�es shall be equipped with energy miser valve adapters, appropriate for water pressure of facility. Section 7�600 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 1. Provide boiler for perimeter heating and a air tempering coil within building ventilation system for ventilation air. In a leased premise, the LESSOR must design and insiail an HVAC system capable of providing a temperature range of 68 to 78 degrees in spite of adverse conditions. Certain areas of the premises will have a concentration of machines that both pzoduce high heat ]evels, and at the same time are sensitive to that heat. Additionally, where there are high concentrations of electrical equipment, adequate ventilation (air exchange) is required. The HVAC shall comply with the ASHRAE standard 62.73 bench mark. 2. Air Conditioning Compressor/Condenser equipment equipped with "�et buib economizer will be air cooled DX t}�pe. EER ratings shall be greater than 1Q. SEER ratings shall be greater than 10.25. Distribute supply air in duct work throughout faci]ity and terminate with appropriate grilles or diffusers. 3. Provide exhaust fans in toilet rooms, locker rooms and else�i�here as required. Section 15900 - Automatic Temperature Control i. Provide separate temperature control s}�stems for each 17oor and/or occupancy zone. EXHiBiT "E-2" SPECI�EC BUCLDOUT REQUIREi�iENTS Page 10 of 22 Section 15990 - Balancin�and Adiustin� ,. . 1. All systems balanced Uy firm not associated with the Contractor, and certified by AABC or N�BB. 2. Systems to be balanced include HVAC, supply air and exhaust; domestic hot water. 3. Complete report submitted, necessary corrective actions accomplished, and systems re-balanced. DTVISION 16 - ELECTR3CAL Section 16Q00 - General Information ' E3ectrical Characteristics - Equipment and Motors 208V or 240V Lighting 120/208V, 30, 4\� General Purpose 120/208V, 3d, 4W ' Provide ]abor, materials, equipmei�t and services necessary for the completion of all electrical work defined under the scope of this project. Scope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Electrical Demolition - if required. Electric Service and Distribution. Power Generation Secondary Electrical Equipment Lighting, receptacles and sma11 power revisions �ire Alarm System Telephone System Public Address System Intercom Systems TV Monitoring System Motor and Equipment \Viring ` Obtain and pay for a]] permits and incpections. ' Work shall comply �uith the followrng industry standards: IEE, NFPA, NEMA, ANSI, and the latest edition of the NEC. ' Maintenance and operating insiructions shall be provided for all equipment and systems. ' The entire electrical system shall be guaranteed against defects in material and installation for a period of one year. Section IbI00 - Basic Methods and hTateriais ` All electrical equipment shall be U.L. labeled, where applicable. ` All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electricai Contractors Associatian Standard of Installation. ` All wiring shall be installed in raceway. i. PVC - Underground, damp locations and exterior exposed ]ocations. 2. �lexible steel - Connection to motors, light fixtures and vibrating equipment. 3. Electrical Metallic Tubing, Rigid Meta] Conduit or Intermediate Metal Conduit - as applicable to codes. EXHiBfT "E-2" SP�CtF(C BUILDOUT REQUIRENiEN�'S Page I1 oF 12 � i x Outlet boxes - 4" square galvanized steeL FS or FD in damp locations and outdoors. = All home-runs - 3/4° conduit minimum. • Conductors -#8A«%G, 600 V, THHN copper and smaller for branch circuit and control wiring. 660V, THVJ copper far feeders �8A`�G and larger. \'Jiring installed outdoors and underground shall be type XHH\'J. ' General purpose wiring devices - All 20A rated. • Safety switches - TEMA type HD (Heavy Duty) with rejection type fuse clips where fuses are to be provided. ' All equipment shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code. • Power factor correction capaeitors shall be provided for all motors and motorized equipment rated 1000 watts or greater which exhibit a po�;'er factor of ]ess than 90%. Section 16204 - Powes Generation An internal combustion generator shall he sized for the anticipated emergency ]ighting and communication loads for the facility. Section 16400 - 5ervice and Distribution Main distribution board shall accommodate all anticipated loads and integrate switch-gear for emergency generator. Branch circuit panel boards shall be bolt-on circuit breaker type. In addition to normal electrical circuitry for lighting, separate circuits shall be installed for computers. Section 16�06 - Li2hting ' Interior lighting shall consist generally of 3 and/or 4 lamp lay-in fixtures in areas with removable ceilings. Flush mounted fluoresceni futures shall be provided in areas with structural or gypsum board cei]ings in secure areas. To accommodate the use of computers and to avoid eye strain by computer users, it is essential that the space be equipped with nonglare, energy efficient lighting throughout with light levels to meet ASHRAE Standards and the City Energy Standards. ' Incandescent lighttng shall be used only where dimming required. ' Vestibule and exterior lighting shall be H.T.D. type and photocell controlled. � Lighting L,evels: Administration f Offices Corridor/Vestibule Locker RoomJToilet Rooms Storage Exterior Parking Ln. t 75 FC 1S FC 30 FC S FC FC@15' 1 FC Emergency ]ighting shall be ]ocated in corridors in accordance with Life Safety Codes. Exit and emergency lights shall be compact fluorescent. HID ballasts shail be premium grade, constant wattage. Fluorescent lamps and ballast shall be T-8 techno3ogy with electronic bailasts. C-XHI[3f�" "E-2" SPECIFiC C�UiLDOUT REQUfREfYEPlTS Page i2 of i2 � � — � � � � Section 167Q4 - Communications l. Telephane Svstem. Provide a complete new empty outlet hox and raceway system as necessary and required. Provide dedicated equipment roam space for the new system. Tn a Ieased premise, the LESSOR shall install the proper conduit, �uiring and closet for phone service to the leased premises. The telephone in the Leased Premises must interfzce with the PBX system being installed in the b�ain Public Safety Building. LESSEE sha11 pay for the telephone sets. 2. Cable Drops for Video and Data Equipment The LESSOR shall at its own cost and expense insiall at each workstation and/or office, the following types of low voltage wiring: (1) 10 Base T ethernet wiring from each office and �vork station to central points of service; (2) RS-232 wiring from certain ]ocations on each f7oor to centra] points of service; (3) 3-pair telephone ���ire (6 totai wires) from the Point of Presence on each floor to each office terminating in (RJll) telephone jacks; (4) hvo coaxial cable installations to be instailed by Continental Cablevision at the cost of the LESSOR and coordinated by the LESSOR'S genera] contractor: (a) the Institutional i�'et�vork (video and data); (b) The Subscriber Network (video only). The scope of all work shall be reviewed and approved by agents or employees of the City. 3. Fire Alarm S�stem. Provide a complete new zone annunciator coded, general alarm fire alarm system with manual stations, corridor signal devices, heat and smoke detectors, fan shut do«�n in accordance with atl governing codes. 4. Door Releases andlor :�4onitoring. Shall be provided where required. 5. 'I`V ;�'Ionitorine Camera at the main entrance shall be installed. Section 169Q0 - Equipment, 'llotors and Controls ` Provide power & contro] connections for all motors & electrical equipment specified for this project or otherwise provided. Use high efficiency motors over 3 horsepo�i�er (See attached). ` Provide disconnect switches, starters and control devices as required for all equipment and motors including field watering system. END OF SECTION � 1 A� Range of Motors Qualify For Rebates Hi�!:-rititiency mo:crs �ro^i 3 hp co 400 hp q�s!,�} (cr \SP rebares �a°hen i;:ey meet ei.+'�ciency srandsrds ;isred on r } ; � s ���e 7nd o;Ter tl�e �o!lo�ti•- ing rea:u:es: • r".0 pc;;•p1:a<e inducion mo;or • squirrel ca�e ; e:or design • hETiA design B Torque characeris�ics • speeCsof3G0 IE00, 1'_00 or 900 rpm To qualifj' for the \SP '�;oior Rebate Program: 'T�hc motor's \E?�44 \o^�inal E�cier.ry R�rir.g musr mcct or o:eecd the e�cienry srandares in che ch�rc �t ri�hr. 'The raring is idrnrPed on ehe mo:or »amep!a;e. 2 �ffieiency Standards HP 900 3 S6.j 5 E7.5 �s ss.> � 0 59.5 � S s�.5 20 90.2 30 91.0 �O 90.2 50 71.7 GO 92.4 74 93.6 1200 S>.5 S6.S 90.2 s�.s 90.2 9L� �i.� 9l .7 91.7 � I00 93.6 J3.� 125 93.G 93.G 750 93.G 93.6 200 73 G 9�.1 250 94.5 95•4 400 75.0 Afifachmenf to Exhibit "F_-?_" . � �� RP?�4 isao 36oa 900 SG.i _ 52.5 51.5 56.5 S5.> ( 54.0 ss.5 s5.5 � s5.5 ss.s s7.5 � s�.s �n z S25 � SB.S ,�tr[ A�� ��e�CiEni motots t�e same� Defini[d}' not. '�i=nu �c:u; cts frcqucnd)' desi�nace mo:cs as "cf7irirnr," buc �hey mig!:c not 9uali5' {ot:�SP's rcba:e prog:am. 1n �edi:ion, cf s- cicnries �re labdrd in mz^y diffaen[ ���ay:, such as: quo:ed, nominal, avcragq esper,cd, colcula:cd, mir.imum, gu_:a.^,- tccd ar.d :,ppucnt. \SP's p:ogram qc�liLc;:ions �:c bazcd on :hc nomi.^.xl c(iicicary of moior5. 91A 90.2 S9.S 91.7 91.Q 59.5 ��.� ��.o � �o.z 92.4 `J1.7 90_2 92.4 91.7 91.D 93.0 73.0 91.7 93-6 93.0 � �3.0 93.G 93A � 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.6 94.5 93.G 93.6 94.] 93.6 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.0 95 0 95A 95.0 95.4 95.4 � 95.0 No�v does a high-e�cirncy motor dif(u from a st�ndard mmor? • Higher quali.y and thinner s�cc1 laminzcion: in ihc scaror • '�io;c coppv in nc� ��•indin�s • Smaller air gap benveen che wwt znd s�acor • Rrduccd f.�n losses • Cioscr macl�ining �olerancts ;CSP oSus moror eflicieney restir.g �imor r�[irnc�• us�in� is a��a�loblc from NSP. \Y�c ���i11 �cn ihc <usiomcr's operavnr� moior ;o dcrcrminc �bc �nuaS RP'�4 1200 IS00 3GOo E3.0 54.4 52.5 S>.5 55.5 SSS s�.s s7s s>s 87.5 E7.5 E7.5 s9.5 ss.5 s7.5 87.5 901 58.5 90.2 91.0 89.5 9�.0 ��.o s�.5 91,7 91.7 90.2 95.7 92.4 90.2 91.7 93.0 91.7 �3.0 93.0 92.4 93.0 93.G J3.0 93.0 93.6 �3.0 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.7 94S 94.1 95.4 �5-0 94.5 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.4 �5.4 �5.0 75.4 �S.y 95.0 efGdencv whi!e in use Cz!I your NSP tcpresen;_:ive �o a!rzn�C [eS:ir�. NSP now also ofTers A�ocor?�iasscr The 1�iocer?�;zs�er d_raLase lisring.nd so(n+�art p�ckz�t is now zv^ilable �o )'ou [�'3II1flID S:1G COS[ CI tfCU�'CPCSS o( motors you are censidering (or yout s�r.cm. Bcfo:c pou purchax;�our ncxt his�h-c�- drncy me:or, cz',1 thc ncaresc hSP rep:escncaii.�e Js;ed in thr Uack of i�is brochurq and osk (or assisrancc �vith �his pro5::.m.