95-1082Return copy to: � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Yresented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b Referred To Committee: Date ay WI�EREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #95-805 dated July 19, 1995, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the GrandlSt. Albans Area Storm Sewer Sepazation Project, identified as Finance & Management File No. 18711 and Assessment Number 0237. WHEREAS, seven (7) townhouse units were assessed $51.41 each with the following properiy identification numbers: 01-28-23-12-0125 01-28-23-12-0126 01-28-23-12-0127 01-28-23-12-0128 01-28-23-12-0129 01-28-23-12-0130 01-28-23-12-0131 � WHEREAS, after investigating the complaint of one of the townhouse owners, said assessment amount should be changed to $27.46 based on an enor of the squaze footage of the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment is changed from $51.41 to $27.46 for each of the seven (7) townhouse units. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $167.65 to be funded by Sewer Revenue Bonds. Adopted by Council: Date �� � Adopt'on Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved Mayor: Dat ! � � � By: ✓7 � I�JAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy: // �_ , __r_� �E� Council File # q5 -10 S'a. Green Sheet # 333 ��a Requested by Department of: � q5-108� Fats-Beal Sstate Divisian, Date: os/i�/95 Grcen Sheet Number: 33316 F.PAR1i�S7PDII2E R LT1Y COUN(SI, Peaoa aud Phone I3omber. .� 1 A7TORNLI (7ERK ...a.� Peter White 266-8850 � iIDGL�L DII2A_CPOR 2 & MGT SVG DIl2. 3 YOR(ORASSISl'ANl� 4 UNCC�„RHCRAR($ ust be on CAOna7 Ageada by: # OF S[GNAT6RE PAGPS I ((� Aid, LLK'1�T102� FOR S[GNATURL� ON RFiQ . APPROVE CAUNCIL RESOL ON O C GH THE A MENT AMOUNT FOR TI►E G ST. ALBANS 5TORM SEWFsR SEPARATION PROJECT. E NO. 18711 ASSFSSMENT NO. �237 RR�'AD4offi�IDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJF.CP (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACIS MUST ANSWL�R7.'HL FOLLOWING: ?LANNING COT4�4S5[ON A SPAFF 1. Has dre peiso¢Jfum ever worked under a covtract ior this department? YES N <VII. SERVICE CAMM _ Has tLis peisonJfixm ever beee a Gty employee? YSS N CID COMhIl'11E8 _ . Does tLis peisonJ5tm pwaes a sk�7t not narmallY P� b9 �Y Cl�rsent Gty employee? YFS N PORTS WIIICH COUNCII, OB7Pd.1SVE? NeigfiborLoads , Psp7ain all XPS aoswers on a sepatale sheeY and aifacd_ COUNCQ. WARD-1 DISTRICl' PIANNING COUNQLS G PR B SS PPO When, Whe:c, ➢• roperties were incorrectly assessed £or storm sewer. RECEiVE ANl'AG APPR . operties will be assessed conectly. �- �� a� 2 8 1995 >,������ � � � OFFiCE OF T vAxrec mnrrx vm ARTMENT OF FI(VqNCE one. , p :4ND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ,.� ISAD ANPAG NOTAPPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave incorrect assessments on the properties. 'otal Amount of Transaction $167.65 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO �';�� � �`�u. � =$; ��; v u�"�.��� Af1G � � �°95 unding Source Sewer Revenue Bonds Activity Number P .Rr _ _ . _ _ .� inancial Information: � - ` , i AUG 1$ 1995 � �, �, Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Referred To Committee: Date ay WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #95-805 dated July 19, 1995, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the Grand/St. Albans Area Storm Sewer Separation Project, identified as Finance & Management File No. 18711 and Assessment Number 0237. WHEREAS, seven (7) townhouse units were assessed $51.41 each with the following property identification numbers: 01-28-23-12-0125 01-28-23-12-0126 01-28-23-12-0127 01-28-23-12-0128 01-28-23-12-0129 01-28-23-12-0130 01-28-23-12-0131 and, WHEREAS, after investigating the complaint of one of the townhouse owners, said assessment amount should be changed to $27.46 based on an error of the squaze footage of the property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment is changed from $51.41 to $27.46 far each of the seven (7) townhouse units. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $167.65 to be funded by Sewer Revenue Bonds. Adopted by Council: Date 13 \�5 Adopt�oa Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Approved 8ye 1L. �` RESOLUTION OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Finance & Manaqement Services $ o� ,�-9� Di� T Form Appr d by City Attorney S ��"`� ° `�ct�ir"�-'-- ��� Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council G�.� gy ° �� �a!� — 7' t Council File # ��. Green Sheet # 333 �(,o � qs-Ioga F14s–Reai Sstate Division, Date: os/i�g/ss Green Shcet Nnmber. 3 16 F�ARTiNFd�71' DII2E R CTIY COUNCI[. Contsct Peison and Phone Numbex: .no+ 1 CIlY ATCORNBY - Cd.ERg .rawx Peter White 266-8850 e� SUDCiBT D1RI?.('POR 2 .& MGT. SVG DIR. 3 YOR (OR A.SSI.SIAN1) 4 UNCII. RE4rAR(:fI ust be oa Co¢na7 Ageada bp # OF SIGNATURU' PAGPS 1 (CfIP AIL IACAITONS FOR STGNATf7RL� C1YON AEQUF.STID: APPR VE E COUNCIL OLUTION TO CI�IANGE THE ASSESS AMOUNT FOR THE GRAND ST. ALBANS STORM SEWER SEPARATSON YR03SCT. E NO. 18711 ASSESSMLNT NO. 0237 Racohne�rmAZior�s: nrrxove �a� ox x�_mc:r (x� �xsoruu. s�v[ce corrrxncAS Mvsrnxswsxx� Foi.wwnv�: PIt1NNING COMI�IIS40N A STAPP 1 Has ihe peaon/rum ever workn7 undet a mnttact for t}tis depaztmeut? YES N /VII, SF.RVICE COMM _ Has tLis peison/firm ever bcen a Gty employee? YES N c� co�rt�e _ �. no� w� p�n/s� � a�u oor ao�uy�a n9 an C�nent Gty employee? YPS N PORTS WfIICH COUNCII, OB]ECi1VL? Neighbo�oods � Faplain all YES aoswes on a separate shxt and attae•L. COUNCII. WARD-1 DISTRICI' PIANNING COUNCQ.S T1NG PROB ISSfJG OP RTUM77 t, ea, WLexe, Why : roperties were incorrectly assessed for storm sewer. RECEiVED ANfAG AP RO . roperties will be assessed correefly. ��� � 8 ���� �°������� OFFICf OF T �nv�u.rrnGESmarrxovsn: ARTMENT OF FINANCE one. �ND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ISADVANl'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not approve the resolution would leave incorrect assessments on the properties. , otal Amount of Transaction $167.65 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO R u��.��� �,:�; � ��-� ::a r� v�; ;u� �,t1� � � 1995 unding Source Sewer Revenue Bonds Activity Number inancial Information: . -- --- — - �tECEIVE� AUG 18 i995 CI?°� ATTORN�Y